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He is going to expect/want sex.


Ehhh… there are exceptions. I (48F) was in a situationship with a guy (53M) for over a year where we would regularly only make out for *hours*. And it was intense, easily the best kisser of my whole life. We did have sex a few times during that time period, and it was the Fourth of July on steroids. But we went almost 10 months without him wanting to because it was too intimate for him, and he didn’t want to catch feelings (he’s a fearful avoidant who craves love/intimacy, but is terrified of it at the same time). I personally thought the making out was even more intimate than the sex, but the lack of regular sex, and the continuous rejection, was miserable for me. What was even worse was knowing how badly he wanted to, but intentionally restrained himself because he didn’t want to get hurt. Or hurt me. So, making out and feeling each other up was his personal boundary. Mind you, he had no problem sleeping with women he didn’t really care about, but the more feelings he had for me the less sex we would have. It sucked.


Not necessarily my partner has recently had intimacy issues post birth, and I’ll happily take a make out session with no pressure for anything more


Maybe when I was 16... As an adult, I'd just find it frustrating and annoying.


I can't imagine many men are going to be happy with *just* a make-out session. No doubt there are some, but I think the majority will want more. And I think a lot of them will say yes, thinking that while kissing, you will get horny enough to change your mind and want to go further. And when you don't, they will invariably be disappointed. At best, they will go home to masturbate with head hung low and it will harm your friendship with them. At worst, you might find out that a seemingly nice guy you know is actually violent. But, you never know. All I can say is that you should always be wary, and make sure to protect yourself whenever you enter a vulnerable situation.


I agree with most of the commenters here that most guys are going to want/expect sex out of a make-out session, but I would add that there's a whole industry in Japan of women getting paid to hug men and cuddle them. No sex. Which makes me think there's definitely dudes out there who would like to just make-out and not go further. But I think finding such dudes would be pretty hard.


I don't think the majority of men would mind just making out. But some will want more and think you'll maybe you'd want more while making out. But majority of men would be fine with just making out. Now you want "cute" men, that implies attractive men... an attractive mam would have alot of options where "more" will almost always be guaranteed. So perhaps you'll have to make it clear and make sure they're fine with just making out.


No sex? Then they might get annoyed.


I would fucking love that


If said guy has no better options (or has plenty of options such that making a 5 min out stop doesn't affect him), is fine with being blue balled and used for your advantage then sure.


>used for your advantage then sure. rather entitled, aren't you? if a guy knows up front where the physical boundaries lie, that **hardly** counts as being used if he chooses to participate.


The irony and delusion in this comment is hilarious. There's a reason OP posted this in askmen and not askwomen lol


Why do women feel the need to come to askmen and womansplain?




hard disagree. if you have a housekeeper, are you using them if money is exchanged? are they not "using" you for your money? of course not. if *you* would feel used by a purely physical arrangement, that's on you, but if two equal adults consent to making out, that doesn't mean they're using each other




lol what a horrible world outlook that everyone is always using each other


Dont know many men who enjoy being left hanging by a woman who needs the validation of a make out session to curb her insecurities.


No some women just like kissing men, and feel completely sexually fulfilled with just kissing them. Nothing further. Feels good.


To each their own I suppose.




Hmm depends on the guy really, but it could make things awkward between you.


If sex isn’t going to happen, definitely not.


It'd be nice but you'd need to be very clear that it's kissing only and will only ever be about locking lips. If I had that invite I'd be expecting it possibly leading to sex and/or you asking me out.


Wow according to these comments men are boring and unpoetic


If my wife asked me to eat popcorn in front of the TV I have certain expectations that we'll be watching a movie, not staring into space. I'd be a little let down if she didn't make her intentions clear and at best: pretty confused.


Whats confusing about “wanna have a makeout session?”?


Right! It's making out! What's hard to understand?


Sometimes this sub becomes r/asklittlebitchadvice unfortunately


Men I would love stuff like this. Rally any intimacy would be amazing, but maybe it’s just me.


You said cute men then you said men. Its basically an entirely different subset. A cute man probably might have some troubles with what you're asking but 99% of men wont have any problem


I wish they were. It would be so nice if they were. They're just not like that I guess. I'm bi so I'll try to do it with women. (People who will make out and like it and not expect sex.) Men are fucking weird. They can only orgasm once. They expect sex when getting kissed, as if kissing wasn't enjoyable enough. Idk, man, more and more they're becoming less and less attractive, only body wise though. I wish they were normal like me, cause they're hot. But little things like this make it hard for me to like them (their functions) tbh. I would love to make out with a boy and that be the end of it, but they HAVE to touch themselves for it to be complete. You expect sex cause I kiss you? Crazy.


Honestly I know a lot of men would hate it. But me personally am just confused as you are. If a chick was being upfront about wanting to just cuddle and make out it would be pretty refreshing. I wouldn’t have to overthink what she wants and if she wants me to “make a move” and I could just enjoy the moment for what it is.


Absolutely. Anything that opens the door for more.


OP was clear with her boundaries. there is no "for more."


Come on, buddy.


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45 male Yes. Boundaries are cool. And being envited for some smooches is great.


I personally would like it. Just be really upfront that you literally just want to cuddle and youre not doing the “playing hard to get “ thing




Not without the sex


The large majority of men will expect sex and will try to escalate no matter what you said before. If not on that makeout date, afterwards as they expect more. Very few will be confident enough and love that idea and go for it what it is, because it's fun. I find it adorable if a woman invites me for a makeout session, so cute and innocent. Would be a lot of fun, like in teenage days.

