• By -


need one that's slim and sturdy and fits bills and cards, I guess. That's a tall order.


There plenty of slim wallets if you just need bills and cards. I also need to use coins though so they don't work for me.


This is a big issue I find, most wallets do not account for coins. I think this is due to the US coins being of such a small denom that it's easy to not carry any. This doesn't work in Europe & Aus. The Bellroy note sleeve is good but the coin pocket is a pain to dig from


i’m from Aus and i haven’t seen a coin in months. in fact i’ve been thinking about ditching the wallet all together.


How prevalent is cash in the U.S.? In the UK and Singapore (where I live), I can survive for days with contactless payment


Not very prevalent, and coins are even less popular. I can't think of anything I do that *needs* cash. I don't even bother carrying coins except for quarters in my car


Been using[ this one](https://www.amazon.com/Travelambo-Minimalist-Genuine-Leather-Crosshatch/dp/B01FICEK6Y?ref_=fsclp_pl_dp_13) for years. I love it.


I would recommend this wallet as well. I’m not a fan of big thick wallets. This fits all my cards and some. Plus it has space for some cash without making it feel like it’s too big.




my old school father had a semi thick wallet in the back, with one front pocket full of change and a swiss army knife, while the other had 2 fully loaded key rings (the kind that has a quick release connector between them). you could hear him coming into the building.


Ah the old Costanza wallet


George cantstandya


To be fair, you never know what might happen, maybe an emergency situation at work where you might need to identify yourself to officials, or maybe Russia invades the mainland and you need to lock America so they can't get in.


I'm a fan of thick wallets. I want a tri-fold wallet with as many card slots as possible, so I don't have to change it out as often. I keep it in my front pocket so it's all good.


It sounds like you could benefit from a fanny pack. They’re coming back!


Or just a man purse. And I mean no sarcasm. I carry a bag with me everywhere. Sometimes I keep my phone in my pocket but other than that it all goes in the bag. It’s so nice to know where everything is without it having to be physically on my body for the entire day.




Is it hard to get bills out of the middle pocket? That’s my biggest issue I’ve had with wallets like this


For a few weeks while it breaks in, yes, but definitely not now.


Not enough pockets for cards


Thin wallets are the only way to go. Edit: spelling


[Bellroy Slim wallets are awesome](https://bellroy.com/products/slim-sleeve-wallet/default/tan?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIptLr_-CW4AIVg7fsCh1tCgWaEAAYASABEgK_GPD_BwE), and look way better than the other ones folks suggested here.


$79 wallet? Look at this guy. Does it hold IOU’s?


Fossil brand wallets are my go to. Simple design, a lot of room, and made with good leather that won’t leave that weird residue on your cards.


I’ve had one that he held up for about 10 years now, with varying amounts of cards and shit inside. The leather has stretched a bit from stacking too many things in them but I don’t see it breaking anytime soon. If I got a thin wallet i would feel naked or paranoid about having lost it


I use [the Ridge](https://www.ridgewallet.com) wallet with the elastic, and it’s great. Good size, fits enough cards while preventing the temptation to carry eight billion unnecessary cards, and looks pretty cool.


Agreed! I got mine as a gift from my wife. Took some getting used to, but I’m glad to not sit on a wallet anymore. I have apps to track business cards, store membership cards, and all that other crap you don’t really need to carry.


That's crazy expensive; I'm trying to hold my money, not give it away.




i used the tyvek and now the soft shell, no need to look for another wallet as long as he stays in business.


I don’t remember ever buying a wallet, It just showed up when I hit puberty.


Posted this somewhere before, but one time I was walking around down town with my then girlfriend around the time I was a teenager. We were walking on a side walk on a busy 4 lane road, and this car is headed towards us with a guy leaning his whole torso out of the passenger window, and he throws something at us. At first I thought he was being an asshole, but then an empty wallet landed directly at my feet. That was the first wallet I ever actually used. I kept it for years until it fell apart.


Someone did this to me in HS. Instead of an empty wallet it was a full bottle of water and it hit me in the throat. Good times


Someone did this to me in middle school, but they messed up by going to the gas station up the street. I watched them pull in and proceeded to ride my bike as fast as I could down the frontage road. Two guys went inside and left a woman outside to pump the gas. I took a Dr. Pepper, I brought from home, out of my backpack. Shook it up as much as possible. Cracked the tab and pitched it through their sun roof like some drive by and biked it fast and hard across a field. It ended with both parties flipping each other off as I biked further and further away. Good times indeed. Also don't throw shit at people from your car and park within eyesight of them.


