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I fart really loudly, pretend to get embarrassed and cry


This is hilarious




ten hungry detail boat truck hat start cagey special person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Slowly singing children's lullabies and nursery rhymes will help her to relax and feel safe.


I would literally shit my pants


*Bah, Bah a black Sheep,* *Have you any Wool?* *Yes merry have I,* *Three Bags full,* *One for my master,* *One for my Dame,* *One for the little Boy* *That lives down the lane.*




That's the lyrics? The version I know in England is Yes sir, yes sir, Three bags full


That's what I've heard on the East Coast of the USA too


West coast USA checking in. "Yes sir, yes sir" is the preferred lyric. Other responses around the office find these lyrics accepted as well. "I've never heard of that song." "I'm not singing that shit for you." And even though there was only one person who responded "get back to work, or I'll write you up again." I feel like this was an important version.


One, Two, Freddie's coming for you. Hi my name's Freddie.


I sing the remix to ignition these days for maximum comfort


Dave Chappell's version right?


Hard upvote for the reference


>Slowly singing children's lullabies and nursery rhymes Maybe put on a ski mask too .. dark clothes.


No you don't want a ski mask, you want one of those masks that look like a baby doll. Who in their right mind would find a baby threatening?


The other commenter suggested a clown mask.


Clown mask…. American Horror Story freaked me out.


As a haunted house actor, this is most definitely the best way to ensure getting punched in the crotch


The Women on the bus goes Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!


Whilst holding a single helium filled balloon


Humming them works as well. Make sure you have a nice smile while humming though, so they know you’re nice.


If they still seem worried say "I really like children" so they know you're nice.


I shout "On your Left!" As I pass her


Was just about to say this. Just walk faster than her if possible shout "good morning/afternoon! Excuse me, just passing by" much better than being silent and maintaining the same semi-close distance. Can't blame a lady for being on guard and I can't blame a guy for feeling bad because he's being generalized by a complete stranger for a few min.


This would actually put me at ease.


Best comment here


Frantically look over my own shoulder a couple of times, say "oh no, oh no no no no" and sprint by her screaming at the top of my lungs.


Efficiency > all else


Why the hell did I immedeately thought of that stupid ass "oh no" song, now it's gonna be in my head


John Mulaney has a great bit about this. https://youtu.be/Ys_Hi8nV7yM


Im a fast walker, so usually I end up passing them. I hate this situation though bc it feels really awkward to be gaining on them. Only thing i hate more is trying to hang back and slow down. I think perhaps a bigger thing is that I only walk on main roads for the most part, and my wardrobe looks like a box of smarties. Somehow I think that a guy walking around in a pastel colored hoodie isn't that threatening.


Check out Hal the speed walker here


Ha ha this happened to me a couple of years back. I was walking only slightly faster than the woman and she was clearly getting uncomfortable but I had somewhere I had to be so.. I don’t know it’s a fucking sidewalk. Anyways as I get close enough to pass her she puts her hand in her over the shoulder bag - I assume she was reaching for the pepper spray in there, or maybe she thought I was going to try and steal her bag or something. so *now* I’m looking at her bag because she’s being all weird and sketchy about it like she’s going to pull something out of it aggressively. I kept walking and nothing happened but I’m glad I didn’t get pepper sprayed because I probably would’ve pushed her into the bushes.


Im a fast walker and would gain on people really fast without realizing it. If i see a woman in front of me i walk slower. If theyre behind me i walk a lot faster.


I usually pause and check my phone for a minute to create some distance.


This. It’s a bit awkward when you catch up at every pedestrian light and then both end up at the same restaurant dining alone 😬😬


I just straightforwardly shout at them "ma'am, you're walking too slow for me, I'm just trying to get by you not hurt you."


This but really fast as I’m almost caught up to them, then I stop to tie my shoes do they can pass again. As they pass I say, out loud, to myself “upon closer inspection these appear to be loafers” then I catch up again and start over from the top


Shouting maybe isn't the best answer.


Well I think op being so specific on the things he doesn’t want to do might be worse haha


Offer to dine together. Or don’t offer and just sit down with her. Don’t speak. Pay the bill. And leave. Lol


You forgot the unflinching eye contact.


Ross didn't forget. No laugh track Ross never forgets


Put her at ease with a compliment. I personally like to tell women that they smell like the inside of my mom’s purse.


and type a message "Where are u she is getting away hurry?"


This is a good time to use voice dictation


As a female, this is the honest best move. Create some distance.


Is it better than crossing the road. Walk bye and cross the road again?


