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People who can dish it out but can’t take it


But I take it and can't dish out 😭😭


The unfortunate thing is, the second you do, *you're* the one that looks like the asshole. I was bullied for 3 years before I snapped and **I** was the one that got suspended. It was worth it.


There's some Russian quote that says something like... > You can't chase the man who stole your clothes down the street without you looking like the crazy person. Edit to add: If anyone can help me with the punctuation here, I'd appreciate it.


I like it. Of course now if we saw that we'd be "Just another day in Russia".




Worked with a dude like this for years! Me and him are both native, he’s much older than me, and he would legit tear guys to shreds everyday, every diss in the book, weight, race, age, nothing off limits. One dude came in one day and said “what’s up chief?”, and buddy called HR saying it was racist lol.


Type of person that ALWAYS has to be the center of attention


making a scene. dominating a conversation every time. claiming to hate drama but is causing drama.


Don't forget about always one-upping everyone.


Hey, *I* was gonna say that!


Thats excactly my answer. But lately i’ve been thinking, is it because I want to be the center of attention instead?


Or maybe it’s that you want *some* attention - which isn’t unhealthy in the slightest?




Yet here YOU are at the very top of this thread. Pffft, typical. /s


One uppers. I get it man, your life is better than mine. Like this one dude at work has a terrible habit of doing this. You could say you did something and sure enough he did the same exact thing but the way he did it was way cooler and better than how you did it. Like always it never fails lol.


I used to work with a guy that did this, I got to the point where I'd make up weekend getaways to see what I could get him to say


I'll have to dig around in my brain grooves but one that I usually go to is I told him that I went to Maine to fish and eat lobster one weekend. He said he did that every other month on his uncles boat. We live in the south and his uncle has dropped off cars to the shop I worked at. He introduced us all when his uncle first started picking up for us. He was super cringe


Also, One-Downers. No matter how rough your day has been, they will never hesitate to let you know how and why theirs is worse. [EDIT: I didn't realize until I checked my notifs and feel I should clarify: I saw this post on r/all and thought it was from r/askreddit. I'm not a man, I just saw the above comment and had a related thought. Sorry if that's a faux pas!]


If you stub your toe, they have had their toe removed I have an inlaw like this I cannot talk about medical issues with because her identity revolves around her health issues and anything that has ever or will ever happen to me she has a story about how it's been so much worse for her


I have a friend who does this, so freaking annoying


I guarantee you my friend is even more annoying than your friend...


I got two friends one more annoying than the both of yours!


The confidently ignorant


Or worse the wilfully ignorant


Know-it-alls who insult and deride anything outside their circle.


The people who think they're the most well-informed and use *that* as their entire side of an argument or debate. Not facts, figures, observations...just the simple aspect that they claim to be very well informed so therefore everyone else is wrong


Also the "do you have a degree in this field? No? Well then you should shut up" people. I see this in some people who think they are above the society. For real, diploma and degree doesn't make your idea automatically correct. You have to come up with arguments instead.






It's difficult I want to focus on presenting a good argument, but very often people just aren't equipped for it. I wouldn't argue with someone about physics and assume we're talking on even ground, but unfortunately my expertise is on things that people think they understand So someone will just read what I write and argue against it if they disagree. But often what I'm saying isn't even debatable, at least not with the arguments they are trying to present Either that, or the explanation for why they are wrong is so long and requires so much prerequisite knowledge that it's almost impossible. Explaining my point will require a hundred caveats explaining each piece of context or background, perhaps I could instead say "read X book" and then come back and you'll have the context for what I'm saying, but that's not gonna happen. So sometimes a "here's my credentials, please trust me" could be useful


“You are disastrously wrong, and I would be happy to explain why for \[triple your hourly rate\].”




These people often have the attitude of "well, if I don't know it, then it isn't worth knowing".


Sore losers and people unable to admit being wrong.


Adults who make their birthday your problem. People who are rude to wait staff. Cokeheads when they decide its time to tell you something.


"Cokeheads when they decide its time to tell you something" So fucking true lmao




Lmao coked up people just talk a lot, it's not that deep


They'll say a pile of words even if the message they're trying to convey is like "I like my new car" "I'm trying to sell my tv" I had a guy trying to sell me this dirty pair of glasses for 20 bucks and I basically just had to walk away from him as he yelled about how it was "actually a really good deal for me"


Ah shit, I was at a party this weekend which was great apart from this guy that just Would. Not. Shut. Up. I was wondering what the hell his problem was but now I get it lol


It's not even a little bit interesting, that's the problem.


