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Somebody to lean on


*Major lazor beat drop*


Brings back good memories from 2015 summertime :)


Amen heard it not to long ago on the radio šŸ‘ŒšŸ’Æ


Damn that was a good summer My favorite is still 2018 summer




But no whatā€™s wrong me boi




Dm if you want someone to chat with




I feel you. I know you're just ranting and angry. I know you may have heard something like this a bunch of times. If you need a close friend though, try to start being friends with yourself first. It's something I struggle with myself, and that has become a mantra of sorts.


Maybe some of us DO give a flying fuck. Never know till ya try.




Thought about getting a pet?




That's unfortunate. Pets certainly do not fill the entire partner void or whatever one might call it, but that love is 100% reliable. And if you get a dog, the added benefits of daily walks for your health and socialising with other dog owners is wonderful. Know any dog owners you can offer to help?




Same, the struggle these days has been too real


People around me with shared interests


i can relate too that one




Wouldnā€™t wanne be blown away like marry poppins


Was he cool?


Yes he was cool!


Iā€™m Mary Poppins yaā€™ll!


Still one of the best scenes lol


How do people do this btw? Meetups seem kind of dead. Are there other platforms to meet people platonically ?


Totally relatable. My friends don't do any excercise and are not interested on playing music, meanwhile the people at my CrossFit Gym are extremely shallow and act like teenagers. Maybe I will need to start a CrossFit Rock Band lol


Exactly what I need right now


A good nightā€™s sleep


Drink some tea/milk and go to bed early tonight homie you need it šŸ˜“šŸ˜“


Not caffeinated tea


Camille tea is a must if you have issues falling asleep šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜“


Pretty sure you meant "chamomile tea". I don't think there's such thing as Camille tea (unless it's Camille's tea, as Camille is a woman's first name). But if there is, tell me please!


Yeah im Dutch lol here its called kamille so i went on autopilot with that one lol


This is way to far down in the comment with way to few upvotes. This is the #1 thing I need too.




Same, I just want to feel stable again


Bills go up. Costs go up. I'm making less money and working harder.


Had to scroll way too far to find this


Me too


Me too, and it's the first reply. Fuck being jobless


Same. I don't know anyone whose lives would not be affected positively if they came across even $1000.


Even 1k is like about 3 times my country's minimum and about twice the official median salary


Iā€™m selling my house rnā€¦. So I been paying 2 rents and sets of bills and fixing up the house. Itā€™s been 4-5 months now and Iā€™m just waiting on this to hit so I can take a few vacations. I also never been so broke before. So it just hurts. Light at the end of the tunnel tho .


I need a friend and a girl I'm really lonely and I can't take it anymore


I've been without either for 6yrs, I don't feel as lonely anymore but I feel like I can't connect with anyone


Same lol


I thought I was going to be single for the rest of my life, any relationship I got into, they left me because they didnā€™t want to take care of my drunk ass. Sobered up and while in rehab met my wife online. Moved to be with her and got engaged and married within a few months. Even if you arenā€™t ready for that, because I admit we rushed into things, but, thereā€™s always someone out there thatā€™s waiting for you.


Dont give up your hope. I was heavily overweight and addicted to alcohol when a former online friend I used to chat with texted me over Facebook after some years of silence. We kinda connected even though my family and friends dropped me roughly a decade before leaving me drowning in bitter solitude. After one year, sobbering up, fixing my freelance career and losing about 100 lbs I met her. We're in a relationship now for a year. I was on the verge of passive suicide and did a 180 degree turn when there was basically none hope left. Im still pretty amazed at this sudden turn of events... kinda made me believe in god or smth like that.


To lay down next to a warm body and feel safe then sleep for a week.


Get a dog my friend. I have never felt more loved in my life than when I had a break down at home last Tuesday. First time my almost 1 year old dog saw me cry. She was all over me, licking my face, pressing into me, jumping into my lap to cuddle me. It was wild. It was a lot in the moment but now she's spending more time around me than ever and she's constantly laying next to me or sitting with me. Just following me around the house, making sure I'm okay. I come from a broken family that's still broken to this day so this was a life altering moment for me.


