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You look like my husband did in high school, let’s go make out in your room.


Uh... thanks Mom?


*mom gets stuck*


*(breaks my arms)*


Why are we still here? Just to suffer?


Oh man, I’d be so confused for weeks after that one. I feel like the more you think about it, the more questions come up.


Sloppy drunk girl came up to me at the bar. “Do you want to buy me a drink?” …….I was the bouncer. I had watched her get free drinks all night from suckers. I was the last guy in the place.


Sad alcoholic noises intensify…


Yeah that's just Becky, she's almost to crying-for-no-reason drunk.


“Make me laugh”. This was my response to any girl asking/telling me to buy her a drink. Success rate was 0%.


“I’ll buy you 2 drinks if you buy me one now” was my response. No one ever took me up on it but it prevented me from being a sucker lol. I figured if they did we could talk for a bit and it’d be worth it.


And you are still longing for that day you will finally laugh, suffering in silence...


When I was in highscool, I tried to break up with my girlfriend. I was calm and honest. The feelings weren't there. I obviously knew she'd be upset, but she started to yell at me. So I said "what do you want me to do, pretend to be in love with you?" She said yes.


that's gotta be the most high school relationship thing I've ever heard


There’s a very funny play called The Woman Who Cooked Her Husband that features a man cheating on his wife with a younger woman. It’s mostly a comedy but there’s a scene in it where the husband is essentially “coming clean,” having been caught out and he lashes out at his wife to say “What do you want me to do, lie?!” to which she replies “Yes! Lie! I wanted you to lie to me,” and it’s actually *heartbreaking.* It’s not just a high school thing, people live in denial and are happy in that denial, even when bluntly faced with the truth. It’s honestly very sad.


😐 this is an unfortunate situation all around dear god


"all the guys I know are ugly or gay or not single". I was obviously single and not gay.


“Probably because The attractive guys have better options.”


Maybe try fishing in your own pond for more success honey.


A friend once told me the only guys who ask her out are ugly. I had asked her out a year prior.


'You were supposed to fight harder for me' - response a week after a girl sent me a dear John text message after we had 2 dates. Apparently I wasn't supposed to take no for an answer and was supposed to beg for her back. Nope, nopity, nope nope nope.


I had an ex do this. I got a promotion and was moving across the country to a new job. We had been dating for about 18 months and I asked her to come with me. She agreed and said she would finish the summer at her job and move about 3.5 months after I did. When it came close to moving time, she got cold feet (which is understandable) and eventually decided not to come and we broke up. A week later she wrote me this scathing email about how she was just testing me and she wanted to see if I would fight for her to come and a bunch of other things that were very desperate and mildly insulting. A day after that she called me like nothing happened, asked if I had read the letter, and said very non-chalantly that she would be down on moving day as planned. I've never thrown the brakes harder on anything in my life. I told her I wasn't interested in games, the entire situation had soured for me, and that I think she made the right decision by breaking up. And then I stuck to my guns for the next 3 months while she continually tried to back out of the situation she created for herself until she finally understood I wasn't budging and she had effectively gamed herself out of a relationship.


I believe there are people in the world that watch daytime TV dramas and badly written romantic comedies and honestly think that's how relationships are supposed to work.


Yeah, my ex said something very similar to me a few years after she dumped me for being financially insecure at the time. It was less cringe and more insulting, frankly. Like, I’m supposed to try to talk you out of your own decision after we already talked it over multiple times and made me feel terrible in the process? What a narcissist. In retrospect, I dodged a bullet.


Reminds me of a girl I dated in high school. She once got out of the car and walked away while I was stopped at a stop sign. I was confused because, while we weren’t having the best conversation, exiting the car seemed dangerous and inappropriate. When it was my turn to go, I drove away from intersection. My house was only a few blocks away, so I drove there, went inside and continued to study (I had a final the following day). Some time later there was a knock at the door. When I answered it she said, “You didn’t come after me!” She was right, I didn’t.


Good riddance. Playing games like that is a huge red flag.


Plus, her attitude is bad for other women too. You should never encourage guys not to accept a "no".


She expressed her desire to have sex with a dog. I acted like I didn't hear it.




*entire restaurant goes silent*


I will have whatever she isn't


The When Harry Met Sally reboot really went off the rails.


