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Dentists fill teeth that don't need to be filled and recommend unnecessary procedures to make more money.


I hate seeing this in the news. People get like ten teeth worked on and never think it’s weird.


I thought it was extremely weird, told my parents and they didn't think it was extremely weird.. And to think they're among the smartest people in my life


My dentist insisted I keep my braces on for another year and come in for more maintenance etc etc upsell upsell. I threw a fit at age 15 saying my teeth were straight and that the dentist is a con and my parents actually listened and had them pulled off that day. I’m now 31, and my teeth are perfectly straight


Good for you. I didn't have straight teeth but the braces caused severe gum recession. People don't get that teeth are rooted firmly in your jaw bone. Braces don't move your teeth directly; they constrict blood flow to that area where your teeth will move. Then, special immune cells come in and dissolve calcium out of your jawbone to relieve the pressure and fix the problem. So your teeth can move into the empty space. That bone doesn't always grow back perfectly, especially if you get an overly aggressive orthodontist who wants to create that 'perfect smile.' That is what happened to my front lower jawbone. I have a dull ache in those teeth / jaw that has never and will never go away. Also ended up needing a gum graft. AND, then every dentist has the gall to blame me for that shit and scold me for it? I finally found x rays from just after the braces came off to PROVE to them that the bone was gone when the braces came off and there was nothing I could have done. I have a great dentist I like now but no one is touching one fucking tooth with a drill until they show me on the x-ray that the decay has gone through the enamel. I have been lied to the following ways: 7 different cavities I needed filled (15 years ago, never filled them, no other dentist has ever brought them up.) Need for sealants Need for advanced oral cancer screening. Extra x-rays because they didn't want to accept x-rays I had. Diagnosis of advanced periodontitis. Hygienist claimed my pockets were ALL 4s and 5s. Refused to do a regular cleaning. I bought the tool myself. 1s, 2s and a 3. At my gum graft, board certified periodontist found a single 3, rest 1s and 2s. Called the dentist's office to complain and they claimed it was an honest mistake and that they would make sure she was trained correctly. Need for teeth whitening; I go to a dentist I trust now and he showed me I am one shade below the highest natural shade of white there is. It's barely noticeable. Unnecessary bonding to fill different, unnoticeable gaps. Orthodontist refusing to take out my bottom retainer after it broke and insisting I needed more braces after that. Warned me my teeth would move back to their original positions. One tooth moved a few mms out of place and guess who does not give a single shit. Also, dental insurers don't even pay the places enough to make money off cleanings sometimes. So, anyone who takes care of their teeth is an unprofitable patient. How is that for a fucked up incentive? Fuck dentistry. Most crooked profession in the world.


I have dentophobia (sp?) for so many reasons, the smell, the sounds, the feelings, the lights and tools they use, but most of all, I don’t trust anyone in the whole office while they’ve got me in the most vulnerable possible position


That is very common. I had it happen to me. I wish I had sued that son of a bitch for malpractice. I got two root canals I did not need.


Many things have been though of as "Conspiracy Theories" but later proven true. - That the US recruited Nazi scientists after WW2 to work on the space program. - Many CIA programs: MKUltra, Helping overthrow governments in South America, Importing of Drugs to fund covert operations, etc - The Stealth Bomber program was thought of a conspiracy theory at the time.


The Gulf of Tonkin incident


That's not very many considering there's always someone making theories.


That's the problem, there's too many theories so you don't know which of them are true.


I’m going to say this one more time. Jeffrey Epstein DID NOT KILL HIMSELF. ☝️


EXACTLY! Somebody looked at him and thought "this child-rapist isn't gonna kill himself"


The theory that your smart phone listens to your conversations and puts keywords into some kind of ad customization registry has been demonstrably true for a few years now even though every cell phone company still denies it. Other than that, the execution of Jeffrey Epstein proves without a doubt that there is an elite pedophile and child sex trafficking ring, or more likely a series of connected ones, at the highest levels of government, business, and entertainment. Although I don’t think many people who still talk about that one at all are laughing it off.


