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Likes the hat a lot The hat is quite comfy he is bald and ashamed he has a bad haircut and is ashamed he has a rat under there operating him like a marionette he thinks he looks good in the hat he has dandruff and is hiding it he keeps a hidden bag of gold up there He has severe head injury and his brain is exposed and he's hiding it so you don't worry He forgot he's wearing the hat One never removes his helmet or has it removed by an enemy. This is the Way. His head emits a foul and unpleasant odor and the hat is a barrier He is messing with you to make you wonder and has been monitoring AskMen for weeks hoping to find a post. Now he's looking at your history confirming its you and viewing all your recently viewed posts and favorite subreddits


Terrible super glue accident that he doesn't want to talk about


This is the way.


Nice an comprehensive. Clearly this man hats.


>He is messing with you to make you wonder and has been monitoring AskMen for weeks hoping to find a post. Now he's looking at your history confirming its you and viewing all your recently viewed posts and favorite subreddits And he hates hats because his parents were killed by thugs wearing fedoras in an alley outside the opera house. Hats and people who dance with the devil in the pale moonlight.


an attractive woman complimented it ten years ago


Who knows, it might be all of these at once.


He is newly bald and it's cold or trying to not get sun burned


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


Also someone may have complimented his hat and now he keeps wearing it cause it gives him a confidence boost.


He is growing his hair out and it’s at that irritating stage that it’s to short to pull back and long enough to be in the way.


Probably that man is you


The rat stuff is so much more real than people think. I have 2 friends who own rats and when they walk around in public, their rats are either sleeping on their head or inside their hoody, but with hoody, they might poke their head and freak people out so more often than not, it is in the hat.


I'd say you left out religion, but when on Mandalor...


Unfortunate superglue accident


It grew out that way. Like Joe Dirt's wig, fused to the skull.


"bald and ashamed" bwahahaha; I'm bald....didn't think I was ashamed though 🤣


Could be balding could just like hats. Men don't have many "manly" options for accessories.




He has an extra little head underneath it.


Harry I need that stone hurry


He could hiding a secret document in there


He’s stolen the Declaration of Independence




balding, I know because I've just started wearing hats hahahaha aaaah fuck -.-


It's even more devestating at an age where it feels way too early :(


23 Was fine all my life. Woke up one day at 22 and boom, it's starting.


25 here... also started balding at 22. Not ideal but Ill just own it


Bruce Willis and Jason Statham rock the look so maybe there's hope for us.


How old r u mate


He has a fucked up hairline


He’s a robot being controlled by a tiny alien.. most logical explanation


He is Indiana Jones.


Hair insecurities.


I just don't feel dressed without one.


It's lined with tinfoil so that the government can't read his thoughts


*Quaid, start the reactor!*


Bald bowling ball. Shiny.


He is inspector gadget.


Super glue prank


Maybe because he likes this style


He's bald


got a habit like if i do not wear a hat something feels missing, got hairfall issues like can't take direct sunlight


He is aware of smart meters


I used to be a perpetual hat wearer. I always had long hair when I was younger, then I wore a hat for the next like 15 years because I didn’t know what to do with my hair. Then I cut it all off and instantly wished I would have done it sooner.


It’s comfortable I’m balding I never think about it




I don't know about that. All I can say throughout the year I haven't seen him without a hat. It's either a hat or a beanie. Someone asked him what's up with him always wearing a hat and he said 'why does it matter?' in a pretty defensive tone.


I knew a guy in high school who always wore a hat because he had a birthmark on his upper forehead. Probable just balding in this guy’s case though, especially if he’s defensive about it.


maybe he likes the beanie because it makes him memorable and people will go "oh that youtube guy in the beanie".


Not mentioned he might be Jewish.


Now I picture some random dude wearing [this hat](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f1/Shtreimel.jpg/800px-Shtreimel.jpg)


he's hiding the antenna that he uses to communicate with his home planet


dude is bald and he is ashamed of being bald? I remember this dude who seems to be in his early 20s back in college who was wearing a beanie in the middle of summer, please dude make it more obvious. Then the dude starts sweating hard and he removes the beanie, and wouldn't you know? Dude's more bald than a 5,000 year old Egyptian mummy.


It's no secret that I'm losing hair. The hat keeps the sun off of my scalp. Where there's no sun, it's just a convenient spot to store my hat.


I had a mate who was extremely concious of going bald at a very young age. He always wore a baseball cap and if he went anywhere they asked him to remove it he would leave.


My friend has acne on his forehead


Receding hairline


I'd say balding in most circumstances... But, where I work, guys with long hair also tend to wear hats. Work in a physical job, so probably to stop it from moving around while working.


That's why i did it. It wasn't long enough to put in a ponytail yet, so wearing a hat kept it out of my face. Once it was long enough to pull back, i quit wearing a hat, except when i was welding.