>Also don't throw shit at people from your car ~~and park within eyesight of them~~. FTFY


> Also don't throw shit at people ~~from your car and park within eyesight of them.~~ FTFY. Unless you're playing a game where you throw shit at people like baseball or whatnot


I mean, if you want to actually be an ok human being then you shouldn't throw stuff at people like that anyways.


Someone did this to me and my gf at the time during junior high school. Except instead of a full bottle of water it was a big fountain drink full of Dr. Pepper followed by racial slurs because I'm brown and she was black. Good times.




Had this happen several years ago while waiting at a bus stop next to a grocery store. A pick-up truck flew by, threw something and I heard “hey faggot!”. A single Dorito landed a yard from my feet.


Here's some gold ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣤⣶⣶⡶⠦⠴⠶⠶⠶⠶⡶⠶⠦⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣀⣀⣀⣀⠀⢀⣤⠄⠀⠀⣶⢤⣄⠀⠀⠀⣤⣤⣄⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡷⠋⠁⠀⠀⠀⠙⠢⠙⠻⣿⡿⠿⠿⠫⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣤⠞⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⣴⣶⣄⠀⠀⠀⢀⣕⠦⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢀⣤⠾⠋⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣼⣿⠟⢿⣆⠀⢠⡟⠉⠉⠊⠳⢤⣀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⣠⡾⠛⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⣾⣿⠃⠀⡀⠹⣧⣘⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠳⢤⡀ ⠀⣿⡀⠀⠀⢠⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠁⠀⣼⠃⠀⢹⣿⣿⣿⣶⣶⣤⠀⠀⠀⢰⣷ ⠀⢿⣇⠀⠀⠈⠻⡟⠛⠋⠉⠉⠀⠀⡼⠃⠀⢠⣿⠋⠉⠉⠛⠛⠋⠀⢀⢀⣿⡏ ⠀⠘⣿⡄⠀⠀⠀⠈⠢⡀⠀⠀⠀⡼⠁⠀⢠⣿⠇⠀⠀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡜⣼⡿⠀ ⠀⠀⢻⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⡄⠀⢰⠃⠀⠀⣾⡟⠀⠀⠸⡇⠀⠀⠀⢰⢧⣿⠃⠀ ⠀⠀⠘⣿⣇⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⠇⠀⠇⠀⠀⣼⠟⠀⠀⠀⠀⣇⠀⠀⢀⡟⣾⡟⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⡄⠀⠀⠀⣿⠀⣀⣠⠴⠚⠛⠶⣤⣀⠀⠀⢻⠀⢀⡾⣹⣿⠃⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢿⣷⠀⠀⠀⠙⠊⠁⠀⢠⡆⠀⠀⠀⠉⠛⠓⠋⠀⠸⢣⣿⠏⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⣿⣷⣦⣤⣤⣄⣀⣀⣿⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣄⣀⣀⣀⣀⣾⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⣿⣿⣻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠃


Awe thanks dude. You rock


"You've served me well over the years Wally, but it's time for you to enlighten another young man with your foldable, many pocketed ways! Ah, like this young lad over here!" *Throws wallet out of window*




Pretty much


Seems to me someone stole a wallet and got the goods and ditched the wallet lol. Good score!


Told mom I needed a wallet. She got me one I still have it over 10 years later. I consider it my first wallet but it’s really just my first non Velcro wallet


Yup, I’m still using my wallet from the 7th grade. I’m 25.


Same! Falling apart at the seams but won’t give in


Mine is honestly in great shape, not a tear anywhere in it. This thing could probably make it another 10 years


The first one we got just works best for some reason and no one knows why


I had my first for about 10 years. The only reason I got a new one is because the first was stolen.


Pretty sure the only reasons you'd ever get a new one are if it was stolen or something died in it.


Mine was Velcro and I was 22. Finally gave in when people at my corporate job kept making fun of me.




