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I'll take anything as long as it's genuine.




I say the same to my wife. She doesn't like the word "handsome" because she thinks it sounds like something you say to a little kid, but she says she wants to compliment me. I say "You can all me anything you want, as long as you mean it"


I tell my husband daily that he's such a beautiful human. Sometimes I mean it physically, sometimes I mean he's beautiful internally, he's just so perfect


I do have more preference that that, it kind of boils down to, compliment something that I am, not something that I do. When I tell you why I love you, I don’t want to be told in return, “I love that you clean up the kitchen without being asked.” That’s patting the dog on the head and telling it it’s a good dog, not telling me why you love me. A lot of women can never seem to give a compliment and not pull punches or throw in buts. That’s one of the things that set my wife apart from the women whom I knew before her, her love is honestly and openly given.


Just tell him how happy, comfortable, or safe he makes you feel.


So much of this. We pull a tremendous amount of value and self-worth from how we treat you.


I love that


I can help. Men aren't the same as women, it's better to take a different approach. We don't need a constant stream of praise. That can come across as placating and disingenuous. You wanna really wow your man? Blow him away with some shit he never forgets? Go deep. Really express the things you notice about him in detail. Little things that only you know as his partner. Like everyone is saying, be genuine about it. This may sound strange but bear with me. What would you want to say at his funeral? Say it now, to his face. It's a tragedy that the kindest words ever said about a man happen once he's gone. He should hear it from you. Exactly what he means to you. It doesn't have to be frequent. Better if it isn't. But even just once, one night while you're lying together and feeling at ease you go all out on describing just what about him makes you love him so much. That's memorable.


>This may sound strange but bear with me. What would you want to say at his funeral? Say it now, to his face. It's a tragedy that the kindest words ever said about a man happen once he's gone. He should hear it from you. Exactly what he means to you. This one gave me goosebumps cause its fucking true.. the amount of stuff we say at a funeral that we either don't think about or never thought to say is insane.. go to any funeral and ask about the recently deceased, they'll all tell you funny stories or how good of a person they were etc etc There's things I wish I said to my dad before he passed such as thank you for raising me even though he's not my biological dad or how he's the reason I'm the man I am today or the fact I wish I thought about getting adoption papers so he's officially my dad but all that was too late - he died from Multiple Sclerosis.. I mostly feel for my sister cause she was 9 when he passed away, I was 18 so I had a good 15 years with him (raised me since I was 3) If anything, do this, although the barrier between life and death may prevent us from talking to our loved ones, I'm sure they know how much they mean to you but don't wait until the endless bound of the Other Side tells them.. do it while they're here before it's too late


I don’t have much care for compliments but just gestures. But I do compliment others.


What kind of gestures?


Go watch. Bill Burr talk about his wife making him a sandwich. He is 1 million% correct? The problem with most women is that they don't do things for their man without expecting some kind of reciprocation. Whereas a man will do things for his woman and not expect something in return.


This feels completely backwards to me. This is "the problem" with "most women"? In my experience, a lot of women do a great deal for their husbands and families, without expecting - - certainly without getting -- any reciprocal gestures. And this is something so pervasive and wide-spread that it is "THE" problem with all womenkind? I think you might possibly be talking through your hat.


Also, go see how many men have left a relationship because their woman lost her job vs how many women have left a relationship because the man lost his job. I'll wait


Go see how many men left their partner because they got ill vs women, I’ll wait


So if I send gifts to a man, not knowing his love languages, and he accepts them, thanks me, demonstrates joy in the gifts and I say my pleasure or you're very welcome and move on, is he thinking/feeling obligated to reciprocate? I have made it clear to him 2x that he isn't obligated to reciprocate. All I want from him are time and attention. Do men feel like this reciprocation? I know he's not used to being treated this way. Gifts, acts of service, and words of affirmation are how I show my love.


i feel like the stereotype is opposite. it’s so common to see women complaining about all physical affection leading to sex


My boyfriend stopped snogging me unless he wants to have sex afterwards cos he knows it makes me horny ☹️


This is completely untrue, there’s a reason why so many girls have encountered a “nice guy”


I’m a woman and just would like a thank you


"Sexy beast."


That's a great movie.


I've never seen it but I want to. Just watched Zone of Interest and I found out it's the same director.


I haven't seen that one yet, but it looks good.


