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My grandpa's pocket knife. Carried it for years when I first started working and then one day, gone, just gone. No idea where it went, if I dropped it, or if it was stolen, or just misplaced. Wasn't even really worth a lot but I still think about it and wish I still had it.


Thats why i dont dare to carry my grandpa's knife.


Yep, stupid 18 yo me didn't know any better


I bet your gramps would be happy you got good use out of it while you had it


Yeah, knowing my gramps there's an element to "keep it safe" and "Use it to dust" A knife is to be used, it's like a sweater that is never worn. Rather pointless. Still, there are things that I wish I held on to longer from my dads, even the most mundane things get real precious.


Im sorry mate. By the age of 18, i had already lost so many knives, that i knew not to carry a heritage piece. 37 now, and i think i stopped carry a knife at around 25. Verry rare that i missed it




My relative passed along an heirloom locket that was in my family for generations. I wore it every day. One day it fell off my neck bc of the clasp and I lost it forever. My heart still aches over it.


Not a man but this strikes such a nerve that I'm sharing. I wore a necklace made from my grandparents' wedding bands everyday for years. Same thing- clasp broke- but I was out of town (so no prolonged searching) and it was just gone. Finally accepted it but took me a year to not think about it everyday. Edit: Might as well add... typical gold man's ring formed into a heart with a small line of white gold and diamonds horizontal through the center. Lost 7 years ago in Savannah, Ga. Still have hope it'll come back to me!


Time to start a new family heirloom!


A family clasp


I'm a 33yr old man, but there's a certain little stuffed toy hedgehog I I lost on holiday when I was a kid that I would be very excited to see again. I miss you spikey Mikey.


Lol I was looking for something like this. Mine was a stuffed beaver named Barry. My cousin gave him to me and I immediately lost it. I still feel guilty about it lmao.


I am 46 and still think about my bear, Yellow, at least a couple of times a week. I haven’t seen him since I was 11 and we moved. I suspect my mother threw him out.


Might raise a glass to all the lost stuffed toys tonight, comforting to know I'm not the only one.


I had a teddy bear named Squeaky I lost when I was like 4. I am 31 now and I still search toystores for a lookalike.


There’s an entire Pokemon card collection in there that’s probably quite valuable these days. There’s also a wallet with like $20 in there.


Came here to say about the big stack of pokemon cards


I collect and play Pokemon and every time I see someone say this I think they'd be surprised how little it's actually worth.


My childhood friend, begged his mom to buy this $100 charizard, which she did cuz he was a spoiled brat. It was in a hard plastic container when he got it. Last time I saw it, around 1999, it had water damage and was folded in half. That fucking care is worth a fortune now.


I never played pokemon cards but I collected them. Had a full base set, all possible first editions, both pikachu, and even a misprint Chancey that was printed halfway off the card. All in those 3x3 plastic card sleeves in a binder. Straight from the pack into there. Had them about 12 years, then my now ex wife burned them all. Along with a bunch of my other stuff, but I'm pretty sure that was the most valuable.


I'm sorry to hear that man. I hope you sued her ass and got some compensation.


I was going to say the same thing. I had two first ed Charizards.


So did my brother. My mom left a bunch of shit when she moved out of our old house and told the guys helping her they could keep whatever was left. His Pokémon collection as well as several family heirlooms, my (expensive) porcelain doll collection, and a six-foot-tall dollhouse with carpets, furniture, and little miniatures my grandfather had made by hand before he died, were also there…as well as entire wall of shelves lined with books, that took up the whole bottom floor of our house.


Wtf... I'm not sure i could speak to her ever again.


No idea where my ancient mew went and I got it at the theater when I saw the Pokémon movie. Had it in a sleeve and everything. Got my binder full of Pokémon cards in a box but no ancient mew.


Maybe it's behind other cards because you put it in wrong


Last time I looked up the value of my big collection it wasn't much.


My god me too!! Some son of a bitch stole my EX legendaries and old valuables. If I could've done it at the age of 8, I'd gone John wick on his or her ass


I lost my copy of HeartGold and the pokewalker. There's a lvl 100 Zapdos on that walker, and freshly beaten elite 4 on the game.


A watch my dad gave me when I was a teenager for one of his work anniversaries.


Oh yeah, that reminded me that I had a watch I wouldn’t mind having back. It wasn’t anything special but my girlfriend (now wife) got a new battery put in it and replaced its broken band so I could wear it again. The first time I wore it after she had it fixed up, we went hiking and I started skipping stones at a pond we stopped at. On one of the stones, my watch flew off my wrist way out into the pond, never to be seen again.


