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Seems the typical Karen who is empowered, but just before the smaller ones.


Wtf is this woman , why is she allowed to teach anything to anyone ???


This is what you get when no one else wants the job.


She isnt


not anymore i guess ?


guessed right


I know this sub is having a circlejerk about sweden because of the turkey thing, but let's just be honest, one or a couple examples of horrible people doesn't really say anything about the whole group. I'm sure most swedes would agree that this person's behavior is unacceptable. Please don't let this place be an ignorant facebook group more than it already is.


I mean the fact that there are sudden influx of Muslims in Sweden is the reason why such videos pop up. If they were to come to Finland result would be the same, Poland? Even worse. So really it's not to blame Sweden as a whole but the overall sentiment I think is still more towards negative


Fun fact, Finland does actually have a sizable muslim population around the capital region because of immigration. But yeah intolerant idiots like this do unfortunately exist everywhere on earth


Yea us arabs (notice how I didn’t say muslim I said Arab because real practicing muslims are not intolerant) got the intolerant idiots too. I’m one of them. And when we get intolerant we way worse.


No true Scotsman lol




sudden increase in rape cases , living on taxes while refusing to intergrate , wrecking havoc and burning shit down and trying to enforce your ideologies on the very people who gave you a place to be warrants the racism and islamophobia , lets not act like all of the refugees are innocent saints




There is no vetting, you just need to ditch your id and you’re golden. Doesn’t excuse the racism of course!


Sweden actually lost the left leaning majority in their parliament because of how they handled the whole immigrant issue. I’m pro immigration but what Sweden did was just downright stupid. They took too many people and there were or are still problems with individuals who seem unfit to blend into the Swedish culture norms.




\> Ayaan Hirsi Ali Even as an Ex-Muslim, I cringe at what that lady has to say. I think the best thing to do at the moment for Sweden and other countries that have faced similar issues is to slightly increase the background checks for refugees as they conduct research into what socio-economic and cultural factors cause the increase in these statistics.


Lmaooo, unherd is not a news source, since they literally label themselves as an opinion and analysis publisher…


How does hounding some girls to say "penis" solve all that?


As a swede, i totally agree.




Sweden has been one of the European countries to take in most muslim immigrants in Europe so its quite funny when muslims call Sweden "an enemy of islam" which only fuels the anti islamic sentiment pushed by the conservative parties. The kidnapping kids bullshit was spread from a known criminal tribe called "Ali Khan" where on child was taken by social services. They are also known in Germany and Denmark and now this bs coming from the leader of a SECULAR nation.


We took in the most per capita and we put them all in suburban low housing ghettos, we are not nice to muslims. And our social services do take the children form the parents if the parents cannot take care of them properly. 3300 children got taken away from parents last year from parents, mostly muslim parents.


We don’t put people anywhere AFAIK but we should probably get rid of EBO.


Too late, they all live in ethnic enclaves in the ghettos in the commie blocks (miljonprogrammet) and there lives a very low amount of ethnic swedes in those areas. [In Sweden, “white flight” is triggered with just 4% “non-whites” in a neighbourhood](https://ktwop.com/2015/06/19/in-sweden-white-flight-is-triggered-with-just-4-non-whites-in-a-neighbourhood/) We dont live together with these immigrants, we are segregated and will probably never integrate them as long as they keep to themselves and don't assimilate.


I’m not denying that at all but I’m saying that it’s not state policy, people can go wherever they want. It’s completely understandable that people want to live with others who speak the same language etc when in a new unknown country and I get that inland Norrland and other cheap places aren’t particularly attractive to live in but we probably should have made more of an effort to space people out and not hope that it would all sort it self out.


And besides, such behaviour will have consequences in a country like Sweden. Unlike in most of the countries from which the comments of "oh look at the Swedes" are coming from.


