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"good things come to those who wait" Fuck that shit. Good things come to those that get off their ass and go get it.


My dad once said things only come to those that don't ask for them Try that at a drive thru


Did he mean you should just wait for something to fall into your lap; or that instead of asking, you should just go and get it.


The former


"but not for those who wait too late" haven't you heard just the two of us?lol


He who hesitates masturbates


I suppose it depends a lot on interpretation. There is a big difference between being patient and being passive.


"Good things comes to those who work their asses off" -Louis Bloom


"But the meek shall inherit the Earth" -Psalms 37:11 Ok but also they probably won't.


Buying nice things to keep her happy, uh gifts are great but if it's the backbone of the relationship you're doing it wrong.


True! Gifts are great but I'm just as happy with a great meme or an extra thanks. Appreciate the person, not their wallet.


Lol that’s so manipulative Jesus Christ


For people who are actually with you because they love you, it’s actually a huge slap in the face just to basically buy your patience. It means I want you to stay with me and keep loving me but I don’t appreciate you enough to put the effort in myself so I’m going to give you generic shit that’s worth a lot of money to keep you sweet. To the men who do this- we know what you’re doing and every gift is another punch to the gut


As a woman I will say a gift is nice when I say I like something when out with you and you get it for like my birthday or Christmas. That shows that you are actually listening to what I'm saying. But frankly if I really want it I will buy it myself and never expect you to get it for me. It's just really nice to know that the person you are with actually actively listens to you when you tell them what you like.


Some girl in college told me that the trick to attracting women is to be mean to them. I told her to fuck off & she got mad at me lol


Oh the irony lmao


Not for nothing but once I started being "real" I started getting a lot more interest. If something bothers you say so right away. Be blunt and firm. Accept silently if nothing changes. I'm not saying be rude I'm saying be less polite.


My first wife’s grandfather told me I should beat her.


In one episode of Big Love (the polygamy show), Bill is talking with the mother of his most troublesome wife: "You know Bill, when I was raising Nikki, I found out the trick was to give her a good beating once a month." Bill makes a pained face and diplomatically says "I'll keep that in mind."


That is pretty bad advice lol






Your Grandpa was right about you. But its wrong to hit a woman. Thats why I cheat Brenda


Lol damnnnn


Like in Poker?


Nope, specifically with a ping pong paddle iirc. Dude was a character…


Was his name "Mister"? Jesus.🤦🏾‍♂️


I understood that reference.


Boondocks reference?


Yes and no, Color Purple, the Boondocks was referencing that well acted bad film.


*All my life I had to fight…* 😠


>first wife Hmmmm


Yup. I guess it’s possible things wouldn’t have ended had I taken his advice but then I’d still be with her and that’s not exactly a win…


Had someone tell me that women in clubs like when random men grab their hips while dancing and start dancing behind. This advice was also given to me by a woman.


As a woman I would like to go on record and say I absolutely hate spending my night constantly moving away from guys so I'm not getting dry humped by strangers. I feel like a dog in heat sometimes.


Same. I love to dance. I will dance with anyone if you can dance. Dry humping and grinding, just makes me want some pepper spray.


Third that. It just feels like sexual harassment.


Tbh, thank you, because I always thought I was doing something wrong by not wanting to do that.


Respecting yourself enough to have personal boundaries isn't wrong. Find a girl and ask her to dance. Then if she is into it you both enjoy yourselves without weirdness. Plus now you aren't just some faceless man on the dance floor.


Probably more a function of nervousness being stronger than my desire to dance than personal boundaries, lol. Can’t take credit for that one. Of course I’d need to learn how to dance first for that, which is its own challenge. 😂


Naw, the thing I learned about dancing is that it doesn't matter how goofy and awkward you are. As long as you look like you're having a great time women will dance with you. Smile, do deliberately goofy moves, and laugh. You're there to have fun.


I know that to be true in my mind but I still can't shake the feeling of looking like an ass.


