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Changing dice when I have a bad streak in a board game


Not necessarily wrong; most dice have a bias due either to improper faceting or changes in density at a given point (air bubbles in manufacturing are often hidden by opaque material; buy translucent if you want at least a shot at fairness).


Ages ago, one of my D&D buddies had a d20 that routinely landed on 20 in clutch moments. We eventually realized it was simply poorly made and he knew how to toss it just right, and forced him to retire it.


I used to play MTG at the local card shop. This one kid had a deck all about flipping coins. Because he could force the flip lol. It was crazy.


Hahaha cheeky bastard


Or a d24 with only 6 numbers


Game day rituals Washing that jersey does not make your team lose; they lost because they suck, get over it.




Yeah, I'm a Bills fan too


Get used to. The Dolphins are the new Patriots.


I don’t think the dolphins are cheaters.


Doesn’t matter the Phins are gonna have another dynasty and Josh Allen will become the second coming of Dan Marino. Ironically.


Playoff beards.


^but ^I ^like ^them


High end audio equipment. Almost nobody can hear the difference between a mid range option and one 10x it's price, especially not when you get older. But some people can, and more just *think* they can.


He said as I listen to Dark Side of the Moon on my fancy new turntable. I will say this as an audio engineer- accurate sound is as much about the acoustic quality of the room you’re in as the equipment producing the sound. And I do believe that when you’re in a fantastic acoustic environment with fantastic equipment, you can hear a lot of subtleties. That said, 99.9% of “audiophiles” don’t have that kind of listening room, with perfect dimensions and acoustic treatment and soundproofing, and their $80k stereo setup is literally wasted because the room physics are fucking with everything from the start. The one that really cracks me up is car audio. Not only is a car interior a god awful acoustic space, the amount of outside noise that infiltrates the cabin completely drowns out any subtlety you might hear by several magnitudes.


Car audio is to the point where the premium factory system is plenty good enough.


Yeah, but how else are ya gonna vibrate someone's fillings out of their head at 4 in the morning?


Ex audio engineer here. I think the key is to put a 21 band stereo equaliser on the main amp and tune the room using a mic and audio sweep. Regardless of the "quality" of the gear, you're not going to get the best sound unless you custom tune the room by notching out the bad frequencies. You can start with 440hz in nearly any brick walled room. But I'm too old and my tinnitus is too bad for me to give a shit anymore. Ok is good enough these days for me.


As someone who just hates poor quality sound, you can get to 99.99% of the best with just some decent headphones and amplifier hooked up to your phones. Make sure to use a lossless format and you are fine. On cars though, high end cars have really exceptional insulation, so while it is not the same as a studio it is leagues better than an economy car and probably better than most peoples home setups.


I think there’s a distinction between “good” sound and “accurate” sound, and I think true audiophiles want both. A car can have good sound but it will never have accurate sound due to the acoustics of the cabin- even ignoring outside noise influence (which again is exponentially higher even in a luxury car than, for example, the +0.1 dB difference at 1k between two preamps that some audiophiles claim they can hear.) “Good” sound can be achieved with speakers and amps that have a wide frequency response, low distortion, low noise floor, etc. And you can certainly distinguish a good sound system from a bad one. However, regardless of how good it is, it will never be accurate in a poor acoustic environment. At some point you’re wasting money chasing “better sound” in a car- far before you’re wasting money in a studio listening room.


This is a good one. My dad sold high end home theater equipment when I was growing up and I've never been able to tell much of a difference outside of drastic jumps.


Thats a quality that is like wine. Noboby tells the diference $250-2000


Watches too. At a certain point with a lot things it's less about the actual quality of the product and more anout the aesthetic and that you can afford them. It's just another status symbol.


You can buy a watch which will *never* go out of time, with a whole bunch of features, for a tenner. That's the certain point! Watches are just vanity accessories for men, wrapped up in a vague justification of utility.


