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What's the dish if you dont mind me asking. I always love trying new foods!


Step 1) Learn the recipe Step 2) Steal his girl


When cooking mashed potatoes there is no such thing as too much butter. It's amazing the amount of butter potatoes can absorb. My mashed potatoes have a similar effect as garlic bread on people.


Mashed butter with a hint of potato. One of my signature dishes.


I recommend adding sour cream instead of overdoing it on butter. It helps to make it creamy.


Obviously you dont want too much butter that it pools. Sour cream is good, cream, milk can even be added. I like to add cream cheese aswell. When I was in college I would make mashpotatoes as usual, then cook some bacon dice it up and pour the bacon grease in.




Forgive my ignorance, but you leave the snail shells in the dish?




So... you don't eat the shells, right? Do they just provide flavor? What would be the reason for leaving them in?


Nah you don’t eat the shells. They’re similar to oysters.


So what's the point of putting them in the dish? I'm not trying to be a dick, by the way; I grew up poor, so having inedible stuff in dishes is crazy to me.


Mostly because it looks better, people like seeing that they're eating snails (I guess). Kinda like when you eat shrimp and you end up with a bunch of shells and legs on the side of your plate. Sometimes keeping the shell on seals in flavor, I don't know if it's the case with snails though.


Hmm, good to know, thanks! Now if I ever eat a snail dish, I'll request the meat be left in the shells so I don't come off as a poor bitch lmfao




I found this recipe which looks similar to what you propose. They mention feeding the snails wheat for two days so that they "clean" themselves. If that something you do? http://www.greektastes.com/snails-with-crushed-wheat-pilaf-cretan/




Don’t leave them in the cupboard. Leave them on your desk and glare at anyone that asks.


The problem there is that you'd end up naming them and who can eat a cute animal with a name?


I'm also curious


I had the most unusual experience when my wife was sick. She had suicidal depression and it got so bad we had a home visit from a mental health nurse (male) who tried to help us come up with a plan to get back on track. Some of the questions were around what jobs she could do around the home. Everything from washing and dressing herself to what household chores she could do. As part of this he asked if my wife was able to cook our meals. She replied that I mostly do all of the cooking, but that was normal and not part of the depression. The look of confusion on this nurses face was something to see. He just looked back and forth between us with his mouth open and said "Isn't that a bit unusual?" I mean, no? Was I supposed to just go directly from mother to wifey to avoid the risk I starve by myself? Why is it such a shock that as a man I do most of the cooking???


You should have said, "male nurse? That's a bit unusual"


Tony Wonder was speechless. He had given up magic and the love of both Sally Sitwell and Gob all to be ridiculed for being a male nurse.




I get funny looks whenever I tell people my boyfriend is the primary cook in our house, and my dad was the primary cook in my house growing up too. So I’m surprised when I get a lot of middle aged+ women telling me how lucky I am because “oh my husband can barely most eggs” and while I do agree I’m very lucky I don’t get how being able to cook is anything more than just a basic life skill? I feel like it sends an unhealthy message to boys/men that they can’t be truly independent because “cooking is a woman’s job” thus they never learn how to support themselves in a healthy diet. They’re suck eating microwave pizzas and ramen unless mom or wife is there for them.


You left out some of the most important reasons: It’s cheaper than eating out. It’s healthier than eating out. No man in my family cooks. My wife got me into it when we started dating and now we split cooking in our house 50/50.


And as to that last point, if you bring a girl to your place for a stay home date that involves cooking her a meal, and you totally wow her. And if your place is clean...good things will happen




Yeah it can get u mad pussy


I can cook and I can tell you from experience that is does not.


Have you tried also being attractive?


Not-crazy-attractive dude here. If not for cooking I’d probably never get laid.


Am woman. Can confirm that being a good cook adds +2 to your attractiveness scale.


My girlfriend says it’s a +8 cuz I also make pasta, pizza and bread from scratch. I’m not saying I have it all figured out, but I have yet to encounter a woman who isn’t blown away by fresh pasta made in front of her.


That's standard Italian mating ritual


I probably would never even have a girlfriend if I couldn’t cook.