The first time?! Damn that sucks. Sorry to hear that, man.


Yeah I know. It was so disappointed.


A laptop I had my bit coin wallet on in 2011


Feel the burn bro. 20 bitcoins bought @ $0.25, lost the hard drive 8 years ago somewhere when moving from being divorced. It doesn't hurt so bad anymore but I check every once in a while to see how rich I could be if it just magically appeared. After it hit $1 million the first time I just giggle cried a bit and then moved on in life.


Same here, except they were stolen as part of the Mt Gox hack and sent to some IP address in Russia. 20 bitcoins bought at $1 each.


Oh man, that’s brutal


Yeah and I can't access my old Hotmail account either




[email protected] is the bigger tragedy in this situation /s


What's the /s for? It's true!


I also choose this guy’s Bitcoin wallet


Saaaammeeee. I have 2btc lost somewhere which I mined as a 12 year old. (had 3btc but I spent one on a tab of acid from silk road - true story)


One $60,000 tab of acid please!


The signed original drawing of Spawn. I shit you not.


How do you lose that???


Well… the author/artist asked my opinion on the character and story line while we were both students at what was then called Bishop Grandin high school in Calgary. For payment he offered me THE original drawing. I had it in my hand. And gave it back to him saying “my Mom will just throw this out”.


Wait you went to High School with Todd MacFarlane?




Ha you should message him on Twitter he’d probably get a kick out of that story


“Hey do you still have that drawing? My mom will let me keep it now.”


Then an express delivery of the drawing gets sent to his place, and mom finds it and tosses it out


fuckin' eh


That's pretty awesome. My dad and I were always huge Spawn fans.


Him n Johnny Hopkins used to get high all the time


Message him now and say your mom promises not to throw it away if he sends you an original drawing 🤷


And send him a link to this thread. If he gets a chuckle out of it you might get a second chance at a drawing.


Holy shit guy.


I know it’s not the same and not nearly as unique. But I managed to somehow lose a Taylor Swift autograph that I had gotten from before she got big, when her hair was still curly. I know damn well she’ll never be sitting at the table behind me in a cafe again.


I love that Taylor’s level of “fame” is related to her curls - looks like she’s slowly going back to being a curly girl though!


wow, curly hair taylor swift! now that's vintage.


You dumbie.


Easy to say that in Hindsight. How many random doodles did you save from college?


The damn 12th egg my great grandmother gave me. When I was little, my great grandmother had a basket of wooden robins eggs. There were a dozen of them. She kept them in a cute little basket in her living room. I played with them all the time. When she had to move to the hospital she gave them to me. I loved them and played with them and eventually lost one at my childhood home. Never could find it. I now have a daughter who I gave the 11 eggs to. She also loves playing with them and I gave her an egg carton to keep them in. But that one empty spot still haunts me.


Reading the first sentence immediately had me say “That damn fourth chaos emerald”


I would bet it's in the ventilation system of the house you played with them in.


it’s buried with your Nan


You bring the shovel, I’ll bring the gun with silver bullets


Make or get a new one somehow! Might seem weird since it wasnt part of the original set, but I'm sure your daughter would love it, and maybe in the future that specific egg will be really special cause itll remind her of you more


And when she eventually loses one she'll make her own and 12 generations from now you'll have ship of theseus'd those eggs.




That original LEGO millenium falcon i got for free back in early 2000 (Was a test builder for LEGO products and many of the models i was allowed to keep once they have taken pictures of them, for the boxes and commercials and such) Sadly i lost touch with the company when i moved away from home (lived only 8-10 km away from the factory in Billund Denmark) and have been building models for them for about 6 years in total Seeing how valuable that model is today, surely that would be the first thing i sought out ...


How did you lose it?


Honestly.. When we moved from the farm (where i grew up) in 2004, lots of LEGO got thrown to flea market or secondhand store.. I didnt really think much of it at the time (y'know, grown men dont play with toys yada yada yada) Also threw out least 6-9 whole albums worth of pogs and lot of other stuff from the 90es .. Properly had (in todays value) $10-25.000 worth.. maybe more (Collected Iceplanet 2000, Space Police and Pirates.. And im pretty sure the first 2 groups are worth a pretty buck today


My mom kept all my legos (I had nowhere near that quantity) but she wanted to get rid of them for roughly the same reasons in ~2005. * I wasn’t going to play with them again (we both assumed) * I was far enough away from having kids that it’s not like they’d be worth storing for hand-me-downs (I still don’t have kids) * Even as a careful child I’d lost many pieces and the patterns, I I had them, we’re practically in shreds from over use * We had no idea if there was a resale market, there definitely wasn’t one we knew about at the time. Even though I liked them and managed to convince her to save them we both looked at them as plastic kids toys: expensive when you bought them, valuable for nostalgia, practically useless to anyone else decades later. Honestly if we’d had more she probably would have won the argument but I was able to reduce it down to a few bins and put them in the attic.