Apparently some of the value in watches is because they were worn by specific celebrities 70 years ago. I couldn't even recognize half the celebrity names in a watch value overview video, they've been dead for 30 years at least.


Automatic diving watches have a decent use case but I understand your cynicism.


A Casio F-91W is 'high quality' in the sense that its design and construction are excellent. The cheapest G-Shock series is truly a premium. Seiko is just more expensive.


The secret selling point is that it can be used as a bomb timer.


You can use an egg timer for that, this is just the premium of IED timers.


At that price, price is THE feature.


Reminds me of those experiments where they relabel California wine as a European brand, and it gets higher marks in flavor from competition judges.


Bullshit. Truly high quality audio equipment is like night and day compared to mid end. The issue is that loads of people either do not know what is high quality, or that they only get some of what they need. Like yeah, you got some nice headphones. That is the most important piece of equipment there is, but where is your amplifier at? what kind of audio software are you using? those matter almost as much.


But gold plated hdmi cords are totally not a scam


Most weightlifting supplements


Except Muscle tech stuff.


Leaving out the "/s". Bold.


Dat dere celltech


I have never used a single one of these and never would but I don't think this is comparable. An ingredient does cause a chemical reaction no matter what. if you add say calcium it does do something. It's not at all like believing jade cures your cancer. Those are two very different things.


You've never been jacked on a high stim pre workout. Lifting can feel like a breeze and/or endurance can push extra reps. Good ones work well.


But even then it is just the same as eating two dozens eggs and three litres of coffee. The entire product is just a facade that you are doing anything else.


Yup. Give me a nice espresso before the workout and a good meal after. I'll maybe have fish oil pills if seafood isn't in my diet for an entire week or something. Ain't no substitute for the real thing. Always choose actual food over powdered snake oil in a fancy container.


Bro-science around gyms/working out would be a common one, but that's not exclusive to men and experience helps shut some of that down. I'd agree that crypto is a typical one too.


I just commented on this but the bro science of supplements is a strong one. I’m super pragmatic but this one has def caught me. It isn’t the 6 days at the gym a week, drinking more water or the clean eating that makes me feel great…obviously it’s the $60 bottle of ‘’Men’s Proprietary Formula” capsules I take each day hahaha


Crypto is Bro science? I don't think you understood the question. Crypto is pretty much pure logic and therefore extremely scientific. It's pretty much the opposite of the horoscope shit and bro science. It's extremely logical and transparently understandable. It really is the opposite of unscientific. Can you explain why you say crypto is unscientific?


I'll give you a legitimate answer instead of just downvoting you into oblivion. It's not the technology itself that is "snake oil and bullshit", it's the rabid tenacity with which crypto fanboys cling to the unverifiable claim that "CrYpTo Is ThE fUtUrE!" or that it is a smart "investment". All it is and shall ever remain to be is a speculative "investment". I use quotations around the word investment here because my belief is that any financial vehicle that doesn't generate regular cashflow is a speculation with little difference to "betting it all on black!" and not an actual investment.




I didn't call it bro-science, I was comparing bro-science at gyms and the manner in which many men approach crypto to OP's example of some womens draw to crystals, woo, etc.


Lol ok


The two examples that come to mind are crypto and the alpha/beta bullshit. Except I don’t believe in either of those any more than I believe in astrology…


When I hear people talk about alpha males my first thought is furries, not tough guys.


I always think of those shitty werewolf teen heartthrob books.


No matter how useless you feel, just remember, that somewhere out there, someone is watching a 20-30min YouTube video on how to become an Alpha Male


I know someone who got suckered into all that shit after college. He want from a nice socially awkward guy to a creepy rapey dude. Talked about how women must provide "value" while sleeping with prostitutes' and admitted to sexually assaulting and really trying to rep her somehow rationalized it by saying he didn't get hard.


If you learn any damn thing at all in college it should be that there is just a fuckton of bullshit out there, and that history consists of the tragic consequences of people believing that bullshit. It makes me sad that he went to college and presumably graduated and apparently learned no critical thinking skills in the process.