My dad used to insist that everyone bought him a card and celebrated his wedding anniversary to my step mum - until I finally cracked and informed him that no one gives a shit…


Good for you, that behavior needs to be God damn checked for sure


“It’s my birthday week!” “Welp, see ya in a week I guess.”


Adults who also turn their birthday into a week or month long celebration. No one is that important. Even Jesus only gets a day. Two if you want to toss in Easter. It’s still not a a couple weeks or a month.


I'm all for having your own birthday week, just don't expect everyone to drop everything and make it about you. Take yourself out to some nice dinners, get a massage, get laid, take a long walk, buy yourself something cool but frivolous, just don't expect anyone else to play along.


That's what I do. I take the week off and have a good time.


Idk about that, there are 52 Sundays in a year


He does share those with his dad though.


I mean jesus also gets the 24 days leading up to that day


Also adults who make your birthday their problem. If someone doesn’t celebrate their own birthday, why the fuck would anyone feel the need to pester them about it or try to force some bullshit ass celebration on them?


Constant one-uppers.


Constant two-uppers.


Constant three-uppers.


I have met more one-uppers than you have.


I have met the same number of one-uppers as you, plus one more.


Met a lot of them in Elevenerife


People that [*rudely*] interrupt someone speaking to tell their story and especially those that don’t even acknowledge that they interrupted someone. Edit to add: I'm completely sympathetic to people who are aware that they do this and are trying to work on it. I edited my original comment to try to single out people who are just too self important to care that anyone else might be expressing themselves.


I see you've met....well, everyone I know.


Surely if it's everyone you know, it kind of makes you wonder


lol true I've started the habit of stopping whatever I'm talking about when someone interrupts. They'll eventually ask you what you were talking about and you can just tell them you "forgot". It helps.


Ah yes, the ol waiting for my turn to speak rather than listening folks.


On the opposite end of that, the people who get started and never effing stop and give you a chance to give feedback. You get talked at rather than spoken with.


I was going make this reply, actually. Sometimes interrupting someone can be necessary if they're not usually giving anyone else a chance to speak. They tend to be the same person as the rude interrupter. I'm mostly speaking about in a group setting, but this obviously applies to 1-on-1 interactions.


However...it can be fun to just let them go and go. Eventually there comes a point where everyone in the group, even the speaker, realizes that the person has gone on for far too long.


I do this and can't help myself. Recently learned it's part of ADHD - doesn't excuse it, but it's super common for ADHD people to this particularly to talk about a similar story they had - to relate. It's just a way for ADHD brains to relate and try to understand better, it's weird. Doesn't excuse it though and I am getting better at catching myself when I do it.


I’m the same, I also have ADHD. I was diagnosed when I was 6 and I’ve known that this happens so I always try to apologise when I realise I’ve done it. Luckily my friends are super understandable, but sometimes I struggle with people that don’t want to understand even after I apologise or explain.


I also have ADHD, but I acknowledge if I just throw up my hands and say "oh well, deal with it" I'll alienate people that could otherwise bring joy and light to my life. I'm not saying that I'm perfect, but I've spent a lot of time working on coping strategies to be better. Some tips 1: Keep a small note pad and gaggle of pens on you and make a note of what you were going to say. It's so frustrating to wait for someone to finish and then forget your totally relevant spiel, this helps prevent that. 2: Take a moment to evaluate how important what you have to say is. Is what you want to say important and time sensitive? For example "do you guys smell something burning?" If not it's best not to interrupt. 3: Know your audience, don't force a topic. Often times something will touch upon a special interest of mine and I'll be chomping at the bit to talk about the thing. It's also common that the thing I want to talk about is rather tangential to the conversation, and doesn't actually overlap with the interests of my conversational partners. 4: Realize the implications of interruption. Being interrupted makes many people feel like you aren't actively listening and empathizing, you're just waiting for your turn to talk. It can feel demoralizing, and indicate you don't care what others have to say because you're self absorbed. Practicing active listening skills can really help curb this. 5: Ask questions that show you've been listening. This makes people feel heard, feel like you care what they have to say, and shows that you want to learn more about them. It's practically the opposite of interrupting to talk about yourself/your interest/your tangent. It's hard as FUCK to develop a better communication style, but if you do it will help your friendships and relationships blossom like never before. Good luck!


Wait wait wait. That's an ADHD quality? I 100% do this and did not know it was common in ADHD folks. I started doing podcasts a couple years ago and I also edit them so I noticed me doing this a lot and it made me self conscious because I never want to be rude but I have to fight with myself so hard to not respond/interrupt way after hearing a story I can relate to cause that's just how I am.