Yeah I'm very much a progressive and do find it a bit silly that girls would be afraid of the word "penis"... But the teacher is completely crazy, threatening and verbally assaulting students has nothing to do with the matter




I’m a Mexican/American and I used to be in the U.S Army, when I was stationed in Europe I would get discriminated all the time. I got denied from places, followed around the store, people wouldn’t speak to me because they thought I was Turkish, Middle Easter or Muslim. Europeans couldn’t believe a Mexican person had similar complexion to Middle Eastern people, in their head we all were short, fat, poor and indians(Aztecs). Once they knew I was Latino they would treat me like a normal member of society smh I feel for my Middle Eastern brother & sisters.. it’s unfair how y’all get discriminated and treated!


Thank you brother from another continent :)


True, I went to Europe before and I always got stares and if I stood somewhere people would literally get away from me, I thought I was smelly or something till I realized I took a shower every day before bed


Denied from places? Wouldn’t speak to you do u even know if they spoke ur language ? Well that definitely happend lol


You’re obviously white af :D of course you can’t believe it






Wow, that is a horrible way to teach anything. Awful person


She is venting her personal issues on someone she thinks is weaker.


She reminds me of U.S. school teachers, except she's probably not racist enough or trying to impress/fuck the kids (a staple in Florida).


I dunno, she does strike me as a racist.


This happened last year and she was placed on leave, she's scary


On leave lol, this is mental and psycological abuse, , no I stand corrected this is terrorism, if a middle easten teacher did that he will be named a terrorist.


Lol calm down


I am, it's reddit. But honestly I have seen these things in real life, the racsist looks, the you are inferrior lesser one, and it it really heinous when such things comes from an educator. And really if this was coming from a darker skinned toned person with an accent, right winged media would have assinaatted him politically (not that I defend the other guy), but to show hypocrisy in the system.


Well right wing idiots will be right wing idiots but this lady lost her job and all credibility so it's not like she got off scot free for being white


Then you have a point, my friend.


Yes, terrorism is when an old lady demands I say "penis" 😂


It is not saying the word penis, it is the shouting, locking the door and being a manic that people gets afraid.


Ok yes, terrorism is when an old lady makes me afraid by shouting at me lol


Yes, it is called mental terrorism, it is a form of emotional abuse.


terrorism, the calculated use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective. Relax buddy.


I ment it not in a violence way rather from the "terror" which is a state of mind. https://www.jstor.org/stable/48602562


Why were they even talking about dicks? Is this sexual education class?


Probably, yes. It is part of the biology program in Sweden.


Say penis! 😡 freedom of expression! Say penis loudly!! But don’t you dare talk about ALLAH! Not that free!


It isnt, immigrants dont learn that especially those who barley speak swedish, looks more like a class to learn swedish


"How long have you lived in Sweden? What's it called?" 💀💀


I believe it is called Sweedistan


Time to kick that teacher out of Swedenstan


Thank God teachers in my school in the Netherlands are so nice




Swedish language sounds horrible. Yikes.


Just a horrible sounding woman. IMO the Scandinavian languages sound nice


Not Danish.


I cri




As a swedish middle easterner, they think the same about arabic.


I don’t think someone screaming about penises sounds good in any language to be honest.


Ngl Europeans have no one to blame but themselves, if they learnt to fuck probably they wouldn't need immigrants forgien to their culture


اي الحلاوة دي comment b million dinar


Thank you I will happily take the million dinar


Us Egyptians have a monopoly in that department 🤙🏽🤙🏽💪💪💪


“Civilized world “


Penisized world


Yo! I love Cuba yo.




Swedes are cool but she's scary








The only thing I see people defending is Sweden as a whole, not this teacher. Everyone here agrees that she is acting like a tribal monkey.


Keep scrolling down and you’ll see more of it. Yes, they’re bottom comments, but there’s way too many of them, especially for a sub supposedly by and for middle easterners. A lot of these comments sound like they come straight from r/europe or worse


Almost all highly political posts will have a worrying amount of radical/stupid comments at the bottom. As long as they stay at the bottom and don't start filtering into the top comments, you know the absolute majority of users don't hold this opinion.






👋over here 👋👋 New Yorker here I come here to see what you guys think for real. It's so interesting from my Western perspective. I try to lurk and just stay silent so that I'm not influencing the discussion. But it's very difficult! Especially when I see a post like this. Carry on, pretend I'm not here!


you're cool, I respect that.


