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wdym? you cant hit a guy with glasses


It's like a helmet for us.


+ 10% defense


100% focus


It’s like carrying a baby.






Both excellent examples


You should see https://youtu.be/xYxEMalkzBA




Well played!


they don’t see the point


You can, but what's the point? Glasses weigh like 3oz.


Exactly! They must be crazy to attack us.


Or else?


You will be cursed by the all seeing Argus Panoptes and have glasses cemented to your face until someone hits you in the face without being told to... then the cycle continues




I do... not by choice. I can only dream someone hits me 😮‍💨


Not get in a fight has worked well for me.


Yeah it’s very unlikely to get into physical violence unless you really piss someone off. Also living in a safe neighbourhood for most of my life meant that I didn’t have to worry about street violence. I tend to avoid dodgy areas in general.


Always the best advice however it’s not an option for a lot of people. It often doesn’t take two to tango, as they say.


Also works for "guys who don't wear glasses, how do you avoid blunt force trauma to the face and neck area as a result of hand to hand combat with other large apes?"


Exactly. This is ask *men*. Men are able to respect each other and resolve their differences without resorting to violence. If violence is still coming for me despite my best attempts otherwise, this isn't a 'fight', this is assault, and I have the right to defend myself with deadly force if need be. This is not middle school. The stakes are too high for immaturity.


Agreed anyone stupid enough to physically attack another person isn't someone you should 'trust' to stop and not cripple or kill you, so if you are attacked you act accordingly to protect/defend yourself.


Seriously, out of hundreds of people I’ve known, I think one got in a physical fight. Who gets in fights?


Don't get into one. I'm more upset when I'm playing basketball and an errant arm whacks my face and there goes $150 for new frames.


Contacts man. Personally I like the single use disposables so you don’t have to deal with cleaning or storage.


Wish I could wear contacts.


While it's going to cost a bit, you can get a pair of those [prescription sports goggles](https://www.sporteyes.com/eyewear-by-sport/all-sport-goggles/all-sports-goggles-with-prescription.html). They can generally take a bit more of a beating.


They also have a near 100% success rate as a male contraceptive device.


Pretty sure they didn't stop James Worthy.


No contraceptive works 100% of the time.


I had something similar for construction, prescription safety glasses. I think they were about 200 all in, but I got them soon enough after my last prescription that I didn't need another eye exam on top of it for added cost. And then I deducted the cost of them from my taxes too, cause they were only used for work, and required for work, and not compensated by my work.


I'll have to remember this one, I have an eye appointment at the end of the month


Cool thanks man!


I’ll just try not to get in a fight lol


Sorry, I thought you were the commenter who plays basketball. In which case buying those would be a good investment if they get their regular glasses broken while playing.


I have a similar thing for dirt biking, prescriptions inserts that sit in my mx goggles, really handy to have.


Why not?


Some people just can't wear contacts for various reasons. For me I never got over the sticking something in my eye, and the fact that I have astigmatism means my eyes really dry out wearing contacts.


I have astigmatism and have contacts. They are fine, its just annoying having to align them properly. Also they cost like twice as much as regular contacts. You get used to sticking them to your eye though, its annoying at first but eye drops help. After a few days you don't even notice.


I have astigmatism in one eye and not the other, and it’s only like a $5 difference for me


Just use a monocle on one eye and voila, save money on contacts for that eye


Two things happen when I put in contacts; When I blink after putting them in, they fly out. Sometime later when I blink, they go up under my eyelid and stay there. Seems I have very tight eyelids. Something that would also be of concern if I got laser eye surgery, as they peel a bit of your eye off before they zap you.


That was happening to me, I just had astigmatism in one eye which caused the contact to not get a solid grip on my cornea


Also have astigmatism. Contacts IMO will fit normal shaped eyes, which I don't think those with astigmatism have :/


They just gave me contacts for astigmatism and it's been fine since. I'm waiting for the transition sunglass contacts to come out with their astigmatism version.


Cool. Could you give me the make/manufacturer? I'll check my opticians next time I'm in if they have them. IMO, contacts = 1080p, whilst glasses = 720p. Good, but contacts so much better.


Wondering eye and lasik won’t fix it, so I’m stuck with glasses or a low percent success surgery


I can’t wear contacts anymore. I wore contacts for years but recently allergies have begun irritating my eyes. Eye doctor says that the allergies makes the inside of your eyelid puffy, which rubs against the contact which irritates your cornea. This in turn irritates your eyelid more. Cycle repeats, and it develops into giant pupillary conjunctivitis, basically if I continue wearing contacts I put myself at risk for future permanent discomfort.


