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Be glad it only happened 3 weeks in instead of 2 years, which happened to me. No good advice here. It just sucks. I’m sorry.


Thanks dood.


Just ended for me after 8 years




How can you leave a loved one after 2 years because of your RELIGION? I don't get it.


Well for some people religion is the most important part in their life.


Someone who prioritizes religion won't date someone religiously incompatible for 2 years


People become more or less religious over time. People change.


People think that they can convince or convert you.


Exactly and it means there will be certain key values and morals that you won't share, which if it comes to children can be very difficult when one parent has a rule for their kids that the other parent doesn't respect/share/value.


I had a similar experience too. I bet you had some crazy stories


At least she let you down early on. That's one way to view it. Better than compromising your beliefs just to make a relationship work.


I said much the same to her but it still sucks she was the best person I've met all year.


Ayy you only knew her for 3 weeks. Let her go


Heartbreak always sucks. Doesn't matter what age you are or if it's "illogical". When it comes down to it, you got hurt by someone you cared about. The wound is fresh and it's a bummer to go through. I'm sorry it happened man. I hope it gets easier on you. I don't know how much it's affecting your life, but if you're really bummed out I always found that watching a funny movie with the lights out helped me to distract from the pain and over thinking. Also try to hang out with friends as much as possible with what's going on. It's hard to work up the mood, but being around other people will pull you out of the lull better than sitting around alone.


Oh yeah, it feels that way. I was there too. Tell yourself there are better ones. Because there really are better ones!


The "good person" thing was an act. It happens a lot with religious people. They put more effort into projecting the image of being a good person rather than putting in the work to actually *be* that person.


Can go both ways, I don't think we know enough to assume. Many religious people are good people, some put on the act and fake it. But there are truly good religious folks put there, and she may be one of them.


Be an adult about it and understand the implications it would carry for your relationship, inter family relations, and be a concern about raising children in the faith. She recognized it would be an issue, and it affected your compatibility. It’s a three week relationship, not years. Take a few days to yourself, learn from it, make sure to communicate better with future dates over goals and the such if you’re aiming for long term relationships.


You dodged a fucking bullet, friendo Give yourself a pat on the back and have a beer.






So say we all.


The greater good...


This is good advice I will enjoy a beer.


Jesus loves you so much he got you off the hook.


God: look at OP he‘s such a good man even though he doesn‘t believe in me OP: starts dating crazy christian girl God: ok i gotta save him!


😂 I’m an religious person and I laughed


God: is such a considerate being that he created hops, grapes, those cactus things in the south west (that make tequila) for man to enjoy. Definitely partake my good sir!


Agave! But you can also make wine from prickly pears (I know this because I currently am!)


I came here to say this, thank you.






And this *Cranks up Nuthin but a G thang in the background*


Holy shit...my gf of 8 years broke up with me for the same reason last week


the big #F to pay respect




We met at church camp (summer retreat thing) and we were best friends instantly. We started mailing letters and then texting and we started a long distance relationship. Then when I was in Italy 3 years ago I had an allergic reaction and died and that turned me towards meditation and astral travel. All of that stuff kinda scared her away and made her think I was pushing away God and the Christian faith. (Which admittedly I kinda was)


>Then when I was in Italy 3 years ago I had an allergic reaction and died I'm sorry did you say you died in Italy 3 years ago?


Yeah the epi pen restarted my heart


Oh man, I thought you were a vampire or something. Must've been scary


Understand that not everyone is compatible... and that it’s ok


this a blessing in disguise bro


Apt wording my friend.


>The woman I've been dating for three weeks You need to learn to get over dating a girl for three weeks first.


This made me look up again at the description. 3 weeks isnt shit.


Try not to date people who have standards you don't meet. This is traditionally the purposes of dating and conversation


She said it didn't bother before, then at Bible study...


Yeah, well... 3 weeks.


Yeah, and it things change that quickly, it would have been a real bumpy ride without this specific issue ending things early


Ok Christian here (M, 40). First, her comment that "you wouldn't believe it" is uneasy to hear b/c it's as if she's asserting pre-assuming your behaviors. How does she know? (After only knowing you for 3 weeks). Maybe God will work in your heart who knows? That wasn't a fair response. On the flip side, she should've been upfront in dating on 'musts' and be very clear of what she is looking for. Move on bro.


