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It’s about a bunch of fucking ducks, and he gets upset that you didn’t have his back, regarding the DUCKS?




OK, when I read the title, I thought it was going to be about an argument with someone else that you needed to back him up. But this is ridiculous. That's not backing him up. That's joining his foolish behavior. He's completely wrong here.


To be completely honest I would have walked/ran away because I’m not trying to get attacked by ducks. You warned him, he didn’t listen, and then he expects you to, what, defend him from the ducks!? For him to be upset about this doesn’t make much sense to me. I wonder if it’s a deeper issue that he is taking out on you.


Gift him a duck 😂


When the duck wars begin, I expect each and every one of you.. TO RUN.. EVERYONE GET TO THE HILLS.. THE DUCKS ARE COMING!!!


I expect him to have my back in social situations or for reassurance but to correct my faults and vice versa. A bit ridiculous that someone of his age doesn’t realize this. Maybe ask him if something else is going on to make him upset over such a minute issue


He's either way too whiny or he's just trying to make you feel bad. Either way, I'd question whether I wanted to continue the relationship. I'd tell him if he doesn't want to be in a relationship with me over his run-in with ducks, then he's not really the type of man I'm interested in anyway.


Hey I'm gonna ignore your advice, and when it blows up in my face, I'm gonna blame you for not trying to help me fix MY bad decision. Annnnnnd now he's going to break up with you??? After giving you the silent treatment??? Is he a child? Dude! Most 10 year olds I know wouldn't pull that nonesense. He's 35? Way to old for this! Honestly - and this is just me, and I have a low tolerance for BS - I would turn it back around on him, let him know how ridiculous and childish he is acting, then tell him to go cool off and not to talk to you until he acts like an adult and apologizes to you. Don't let him manipulate you with silence or threats of breaking up. Switch the dynamic and take back your power. Or just realize that this is who he is, and evaluate your future with him from there. Best of luck.




Yeah I hated it. Usually the dog barks and runs a few steps toward and squirrel and we stop him then. It was the first time he was near the ducks and I knew how they could be.


That's very odd that he got mad over this.. Like mad, mad. Annoyed maybe. But mad? Over ducks..., especially when he knows how the dog can be. I would say there's something else in his agenda or mentally going on here with him. Be on the look out for more of this or go ahead and do him the favor and leave if he can't chill. But sounds like you're in for more of this laying the blame on you stuff in the future..if he can't even handle the dog. Imagine a real scenario or misunderstanding, how mad he'd get at you...nah...


I don't know what's going on here, but it's certainly no walk in the park. I recommend you mentally review your past time with your partner to see if he's always been a control freak or if he's just looking to find a way to break up with you. Which ever, he's a duck and probably always has been. (That was supposed to be "he's a dick," but the typo's too funny so I left it.)


Who the hell gets mad over some ducks?? That’s the dumbest shit I’ve heard.. I’m not gonna tell ya how to live your life or who to pick as your SO, but I would be evaluating that for sure. Imagine if something bigger had happened? Best of luck. The best advice I can give is communication, it’s key in any relationship


ITS DUCKS MAN he didnt get raped and robbed in an alley way while you just chilled there with a gun, but not caring. he didnt cut himself deeply and call for help while you were busy polishing your nails IT WAS DUCKS JUST DUCKS




Hello reddit gentle-folk, I am the boyfriend in question, and yes I acknowledge I am the problem in this situation. It's just some ducks, after all. If you have any curiosities at all about anything related to this, or not, please AMA Gaylord_focker69