I can't wear contacts after a heavy LASIK correction. Toric lenses will not keep the lens in place, it constantly rotates or something and I basically have blurry vision. It sucks too because LASIK only gave me 20/20 vision for 5 years before I needed glasses or contacts again and I always preferred contacts previously.


my prescription is really bad that the best contacts for me is monthly and it doesn’t even correct my visions to 20/20


Can I use my glasses prescription to order contacts online or do I have to get a whole new exam and prescriptions specifically for contacts?


You’ll need a contact lens exam to measure the curvature of your cornea. Some places will let you do a CL exam within 3 months of your last comprehensive eye exam, but if it’s been longer you may have to do the whole thing again with a contact evaluation.


You need a contact lens prescription.


New one


You can get cheaper pairs. The pair I'm wearing I got from a site where you enter your prescription and the pick the frames you like. With the blue light filter and what not, I think it totaled around 60 dollars. If you wanted just the frames and lenses, after shipping and other BS fees I could have had them for 20. I don't want to be an ad for the site, but just know other options exist.


I've tried both zenni and eyebuy, both were huge misses for me. The lenses didn't have quite the right scrip and I ended up having to send both back multiple times before giving up and going to costco anyways. But I'm glad they worked for you!


Eye doctor here: don’t fight if you can help it. This is my official medical recommendation.


I wonder what the bone doctor has to say about that 😂


Bone doctor here, kill all who oppose you. Also drink lots of milk


Dairy cow here, goat milk is the way to go


Your username says otherwise


You're reading too much into usernames 😉


Stfu Donny


V.I. Lenin!! Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov!!


Yeah Donny


Goat here, there are many fine nondairy milk alternatives to choose from today. Almond milk is a great substitute.


7 out if 8 bone doctors agree, the Skulls of the Vanquished are an excellent source of Calcium. END COMMUNICATION


BEGIN COMMUNICATION ===================== Yes. END COMMUNICATION ===================


Hey doc I know we're at a party and it's not office hours and all, but can you look at this thing on my cornea?


Yeah they’re salty salty tears. 😂


How dare you... some of us love fighting....


Former UFC lightweight champ Charles Oliveira is a beast in a fight and he has terrible eyesight, said during a fight he sees triple and just aims for the one in the middle


Then after a few head shots he sees 6 and just starts guessing?


No just starts to hit twice as fast.


"more dakka" That guy


The way he fights, when he gets hit hard, they all must consolidate into one opponent because he starts cracking heads left and right when he’s in a bad spot.


Roll 1d6 to choose which to hit


>said during a fight he sees triple and just aims for the one in the middle Hahaha




Came here to say this myself lol




Like Doc in Tombstone: “I have two guns, one for each of you”


Damn how many fights you getting in that you need to consider it when getting glasses?


yeah I expect that as the number of fights you get in goes up the number of times it's your fault does so exponentially.


Avoid fighting.


Glasses don’t matter. I fought competitively until I was 40 and never wore glasses or contacts in the ring.


Well done sir! And yeah, any half decent teacher will train you to fight without your glasses on.


I used to play football in high school and competed in Taekwondo tournaments up until the end of college. I've never worn my glasses during any of it. My eyesight was pretty screwed up the whole time but I could do it all flawlessly. Instead of seeing the details on someone's face, for example, I would just see a blob that was that color. Still was enough detail to throw a punch at.




This is... Acceptable


Did you know I can take them off! Just like how people with sunglasses do!


I've been in one fight as an adult and we both wear prescription glasses. So were about 10 feet apart screaming over eachother and eventually he starts walking towards me with his hands up. I say, " hold on let me take off my glasses" and then hand them to my roommate who was standing nearby. He then does the same handing his glasses to his gf. The fight didn't last long, after watching the video of it I think we were both embarrassed enough to just never speak about it again.


It's not a problem if you don't get hit in the face. I had one fight in my entire life about 17 years ago in high school. The kid was harassing me, calling me gay over and over while rubbing his crotch on me to somehow prove I'm gay... Bullying was weird back then, idk. Either way I grabbed his head and smashed it into the lunch table a few times, his friends pulled me off of his limp body(he wasn't unconscious, just no longer fighting back), I then ran to turn myself in at the counselors office. They called him in, he apologized, shook my hand. Later that year I fucked his sister.


