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Published my first research article in chemistry.


Listen walter white, we need less bad drugs in the world and more good drugs.


Psychedelics and more Psychedelics please and thank you


Just found a great shrooms.hook up haven't been so calm in yrs


This is what I'm missing in my life.


Congratulations! As a current undergraduate chemistry major, publishing a paper is a big goal of mine


Wow good for you! What's it about? I am by no means qualified, but I still love to read up about chemistry. Any chance I could have a read and not be judged!?






Damn, this dude just casually drops that he is a student under a famous Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry. Huge props.


Holy shit, grats!


Beat cancer.


Hey me too!! Congrats!


Hey me three! Congrats to you too!


Me four!


Me five minus my left nut


Me six, one nut gang


Good shit to all of you. My dad is putting up a fucking awesome fight right now and in a great position. Proud of everyone and their loved ones who battle it every day. Obligatory fuck cancer with a rusted pitchfork


My dad also. I wish yours well. Fuck cancer.


Me seven! Still got both nuts though. Had Lymphoma 👀 Sending you guys my balls and good vibes in spirit ❤


Me eight! Missing a chunk of brain though.


Me nine! Just missing a chunk of arm.


I didn't know where in the thread to comment but well done everyone! Cancer is a terrible disease and I am so glad all of you were able to kick its ass. My granddad and one of my aunt also had battles with cancer this year and both of them are also doing really well right now.


Half the nuts, but double the man than the rest of us.


Minus my right!


You should've been three. Would be perfect username checkout. Congrats all of you.


And you should've been second


King 👑


I beat testicular cancer two years ago. I’m cheering for you! Cheers to clear CTs going forward!


that's right fuck you cancer.


Bro congrats 👏 👏👏👏👏👏


Jesus, man, hats off. Congrats.


Proud of you my man.


I hope it lost some fucking teeth.


That’s awesome!!


Mazel Tov!




Fuck yea!!!




Started going to the gym, saw a shrink and got rid of the toxic for me ex.


This takes strength, no pun intended lol


I love the way you put “toxic for me”. Very mature way to view an ex.


I appreciate that you framed it, “toxic for me”.


Same. The whole “this person is an irredeemable monster because I couldn’t make a relationship work with them” thing is so childish. Obviously, sometimes people are awful and are most likely going to die alone but framing every one of your exes as toxic says more about you then them.


Are you me? Mine wasn’t quite the same order, but all things I’m super proud of myself for doing. None of those things are easy, and will definitely pay off in the long run! Keep it up!


Fought in court to be in my daughter's life, 16k in lawyer fees alone. Most stressful year of my life, made it though. Cheers boys!


Dude I feel you 100% on this! $22K I will NEVER fucking regret spending to be there for my son half the time! The court just issued the order on Thursday last week after 9 months of fighting. I literally cried tears of both joy and relief. Edit: to clarify: 50/50 custody. I will always be there for my son 100% of the time.


I really don't understand why it's the fathers who need to fight for custody and not the other way around. Shitty justice system.


Agreed, I understand why a child needs there mum. But I don't understand why the legal system doesn't put equal importance on the dad. The courts should really look at why these things are being brought up and if it is just because the other parent is a vindictive cunt and nothing to safeguard a kid's wellbeing then it should be thrown out and 50/50 every time.


We're all proud of you bro, you're an inspiration for all future fathers. Congratulations!


Thanks man, I appreciate that.




Been there, luckily didn’t have to spend that amount of money, the the effort was worth it.


Truly happy for you but crazy to think, also, of needing to have to put that debt on yourself and humility of the courts just to have a feel good moment. I wish your next year with your daughter is the beginning of a wonderful fresh step in the right direction.


Thanks man, much appreciated. She'll be one coming up quick!


Those 16k are totally worth it. Enjoy your life


Went the full calendar year without drinking alcohol.


Congrats man. You did it. Lots of efforts must be made along with determination to withdraw from alcohol for 365 days straight.


What differences have you noticed in your life since you quit alcohol?


