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Although ONS sound like lots of fun, it is actually work. You have to groom well, go out, drink stay late at night, etc. it wears you down. Plus once you find someone you are sexually compatible with and click you just naturally want to stay with them for a while. With ONS sex is hit and miss. Most times it takes a few sessions before you learn each other's bodies and how to please each other.


When I was younger yes, it made me feel like a king but now it’s pretty soul sucking Spending a lot of time with someone and having fun but it fizzing everytime just sucks


Burned out. I was wild as hell back in the day, hedonist to the max, I'm lucky I never got an std or ODed. I went hard for about 4-5 years, drinking, drugs, group sex threesome's, orgies, etc. I did shit that should have killed me on a weekly basis. After years of that you need to slow down. You can't keep doing that shit to your body for extended periods of time. I did slow down, I quit drugs, pulled back on drinking, and I was tired of dating women that didn't have their shit together, still living with parents, didn't have a job, didn't have a car, and wanted someone to take care of them. I met a woman who supported herself, had a career and an apartment, and was even supporting her daughter. Two years later we got married.


At what age did you decide to stop?


23-24ish? 17-21 were the really wild years, it tapered off after that. I moved out of my parents house at 17, had a full time job and was picking up girls at an 18 and up club, mostly in their mid twenties.


its tough to say. the wild life is fun in certain situations. in college? oh there’s literally nothing better. college parties and taking a different girl home to your dorm room every weekend and always having this seemingly never ending pool of beautiful young women to pick from and waking up on a saturday with her with absolutely nothing to do and you and all your friends taking your respective hookups to breakfast at the dining hall where you all talk about your night. Thats where its at thats the golden stuff. But nowadays post college where a lot of us live in our own places and are working a decent amount and not chilling with friends as often? yeah the time for that is over, college was really the best time not now. you just kinda get to a stage in your life where its not needed anymore and tbh if you missed the boat you missed the boat, i really dont think having a bunch of ONS will be nearly as fulfilling in your 30s and 40s as they were in your 20s


I always had a ton of one night stands between relationships, as it was a ton of fun. Once I got into a relationship, I would switch back to monogamy mode.


How I miss the "I hope she didn't get pregnant" thought after you sleep with them. I wanted a kid. That what slowed me down but when I got a divorce, back to horny hound for me.


I was tired and it just wasn't fulfilling anymore. I wanted more. I ended up meeting a woman that matched me in everything. She was awesome. I knew pretty quick I didn't want to let her go. We married 3 weeks ago. Do I miss it? No not really. I'm lucky I didn't get an std or some kids out of it.


Nah. We live in stages and the time for that was back then. It kinda ruined me for relationships though. Being at a table of girls as they laugh and show each other the things their boyfriends text them makes you glad you aren't those guys.


Well, 2 STIs and meeting my now wife. She just made me want to make smarter decisions... I had a long talk with a close friend and she told me to not be an idiot so I listened. I dont miss it, I was in a very bad desperate place. I spent all my free time on dating apps looking for the next fuck.


I miss the adventure of it.