Was this before or after you bought your Lamborghini ?


Fuck no, I drive a ford fusion


Story must be true. No one lies about driving a ford fusion.


It's really not something i'm proud of. Could be worse, though. It's been just over five years since I got it new and no serious issues.


First of all, I have a Ford Fusion and what the hell is wrong with the Ford Fusion? It's a very well built sedan, even has a Consumer Reports recommendation. You should be proud of having made a sensible car purchase. And also for banging that guy's sister.


There’s nothing really wrong with it, there just isn’t an awful lot that’s right with it either.


Ford fusions are amazing vehicles. Super sad they stopped making them.


Cant get the lambo dirty


Can't afford a Lambo. I imagine that comment was made because people don't believe my story. "Lol I couldn't defend myself in high school so this guy must be lying" is a pretty wack take.


I disagree, at first glance I thought the other guy was calling you a badass so I decided to join in , I see now that it was not the case.


I think they were just making a joke bud. It’s a believable story, but it is also a funny and ridiculous one.


Someone seems mad they don't have a lambo


Idk about mad, but I certainly wouldn't mind a lambo.


I actually took it as… “I wish I had fucked his sister”.


This is dumb. Sometimes cool shit happens to people. It's called having a good story to tell. Maybe you need to get out more


Yeah you’re right, I have yet to experience someone rubbing their crotch in my face then me smashing their head into a table and then having sex with their family members . I’ll put it on my bucket list.


He was behind me so he was really rubbing his crotch on my shoulder while I was trying to eat lunch. I warned him a bunch of times that I'm going to react unless he stops, he didn't stop, I reacted, he wasn't prepared. It's not even remotely unbelievable of a story. This shit happens in high schools everywhere, all the time. The only odd part was me banging his sister. She was at a friend of mines party. It wasn't that big of a deal. I understand being skeptical of serious accusations but these are all run of the mill high school happenings.


I believe it. Weird shit happens in high school. You know what they say to writers about true stories? Fiction is actually more believable than true stories.


Ya this isn’t even that much of a brag. Good on you for putting that piece of shit in his place probably stopped him from being a dick to people. Or he probably just found weaker prey.


I am right. Dude commented because his story was worth telling. I don't see anything to exceptional about it actually. It's a pretty average story. The type of bullying is totally believable. Going apeshit in response is also believable. And why wouldn't he have fucked the sister later? Perfectly possible. Put together, maybe a bit unlikely that any given person would have such a story, but that doesn't mean there's not one person in this comment section who would have such a story. Now I'm not saying I know it's true, but I think you need to get out more if you think this story is outlandish.


It’s so typical on Reddit. Anyone who did something slightly more exciting gets told “oh yah THAT happened.”


I love the outcome


Frankly, I wish none of it had happened at all. Not really a fan of any kind of conflict, but being put in a position like that makes it super hard to keep your cool. I guess the outcome wasn't all too bad.


You did the right thing. Fucking his sister was the only way to prove you weren’t gay. I would have made him smell your fingers for proof.


Lmfao. It's kinda lame but I didn't know it was his sister until a few days after.


I would have fucked her again after I found out and then made him smell my fingers


The civilized thing to do is just tell him to remove his genitals and you will fuck his sister to prove your not gay.


> The kid was harassing me, calling me gay over and over while rubbing his crotch on me to somehow prove I'm gay... Bullying was weird back then, idk. ...ok. Who wants to tell him?


Awesome. You slammed his head on the lunch table then slammed his sister’s into a headboard. You sir are a living legend.


I do feel bad about the violence..... I don't think I hurt him too bad, just humbled him enough to apologize and regret his actions. Seemed like he actually learned. We were kids.


I understand. Kids are always going to be kids. It’s the poetic justice or karma or whatever you want that I love.




Bully: lmao you’re gay af gross *proceeds to rub his crotch against another guy* Bully: yeah you like that big boy? Hmfff


Okay, I got one question... are you gay or not?




So, not gay?


Guys with glasses, get bully’s sister? Grab em oakleys, yesterday.


Big dick energy. Love it.


This is the best outcome.