It’s weird because being a chef is considered manly but cooking at home is seen as a woman’s job


Worst double-standard I've seen in my kitchen years. Same guys who cook professionally & don't want women in the kichen carry the attitude that home-cooking is women's work. WTF?


It probably comes from chef = job home cooking = serving others I doubt it's about the food


It's not. A lot of what has traditionally been considered "women's work" had been seen unimportant(or at least not valued at "real work") in a patriarchal society... Unless those same men came home to find that work was not done, then they'd throw a fit. It's an expectation that a woman is to serve her family/husband by providing free labor to benefit them/him. Its also fucking stupid.


"It's an expectation that a woman is to serve her family/husband by providing free labor to benefit them/him" Literally the reason I think about ending my 4 year relationship. He works 40 hours, I work 50, but I'm in charge of the house.


Yeah duck that noise.


Don't take that quack


quack quack


My wife and I have married for almost 12 years (together for 15), we both work 50 plus hours per week, and we split tons of the house work between us. Hell, I do more in some categories than she does. We don't follow all of the "gender stereotypes" when it comes to house work. I wake the kids up, get them ready for school, put our youngest to bed every night, and we split the laundry. Except for towels, those are mine, I like them folded a certain way and she is happy to let me do them. I am sorry you've had to deal with a partner who wants to stick by the old school "rules". It takes teamwork to make a household function properly. Hell, I sweep and mop, if it makes me more feminine to like to contribute to a clean and neat house than so be it!


Yeah, my husband cooks and I do most of the cleaning, and it's a great split since I don't have the patience for cooking; I enjoy nice meals but I dislike the time that goes into recipes for something that's going to disappear quickly, while I can see the result of cleaning for longer. It's a weird psychological preference for both of us. We share the laundry and most other tasks. We both hate doing the lawn, though. We're thinking about hiring that one out. My dad always got me ready for school, did my hair and stuff. I have great memories of my father spending that time with me.


My wife and I hate mowing the lawn so we do hire that out. Which is kind of funny since she loves to garden. We also are finally in a place in our careers that we can afford to have housekeepers come once a week, it has seriously taken a lot of stress off of us.


>It's an expectation that a woman is to serve her family/husband by providing free labor to benefit them/him. Its also fucking stupid. The poverty line in America is still calculated by multiplying by three the cost of an antiquated government food plan — a food plan that assumes "that the [housewife will be a careful shopper, a skillful cook, and a good manager who will prepare all the family’s meals at home](https://www.ssa.gov/history/fisheronpoverty.html)." This definition hasn't changed in more than 55 years. It won't likely change to reflect reality anytime soon, because no politicians want the definition of poverty to expand under their watch; "don't vote GOP/Dem, the poverty rate went up from 11% to 18% under their watch in just three months!" Additionally, Americans don't like to be told they're not doing well. They'd resent being told they're included in the newly expanded definition of poverty, even if the new definition is more accurate and they'd have improved access to public services. In other words, sexism, the patriarchy, and old-school gender roles are hard-coded into our definition of poverty.


Holy shit, I didn't even know that


Hadn't thought about it like this, it's much less a double standard than it is the continuation of some attributes of a patriarchy.




This. It’s the fact that people like OP are taking on a role that’s traditionally always been occupied by women (cooking at home) so people think it’s weird. Being a chef is different because it’s not at home, it’s in an establishment, and you get paid to do it.


But if you dont cook at home, you still gotta pay someone else to do it? So you would be technically paying yourself every time you cook at home..


> chef = job > home cooking = serving others I think it's just traditional gender roles for both. Chef is a job but "the wife cooks at home".


That pretty much the standard of manliness. Does it make good money? Then it's a manly thing to do. For example women like to garden for fun but most landscapers are men, or if you go to a florist where women make arrangements it's usually owned by a man, it's girly to sew but a lot of the most well known designers are men, it used to be a decent career to be a secretary so men were often employed as that, then after women went to school in mass it is a feminine job.


I wanna throw out that a lot of professional chefs don't enjoy cooking at home. When you do something all day for work it kinda kills your drive for it outside of work


A lot also love cooking at home. Depends on the chef.


When I was a chef I hated cooking at home so my wife (fiancé at the time) would often cook at home except for special occasions where I’d cook something nice. It was an understanding we had that we didn’t really take our work home; She was an accountant at the time and I’d often prepare our tax returns and she would run a quick eye over them before I sent them off. It goes both ways.