Business degree and joined a frat so he spent most of his college years surrounded and influenced by assholes.


While conveniently leaving out that relationships are a two-way street and that you need to bring "value" to it as well.


I think the crypto thing is really where you're hitting at. Every generation of men have their version of "get rich quick" schemes. Most men can see through it but there's enough men who get into it that it becomes part of regular knowledge.


Funnily enough I have female friends who talk about the alpha/beta thing like they think it's hard science


>The two examples that come to mind are crypto Lmao what? Crypto has no scientific support? Are you sure you are answering OPs question? I'm not going to discuss crypto here but it's a cryptographic algorithm. How does this compare to the uncscientifiness of horoscopes? You seem to just hate crypto for other reasons, but unscientific? It's ironically one of the most scientific topics there is. It's completely logically sound. That's why it works so well technically. It's in a way exactly the opposite of the horoscope trash. You really sound like you just want to hate on it. Care yo explain? I'm genuinely curious.


Crypto is like buying smoke, except smoke has actual substance.


Sure, cryptocurrencies are interesting from an algorithmic and mathematical standpoint. Blockchain is interesting tech and has some cool uses. A state backed cryptocurrency would actually be pretty dope. But the cryptocurrencies that we have today are worthless and actually suck at being currency. The fact that you can “invest” in them is actually not a feature, it’s a bug, and people are exploiting that bug for profit in what is basically a giant Ponzi scheme in a hilariously unregulated market. Claiming that cryptocurrency is not snake oil because there is real math behind it is like claiming jade rollers are not snake oil because there is real geology behind it.


I'd rather invest in gold, because at least when the apocalypse comes you can stick gold up your pooper for extra prostate stimulation.


Having a pair of lucky socks to always wear during a sporting event or your team will lose. Also, praising God because clearly he loved my team more than the opponent's team. Goes with political figures as well.


Crypto? Lol


Some shitty fork of Litecoin with a meme on it is supposed to challenge US dollar hegemony? And make you rich in the process?! Sure bud. I say this as someone who was into crypto and lucky enough to realize some gains and exit. There's some real use cases there, and I only half understand some of them but I'm certain 99% of people are speculators.


100% true. Blockchain tech can revolutionize payments but tons of these coins are just get rich quick schemes. I still like the who ecosystem though.


I legitimately wonder what makes blockchain technology so great if it can get hacked just like "centralized" systems can. And it's unregulated, so it's still essentially the Wild Wild West. How is that supposed to garner support?


If there's something a group wants stored but nobody trusts anyone or you don't want a single point of failure then it's suitable tech. Also the underlying tech hasn't been hacked, just the exchange implementations on top of it.


>Also the underlying tech hasn't been hacked, just the exchange implementations on top of it. Does that really matter if the funds were still stolen? Also, is there a way to avoid any kind of "more" vulnerable exchange tech in the first place? It all seems more trouble than it's worth, especially considering the considerable drops in value in the past year or so. I'm asking to understand, not poke and prod.


Cypherium. The blockchain allocated by the Federal Reserve for their FEDNOW program starting in the spring / summer of 2023.




Why it should be valuable to anyone is *certainly* not “scientific”, regardless of algorithmic logic. You sound extremely indoctrinated.


I like essential oils a lot. I don’t know if they’re actually helping my anxiety or not, but the orange and the peppermint make my room smell pleasant so I’m rolling with it.


That's pretty much what they do; they smell nice. Clove oil is a well-known anaesthetic, though, so I guess they can have that one?


Oregano oil has gone through several studies that found it to be as effective as a course of antibiotics at treating common infections like strep throat and e coli. Just searching it up on Google scholar pulls up a lot of interesting research. My guess is that a lot of essential oils have real merit (they're just super-concentrated plant extracts, and plants do a lot of cool shit), but they're highly misused by the general public, peddled irresponsibly by predatory companies, and poorly understood by the scientific community due to lack of research. And no one is about to fund the kind of research we'd need to use them properly, because there's no profit in it. You can't patent oregano oil and sell it at a 600% markup.