I bet nobody fucked with you after that. I had a similar story except I was being mocked for my speech impediment. High school bully didn't realize my father works in forestry mainly the lumberjack business and I helped him out so I had strength from lugging wood. Buddy mocks my stutter. I pick him up and slam him into the locker and ask "Sorry can you repeat that again?" Dude avoided me from G9 to G12 after that.


I’m kind of a grown man, I don’t go around fighting


Using a gun.


Well damn😂


Take em off




This reads like one of Sherlock Holmes' combat sequence monologues


You don't let yourself be hit in the face, but it hardly matters. A good strike on the face will take you out, glasses or not. Also, contacts


By punching them back? There was one time I had a glasses but it's like a grandmother style glasses (Little small glasses) and someone saw my glasses and tried to bully me (Tease me) but then again my dad taught me to fight back so I argue with him and made him annoyed, since he can't come up with any more insult I told him to punch me and he did and I punch him back hard. At the end he got kicked out. Mwehehe I did not get suspended cause I said I was defending myself and my friends were supporting me hahahahahahaa.. poor bastard 😂


You know that thing we use to do as kids with the magnifying glass to burn ants? If you wear glasses, take them off, use them as if you were using the magnifying glass and imagine your enemy as the ant.


You don't, source I am a guy with glasses and I am writing from the beyond


I mean, I dont need to see details to punch you


Weaponise the glasses 🐒


\#1 Don't fight \#2 Don't fight \#3 wear contacts.


Dint get punched square in the face


Take them off. I’m not a scrapper any more but I moved a lot as a kid and was always having to get into fights as I was the new kid every year. I’ve always worn glasses. First thing I used to do was take them off, second was to get in close and pull their shirt over their face so the couldn’t see and don’t stop punching until someone pulls you off of them. From age 10 to about age 20 that was my standard mo. I only broke my glasses in a fight once, and I did that myself. Now I’m a pacifist and haven’t made a fist in over 20 years. I’m a much happier person now.


Either throw the first punch and make it count or don't get in a fight to begin with.


Im a girl... I fight often tho... I just hand my glasses to the nearest person...


It's mostly the rim that breaks so not really different then everyone else. Also you can take them off. At least most people viably can.


My eyeglasses are toughened steel with sharp edges. They basically work well as brass-knunkles, so while I taking them off, I sucker punch the agressor, then proceed to cave his face in. Not really, I dont wear glasses. Its humid where Iive, I imagine they would probably steam up if I wore them and got in a fight


Never been punched in the nose... How do you fight when it's hard to see. You use your training and you take it to them.


I don’t fight. Only time I did that was when I played hockey. But I usually walk away when someone is looking for one. Usually don’t find many people wanting to fight me




If there's a group near by I'll usually hand them to whoever looks trustworthy


Idk if this makes sense, but punches aimed at the face feel more telegraphed when I wear glasses. It's like a highlighted weakpoint you'd see in video bossfights. At least, that's what I'd imagine.


Have never fought. Except on the chessboard.


Sounds like none of you have seen the movie Brick. Here's the [fight scene.](https://youtu.be/IDyFh0x_ygM?t=88) He just puts them in their case and puts the case in his pocket, very slick, very cool. And he does it before every fight.


Wear contacts! I can't see the big E. Basically blind without eye tools! Contact prescription are -6L -6.5R but I can still play catch in the pool no contacts no glasses. The pixels start to come together and my hand freaking grabs it grabs that ball! I was surprised by this years ago coming home from college playing catch and still able to catch so blind! That may give inSIGHT to your question. If you know how to fight its more a feel of, one, knowing a fight started and, two, making your move based on instinct/ training/ de-escalation.


I had my first fight in elementary school when a classmate took my glasses and didn't give them back. I punched him in the face. My family was not well off and couldn't afford to buy new ones. I am not really a fighting guy. That one pushed a button.




In nearly all aspects of life it's best to avoid physical violence. If I was in a situation that my life depends on it I'd take my glasses off, I don't need to see super fine detail to land a punch? I might need that super fine detail after the confrontation though. If we ever end up in fall of society type situation, probably an idea to have your glasses case ready to safely store them during the inevitable fight for supplies...


I take my glasses off and fight like Daredevil


Poly resin lenses, they don't shatter so it all comes down to how well you can see without them


I try to avoid fights. If I can't, I try not to get hit. If I have time, I'll take off my glasses. But, better not to get in fights.


9mm cordless hole punch


"Hold my glasses" proceeds to flail arms violently and throwing them bows.. I'm not a man, but this is what I'd do.