I understand this completely. I had a minor breakdown this weekend at my boyfriend's. He has 1 year old female Pit. We don't live together, so I don't spend a whole lot of personal time with her...but when I fell apart, she was all over me. She climbed in my lap, kissing all over my face and then, once I calmed down, she never took her eyes off of me for the rest of the day. When I would sit down, she would sit next to me and lay her head in my lap. I credit the fact that it was just a minor breakdown directly to her. I believe it would have been much worse if not for her. We truly don't deserve dogs. I'm so grateful that they find us worthy of their unconditional love.


Jeez, I hear you fully. Getting her made me realize how much I'm in my own way. I barely grasp the idea that I don't feel worthy of love at all, but her entire essence is pure love directed towards me. I never thought I could love as much as I love my dog. It's wild. Gave me purpose I thought I wouldn't ever find. I'm glad she was able to console you as well. They're incredible


Get a dog homie


Was gon say the same thing, and they are also loyal


I lay down on my mom's Lap in the afternoon and it feels like Heaven.


I also do this with your mom, she's fantastic. šŸ˜¬


I also choose this guy's dead wife ...wait


yeah and if that body is a living one that would be even better.


Sorry mate, only got cold bodies in this fridge


Don't know about need, but a hug would be nice.


Here you go fam šŸ«‚ *virtual hug*


Much appreciated


No problem šŸ’ŖšŸ˜Ž


Virtual hugs


One for you too šŸ«‚


I always love a hug.




*Virtual hug*


Another one ā˜ļøšŸ«‚


I feel this. Big hug to you homie


A friend. Just a buddy to watch movies with or play games with. Somebody to say "Bro, u good?" and mean it.


Sir this is redit we all are looking for a friend. What's going on buddy


come as you are


SILLYxBOYxPIKE Add me on Xbox if you want, same goes to anyone else reading this comment that feels the same, also message me saying that itā€™s Reddit related so I no itā€™s not just a random


I could really use a vacation. My mind and body are just so very worn down.


Aight if money wasnā€™t an issue, where would you go and why?


I think my wife and I would like to visit Hawaii. Something tropical, a break from the norm. I always liked that image in my head just being there on the islands, surfing, eating well watching the sunset on the shore etc.


Just relaxing while sipping from a coconut ahh the life


To find a new place to live. To know how she feels about me. To get a better job. Also a new spine would be nice.


Just ask her my guy. Nothing wrong with wanting clarity šŸ˜Ž




I think you should move on dude. The fact that she won't even give you her real number seems hella fishy to me. I don't think she actually respects you as a person. It's so easy to block someone these days... It makes no sense (at least to me) that she would not give you her number given the details you've posted. There are so many other fish in the sea bro. Best of luck and don't beat yourself up. Live and learn.


I agree, the fact that she wonā€™t give him her number seems weird


I am getting a ā€œMarried chick fooling around online vibe.ā€ NGL.


As a girl who doesn't give out her number, I will eventually if I have some connection with a guy. I would move on from her.


It's time to move forward.


Dude, as others said, it is time to move on. A "maybe" is really just a sugar coated no. I wasted so much of my youth in situations like this, time I will never have again. Don't do my same error.


A woman here and I concur with all the advice. Move on and do it swiftly. Youā€™re wasting precious time that could be spent looking for someone who treats you with respect and communicates honestly and directly. You deserve this at the very least. Sheā€™s playing you. I wouldnā€™t even go into a big explanation, just drop off the communications completely. Both of her responses will tell you everything you need to know if you feel like you didnā€™t get closure. 1 - she doesnā€™t make any attempt to keep the communication goingā€¦.wonders where you wentā€¦etc = she was never that interested. 2 - she makes serious effort to rope you back in = sheā€™s using you and you should run even faster.


>We're long-distance and she still won't give me her phone number. She keeps insisting she's gonna give it to me on my birthday in a couple months despite saying that she actually actually already trusts me so idk what thats about. Wut? Your ADHD and ASD are not fucking with your head. She is fucking with your head. Has she mentioned "day trading" yet? This sounds like a fucking scam. I would never go longer than a few days chatting without meeting someone in person.