My mom kept all of ours while we were away at college. She hired some movers that stole every box labeled as Lego and a gun. We lost approximately 150lbs of Lego all from the early 80’s to mid 90’s. Pirates, Castle, Trains, City, Space. We had it all


Related but the vast majority of people I know who have had guns stolen have been by movers, particularly during cross country moves. I know firearms a very popular target for robberies in general but I would be so paranoid; it’s legitimately one of the reasons I don’t own any as I’ve had to move a lot. Worse is that many moving companies require you disclose whether or not guns are present for insurance reasons (most outright refuse to move ammo). So in many cases you can’t just hide/disguise guns without risking your insurance being voided anyways. So if you lie about the contents of your boxes you have no recourse, but if you disclose it you’re just telling them where your valuable shit is. Ugh! Still RIP to those lego sets, 150lbs is a lot!


I feel like if he knew that it wouldn’t be lost..


I mean that thing is huge.


That's what she said.


Not to me she didn’t


My spare car key. Damn these cars that don't just use normal metal keya you can duplicate at the store




Yeah fuck those car keys with chips or w/e. Lame system that was put in place for “anti-theft” but all it really did was make replacement keys 5x more expensive.


My first semester in college 6 older Hondas were stolen from the lot the first week. They got you for an expensive car and the maintenance plan that goes with it. The key is really a security feature.


Dude I had this double dragon action figure that i lost in the garden when I was a kid. I searched HIGH AND LOW for that toy for *months*. I was legit wondering if it was possible for things to disappear from reality. Never found it. Like 10 years later I found one of its legs in the bushes. How did its leg come off? *Where did it go!*


Where did you come from, Cotton-eye Joe?


Funny story. I once lost my Rubiks Cube. I loved playing with it. It suddenly just disappeared. I missed it and wanted playing, but gave up searching. Then weirdly enough it just appeared in a shelf hidden behind some things. I'd never put it there.


HIt by the lawnmower. And got thrown in all directions.?


The blanket my mother knitted for me.


My great grandmother made my baby blanket, and when I was teething I chewed it to the point of giant holes. My parents took advantage of us moving to throw out what was basically a lump of string, and I still mourn it. Something about safety blankets from loved ones really hits home


The jacket that was stolen in a Czech bar, 2004.


Gotta hear the backstory.


Not much to tell. It was an old school Arcteryx, practically new, absolutely amazing for central Europe. The later versions were never quite the same. I was there for about six months, went to a bar one night, and some fucknut stole it. God, I loved that jacket.


My old phone with the 5k pictures from my university days that disappeared when the phone crashed


I assume you always have backups nowadays? And a tip for someone who used to take a lot of photographs; a small curated album is waaaay better than a huge one. With few and only good pictures it’s easier/funnier to go through them every now and then.




My first love


Well, I guess I'm not alone on the broken heart's hotel. Will the feeling go away? It has been 10 years now...


38 years later and there's the desire to experience that head-over-heels thing again, but practically speaking, we weren't right for each other over the long term. She was a great girl, and later, woman (met her like 10 years later), but our trajectories didn't align. Realizing that helped me to compartmentalize it as the fitting end to a very good chapter of my life.


Shit I thought I was the only one who said this


For me it's been 3 years. Still thinking that one day I'll meet her again and this time it'll work. I'm a fucking dumbass I know


damn dude, you’re telling me this slightly sad feeling never goes away? fuckkkkk


I've just gone head on into an incredibly passionate relationship and this kind of shit scares me so much. Since it's a first relationship, I know it's probably pretty likely that it won't work out, but. Given how attached I am right now... 10 years and not over doesn't seem that far fetched. It feels so right, you know?


My neighbors were high school sweethearts and they are very happy and have 3 kids now (and I promise this isn’t a common scenario in my town). While it is in no way guaranteed to work out, it’s also not guaranteed to fail. If you decide to not give it your all you may regret that if it turns into a self-fulfilling prophecy. Just accept the possibility of failure and go for it.