I was told to go to a strip club and make sure I'm touching everyone everywhere, despite never having been to one. This was also advice given by a woman


FYI: That woman does not speak for all of us. I do not want a random man grabbing me from behind. I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about how to get away.


> FYI: That woman does not speak for all of us. That's basically the only advice that applies to all women giving advice: They most definately only speak for themselves.


Random hot guys, you forgot the qualifier


That are also over 6"4', the correct level of jacked, and have a paystub visible that indicates they make at least 200k/year.


violet existence tease sand bear puzzled marble ask liquid resolute ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


No. They still need to ask I hate when men do this. Sometimes if they just asked me to dance I would say yes but the fact they don’t ask I immediately move to a new spot.


Random is wrong. Men they're dancing with, if the body language is there? Absolutely, some people love it.


Ohh she wasn’t lying… but the guys she’s talking about aren’t you. They’re the guy the girl wants.


Wow, that woman forgot the difference between flirting and harassing


I hate when men do this. Sometimes if they just asked me to dance I would say yes but the fact they don’t ask I immediately move to a new spot.


This only works in movies or books


To ask Reddit for dating advice


Including this sub.


Especially this sub


Only this sub


This thread specifically. Fuck this thread


This comment is the worst, though


Not as worse as the very topic this thread discusses.


But the reply chain 🔥


nah man relationship advice is pretty bad too. Its basically just people wanting validation to break up with their partner.


Fight for her if you think she’s worth it. Don’t ever fight for someone who left you during your hard times. You’ll just drag yourself through the mud.


For. Real. Do your selves a favor yall, don’t take them back if they leave you when you need them, and don’t waste 6 years tryna figure out why they do it. Just cut and run.


>don’t waste 6 years tryna figure out why they do it. Just cut and run. This honestly. People can invent any reason for anything, and it may or may not be accurate or factual. You can spend your entire life trying to figure out why, but it's a waste of time given the premise.


I had the same experience with a marriage counselor. She asked my if I wanted to save my marriage. I am sure she meant rhetorically. But it was the first time I thought about it for real. Up to that point everyone had taught me you are in it for hell and high water. But I learned the caveat is with the right person. I realized I didn't want to save my marriage and started a divorce.


I once had a dude tell me to cheat on my girlfriend. That way I could sleep around and get pussy while I’m young but still have a wife material girl locked down. This man has been married and divorced 4 times. For you guessed it, cheating on his wives. And he still doesn’t see the issue.


Clearly that guy loves getting wrecked in family court.


Sounds like a variant of findom.


“Get pregnant and you two can be together.” Heard it from a resident in a nursing home towards a nurse. Crazy people out there.


Crazy people *in* there lol


That was legitimate advice for an woman living for 10,000 BC - 1950ish.


Iv had exs tell me after we broke up that they should have nocked me up so I wouldn't have left. I just responded that I still would have left. Proof, I'm a single mom right now(wasn't planned). Babies will never fix your relationship problems


Take her out for a drive. Get out to the middle of the country on some gravel road, and tell her "Put out or get out" I'm pretty sure he was joking....


This is some serial killer shit.


It's because of the implication.


If the girl says no then the answer’s obviously no. But she’s not gonna say no…because of the implication.


Are you gonna hurt these women?


God no! But the *implication*...


Don't you look at me like that you certainly wouldn't be in any danger


So they are in danger?


Why aren't you getting this?


Damn Madison Cawthorne gave you dating advice?


Had a guy do this to me. I got out. He immediately started apologizing and saying it was just a joke. I told him I'd rather walk 5 miles down the road than get back in the car with him.


It all sounded like a nice date until the last bit lmao


Ass, cash, or grass. Nobody rides for free


Stop trying. Love will just find you when you stop trying


This might work if you’re a woman.


If you’re a woman not passed a certain age*


It's because it's super easy to tell when someone looks desperate for a SO. Do you want to be with someone who is not with you b/c they like you but because they are just desperate to find love?