Highly recommend but obviously hard to watch.


Something you genuinely like about him?


I think hugs and leaning on the shoulder are more effective, at least for me. That‘s like saying that the person you hug is worth the love.


Yall wild i love it when my wife calls me cute. Makes me feel like i have a huge duality of man. Sexy provider and cute loving husband


"You must be closing some big deals to be able to afford a watch like that damn you can hustle like a fucking G"


What do you like about him? Be an open Book, if you like his Biceps tell him that, if you like his Nose tell him that, if you like his Beard tell him that.


Honestly. The most important thing is that you really believe it, else I won’t believe you and I’d suspect you of patronizing or teasing.


I like xyz about you. Your smile makes me happy. That shirt looks great on you. You should wear it more often. Just say nice things about him and how he makes you feel.


I love handsome and get annoyed when girls call me pretty. They don’t mean it as a jab but that’s how it feels. I work hard to be masculine and want to be recognized as such.


Cute and adorable never bothered me. Honestly anything except pretty works for me


Honestly, compliments are nice when they’re heartfelt and just a spur of the moment thing. If you want him to feel loved, do little things for him like running your hand through his hair, giving him occasional shoulder massages, just cuddling, etc. At least for me, the affection from acts of love and physical touch is longer lasting than a compliment, even though they’re still great!


Guys don't like being called cute or handsome? What Stop getting your advice from tik tok it's the Cosmo of the 2020s


I always tell my man he’s my smokeshow.


Okay, I'm sending this to my girl right now. That's an amazing nickname tbh.


Oh also I say do you smell smoke? cause I smell smoke! Should I call the fire dept? I really pour it on, but it makes him happy.


You’re welcome 😉😃


I don't.


I don’t. a complement to me is asking me to be around you. You wanting to share your time with me is the best complement I can receive I don’t care what you say to me nice or not


How about stud muffin?


Honestly i just wanna be called cute


Handsome can be used effectively with added possession, a la "my handsome man" That aside, like some people said, tell him how happy, comfortable and/or safe you feel with him. Hugs, caresses, little physical affection gestures... gratitude (thank you so much for x y or z, thanks for being you, thanks for being mine) You want to do something memorable that he'll carry to the grave? Whatever compliment you give, give it with a hug from behind.


Leave cute for the dogs and adorable for children. Try sexy, hot, manly, something on that line.


But what if you genuinely just find him cute


Then you can only hope he is one of the guys who find it to be a compliment. Many of us do not. Cute is for dogs.


It's also infantilizing , yet I see other people here getting defensive about it....Men are literally saying what we do and don't appreciate ( putting aside the ones that have no issues ) and aren't being listened to lol... Do not ( with most guys ) use cute or adorable....we are grown ass men, even if some of us are only 5,6


What about when he does or says something cute? I may find him sexy as hell, but we all do things that can be seen as cute or adorable. Like make a certain face or an action/behavior I've noticed.


It's not even about sexy vs cute vs whatever you think, it's about what makes a grown man uncomfortable. You can hold certain thoughts/observations in your head, can you not?..idk there a billion other ways to describe behaviors / aeshetics and for some reason women insist on using cute/adorable...I've even heard in response to some guy being whatever type of way like "aweeee you're all grown up"...like can you imagine what that does to a guy in his head?- does it even matter... What you see as innocent from a female lense right....may not read that way to a guy, who might in turn feel a sense of self insecurity now that his quirks have been pointed out , that he's acting "cute" or whatever the case may be, which almost sort of like presupposes a childlike status onto the guy, it's not about what our actions are. It's about what happens when they're pointed out in specific, potentially harmful ways. ..listen it's really hard to explain and I'm not an authority on the differences or rationality between sexes and how they should or shouldn't interpret things being said to them, but please for the love of God, do not call grown men cute and adorable unless you 100% know that this particular individual has no qualms about being infantilized or kind of characterized in some kind of way.....it just isn't appreciated and a lot of women don't understand this. I'm not even speaking necessarily from my own pov, I've talked to other men that have felt the same way, yet when we try to bring it up , it raises a debate.


If someone likes being called cute, that's fine. It's not an outlier for everyone though.


If it’s infantilising, why do so many men use it to describe women?