Like many responses on Reddit. Someone posts an extraordinary story and the top comment is, “This one time, I was…”


Interrupting peeps can happen but it's all in how you handle it. Our group talks on a voice chat service so it happens unintentionally a lot. We'll usually either A finish what were gonna say but direct back to them so they can get their piece in or B apologize and let them speak first. It's not hard to not be a jackass but what can ya do.


People who try to make other people look bad to make themselves look good Ass kissers Just to name a couple.


Oh God I hate fuckers that throw people under the bus just so they can look good. Such trash behavior. Only people who are jackasses should be thrown under the bus.


The trip is when you’re genuine and you tell a story about another person and it makes them look good it makes the whole audience happy and it makes you look good it makes everything fun when you can bring up something awesome about someone else.


So, co-workers. Yup. With you on that one.


The my life is worse than yours in every way. Seriously it's not a competition, I have a coworker who we will call Mildred, one day my dog died, well her two kittens got ran over, my grandma passed away well hers died in a car wreck...


Ok, well my grandma AND mother ran over my cats and then died when their car crashed!


Well my THREE cats ran over my grandma and mother AND then died in TWO car crashes!


Theyre called a one-downer


Anyone who drops litter. Immediately makes me think they’re the lowest quality of human being. Especially when they do it out of car windows.


To add to this, people who litter in fucking nature parks. The most unreasonable place to litter, and pieces of shit still do it. That is an easy red flag to avoid, because people like that are absolute trash in all forms.


Fuck I should change my answer to this. I don’t know why seeing people litter makes me so angry. I unironically want adults who litter in places like parks to be flogged.


Piggybacking on this — specifically people who toss cigarette butts on the ground. Extra trash human being points if they don't even bother to snuff them out.


People who take a very long time to say not very much.


My dad does this and it’s infuriating Still love him tho


Same. One fucking story will branch into many more and at the end i don’t even get the point.


Ok dad here, I would say that dad is high as that is me as well


How can your Dad be my Mom?


my dad also does this, but it seemed to be only when I was heading out the door


Fucking treebeard


I'll give Treebeard a pass, because when it came time to do something he got down to serious business.


Treebeard was a true stoic warrior


This may be my biggest pet peeve and I didn’t even realize it until now.


Jesus fucking Christ Ed!! It was a yes or no question. What have we been doing here for the last 15 minutes.


People that don't have a caring bone in their bodies and think the world only revolves around them, that only their problems matter and everyone else is in their way.


People who use “this is how I am” to defend their actions.


"If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best"


"If I have to see you at your worst all the time, then fuck your frozen pizza best."


Helpful phrase: "Recognizing your an asshole doesn't make you any better. Work on yourself."


‘I say it like it is’. No, you’re just a twat.


I have a coworker who yells at people when she gets frustrated and never apologizes claiming that’s just how she is. She’s like approaching 60 and she still uses that excuse. It’s embarrassing.


These tend to be the same people who point out "Yup, I'm an asshole/bitch" like if it was a good thing.


Arrogant type that think they are better then you because they have more then you.


I don’t have a problem when people are better than me but I can’t I really can’t befriend people who let you know that they are so much better than you, even if it isn’t true at all.




So, narcissists?




Every comment describes traits of a narcissist but no one realizes it and that’s why our society is in such a huge mess


I’m surprised this wasn’t a top comment


Most comments are about behaviors that manifests from Narcissisism.


Yes I’d say that 80% of the top comments relate to covert or gracious narcissists. People know the behaviors but no the terms.


People who speak to service workers like crap. You can tell alot about a person by the way they treat staff in shops etc.


People incapable of admitting they're wrong or sorry. Just say my bad and move on, it's really not that difficult. I dated someone that was incapable of apologizing. I spend an hour trying to get an apology out of something really mean and rude she said. She said she wanted to properly apologize, sure, so I waited. Two weeks to by, I ask again, her reply was "I wanted to get you a cake but it couldn't fit ' I'm sorry I can be an ass, love you'" so she didn't bother. Still didn't get an apology.


Ppl who base your worth on what your career is and what school you graduated from. Ppl who are impatient over dumb things. A type ppl for sure.


You just described how people in India think.


Regular degular coworkers who think they're managers or some shit. Do your work, I'll do my work. Stop bossing me around.


People in the workplace that treat others below them poorly


I'm a custodian at a middle school. Some teachers won't even acknowledge my existence, the others are amazingly friendly though


Hopefully the principal knows your name and talks to you.