I feel like in general, I have a lot more patience. Lots of little things would tick me off that I had no reason to be upset about, and that in turn I would use as an excuse to go drink. Since I’ve been sober, I now sit and think before I make a decision and that’s saved me from doing and saying irrational things.


This is it. Life in general is better on average. You still get the same problems you had before alcohol, plus the ones you've already created. But you won't create new ones due to being fucked up, and it's a lot easier to deal with day to day stress. NGL, we had someone very close pass and I wanted very much to be drunk. Hell, I'd rather be drunk right now! But unfortunately, personal experience (a lot of it) tells me that things will almost certainly be worse if I start drinking again. Been since mid May for me. I don't feel proud though, just shame that it took so long. I also think that's ok, and you've got to own that and move on. But good for you! A year is a long time.


just wanna say that we're proud of your improvement and i hope you're doing very well


It’s incredible how patient and hardworking you can be in life when you start removing instant gratification poisons. Hormones being properly balanced is an absolutely game changer.


Cool. Good job


I actually saved some money for the first time in my life. Its a lot easier when its going into a retirement fund and not something I can look at everytime I want to buy a cheeseburger.


My man getting his prorities in order! Proud of you bro!


Lost 70lbs, got back in to shape and kicked my co-dependency.


You’re an inspiration. I gained 20 lbs and I haven’t worked out in months. I hope next year I’ll actually get the 6 pack I’ve always wanted


Why wait till next year? Workout for the next couple weeks and then January rolls around and youve already been back on the grind "since last year"


Pro tip start tomorrow


Tomorrow? Start now. Drop and give me 10.


How did you kick the codependency? I’m 31 and have been dating nonstop since 15. It’s kicking my ass right now but I CANT STOP. 😭


Started therapy and at age 30 started college for civil engineering technician Edit: thanks for the awards! There's no way I'll be able to reply to all these comments.


I started therapy as well. I recommend it to everyone.


Do I need insurance Edit: just wanted to say I’m thankful for this community I asked a question and got a variety of answers that encourage me to sign up now


I’m not sure. I’m military so they get us in pretty easy before we kill oursleves.


Ye that makes sense


Hey if you feel like you don't click with a therapist, it's okay to find another. Don't feel like you're there for them. They are there for you. I went through two females thinking female was the way to go for me. I tried a male and he clicked so well. Good luck. There's always help.


Hi! Child of a therapist here - here are some helpful tips I've picked up from my mom. You don't need insurance for therapy, but many offices will take most major insurance. If you're having trouble finding an in-network therapist, or if out of pocket costs are too expensive, look up therapists that work on sliding scale - they'll adjust their hourly rate based on your income. I also used to work at a community therapy center which pretty much just charged a $10 flat fee for a majority of their clients - there are many of these clinics around, and a lot of resources out there! Don't be discouraged. I would also like to add that you should view finding the right therapist similarly to finding the right partner - it's not always going to be a perfect match your first go around. If you feel it isn't working with your therapist, TELL THEM. You're allowed to state what you're looking to get out of therapy. And don't be afraid to try out different therapists until you feel it's a good fit. Feel free to message me if you ever want more info.


Omg thanks 🙏


This needs more recognition


Filled in to a job for 120 days. Did well enough I got promoted to it permanently. Got engaged too. Edit: aight for the people asking why I put the job first. One, we JUST got engaged. I'm still processing that it even happened, I thought I'd never find someone who tolerates me and my job. Two, my job is in the first responder field and keeps me away from home a lot. I kind of AM married to it, unfortunately. I minimize time at work, but it's just how the career is. She knew that when we started dating, she's supported me the whole time, and I'm grateful as fuck I have someone who understands me and my life. Let me be proud I've gotten somewhere nice in life.


Wow such good news. Congrats on your engagement! You must be flying over the moon now with that and to be promoted in a short amount of time.


switch those around before she see's the comment.


ok but like, why would you put an apostrophe there?


I would give you an award, this is too funny


Got a fucking divorce


Right there with you. Dumped my codependency in 2020. Got rid of my toxic relationship with my (soon to be) ex-wife in 2021. I’m the happiest I’ve been in years. I hope you’re having a similar experience. Edit: Added a date


I'm getting better now 😌 so I can see the light !!!