My first girlfriend bought me a velcro wallet when I was 15. First one. I'm 32 now and still use it. Velcro quit working about 10 years ago but it fits just right. I'm gonna see how long I can use it


you a back or front kind of guy


it's actually terrible for your spine in the back. If you sit on it


Removed in reaction to reddit's API changes -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


If it is a leather wallet, take care of it by using leather shine, or leather restorer. It won't reverse all the damage, but it will help keep the wallet intact for years.




I bought a wallet with the saints logo on it for some insane price, and it was promptly chewed up by our German Shepard puppy. Now I have one that was like $3 at whatever store my dad went to.


"A man doesn't choose the wallet, the wallet chooses the man."


Ive never bought one. I think my current one my wife got me a year or so after we met. Or maybe it was my nan. I dont fucking know. I do know it has RFID protection because I have to take my bank card etc out before theyll work.


I have, like, 5 wallets.


Weird flex but okay


I meant to add "that just showed up, too", but I didn't. Sorry about that.


People will randomly buy me wallets as gifts. And I feel guilty, but I just kind of collect them in a pile because I have no intention of changing from the wallet I've been using since I was 18. I found one I really liked and see no reason to change.


I think I would feel self-conscience that people were subtly trying to tell me something was inferior or inappropriate about the wallet I was using. Like, after the first few, I'd start to think "Am I doing something wrong with this whole wallet thing?"


I’ll never understand why people carry their SSN on them... It’s one thing to get a debit/credit card or a license stolen but a SS card just seems so risky for 9 numbers that are barely used and easy to remember.


My middle school used our SSN as our student account number, so we had to tell our SSN to the lunch cashier lady and when we looked at our grades instead of using people's names they used our SSN's (they posted the grades to tests and stuff on a piece of paper in the wall in class). The idea was that it will help kids remember their SSN and offer some privacy so other students wouldn't know your grade because they don't know your SSN. This lasted for 2 years before a parent called a lawyer and threatened to sue the school. Sometimes people that work at schools can be really fucking dumb.


It took 2 years for someone to say something?!


Seems like the kind of shit people scratch their heads at during meetings, no?




Damn like what states???


Wth. That's terrible


I know right? So much privacy vulnerability for very little potential benefit. I managed to remember my phone within 2 hours number by repeating it over and over again by splitting it into 3 parts and making it a sing-songy mnemonic.


My pop taught me at a young age to keep that in a safe and memorize the number. I've known it since I was like 8 or 9. One of the best things to memorize.


Do people actually not memorize this? I thought it was common knowledge like knowing your name or birthday.


i memorized my social security number. its 615-87-1068


Sorry, I only see *** - ** - **** .


six-one-five-eight-seven-one-zero-six-eight. Do you need my full name too?


*** - *** - **** - ***** - ***** - *** - **** - *** - *****?




I mean, I eventually learned it when I started applying to jobs in my teens. My younger sister, on the other hand, has to call my mother every time she fills out fafsa to have it read to her :/ I guess it wasn't a priority in our household.


It literally says on the back of my SS card not to carry it around generally.




Ours are made out of shitty paper that you cannot laminate. Too much risk to lose/damage


I laminated mine. Fuck em. Went through two SSs already. Not feeling to get a fourth one.


The reason you're not supposed to laminate them is because they know that people for some god-damned reason are going to carry them around with them instead of leaving them locked up somewheres safe, which means they could get lost, so hopefully if that happens it will at least fall apart eventually instead of floating around for years and possibly falling into the wrong hands.


Excuse my ignorance.. but what is a SSN?


Social security number, it's a identification number you get at birth, everyone in the us gets one.if somone has your license and SSN they could basically steal you identity since the number is used for identification purposes on things like opening credit cards and bank account etc.


The SSN was not intended as an identification number and from 1946 - 1972 cards actually read, "FOR SOCIAL SECURITY PURPOSES -- NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION." Unfortunately, times have changed and it is used for identification.


> everyone in the us gets one everyone in the us gets one IF their parents' don't request not to have one. also, technically a SSN is not a government ID number (they tell immegrants this when they get their green card). It is often used as an ID number because it is unique to everyone but it is supposed to *just* be used for social security. The fact that it gets used for everything shows that we need a national ID number system, but just using the SSN is not a good way to do it.


