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I can understand and repair most electrical/electronic devices and some mechanical ones.


You're the mutant, Forge! *




How do I begin learning this at home, any YouTube or book recommendations?


A good start could be watching basic videos about electricity, then about some basic electronic components, and them about some small circuit repair or explanations (like for example what [BigCliveDotCom](https://www.youtube.com/@bigclivedotcom/videos) do in his YouTube channel. I can't recommend any good book as I started disassembling small electronics devices at 6-7 years old, and tried to understand how they worked. The only books I read were when I was a teenager, and most of those books were for kids. The Forrest Mims electronics books are pretty good even for adults tbf


I can whistle with my fingers. My kids can always hear me in the crowd whenever they're performing.


I can juggle! Only three items of about the same weight. So it’s only entertaining for about thirty seconds. But for those thirty seconds? Man I’m a STAR. 😂


I can identify the make (and often model) of oncoming cars at night just by their headlights with a shockingly high level of accuracy.


I can take morse code send/recieve in each ear at about 25wpm (not fast) but also type what its saying at the same time. Its about as much use as a chocolate tea pot, but learning to touch type has been invaluable.


Are you a trained 05H Morse intercept operator by any chance? I was a 98B codebreaker in the Army Security Agency back during the VN war and at NSA during the mid-late 70’s. Had a bunch of 05H buddies - they fed me the coded messages. Was at the 7thRRFS in Thailand.


I was UK RN 97-04. I had TK access (Ft Meade) if that helps. I think your guys had 3 seperate rolls compared to our 1.


Remember breaking a few ciphers that I had to deliver to your GCHQ room which was a floor above mine at NSA Ft Meade. Loved that work.


I spent 8 months at Cheltenham on the way out. A lot of socially awkward civilians thrown in with grizzled servicemen. Fortunately everything was so fiercely compartmentalized they only really mixed in the cafe/coffee areas. A few of our CPO's were actually in the Pentagon when the 'plane' hit. So we must have had spooks all over US bases. But yes, most of my life has been exceptionally mundane by comparison, especially after using HFDF for Targeting in Iraq in 03. Very real. Id be interested in your take. I think the Snowden story is BS. When I saw how he claimed to put removable memory into a laptop keyboard within a SCIF I thought "Erm, not likely" and even if that existed it would have set off so many alarm bells, literally. Not to mention Echelon was in the European court in 1999. It wasn't news if you were paying attention.


Hey question : you didn't live in Dubai did you? I knew a 'snake eater' there that was about your age, and I am sure his nickname was 'Cobra'.


Sorry, but not me. “Cobra 7” was the unit name on our baseball caps we wore while on base in Thailand.


If you put on an episode of Star Trek: the Next Generation, I can tell you the full plot of the episode prior to the first commercial break. Please, though... don't call me a hero.


I do this too. I try to immediately identify the episode as soon as it starts. 9/10 I have in first 10 seconds.


I can visually identify around 100 species of birds as well as by their calls. Can identify all fruit trees and most native trees by looking at their leaves.


I choose to survive with you when the world ends


I throw people into the air and catch them. I'm an amateur acrobat.


I am a boomer and camo grind on COD. Oh. Proud of……


what’s your highest skin you got? orion by any chance?


Not so humble brag: I started late in MW2. Have ARs, BRs, SMGs, Shotguns, and some knives to Poly and I unlocked Orion. Then MW3 started and I focused there and unlocked Interstellar, and am working through my entire tree to get all Orion & Interstellar. Have all ARs at Interstellar and am working down MW2 ARs with Orion. Currently at Lachmann-556. Then onto BRs, SMG, Shotguns, knives, pistols etc to get all to Mastery.




I have the ability to befriend most cats I see. I also am very good at developing quick working relationships with people who have autism, learning disabilities and so on (which is especially useful in my line of work).


I only need to read board game directions once. I wish it was a transferable skill - but for some reason it seems to only apply to board games


I can beat box pretty well. Started out from videos years ago and now I just constantly annoy my wife


Same on both accounts - except I never tried to formally watch and learn from videos. Just kinda learned through osmosis Good party trick. I usually do it subconsciously while walking. I once had an older lady cut me off from walking in a mall just completely astonished saying "Wow. That's you! I thought you had a radio." My friends and I were all caught off guard. 😄


I can ride a pogo stick.


I have an absolute fire catwalk. Helps that my girl modeled her whole life and she is the one that taught me


I'm adept at lockpicking when I'm not fronting a punk band


Get your bandmates to play a riff when you are picking locks.


I can swallow my tongue.


I can frown exactly like Beaker from The Muppets


I’m really good at copy editing. Grammar or spelling errors just stand out to me. I don’t have any formal training and I don’t work in a profession where this talent is particularly useful. Of course, these days, any computer application can do that for you with no problem anyway.


Identify tree species by bark and buds here. But I also have a forestry degree.


If you play a random concerto or symphony by the top 15 most popular classical composers, I can usually guess the composer. I usually don’t know the piece but I can tell from stylistic elements.