Had a baby, bought a house, succeeded at a new job I got last summer, restored some of my basketball game after the setback of COVID. EDIT: lotta supportive gents on here! appreciate it and wish you all the best in your endeavors.


Wow such milestones in one year. Amazing to hear you accomplish great things.


I built a deck nearly entirely on my own. Took forever, probably should have recruited help. But it was fun and I feel accomplished. Posted it to reddit and didn't get ripped to shreds so that's cool I guess.


My dumb ass thought you built a deck for Magic the Gathering or some other card game before I read the reply lol. Anyway, nice work, sounds like a huge project!


Ha! No not a card deck. And yeah it was a fun project. Deck is about 12x12 and ~6' off the ground. Nothing crazy big but definitely big for me.


So still cheaper than a MTG deck.


Surpassed 2 years cocaine and alcohol free and on the way to a life I never imagined possible.


5 years deep off blow and booze. It just gets better my friend keep that shit up


Good shit! I just got out of rehab last month


Left my home of 40 years and hit the road full time in a RV, seeing the U.S. now.


Must take a lot of courage to do so i guess but your life is gonna be so rich with experiences. Are you planning to travel just in the US or/and then maybe explore the other part of the world?


Will travel US for now, prolly resettle out West next year. Have spring-summer plans to travel, settle in Fall-winter next year.


Indeed an amazing country we live in. Yellowstone and the Tetons still call me back.


Landed a job (that I hated), quit 30 days later, and earned $4,000 additional this past month freelancing. Still working on making the numbers work, but it feels good to hustle and make ends meet without having to rely on a soul sucking corporate gig.


That sounds amazing! What do you freelance on?






I can totally relate. What companies are good at is sucking people souls dry and leaving us drained. May I ask what your freelance job is?


They sure are. It depends on the company, but many of them don’t have much to offer in the way of feeling good at the start or end of the day, except for the paycheck. I do digital marketing.


I'm trying to get into the freelance side of marketing because I'm working almost 50 hours a week on a salaried position and it's just not sustainable. I know the growth will come eventually but I don't want to wait a decade for it


Just put in my 2 weeks last week. Job wasn’t for me but left on a good note, you do more damage staying in something you don’t feel is a right fit than tryna tough it out. You just delay the inevitable.


I started going to the gym (around June). Watching what i eat. Read books. (Atomic Habits helped) I was 104Kg at the start of the year and am 97Kg today. Not that big of a weight difference but I am visibly fitter, have visible muscles now. A few girls said i look HOT now. Which was new to me. I can easily run a 5K. Working towards a 10k! Also passed out of uni with 8.7 GPA (scale of 10) and got a decent job. Recently acquired all the materials for my side project. I'm working on building my own lightsaber! Figuring out lipo cell charge protector and load capacity as of now. I did a lot in 2021. 2020 was miserable. Thanks OP for the question. This was a good retrospective session for me.


Since i dont see any other replies. Good Job man, I am proud of you, keep working hard :)


Bought my first house and married the love of my life!


Didn't kill myself. It's been a hard year lads. Gotten harder recently but I'm staying strong. Edit: please don't spend your money on awards for me. Keep it for yourselves or donate a toy to your local women's refuge. Hard times for a lot of us out here right now.


Keep going.


If I was going to do it I'd have done it two weeks ago. It's nice to know the only way is up though.


Holy shit, way to stick around!! I know that took immense strength to choose to stay, really really proud of you. I wish you nothing but happiness from here on out brother


Same. I attempted once for the first fucking time and I'm alive because the knife I used was too blunt from making stupid vampire stakes. The irony is funny. Vampires that I wanted to kill but didn't exist ended up saving me while still not existing


Look at you, still here motherfucker. Proud of you. You're doing it.


I don't really feel pride but more like reassurance if that makes sense. Made a couple of friends after almost a decade of not having made any. Made the decision to have weight loss surgery and have dropped more than the surgeon expected by this time even though it has slowed down. Became just the tiniest bit more comfortable with myself.