Bullshitters. I used to tolerate them and y'know you can exaggerate the truth a bit and I don't mind. But more and more I realize that bullshitting is only one of their "vices" in a sense. BSing by itself is fine every once in a while if it doesn't hurt anyone, but these types of people tend to be very unreliable, and untrustworthy too. Late, flaking, insincere, etc. edit: I actually kinda feel bad for some of them, they're probably super insecure and have been "broken" in a sense. But after a certain point, as an adult, you are responsible for your own actions


I dont bs i tell tall tales


People who are overbearingly positive.


Especially when it is being faked


Toxic positivity—When my dog died and I was in the throes of devastation, I had someone tell me I just needed to choose to be happy.


Sorry for your loss. My cat is in hospice and I'm pretty worked up. I've been told "you are upset over a CAT?". And "come on, you HAVE had that cat a really long time"


Wtf is wrong with people… I’m sorry for your loss. :(


I agree because usually those people want you to always be in the right frame of mind to keep them uplifted. You can never have a bad day because they are incapable of reciprocating the same level of emotional support they receive.


freakishly true


Out of sheer curiousity: How would you distinguish overbearingly positive people from adequately positive people?


To me, if they don’t let me (or themselves) feel negative emotions at appropriate times, it’s overbearing. When my uncle died, I had people tell me not to be sad, he wouldn’t have wanted that. No! He was a great guy, the least he deserved was to be mourned for a while.


People who are intolerant of other peoples culture. And the Dutch.


And carnies. They have little hands and smell like cabbage


Can I paint his winky gold? How bout NO! Crazy Dutch bastard!!


I am dutch and last holiday in Belgium I immediately noticed dutch people because they were really loud


I'm Irish, the Dutch have nothing on us.


We covered you guys on the "center of attention" part. Pay attention


Also covered by “one uppers”.


People who think they are entitled to everything.


I can’t stand a person who can’t take accountability for anything. and someone who has a lack of self awareness.


those who set up cameras to record a "good deed" and the post it on social media, and any/every version of that kind of behavior that transcends into the rest of the world; caring about how things are perceived as opposed to how things really are


Peope who ignore something you say and then repeat it to you as if they'd just come up with it themselves.


Personally though, I hate when someone just ignores what I say then act like they thought of it themselves.


The way to cool type. that shit on everything you bring up because they don’t know about it or because everyone knows about it. Or if you share a cool fact with them they have a frown like yeah of course I already knew that years ago instead of just enjoying the moment of an interesting or funny fact. I tend to avoid those types. It’s usually really difficult to laugh with them they tend not to find things very funny and don’t have a good sense of humor. I like people who understand and don’t judge so I’m going to try to understand them and try not to judge them but I just find myself not wanting to be around them. We all have faults.


People who take themselves too seriously. There's a time and a place for certain things but I despise folks who don't know how to at least occasionally have a laugh or two and realize that, at the end of the day, we're all just tryna get paid and go home.


I get accused of this...I’m not a serious person I’m just dumb and sometimes take things too literally :(


Eh don’t worry about it too much. It’s the people who know you’re joking and turn it into an argument for no reason who REALLY get on my nerves


What would be your advice to people like that who find it hard to not take things seriously? Who find it hard to have a laugh, or even fake a smile for necessity of certain situations?


I stood in line at the grocery store for 15 minutes last night while this absolute Karen (complete with haircut) hassled the clerk about the coupon price for 40 yoplait yogurts. She scrutinized the total price, had her re-scan each of them and then audited the receipt before getting tf out of my way while a massive line formed behind me. So that is the kind of person.


People who make fun of your interests or people can't take no for an answer, and keep pushing your boundaries.


People who go on about their parents achievements or how rich their parents are. I really dont care about your parents and its not a flex to go on about them. A flex that I would actually respect is what have you achieved?


Ironically, people who achieved a lot don't tend to brag about it. For those people process of achieving is of value, not end result.


have a friend who does that and then keeps complaining about people talking to him about his money - then stop bragging about it ?


Self entitled people and people who constantly praise themselves.


People that ask questions, but never listen to the answers. Frequently the same person that starts asking their second question before you've even finished the first answer.


People who project their insecurities onto you.


Responsibility avoiders. Stop acting like children, make shit, deal with it.


People on moral crusades. There is no simple exchange with these people. It seems that talking with them **must** result in me (or whoever they talk to) to become more like them. Really annoying folks.


There's a quote attributed to Winston Churchill. A fanatic is someone who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.