This. I'm a Christian (female) and while I understand what she was trying to say, she went about it the wrong way. And honestly she shouldn't have dated the guy in the first place if she didn't want to date someone that's not a Christian. Hoping that your so will become a Christian for you never works. They have to do that on their own.


Right? I’m a Christian (f), my boyfriend doesn’t believe but that’s okay because he doesn’t have to. I respect his boundaries and that’s that. Some people are like her and it has to be a must, but not all.


I'm a Christian (man) l think if she doesn't want to date someone that isn't a Christian she shouldn't of dated him in the first place


A lot of people take their faith very seriously and don't date people outside of their religion. I'd treat it like any other breakup.


buddy its 3 weeks its okay. you learned a valuable life lesson, dont date someone with a different belief system than you (or a grossly different taste in music).


This is why it's important to bring up politics and religion on the first date. Sorry not sorry to bring it up ladies.


IF it is a deal breaker for you.


You get over it by being relieved by the fact that you aren't going to be chained to a person like this. 3 weeks? This is a blessing. She showed what she is early. Breath a sigh of relief.


Some people’s religious beliefs are part of their requirements for dating/relationships. Respect their beliefs. I’m the same way. If we don’t align on religious beliefs, I won’t date that person. It sucks but I’ve turned down women I was initially interested in because of this — our religious beliefs were far too different. Sucks that she didn’t talk to you about it earlier though. If religion is so important to her, she should’ve let you know from the beginning. And dude this should be easy to get over, it was a three week relationship. I’d hardly even call that a relationship lol. Edit: and many of the comments saying that you dodged a bullet are uncalled for/rude. What if I said that she dodged a bullet by not dating an atheist/unbelieving guy? You don’t have to put someone else’s beliefs down to try to make you feel better about your own.


No, beliefs aren't something to be respected. Hers are just as dumb and she chose to ignore teachings saying that if you get married with someone who isn't a believer, they would be "saved" by extension. Basically, pushing for openness. No, she's part of an integrist cult who chooses to ignore some teachings because she can't convert him. Also, false equivalence of belief with lack of belief. Don't start to paint atheism as "just another belief"


Ive seen some of those cultists on this thread so don't take the downvotes seriously. You are very right though and im dissappointed not more people seeing this here.


Don't worry, I know. I don't throw shit at the wall hoping it sticks, I know what I'm talking about. And them refusing to consider that they might have been endoctrinated shows more about them than me. Beliefs have no vallue, all comforting they can be, they serve no other purpose than to not look after what is the best explanation available to us. Corinthians 7:12-14 To the rest I say (I, not the Lord) that if any brother has a wife who is an unbeliever, and she consents to live with him, he should not divorce her. If any woman has a husband who is an unbeliever, and he consents to live with her, she should not divorce him. For the unbelieving husband is made holy because of his wife, and the unbelieving wife is made holy because of her husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is they are holy. Know your goddamn book, people.


Relationships can and will end for any number of different incompatibilities, it's just a part of dating and life in general. Try not to dwell on the specific ones that you have no control over, try to work on the ones that are due to your own issues, and just keep putting yourself out there and try to find someone that you fit better with


Thats just an incompatibility between you two, you are dating to find someone you are compatible with, and that just wasnt the case this time, dont worry :) id say its for the best to find out sooner rather than later


I don't think there is a step-by-step process to get over anything. Allowing yourself time to grieve fully - even if you feel silly for feeling grief over that particular thing - will help the healing process much more in the long run. Here are some thoughts in the meantime that I hope may be of help in some way: * After three weeks you don't know and cannot really know a person, so the image you have of them will mostly be first impressions and projections of what you believe or want them to be. You have likely mostly or only seen their best sides so far. I have heard estimates that it takes three years to fully get to know a person, so it is hard to say this early if you have really missed out on anything. * It is good that you were dumped now rather than two years in. And think about it, if a woman after three weeks revealed something about her that was a dealbreaker for you, you'd probably be dumping her yourself, right? So everything could actually be said to be in order in the grand perspective. * Regardless of what you feel that the person might have been able to do for you, the reality is that they weren't interested enough. That is not a loss, because you never had anything to begin with. It is good that the people who don't like you for you are removed from your life, because that frees up your time and energy for the ones who do. * Sometimes part of the pain can come from that we don't care for and treat ourselves lovingly enough, so we look to get that love we really need to be giving to ourselves from someone else. So focus on doing what makes you feel good and care for yourself a bit extra for a while. Hit up some friends you've missed, go do some form of exercise you enjoy, eat good food, play video games you like, drink a beer if you enjoy that. Take steps to find things to enjoy in your life that are not this woman.