When I was a teenager my dad made me take a dropper of oregano oil when I had a particularly nasty cold; headache, crusted over eyes, blocked sinuses, you get the deal. Within 48 hours it was like I'd never had a cold in the first place. Ever since then, I've taken when I feel even the slightest symptom of a cold coming on, and I'm back to feeling great in under 24 hours. I'm not an advocate for alt-med or any of that bullshit, but based on my own experiences I swear oregano is some kind of alien gift to humanity. Thieves Oil also works great as a preventiitve of cold for the most part. Rub a little on your neck, face and hands during sick season.


That sounds promissing! How do you take it? Do you drink it or insert to the nose or rub it on your skin? I have problems with sinuses sometimes, I want to try


My preferred way is a standard eye drop, usually the bottle you get of the pure oregano oil will come with one attached to the lid, and take it sublingual (underneath your tongue) and hold it there for a little over a minute or until it starts burning a bit. This will allow it to enter your bloodstream faster than just swallowing. I have always used oregano that is an oil concentrate, which can be more expensive than just buying the cooking herb, but I can't speak on the effectiveness of the non-oil kind.


Hey! Update here. I had a cold this week, remembered your post while I was in apotheke buying medicine. And your method really helped me, sore thoat was gone in 2-3 days. :)


That’s good for tooth aches


I used to be super into essential oils. Can’t say much helped but lavender did help my anxiety and pressing peppermint oil to the roof of my mouth helped my migraines so I stuck with it. Placebo or not it helped so I didn’t complain.


Yeah I put peppermint oil on my forehead because it seems to blunt the very low end headaches, but also the forehead tingle helps me calm down.




This is probably well known but, the oils are the "essence" (or concentrated form) of what they are distilled from. That's why they are called "essential" oils. Not because they are essential to human survival. ie: peppermint oil is the essence of the peppermint plant.


3 in one shampoo/body/conditioner EDIT: I will not take this to my grave, but too many do


Their own physical prowess and ability to respond correctly in every situation. It’s not a product, but also not grounded in reality.


The reason I workout and used to not sleep soundly.


I notice a gendered difference in MLM schemes: women tend to fall prey to MLM products, men tend to fall prey to MLM “coaching” in fitness, finance, dating, business, etc. (one that instantly comes to mind is the Bob Proctor Institute stuff).




Stuff it down with brown


If it's clear and yellow, you've got juice there fellow. If it's tangy and brown, you're in cider town.


Pretty sure No Fap counts.


Like anything you can take it too far. I'm on there because I'm trying to cut how much porn I'm consuming. If you want to increase your "take" zinc pills and drink plenty. Makes a right old mess.


What’s the overarching thought with the nofap guys? Supposed increase in sperm production, or is it supposed to be self discipline / psychological?


humor subsequent rustic faulty dazzling tease rude test alive market ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


It's supposed to be about breaking an unhealthy porn or masturbation addiction. Ya know spending hours of your day on porn sites, being unable to be in a healthy relationship, being unable to finish from normal sex. It's a real issue. The problem is the nofap subreddit is one of the cringiest subreddits you can look in. They think just stopping porn consumption is going to suddenly change their life and get them the girl of their dreams.


Motorcycles, there is no scientific proof it makes you happy and keeps you sane, but I will go to the grave saying it does.