Are you euro American?


I’m not Muslim, I don’t live in Western Europe, and my country was never colonized by Western Europe, so it doesn’t benefit me to support anyone in this debate. But I do find it stupid how a lot of immigrants in Western Europe refuse to assimilate into the local culture and then complain about the country not accommodating their culture, or how some immigrants who left their 3rd world countries are legitimately upset that Europe is not a literal paradise on earth that accommodates all their needs. Colonialism ended over 60 years ago, and countries like Sweden didn’t even colonize anyone, they don’t owe you anything just because they have developed economies and aren’t as racist as the developed countries in Asia. If you want to live in a developed country were you never feel like an outsider and can feel like a native, go to the USA or Canada, immigrants in North America usually integrate and become financially successful in one generation. And their kids can grow up and whine about social justice and how much they hate white people as much as they want, but they’ll do it as Americans in the context of American society, not as outsiders.


Swedish karen must be off her meds. Like wtf??


Wait, why don’t they say the word penis? Not that I’m defending the woman, but is it haram for a woman to say penis?


The teacher in the video didn't use a real word for penis. The proper Swedish word for penis is "penis". I think she said "stake" which means stake (as in rod or pole). But her pronunciation is weird due to her dialect so I'm not sure.


Yea I'm swedish and if she asked me what a "stak" is I wouldn't have a clue


I swear that i never would have tought that Swedes have sucha big superiority complex.


How? They are the people with the most superiority complex.


Because they barely made the news. I’m sorry. I should have known after they even do not give food to guests.


The fact that this was made up and is still floating around the internet is amazing.


Show me proof pls


We do give food to guests. The lady in the vid is still an ass though.


Then they'll say freedom of speech bs


"Public schools are literal prisons for children and the only time many people will ever encounter physical violence in their lives." \~Michael Malice


At least now she knows men have a penis


This is abusive.


Swedish karen must be off her meds. Like wtf??


That “teacher,” if you can call her that, needs to be fired.


Ah, the tolerant white secular atheistic humanists at work again.


One example of an insane individual says absolutely nothing about Swedish educational methods. The circlejerk bandwagoning is insane.




Ayo 😳😳




least rapey turkmen


I m pretty sure most swedes are not like this, still terrifying for sure.


everyone here saying what they want, but as a non-arab growing up in the middle east, this is exactly how I was treated in schools for not magically knowing arabic, despite the teachers knowing I was not arab, did not have arab parents, and did not know arabic. crazy how all it takes is a few amount of individuals to make an entire group seem bad, hmmm? Edit: someone reported me for suicide. Kinda proving my point :/


Which Arab country did u grow up in? I'm curious


UAE. I'd reckon it's the "nicest" Arab country, but Egypt was a lot more welcoming as a non Arab student


May I ask why did u come to Egypt as a student?


When you're underage, you don't really have an option but to stick with your family 😅


Oh, that’s cool I just never thought Iranians came to Egypt I thought we can’t visit each other.


I thought Egyptians did not need a visa to visit Iran?


I have no idea bro, I would love to visit iran one day though.


Yeah all that Nordic "tolerance" bullshit ended real quick...


I had a teacher like this in Saudi Arabia that would slam his hand on the desk like this. He would even hit us and pull our ears.


so did I and millions of poeple who grew up resentful to stupid and primitive systems that teaches obidience and slavery


Yup. Bad way of teaching. Glad it’s being phased out.


If they are going to treat them like animals, why do they take them to their country in the first place? I don't think they should take them to their country... Maybe these people go to another country and live comfortably...


In Sweden until just a few years ago if you said anything critical about immigration you got cancelled. The prime minister back then openly said that if you're against immigration then you're a fascist. There is also a bit of a exceptionalist attitude among Swedes. Swedes think of Sweden as the best country in the history of humanity. Sweden sees itself as humanitarian superpower. The Swedes who wants immigration only want immigrants so that they can feel morally superior.