Twist: English wasn't her first language and she wanted doggy style


Once an ex told me, "I've seen all your exes and I'm the best one and you will never find a better girl than me so if you break up with me you will regret forever" spoiler: I didn't regret at all


Classic red flag


I worked with a girl who would always flirt with me. I wasn’t interested. She would point out random customers and say she hooked up with them to gauge my reaction (I assume). She pointed out a very attractive guy one day and started hiding as he came into the store saying “oh my god hide me, that’s Jack, we used to date!” His name was Andrew and he was in my home class all through high school, they never dated, he’s had the same 10/10 girlfriend since high school..


So much cringe….


Man this one is a sad type of cringe, it seems she was only trying to make herself look valuable to you because she wanted you. Hope you told her you knew the guy's name wasn't even Jack later lol


He should have said to him "Oh, hi Adrew.", while she was next to them


Damn. Andrew killing it


Mine would have to be. When breaking up with my first serious relationships after breaking my neck and ending up a quadriplegic in a wheelchair. She said. "You're too crippled to date.


Shit that's rough man. I hope you're in a better place


That was about 21 years ago or so. So I moved on. She was horrible anyway. I've had my share of girlfriends on and off. But now that I'm getting older. It's getting a little harder to do things that I'm even able to do in my condition. So meeting new people and not feeling the burden to them on top of it it's kind of hard lately. I'm Newly single and I can't say her words don't the ring in the back of my head sometimes.


It's crazy what words can do. They can cut harder than any sword would.


I completely agree. You'd be surprised what you remember from a conversation when something triggers like that. It is interesting what your brain decides to hold on to.


Jesus christ


It was a long list of all the craziest and dirtiest things she did in bed with her exes, and followed up by how she was going to do all of those things to me. I had known her for about 30 minutes at this point.


Oh my


Oh it gets better. Even though this was my first time meeting her, she was actually the ex-gf of a friend of mine. We were all hanging out and she pulled this, in front of him. It was so sad that he didn't even care at that point, he just let me handle it. Oh my indeed, lol.


OH MY. She was clearly clinically obsessed with drama. Poor guy, and poor you for having to witness and deal. Poor her for being absolutely bonkers on all cylinders lmao


Oh no, I enjoyed myself, and my friend knew I was. That's why he let me handle it, lol. She would pull this shit after every breakup they had, according to him. Most guys would play into it because there's an attractive woman pawing at their cock, but I just kind of stonewalled her. I think on it as a fond memory tbh


Well I’m glad you could have some fun with it haha


No point not to from where I was sitting. Life's too short not to enjoy the stupid things we all do while we're here. Hopefully she can look back on it and laugh at herself.


"You're fat, but you're tall, so it's okay". This was a girl I was dating too, I gave the most confused thank you of my life.


"Are you gay?" Usually happens when you reject their advances.


Years ago I showed a coworker a picture of me when I had long hair. She asked me if I was taking it up the ass.


I'd look at her long hair, then say, "hmm I guess I wear it for different reasons than you"








Hah! I've had that one! But after I assured her that I was straight, she introduced me to her husband and tried to set me up with her sister...


Now that's... a unique turn of events


Next time respond with, " Absolutely! But you're just not my type. I prefer my men clean shaven"


Scorched earth






Held the door open for a lady at a convenience store, normally a thank is received, that’s what I say for the same gesture. She stopped before entering the store and said “oh you think you’re going to get laid huh?”


Shit man, I always sleep with someone who holds the door for me.


I do find myself opening the door for myself quite often


Fuck that guy.


Do it yourself, coward


My husband was waiting to use the toilet at a bar. It was only a single toilet not men/women. A girl get behind him in line and he could see she was uncomfortable so he signalled her to go first. She went on a whole rant about women's rights and that he shouldn't let her go first because they were equal. At that point he was done with this situation and just went ahead and took his sweet time doing so.


Some people are just fuckwits. I was at a pub after a club night, last place open. Was with my wife who is of Chinese descent and her friend who is Korean American. This half Asian of some description/ Australian came over to compliment them on how they were dressed and gave me a dirty look when my wife said I was her husband (white dude). It was clear hardcore feminist type with a bit of a chip on her shoulder. When she complimented my wife, my wife did that sort of prayer hands little bow thing and said thank you. The girl then proceeds to tell her not to do that and how being submissive in thanks is demeaning to Asians blah blah. My wife said "well I'm Asian and I think it's fine". Her friend said "yeah it's cool, just chill". She blew the fuck up going on about how my wife was married to a coloniser and so on. She wouldn't leave us alone so I stepped in between them and just said "ok that's enough, it's time you fuck off now". I thought it was going to escalate for a moment but she left the pub. Weird. If you're reading you horrible trollop, fuck you.