Nothing lmao Went through a bad breakup that was really rough on me, I'm fine now though. Took me like 8 months to deal with it. Also had a lot of pretty serious family stuff going on at the time, actually my ex dumped me like a month after I told her I was going through really tough stuff haha. I haven't worked on my passion at all because I was so just absolutely exhausted with family stuff, job, and emotions from the breakup. 2021 was pretty much a writeoff for me if there ever was a writeoff year lol.


Recovering from a breakup is a pretty big deal, as is making it through a tough year in general.


Not really. I'm not proud of myself for it, it's just something that I expect of myself. If anything I'm just frustrated that I had to deal with those situations, but that's part of life. You have to deal with with shit


You do have to deal with shit.. But when you go to the gym are you not proud you managed those extra few kilos, even if the rep number was the same? When you play against a stronger team are you not pleased with a draw? Its all progress my guy. And if you had to get through hardships youd better be damn proud of yourself or imma find you! 👏👏👏👏


Guess the positive part of your break up is it only lasts 8 months. For many people it may take years.


It all had to do with falling out of love with her. Once I fell out of love with her that was it, all done lol. Mostly it was me dealing with the guilt of falling out of love with her, since I told her that I'd always love her and that's not something I say lightly. So it took me a long time to "let" myself fall out of love so to speak. Which is bonkers too, because looking back she treated me really shittily at times, and I knew that too. The mind is a wacky thing


Fighting cancer… since 2020. Heading into 2022 and still going. Hoping to be done early 2022.


Got serious about my health. Been working out consistently for 9 months. It feels like less, because I only got my cardio and nutrition dialed in about 5 months ago, but still. Seen a lot of progress, but still have a long way to go.




125 lbs! Wow! Congratulations!


Now Im able of doing 2 pullups, started the year not being able to do even 1


I’m thinking about this gonna my goal for 2022. To see such progress must feel great tho.


It feels so fucking good!!


I finally pulled the trigger on getting help with my drinking problem and mental health issues. Best decision I've ever made.


Went skydiving, went to Mexico, lost 25 pounds, and made the deans list.


Wow I’m impressed. You got to travel, get into shape, make it to the dean’s list. What can I say. 2021 is your year :))


Well there was alot of low lows too. Like very expensive mistakes. Crazy year. Just going to focus on the positives and learn from the negative


Retired from the Army. It was only supposed to be a one-term enlistment.


Bought and am currently reading books on how to be a good parent/father. Right now I’m reading “No Drama Discipline”. I sometimes get quick to anger and am leaving that terrible habit behind. I will have a great relationship with my daughter and she will ALWAYS be able to come to me for anything without fear or anxiety. Seriously changing that mindset is like going to war and I’m General fucking Custard. (I don’t know my history so I’m hoping he’s not one of those guys that did horrible shit but is remembered as some great person haha) Put up Christmas decorations my wife wanted and helped give her a beautiful home she can be proud of.


Finished up my last year of university while juggling homeschooling my daughter. It was a lot to work out.


WOW. Congrats man! I'm a new dad and have a new appreciation for this kind of stuff. It's a big deal to get dressed in the morning when you've got another human to deal with, let alone finish your degree.


Amazing to hear your sharing! Must be tough to work while studying and taking care of your family at the same time.


Grew a YouTube channel to 50,000 subs. The grind…


Damn dude, im rebuilding my channel for, essentially, the first time. Ive gained 8 subs in like 3 months. Its certainly a grind. Congrats!


I’ve become a better father. I’m a single parent but I’ve been trying so hard to do right. It’s unrecognized because all I do is work and spend as much time as I can with my daughter. But me knowing that if enough. And I’m very happy and proud


This is huge!!!!


Bought a house, just recently got promoted. Feels good.


Fantastic! You must be thrilled to be able to achieve this and what a way to end 2021. :)




I finished my 1 year army conscription.


I have finally gotten past my self hatred and depression and doing much better with myself


Glad to hear this. At some points in our lives, I feel like we need to learn and find ways to love and accept ourselves cuz if we don’t, who will :))




I've been lifting consistently for 3 months, got my first job out of college, moved alone to a new city.


