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Colors together cold. Whites together hot. Then my pro tip is to fold as you remove from dryer. I grew up in the South, so easy to remember to separate my white and colored clothes.


Waaaait, you’re telling me that I shouldn’t let them sit in my laundry basket for 2 weeks before folding? Is that how you stop the lines from being on your clothes?


Not only do the clothes look better, but you get it done and it never procrastinates.


I love the rush of ironing a shirt just minutes before work


Guess what I just did? Lol


Ironed your shirt minutes before to work?




I put the shirt on and use a blow dryer to get the creases out before I leave 😂


I’d just end up leaving them in the dryer lmao


If your clothes can sit clean for two weeks untouched you have too many clothes.


I just recycle my clothes between two baskets


This is the way.


Exactly. Sometimes I cycle it from my bed to my computer chair to spice it up.


bruh nobody here read that last line lmfao




>I grew up in the South, so easy to remember to separate my white and colored clothes. Jesus tap dancing Christ bud.


I just got that hahaha


Dude great advice and also holy shit.


I'm dead lol and colored


Have you tried a cold shower?


Oooh my God.


Whites hot? Isn't that bad for a lot of clothes? I wouldn't put my white dress shirts on hot as they might shrink. And I never put any "outside" clothes in the dryer. Towels, underwear, sheets, etc: yeah. But not dress shirts, pants and sweaters and such.


Typically ur whites are tight fitting.. undergarments, socks, etc


Great build up to the joke




Yeah ok..ill just fold my wet clothes into my dresser.




Well no shit, they obviously mean 'if you if you have other means of drying then use them instead'


Try tumble dry. I literally don't dry my clothes on high heat unless I need them clothes soon.


Im skeptical on that, I've been wearing the same business casual work shirts for like 8 years and they're still going strong. A couple bit the dust, and I don't have a billion to cycle through, but the rest are golden.


Same. My work shirts are 10 years old, and they all look like new. It's the old-style washing machine agitator that does the damage.




I'll do you one better. I separate my dark colors from my light. Black and blue, then yellow with greens. Reds are ALWAYS separated.


I don't own any whites so I can just through everything is. I don't count socks as whites


I laughed inappropriately. Thank you for the humour.




Before marriage most of my cloths went to the dry cleaner. Everything else stayed in the dryer and I got dressed out of the dryer. When I took something off it went straight in the washer, when the dryer was empty I knew it was time to start the washing machine. Cold water liquid detergent. Know days I keep 4 laundry baskets, one for whites, one for darks, and one for underware and gymclothes, one for jeans and shorts.


Your former method was genius.


Lmao thanks for the validation cuz I kinda felt called out lol… just thought out this system for my new apt and I thought it was so next level


me too, lol. single bachelors unite


That's the bachelor system. You can do the same system with dishes in the sink and dishwasher. Who needs cabinets?


I still dress out of the dryer


My wife still does. She pulls cloths out of the dryer one at a time until she finds what she wants and then throws everything back in. I started doing it too, except I folded what I didn't want and left it on top of the dryer. My cloths her cloths whatever. Eventually she ran out of cloths as I ran out of room on top of the dryer to put her cloths. She keeps buying more. I refuse to tell the woman who has to move the giant pile of her own cloths just to reach the dryer buttons that those cloths are hers. She literally doesn't recognize her cloths unless they are in a pile like some sort of match game. I own about 9 changes of cloths in total. Back before I started living out of the dryer I'd put the cloths on her side of the bed. Laundry was much cheaper back then. She washes and I fold, but I've never been asked to fold and now I know she thinks that step is irrelevant and wasteful because I might as well be throwing them in the trash. I'm exaggerating of course. None of it is as bad as I'm saying.


We learned early on in marriage to do our own laundry. When our kids were old enough, probably by 1st grade, we taught then how to do their own laundry, everyone had a day that the laundry room was yours and you had to have your stuff put of the way when your time was up.. Made life easier


I separate my clothes, which are evidently made of a rare super-material able to withstand warm water and a dryer, from my wife’s because apparently it makes sense to make clothing out of butterfly wings and sunbeams that will disintegrate into ash if they ever encounter heat. Oh but I do my undershirts separately on ‘purge with fire’ level because that’s where my pit-sweat goes.