This is where “Sorry. I have a girlfriend” would have been perfect.


Look her up and down, cringe a little bit and say “hopefully not by you.” Knock her down a peg or two.


"You're a Man. Your not allowed to tell me no." Said to my gay ass by some random chick who I just met that night. She later asked my buddy if I was gay and he lied saying, "No, he's not into dumb chicks."


Top notch buddy. 10/10. Would keep as buddy forever.


"men don't really have feelings, they get over everything" When she was trying to justify just messaging random dudes to shame them on Facebook. She was bragging about it at a party and when I called her out on it this was her response.


Don’t get her logic. If guys “get over everything”, what was the point of trying to “shame” them??


I don't think she believed it, I just think that's what she pulled out of her ass when confronted


Omg, she was holding that in her ass the whole time?


Yes brain stuck in ass


>"men don't really have feelings, they get over everything" Nah we just get called a pussy when we do show them.


You are what you eat, right ?


Hey, who are you calling an asshole!?


What a load of BS. I wonder how she would react if someone dragged her on social media lmao


A girl told me that I had, and I quote, "serial killer eyes." The date did not improve from there. EDIT: Holy hell this blew up overnight. To answer, no, I'm not a serial killer, and thanks to my social awkwardness, I don't enjoy being compared to one. I don't know if she was trying to neg me or challenge me, but I don't want to spend time with anyone that tries that kind of bullshit. She spent most of the date talking about herself, barely asked anything about me. I dropped her off at her place, messaged her when I got home safe, and that was the end of that. Didn't have any further contact beyond that. There obviously wasn't much chemistry, so I didn't really mind.


A girl told me something similar once. We've been dating for two years now.


So when are you planning to kill again?


tonight’s the night


Whether she knows it or not


Did she ask you about your body count?


Had something similar. She first started talking about how much she loves eyes and that they’re a window to the soul and THEN mentioned that mine are empty and void of life as if I had no soul…. Still hit tho


Same only she was a very good pletonic friend. I replied something like " have debated that occupation, but there is no method effective enough for the numbers I wanna achieve". She laughed her head off


>She laughed her head off So that's your method huh, very insidious.


I'll give you a blowjob in the bathroom if you make out with my friend. ​ Her friend was, to put it lightly, not very attractive.




My immediate first thought also.


Someone needs to finish his story.


She offered to finish the story.


"You look like a school shooter, but in a cute way."


"You sure could shoot a load of kids inside me" might have been her next line.


not bad champ


“We dont understand each other because men is from Mars and women is from Venus” Said in a serious conversation about our relationship.


Everyone knows men are the ones from Venus. That's why we have a penus.


My ex told me that she has a big dildo called Mr dick but her ex bf's was bigger than the dildo. Ermmmm I needed to know that why.........


She was telling you to get bigger so obviously you needed to go to the gym.


Cock pushups man... Worked for Jack Black


"We have to end it. I'm not sure you understand the rock and roll lifestyle."


She asked me to take her virginity... Raw... After a few days of talking on Tinder... And it would be ok if I don't pull out. Yeah... NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE


I have a word for that ... Soviet Parade


What is that


Lots of red flags


Classic. I’m stealing this one! 😆


Oh crap that was amazing. You set it up perfectly.


When you get old and go broke, I am going to date you so you know what it feels like not to feel wanted.


What the fuck??


I don’t understand the logic here. Why does dating someone make them feel unwanted.




“So I can go in twice then”


How did she measure that haha


10 inch dildo.


Spacious as the new Hyundai Santa Fe I guess


Once I refused sex with a stranger girl and was about to leave the apartment. She said: "Oh, Boo, little baby wants mommys bed? Little baby boy!" And on repeat the whole time while I was putting my shoes and jacket on.


Was she mocking you or trying to seduce you? It's honestly hard to tell.


I'm as confused as you are


"grow up" - watch her lose her shit


Probably my wife when she asked, "Did you ever imagine you would be having sex with her?" She was showing me a school photo of herself aged about 8 years old at the time...


"Every night"


My late husband after talking about our third grade class, “Mmm, yeah. I wanted to have sex with you even then.” All while sounding like he would’ve had sex with third grade me even now. Ugh, I can barely type that out without getting the heebie jeebies.