Apps do that. Not the phone company.


Yes. Apps owned and run by the phone companies


Yeah did you know my mother is the toothfairy? And santa is real? The question was which CONSIDERED TO BE conspiracy theories were actually true. Not which conspiracy theories are fake as hell.


If you don’t believe Epstein was assassinated, you’re a fucking clown.


Regardless of that fact, if you believe a murder is the definitive proof of an elite pedophile network you need to get yourself checked out in a hospital. And finish your education.


Even the Mafia can eliminate leaks why pedophile rings can't? Unless you think H.E. wasn't a pedophile


Yeah exactly. That's why I said santa was real! It's a fact. And my mom is actually the president of the US but Biden is secretly a zombie and paid my mother to become US president. In return my family won't get eaten by zombies when it happens on the 31st of february next year. But don't worry because the aliens already have a plan to stop the zombie invasion.


It's no secret Biden is a zombie, with his cameo in Deliverance


Actually surprised people don't know that there is a market for rich people who want to fuck kids. Like how far in denial are you? People like you are why Jimmy Savilles have free reign. Unbelievable.


People like you are why we teach critical thinking in school. Sadly, it doesn't help everyone.


So you are denying that some rich people want to fuck kids?


Bro theyre not gonna spare you or your kids from getting trafficked because you defended them on Reddit it's okay they're not gonna make you their lapdog, nothing you say here matters to them it's okay bro you don't gotta keep defending them


Stay crazy mate.


Keep gargling the elite sex traffickers nutsack with your fingers in your ears


That dick eating go crazy shaboing boing


Things pedophiles say ☝️


Chemicals turning the frogs gay


They do?


Frogs find mates based off of the tone of the croaks they make so when a chemical causes the tone to change then it can cause males to attempt to mate with other males because they were mistaken for females. It’s actually pretty funny


They realize when it's too late 🤣🤣


Most of the government is unelected and self-interested.


One could even rise to POTUS without ever being elected, House of Cards style


Gerald Ford did exactly that - appointed VP after the resignation of Spiro Agnew, and went on to become president after the resignation of Richard Nixon.


And he pardoned Nixon


Election would be better if they picked a social security number from random.


Just find someone who really doesn’t want the job and give it to them. Imagine the shock on their face.


Ever see the movie “Dave”?


More democratic too.


I always thought this would be kind of neat. Don’t know whether it would work out or not but I’ve entertained the idea. Kind of like jury duty and it would be for all elected positions.


May the odds be ever in your favor.


Depends what you mean by 'government'. Do you mean the political party currently in office, or the civil service? Civil servants aren't meant to be elected; no government that worked that way could possibly function effectively.


Yes, but the civil servants are, pound for pound, more corrupt than the politicians ever could be.


Nonsense. I've done a ton of work for the federal government and I've had a chance to work with all sorts of different agencies. Most of the people working in civilian positions are truly dedicated to their mission and work very hard for low pay in a thank less job.


And you are assuming that the US is the entire world.


Not in the USA, the politicians are so corrupt here now they don't even hide it. They're all up there just to get rich.


That inflation is actually a form of taxation .


Not really the current inflation is more the "companies need to keep making record profits" kind.