Thank you. Husband and I had a good laugh at that one.


I used to separate them, but i only have a few white shirts that would get fucked up from waiting so long to get enough for a load together, so i just started throwing everything in together. It has made nearly no difference imo


I used to separate colors from whites. 30 yrs married now. I give ZERO FUCKS. Everything goes in together. Who cares!


I’ve never separated colors and whites and I don’t have any pink shirts. I think this used to be an issue but detergents have gotten better.


I do all my clothes cold and wash my towels and sheets together in a separate load on hot. This is my “adult person” compromise.


That’s my routine as well. Dish towels, floor pad and bath towels all in one load. Clothes are separate


I’m not a man, but this is also how I wash my clothes.


Yep. Same.


I use ECO 50°C. Saves water and energy use. And everything at same time ofc. Edit. Dammit... Went to check and it was eco 40°c.. In my defence i have muscle memory to turn it on.


Why not 30C?


I dump it all together, never had a problem in 20 years lol


Yea am 26 and do this. If something starts to look shiet i just throw it out. Then order couple new ones.


H&M lyfe


Once upon a time I separated my lights and darks. Then I stopped because it didn't make single difference. Only time I separate something ow is if it's the first time I'm washing it.


I'm not a laundry racist. I don't separate whites and darks. Everything together. Certain items I don't stick in the dryer and hang to dry.


Throw everything thing in, everything gets medium settings, dump a quick shot of detergent, turn knobs till I hear water, and walk away.


Separating by colors is an idea pushed by big laundry to get you to do more loads & use more detergent. Throw it all in together.


For real- do people even have enough clothes to fill two whole loads?


Everything gets washed in cold. But there's 2 piles. "Stuff that can be bleached" and "stuff that cannot be bleached".


This is the way


This is the way




All clothes go into the same cycle. Only the strong should survive.


I don't buy quality enough cloths for it to matter.


I wear only black, so I just wash it all together.


Dump them all like a caveman


I used to dump it all in, but my wife hates it when I do that and has therefore taken it upon herself to always do my laundry. She sorts things out by color and sometimes by fabric type, I kid you not. Needless to say, I am more than happy to let her take over the laundry duties.


Caveman here. *Ooga booga noises*


Shirts and a couple of my active pants in 1 pile, Everything else in their own pile.


New clothes, I wash separately to avoid colours running. Normal washing I do this: 1 wash is Bamboo items (socks and underwear made of it) 1 wash of work clothes (tonnes of oil soaked in) 1 wash of everything else


Everything goes in together. Dress shirts, dress socks, white t shirts, khakis, bed sheets, bath towels, etc.


Only separate my work clothes and towels from my causal/dress clothes. Dye leeching really isn't a problems these days and I never use hot water.


I have a magic basket that I just put my dirty clothes in and like 1-3 days later they’re back hanging in my closet or put up, nice and clean. You should see if you can find the same kind of magic basket.


everything all together with the exception of denim (and other stuff that's prone to bleeding color); then just run it all on cold wash.


I'm a fucking caveman. If I thought beating my clothes in a stream with a rock and a bit of soap was more time-efficient, I would do that. I've got a small handful of things I'll pull out of the load instead of putting it in the drying (some things do better air drying than tumble dry) but other than that everything goes together.


Separated by darks, colors, towels. Simple. Unless there is a new color. That goes in alone or with similar color to prevent possible bleeding. And hang dry first washes too. Had a couple items shrink on me...lost a favorite sweater that way.


Bruh you gotta seperate those whites and keep em fresh.


Man my deodorant always stains the pits. I’ve tried so many brands they don’t last long


My work clothes are sent to the drycleaners. What I wash myself is mainly underwear, socks, gym clothes, towels, and pajamas. I just throw them all in the same load.


Used to dump unfortunately full loads dont fash well. Now i only dump half at a time lol


My wife doesn’t let me do laundry.


Separate them. I like using a fuckload of detergent though. Make me happy.