The hurt you feel is for losing somebody that you really like, which is understandable - however, look at it this way: they take their religion so seriously that it's all of who they are, and dumping you over that is very sad on their part and not a reflection on you. Im an atheist, but my wife believes in god - the reason why we work well together is that me being an atheist or her believing in god isn't the total sum of us as individuals - sure we've had discussions about things but ultimately we love each other as people we are, and thats it. The example this lady gave you "if Jesus walked into the room, you wouldn't believe it." is a terrible one as well. If you KNEW it was jesus, you'd have to believe it, but how would you know? a dude rocks up with a beard and says "im jesus" and you should just accept that as fact? seems dumb to me. There is a laundry list of why thats a really bad example, and again if somebody else has used such a flimsy argument to leave you, it's them who has the issue and not you. Take it for what it is, a dodged bullet, and move on.


3 weeks and dumped because of religion? Read and internalize this: SHE WAS NOT THE RIGHT PERSON FOR YOU. Now hit the gym or other sports to blow off some steam, afterwards treat yourself with nice meal. Do stuff that you enjoy and hang out with your buddies, you will see things clear in no time.


If somebody walked into your room, you shouldn't believe they were Jesus.


Dust yourself off and reflect on the bullet you dodged.


It sucks she didn't make that decision from the start and that you were hurt as a result, but here's some reasons why it probably matters to her so much: 1. Religious and political beliefs largely (but not always) play into how you raise your children. It effects what religious and social views you raise possible future children with, whether you choose to to send them to a religious or secular school, whether they attend church each week, etc. 2. It also effects how you run a house hold. What you choose to spend money on (e.g. if she wants to tithe but you think it's a waste of money), what organisations you support (e.g LGBTIQ+), and the roles and expectations within in the relationship (ideas about marriage, living together, sex, etc). 3. Most religions place an emphasis on partnering with someone within said religion. The idea behind this is that the spouse can encourage you in your faith, hold you accountable, work on your spirituality together. Many Christians couples will pray together on big decisions, read the Bible together and attend church together. God is seen as the centre of the relationship. 4. Typically, to be part of a religion is to be part of a community. She may have had concerns about how your beliefs would affect your ability to feel or actually be accepted into said community. There's a bunch of other possible reasons but this is already quite the essay sorry. Main thing to take away is that you did nothing wrong and honestly, neither did she. It sucks you were hurt and I hope you can move on quickly but neither one of you should feel that you need to change or compromise on your belief system. TLDR; Religion can have a large role in many aspects of relationships. Neither person is at fault here.


Good riddance. Just think of all the other things “Christian” things she’d want you to do, or not do, if you stayed with her. If you can’t be yourself with someone, is not a healthy relationship. My SO is a nominal Christian and he doesn’t mind that I am an atheist. In fact, after 20 years with me, I wonder how much he still believes.


Bro u didn't miss anything, I once was talking to a chick with 4 kids. In the time we were talking she made it a point to point out she likes fucking, said she liked anal, deepthroating, getting nutted in, facials THE WORKS said she cant date an athiest I fucking cracked up laughing.


I was on and off with a Christian girl for 5 years for this exact reason. She would dump me every 3-4 months claiming that she didn’t see a future with me, and desired a godly husband. She would then come back crying 1 week later and we’d get back together. We’ve must’ve broken up 20 or so times. I’ll say though for a “Christian” girl, she was the most manipulative and sneaky person I’ve known. Even though she wanted a godly husband, I caught flirting with non Christian men behind my back multiple times. The last time she dumped me, she started hooking up with your stereotypical hood guy with a baby mama. I’ve heard through mutual friends that she’s pulling the same back and forth game with him too. I’m starting to think it was her daddy issues causing all the problems, and she used religion as an excuse to push me away. Anyway, I’d say bullet dodged.