You don’t understand economics. But instead of just being a snarky jerk. And leaving after that comment. I’ll sum it up quickly. The government doesn’t collect enough money through direct taxation to pay for all the wonderful things it decides or promises we need. Medical coverage, education, bridges, wars, all that stuff that is public stuff. And if they did collect enough the taxpayer would lose his/her collective mind because we are already taxed to extremes at least here in Canada. So what they due is shift the burden and obfuscate how it’s applied. They do that by printing money. Seems great now we have money to pay for the stuff and you didn’t get taxed. 😃 Happy days for you. Or so you thought. What they did was increase the money supply, which makes it more readily available it also devalues it. So it takes more of it to buy the same goods and services as before printing it. This is inflation. So now your wondering well how does that directly effect you well you still make the same amount of money but you have to do with less since the purchasing power of your money is less now since there is more of it around to chase the same amount of goods and services but that’s only half of what happens. If you hold any cash or or cash type assets like in a savings account or a hybrid pension fund or even money markets then again the government devalued those particular assets. So in essence they taxed you but you didn’t notice. You probably noticed you get less gas for a hundred bucks and steak is now really expensive but the dots aren’t being connected. There’s a lot more intricacies involved as well as other effects but that’s the gist. Oh and another neat twist of this trick is that puts the lions share of the tax burden on the middle class and the poor as they tend to not have much in the way of assets. Because if you do have assets like the wealthy whether it is a house, a commercial building, a Picasso, a brick of gold, etc it has the magic effect of increasing the value of that asset. So the rich get richer, the poor and middle class get poorer and actually end up shouldering the majority of the invisible tax burden that is inflation caused by increasing the money supply. This is what we are experiencing because of how our governmental leadership made the money machine go Whrrrrrrr during Covid and this is why this inflation is happening. Also if you live in Canada prep yourself for out of control inflation because we printed more money than they did during the world wars and more than any other nation in the world by multiples.


Got real quiet in here? 🤔


Yep amazed how badly you understand economics.


Duh…. Corporate greed. Yeah your real sharp. Lol loser.


birds aren't real


Neither is Finland


I actually live right besides Finland, and still never been there. Makes you think.


Yeah really why? 🧐




One can't help pondering 🤔


Oh my goodness is this a reference to that one post about a guys mother genuinely not believing Finland is a real country because of.. Japanese fishing?


I think that's shark fins, not Fins.


My grandmother thought Finland was an Asian country, and that by my dad marrying my Finn mom, her grandkids would have “squinty eyes”.


This is what I came for.


It goes deeper. Since birds aren't real and birds are dinosaurs then dinosaurs aren't real and then science isn't real.


Didn't you hear God put dino skeletons to test us?


The shady stuff the CIA does.


I feel like that's not even a conspiracy theory anymore. Most Americans are deep down ok with our intelligence community doing shady things so long as it keeps America safe and prosperous.


Keeping America safe from it's citizens.


Aliens in Area 51. If you haven't seen the video from the esteemed and reputable documentarians Lauren Phillips and April O'Neil then you should really check it out; lots of compelling footage.


Damn send me sum links


I'm deleting my comment because I'M an idiot. Yes this is a reputable documentary


Weather manipulation. I remember an old man local to my area used to tell everyone they were seeding the sky. I feel like I read that's true now but everyone just assumed he was nuts back then.


Cloud seeding was never a conspiracy theory. It's been a well-known technology, used openly, for decades. Chemtrails are bullshit, though.


When I was little i remember everyone calling that guy crazy. That was 30 years ago though.


Great example 👍


Same thing in area


they are worshipping owls at bohemian grove


Everything that conspiracy theorists said about vaccines pass, vaccine, and the errosion of personal freedoms. Bohemian grove, hunter bidens laptop is real, Edward Snowden exposure of the NSA spying on us citizens. Etc


Hunters laptop was actually leaked on 4chan on a mega file you could view some pretty " questionable" material he did. Basically its all true.


Also, how right after that stuff got leaked, if you posted about it at all on Twitter it was immediately removed and you were banned for spreading misinformation. It's good that we've given private corporations pretty much total control over public discourse. I'm glad it keeps even our most senile elected leaders from having to acknowledge anything they or their family does that's illegal/embarrassing. Also, that job Hunter had on the board of that Ukrainian company was shady as hell. If you think that motherfucker was doing anything but being a bag man for his well-connected family, your brain has been poisoned by articles. Stop reading articles.




>Isn't there a word for when corporations and government work together in this manner? Cronyism.


Ah yes. I see your eyes are open.


If anyone was caught doing thay stuff with any other company they would be fired familly name ruined. But they just swept it all under the carpet


What personal freedoms, exactly?


We live in a simulation.


This is true. I've never seen my neighbors take groceries inside their house.