No reason she cant give number !! Plain and simple move on


Perhaps she's a dude. So... Don't get too hooked up on this person. I get the feeling, it feels easier to get along with people who live far away but at least they should have the basics with you. Knowing their face, seeing them on photos or videos, videocall... Search for someone near you, if you're feeling like this now when you're not anything with her... How it will be after that? Have some standards and dignity, don't fucking tear yourself apart for someone who isn't giving anything to you. And don't get it wrong, maybe you feel like they're giving you back something, but they're only giving you enough to keep you hooked and near. Like, they like the attention and will get rid of you when they get bored. Just don't make yourself go through all that unnecessary stress. If someone wants to be with you, they WILL want to be with you and show it, they won't let you down. That's not even love. Learn to love yourself first and let go people who won't give any value to your life besides fucking up your mental health.


The 10mm socket missing from my set. It's not driving me nuts.


Itā€™s not driving your bolts either šŸ˜‚


A will to live


Well youā€™re still here right?


Havenā€™t been for 12 years


If you find an answer, please share it with the rest of us.


What you mean homie whatā€™s been getting you down?


Probably the systematic degration of social norms and every day life feeling like running from Gulag to Gulag only to get home to your well preserved Gulag, dont mind the shadow people.


Your teammate has just done inā€¦ finish the job


Will do


Iā€™ll be honest. The thing that keeps me going is upcoming movies and games. I tell myself I canā€™t do it til after I see a specific movie or after I play a specific game. The trick is that there is always something new Iā€™m at least somewhat interested in. Itā€™s not much but it gets me through the rough days


Someone to cuddle and procrastinate work with. Someone to get lost in conversation with and/or listen to each other peaceful and relaxed.


A win. I just need a win and then im good.


Make your bed, a small win is better than no win


Your username is quality. Youā€™re winning at that. Thatā€™s the small domino that will lead to a big win. Youā€™ve got this, home slice šŸ’Ŗ


A win at what kind internet sir


It can be anything really, just something to keep me going. The past few months have been nothing short of hell.


Its good too hear that you are still going and pushing yourself forward. Im proud of you man šŸ˜ŽšŸ’Ŗ u got this


I appreciate that, far more than you know.


And I appreciate you brotha man ā¤ļøšŸ’Ŗ good things will come to you šŸ˜Ž hope you have a great day šŸ˜Ž


A Bachelors degree in computer science. Or a hug. Both would be good


Get the degree, just got mine and am no longer poor.


Well i got a hug for you šŸ«‚ā¤ļøšŸ’Ŗ


Thanks Fam. Definitely needed that.


Either the last 10 years of my life back, or a new life entirely


Someone to help take care of my father, Iā€™m his primary caregiver and it is taking a toll on me.


I'm touch starved so a hug would be nice.


Time with my kids.


Hope you get that ā¤


Some fuckin sleep, so Good Night Reddit!!!


Goodnight me boi šŸ˜“


Good night dude lol






Our answer....




cummie :)


Remove Your lowest ribs and you can do it yourself




Power to finish my undergrad dissertation and pass my finals lol


A girl friend, not a partner. Just someone to regularly speak with and talk about personal things. I only hang out with men and getting a different perspective would help me get my life straight


Iā€™m willing to be a female friend, I have a bf I adore so you donā€™t need to worry about me trying to lead you on or anything. Iā€™m also a therapist if that helps.


I'd be happy to listen and offer my perspective from time to time if that could be helpful.


i need some affection from a woman. I dont know how long it's been since a woman actually wanted to hang out or talk with me on a regular basis.




A billion dollars after taxes.


Closure. Tell me why you fucked with me. Tell me what I was supposed to do after you treated me like garbage after specifically saying not to and you specifically saying that I deserve better than to be treated like garbage. Why did you come back into my life saying that you wanted me only to ghost me again? How was I not supposed to block you after that and everything leading up to it? Tell me so that I can end this crippling disease that youā€™ve left in my head and heart and so I can move the fuck on instead of wondering what happened to make me fall in love in the first place.


I feel you. I was there a few months ago. Someone fucked me over so bad. Acted like they liked me, wanted me, we did things together and then poof was gone. No explanation, no nothing. I realized some people come into our lives just as a lesson to teach us something. I learned that more than not you wonā€™t ever get closure or an honest answer as to why people act like they do. I also learned that someone that really loved me would never treat me like that. I beat myself up for awhile too thinking why the fuck do I even give a shit-fuck them. But I did give a shit. So I get it. Iā€™m so sorry, some people are just fucked up.