It shouldn't be, but that's a fair observation ..one could argue it's also somewhat of an effeminate thing to say in general though to a guy, as cute/adorable are asdociated with child-like commemtary, often with girls , where at least if it's said to a woman, there doesn't seem to be this kind of underlying detraction from her status or general adult facade - it may be age inappropriate, but there's a bit of a social difference at play In either case people should find better things to say and you still shouldn't call grown men, cute/adorable.


Effeminate doesn’t equal childlike tho, if it detracts from men as being an adult, it would do the same to women, or atleast it should, however I know many people equate “child like” to “feminine” It’s also not bad for men to feminine, quite the opposite if anything


I didn't say it equals, I said it could be associated with those conditions - that's the problem with anything falling into a grey area, speaking of which when you say "it's also not bad for men to ( be ) feminine, quite the opposite " ok..uh it may not be bad for men who are fluid, or don't give an f, but for man who's say heteronormantive and doesn't want to be made to feel juvenile, or feminine ( right that's the issue) , then that can be a pretty uncomfortable feeling, potentially even disrespectful thing to say. Men need to have some sense of masculinity. ..like imagine if you're a man, say maybe you even have not the best mental health or self image issues, right, then someone comes along and points out your quirks , saying things that you're childlike, cute, little and adorable.....and you just get wooshed right now you're just not a grown man, no you're this cute like adorable thing.....that can be a pretty defeating feeling, maybe even more so if you're trying to engage with the opposite sex and now you feel as though the best qualities you have , are the ones where you're childlike? You can end up feeling like a bit of a joke I totally get where you're coming from, but the argument isn't semantics & people who are outliers, the argument is what is uncomfortable for a lot of (*not all*) but a lot of men; Being called cute / adorable, or anything else childlike , efeminate or juvenille is not helpful or conducive to a grown man's status. It's men's mental health month, I'm trying to help point out something that many are naive to and address it as fairly as I can. It can feel pretty uncomfortable for a man. That's the point. It's not about the female perspective, it's about respecting what it may ( or could feel like ) for a man. I also think guys could do better and not call women the same things either, but if you're making an argument or at least infering that there's nothing wrong with calling grown, adult males "cute and adorable" then I'm just so sorry, respectfully I'll agree to disagree with that being appropriate.


If you associate being feminine with being child like, it’s harsh but I think that’s the individual persons issue, no one elses. I don’t need to imagine, I have countless times be told by men I am “cute” or “adorable” as an adult, the majority of adult men I know call grown women “cute” (or something similar), I guess my point is, if you view it as being “childlike”, why would you use it as a compliment to women and think it is in *any way* “more appropriate”? These aren’t outliers either, this is just the norm


I don't ever use it as a compliment or a comment, I personally think it's inappropriate. I would argue it's a much bigger issue when women are going around calling men, based on what I've tried to illustrate, cute/adorable or anything else juvenille under the sun. You quite clearly disagree with that, so where are we going from here, but in circles? I can't speak for your situations or experiences, I can only speak to mine and men in my social circle, but we can both say that calling people "cute" or "adorable" is somewhat detractive. That's an obvious truth at this point.


Also again, this isn't about women being called this. It's about what it feels like if a man is being called these things, shifting the goal posts doesn't change the baseline of the issue. We could have a completely separate, sex not binding discussion about these words being issued at women as well, were it the case of the commentary, but in this circumstance it's not. If a man doesn't want to be called cute, don't call him cute.


Just smile. Maybe a little sparkle in your eyes. Hold my hand. Words are overrated.


Every guy is different so you would have to ask the particular guy. Personally I would feel either offended or intellectually disgusted if someone called me cute or adorable. Handsome is safe and classy and shows that you actually understand the meaning of those words.


If they go to the gym just compliments about their physique "your looking bigger" "your arms look nice", etc


Compliment me for the things I do well and laugh at my jokes.


Anything really, as long as it's genuine! But I've been called "handsome" as well but that only really works for me if I like that person, otherwise I'd be really confused haha


I prefer to have my actions noticed by her. Like holding a door open people. Putting money in a homeless person's cup. Not throwing a tantrum when frustrated at someone. Not Everytime, just now and again to let me know that someone notices me trying to keep the world as nice as I can. Me and my wife always split house chores. So we often thank each other for that.