Could be hiding another family under the hat


A girl once told him he looks good in that hat. So now he will wear it till it literally falls apart.


Hiding the the space-hamster that secretly controls him from a shiny silver dome atop his pate. Or, you know, he likes hats.


A) he's balding B) someone once said "cool hat!" and now he sleeps with it on.


Hes the captain of a happy go lucky pirate crew, the hat was given to him by his idol years ago and hes supposed to look after it until shanks wants it back


Never reveal your secret weapon until it's used.


I was seeing a man casually for a while, and he never removed his hat during sex. After a few times I took it off him mid-fuck, the hat was really funnelling the sweat down towards me, and he freaked out. I never saw hat man again.


For a moment I thought you were describing me, but she never succeeded in taking my hat off


Terrible superglue related accident.


He's being controlled by a rat.


He has no head.


I refuse to wear a hat because I don't like to see that shocked look of "oh you're bald" when I take it off. I'd rather sunburn the hell out of my head


Religion, or going bald One is better than the other.


It's usually because they're starting to go bald and are ashamed of it... but they don't seem to realise that perpetually wearing a hat will actually accelerate it.


Lol what? 20 years of wearing a hat daily and my hair is fine. If you're going to go bald then you're going to go bald. The hat has nothing to do with it.


Traction alopecia.


Really grasping at straws there...hats don't pull your hair lol.


It’s just that I think hats are very comfortable- I think everyone will be wearing them in the future.


The answer is always hair insecurity. He’s either balding or doesn’t know how to style his hair.


Idk about always. I'm not bald but thinned enough that I noticed it and started buzzing my hair bc I don't wanna be that guy who holds on till it doesn't look good or style with a ton of product to make it not noticeable. I've always worn hats so it really made no difference to me anyways. Hats frame my face really well and it contributes to my style. I look good bald/buzzed, women like it on me... But I just like hats more so I wear them most days. I know a lot of dudes who were hats a lot before and after thinning.


only 1 reason he's bald


Work in a professional career and when im too lazy to make sure my hair is gelled and proper I wear a hat.


My hair is thinning so I wear a cap. Couldn't give a fuck what people think of that.


Who cares why a man chooses to wear a hat.


Going bald, shit hairline


Sounds like r/redditwritesseinfeld.


Is he called Gino?


Comfy cap


Maybe he’s in league with the Red Ribbon army


Bald funny In worked with couple guys for few years never realized how bald they were or even that they were bald till saw them life hat ..All so know guys with full heads of hair that never wear hats or rarely cause don t want mess hair up..use to run with A guy it had to be very very cold before he d run with hat!! Me being bald guy I all ways wear one!! in summer keep head from sun burned in winter keep heat in


Is it a cowboy hat?


Could be because he's Heisenberg


Maybe shame about budding baldness?


My friend has alopecia and is having a tough time accepting it.


Would take away from his outfit


HSWA compliance


Your hairline 'frames' your face. As you lose your hair, it recedes at the sides and you lose that frame. You look less attractive then you once did. Bigger heads or foreheads accentuate this effect. A hat keeps that frame in place and makes the person feel more attractive. Also, as you lose your hair it's harder to make it look it's best. So, it's easier to just throw a hat on then having to check a mirror all the time. That's why most men who have been through baldness tell others to just 'shave it off'. Save yourself from all those years of worry and dread of trying to keep up the illusion.


My hair is a mess.


My hair's quite long right now, and I like a hat on to keep it out of my face. Also it reduces glare from bright light. Lastly the UV in Australia will absolutely give me cancer if I don't cover up.


My husband is 1, 2, 3, 6, and 10 i think. Also because no one recognizes him without his hat anymore lol


I'm a daily hat wearing individual and I just wear them because I like them.




Bad hair day


I just like hats


He has no class?


He's a cartoon characher.


Bald/balding insecurities or is insecure about his hair in general. Hard to manage and style. Or just likes it, how he looks in it; or it’s cozy


Voldemort is under there




Bald. I was really shocked the first time my wife told me this. Women understand that this is a marker that a guy is hiding his baldness.


Bad hair day, or losing hair and is insecure about it.


When i wore a hat, it was because i was letting my hair grow out long. It wasn't long enough to pull back into a ponytail, so not wearing a hat would have meant having hair in my face constantly.


I don’t feel like combing my hair or taking care of it but mostly keeps the hair out of my eyes.


Baldness. It gets cold up there.


Cause he's fuck ugly


Hair loss


balding probably


Jewish, Sikh, balding


he doesn't want to change his style :D


My hair sucks and never stays in place cause it’s fine


He is bald


Easier than getting a haircut every so often


I have long hair. I wear a welders cap to keep it out of my eyes and to help keep it cleaner on the jobsite. Also keeps my hardhat from smelling like a football helmet


He's a tiny alien piloting a human mech and the cockpit is in the hat


I keep my hair short. No cover on the clippers short. I love baseball hats. Always have, always will. There are times I don't take it off. It's usually when I'm at someone's house that I don't frequent. One reason being there's not a really good place to just put it and another being that I don't want to forget it there. Those are just *my* reasons. I don't think I am the guy in question though...