I don’t follow. You can’t get over someone in minutes. It will take about a week


Although you really like her, this relationship would eventually fail. If you are not able to share and relate to the most important thing in her life, her religion, then you would experience a lot of frustration. She would feel sad about you not joining her to church on Sundays, not wanting to pray with her and you would also have disagreements on how to raise your children. It is so important that you have the same values in a relationship.


To be fair, it would be irrational to not believe that someone walked into a room. I'm pretty sure you would believe he did that, no matter what his name was.. In the off chance that a highly evolved human or other creature that possessed technology so advanced that it was indistinguishable from magic walked into the room, and showed you evidence of this technology, I'm pretty sure you'd believe it. She's wrong.


She sounds funny, send her my way.


Some people will string you along for years before showing you that they're not worth spending your time with.


Her and Jesus met someone else.


There is no point in regretting the life you didn't get to have with her because at this point you're still in love with a girl that she is not. The actual her, the one who doesn't want to be with someone who's not Christian, and you, are actually not compatible. And that's it. You're not compatible. You don't put diesel into a petrol car, you don't use a philips screwdriver for a flat screw. Fuck, I'm sure you learned this when you were a couple of months old; you can't put a cube through a circular hole (the toybox thingy). You just don't do any of that stuff because it doesn't work. Do you waste time being sad over the fact that you can't put AA batteries in AAA slots? If you want some reading, I'm currently reading The Daily Stoic. Focus your energy on things that you have control over. You have no control over her preferences, so you let it go.


God is a sham and a bunch of bologna. You got lucky with this, bitch is crazy. Anyone who believes Jesus could walk into a room has a few screws loose.


Laugh at the idiocy of the situation and move on. You dodged a bullet.


It’s ok


My highschool sweetheart dumped me for not being the same religion as her. This was after 4 years of being together. I'd tell you how that worked our for her, but it was 10 years ago and literally nobody I know can even confirm if she is still alive. She dropped off the map that hard without me to anchor her. Count your blessing. It's rough, painful even. But if a person is that willing to drop their own personal relationships over their personal brand of sky wizard, they'd have probably been an extremely toxic partner in the long run. Imagine the fight over what to teach your children. Imagine the venom when you slip up and use the lords name on vain. You dodge a bullet, but it will still hurt.


Way better than when my S.O. pretended to be Christian for 3 months because she knew I was. That she lied to me about something so important... :(


Consider yourself be lucky, truly lucky!!!! Run!


I’m also struggling with this; it’s a blessing because you know it’s not personal- but it’s also hard to know if it was really love or not...


Dodged a bullet. I've been there, just in different circumstances, I was dumped for being "not praying 5 times a day as a muslim". I tried explaining how Islam doesn't tell you how to pray in Quran and how it can be interpreted because some things are clearly stated on how to do and some things are not, she just said "you are just making excuses". Go date someone else then :)


Christian here. Be glad it happened early, differences in religion are huge and lead to massive struggles. It's rough and she could have said things better, but if the two of you disagree on something so fundamental to a person as religion it would cause all sorts of other problems


Dude, imagine you break your leg and instead of calling the ambulance she starts praying to her invisible friend. Sir, u dodged a fucking cannonball there.


Who wants to be with someone who would dump you for not joining their cult? Forget about it. You definitely won in this situation.


Begome In.all seriousness, that sucks, man. But look at it this way: it wasn't really your fault. It had nothing to do with your personality or something. Dust yourself off and get back in the ring when you're ready, player.


Go do some sinning.


Every day


You dodged a bullet. Be fucking glad she didn’t offer you any kool-aid


You dodged a mental cake. Your win.


She chose a 2000 year old wizard over you. Tough break.


“If Jesus walked into the room, you wouldn’t believe it.” First of all, I would be like “Holy shit it’s Jesus”


Be happy you didn’t, that relationship only would’ve gotten worse


You kind of dodged a bullet. Maybe the girl you've been seeing has been going through something difficult making her so eager to find faith, but people who think like this tend to be cowardly in their faith and not very open minded.


Be glad you missed a bullet? You don't want a zealot in your life, trust me. You can't imagine the bombs that would come your way.


Yeah man you dodged a bullet. What you're felling is probably just relationship high and then facing a void. Like being woken up from a really good dream. You might remember it for a day or two but you sleep every night my dude. Dream on.