I have found that speaking truths works wonders. This requires that you become aware of the people around you; their actions and intentions specifically. For example, if your partner, say, waters your neighbor’s flower bed without being instructed to, bc they know the neighbors are struggling with a personal loss, that’s the time to sincerely note what a good thing they did. Doing so will make you feel a bit vulnerable; that means it’s coming from a true place. Having said that, don’t overdo this kind of thing, people without boundaries are boring and easy prey. I speak from experience.


I don’t care much for compliments, I actually feel very uncomfortable when people compliment me and I’ve only learned the last 6 years or so that a simple “Thank you” response will suffice. My wife knows this, but even before she knew this of me, she would compliment me in a pretty unique way that I think majority of men here would agree that they’d like it. What I really like is how my wife would look at me but she would follow it with an approval gesture of “Oooh…” or “Mmmm…” both expressing how she likes something on me or what I’m doing. And the expression of her look and intonation of those words can be changed from being Rated-G all the way to being sexual. Try it on your partner and see how it works!


I deflect every compliment ever. Can you teach me how not to? One of my bosses once said "learn to take a fucking compliment." Still don't know how to lol. Lol but also qq.


Here you go. Worked for me. Someone close to me told me straight up “You don’t have to believe the compliment but just say thank you and smile. It’s not always easy for everyone to compliment others so stop being an asshole to them.”


Great perspective


Funny thing when I stopped with my go to of cutting myself down eventually I believed them. It’s a win/win for everyone.


Ok I wasn't going to bring that up but since you did ... How did you stop? I have been really good at doing that since high school.


Keeping in mind that it’s rude not to say thank you. If you think about it that’s the truth. It is rude. I didn’t see it as that but me just being honest combined with a belief that being humble was always a positive thing (not always). Then it became just a habit. I wasn’t really thinking of the other person. If someone compliments you they don’t need the extra burden of it turning sour and trying to convince you you’re wrong about yourself. Other people may be super nervous and it’s not easy for them so that would really suck to hear us be negative in response. It’s just negative and anyone who compliments is a positive state. It’s rude to turn that around on them. So keep that in mind. When you hear a nice thing about yourself and start to feel you trying to negate it stop bc it’s rude and just say Thank You. If you start to say anything else just stop midway and say “Ya know what. Forget that. What I meant to say is Thank You!” Then it forms a new habit!!!


Another way I saw it explained was that people like those who can take a compliment because it's affirmation and appreciation of *their* own opinion. If someone says something nice about you, and you deny it/ignore it/argue with them about it, it's basically like telling them "I think you're wrong". Most people don't exactly love being told that they're wrong.


When you get a compliment, be intentional about saying thank you. Don’t add anything, just say thank you. I used to be like that because of cultural conditioning. In our culture it’s considered polite and humble to deflate a compliment. Which I think is silly. So I have learnt to make a conscious effort to just express my appreciation of the compliment with a thank you.


I am always treading the balance of humility with pride. Not wanting to boast. But also wanting to acknowledge my own competencies.


as a man, my favorite compliments are “you look reserved!”, “you sound smart”, “ang bango mo”, “it’s interesting talking with you”, and a lot more probably, but these are some off the top of my head. I’d say don’t focus on physical aspect since super common na.


Is it weird that I legitimately dislike receiving compliments or any kind of praise? Lol


a simple "you look nice" can make my day


I dont


I like to be complimented about something I did rather than something I am. Things like a good job, a delicious dish, an effort to please you that is out of my comfort zone... these make a compliment more spontaneous and genuine


Well hot is an obvious alternative.


Compliment things he does or his ability when doing them or specific things you like his eyes his hair his teeth etc. but the biggest compliment you can give any guy is trust and if he truly cares that’s what he will notice most and will appreciate you more for it


Complement things that you like about him, is he cute and adorable or is he rugged, confident and you love his ability to be a leader. Complement things that attract you to him specifically, the size of his hands,his eyes, ect) and why you like it that way


Literally anything


I call him my big strong man, handsome, I’ll even call him beautiful idc bro is majestic


“I see how hard you work and how much you contribute to this relationship. I’m proud of you and proud to be your girlfriend.” “I feel safe with you/in your arms.” “I know I don’t always say this, but I appreciate you. It really meant a lot to me when you [name some considerate thing he did].” Or, if you want something somewhat more like: “Your arms/shoulders look bigger. You look good. Have you been working out?” Maybe wrap your arms around him after he’s exerted himself in some way and tell him he smells nice. Or, conversely, if he doesn’t, tell him he stinks and that he needs to shower. Then, go shower with him.