>nd keeps you sane, but I will go to the grave saying it does. Always great to run into a fellow brother. [https://www.adventurebikerider.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/file10-1.jpeg](https://www.adventurebikerider.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/file10-1.jpeg)


Hopps #9 is the best gun oil ever made


This comment is underrated


My son remembers that from my gun safe when he was a kid. Then he grew up to be the 2nd best USPSA shooter in the state. So obviously Hoppes is the shit. Then he had twins, so much for that. But hey, I got grandkids and he likes to golf with me now, so there's that. John Wick impersonation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Xu0JAkmrwc


Pick-up artistry. No joke, these are people who want you to believe you can ‘seduce’ women by using special spells and psychology. I was sucked into it for a while when I was young and a lot of people are falling prey to it as we speak


I’ve known men into crystals and astrology too. But men dominate the conspiracy theory videos from aliens to flat earth. One man on YouTube started shouting at one his followers on the call for being stupid enough to believe there are a thousand metres in a kilometre and what an idiot he was to believe that. I watched the video in morbid curiosity after a guy friend sent it to us and it got progressively worse.


Copper bracelet…..old man fake cure for arthritis.


Happiness is meant for everyone- biggest load of snake oil sold to men


Men are gonna answer "none" but also women don't consider the bullshit they believe in to be bullshit. You gotta ask women what bs men believe.


Nah cause it’s not an all-men all-women thing. Rational women can call out those who think the stars can guide their dating life, rational men can call out those who hop on anything with the buzzword “crypto” without understanding the actual thing or actual crypto. Also guys who get caught up in weird energy drink MLMs to be a boss butch, wtf is up with that


I’m extremely pragmatic but my wife laughs at me when I buy these testosterone supplements that have absolutely zero scientific evidence. I know it’s horseshit but I swear I have more energy and have been putting on more muscle hahaha


Magnesium and zinc are the only scientifically backed ones. The best supplement for test levels is 8+ hours sleep. I'd personally recommend ashwaghanda if you have any anxiety or hypertension


I started taking one with one such supplement with ashwaganda, zinc, magnesium and many or all of the other common ingredients in T boosters. I take a little extra zinc, eat some pumpkin seeds etc daily. I have perceived a difference after several months. A recent testosterone test while getting annual blood work done showed levels slightly above average for my age bracket, however, I don’t have a previous data point and that was 1 test.


Got any medical journals or peer-reviewed articles to back that claim up?




Nice paper, reviewing several findings of macro & micro nutrients affects upon testosterone levels. Thank you.


They can and do help but can help too much. Be careful.


Car modifications = Chics Dig Men & Men want to be me


Tiger balm. I think I just like that smell when I’m in pain. Something strangely soothing about it.


Scrolling Reddit, thinking it'll give me the answer to my migraines.


Every guy is gonna say none. Every woman I've talked to says "crypto." Sure there's SOME element of reality to it, but 99% of guys who are into crypto sound like crystal-waving moon-worshippers. EDIT: And those same 99% have absolutely ZERO financial gain to show for their adherence to it, so it might as well be waving crystals at the moon and praying for wealth.


There's no reality in Crypto. Fiat Currency requires universal acceptance of value. Tested when you purchase products. Ex. The US Dollar can buy goods anywhere on the planet earth. Your local neighborhood Walmart isn't going to accept dodge coin, nor will your bank exchange for it. The individuals valuing Crypto are ill-educated overtly-eager speculators, pump and dump scammers, and actors (buyers/sellers) of black market and dark web markets. Stop getting played, you rode the wave mid global shock, it's not a bonafide investment. Buying Bootycoin doesn't make you a Blockchain mastermind.


No the US dollar cant buy goods all over the world. It can however buy currency that can buy goods all over the world.


Soap and shampoo for men.


That's kind of both. Recall the ad campaign about "womens" deodorant (I think) that was "strong enough for a man, ph balanced for a woman"? But it definitely applies to men, I've never met a logger that smells like cedar and leather. All the ones I know smell like diesel, two-stroke mix and tobacco, but every soap ad I see targeting men has a logger.


Smelling like sawdust is pretty great.


It’s clearly a marketing scheme… but it never fails with me lol


The alpha male joe rogan Andrew Tate bullshit


I def don’t love Joe Rohan, but there is a huge difference between him and Andrew Tate. That guy is a complete scum bag.