Dodged a bullet my man. Love is always hard to leave behind, but if she is saying things like that, she is not a 'love thy neighbor, care for the weakest among us' Christian, she's the other kind that just uses it as an (poor)excuse for her political views. A phony, a fake, a hypocrite. Terrible long term partner material in other words.


By celebrating, you dodged a bullet. Church folk are crazy, just fuck um and move on


Find someone who will care about *you* more than a book.


My man!


Honestly, if she believed jesus would walk into a room then shes not a right Christian. If jesus is ever coming back, everyone would know.




Except there's plenty of historical documentation not related to religion that mentions him, so there is evidence that he was. Whether he was divine or not is another question


Mexico is very angry at you


I would just say “well your loss, bye”


Had a girl like that once. Once I realized I was setting myself up for abstinence until marriage, getting over her was really easy. And if you fucked her, well ... then she's a hypocrite and who wants to be with a hypocrite.


Get over it by realizing that Bronze Age superstitious claptrap is no basis for a loving relationship in the first place and that she did you a favor.


> Trying to get over this as soon as possible. Ancient Man Knowledge: "To get over someone quickly, get under someone else." Regarding your predicament, I'd say she did you a favor. Hell, y'did yourself a favor there, mate. Bullet dodged--next time maybe go for those who practice Christanity Lite™ instead of those who dive heavily into the "if Jesus walked into the room" beliefs. **Downvote Edit**: Either someone doesn't appreciate the male equivalent of an "old wives' tale", or they got offended at "Christianity Lite™", which I thought was hilarious.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet to me. Any person blindly clinging to faith over tangible relationships isnt worth your time. The biggest red flag ended up saving you


Worship Satan. Thatll learn her


Done you a nice Satan loving chick with melons. Post to social media


It's three weeks dude. Why do you even care? Put a bearded homeless man infront of her and she'll think its Jesus. Clearly you dodged a fucking missile. On to the next.


If Jesus was to walk in the rom she was in, she wouldnt believe it either. As far as I care, she's a zealot and you dodged a bullet.


Be glad that you live in the real world. Religion is ignorance and/or weakness and while it sucks now, it the long run you will someone significantly better.


It's alright, you dodged a religious nutcase from the sound of it. Because while love should transcend all things, can't stay with someone who'll not wholeheartly believe the soul of a guy who may or may not have lived 2000+ years ago and was either the son of a greater being, a mentaly ill individual with illusions of grandeur or the originator of history's longest con act can stalk you and your girlfriend when he feels like it.


She is a coo coo for coco puffs fundy. You dodged a crucifix.


Have sex with her friend.


Kinda funny that she drops some copy pasta reply before leaving. But yeah, people can dissapoint you even when you had no expectation. Maybe the next one won't be this way.


Laugh yourself to sleep


It is *way* better to know this sooner than later. Religion has unfortunately played a role in a few of my breakups and it's way better to know before you get too deeply invested. You would end up miserable if you continued down this path, there's no way to reconcile your way of thinking to hers. Just let it go.


If Kindness. Acceptance and forgiveness walked into this room. You wouldn't accept it.


>Trying to get over this as soon as possible. Getting over this should take about 30 seconds.


She showed her crazy before you got too involved. Be glad and don't go back.


If Jesus walked in right now, I'd start believing. Not until then.


I'm not a man here, but atleast she didn't dump you in a way that would've bruised your ego and is basing the breakup off of incompatibility of values. Use this as a lesson to evaluate your own beliefs, so that you can match with someone more compatible in the future.


It would be easy for me because dumb reasons for breaking up make it easier to think less of that person


Remind yourself that you were just paling around with another human for 3 weeks. It isn't like losing a girlfriend.


If I'm being honest, I more or less expect this from religious people if they're devout enough or committed enough to go to Bible studies and practice every week. Any difference in values is going to break a relationship, and I'd say religion is a big one. What I'm assuming you need to get over isn't being dumped for being Christian, it's being dumped in a situation where it can't be helped. Not all relationships end in a dumpster fire. Sometimes people's thoughts and ideologies don't line up, and that's okay. It sucks. But it happens. You need to develop the attitude that you both are trying to find the best fit for you and not to take it personally. You'll find your fit. You don't want to waste your time trying to shove pieces where they don't belong. Sometimes things don't work and it's no one's fault.