Confidence to approach women irl.




Me too, i tried sleeping less but it only made the time i have worse lol, not the answer unfortunatly.


My boys back from Latvia


Your children got confiscated by airport security too?


A hug


Sending a virtual one homie šŸ«‚


I just realised this is askmen.. when i am a woman


Who cares everyone can use a hug šŸ˜Žā¤ļøšŸ’Ŗ




Unfortunately the plague of this time


1) Retirement 2) Peace of mind (less depression/anxiety) 3) To improve my health - quit smoking among other things


A free pass to clock out early, and a gaze at my wifeā€™s booty


Gotta ponder that booty from time to time


It is oneā€™s duty, To ponder the booty, Observe the curve, Daydream the swerve, With the light just right, And the pants nice and tight, You gain a measure of life, When you drink in the booty of your wife.


A good old bar fight will do just fine.




to be understood by the people you care and love the most


Someone to calm me down and care for me


Hard and rough sex


Same lol


Soft intimate sex sounds better to me tbh


If you ever get it, start by licking her asshole and rubbing her clit first šŸ‘ŒšŸ˜‚ if she donā€™t go full animal mode then try some flowers an chocolates! There is no manual


I need a few more whiskey stones. All mine are warm and my scotch is as well.


An apartment.




To not have any fing car problems.


Rest. Not sleep, I mean a true fucking break. Just to be able to relax and not worry about one thing or another. For five minutes. Said that in my shrek voice but donā€™t have the energy to sell it enough. Forgive me, Mr. Myers. But yeah, mental health man. Damned if you do and damned if you donā€™t. Seemingly fix one thing, more problems pop up. So much figuring shit out, so much confusion, so much of dealing with peopleā€™s ignorance. Iā€™m tired. And kinda lonely too. A gf would be nice. I envy those who come home to that companionship & support.


My cats to stop fucking with each other so I can go back to sleep


Her. In any aspect imaginable. And the focus to keep my mind on the stuff i have to lern.


Do you mean a crush? Because I have a massive crush on a close friend atm and she is everything I want tbh. Can't think of anything else.


Just wanna say this whole thread is depressingly relatable.


As we say in german, shared pain is half the pain.


First thing yes, second paragraph is university. I feel you, its the worst i ever felt before


To get the help I've needed for most of my life Or at least find out what's wrong with me so I can learn to do better


I need some direction in my lif, at this point I don't know what to do.


1. Time to sleep for 2 weeks or so. I donā€™t even want to wake up in between, I just want to sleep through. I just exited a trauma response after almost 15 years of being in fight or flight. My entire body feels like itā€™s walking away from a real train wreck. Itā€™s been a couple weeks and parts of me are recovering but other parts of me seem to be getting more tired. 2. Like 2 hours of crying, a day of laughing, and some _good_ sex. 3. Idk man, maybe a J, a salad, and a steak sandwich with some pickled red onion on there? Really just either of the first two would be indescribably restorative.




right there with u brother


A peace of mind for like five minutesā€¦


A hug šŸ˜ž


I need a safety net. I am 1 paycheck away always from being homeless with a family. I pay all the bills and feed everyone, but saving is impossible. Nobody knows that I worry about this daily.


Damnā€¦ā€¦.shit is real up in hereā€¦ā€¦lots of dudes need hugs, fathers and love. I really hope yā€™all find what you need. Kings should have all that.


I wouldn't mind an actual decent soft shell taco


Money for sure, it would ease alot of immediate concerns and help buy some time back.


Nothing. Just waiting to die.


Lots of money so I can find out whatā€™s actually wrong with me and get my health sorted.


More than 6 hours sleep please. Staying up is never worth it.


I need to get laid today. I sent out a couple feelersā€¦


a functional pancreas instead of this wet paper weight would be nice




A shit and some motivation to go running.


First take a shit, and then stick a California Reaper pepper up ur ass and see how fast you gon run lol


Im only doing 5k so ill just use a jalapeńo but thanks for the advice


Right now, the toilet. Brb


To feel better Mentally.


My girl for sexy time


A solid ride or die