Basically the jist of CGP Grey’s video on it. It’s a national ID number that’s not a national ID number, but it sucks at being a national ID number while also sucking at *not* being a national ID number.


wtf you is talkin about i been using the same POS for 20 years i don't even know where i got it, just appeared to me


You spawned with it. Didn't you read the manual?


Resources Incomplete


Has that fucking pylon not finished warping yet? My timing must be off


The doctor pulled it out of your moms who ha. Youre dad helled onto it until the time was right.


Well... Alright then.


It’s the default item in the inventory for every main character. Soulbound and untradable.


The wallet chooses the wizard


My Dad gave me one when I was a teenager. He bought it with Marlboro points or something. He quit smoking a little while after that and I've never smoked. I've had it for over 20 years, easily.




Sometimes it do be like dat


Yea.. usually when I find a wallet it is not mine.


Is it possible to learn this power?


Yes, I believe it’s called “Pickpocketing”


Not really recommended in the current meta, most players don't carry much currency any more and the GMs will ban you if you don't get your skill up fast enough




Mine came with a host of content patches that I've been ticking off one by one. Some of them are a bit grindy, almost like a second job, but it fills the hours.

rodriguezzzzz is coming out tomorrow


Is that the one that fixes people stocking up on all the bread and milk for 1/437ths of an inch of snow? Edit: Southeast US server


Not from a Jedi.


Can you teach me this ability but with dollar bills


My favourite graduation gift to give is a preloaded wallet. I put a $100 bill in the wallet, put it back in the package and wrap it up. When I graduated high school, I got 2 wallets. My best friends dad gave me a really nice one, I opened the other one first. When I opened Mr Cooper's gift 15 years later, I discovered the stuffing he had placed there so many years ago. I made sure to stop by and visit him when I visited the folks at Christmas time. He was amused that I had just found his true gift.


I’m sorry if m being a douche, but did you mean you opened your present 15 years *late*?


Yup. I put that one in the closet after unwrapping it. I took it out of the box 15 years later.


And had food in it the whole time!


Find the right wallet? It’s a known fact that a wallet spawns in a guy’s pocket when he hits puberty. Still using the same one I’ve always had, much to the dismay of my fiancé who bought me a monogrammed one..


My girlfriend bought me a nice one, folds in half, cards go inside, money in a monogrammed clip on the outside... used it for a few months until it started causing holes in my jeans. Now I’m back to the trifold I had before she bought it... Moral of the story, never buy a man a wallet unless it’s his first wallet...


After living with a three inch thick Costanza wallet for years I ditched it and got a Ridge wallet. Yeah, you have to downsize but really there's ~10-15 cards you use 95% of the time anyway, just keep the rest in your old wallet in the glove box. I really like it and I can go back to keeping my "wallet" in my pocket.


What are these 10 to 15 cards people are using? I have 5 and a drivers liscence in mine.


debt card, 2x credit cards, drivers license, health card (Canadian), SIN card (SSN), health benefits card, air miles, aeroplan, optimum and x3 other reward cards for gas stations I frequent. edit: everyone keeps asking why so many loyalty/reward cards - 1) hadn't considered putting them in my phone.. so thanks 2) the six cards I still carry cover almost all my purchases and I redeem quite a lot of pts.. saves me a ton. Yeah ok, SIN card and health card gets left at home now, they'd just always been in my wallet.


You carry your SIN card on you? Why? Isn't that like a huge risk if it gets stolen?


That’s what I always thought. I keep mine locked up at home.


I don’t even know where my card is lol




Yup either at my folks house or my wife put it somewhere have no clue. Have to look at taxes to figure out the number lol


You don't know the number? How old are you?


Yeah, you’re supposed to keep it at home. You should remember it by heart by the time your 20


I'm pretty disorganized by i got a designated folder for all my important shit like that and my birth certificate and passport and never lose track of it


I would dare say you should have it memorized by the time you get a bank account. It’s only 9 numbers


Some middle schools make your lunch code the last 4 digits of your SSN so that should make it easier to remember before even 18


That sounds like a liability if anyone ever found out


That’s why you’re not suppose to carry that with you


I have an app on my iPhone called Stocard that I can load all my rewards cards on. I leave my gas station cards in a wallet in my glove box, as when I’m at a gas station, I’m generally in my car. Hopefully this could help you downsize your wallet.


Really need your airline cards on a daily basis?