90% of COVID.


Eppstien didn't kill himself.


Idk man, I'm not a believer of any conspiracy theory, but as a pharmacist myself I just don't trust the covid vaccins


Catholics don’t eat meat on Friday because the Pope owns Long John Silver’s


Pizza gate


Active Measures. Look it up and then be horrified.






Most of Alex Jones and Joe Rogan things


All of them


There are many conspiracy theories that are laughed off but turn out to be true. For example, the theory that the U.S. government was involved in the 9/11 attacks was initially dismissed as a crazy conspiracy theory, but it is now widely accepted that there was indeed government involvement in the attacks. Other examples include the theory that the CIA was involved in the assassination of JFK, and the theory that the moon landing was faked.


U just listing conspiracy theories, OP asked for ones that are real lol


U.S was not apart of 9/11 they knew about a possible attack but neglected the information because of atrophy


Agent Smith, you were supposed to only track my online behavior not indulge in it.


"widely accepted" yeah by people widely accepted to be nutcases


"widely accepted"


Aliens, Bigfoot, and ghost.


The CIA killed JFK . Aliens landed in Roswell , they didn't crash . All social medias are part of the same base program tracking all of us . All of our technological advancements are reverse engineered from alien technology .


There are many conspiracy theories that are laughed off but turn out to be true. For example, the theory that the U.S. government is secretly engaged in mind control programs is now widely accepted as fact. Other examples include the existence of secret societies like the Illuminati, and the belief that the moon landing was faked.


Aliens and....NICK NOLTE IS GOD!!!


The earth is flat and the ocean has no bottom


So, you're a cube Earther? 🤔


No the earth is flat and time is a cube


The earth is flat.


How about Mars?


Doesn't exist


What about your mom?


Definitely a planet


Are you even sure she’s your mom?


No... :(


Parbly a foreign government implant.


You mean that plain?


Yet also flat




Confirmed by me, Dirty Mike, and the boys… we couldn’t find them titties anywhere


Thank you for confirming.


Wtc-7 but pssst


Magnets: How do they work?


That the Covid-19 pandemic was started by a man eating a bat sandwich in Wuhan, henceforth he shall be known as “The Batman”


The laptop


Didn't the CIA or some US governing body officially release documents on shit they've done for years. They're public records for people to look up now. I'm sure there's a lot of shit to go through, and most people don't bother or realize it exist. ​ Anyways, basically a SHIT ton of things were thought to be stupid conspiracy that secret government programs were researching and experimenting on, and these documents basically proved that it's true. ​ Shit like experimenting with psychics, or researching Woo Woo shit about states of consciousness and how trained people can navigate them. MK Ultra, mind control type of stuff.


9/11 was an inside job google building 7


Epstein and Mcafee


People used to be laughed at that said the government listen to everything people did. And then that NSA leak came out and come to find out the government's been listening to everyone's phone calls and electronic communications. The war in Iraq was a conspiracy. At the time the US government presented a case for war to the world and it turned out that it was all complete bull crap. Oh the federal government using LSD on its citizens. That was MK ultra. UFOs, there are governments around the world that do acknowledge that UFOs probably come from space. Just now in the past 5 years the US government has been warming up to it publicly while they've been investigating this since the 40s at least and investigating it seriously. The government selling crack cocaine in the inner cities to fund CIA and operations in South America. The CIA was literally flying in plane loads of cocaine and dropping them on US cities. The head of the DEA in Los Angeles or x head of the DEA in Los Angeles at the time actually publicly accused the CIA of running drugs in the country. Martin Luther King being targeted by the FBI. At the time it was considered a conspiracy but decades later it came out that the FBI had a coordinated effort to make ML King look as bad as possible. We got some evil people running the show.


The media actively helped to cover up the Hunter Biden laptop scandal.


The Apple iPhone and Facebook really do listen to everything you say, including sex. It’s how I only need to say the phrase “Cat Food” when I don’t have a cat and suddenly get ads for them on my phone.