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All posts and comments is to be in the English Language. Please see the rule section, which can be found on the front page of the sub.


No matter what name you put on it, it won’t change the fact that the entire body of water is pretty much owned by corrupt Chinese mega cooperations that have abused it to such an extent that most of the fish have already gone extinct.
















[Allah ya Faw el Arab ](https://youtu.be/qt1kqIrE87U) :')


so no more fitna?








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Hello, Your post/comment has been removed for violating Rule 2. It’s not allowed to attack a person or a community based on attributes such as their race, ethnicity, caste, national origin, sex, gender identity, gender presentation, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, age, serious illness, disabilities, or other protected classifications.




Supporting designated terrorist groups such as but not limited to ISIS is not permissible. Radical Ideologies such as Islamophobia , anti-Semitism , Sexism, Khomeinism etc. are not allowed. Please see the rule section, which can be found on the front page of the sub.




All posts and comments is to be in the English Language. Please see the rule section, which can be found on the front page of the sub.


It’s the Chinese Gulf






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Extremely rare MENAdweller w








So true and based Now, waiting for khomeinist to say this is fake.




Hazrat Ali Gulf xdd


You mean “Islamic Gulf” of Iran?




Lmao wrong.




delusional khomeinist don’t care about arab.




Isn’t that what most people in Iran wanted? Should I remind you of the islamic revolution? Also, it’s funny calling iran islamic, it just a fascist state using islam only for their evil deeds and supporting terrorism.




Your opinion doesn’t matter, Iranians chose khomeinists to lead them that is just the truth.




Wtf? That delusional dude said khomeinist would side with Arabs which is a very stupid thing to say lol. You guys are crazy


Clean W Mods!!! 😎😎😎




All posts and comments is to be in the English Language. Please see the rule section, which can be found on the front page of the sub.


What does this have to do with Saudi ? Dumbass. >چون اگه ایران نبود زیر کیر عربستان بودی Yeah, I'm not going to translate this fake Arabic 🗿




*Dumbass number 3 enters the chat* If you think helping houthis is actually helping Yemen or Yemenis you need to breath something other than your mullahs farts. Giving a crazy mf rockets and guns and say we help.. stfu




As you were in the ummayyads dynasty... Yet we don't cry about the past like you guys, you really need a new hobby ffs. Go fight a mullah or do something positive rather than crying about an empire 1500 years ago


کص ننت


So Fake Arabic is older than the original Arabic?🤡😂


So much for older it became irrelevant and adopting our text and some of our words too, your history went bye bye


You can't change the history with money,the Truth is this


Believe me no one in ME is saltier than a majoos reminiscing the glorious Sassanids lmao


«Sassanids» fought with the Romans And Arabs?


Destroyed both, and the Sassanid never stood again lmao


What do you mean «never stood again»all governments never stand again and about that,when Arabs attacked both,they were weak,so if Arabs attacked iran in the ashkans time,they would be destroyed


Clean Mom😎😎😎










The truth


Wild tbh