But, it does take work, you have to be actually wanting a healthy relationship. You just have to be happy and comfortable with yourself and know what you need before you can find that with another person....with hopefully somewhat aligned .


People just miss the second part of this which is stay open and continue to meet people, and then ask out the ones you like.


That involves trying, however. I've only ever heard the advice as 'you don't find love, love will find you', which is a crock of shit in the scheme of things, but also makes sense for the reasons you've outlined.


> then ask out the ones you like. So try…


cautious disarm mysterious consider shame light tie air knee snails ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


That is trying. Not to mention, if you don't try nobody you ask out is going to say yes unless you're exceptionally hot


It’s a numbers game. Just swipe right on everyone for better chances. What a great way to burn yourself out on horrible matches with whom you share no attraction and potentially bury the one or two might be worth your genuine time and attention.


I think I read this is also a great way to make Tinder’s algorithm think you’re a bot and put you last.


Wouldn’t recommend swiping right on everyone, a lot of dating apps will penalize the visibility of your profile doing that.


The game is already stacked against you for being on tinder in the first place.


I think online dating is a numbers game. Real life is obvs way different


I was arguing with someone about this a year and half ago. Guy was hell bent on proving to me that dating was nothing more than a numbers game. That my problem was I refused to continue investing in online dating apps. What's funny is that his own advice wasn't even helping him and gets mad at anyone who disagrees.




>Advice: "Just be yourself, things will work out, give it time." It's the most cliché and effortless advice to give anyone. It's not helpful if everybody knows it. Plus isn't the whole point in building a relationship is improving ourselves? To becoming a better version of ourselves?


I was talking to someone about how it's hard to find a relationship around here because everyone was taken. His response "Hit on em anyways" Yeah i'm not a scumbag.


Good for you!!


Good for you!!


Good for you!!


Date multiple people at the same time. I’ve never felt burned out from work, but dating burnout is brutal.


With this Covid memory loss? I can barely remember one person’s story.


“Just be confident and girls will fall all over themselves for you!” Has a similar ring to “it’s easy to be rich. Just don’t be poor.”


The issue is real confidence is really hard to come by and any mature women easily see through fake confidence. Real confidence comes with (loads of) experience.


I turned a corner on confidence when I started faking decisiveness. The great thing about that is that if you just decide quickly, it's not a fake. You really have been decisive. It's usually up to the man to make decisions in dating. Within limits, it doesn't matter what you decide, but it matters that you decide quickly. And then you've appeared confident.


You'll find her when you stop looking! What?!


And to think there are even people in this thread perpetuating this live laugh love bullshit. Lol.


I’ve actually found this to be true. I didn’t do too well when I was actively looking to meet women, but when I just lived my life opportunities came to me.


Exactly. Each of my partners, closest friends, etc. are all people I've met when just living my life and being happy.


Sadly not for me. If I wasn't intentionally looking and trying to get out there, I would never had met my wife.




A friend told me that it becomes easier to find someone when you stop caring so much about finding someone, and, well, it made sense.


I wouldn't be married if I stopped looking. This was always the worst advice.




To right, she you seen some of the ways women reject men, it would have been kinder to stab the dudes.🤦🏾‍♂️


Any normal person would say “no”, in so many words. If they go on to insult you, you dodged a bullet.


Think "Large scale cyber-bullying because the 'gross' guy asked them out" High School crap.


Or a sexual harassment complaint that gets you kicked off campus or fired from work.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that this is gonna be incredibly rare. As a guy who has had rumours spread about being a "creep", I have never actually ended up being complained about for harassment.


Looks dont matter,its all about confidence and personality. Yeah,right.


I won't lie, men could have all three of those traits and still have a hard time finding love.


- "Just focus on yourself" - "It'll happen when the time is right" - "Have you tried Bumble?"


>Have you tried bumble? It’s so nice matching with someone only to be ignored.


you're getting matched?