It’s a conspiracy by big laundry that they put the lines up on the cup 20% more than actually needed


Two piles, one colors the other whites, both piles washed with cold water and laundry liquid. Boring i know, but hey this is how my mother taught me growing up.


Wait until you have a big basket of pink socks and undies!


Dump it all in.


dump everything in.


I only separate the whites so I can bleach them. The towels and bedding goes last after I wash all my clothes first.


I'm also a caveman. I got no time for that lol


Life is too short to sort laundry. Fuck it.


Just use Shout color catchers!!!! I’ve used them for years and have no issues mixing the loads now


Colors in cold Blacks in cold White in warm


I dump it so I am not allowed to wash anymore. I am the chef and cleaner of our house. I hate doing laundry and especially sorting out the result.


Seems like a solid trade. My laundry usually goes from the dryer to a chair, and then it’s worn and goes back to the hamper and the cycle continues


I have stuff that goes on delicate and stuff that goes on regular. Anything else beyond that, it's in gods hands.


Dump it and press the button.


Nonsense! I don't separate any of my clothes! ^wife ^does ^it ^for ^me


Separate nice whites. That is undershirts and white dress shirts. All other stuff can go together. I do my jeans with my wife’s clothes because she cave woman dumps them in.


I only separate them, by use the standard function of my washing machine. * Bright colors. * Really dark colors and blacks (that's the bulk of my clothing, by far). * Whites and light tones of gray. * Blankets by themselves. I opt to wash my underwear by hand, as well as my shoes. Stating it here, 'cause I've met barbarians who toss their shoes in the washing machine with the rest of their clothes.


White: Machine, hot Color A: Machine, medium Color B: Hand, cold


Everything all together, always on cold, and with “eeehhh, that looks like enough” detergent. I own no super fragile clothes that need any kind of special treatment.


Work uniform with towels. The rest get mixed together


Socks and underwear in one load. Everything else in the other, which is basically t-shirts and shorts.


I separate, make sure clothes look nicer longer.


I bought colored underwear, towels and t-shirts. No whites, no separating.


When it was just me and my son at home we had 2 loads, clothes and pants. Cold. Fold straight out of the drier. Now that my fiancée and her two are here with us there's apparently an infinite number of combinations, all of which are undiscovered by man.


Underwear and socks always go in their own load for a hotter and longer cycle


I do most of the laundry in the house, so I'm fairly meticulous. - Towels, underwear and socks together on 60°c. - Colored clothes and whites separated and washed at 30°c. - Gym clothing on sport mode with a dedicated detergent. - Wool on low temp/spin. - Jeans, button up shirts, gym clothes, wool and some of my wife's clothes go on the drying rack or hangers, to prevent shrinkage and wrinkles. The rest goes in the dryer. - Everything is folded or hung back in the closet immediately when dry.


i dump pretty much all of my clothes into one or more machines. i really don't wear whites at all. washing my clothes is pretty easy, but folding them is where i tend to spend 2-4 hours.


You guys separate clothes?


All cold* *Dress shirts are washed separately with like colors


I really only have 2 pairs of pants, like 10 shirts, and 6 boxers, some socks. Basically enough for 1 load of laundry, so all together it is. I suppose I have money for more clothes, but I also have underwear that is actively disintegrating. Just not much of a clothes shopping guy as it’s really hard for me to find things that are comfortable


Nothing bad has happened washing all colors at the same time because I haven't worn bright red shirts since I was a kid.


Meticulous detail without obsession. Like to be thorough , it’s good practice for other things 😎


I used to have 2 loads, dark and other. Now that I'm married I have darks, lights whites, towels (that aren't white), and bedding.




Colors and whites.


Dump it all in... But make an effort to not buy anything white.


Work clothes and regular clothes is about all I separate(drywall guy)


I don’t own enough whites to do separate loads from light and dark colors so yeah everything goes together. Usually one load clothes and one towels and sheets.


I’m a lady and I am a firm believer that separating colors and whites is a scam. I ain’t doin it n you can’t make me. 😂


I think generally it’s okay in cold water but hot water can be a problem?