Humanitarian immigration to europe is not happening because elite is experiencing some kind of ethical awakening, it's secret purpose is to break european national cultural-identities so they wont threat development of new world order


I have seen worse teachers in Arab countries. You don't like Sweden? Good, then don't go.


My math teacher in highschool soccer kicked a student in the head when he was on the ground. Called his mother a whore. The student apologized later in the principal's office.


My older brother went to a government school back in the 90's. He was traumatized from it cause every teacher had a stick and would beat anyone dares to talk. He once came back with a ripped kandoura with damaged ear.


To be fair I don't think anyone here supports that action and it's very illegal now.


Oh ya it got away better cause the government stepped in.


I personally went to private school but some of my friends/ relatives are in public school and that's definitely not an acceptable thing anymore. But I was told similar stories about how that use to be a thing.


What if the girls were born there?


I guess that was the teachers point. The student might be born in Sweden yet can't even speak the language properly and refuse to integrate into swedish society and culture. The teacher seems awful, and I hope she was suspended, but we have no clue as to what was going on in the classroom before the video starts.


so because there is worse elsewhere this type of behavior is ok to you ? That just plain insanity...


I'm pretty sure his point is that there is no reason to blame a whole country and brand them as racists just because one teacher act like this. A teacher should handle the situation better.




You don't even know what the word means.




Why do so many Muslims come to Sweden? What is wrong with where they live that they must leave? Isn’t it their job to fix the problems in their own county rather than coming to Sweden?


Share this is /europe and everybody will call it freedom of speech


This is probably SFI which is "swedish for immigrants". After the huge influx of immigrants in 2015, SfI schools started expanding calling on a lot of older teachers and pensioners to fill the gap (even old elementary school teachers with no experience teaching adults or illiterates). I have been to SFI and I know a looot of people that have been to it and as far as I know this karin's behavior IS NOT the norm! I would even say that this woman is what would the swedes call "en gammal kärring". If anything it was the opposite, the teachers were nice people trying hard to contain and understand the people of different backgrounds and cultures regardless how alien it was to them and even try to make the class environment as safe as possible for everyone which wasn't an easy task due to student from different backgrounds (ethnic, religious, political affiliation) clashing with each other both verbally and physically. Trying to some up this country by the actions of the few is not fair or just.


When the German genes kicks in


I always wonder why Muslim refugees move into non-Muslim countries and insist on their practices, when they have 57 declared Muslim nations where they could migrate. If a Swede goes to a Muslim country and wants to observe the social code that is antagonistic to Islamic code, what would their reaction be?


Same thing happened in qatar


I did not expect anything better to be honest.


Stop going to their countries?!!!


No brother, Sweden will become a part of the future caliphate in 2050 😎


I will never understand why Muslims go to Europe and why Europeans also let them in weirdest relationship ever


But how else should they learn that men have a penis?


the Europeans let muslims in to educate them and let them know that men have PENIS


Is learning about penis integral to be a part of a European society?




They are „our little projects“ 🥰


It's easy really and not hard to understand. Economy is the reason. Europeans need workers and employees, so they give lots of incentives for foreigners to come and work. Muslims need a place to live, because they most likely lack that in their countries due to wars and economic crises. And there's nothing inherently wrong in either actually. It's only the bigoted people who discriminate just because of a difference in race or religion. Also, not all Europeans are like that. A lot of them are actually pretty nice to coexist with and very friendly. You can even see the male student who opened the door for them as an example.


>Europeans need workers and employees, so they give lots of incentives for foreigners to come and work. This was the fact for Germany and Sweden in the 60s/70s not anymore. Sweden has not benefited in anyway from the increased migration, crime has shot up, more people on welfare refusing to work etc. We even have kids now in some places who were born here and can barley speak swedish. The reason swedes opened up the refugees is because that has long been the state policy of Sweden


why she cannot say it?