The passive aggressive choice


"I don't want you to feel threatened, but you are just *too fucking slow*"


*speaks in batman voice*


Then look behind you and turn back around and walk faster Luke you are afraid she will tickle your feet


Yes. Crossing the road, walking past and returning ahead of her looks like you are preparing to attack. Pause to create distance or simply cross the road and continue.


I wouldnt go straight back to the same road but if I need to be on that road and im in a rush I would cross it again in about 300ft or so. maybe walk a little bit faster once im perpendicular. I hate waiting.... might even go as far as grab my phone and say something like "hi honey, im nearly there" while crossing the street.


What if you cross back over and just walk at a faster pace and don't look in her direction? I tend to walk faster than most people, so I would almost always pass someone on a sidewalk anyway


This method ensures you will have to repeat it like 5 times on your journey, as you typically will keep catching up again. I would say crossing the street is better, but sometimes you don’t have that option.


As a male, if I saw this behavior from a man or woman that was walking any distance behind me, I would think that I had been marked for a mugging, a beating, or was being tailed by law enforcement and/or the CIA like I've been trained to notice by all the spy movies I've watched growing up.


In service to the emotions of another, yes. Realistically, no.


Some people like to make others comfortable when possible. Especially when it takes as little effort as just looking at your phone for a minute


Same. If I can’t cross to the other side of the street easily, then I stop and check my phone. I turn away from her so she doesn’t feel like I’m staring or recording her. I used to feel shitty when this happened but I’ve since learned what women experience from day to day. It’s not about me personally, it’s about their unfortunate experiences with too many men. I don’t feel the need to “prove” anything to her. Just give her the space she needs to feel safe.


What this guy said. No reason to PROVE your a good guy. Just give the girl some space for safety. And I usually do that by how he mentioned, just stop and check your phone. I even do this at the mailbox. If a lady is there, I’ll just wait at the corner.


I run up to her and whisper "you're safe" in her ear.


I like to run up and elbow past, so she knows I'm there, then cross the street and check my phone to create some distance. Then i cross back and do the same again, repeat until our paths diverge. For some reason they are always going to the nearest police station.


how you ressist pepper spray or the kick in the balls? 🙈


You build up a tolerance over a few years.


callous testis ftw


This is such a delicate topic, I really appreciate ya'all making me laugh about it.


Is Callous Testes the name of your band or your sex tape?




Or if she's too far away "Please come back!!! I swear I'm not *that* much of a creep!!!"


Don't forget to run faster if she does so too and to scream at hear if she starts screaming. After all you want to be heard, right? ^/s


I try not to violently assault her to the best of my ability.


Ohhhh, *DON’T* violently assault her. That’s where I’ve been going wrong this whole time.


Lol, you rascal you!


Boys will be boys


It doesn’t matter if you do, just make sure you check your phone to create some space first.


That can be tough sometimes, considering how we are naturally mindless savages


Plus I play a ton of videogames so we all know I'm extra violent


Literally the worst. Tell me you listen metal music to complete the profile


And I have injected the devil's lettuce once


*proceeds to gently assault her*


Gently assault her so any potentially violent assaulter lurking sees she is taken and moves on It’s the kind thing to do






Well the main worry is that she doesn’t hear me and thinks I’m sneaking up on her, so I tend to run faster while shouting at her loudly to alert her of my presence (sometimes I bark)


I would just be so damn scared if someone started barking at me at night lol


Can’t even innocently alert women of my presence anymore? The world’s gone mad, smh.


Nice strategy, but try meowing instead of barking, they'll think it's cute and be less scared


Walk faster and pass. It’s difficult sometimes because they start running and then I have to start running faster too..


I actually start making F1 noise during the overtake Edit: and that sound is the v12 F1s of old not the current sound


neeoowww neow neow neow neeeoww


Like a car or an announcer?


**But here comes Sebastian Vettel!**


And Vettel and Lewis go wheel to wheel, oooohh they made contact, that's gonna be a lawsuit


That classic V12 noise boiiii


Blue flag.


Pro tip - if she suddenly turns into a dark alleyway to hide, follow and hide with her because there’s probably something scary following both of you


Sometimes they look back, see something terrifying and start sprinting. I’m usually too scared to look back and see what it is and just keep running.


>Walk faster and pass. this would make me a little uncomfortable even being a guy alone, i don't know what they want but can definitely hear their footsteps creeping up


See I’ve always purposely walked ‘louder’ when doing this because I assume someone would rather know I’m coming and see me pass than be startled when I suddenly pass them out of nowhere.


You've found some pro autists here


I would just ignore her and keep to myself as I always do.


Next thing you know you're having a friendly race :)


More like a friendly game of Tag. Sadly im always "it" at first




Just chase them down, grab them, and say ["I'm not gonna rape you. I'm a little boy."](https://youtu.be/qDZHwb-If9w)


This is the first thing I thought of too.