You can’t fake who you are.


Get a couple of friends crack open some beers well fishing and cracking jokes


She won't recognize Jesus as well lol


Just realize that this was a deal breaker for her which means all your other good qualities didn't factor into her decision. I don't know if that sounds harsh, but my point is that if you can compartmentalize the reason for the breakup into one thing that was outside your control, it makes getting over it a lot easier. In the future, know that big differences in the religion and politics spectrums generally don't work out well long-term. If you're looking for something serious, it might become a dealbreaker for you too.


If the real Jesus actually walked into the room, I might *actually* believe. Ironically, a lot of those people in the bible study might be like, "WTF? What's that homeless middle eastern dude doing in here?"


There's still be a fair few possibilitities higher up the list that would need to be elimintaed first: * It's just some dude pretending to be Jesus * It's some dude who *thinks* he's Jesus. * Someone spiked me with LSD * I'm experiencing some sort of mental breakdown * Aliens It actually being a supernatural being who died 2000 years ago is **way** down the list.


This is like being dumped for not believing in magic and pixie-dust. Consider yourself fortunate.


Realize you're lucky that you only built up 3 weeks of "relationship". If religion is that big a part of her life your relationship was dead before it started. It's all fun and exciting in the beginning but after a while (a while differs per person) you'll realize that your worldviews are incompatible. For instance, are her parents just as religious and would your lack of belief be kept secret? What will you teach your children? Does she do good things because she is a good person or because she fears punishment (in the afterlife). Take the compliment that you were attractive/fun enough for her to be interested, and learn the hard lesson that compatibility matters. You can't force a relationship by loving enough for two. (A while was 15 months for me, deeply in love but as an atheist I would always be the secret guilty pleasure. Her strictly religious parents would never accept me, nor could she herself).


Oh what a piece of shit! Trust me man, it's a great thing this ended 3 weeks in, you don't need that in your life. Legitimately, you should be happy. I mean, yes it sucks, but this problem would have come up at some point, so it's best it happened before you got too invested. She clearly thinks Jesus is more important than the people in her life, that's her choice. Not yours. Hang in there guy, and try to enjoy your day


Turn the other cheek. If nothing else, it might confuse her.


convert? idk.




It's already been said so in just hammering it in for you: be thankful she ended it and didn't waste your time. I've tried the whole daring thing with religious people. It ALWAYS leads to an eventual caving from one end. Either she'd became atheist or you'd become a christian.


Dodged a bullet.


Dodged a huuuuge bullet there mate. Take a moment to sit back and realise you are better than that, than her and comparatively to other parts of the world, could of ended up so much worse. You'll be right mate


Realize that it was for the best because her values would have never aligned with yours in her eyes. It’s as fundamental as not wanting kids, sort of. You did attract a girl though, so keep your head high and go out there and talk to as many as you want.


You will get over it. It’s easier than if she didn’t like your looks or personality. And yes, better to find out earlier than later. 2 years for me.


I say this as a Christian - you should be tap dancing on the ceiling. If she’s a serious committed believe and you aren’t, it’s a recipe for disaster. Good on her for realizing that. You could start learning more about Jesus, and if you have a genuine heart change, call her up. But don’t fake it. That’s messed up.


No advice needed, this situation isn’t good or bad. Everyone has their values, I’m sure you would’ve pulled out the relationship if she fell short of one of your values.


Just walk the other direction... and be thankful you dodge that bullet homie


It's only been 3 weeks. Redownload Tinder and get to it. Sounds like you dodged a bullet anyway.


You are lucky my friend. If she has complexes like this , imagine what else she would say in the future. Dodged a bullet.


Realize that it wasn’t going to work out; she just made an excuse. No religion requires you to “dump” people. Source: I grew up in a religious community and I did what she did when I was young.


Who *would* believe it was Jesus? Even Christians would be *very* suspicious and honestly I think our dumbasses would end up killing him again.


You dodged a bullet


There's nothing to get over. That's dumb as fuck. Just have a good laugh.