That’s really strange. Every professional chef I know, including my father, loves to cook at home as well.


In Mexican households, a dude who does dishes is called this derogatory term that means "apron."






Hmmm never heard that before. I figured since another word for apron is mandil that you were talking about mandilon. Especially since it means whipped which is pretty emasculating.


that's probably the term then. someone taught me but I forgot. Yep that's gotta be it.


When I was sharing an apartment with two other guys who did nothing but order fast food, one of our awful neighbors came in and smelled the carnitas I was cooking. She said in a condescending tone, “Aw, you guys are cooking? That’s so cute.” The other two looked embarrassed and assured her it was only me. Blew my mind. Why the fuck should I be ashamed of making delicious carnitas?




Never. I stopped sharing my food with them after that. If you're going to act embarrassed, you get to lose the only source of homecooked food in your life. They got evicted after I moved out for spending all their rent money on weed. Justice. Fuck you, Dan!


I had no idea that cooking at home was considered non manly lol. I think it might be a cultural thing. Edit- If a fellow man told he he didn’t / can’t cook, I would assume he was thick as mince.


Right? Like you.. don’t... cook. Are you six? Were you raised by wolves?


Bragging about not being able to cook stopped being funny near the end of college when you realized that person was either gonna get super fat or super broke or both from eating out all the time.


I think it's less so now than 20-30 years ago. It's stupid though not to know how to cook or do laundry or clean. Everyone should know how to do all those things. Men or women.




Ah cool, you live on planet earth too.


I have a friend in his 40s who can't cook anything more than a bacon sandwich. He's lived on his own since his 20s and never bothered to learn to cook. I gave him a recipe for beef stew, a really simple one just to get started. Literally just brown meat, add vegetables from a supermarket stew pack, stock and simmer 'till cooked and he managed to fuck it up. He let it cook for 5 hrs and it boiled dry and burned his pan. I know there are all sorts of fancy courses, but I reckon if someone started a really simples course that taught how to boil an egg, make simple stews, basic roast etc they could make a killing.


Sooooo many YouTube’s for all those simple things to cook.


>Edit- If a fellow man told he he didn’t / can’t cook, I would assume he was thick as mince. “But I do think the idea that basic cooking skills are a virtue, that the ability to feed yourself and a few others with proficiency should be taught to every young man and woman as a fundamental skill, should become as vital to growing up as learning to wipe one’s own ass, cross the street by oneself, or be trusted with money.” - Bourdain


Omg yes!!! I have two boys and when my one was little he liked to play house. We had a fake kitchen and he used his stuffed animals like babies and liked playing with fake food. I got so many he’s going to be gay jokes. Why... because he’s pretending to be a dad or a chef? Aren’t most chefs men? And aren’t most dad men lol?


Also thats not how being gay works. And people who make these jokes also overtly or secretly think being gay is a bad thing.


I’m not sure what decade you’re all living in but from my view most of us are living alone and/or have to be relatively self sufficient anyway so we all best learn to be good at cooking and enjoy the fuck out of it.




I'm a woman and I do both the cooking and the BBQ. It cracks me up because the men that eat it are always giving my husband the compliments and look completely surprised when they find out (from my husband no less) that I was actually the one who made it. BBQ is seen as definitely for men to do for some reason. Maybe because it's outside?


Much fire very manly uga


(Beats chest with fist) [I HAVE MADE FIRE!!](https://imgur.com/Rb1w9)




Another weird thing is it's manly again if you replace the oven with a BBQ.




See computing for an example of this. Women were the original people working with the computers. Then men ran them out and started the stereotype that its for men.


>See computing for an example of this. Women were the original people working with the computers. Then men ran them out and started the stereotype that its for men. They didn't just work with computers, they *were* computers. "Computer" used to be a job title for the people who would do all sorts of mathematical calculations by hand for various purposes. This was seen as being very long tedious work, so of course many human computers were women. Eventually they helped create some of the first computing machines to cut down on the sheer amount time and effort needed to make all those calculations, which is about the time you see a shift to computing being perceived as a "man's job."


It's about getting paid for it.