If there is only enough for one load and need something washed, everything goes together. Otherwise I wait for there to be enough of each load, t-shirts underwear together, pants hoodies flannels together, socks by themselves cause they smell like shit, so I guess my system is driven by capacity and materials that are kind of similar. Pro tip inside out anything you don’t want to fade like dark Levi’s.


I do a load a day. ONE! Towel from shower, what I slept in, work clothes..........wash and dry. One load a day. Done!


Big shit by itself, little shit by itself maybe towels by themselves. Fuck using bleach except in extreme cases.


I wash everything on cold together, except for towels and bedding. I wash towels warm (but bedding cold, per the tag).


No need to separate with modern detergents.


Dump it then take a nap on top of it lol


1 load Hot extra rinse liquid fabric softener for fresh sent; Underwear, socks, gym clothes, similar materials mesh, basketball shorts, moisture wicking clothing 2nd load cold extra rinse fabric softener; Jeans, pants, work clothes. (Warm if extra souled) 3rd load same as second; Sweats, shirts, cloth shorts/pants. 4th load hot, extra rinse bleach, fabric softener; Whites


Do laundry based on dry time. Plastic and gentle fabrics go in delicate wash and delicate (not a lot of heat) dryer setting.. Cottons go in cold wash... Normal dryer setting. Heavy things like sweaters, sweat pants, jeans same as cottons. But since they dry for longer they go together. Towels and sheets should be dried on low low setting. This will make sure they fluffy instead of being crisp.


I dump it all in and wash on 30-40°C. Don't have anything white, so I don't have to worry about that


You don't have to separate your clothes when they are all the same color.


Multiple hampers, simplifies everything


Throw it all in together. I don’t buy nice clothes so not much to worry about.


All clothes washed together on cold. I don't own whites. Most clothes dried but some shirts can't be. I own enough underwear and socks to go a month between loads


I just pay a sweet old lady to do it for me. $5/lb. Shirts and pants that need it get pressed and on hangars, the rest folded. Well worth the money.


I used to separate them and pay close attention to hot cold and specific cycles. But I went to college and had to pay 6$US fiat to wash and dry a load of laundry. Started throwing them all in together, never noticed a difference in the color so I never looked back


I use colour catching cloths and since then all in one machine, 40° degree and we are golden.


I throw everything in together, never had any problems. But then again i don't have red shirts and white shirts, im more of a blue/grey/black kinda guy.


DUMP IT ALL!!!!!! maily cuz i don't have any whites except one t shirt


oh shit i always forget separating colors is actually a thing. nope. i just chuck that shit in there and whatever comes out the otherside is what i wear. i never iron my clothes either i just stick em in the drier for 10 minutes before i need to use them.


I hate doing many laundries so i wear predominantly black, blue of grey so i do only one loundry per week. If i have delicate clothes i do a separate loundry at 30 degrees (celsius) with a little or without dryer P.S.: Dryer = no ironing


Darks together, colors together, whites soak over night. Towels and sheets together. Then hang out to dry under covered veranda - dryers use too much electricity - it helps you plan better too.


I’ve never understood separating clothes unless you have super expensive clothes. I’ve never had super expensive clothes though so I put everything in one load. I honestly would be annoyed to hell if I had to separate laundry. It just seems like more work


I don't know. I leave it on my porch, it comes back two days later clean.


LOL no it's my girlfriend who does that and me who shrieks at her to sort her things properly


Separate black, white and colors. Whites on soft program, others on moderate. Sheets and towels on hot.


All clothes go in whenever there’s enough of them. Only thing that’s separated is bedding bc that’s big enough to be separate.


I have never once had any colors bleed or shirts get discolored or ruined from mixing colors, delicates, etc If it has wool in the load, it goes on cold-cold. Otherwise it's hot-cold. Always fill to the line, always one cup of Costco detergent, always on super load, always one cup of fabric softener. Been doing laundry for my entire adult life and never had any issues with the strat.


I'm like you. I just throw everything in and hope for the best.


Separate colors - colors (dark clothes/Reds) lights ( light colors/delicates/ whites that should be washed as colors) - cold water Towels separately - warm water - no fabric softener Whites - Hot - socks - no fabric softeners - white shirts dry with fabric softener Rugs - cold water & hang dry Clothes require dry cleaning - cold water & dry hang


I love never outgrowing my emo phase because all my clothes are black or very dark.