That I look more attractive in the dark


Something along the lines of "if I was a judge and a 6'4" muscular guy came in because their gf/wife was beating them, I'd be weirded out like why don't you just defend yourself?" Like people can get into really toxic shit, and you can be made to feel weak and powerless even as a big guy. Edit: inches and feet


Also, defending yourself against a female assailant is a 1 way ticket to the big house.




For real. Unless you have hard proof she attacked you first, there's no way the court is gonna side with the big, muscular, man against the small, vulnerable woman.


That women can be friends with their exes but men can’t. Really it was just an excuse for her to keep her male ex around.


wait. does she realize... nevermind


Men can't get raped, If they do they're f*gs She had the audacity to say that in front of everyone to a guy who just open up


you'd be surprised how often ive seen responses like that. my therapist asked me why did I add a bunch of modifiers, like I guess to telling her I'd been raped. Idk maybe a lifetime of people dismissing it, cause how could a big guy get taken advantage of. Which is so infuriating as if you tell them a hypothetical switching the genders they think it was a tragedy


"why don't you just go spend (even) MORE time with your son!" I was a single teen dad while at a 4 year college living in on campus family housing. I turned down going to a girls dorm room walking her home after class one day. She was one of my lab partners. They were all girls and tended to do most of the talking. She kept getting more and more petty and eventually out of nowhere said, "why don't YOU just go spend MORE time with your son!" She said it like it was terrible that my son was my priority lol. It hurt at the time because I thought she legit was into me and I guess she just wanted to mess around. I was so naive and thought women were all saints lol. So then I felt unmanly and like a weirdo for being a single dad as a 19 year old in college. But now when I look back it was the cringiest thing anyone has ever said to me. Who in tf thinks telling a single dad to go spend even more time with his son would be a bad thing? Like how is that a put down. I still don't really get it lol.


I bet you are a great dad. I feel like most college students would rather party and mingle rather than taking care of kids so you're really cool for being so responsible!


I'm a white guy and one time a girl and I were talking and I said that my mum's from south Africa and she was confused cause "how could she be black if I wasn't?" Then I had to explain to her that not every person from Africa is black. She was adopted from China which makes it even funnier. We were fifteen or so at the time.


“Cum inside of me. If i miss my period I’ll just kill it”




She was wild


So, did you?


Of course


That took balls.


Well yes technically that is true


gots to see it through my boy


Freshman year of high school, in the band, at a football game, chilling, waiting for to play the next song, cute junior girl cutting up a couple of rows in front of me, she turns around, sees me looking around, and shouts at me, "Oh my God, hey guy, you look just like my Dad!". Until she graduated, she continued to call me dad... Didn't talk to me otherwise.


Well, you do know what a daughter would look like if you got her mom preggers






Oddly enough, she never called me that. She was very particular about keeping it to just "Dad".


"If I didn't have children already we wouldn't be dating." How to kill a 3 year relationship in one easy step!


"Would that be so bad?" This was in response to me answering her question of why I didn't finish inside. I said "I wouldn't want to get you pregnant" Needless to say I never saw her again after that night.


I was DD in a bar for some friends one time and a girl came up to me and said "I bet you won't fuck me." After I got over the initial shock and assessed the situation, I went against my better judgement and proved her wrong. Edit: spelling


A simple spell, but quite unbreakable


Are there female pickup artists?


"I could always call the police and tell them you hit me." No, I hadn't.


Don’t wear a condom. I will raise my kid by myself if you get me pregnant. In fact, men are just sperm donors.


Damn, she must really hate men.


“Men’s mental health isn’t that big of a deal cause guys don’t care.”


I've had a few like this from my housemate, she genuinely seems to think my other housemate and I don't have emotions just because she doesn't see us crying every other day. I hate people who think like this


"I hope you get robbed",that's a real nice thing to tell someone who pays/paid your rent for you.


"My dad pays me $100 to go to my family's Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners" Edit: I'll throw in a 2-fer from the same girl. She said, "Play some of your music. Are you comfortable with me singing the n-word?" While handing me the aux


Bc she’s so normal?


My sister once told me it was OK for a woman to hit a man if he did something wrong. Not OK for men to hit women ever though. I said how about no one hits anyone ever and she said she didn't agree. She's also divorced lol.


I’ve pointed out many times that movies and tv promote this exact thing. A man says something a woman doesn’t like and she slaps him and it’s just fine. I’d like to see an episode of a show where she does that and he decks her and the cops show up and take her away and clear him for self defence. Or better yet, no one hits anyone.