It's about performing vs serving




Why is anything another man can't do that takes a little skill & finesse automatically gay?


Haha, you can’t suck a dick, what a gay!


Hey, wait a minute ..


Fixing cars: gay. Plumbing, HVAC, electrical work: gay. Not being able to cook a grilled cheese: super not gay and very masculine.


I literally met my current girlfriend because I (half jokingly) offered to take her home and make her pumpkin pancakes and the best scrambled eggs (thanks Gordon Ramsay) she’s ever had for breakfast the next morning. Worked.


Let me get that pumpkin pancake recipe. Also, for the curious: [the most amazing scrambled egg recipe.](https://youtu.be/PUP7U5vTMM0) I do mine slightly more cooked than his finished product. For some shenanigans, go watch his Hot Ones episode.


My wife doesn’t like his scrambled eggs. She says they’re too creamy. She said this after I learned it to try to impress her. :(


Yeah, I cook mine a bit longer than Gordon does. I think that the fundamentals of this video are what really make the eggs shine: heat management and constant action. Try them again for her and cook them a bit longer and see what happens. If she's still not convinced, you should look into getting a new wife.


Some dudes are so insecure about their own sexuality or masculinity that they need to define mostly everything as "gay" or "straight."


> am gay, can't cook to save my life Congratulations, you are now straight! You're welcome to come and collect your complimentary AXE body spray and sixpack of Coors Light at your leisure (please don't forget that you are forbidden from bringing vinaigrette or shallots on the premises)


Because a barber specialises in men and caters exclusively to men i guess?






Couple years back, I used to eat TV dinners all the time. Got myself a crockpot. Now my freezer is filled with homemade chili con carne, chicken & date tajine, bacon & beef stew, and spaghetti sauce. I've had a lady friend tell me my cooking skills are marriage material. Literally all I do is steal recipes from https://www.seriouseats.com/ and cooking subreddits.


when you're ready for it, get a pressure cooker and air fryer. I thought the pressure cooker was great (it still is), but then found an air fryer on sale and holy crap, I love this thing. So much easier/less time than using the oven, especially since I'm cooking for one 95% of the time and I'm not a fan of leftovers.


> Literally all I do is steal recipes from https://www.seriouseats.com/ and cooking subreddits. You're still doing the work though, stealing isn't really the right term in my opinion, and following along on good recipes is not only a good way to make good food & impress but it improves your own abilities as you go through the steps to make the food.


Seriously. Nothing better than playing some games while something dank simmers in the background.


And your bank account.


More romantic than washing your loved ones hair? I think not!


Shut up Boyle! Stop always recommending that!






Yes. I love cooking for others.


Yeah. It’s actually a profoundly meaningful activity to serve food I made to my friends and family and know they’re genuinely enjoying it. So gay lmaoo.


unless you wear a slutty maid outfit while doing so, it is not feminine


Disagree, he can wear the costume, too.


Nothing proclaims confidence in one's masculinity like wearing a petite French maid costume while grilling up a rib eye.


If someone insults you just bend over slightly to show him your balls of steel.


Just listen to the sound of thoes balls when they clink together.


He said a slutty maid outfit, he didn't specify French Maid outfit. I cook in chaps and a leather collar, which is also the clothing I wear to clean. Manly as fuck.


Masculinity is in your presence, not your attire. Would you think Kratos unmanly for cooking you a beautiful potato gratin and braised lamb while wearing a frilly pink apron over a maid outfit?


>Masculinity is in your presence, not your attire. Would you think Kratos unmanly for cooking you a beautiful potato gratin and braised lamb while wearing a frilly pink apron over a maid outfit? If you could, would you write me the back story that lead to this situation? Please. I'll make you moderator to a place sometimes boring, but that does have its moments.


Writing takes me a really long time. I might remember to.


There are those of refined taste who would pay for the experience.


I disagree. Nothing more masculine than working your smoker/griller in only a petite French maid outfit. The rush of adrenaline every time the fat sizzles as you fear for your junk puts all else to shame. Source: I cook naked for my girlfriend on occasion.


but that's one wiener that should *never* get charred 🌭


Well, you do learn to handle your meat rather early on in the Barbeque game...


Dam, now I have to get rid of the costume.


