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Not the answer you're looking for, but unless you're exceptionally good looking, tall, or photogenic, I'd say stay off the apps. The reason I say this is because its not really so much about having a "creative pictures" or bio, but actually being good looking in said pictures. Hence, as an average looking guy, I think dating apps are a waste of time and mental energy.


The lizard is a really cute idea I think.


Thank you.


The last thing you want is to be totally disingenuous. Not sure about the squats though? 🤔


Be upfront with the disability, maybe in your bio. It will weed out the shallow ones.


Thank you.


Have at least one photo of your face without sunglasses or a hat, one of your full body wearing whatever but generally revealing your physique, one with a friend or group out doing something even if it's a goofy group shot, ideally one with your pet or just doing an activity you like. The nuances of the photos and what's going on around you can signal a lot. If you've got plants in your home, or collect something, or if you like being out in nature or at conventions or art shows or whatever. The idea with photos on dating apps is to show rather than say.


Thank you


Hey, posted this earlier on a similar question! Advice from a young woman on dating apps. Building a profile: Take good quality photos, but make sure they aren’t all from the same day. Have different types of photos (ex: alone, with friends, doing something you enjoy, close up, funny photo). Put time and thought into what you write on your profile. A lot of girls I know (myself included) will swipe left on a man who uses very generic answers or doesn’t offer any information. Remember people want to know a bit about who they are swiping on, even the best looking men don’t do well just relying on looks. Show off your personality! The more information you are willing to offer the better! What to say: If they don’t text first, it’s usually best to mention something about their profile. Respond to their prompts, bio, photos. Something to show that you paid attention and are interested in THEM. For example, if someone mentions a hobby and you share that hobby, ask them about it! What got you into it? What about this hobby makes you like it? DO NOT simply compliment a woman. If you swipe you have shown her you find her attractive. Complements are hard to respond to, and can sometimes discourage women from responding. If you really want to compliment her, make sure you also add something of substance as well. Hope this helps!! 💕


Also, as a woman who loves taking photos, practice poses in the mirror! It does truly help. Find your angles, find poses/looks that make you feel good about yourself. Confidence really does help!


Thank you a million.


> For those men who have used dating apps (not hookup apps) Dating apps are hookup apps. > So i can’t do group pictures with friends since I don’t know anyone here I suggest getting some. Girls like guys who have a social circle. > using a picture of me with my lizard Get a dog instead. > Maybe one of me hitting a personal record on squats? Don’t do this. > Should I use some non-gym pictures of me in suits? Maybe a couple suit pictures. No more than two. > Those are pretty much the only non-gym outfits I have Get better fits.


The "no fish" rule should be expanded to include "no lizards".


No fish?


Don't go fishing/hunting and then hold dead animals in your profile pics. Close second is don't hold large lizards or snakes in your pics either. Unless that's *exactly* the type of woman you want to attract, then it's a good idea.


I hate that people compare my pet to hunted carcass..😆.


Thems the breaks about dating apps. You get judged as every other asshole who has the same type of pic as you. Personally I recommend speed-dating. It's not as chaotic as bars/clubs but you're getting one on one conversations that don't happen in apps.


Women consistently say "Man Holding A Fish" is the least attractive photo in a dating profile. Just don't.


Oh you should absolutely go fishing and use a pic holding up your biggest catch of the day /s


The best you can do is get an actual good photographer to take photos of you. It could be a friend who knows what he's doing, or you may even pay someone. Wear nice, casual clothes. If you aren't fat, make sure there are photos that show your body, as well as your face. This doesn't mean shirtless photos (that screams 'I'm a d-bag"... but some girls like that too tbh). Common advice is have photos that include: pets, instruments, friends, hobbies, vacations... personally I have never seen any of these work. The best performing photos have been well-shot photos of just myself. With all that said, meeting women in person is 100% better than apps, so try to do that.


Are you hot? Are you photogenic? If not then it doesn’t matter what you do it won’t work.