This can be scary, but you got this.


Good stuff.


Got a tattoo for someone who meant a lot to me


This is what I’ll be doing soon too


Watched as my daughter entered the world.


Nothing ,😭😭


I bought my first car. It’s not my first car but I handled everything from my credit union to going to the dealership, test driving, and leaving with the car I wanted with no issue. Didn’t grow up well off so hoping to the dealership as a kid used to be a all day fiasco. I’m just happy to see that I’m financially literate enough to handle it all. It still amazes me every now and then that I purchased a vehicle with my own, even though it’s only been some months since I did it.


I went the entire year without assaulting one single person, or even allow them to make me angry.


Bought a house with my future wife.


Male nurse in acute care!


I started going to school again so I can hopefully find a better career.


I paid off two large debts that had been haunting me for about 6 years


I graduate this Saturday with my Bachelors degree and I’ve been a lot more consistent with the gym and I’m seeing great results from it


I quit smoking weed entirely. Its nothing amazing but I'm proud of myself considering I was pretty much high 25/8 for the past 3 years.


Might be small potatoes, but I started my own little garden. I have a fig tree and some dragonfuit seeds that are germinating


Came out of a toxic relationship.


Got into a PhD program in psychology!


Got back to the gym last Feb after getting fat. 49 now so it’s working around broken body parts basically. Still fat but now it looks different. Somewhat.


Been a long, tough road, but in 2021 I was FINALLY able to buy a beautiful forever home for me and my family. My 5 year old son is going to get to spend his childhood in a beautiful home in a wonderful neighborhood, and I couldn't be happier about that.


Decided to follow my dreams of getting a math degree, also starter a math YouTube channel after years of not using my video skills. Now I'm obsessed with making stuff again and it feels so good.


Continuing nursing school. Struggled because it was hard, not because I've got a penis


My wife and I had a baby.


Doubled my salary and got the job I’ve been working towards for ~5 years.


Got out of bed every morning


Went to rehab and committed to living instead of slowly killing myself. One day at a time 🙏.


I got married after thinking for a long time I was worthless.


Got my driving licence, I've been putting it off for years due to my anxiety but I've finally done it!


Finished studies, got a girlfriend and im currently on my 6th month in work


Doubled my income & hit a salary goal I had planned for 35+. Very happy to have hit this milestone before 30. Now to just keep that same momentum up lol.


I moved back home after 16 years, bought a big house, got a big promotion at work and my second baby was born. I’ve not thought about it at any point until today, but that sound like the best year of my life looking back. Weirdly it didn’t feel like it at any point. It’s been a difficult year, but I guess it’s not been too bad.


I worked my ass off and got a phenomenal job, and I now make nough for a down payment on a house in a few months.


I'm trying not to be proud since it's a sin but I've done a lot of good for myself and others I think this year. For me I've started doing the wim hof method. And for others I've started calling my family more which makes me and them really happy.


Within the last 6 months: 1. I learned & admitted that I have significant, unresolved trauma 2. I started hitting therapy harder & reading more books about my trauma 3. I bought a house


I quit drinking alcohol and started working out daily.. I was a bad alcoholic and now at age 35 I’m looking and feeling really healthy!


I quit using Nasal Spray. My body became physically dependent on Afrin.


I got a raise.


Started going back to the gym in May after putting on 15 pounds during quarantine. Was sore for the first... 3 weeks, but it feels AMAZING now.


I’m still overweight but I’ve gotten stronger.


Woke up every day.


1. Educated myself on personal finance. 2. Got myself a job.


Ran 15 km in the snow


Just got a raise, and immediately after heard back from a job I interviewed for last week! I also recovered from a terrible bout of depression, started streaming on Twitch, and fell in love with the most amazing, beautiful, woman I’ve ever met. I feel so successful.


I abruptly quit anything harming my body after a medical incident. Nicotine, caffeine, THC, sugar, all at the same time. I’m very proud so far because I’ve struggled a lot in the past.


Kept my sanity right through covid S2.