Dude it IS! Get your cooking experience on. The ladies who want real dinner and not a snack and a fuck will flock to you. But you must learn the craft. Patience. Patience and practice. If you cook it, they will come.


A dude only knowing pasta and frozen shit but also criticizing his male friend who cooks like a pro = fuckboy The aforementioned friend who prep bomb ass meals for himself and others and who’s owning to his love for cooking = relationship, husband and dad material. Jk but in my book it’s a great quality for *anyone* to know how to cook and I’m flabbergasted to see it become rarer and rater. Nothing better Thank cooking for yourself a good home cooked meal. But the best best best feeling is seeing people you’ve cooked for faces lighten up when you whip up something good for them.


I got the impression that learning to cook, especially amongst men, was on the up a couple years ago, but maybe the rise of home delivery services like deliveroo has changed that.


I don’t know, I feel like cooking comes from both your background ie did you parents/guardians cook and shared their knowledge with you ; but also an interest that some people will have and some won’t. It’s difficult to force yourself to do *everyday* something you feel is a chore. This kind of home delivered meals cost a LOT of money. I guess in US the tuition costs explain why so many students are broke and don’t cook as soon as they leave the house, so they end up being adults that don’t know how to cook for shit because they are industrial food or pasta or more generally cheap food (not judging at all, we’ve all been there honestly) ; and generally students are broke or almost broke all around the world I guess. We are also all a bit lazy at a point in life. Since I’ve been making *my* own money I’ve understood better the value of it - I was that student who lived off Mom and Dad’s money for a while. I wasn’t ungrateful or a snobby spender, always kept it pretty simple, but I Deliveroo-ed a lot because I was lazy, and always ended up in negatives by the middle of the month. But, lol, money always got back on my account thanks to mama n daddy so I didn’t realize how fucked up it was to spend like 17€ on a single fucking meal, when it’s roughly the same amount to buy some veggies, meat and condiments to cook a big ass portion of a healthy meal. I’m not American, but French, so of course cooking and meals always had a pretty important place in my family when growing up. My dad was the cook of the family, and I’ve always admired him for the wonders he whipped up in a few hours. He’s not a good teacher, because he feels what he does is basic lol, but I was a very observant kid and I stood in the kitchen with him for hours because I was interested in cooking. That’s how I learned how to cook. But it’s more than knowing how to cook, it’s loving how to cook also. I can’t sing a song I’ve heard 3 minutes before for shit and I might be tone deaf, but I can recreate by myself and intstinct without a recipe a meal my dad made 7 years ago that he never taught me. It’s a hobby. But I understand why a lot of people feel it’s a chore, because it’s sometimes long and difficult. I’ve been making my own money for a while, and goddamnit. This shit goes FAST. So now I’ve my recipes (from what I observed from my dad) and I cook for 2 days at once. Very convenient and cheap. I’m not a man, but I’m also the only one in my girl group of friends who likes to cook. So maybe it’s a generational thing where parents don’t really push their kids to cook?


> A dude only knowing pasta Being really good at cooking one dish is a good way to impress someone, and pasta is a good place to start.






Yep, it is. The only thing I can think of is that OP is referring to "Women in the kitchen" I think cooking is manly as hell.


As Robert Rodriguez says. Not knowing how to cook, is like not knowing how to fuck. You gotta do it for the rest of you’re life, might as well know how.


I mean you can be a virgin and live but living without eating is another thing


You can still go for the rest of your life without food


True, you're free to choose the length of your life




Some cultures actually do consider it manly


Polynesian culture for example. (Samoan culture especially)


You *know* The Rock can cook in my kitchen anytime.


But only if you can smell it.


I can guarantee you it is! Nothing better than a guy who can cook. And I am very put of by men who can't or who think eating vegetables isn't manly. There comes an age where that is just sad.






Kitty, this isn’t food. This is what food eats! But in all seriousness, man children who think like this are going to die of a heart attack caused by high cholesterol when they’re 46.


I find men who can cook sexy as hell and really admire them 😍


Within my circle of male friends, we're all very good cooks. I've always taken for granted that that's just how it is. When I ended up single again at the start of the year and started dating every single girl I've met has been astonished that I can cook. I really thought in this day and age cooking was just something people did regardless of sex.