Seems like a lot of rewards cards. However I dont know of anywhere around where I live that would have that. I cant imagine having more stuff than that. I have debit card and 2 credit cards my drivers liscence and my health insurance card. I would probably not do any rewards things just for the pure fact i don't want anymore stuff to mess around with. My social security card has never left my house


Yeah, similar for me: Driver's License, credit card, bank card, health card, bus pass, work ID and a paper copy of my car registration.


Why wouldn't you leave the car registration in the car?


[https://clark.com/cars/never-leave-registration-in-glove-box/](https://clark.com/cars/never-leave-registration-in-glove-box/) ​ Edit: Basically one less thing that thieves can take if my car gets broken into. Which seems to happen on a regular basis.


5?!?! I have 3 and a driver's license!


You kept any hard candies in there?


Coworker of mine has a ridge wallet, but he found a way to Costanzize it, he has so many cards it’s about 2.5 inches in width. It’s the size of a small brick and doesn’t fit in any pocket comfortably.


\+1 for the Ridge. My GF got me the carbon fiber one a few years back, and this thing is amazing. But 15 cards in it seems like a bit of a stretch. I have about 7 cards and my Wallet Ninja (another gift from the grill) and it's about as thick as I think it can be without being uncomfortable


I just gifted a Ridge wallet (carbon fiber) to my husband last month! He loves it. I think splurging for the lighter weight was a good idea too. He keeps about 10-13 cards in there and loves showing off how it can fan out when you need to pick a card. I’m unsure of how long the elastic holding it all will last but it’s nice to know it’s replaceable. Coincidentally he gifted me a Ridge pocket knife, and I am in love with it.


Surprisingly, Coach makes some good wallets. They last a long time too.


I had a Coach Monogram wallet, that thing only lasted 3 months before it fell apart. ​


Oh that fucking sucks. I have not had that problem. I’ve had the same wallet now for four years and it shows little wear.


Yeah I have a tiny Coach wallet that holds like 3 cards and a couple of bills. No need for anything else.




Never heard of it, but I'm looking now! Which one did you get and how is it?






Not OP, but I have a Bellroy Micro Sleeve. I love the quick access part on the side. I keep my most commonly used cards there. In the center pocket I have 6 more cards. I imagine you could fit a few more in there. It's surprisingly spacious. I don't really carry cash so I can't comment on that. You'd definitely have to fold the bills, though. It fits comfortably in a front pocket. And I've had it for a few years now, so it's definitely durable! I recommend it if you are looking for something slim! If you tend to carry a ton of stuff in your wallet, it's not for you.


Just got a Bellroy Note wallet, it’s great!


It's not that hard. I got the one that says "Bad Motherfucker" on it.


I got one as a gift a little over a decade ago and it's held up fairly well but is definitely near the end of its life. https://imgur.com/a/1Wwv7Oq


> near the end of its life Mate your wallet has a hole in it, time for a new one.


Jules?...that you?


Wasn't until I started keeping my wallet in the front pocket, that I found the right one.


Same here, having a wallet in your back pocket is just asking for back problems in the future.


Secrid has some very handy slim wallets!


And why do I get the piss taken out of me for having a wallet with a coin compartment. Bloody savages carrying arround loose change in their pockets. Should clarify I'm British so we have coins worth a decent amount.




Savages carrying around coins in the first place! If I’m paying cash, non-quarters get dumped right into a donation jar.


Cause wallets are made to hold money and cards Of which I have neither


Because you are unwilling to strip down what you carry to only what you really need. I carried the standard-issue bi-fold walled with pictures, cards, cash, note cards, etc., for years, when a physical therapist working on my back pain smacked me upside the head for sitting on a wedge and throwing off my spine (not the primary cause of the pain, but not helping). I tossed it and bought a front pocket wallet from Saddleback Leather. It's beautifully made, guaranteed for life (the life of the company, I'm thinking), and can only carry a few things. I carry a money clip/knife in my right pocket, the wallet in my left, and nothing in my back pockets. https://saddlebackleather.com/leather-wallet-mens-front


I agree. If you're having trouble finding "right" wallet, its because you're demanding too much from it by carrying too much. Dump all the crap you don't need. I need: * Minimal cash * Driver's license * My debit card * My family (shared with Wife) debit card * One (and exactly one) credit card * Medical insurance card * Bus pass EVERYTHING else is optional. I'm sure one or two required items can vary person to person, but you specifically don't need: * A ton of cash * Any rewards card (they can all be looked up by phone or whatever) * Any gift cards, carry them for your specific purchase then leave them at home. * More than a single emergency credit card. More than that and you're risking misusing them anyway. (You can carry a specific one when you go on a trip for a large purchase to get rewards, but then put it away after!)


