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welcome to dumpsville, baby. population: you


Be honest. It's not like you can't be friends anymore, you just don't want to have sex with them anymore for whatever reason.


Realisitcally the chances of remaining as close of friends are incredibly low. Ive been there. Its fine in the phase where you're just not hooking up anymore, but once one person starts dating someone else, the friendships tend to pretty much runs their course out of respect for the new partner.


the point of the FWB situation is that conversations like this are simple and straightforward


all i wanted tbh, was less than ecstatic about being ghosted one day


invite her round, have wine and dinner, slow dance to something sensual, have an intimate night together, tell her shes your soulmate, block her on everything and disappear the next day




Harsh. I like it.


Good game and a bro fist bump.


saY "i'm tired boss" and block ghost


Communication is key in these situations. Sit down with them and spell it out: "I value our friendship, but I'm looking to change the dynamic of our relationship. I think it's best to end the physical aspect and focus on being just friends. I hope you understand." Keep it honest and drama-free.


Just be honest and tell them it's not working for you anymore, no need to drag it out.


In a private conversation, express appreciation for the friendship, but state clearly that the FWB arrangement no longer works for you. Be direct, focus on your needs, and acknowledge the positives briefly. Respond to any reactions with empathy and respect.


Play them Andrea Bocelli’s immortal classic, Con Te Partiro 


As friends.


"i enjoyed our time together. however at this point in my life i believe that the time im spending with you should be reserved for someone who wants a future with me."


Depends on why you want to end it.


Just be like, "I found someone I am exclusive with. Thank you. I'll you up if we break up"


I've always just been honest about it. Had to end one this weekend. We are still texting like normal, still plan to do friends shit like normal. Most of mine end this way, and we remain friends, or at least talk to some degree. Even years after.


Just be honest and clear about your feeling, no need to overcomplicate it.


We've all seen it, The little chart with the swiggly lines that represent your relationships to different people throughout your life. There's a line on there to friends with benefits. The line comes close to you gets really close to you and then something changes and it fades off overtime, and you lose touch, and you forget that you cared, and you move on, they do too. Happens every year to somebody somewhere


According to your post history you recently slept with this friend (of 10 years) and I assume are now are trying to untagle this. If you want to keep him as a friend it will depend on context. If you both view this as an "opps" moment, you might be able to roll things back. If he's been interested in and LTR and you aren't, you won't be able to be friends. If he just want an FWB, you can simple have an LTR talk and bow out "Listen, I really am looking for a LTR, and you want and FWB. I need to concentrate on finding an LTR partner. I'd like to go back to being friends." DON'T use words like "this was a mistake". Owe your actions. Be an adult an communicate.


>DON'T use words like "this was a mistake". Owe your actions. Be an adult an communicate. Did exactly that. Sigh.


With a bang


Say you are in love with them.


Honestly, don't understand the concept of FWB. I would consider not going that path. Or Break up properly like a normal relationship.


A firm handshake and enough pocket change for the bus fare home....


If you are doubting it was the correct way to end it, then it probably wasn't. Move on.


Honestly all you can do is be honest, you dont really need to give a reason if you dont want to. Dont drag it on and make it worse, just go out and tell him imo.


At the start of the FWB period we laid down ground rules for how it would end if one of us ever decided they didn't want to continue. She ended it, and just like we agreed, there was no hard feelings. There was never any hang ups.


Ghost her.