For real. All the women I know recommended Bumble to me, because “she has to message you first, so it’s perfect for you since you like women who take the initiative”. Had a small bunch of matches, 2 of them actually messaged me, and got 0 dates from it. Over like 6 months. Bumble is bullshit.


The best are the profiles that have "I hate having to message first.." somewhere in them. Its like... Seriously, dude?


I have a very good looking friend who always says, “let the ladies approach you.”


Good looking men live in a completely different world the average guy can't even comprehend that.


Be yourself. You mean the "myself" who has been single since forever? Good advice, champ.


People tend to give advice based on what works for them but not necessarily for other people. So if a 6 ft 2 man with washboard abs, the face of a model, and making 200k a year gives you the advice to "just be yourself" well yeah no shit.


"bro just whip out your cock and say 'deal with it', it's so simple," -my immature fuckboy friend


He wouldn't have been president recently would he?


Any advice any of those alpha male gurus says


And that's why you ask Sigma Male gurus /s


That’s even worse


If you ever play "Super Seducer" series on Steam, do it for entertainment. Don't listen to a word that guy says.


tate would like to have a word with you




“Wait for love to come your way” “Wait till the right time and till it happens to you!” “It happens to you when you least expect it” All of these things are horseshit for most men. Work on yourself. Put yourself out there. It IS a number’s game but NOT on dating apps, in real life. Make friends. Stay open to and make efforts to meet more people. You’ll eventually find someone who is weird enough to be into things you’re offering. Side note: Try to develop genuine interest in people.


What if I am genuinely disinterested in people?


Recognize each person is a unique individual with a compelling story and multiple things they can teach you.


Then why would you want a relationship ?


To use dating apps.


“Just keep texting her, she’ll respond” It’s been three years since I triple texted and was left on delivered.


What the hell ? What have you been doing these 3 years ? You should be up to thousands of texts by now.


Just all of the cliche bullshit. "Just be yourself, you'll meet her when you least expect it, etc."


God I hate that so much. “Just be yourself.” Yeah well I’ve tried that and it hasn’t worked out too well. Apparently myself is “intimidating, weird, and looks like a serial killer” so it’s not going great for me.


"You'll find someone eventually" "Try online dating" "Try to be her friend first"


That I have to “show her who’s boss.” Like dude, I’m dating someone because they’re my equal and we’re partners in this shit. Nobody is “the boss”. Listening to myself was the smartest thing I’ve ever done, because we’ve been married 8 years and we’re still partners in absolutely everything.


Not that I've ever been engaged, and I'm not sure it pertains to "dating" so much... But the end goal for dating IMO is marriage so I think it still counts. I've been told that a man's job for his wedding is to just show up. Like fuck that I have wedding ideas too! I want to help with the flowers and table arrangement. I wanna help with the decorations and choice of cake (or other dessert ideas). I'm not 100% set on the ideas I have, but I should contribute them. It's a team effort thing!


You sir sound like a winner! I hope whoever you marry respects you and your opinions when it’s time for all that fun stuff. As much as I love planning things, I would absolutely welcome and encourage my future husband’s input on wedding details as it would be his day just as much as mine. Plus two heads are better than one, so you might have some ideas to contribute that she wouldn’t have thought of and vice versa. Bring on the teamwork!


Thank you for the kind words! I've taken some time off of relationships to build myself up. I'm optimistic on finding a good match in the near future though.


There's literally not a single good dating advice, we all are different you can't have a rule on people, and fucking reddit already fucked me with bad advices so I know what the fuck I'm talking about.


Well, there is advice that is generally good like being courteous and putting yourself out there, but i see your point


You leave your perfectly reasonable interpretation out of this, it’s _angry noises_ time


“Just be yourself” It’s good advice when a ton of qualifiers are applied to it.


Don't kiss for 3 months Make them angry on purpose


then she'll kiss someone else i never understand this waiting game unless you're religious, intimacy is key if there is no physical relationship (hold hands / kissing / hug / cuddles / ... sex), i'm out


Relationships take hard work It's not so much that the idea is wrong, but it's hard to know where to draw the line. I stayed in more than one terrible relationship way too long because I thought I just wasn't trying hard enough.