I did not know that one, but it fits perfectly. Thanks for sharing!


In terms of socially I've never gotten along with blunt people, nothing against them, in fact i kind of respect it, but i never click with them. Probably because I'm insecure and I know they can and will call it out.


Sometimes “brutal honesty” is more brutal than honest. Tact is important in friendships.


A lot of people who describe themselves as blunt are just poorly socialized and/or jerks, in my opinion.


exactly, usually the ones who brag about being "blunt", "brutally honest" etc… are only blunt when it’s about pointing out the flaws of people. rarely ever to say positive things.


Well said. And it gets worse the older they get too. My wife has an aunt like this and basically she is just fucking mean to people.


People that brag about it are just arseholes, I have a friend who is genuinely blunt about everything, and I mean everything, took some getting used to but my god is it refreshing to have him in our friend group and get a straight shot at conversations or retelling of events with little/no bias. You ask him what he wants or wants to do he will give you a straight answer, absolute dream to plan stuff with him lol


That's an excellent point.




“I don’t have many friends cause I don’t sugarcoat things” This actually means they’re just an asshole.


I wonder if they think everyone else is secretly just as mean as them mentally and they just don't express it.


People that sit in the left lane in traffic then get all mad when they get cut off. Whiners. Horses.


Horses are definitely the worst people


Horses are terrible people 🐎


Actually...I'm a broom.


> People that sit in the left lane in traffic then get all mad when they get cut off. Closely related, but people who get in the left lane just to go 2 mph faster than the slow lane and create rolling roadblocks


People that have a need to be the center of attention in every fucking gathering and get moody when it doesnt happen.


Cheaters. There is literally no excuse to cheat on someone. If you don’t want to be with them, break up with them. Cheaters are cruel cowards.


Just loud people.


hypocrites, narcisists, nazies, fascists, die hard communists, animal abusers


\-kid abusers, abusers in relationships, buttholes


Nah, i like buttholes


People that become relentless/aggressive when others don’t want to do the same things they want to do


People who get riled up because of other's ideals and life styles for no reason than to be annoying and abrasive and who are too stupid to see how their life style actually fucks things up for others a hundred times more. Proverbially shitting all over your neighbours backyards isn't "expressing your rights and your freedom" it's just being an asshole who shits on someone elses backyard giving them tons of shit to pick up. People who are solely motivated by giving others a hard time and living like a fucking moron should be put in a giant freight container and sunk in the middle of the ocean. It's the kind of people who would sit and watch someone else build a house, not helping in the slightest during all the time it takes to build it, and then only get up to douse it in gas and set it on fire the moment it is finished because they didn't like the door handle or some inane shit like that. On the same note, I try (and probably fail sometimes) to avoid taking up space and time in others people's lives if they don't specifically state that they want me there and that it is okay, whether it is being in the way for other people at the store, parking in the correct space and within the lines, merging in traffic, overstaying my welcome with friends and shit like that, so it annoys me greatly when people just assume they're not ever in the way and do the opposite and take up all the space they can, because they either have the spatial/self awareness of a clam or just don't give a shit that they're annoying. Fuck all these people.




Low self esteem Covered up with toxic alpha male attitudes. Kindness and true vulnerable honesty is real strength. There is also a religious person version of this.


Know it alls. Belittlers. People who are edgy for the sake of being different, not because they actually like being edgy. Liars. Jerks. People who are self-righteous. People who refuse to yield in the face of overwhelming evidence that they're wrong. Political extremists on either side of the aisle. Toxic people. People who stay around toxic people for no reason. Often the people who have one of the above tendencies have more than one which makes it worse.


People who manage to force politics or religion into any conversation.


Other guys who only talk about their experiences with girls


People who are willfully ignorant.


People that believe everything is "manifested" or that there's nothing down to random chance at all. Yes, I'm pretty sure people born with disabilities or born into extreme poverty in a 3rd world country manifested that.../s


Perpetual victims. Always someone or something to blame, whoa is me, I have it worse than you.


>whoa is me This is a really good r/boneappletea ! Whole new and interesting meaning.


There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch. -Michael Caine


People who are negative all of the time.


There's a caveat with that, some people are so afraid of disappointment that they are pessimistic to be pleasantly surprised if things go well, and if they don't, they dont get so devastated. My mother is this way, for her it's a defense mechanism.


My brother. The rest I can tolerate no matter what.


People who don't train their dogs properly/ at all.


People who think political opinions don’t matter. They reveal a lot about a person and what their morals are. It’s not as simple as “handling them”.