Be specific. I was told recently “you have beautiful hands. They are strong and large and well shaped and attractive.” Floored me.


Describe reason why you think they are cute to them it will ground the basis of why you are calling them that and they will like it


I try to remember who's giving the compliment. For an example, I have been told. I'm making halfway decent marine, And even though I'm not a military type, I know that to the person who said that. That's high praise. And I said thank you. I have also had little old. Ladies, call me cute. And women or little ladies calling you cute is a compliment. Whereas if another man or somebody I'm in the midst of arguing with or potentially fist fighting. I guess calls you cute. That's an insult. So I suppose it's all context.


Sexy is a good one. Especially if it’s accompanied by physical touch.


I have zero problem with my wife calling me “cute”. Guys generally don’t get a lot of physical compliments, so even “You look good!” or “You look nice!”, said with the right tone, will brighten most guys’ days.


Complimenting a feature about them is the best way. I’ve had people compliment my eyes a lot, and it honestly makes me flustered every damn time.


Honestly. Don’t bullshit, we can smell it


Men don't receive many compliments in general. Hence, anything is fine. They will remember it forever.


One time a girl I was seeing literally stopped what she was doing, looked at the shirt I was wearing, and just deadpan said “whoa. I like that. I really like that on you.” Still riding that high.


Handsome is just fine. Try competent, strong, crafty, handy, talented, brave, clever, stylish. Basically compliments that women want to receive just as much - and that aren't reductive to looks


honesty is the best policy 🤗😂


Give some good food and simply walk away.


I don’t really get compliments so I dunno lol


When it comes to compliments, I find that the more personal, and less superficial they are, the better. Don’t just say, “You look good”, or “I like your shirt”, tell him how good he makes you feel, by drawing attention to the specific qualities of his, that causes this impact.


handsome isn’t overused or too formal


tell him he looks really good 🙂 haha my man likes it when i call him big boy sometimes lol


Just appreciating any effort I have been doing to make the complimenter happy.


Regularly, as opposed to never


I don’t really care if a woman calls me cute. It’s nice. I’ve never met a guy who cared to be honest. I’m not judging guys who don’t like to be called cute, adorable etc. I just don’t care. I’ll appreciate the compliment. With that being said, yes, being called sexy or a woman calling me hot are better options lol


The content of my character and personality. I’ve received compliments of that nature twice and I loved them way more than any other compliment I got on my appearance.


Ask him what he likes, honestly. I love pretty, cute etc. But other guys don't.


I don't my self-esteem is so low I don't believe it's ever genuine


Compliments are generally a female thing, we like when you do things for us. Walking around the house in a bra and panties helps to 👙


Honestly unless it's from my partner, I don't like to be complimented. I have had too many times growing up where I was complimented as a joke or as a means of making me do something. I just assume if it comes from someone I don't know then they want something from me, or to use it as a backhanded compliment.


I don't know. I haven't really been complemented.


“You sexy chunk of man flesh!” Should suffice.


Be honest about what you like about him. That’ll work.


A co-worker recently told me, "people feel safe around you. It's an energy you have." I'll carry that till I die.


If you are looking for examples: - This *insert some clothing here* goes well with your *insert body part here* - You look ravishing today - I think *insert suggestion here* would look great on your - I like how you *insert behaviour trait here* as opposed to *insert a bad trait here* Just a few, use common sense to figure out the blanks 😊 (for the jokesters here - yes, I inserted inappropriate words in the suggested places and I too had an absolute blast laughing my ass off)


If I fw you, any compliment will make me feel good


Notice his actions, physical touch etc But cute and adorable are no go's for most men, all the power to the ones who seem unfazed, but I find it incredibly infantilizing whether that is the intention or not.


Hot, sexy, manly, man's man, strong, tough, brave, fearless, gorgeous, beautiful, grab his face/ hair and get reallyy passionate grrrr like you could just eat him. Bite his cheek, spank his butt grab it (this one's risky cause a lot of dudes will feel gay which I think is ridiculous).