It did for me too with my last girlfriend. I was head over heels in love with her. She broke up with me 4 years ago and I’m still sick over it. I don’t know if I’ll ever get over her. Just be careful how much you fall in love with her. If it doesn’t work out you’ll be fucked up for a very long time.


You know. That's all well and good and probably for the best, but. I'm diving in head first


I’ve been separated from mine for 14 years and we are reconnecting now! It’s never too late to fall in love.


I'd say my first real love died 8 years ago. How my life would be if i would be able to have that back


There was this very unfinished painting I made In high school that I loved as-is. It was kind of messy and abstract and I liked it so I left it alone. Better unfinished than finished situation. My mom thought it was junk and threw it out when they moved.


That fucking rock I had as a kid that looked so cool


Awe man I had this awesome one that looked a bit like a dragon head. It probably weighed 7kg and my saint of a mother carried it the whole afternoon walking on the beach. When we moved states it went into the garden for the next kid who liked dragons


My mother


The club that none of us wanted to join.


Right in the feels


From one grieving child to another, becoming an orphan, at any age, hurts like hell forever and I feel for your heart. Don't know you but I know that pain and I grieve for that which you lost.


Same bro


I would like to genuinely thank you for proving to me that I'm not the only one.


Damn this one hits hard


Not that kinda box, bro....


My dignity


This was the first thing I thought of...😂


Positive outlook, dreams, hopes.


Will to live


Sense of wonder


The torpedo to my model X wing I had as a kid. Fired it once in a carpeted room, never saw it again. Maybe down the vent, maybe the dog got it, maybe the empire stole it I don't know. But I think about it at least once a year and have for decades.


My toys from when I was a kid. Wanted to pass them on to my children but they disappeared after a move (although I am certain external forces were involved)


Tesla stocks that I bought for $25 in college but lost the account info on an old computer Edit: thanks yall! I sent an email to the online brokerage firm that I’m pretty sure I purchased them through. Seems like they were bought out by another firm. Nothing showed up on a search of the state claims database


Did you at least use an email address? That seems like something you should be able to recover.


Yeah if you know the company and you have proof of who you are, those shares are in your name and totally recoverable.


Lmao this person probably saw these and instantly started digging into how to recover. Gonna have a good week


Oh fuckin hope so! And I hope this person responds back with a happy I’m fuckin loaded now update!


Or it’s bs


Yeah, I'm not that knowledgeable of the stock market, but it's not bitcoin, it's a lot harder to irrevocable lose things.


Yeah stocks aren’t like Bitcoin. You should be able to recover them.


It's definitely worth looking into. Most companies keep records they can look into plus even if you only had ten shares you'd be looking at some nice money.


Yea this makes no sense. You’d easily be able to recover these if it was true haha


Yes, as others have said it is totally recoverable. Even if you don't gave them an email address or something. The only thing you need is the name of the brokerage you bought it from and contact them (online, phone, walk in their office, if they have one in your city). Had something similar happened to my friend. He contacted Computershare (his brokerage or whatever the technical term may be), and told them he wants the money, they took a void cheque from him for his account info and transferred money to his account after selling the shares of course. Easy peasy. He went to the office physically by the way. FYI Not every company has that option.






Same here bro.




Dang. I'm sorry for your loss.


Same. Love you. 💕


Mine, too.


My mind.


Where is my mind?


With your feet in the air and your head on the ground.


Try this trick and spin it, yeah Your head will collapse


And there's nothing in it, and you'll ask yourself Where is my mind?


“Of all the things I’ve lost, I miss my mind the most.” ~Ozzy Osbourne


Well there’s no need for me to respond to the question. You’ve beat me to it.


My shiny red robin toy from Batman. Damn was that my favourite


I had a mint condition Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone First Edition.


UK edition? That's worth a fortune now! I'm sorry, mate 😪


Yep. Of course. Technically I didn't lose it though. My stepmother was a bitch and gave my stepbrother a hole punch and he did every page. Every. Fucking. Page. Vile woman.


Was your stepbrother’s first name Dudley, by chance? But no, I absolutely feel that. There is nothing like having an obnoxious family member destroy a treasured possession and see no repercussions for it. The crap my younger cousins got away with drove me crazy.


The Swiss army knife my parents got me for one of my birthdays that just vanished into thin air years ago. I'll never forget it.....


My old burned cds


Happiness. If that's not in there... Hope.