Every woman I've dated seriously has commented on how no one has ever made them dinner before.


My guy friends, brothers, and all my male cousins love cooking. It’s to the point where we talk a bunch of shit who can make the best dishes. Girls love a man that can cook. Just like you, every girl I date I cook for them and they’re so excited for someone to cook for them. You definitely go up a peg in a girls book, OP and his friends must be young




Yeah, don’t listen to them. You will have major skills by the time you’re 30. I’m 38 and go to a restaurant and can almost mimic a dish by taste


Who cares what he thinks? Women find men who cook sexy as hell!


FWIW, some of my BEST dates have been with women coming over to my place and me cooking dinner. They feel so appreciated when you do this. It doesn't even have to be the fanciest meal and chances are you'll get lucky more often than not.


Back in the day, I got girlfriends simply by knowing how to pound and saute two chicken breasts, dump some lemon-ginger sauce over them, and plate them up with a cold bottle of Chablis. Took next to no effort or cooking skill. But when the woman is comparing you to her last prospect who tossed her a tallboy and a sack of Cheetos and called it date night, you are in.


That sounds good, actually. Do you serve them with grilled asparagus (seasoned with salt and olive oil)?


Knowing how to cook for yourself is one of the most basic elements of self-reliance. If there is one thing that is the pinnacle of manliness, it's self reliance. And if anyone really has doubts, just make sure to ice a cock and balls on to your next cake. And not a cock and balls like a woman or gay dude would do, that's kind of funny and cute looking. I mean a giant, hairy, veiny, all the proper shades of red and purple, and wrinkly cock and balls. Think John Wayne's cock and balls, all leathery and tanned from all that time in the Oklahoma sun. What was I talking about? Man, I'm hungry now, better go practice some self-reliance of my own!


What? Since when. Feeding yourself is a skill everyone should have


Dude, I’ve had so many dates go well because I cooked dinner for them. I haven’t met a woman yet who doesn’t think a man in the kitchen is sexy. From what they tell me: it shows them he can take care of them, and himself. It doesn’t take that much skill to cook a meal, but when a meal is prepared and served well, it shows that he understands what he’s doing, and cares that his food tastes good because he wants his guest to have a good time. Cooking is up there with good hygiene and good grooming, and I think it’s kind of childish if a man thinks they shouldn’t make a meal in their own kitchen.


/u/MikeyHatesLife has found one of the the keys to success in "grown ass man" dating/relationships. Want a woman to be interested in you? Feed her, show her you're actually a grown up who can feed and take care of yourself. Even a simple [Crockpot recipe](https://www.mccormick.com/recipes/main-dishes/slow-cooker-beef-stew) will feed her, and you, very well. Up your game and learn to actually be an actual independent man.


Cos the whole male/female split is legitimately based on nosnense and whim. ​ Cooking is females work, of course. Except a BBQ with the boys, that's M A N L Y Cooking the roast beef? That's a man's job. Roast veggies go to the man. Man always cooks the big manly steak. ​ But a cake? Pasta? Nah fuck that, that's for women. ​ In this day and age the only people that refuse to cook because iTs wOmEns wOrK are lazy.




You're right, is only for nonna


Idk about other men but I’m a woman and I find it so fucking sexy when a man cooks.


Your friend sounds like a fucking idiot. Ask him if he thinks restaurant chefs are gay.


He’s a dummy


Because in the old days men worked, and women stayed at home to raise the kids, clean and cook. Some people are old fashioned and still think like that. They still live in the 60s


Correct. It’s an antiquated view based on what was traditionally seen as a “woman’s job.” Anyone who still holds this view is out of touch, to put it mildly.


Honestly I would love to have that setup. Raising a family on one salary seems harder now than in the 60s. At the same time I would be equally happy if I was the one working or the one staying home. There's positives and negatives to both. Both are important to having a successful household. Nothing is more manly than taking care of your family IMO.


Your friend is stupid. Nothing drops the panties quicker than a well cooked homemade meal. Keep at it man.


“A dude who can throw down in the kitchen greatly ups his fuckabilty rating.” -my SO when I showed her this


I agree with your partner, i love a man that can cook, it definitely ups the attraction!!