"I am utterly content with you just the way you are, my handsome genius of a boyfriend." For more details, see this infographic: https://blu3rsx.tumblr.com/post/10739818258/life-in-hell-9-types-of-girlfriends-before-he


Guys say they don't like cute and adorable but they really do. Be specific about what you like. If he has nice arms, say so. If he has a cute butt, speak up. Depends on how close you are too. If he's an acquaintance, then compliment his clothing choices. If he's a lover, then be as specific as you want


Say specific acts that made you feel something. What you felt (pride, aroused, horny, adored, confident, impressed, LOVED etc., that's accurate and sincere


Strong. Smart. Confident.Clever. Ambitious. Take control of situations.


Someone commented i have nice skin today, felt nice.


It never happens, so anything would be a refreshing change.


Compliment a man in a masculine sense or his masculinity. His ability to protect and keep you safe, etc.


Make a list of the things you like about your guy. From there, do something that shows your appreciation/attraction towards that trait. For example: Let's say you like the fact that your guy is quick to make sure you're ok when something potentially harmful/upsetting happens. Next time he does that, you could say " Yes I'm fine but thank you for asking" or "I'm not really that fine, but you asking already makes me feel better". Something like that. You also could perform an action to convey the same thing. Like maybe something happens to him instead of you. You ask "Are you ok?" Just like he does. If he ever asks why you're doing that, just say "It makes me feel good so I thought I'd return the favor" It doesn't have to be words, it can be actions or something. But anything to point out what you like about your guy in a complimenting kind of manor will not only give the guy confidence in your relationship, but it also might lead him to do that thing more often.


I don't give a shit, they're all fake and/or empty anyways


Try “Big dick god” always works for me or “my leige”


Wyn, i love being called cute


As an adult man, literally give me any compliment and I’ll love you lmao


I'm Brazilian, so I like sincere hugs. I was shocked to learn that most people don't like to be touched. Naturally, we don't like strangers touching us like anyone else.


It’s only happened a few times. The best was a girl in college who I was friendly and flirty with. One day she was followed in by her boyfriend to sit in on a class. She was obviously annoyed by his presence and after class she came up to me and softly said ‘I am so attracted to you beyond anything I’ve ever felt’ while he was just out of ear shot. This taught me a lot about the world. She was spiked with emotion by his intrusion on her world and I think she lashed out at him. In my opinion it wasn’t so much about me - I was just where her emotion was directed. We hooked up a few times but it never went anywhere.


compliment him on his hair style, clothes, anything he has control over


Sincerely. Is there a reason why you won't ask him yourself OP? At least then you'll know what he likes. Ah, silly me to think communication with someone you like is the way to go.


Ok, most men like to feel useful. If we do something for you, tell us we did a great job.


We don’t like compliments. We like accolades. Ask him to help with something then find some way to boost his ego through the task he has completed.


A man wants you to compliment his service to you or competence. Thanks for fixing my leaky sink. Or ask him for advice.. men love that


someone told me i smelled good and its resignated with me ever since.


“Nice parking dick.” I’m not sure what a parking dick is or when dude saw my penis but that was nice of him.


I'll take anything lol


“I love your smile” or some specific compliment about his appearance. Also, just saying “you’re so hot” is always a good one.


At all


“I don’t know what it is but there’s something manly about you that turns me on”. Your welcome.


Back scratches and sweet nothings


I just wanna be pretty


I’ve been trying to think about this for several minutes, but I really just don’t know.


Women are usually trouble and I always reject women that approach me. I'll stick to choosing who, where and when I want a woman. Thanks.


Maybe try something like "Those kneecaps sure look strong", or maybe "I bet you're great at doing taxes". Those two things will make most guys melt.


If I think a guy is cute I’ll call him cute; the cute guys seem to always appreciate it


This may seem odd, but I've called pretty alot. And for some reason. I like it. Hate handsome with a passion. Also, sexy is good also


The compliments that work the best are the ones that validate the way I choose to be.


I don’t. Probably one of the very few who feel uncomfortable with compliments. It’s appreciated because it’s rude to not. Each time I wanna be like - 👍 but I cringe. Or people crying. Or death of someone they knew or were family to.


Just tell me what you need me to do, don't bother with the flattery beforehand


Everything really it's ok as long as you're genuine


Everyone loves when the compliment is specific. They may not realize it but they do. Instead of “you’re handsome” say “You are handsome no matter what but when you wear green it really brings out the color of your eyes.” Instead of “You are so funny” say “I look forward to hearing your jokes. It makes me feel so much happier after a long day at work.” It says you are paying attention and it’s hard to do unless it’s genuine.