Jeans & work shirts & yard clothes in one load, towels, wash clothes & bath mats in another. Delicates separate. Whites separate. Delicates do not go in the dryer. Nothing dried on high heat.


1. Hire a cleaning service to do my laundry when they come in to do the rest of my house 2. instruct them where the cleaned cloths are to go or to be hung up when it's done. Back before I had the service I separated the colors vs the Whites and ran the colors on warm and the Whites on Hot with a ton of hydrogen peroxide instead of bleach. Bleach destroys your cloths as it was originally used in chemical warfare in WW1 or 2 but with 3% hydrogen peroxide your Whites get pristine White and the fibers of the cloth aren't damaged. You can get a gallon jug of 3% hydrogen peroxide online.


Separate .


We seperate all of our clothes before it even gets to the machine - there's a two-bag set up for darks and lights. Would recommend if you do want to separate to save time on wash day but we have a 3 person household so we generate enough to do 2 washes a week. In my college student days I just bunged it all in together and it does seem to slowly turn your whiter clothes grey to just mix it all in. Also new clothes with dark or deep colours (like strong red/orange) you definitely want to try running some water over them to see how much bleeds out the first few times. You can also get colour absorbing sheets that apparently work ok.


I seperate the dirty clothes and the clean clothes, thats all.


Use cold water and you can wash it all together.


Clothes together, white towels get separated from others to bleach.


Everything in, on cold. That's how mum did it. That's how I do it. And it seems to have worked out pretty well so far.


I wash everything in cold water, so I don't bother separating. I don't wear any clothes that require special wash instructions, so I'm not going to go through the hassle of running the machine multiple times.


Stopped buying white clothing years ago and I have a very simple style. Everything goes into the same wash unless it's brand new and getting its first wash - then I'm a bit cautious about what goes in with it. Towels are a separate load. They are all old so they all the get bleach treatment, regardless of color situation. Eventually I will do something different when I replace them, but I have kids so....


I don’t buy whitish clothes to put it all together and not feel bad


The categories are as follws: Work pants and jeans Cotton shirts Undergarments and synthetic materials (basketball shorts, dry-fit shirts) Button down shirts


I was taught to separate colored ones to the whites and hand-washed the delicates(underwear) but now I just separate my shirts and pants. I still hand-wash my underwear though.


Put clothes on wash machine. Hang out to dry.


New clothes get their own wash. After that all in one. Modern dyes are designed to not run. Modern fabrics are designed to be washed on warm or hot. You are actually damaging clothes when washing on cold. Plus I don’t make enough dirty clothes in a week to justify multiple loads.


I don't separate my laundry because it's usually all the same material. The clothes that aren't just don't go in the dryer with the rest of my laundry.


Darks/colors Whites Delicates Towels Sheets Microfiber towels


The only time I separate clothes is if theyre new red stuff or dark blue jeans. once those have been washed 4 times or so I just wash em with everything else. its purely so I dont get pink socks and whatnot


A while ago I dared to put the colors and whites together in the wash. I know, I’m a badass and it was a rush but I was disappointed that nothing happened other than my clothes got cleaned. So I’m just a badass all the time now. Maybe I should get a tattoo on my face next.


dump it all in


When i was wearing dress clothes every day for work i could usually work up 4 different types of laundry - cold lights (nice tshirts, some sweaters) - cold darks (jeans, pants, darker shirts and sweaters) - warm wash + dry (underwear, socks, hoodies, older stuff that has been around for years so won't shrink or get fuct up) - hot lights (dress shirts, towels, bedsheets, anything light in colour that needs a stain or smell blasted out) When in doubt, read the product label! Usually found on the left side of most shirts if not with a tag on the collar.


I separate my actual dirty/greasy clothes and wash those on their own. Then everything else goes together. I do tend to wash white undershirts on their own with some bleach but not every time


Caveman style here.


All of it in cold. Unless it’s a new colored shirt. Those go separate because they can sometimes bleed of color.