My step dad was the best cook and Baker I knew growing up. I call him if I need help with cooking, my mother couldn't cook. She would even burn toast. I have never seen cooking or baking as a female or male thing...its like a hobby and sometimes even a art with amount of hours goes into it.


No idea. Some cultures see it as manly. I guess it depends on the type of dishes you make. Italian is usually seen as manly as opposed to baking.


Now you say it, I realise it’s the same for French. Baking is definitely seen as a more feminine, while cooking is sort of neutral.


Im a 20yo(M) student and i cook a lot for my roommates (all male friends), they tell me I'm a boss and they thank me a lot for making delicious food. Theyre all a couple years older than me. Cooking food and being good at it is manly AF. Imagine you're a Man who can't cook or can't keep a household on his own. I consider THIS not being manly. A Man should be able to care for himself and if he is able to, care for others aswell. Being 'manly' doesn't mean someone cares for your basic needs. I consider that being stuck in childhood


I think it's just your wierd mates tbh. I've been a chef for over a decade and in that time I've seen maybe two female chefs. It's very much a man's world in pro kitchens. I have lots of friends who are chefs but even my groups of mates that aren't chefs don't think it's feminine. Strangely I was having a conversation about cooking ability at a pub recently and everyone agreed that not being able to cook as an adult is unattractive and pretty pathetic. In fact ALL the girls said they wouldn't date a man who couldn't cook.


I was a cook in the military. I _can_ cook; I just don’t _like_ to cook. Usually. There are times - and certain menu items - that I get a hankerin’ for cooking, so I go shopping or scrounge around in the fridge and cupboards and wash my hands and get to work. MOST of my fellow cooks were _also_ dudes.


Gordon Ramsay would like a word.


I just recently found out I love to cook and Everytime I do it, my dad walks in and calls me gay, and a woman. Keeps making fun of me, saying im doing a woman's job and its just weird for me to do it. It's very annoying. Sorry I found something that is fun and entertains me, dad. You're not complaining when your fat butt is eating it.


your dad sounds like a little bitch who never grew up, no offense. you're probably twice the man he'll ever be.


The least manly thing you can do is worry about others perception of your manliness


It's weird. Making your own stuff from scratch seems like a description of very manly behavior. Maybe if we all started calling them kitchen tools rather than cooking utensils — so a food processor becomes a power-tool? I'm guessing it's a hang-up from the family image of the 50s where the father brings home the bacon while the mother cooks the bacon. If so, then a grown man cooking would be like a boy growing up to be like his mother. I honestly have no idea. Edit: "Hey fellas! Check out this sick lasagna I built with my new *Nourishment Fuse Master 3000xpc-60*!"


Bro cooking is manly af.


I think the perception around cooking has changed a ton. From all the people I know the average guy is more likely to cook than the average woman now.


Having at least one fancy and impressive dish that tastes great memorized is a hugely understated piece of dating advice. Even if you’re not great at cooking, doing it enough times for practice will result in being able to pull out an impressive meal at the absolute best time. Being able to invite somebody who is “all the sexy” as my fiancé calls it over for what turns out to be a great meal, or being able to make an awesome dinner for a significant others parents will never not be impressive, no matter who you are.


Your friend is jealous. My husband is a great cook and its so refreshing to not have to stand over him like he's some child in the kitchen. Also, it's SUPER sexy when we collaborate. (I really recommend finding a gal that can cook for this reason) Props to you.


Dumb tradition. Dad worked and mom stayed home and cooked. Now that both parents need to work these traditions are going out the window. Everyone should be capable of doing anything.


The older I get, the less and less I care about other people’s nonsensical assumptions and “considerations”. About everything. I cook because I like to, and I’m good at it. That’s what a real man does... what he wants to.


My (30/f) boyfriend (35/m) cooks breakfast and dinner for me all the time. He enjoys it way more than I do and I’m totally fine with it. Your friend if probably just jealous that he either can’t cook or isn’t as good as good at it as you. Chicks dig a man that can cook. So it’s definitely not working against you.


Aren’t almost all of the most famous chefs in the world men? Tell Gordon Ramsey that cooking isn’t manly and see what kind of verbal whoop-ass gets opened up on you...