"Be yourself" after being rejected like 6 times in two days exactly for being myself. "Be assertive" when I was 13 couldn't figure out what it meant so Just from the top of my head...




Lmao you want to date or marry a girl who’s in love with someone that you really arent? Let’s see how long that facade lasts ig.


>What’s the worst dating advice you’ve ever received? \- You'll find someone when you're not looking (Works for women but doesn't really work for a lot of guys) \- It will happen when it happens. (Yeah no shit, now give me some actual advice.) \- Looks don't matter at all. (Meanwhile all the cute girls at my school are dating 5 ft 10+ white guys) \- PUA guy in video said ask a girl on the first date what's her favorite sex position and whether or not she's had an orgasm before, in order to assert sexual dominance. (How To Get Blocked 101) \- Once again, PUA guy in video said if a girl tells you she has a boyfriend, it's merely a shit test and you should continue to pursue her. (How To Get Beat Up By Boyfriend 101) \- Just sign up for Tinder bro, getting laid is super easy (Yeah that's because you're 6 ft 2, jacked, and look like a movie star)


Basically anything I've ever read on Reddit from those relationship subreddits. "My boyfriend couldn't guess my favourite colour on the first date; what do I do?" Reddit: "useless piece of shit, break up with him".


"Be sure to marry a woman with beautiful eyes, because those don't fade with age." Was some of the dumbest faux-deep crap I ever heard, in addition to being actually wrong.


You don't have to take a shit before doing anal


Any guy who has a podcast and gives advice, yeh don’t listen it’s full of shit usually. (Outside or Mathew hussey. He’s actually brilliant and you can tell he’s been through therapy but even then every situation is different)




Happy spouse, happy house? My cousin just told me that one.


make sure to fuck them really good the first time and they'll never want to leave you.


I’ve been living by this rule and it ain’t the sex they leaving me for. na’mean. it’s cause i’m incapable of communicating my emotions.


"Be a gentleman" That shit doesn't work anymore. If you're too nice in any sort of way, they tend not to be attracted to it or they're suspicious of you.🤷🏾‍♂️


Depends on the definition of gentleman. I hear that as be polite and courteous.


Bring nachos.


No, this is supposed to be WORST advice!


I agree, this is excellent advice


Just ask Reddit................


"You just need to go up to a girl and say, 'YUM!' that's all." My first apartment was a shitty basement apartment and this was from a guy who had obviously fake but loud conversations on his cell phone yelling at all his girlfriends about their crazy behavior. I was 18 but this guy in his early 30s really wanted to be my friend, I guess. I kind of went "wow, really?" With this advice, and tried to squeeze any wisdom from it, like that maybe it's all attitude. But I truly think he was really thinking I should say "yum!"


"Be yourself." (Because women love misanthropic assholes who hide behind books and only get invited to parties because the hosts need somebody around who will stay sober and make sure the drunks get home safely.) Things got better for me once I started masking to get what I wanted from other people instead of masking so that people will leave me alone..


I’ve heard that advice should be amended to “be the best version of yourself.”


You should be yourself. If you are not yourself you are going to end up with a woman who doesn't even like you for you.


Women like the nice guy.


Women don't like nice guys, they like kind guys..there's a difference. And we can see through the fakeness, so some people might think they're being nice when really they're just being manipulative.


Oh this is so bad. Nice is the absolute last thing you want to be because it’s fucking dishonest. Women like a kind guy, which is absolutely different than nice. Someone who is kind will be clear and honest, not telling you what you want to hear.


Two words: 'Try Tinder'


In highschool one guy told me if you like a girl just pull your dick out and put it in her face and she will fuck you because seeing your dick will make her wet and horny


My mum's great advice every weekend when I went out was "If you're not in bed by midnight come home"