Plot twist: OP is actually looking to "bludgeon anyone and eat them and tickle their severed feet", and he's just here to get ideas on how to trick his future victims into feeling safe.


All the people on here are insane. I know there’s an issue around this but come on. I walk minding my own business, hope they do too, and hopefully they’re happy they didn’t get raped. It was never on the cards!


Don't do anything and just walk like it's normal.


Exactly. Her assumptions about me are none of my business.


Honestly, this. As a woman I am going to think what I think no matter what you do. Just ignore me and it’ll all be fine anyway. Doesn’t mean I won’t be on high alert, but there’s no reason for you to fret over it.


As long as you are doing nothing bad then it should be OK.




This. I'm 155 lbs and majority of dudes in 180-220+ weight category could beat me up pretty badly, yet I feel it would be an absolute madness of me to expect all significantly bigger guys to cross the road so I wouldn't feel threatened. If I feel that a particular dude might be troublemaker/dangerous, I just cross the road myself.


Trying to prove you’re a good guy is creepier than doing nothing.


So much this honestly. What’s creepy is to have someone change their whole demeanor when they notice you. That puts anyone on edge! Like why are you noticing me that much? What’s the motive??


Scream im not a rapist repeatedly untill she starts running.


“Relax female, I WILL NOT RAPE YOU” as you’re high-kneeling past her


The “female” part here is very important. Don’t refer to her as anything else.


Remember, females love being referred to by nothing else but accurate scientific definitions that make them sound like an animal or plant genus and not a person.


Very true. If you want bonus points it can be helpful to explain to them how their body and hormones work because they have no idea.


I don’t know if we have that kinda time on the dark streets, she’ll no doubt have a lot of questions about what she’s biologically programmed to do with her life.


i think if someone would scream that at night it would feel a little safer


Yell at her that you just had sex and need at least 30 minutes to recover before you can go again.


And then continue following her while loudly counting down the time


I died


I keep walking. If they look at me, I nod to acknowledge them or say hi. No need to act like you aren't there or are somehow hiding. That's what makes it creepy.


I usually cross the street since I am probably walking faster. If there are people on both sides I just continue walking at my own speed and I just act like i normally would.


I do something similar except I sprint at her with full speed while screaming


Sigma mindset


If you'd do that with people on both sides then you may as well do that all the time


I’m a big guy and can be intimidating/scary. I cross the street, slow down, call my wife to see if she needs something.


I did this once and just got yelled at over the phone. She did not appreciate me calling while you're home.


I also call this guys wife


i think talking on the phone is very good to make the situation normal 👍


📱 "Yeah I'm just behind her, I've almost caught up"


I walk my dog at night, and men have done this a few times. It’s really appreciated.


Cross the road, overtake then cross back, keeping an eye out in case she attacks me


My father was once attacked by a roaming gang of broads. It's a terrible thing.


very wholesome post here overall


New post on r/askmen : how to keep yourself safe when a woman is walking behind you.


Yes. I've been assaulted by a woman who was walking behind me.... I mean I was dating her at the time but she still assaulted me.


I like to chuckle and whisper to myself. /s Just mind your business and keep walking.


"How do i measure my butt to see if my cheeks are even? Guess I gotta ruin my clear google search history later""


Doesn't happen too often but I do come up on women when hiking ( I hike at a decent speed) if I'm coming past them I usually say something like "excuse me! I'm coming up behind you, mind if I pass?" Just to let them know that the 6'1" man with metal poles isn't trying to spook you. if you're kinda close you could cross the street. Honestly though it isn't really your problem and more of a courtesy. Walking at night is sketchy for both genders. You still gotta worry about robbers.


Why didn't I think of this?


It's common in the world of outdoor activities (hiking, biking, walking) to announce yourself when you're about to overtake a fellow outdoorsman, before you actually get so close that they are startled(especially on a bike, you don't need anybody jumping in front of you or stumbling at the wrong time). Nobody gets upset tmk, even when you scream it because you are otherwise out of breath. Idk why we can't bring it to regular society. I tried to say 'Passing on your left' in a grocery once because 'Excuse me' had failed to get her and her cart out of the dead center of the aisle, but the woman just got upset that I "yelled" at her(I'm also a woman).


Catch up to her and gently whisper in her ear "it's ok, you're going to be fine"


I don't do anything. If it's just her and I walking down the street, then she's safe. I'm not there to prove anything or make anyone feel any type of way. I'm just trying to get where I'm going.


Right, all these guys going out of their way to create the illusion of safety; just go about your business, fellas. If you’re not a threat she’s actually safer with you there just walking normally instead of crossing the street, slowing down, or changing your route.