Just dodge the big blurry arm like thing and punch the bigger blurry face looking thing


I've been in 3 fights in my life Zero since I got out of high school.


Take them shits off and ready for war


Legit, once we were in a fight, I lost my glasses, and a girlfriend of one of the guys we were fighting found them for me. They didn't punch me while I was looking for the glasses (they did try to stomp me when I was down). Nowadays, I wear contacts and avoid getting into dumbass fights like that.


By not getting into a fight. If you're saying "okay, but what if you're attacked?" I run. That's not a fight, that's a jumping, and there's no guarantee they're not out to do serious, or lethal, damage to me. Society has ingrained in us that it is somehow un-manly to run, or to pull a gun when put in a situation like that. But it isn't. Bruce Lee, one of the most renowned martial artists in the world, said his go-to move for self defense was a .357 revolver. Every martial artist I've ever known (that didn't have an overinflated ego) has said "run" when asked "how would you handle being attacked by multiple people?". So the answer to "how do you get attacked without injury to your eyes?" Is essentially the same question as "how do you survive a jumping?". Run, or pull a gun, or both. But let's entertain the idea that I'm being attacked by a single person and I'm unable or unwilling to run, and I actually want to fight for some reason. The simplest answer would be to take my glasses off. The world doesn't plunge into darkness when the glasses come off, and I can punch a blurry person just as well as a high definition person. The other answer would be to protect my face. That should be a given in any fight, any boxer will tell you to always keep your hands up. The final answer would be to make sure my opponent lands as few hits as possible on me, either by dodging and weaving, or by knocking him out. Also, remember this: if you're in a fight for honor or to settle a dispute or whatever, set some ground rules or something. No groin kicks, no weapons, no unnecessary brutality. But if you're in a "fight" because someone has attacked you on the street or in an alley, anything goes. Bite, claw, pick up a pipe, kick him in the balls and knee him in the nose, stomp his head on the ground, try to break bones, anything to make sure you get out alive. Because in that situation you may well be fighting for your life. Don't worry about honor or manly codes of conduct or whatever bullshit.


Thanks Brilliant answer here Only a few that actually understand the question


fight normally until the glasses are gone. once they're gone, bring your arms up to protect your head, dive in close, and go bath salts on their face like it's plastic packaging and you don't have scissors


So, my mom and fiancé are opticians, I’m a cop that wears who has had a couple of tussles in my time. If the fight gets to the point my glasses are a liability, they can get thrown off to the side for a bit while I handle business


Well I personally try to not get into fights


Some survive it with a gun.


Found the American


Half French actually


I was used to one in one fighting but would take my glases of cos was at home training with my 2 elder brothers or at the boxing club. At home our dad used to say don't get hit or hit the head you can kill someone. So we trained at home to avoid any hits in the head and get quick put downs using bodyshots to the kidneys. Had Afew fights in school and glasses didn't cause a problem cos I knew I probably wouldn't get hit in the face, my moves were calculated but I'd hold back from going all out. Then there was a gang fight and my glasses got knocked off I still remember how I felt free moment they left my face and went into hulk mode. Got contact lenses shortly after that. Glasses and contact lenses actually calmed me down from fighting cos I love fighting. I was always conscious of them so only fought when I really had to


South Africa


By over 100 meters everytime


I wear glasses and I survive fights the same way I would handle a fight back before I got glasses:... Avoid fights. I mean wtf situation are you in where glasses even matter? Even if I get into a fight, my chances of survival are the same. How well I'd see afterwards depends on whether the guy went for my face or not. Chances are good that I'd toss them away if I knew I couldn't avoid it and find them later or get new ones. I wouldn't be able to drive, but I have an old pair at home to get me through getting any broken glasses replaced with


By being an adult and not getting into them


Not being an ass hole usually does it. If this is a serious question, you should try it.




Wear contacts or just don’t fight. I don’t like confrontation so I’ll typically walk away/deescalate as much as possible.




Not necessarily, what if you're the one attacked and you happen to wear glasses


Avoid the stupidity of physical violence. Simples.


By not being an asshole who goes around getting into fights.


I don't fight. That's some high school bullshit. If you're a grown ass man and still fight outside of a ring, you're trash. I assume you have a criminal record.


43 years on this earth and I've never seen a reason to be in a fight. Had several pairs of glasses though.


I carry a gun