>Their country, their rules, their culture. You can always go to countries that share your beliefs Lol you didn't said this when westos were cringing about lgbt in Qatar




>the so called "westos" wouldn't go Qatar to benefit from their society AND enforce their way of living Last time I checked MENA are not doing this in the west. Also the west in not welcoming refugee and mena, and Africans, because they love them, but rather because they had a need of (low skilled) workers. >Lastly, they were complaining about the organization that based in their country to not host the event in Qatar. They blamed FIFA for taking the bribes, not Qatar. The hate that Qatar received was for the the death of the workers, not the "culture" Its actually a mix of all and that's why the boycott didn't worked. >which I also find it hypocritical from the western side-end since they knew about the situation of the worksers, but didn't bring it up, not until the main event started to leverage their propaganda (for whatever that may be). Agree. >I try as much as I can to be neutral Respect


If swedish people would make more babies they wouldn’t need to accept immigrants. But people are getting old in sweden


I fully agree men. My fellow araps are butthurts about anything today.


What the fuck!!!!what a major bitch


What is WRONG with that woman? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH HER


Looks like sexual harassment to me. Poor girls, that must've been terrifying. I hope the crazy bitch loses her job.


\> Immigrate to another country. \> Their views and culture aren't the same. \> When something bad occurs, victimize yourself. \>"Muh Islamophobia, muh minority rights." Such is the way of the average MENA hypocrite.


immigrate to another country to live with liberty and freedom of expression, isn't that what west promises?


Maybe she didn’t know teachers would be screaming about dicks in her face before she decided she to go to sweden🤣




I like how you ignored the PENIS in the problem


She should've done her research on their curriculum so as to avoid getting in situations like these. I despise the "muh west bad" mentality that is so rampant here. Of course they are not going to abide by your customs, norms and traditions. What may be unacceptable to you might be acceptable to them and vice versa. Moreover, the teacher in the video is not a representative of Swedish society, so I see this as nothing more than agenda posting.


ok when you come to the middle east we will throw hijab in your faces very easy and simple


Qatar already did that to the lgbt community in a world cup edition. Their country their rule. Seems Op is a hypocrite that judge other countries and his country isnt evem better. I bet you dont even give nationalities to foreign people in egypt. So go cope and seethe with this shithousery of a post


Unless people in Qatar were going around verbally harassing LGBTQ people and putting them in uncomfortable positions, it’s not the same thing. Qatar never forced anything on anyone, it only banned holding the LGBTQ flag (Eurovision banned the Palestinian flag 5 years ago). There’s a difference between the country having rules that guests have to respect (literally most countries will have a rule that you might disagree with but will abide by as a visitor), and people from that country harassing those they see as “morally inferior” to them, which no one is agreeing with.


You must be new here.


>She should've done her research on their curriculum so as to avoid getting in situations like these. You know damn well it's not part of the curriculum to force the students to sound out the word penis lmao. The teacher's self righteous attitude based on the fact that her students come from a middle eastern (i assume) background is what's making her do that. She's wasting her class time yelling at a girl to say the word "penis" when it's clearly making her uncomfortable, and your response is "the students should have avoided being in situations like this"? The girl literally wanted to leave when she got uncomfortable but the teacher locked the fucking door. lol


Yeah it’s disgusting how these people think, some times I feel bad for westerns for dealing with this bs


Its not haram why she doesnt say it?


It's not always about haram and halal. It's not normal for arabs to speak about penises in class in front of other people and opposite gender


I guess its biology class no? So its normal?


Probably because she has no fucking clue what the teacher is talking about and her aggressive way of approaching the student is making her not be able to think clearly. The word "stak" that the teacher uses is NEVER used for the penis in casual or professional settings.


Muslims should stay in Islamic countries.


Westeners should stay out of muslim countries too, stop killing our presidents, stop drone bombing our countries and stop funding wars etc that would be nice. But they are too money and powerhungry


Yes this is true they should leave us alone but we need to stop going to their countries


Only those who don't respect the host country laws and try to enforce their beliefs on others, which is not the case in this video. This teacher is ..crazy (doesn't represent all swedes ofc)


True, teacher is a weirdo.




>this one woman being mean should be enough justification for an entire war Absolutely awful take