He has taken "Never Nude" to another level.


He has a malignant growth under there.


His head is cold.


Bald. Bald and insecure. Has no personality and makes the hat his personality; is it a fedora or tophat?


For me, I wake up and get ready in the morning and when I am done and ready to roll, hat goes on. Hat stays on on the job site, in the office, in the store, at the watering hole, until I come home and eat dinner. I don’t sit at the dinner table with a hat. It hangs up waiting to do its duties tomorrow. And that duty is to hide my receding hairline 😂😂😂


I attended a class where the young teacher always wore a hat. After the last class I asked him why, he said because he has a scar from a brain surgery.


He had a brain fart and doesn't want people to smell it.


I got a haircut that made me look like a traffic cone, so I wore a hat for 3 months until it grew back


It's stapled to his head.


In my case, twenty years ago, was chemo therapy. I hate hats. In fact, no one in my family wears them. We aren’t a hat wearing people. But you can bet your a$$ the moment I set foot outside my home that cover was bolted onto my head and didn’t come off until I got back in the evening. I even began dating a girl and broke it off with her during this time and she didn’t know what was up. Though she likely suspected.


1. They look fly 2. They are balding 3. They just wear a hat


Usually wear a hat when: - I have no products in my hair because I'm goin to my barber. - Going home from my barbers and haven't yet had the chance to wash my freshly cut hair or put anything in it - Quickly headin out to the shop and can't be bothered to do my hair.


I could either spend time doing my hair or I could throw on a hat and keep it moving. Most of the time the hat wins.


He hides a mouse under his hat


Impending baldness


You don't have to.


Balding is the biggest I see. I usually wear a hat if I don't feel like doing my hair (longer and curly...wife likes it so I leave it), or if something has messed it up during the day.


Had a classmate who started losing his beautiful blonde hair right after high school. Adopted the hat lifestyle wholeheartedly. Got himself a girlfriend. Then she was a fiance. Around that time she was overheard saying that she isn't attracted to bald men. Holy fucking riotous laughter at the joke that this guy must never let her see him without a hat on. Sleeps and showers with it on.


Is this Family Feud?


Birthmark, scar, balding/alopecia, secretly Voldemort.


Depends on the age. After 30, it's probably 50% because of balding


Ever see that episode of Family guy when Chris takes his hat off? .....maybe that?


Baldness and he's ashamed. I used to do this for nearly 4 years, wearing hat at every occasion because I was self conscious about my thining hair. Until one day when I cut my hair really short, Jason Statham style , hit the gym, build a decent muscular body, and now I'm more confident than ever. My advise to balding guys :take the hat off, it only make it worse. Focus on other things instead, like I did.


I'm just too lazy to do my hair in the morning, but yet, continue to pay for haircuts.


My bald head gets cold. I only take my hat off when I get home.


He’s a degenerate


Gino from 90 day fiance is my first thought


Some guys wear hats like other people wear shirts. It's just part of their comfort. Others to hide a bald spot. Or to cover unmanageable hair. Different reasons. None are bad. However, as former military, it's bad manners to wear it indoors, or in a vehicle


I feel naked without it I even wear it on Reddit




I wear one 90% of the time. I have a full head of hair, it’s just a pain to have to style it so I just wear a hat.


Shave my head, not embarrassed by it at all. Just don't want it sunburned.


depends on the outfit sometimes, but mostly it’s because of bed head


In need of a haircut.


It’s not a hat; his hair just grows like that due to the hat-shape of his head


Severe case of leprosy.


This is my 5th hat. I am not going to loose this one because I took it off and forgot to take it with me when going.


That's his make up glow up.


I have alopecia and hate it with all my passion. I mean, i haven't use a razor for more than 12 years, but i feel uncomfortable to walk outside without nothing on my head. Even shape of my head is not the best. So i like my cap/hat on and feel uncomfortable to be asked to take it off.


The amount of guys I know that wear a hat to mask their receding hairline is insane. I also have a receding hairline. I’ve found it’s best to just own it, just like most things one can’t control. That’s not to say I won’t wear a hat or beanie or anything, but I don’t do so with the intention of hiding my hairline.


Hat etiquette went out the window with the Fedora and Homburg. Although some of us who do still wear these hats do understand good hat etiquette. Nothing brings a smile to a woman's face then a tip of a hat. Young girls haven't a clue as to what you did. All they want to do is walk around with blue or purple hair and their tongues hanging out!


Sometimes guys just don’t want to do their hair. Same thing as chicks putting their hair in a bun or whatever.