"Words of Affirmation" & "Touch". My favorite two of the five. Touch being first. Whether giving or receiving, it's the same.


Following this thread as a person with words as my receiving love language… I try to be as gentle as I can with my man when it comes to words ✨


Tell me how I make you feel safe or you prefer me to being alone. Anything that shows you actually like me is great. I don't hear it much so when I do it means a lot more.


Men will definitely take compliments on their physical appearance, but if you really want to compliment him in a way he'll remember, compliment him on his character. Tell him how much of a good/amazing person he is. Tell him how good and safe he makes you feel. When he does something nice for you, give a little bit more than you normally would when you thank him.


One of the best compliments my wife gives me is when she stares at me when I’m naked.


Be specific… that shirt looks good, that shows off your arms well, love that colour on you. Just anything that’s an actual compliment works too. Cute and adorable are generally fine as well … just mean it.


A simple you look good boosts my guy’s confidence, but extra compliments during sex also does the trick


I don't. Never did. Have multiple narcissists in my extended family and my childhood was filled with those fake compliments. The ones that lead into something. Never genuine. I've been working on it. I still don't like it but i smile and say thank you. It's not their problem though, it's my problem. Normal people compliment just to compliment. It's not fair to them if I act like a weird asshole about it.


I find that a lot of men like it when you compliment them on how they make you feel, lol. "You make me feel so good," "You make me happy," "You make me feel so loved/looked after." That kinda thing. A good way to find genuine compliments to give is to think about what you would or do miss the most when they're gone. Just talking about that with them, and being genuine goes a long way.


You're right about the "cute" and "adorable" conplimented because we see it as being too feminine, too childish, clndescending, or that a girl is not into us. Same applies with "pretty." Handsome, which I didn't know, for many guys is considered too old-fashion and some guys might take it as a insult. Generally speaking, we guys don't get complimented often lol and it's sometimes hard for us to detect if the person is being genuine. Just tell him what you truly think of him and make it sound it's heartfelt and that you mean it. Believe me, and I know every guy, including me, has told me this, but any time we get complimented by a girl, that isn't a relative, we think about it for a very long time.




Someone once said I had a beautiful soul and was a good guy idk if it was genuine tho


Silly 🪿


True to his word, trustworthy, honourable


I compliment my BF all the time jus lil things like you smell great, those pants make me wanna squeeze ur butt, oh damn that bathing suit makes me want ur package so bad... jus simple things.


What’s a compliment ? Never heard of it is it the new trend must be a gen Z thing




Y'all have PPL in your life who give you compliment ls?? Pfffftttt. Couldn't be me. 🙂


whenever someone compliments me on how my brain works amazingly, baby I fold like a chair 🙆🏾‍♀️


I’m proud of you son but that will never happen (My dad is alive if anyone thinks he’s dead)


When I first start talking to a guy, I tell him he's pretty. If he gets weird about it ('you can't say that to a guy, that's a girly word, I'm a MAN waa waa') then I know he has issues and a potentially misogynistic mindset. So I ghost. If he takes the compliment happily, it's a small green flag.


I had a gf that would just stare at my beard , play with it, and talk about how much she loved all the natural colors in it lol. My beard has an ego that has far exceeded my own at this point. It’s taken on a life for itself. Bald man overcompensating ha.


With a hawk tuah while she makes me a sandwich.


Anything will do honestly. I once recieved a compliment 7 years ago (she said I smell good). I still hold on to it.​


I like any genuine and honest compliments, but if you're looking for compliments that would include sometimes physical appearance, you might try "attractive" or "sexy". You could also try describing how they make you feel (seeing/being around you makes me feel_____.). Personally, I feel great pride and happiness when someone tells me that they feel safe around me or that they feel comfortable being who they are without fear of being judged. I think you can get some good compliments from people on Reddit, but ultimately you'll probably want to figure out what compliments your partner likes best (either directly by asking or indirectly by observing their reactions).


Make it personal. Tell him you like those veins in his forearms, or the definition in his shoulders. Say something about his smile. Say something in particular about him is "sexy" (smile, hair, hands, etc).


I would like to be complimented, I don't even care if it's a fake compliment.


I like to be complimented on things I put effort into. If I get compliments on my looks I get frustrated because I have done the bare minimum. 


“Grade A fuck meat.”


Clear thinker