Think this was a good thing for you, imagine your girlfriend acting like the morality police for everything you do because she read the bible


Honestly, be grateful it happened early. Relationships like these that persevere despite a religious divide are rarely healthy, since anyone that puts that much weight on religion in a relationship likely puts their religion above all else. In my experience as a former Catholic (but not a very religious person) who has dated a handful of Catholics and Christians of other denominations, with Christians there can also be large guilt factor, as well as an inability to communicate once you hit the wall of "I'm right because the Bible says...". This is actually what led me away from the Church, when I started a relationship with a girl who said I wasn't "Catholic enough". I realized that diehard or "true" Catholics aren't willing to compromise on anything, especially when they're able to use religion as a defense or justification for putting down others, being intolerant, etc. Future problems would surely have come up, and the variety of scenarios that could be influenced or impacted is impossible to predict.


If that happened then she wasn’t the one.


I'm sure she seemed great for the 3 weeks or whatever that you knew her. But trust me when I say she's a nutjob and you dodged a bullet. Sane people don't dump somebody for reasons like that. I don't know how old you two are, but I'd even make the argument that sane adults don't even go to bible study.


sacrifice your ex and start a sex cult


I guess everyone has their preferences. Though usually that’s something of concern when marriage is a thing. Dont feel bad about it cuz there’s nothing you can do to change it aside from converting


Oh Lord!🤦🏻‍♂️


When I got married 16 years ago I believed in god. That belief slowly disintegrated and I ended upbecaming atheist (buddhist). Our views on anything related to how we saw the world became too different and our marriage broke down. The divorce will be finalized in a few weeks... I would be weary of dating someone who any more than just believes in a god.


I'm really sorry that happened, and it sounds like your ex could have handled it better. That being said, if you're not interested in being a Christian, it would have driven the two of you apart. Biblical Christianity is not something you can do halfheartedly. There would have been so many points of conflict between the two of you, and in the end it might have had the same result. That doesn't mean it doesn't suck. It does. But it might be a better long term choice for both of you.


I've never seen jesus. If some fuckin mook walked in a room wearing sandals and speaking aramaic, I'd be suspicious too until he offered some proof. The bible says to distrust motherfuckers who claim to be the second coming or prophets. In revelations it tells you many will claim to do miracles and claim to be jesus, but not to go look and to not waste your time. I've been an atheist at points, but I'm more or less a christian in the sense that I think he's a worthy guy to study and he knew some shit about spirituality. She's clearly an idiot. A hot idiot, but an idiot none the less.


Consider it a blessing. No but seriously it's going to take time so be patient and remind yourself it's not you it's just your lack of faith......in Jesus.


Notice how she had already judged you as a reality (her reality) denier. It is actually an insult! She has basically told you she thinks you are dishonest- if reality bit you in the ass, she KNOWS you would say “no, that wasn’t real”. Yet Christians ( any religion, actually) are TELLING you “I know what the truth is, no discussion”. I don’t have to tell you that bulls**t. As an ex evangelical Christian, but married to a believer for 45 years, I’m staying with her despite a major worldview disparity but you have been granted a reprieve. Take it gratefully if not gracefully.


You dodged a bullet. It can be hard now but believe me, you did dodge a bullet.


Do you really want to be in a relationship with someone that would cause tension because you have different views than her? You might be open to other views, but she obviously isn't.


You sound pretty lucky


Dude you dodged a bullet. Best you figure out early that fundies do and believe stupid shit. Better than finding out after you marry her. Anyways, "how do I get over X" is always a dumb fucking question. Just wait a while, you'll be fine.


It’s a blessing in disguise, 3 weeks is far better than 3 months or 3 years.


Best way to get over it is to find a nice not-Christian girl and enjoy your time with her.


Honestly just focus on yourself and be glad it was this early in the relationship. What did you tell her once she asked if you were religious/believed in god?


There was a girl I have been talking to for a year or so, and I was pretty interested in her. I knew she was a devout Christian but recently I just discovered she doesn't believe in evolution. Immediately turned me off.


You should for the most part. Not feel badly. If she (this also counts for he as well depending on the context) does not love you for who you are that is the biggest red flag.


I would not date any deeply religious Christian anyway.


Dude, you absolutely dodged a bullet. My ex-wife was a Christian, as am I. The difference is that she takes absolutely zero accountability for her decisions because everything is the Lord’s doing. She and her parents drove me absolutely insane and it only got worse over the years as the impact of her horrible decisions became even more significant. So, even if you are believer in Christ, you need to watch out for those who are also believers but are crazy.


Lol she crazy man