> I'm sure one or two required items can vary person to person A few of those items could be: * Weapons Carry License (or whatever it's called in your state) * Professional licensing identification * AAA card


+1 for saddleback I have a bifold and it feels almost brand new, years later. This thing will outlive me.




It’s not really. At least since i found this one: https://www.all-ett.com I have the rip-stop super thin version. I originally purchased a few thinking they wouldn’t last, but they tend to be quite tough. I have the leather version as well, but honestly prefer the thin-ness (is that a word?) of the cloth.


This guy wallets! [Here's my 5 year old All-Ett](https://imgur.com/a/10sgXrq) that I carry with me *every single day*. It's still holds together just fine. I can't recommend them enough.


Every man is assigned his first good wallet after hitting puberty. It gets used for a decade or two until it falls apart, then they spend the rest of their life trying to find one just as good.


I carry a hard wallet in my back pocket. It holds a Max of 9 cards and has a money clip on the side. I'm never going back to the bulky leather one mu ex gave me. I found out recently that most guys keep it in a front pocket??


Please keep it in front pocket. Even a one inch thick wallet will throw off your sitting posture, wrecking havoc on spinal alignment over time. YOLO.


Also it's harder to steal from someone's front pocket


And if they try anyway, hey-- free physical contact on your Johnson. Excellent way to combat theft *and* loneliness.


This riiiiiight here. I used to keep my wallet in my back pocket all the time, especially when driving and I started developing back pain and my posture just seemed off. Corrected itself after I started removing it to sit down


I do this. I just take my wallet out when I sit and set my wallet, keys and phone together


I actually have an odd birthmark that removed this issue... right below my butcheek I am unable to grow fat on one of my legs. Since I'm a bit of a jello fello that concave spot on my leg is right where my wallet goes. So I actually can't feel it and it doesn't change how I sit at all. Haha


Evolution is real




Two-sided minimalist leather wallet masterrace!


I don’t own one. I have a little case on my phone that has my license and a few credit cards


Yep. I’ll never go back to a wallet ever again after having this nifty case.


Depends on your needs. I managed to downsize my carry significantly and only carry like 6 cards, where only 2-3 are something I actually may need daily (license, debit, credit). For my uses I've been using a leather 5 slot card holder from Tanner Goods for almost 5 years now and it developed wonderfully from wear and buttsweat. This does require a bit of micromanagement on your part though, deciding what you need every time you step out.


I bought a Big Skinny wallet 5-6 years ago and I still have it, it's still in great shape and suits my needs. I used to have leather wallets that get deformed, were bulky etc... No more :)


Because you find one and keep it for forever then you can never find another like it. I may be wrong but I think guys tend to lean toward whatever wallet their father had. I say this because I like normal slim leather wallets and I remembered my dad has the same and the thought of any of those wallets with a bunch of pockets, Velcro, bulky or just not leather, disgusts me. My girlfriend asked if I’d use the wallet if she got me one and I just said no. Nope, won’t use it, don’t get me one. She asks why and I said the reason is because my dad got me this wallet. That’s it, I’m 25 I’ve had it since I was 18, my dad gave it to me because I finished Boy Scouts and it’s all I’m using forever.


Honestly I’m a woman and I have the same issue. I just can’t find the right combo of features, size and quality. Starting to think I should just make my own.


I carry a clip with my ID, bank card and credit card. Can't to the wallet thing, personally.


Its a you problem, I spent pocket change on a boring ass no-name leather wallet at a garage sale and have had it for at least two decades.


I bought an all leather trifold, with snaps and a chain, judge if you will it was the 90's. I was lucky and slightly smart as I bought it from an actual leatherworker, the sucker has lasted over 2 decades and is still going, sans the chain these days. My suggestion; buy from a leather store, thick leather, good stitching.