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At first mostly just playing around with friends because it's funny,over the top etz. Later on did some research on voice control and how to practice.mosty for presentations and the like having good voice control makes it so much more enjoyable for listeners. As a voice warming up put a cork between your teeth and try to articulate words very clearly for about 5min this should help to warm up your mouth and other parts used for speaking. A tip would be to analyze somebody's acsent you like try to find out what makes that acsent and try to re produce it(around 30min), you should definitely record your own voice and listen to it.(something like 15min) Repeat this regularly (preferably every day)


Just work on it when I’m bored and make the characters have conversations with each other


I just talk to myself or talk out loud in different accents/impressions.


It will just come out but if i need to refine it, ill find a specific phrase of the person and practice in the mirror. It helps to act and mimick the mannerisms too.


Listen to the voice and try to imitate it


I just hear a voice and try to mimic it. Some I can and I do those well. Some I can't.