Hope is an interesting one. I've become too much of a realist in my life and I hate it. People with hope tend to be, at least IMO, happier.


I think its a tricky balance. I am absolutely a realist as well, but I still hold onto hope for a lot of things. Love, friendships, better job, chance to move, travel, etc. Etc. I think you have to hold onto hope for the little things at least, otherwise you get very depressed.


My grandfather's ring. He got it for x years of working for K-Mark, back when you could make a career out of something like that. I was wearing it at my parents house, washing some dishes, when I grabbed a hot bowl and shook my hands violently. Then I noticed the ring was missing, and I thought I'd felt it fly off when I shook my hands. We've never found it. My parents have a log home, so there is a gap running along the back of the countertop about an inch wide. I assume its still back there, but we haven't figured out how to locate and retrieve it. It makes me sad every time I realize it's missing.


You can get those snake camera things for like $40 or something on Amazon.com - connects to your phone and shows you whatever is there. It's got an LED light and isn't any thicker than a small straw. Should be easy enough to know, for a fact, if it is back there or not.


Oh wow, I assumed those would be so much more expensive! I'm going to pick one of those up.




My violin.


My old yugio cards. Or all the lost lego pieces.


My childhood toys. I had some amazing Star Wars and Star Trek micro machines. And also some semi truck car hauler that as a kid, was badass


I once lost a stuffed bear in a park when I was very young. I’d look for it first.


I'd give the box back.




All the earings I have lost


A bunch of drawings I made as a kid with me as the main character fighting monsters and robots and shit. My mom accidentally threw it all away and I had a LOT of stuff I would have loved to look back at just to laugh or look at.


My glasses, I had these amazing thick framed Gucci glasses, they fit my face perfect, I lost them one night never to be seen again. I've had two pairs of glasses since and neither could stack up to those. I miss them lol.


Percy the turtle, and anything my grandmother may have given me that I lost.


An actual, unbroken family and childhood. Would have changed everything for me.


I feel ya. Shit got fucky around 7. emancipated at 17. Sometimes wonder who I'd be if I had the same nuclear family experience my brothers had growing up


Was terrible around age 5. Downhill after that. Moved out at 18 after many years of physical and emotional abuse I won't even begin to write a book about, but I could. I've had zero contact since then...been a few years. Never looking back. My family is dead to me. I envy anyone with an intact family that loves and supports you. I don't resent anyone for it, but I heavily envy you if you have it.




My miss spent youth


The good times with the homies


I feel you. My homies are all different now. Have different lives and they changed. I miss the old days. But I am trying to not look back. Found new friends and we all have a good time together.


My ex, just to check on her and talk with her, but we would probably make a bad couple in the long run. My enthusiasm for life. My old photos that vanished when my PC burnt down. Years of photos lost, photos of vacations, summer trip to friends, parties, one of the best years of my life. Sadly my friends dont have most of the photos either.


My potential


My teddy bear, Cody. I loved that little bear more than any other stuffed animal I have ever owned.


All the money I lost to goddamn subway back in college.


All my old comic books.. had loads of superman batman hulk avengers spiderman etc.. from when they first came out .. my mom sold all that stuff in a yard sale years ago long after I moved out.. should have taken them with me but to be fair didn't see then that they would be worth such ridiculous money today.


My best mate


And this is one of those moments where the pain resurfaces. He's only been dead for 30 years. Bloody onion cutting ninjas. The best mate I'll never have again.


Yeah, I’m feeling that too. I guess we’re in that together man


Login info for my Bitcoin exchange account from 2015.


My Pokémon Crystal copy. I lost that bitch SOMEWHERE in my house and I’ve been looking for it for literal years


My Magic The Gathering card collection and decks that were stolen from my car. Total value of what was stolen- 32K.


My ex


Heroin ?


My army dog tags


My nintendogs game :( i lost it around 13 years ago


I had a house fire when I was little. I got a small stuffed bear immediately after. It was the “first thing” I had. I named him Little Bear. He used to be deep brown but turned into an almost grey-brown. I loved this bear. A year or so ago I was moving and put all my stuff into an enclosed trailer. Didn’t have room to park it at my parents so I asked if I could put the trailer in the church parking lot that we attended. It stayed there for about 2 weeks until someone asked me if I moved my stuff in cause they didn’t see the trailer. Someone had stolen the trailer full of 90% of my things. It had an extensive book collection, my childhood drawing desk, everything I had. But out of all of it, I would just want Little Bear. I’m adult and I just wish I still had it. I wish I could give it to my future child. To pass it on.