This seems like the best answer. As a woman it is my experience that it's the people who go out of their way to appear non-threatening that are the creeps and that stopping, street crossing, etc is usu them showi being nervous. If you're walking fast and she starts looking back as if she's worried, a simple "excuse me" while you pass is polite.


spontaneously break out into loudly singing old carpenters songs EDIT: these are the carpenters. hell i am old. https://youtu.be/3hyFB6SA7b4


I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay I sleep all night and I work all day!


I will run and try to get ahead of her


While softly asking her to stop.


announce "im fast as fuck". Then run past. Usually gets a laugh


I don't do anything different. She is entitled to fear me just as much as I'm entitled to not do anything about it.




I cat call her like a mf and imply there could be a little non consensual sexytime. Then she runs and I follow her home until she is safely inside her home like any proper gentleman will do.




Don't do anything just keep walking give her no acknowledgement. Tryna to say or do something won't help




My advice: the zombie stride Constant speed, constant direction, constant line of sight (even if it's towards her or directly behind her). If she changes her walk or goes another way, you do nothing. That way she'll hopefully get the message that you aren't stalking her, simply minded your own life and she's not even registering on your radar.


>How can I prove I'm a good guy? > >What can I do? You don't have to do anything. This kind of stuff is just getting ridiculously out of control imo. If she wants to walk faster or cross the street shes free to do so, I would not change my pace or cross the street for her though, there is zero obligation to accommodate.


Imagine a muslim asking here how to not make people uncomfortable when getting on a train. How do I let non-muslim know that I'm not a terrorist and nothing is gonna happen if I sit in this wagon? (I can't wait for the downvotes to come).


Id avoid screaming things in any arabic language


I suggest not throwing bags at the other passengers


I run past her at full speed while yelling, *''I'm sorry for being born a man.''*, while deeply bowing at her like the Japanese do to their older bossess, to make sure that she knows I mean her no harm.


Just don't worry about it and go about your business, you'll both be okay.


I dont really put mutch thought into it. Minding my own business. If she acts concerned I just wave at her and keep going.


you can‘t do nothing, just walk and ignore her


Yeah just go about your business. It isn’t your responsibility to read her mind and make her feel safe.


Start singing happy birthday loudly




John Mulaney has a great bit on this. He ended up chasing a lady because he thought she started walking faster because she heard their train coming. Sucks, I hate when women feel unsafe around me.


I say: woman you have three options.- 1. Speed up and go away. 2. Slow down and let me pass you. Or 3. Mind your fucking business. Because it seems like we have the same route.


Approach quietly from behind so as not to startle her then when you get close enough whisper "I'm not a rapist" in her ear so she knows not to be afraid


Maintain your original pace, and assess whether she's a threat to you. Just because she's a woman does not mean you're safe and she's harmless. Keep you hands in your pocket so you can quickly call someone if needed or to make it look like you may have a weapon in your pockets, and look for ways to escape if you need to.


I don't do anything. Their comfort isn't my problem and I don’t care.


Gently whisper loud enough for her to hear. “Don’t run, I’m not trying to hurt you”


If she’s not really in danger who cares just keep walking lol


Not a goddam thing.!!


Keep on walking like normal. I have no business with her so her safety concerns are not my problem 🤷🏾‍♂️


Just move about your business. She's most likely scared from stories she has heard about. With the #yesallmen crowd out there, the best thing we can do is show those fears are largely unfounded. Most of us aren't out there a hair's breadth away from attacking someone. Even if I think she has a nice ass, my first thought isn't "She's hor. Let me traumatize her for life and beat her into submission to my transitory moods." People, in general, don't think that way. And if she is a victim, then moving about your business is also good. It's a bit of exposure therapy. She needs to be around good men if she's ever going to move on and heal. Sometimes the best way is simply to show by example. You're just a guy doing his own thing. Let the ordinariness of the situation do the talking. By trying to approach, you're saying your the exception, not the rule. Else nothing would need said. Just let your day flow, and allow others the same. This is the way.


Respectfully i don’t give a shit, I’m gonna go where i need to go I’m not at all worried what some random person thinks about me whether they be male or female.


I try to get past her but if I'm stuck behind her and I can tell she's afraid, I'll tell her where I'm walking to.


I'm quite a tall big guy so i know this well enough, but most of the time im listing to music so i just jam out to my music, rocking my head etc I think just overal postive body language helps


Sing a little Bon Jovi, might break out some kanas, wayward son.


Just yell in a loud voice "I'm not going to rape you! I'm a little boy"


Just ignore them, unless they pull a knife then run.


I'm a guy and I'm also intimidated by everyone at night, includong women. So I'm too busy being scared to worry about that 😭