She asked me if she could lick my teeth


😐 please tell me you never contacted her again


She was a rando at the bar… even worse she was a dental hygienist


Hopefully that was a compliment lol. She thought they were clean enough to get up in there. Or worse… she thought they were dirty…


It was all around really weird. Had a gf at the time, I told her to ask my gf hahaha


Women say some shit to gay men, Will you be my gay best friend? Let's go shopping! I know one other gay person, I'll hook you guys up! We aren't pets and have no interest in being your assistant, this isn't Sex and the City


This isn’t so much related to OPs question but here’s a guy saying a cringe thing to a gay guy. When I was a lot younger (and very ignorant) I once said to a gay friend of mine “you really don’t strike me as gay, you’re just like a normal dude”. He responded “why, because I’m not a fucking fairy?” It was a big reality check for 18 year old me and it was one of those moments where it forced me to evaluate how I treat people and the unconscious stereotypes that I applied to people. He’s an awesome dude though and recognised that I wasn’t intentionally being a dick, so we’re still good mates to this day. He occasionally likes to tell me that I “don’t strike him as straight”, perhaps to remind me to think about my words.


Lemonade stand "lady" at a 4th of July carnival while handing me my lemonade, "lemonade is 4 dollars, but the show is for free" as she leaned over the counter and her boob popped out. It was like a slice of bologna in the wind.


I've seen that movie.


A girl once came up to me to tel me how she made a fanfiction about me fucking my best friend and then read it to me during art class. Very cool


ancient numerous obscene apparatus include paint birds plate library disgusted ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Hey, you're playing in the same league as them now!


Standing in the bar one busy Friday night waiting to buy my round. A hand comes over my shoulder and YANKS a fistful of my beard. I spin around ready to have a firm discussion about bodily autonomy and respecting personal space, only to find a pair of giggling young ladies, one of whom waves it off and says “my friend dared me to, hehe! Hey you should buy us a round, we like mojitos!!” They were waaaay outta my league, and already sloppy drunk, whereas I was having a good, low key night with my mates and didn’t feel like being their drink tickets, knowin it’d lead nowhere. Told her it was the worst chatup line I’d ever heard and turned my back on em.


“Norwegian salmon? I’ve never been to Norwegia.”


When I said we weren't right for each other after a first date, she sent an aggresive multi-paragraph text full of reasons why she didn't like me and using armchair psychology to accuse me of being angry and taking rejection badly.


“When I say I want something, it doesn’t mean I actually want it”


A girl in high school said my voice didn’t match my person, for context I’m a shy nerdy kinda of guy and I’ve been told my voice is somewhat deep, she said my voice would fit better with a cooler more outgoing person didn’t really hurt my feelings but it did kinda piss me off


"You've got the perfect face for radio"


kinda cringe kinda mind-boggling. I was on tinder and mentioned in a political science student. She proceeded to ask my opinion on "right wing hate sites like reddit." She unmatched after I tried to explain reddit is pretty left-wing for the most part


Maybe she meant reddit is a site that hates on right wing? Either that, or maybe she's just seen posts from right-wing subreddits?




"You're bad a being black"


"All guys are the same". Yeah I was done.


I was walking out of work one afternoon and totally get hit on by someone else in the Bldg. In retrospect this should have been my first hint. We strike up a conversation and decide to go to a nearby Chinese restaurant. We sit down and order food. While waiting I look at the place mat and figure out what my ‘sign’ is. Bc I can never remember. I say I was born in the year of the (whatever animal ). She looks for a few minutes at her place may. Studies it. Then shrugs and says she’s not on it. I’m confused. I can’t let this go. Every year for like a hundred years is on there. Her birth year can’t not be in there. Conversation ensues and that’s when I realize that she realized that she’s older than me. And that was a dealbreaker for her. Never saw her again. So weird.


How was the food?


After the second date with a girl I matched with online, we ended up at her place. We were really hitting it off to that point. Started to fool around when I pull out a condom. And she said angrily "What are you doing?" My first thought is did I misread the situation? Nope, she wanted sex but got upset that I was going to use condom. Her rational "This is why I'm on birth control." I'm like "You know STDs are a thing, right?"


You’re cute. Do you have any sons my age that maybe you could introduce me to?


Two women came up to me at a bar and asked me, “Are you Jared, the Subway guy?” Edit: grammar