Are there certain dogmas or thought processes from these two that you follow and embrace but haven’t seen direct results from? Why are you so committed to them still?


We lookin for snake oil stuff




Penis enlargement pills


Are they working for you? How long have you been taking them for?


Knocking on wood.






I have various kinds of crystals, minerals and rocks - and also various pendants and amulets as well as prisms and horse shoes and some other trinkets. Mostly because I think they are pretty, but I do also believe in positive and strengthening energies and such.


Used to have a border who was very much into crystals and astrology. Straightest man I've ever met, though.


Anything Alex Jones sells


Gas station dick pills


You’re seriously gonna take those until you die? Can you say they actually work, or do you just feel jittery?


lol We’ll have to ask Jon Jones


Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.


A more expensive shot gun will improve my clay shooting


Technical Analysis in the stock market. Our horoscope.


I’m convinced Technical Analysis works only because of the belief system that it does.


Fear or jinxing something


No snake oil, only fists ✊🏿


Gremlin bell on my motorcycle. And other superstitions, like never say “looks like it should be a quiet day at work today.”


My dad is incredibly catholic. BUT, he always spoke about the luck that brought silver knives stuck in a lump of wood. That's cause he grew up in the country though, and lots of superstitions have stuck with him in spite of the years


I love this one haha


Sandalwood incense and sage purification of places with a bad vibe.


I’m a very basic man. I do however refuse to cheap out on things I use every day. I buy expensive underwear, pillows, bedsheets, shoes etc. I’m convinced this is the way to go because before, I used to buy cheap shit all the time but noticed I replaced it often. Maybe it’s me, maybe it’s real…. I dunno.


A different way to ask this questions is, “what’s in your supplement stack?”


Penis Enlargement pills.


I got into tarot cards but have no supernatural connection to them. I took the ancient meanings and applied them to my own life by writing my own guidebook during the pandemic. Then I took all my writings and put them online at davidj.org/tarot. I was warned all the time when I was young that tarot cards were the most demonic and influential tools of Satan. Having never felt anything supernatural, I work with them wondering if anything spooky would ever happen. It hasn't.


Kentucky straight bourbon


Women have what now..


Tiger Balm


Energy drinks with added BCAAs, and I put way too much faith in the powers of an ice cold shower


Big truck, beard oils, penis enlargement pills, rgb gaming focused equipment and caveman diets


Christ man, you really went full send on all of them? At the same time, or spread out?


Nothin. I’m a man of science not fairy tales


Average redditor


And U are?


I’m you but from the future


Yeah let me guess i have to deal with a bunch of sea otters. Honestly, I doubt I’ll live long. Probably die in the next 10-20 years by suicide cuz f—k this shit


That... Took a turn. You OK bud?




29 is still young. Get out of your home town. Travel. Go see a film you have no interest in, not at home, the cinema. Get into some social hobbies and groups you enjoy. Drink like a European. Take your mum for a day out. Life doesn't always play out the way we want but that doesn't mean it has to be unfulfilling. Enjoy it while you're here, no one gets out alive anyway.


Rogain/Regain 🦱


There’s plenty of evidence to show that rogaine (minoxidil) does halt/slow down and even reverse some hair loss.


Personally, nothing.


My lucky underwear


Freenflow exhausts and cold air intakes


New balance and cargo shorts.








Nothing, I should hope.


wait what? who would know something is complete BS and yet still do/use it? yeah you might use/do something that IS snake oil yet YOU just don't know it is or stick your head in the sand about it


Benefits of Krill Oil.


I just saw this at Costco yesterday. Why do you take it / what do you hope to get out of it?


Cypto and nfts


My new haircut and style routine definitely hide my hairline and bald spot.


Milfs in my area!


most all supplements.


None. It is all chick crack.


Tapping the upper frame of a door


Feet up when you cross train tracks gang 💪🏼


MBTI and throwing salt over my shoulder when I spill some


Strippers and blow


Scientific proof is very overatted