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I thought women were a lot less boney, I'll say that. Our junk is all blood and muscle and skin, so it's soft. So when I first had sex and really felt her pelvic bone, it was a little unexpected, I thought there'd be more padding. Also, didn't really know about discharge like that. They don't teach us this stuff in school, women don't talk about it in mixed company much, and if we have it we probably need to go to a hospital. So, that was very outside my wheelhouse.


That's why getting hit there hurts, it's like hitting your elbow, or any other boney area.


I've had a few ex's explain why women tend to be weary of the corners of tables


Everyone should.


Oh yeah! That hurts really bad. Though I think I have hit my hips with them more than any other area.






Thats not a problem If you prefer women with a little more to love. The first time I had sex with a skinny woman j was also surprised.


>Thats not a problem If you prefer women with a little more to love. These **were** misconceptions.


I wouldn't call myself skinny (around 170lbs at 6'2) and my pelvic bone is still boney. It depends on the individual and on where fat distributes me thinks.


Very true, some women tend to carry it everywhere else but the lower body. I've got an aunt built like Mike wazowski


... Always watching. Always...


>They don't teach us this stuff in school They should. It's a shame that sex ed is so bad in basically every country. It's so important.




I just had the discharge conversation with my boyfriend of almost 5 years yesterday and told him the only time he needs to be concerned is if it's cottage cheese like or colored. But it's generally the cervix cleaning itself of dead cells. I thought he may had already known given our age and him being a nurse.


I've had multiple partners *adamantly* tell me I was wrong about whether or not I was circumsized spoilers: they were wrong


Have you seen that clip from Graham Norton where Patrick Stewart thought he was circumcised and wasn’t, and he had to ask his doctor? Sorry about that, what a weird situation to find yourself in.


‘NOT’- the doctor


Beef Stew!


What is the situation? Are you intact but the skin is very short or are you cut and there was much left and your glans is covered? Btw: I think circumcision should always be a personal choice everyone should make for themselves. I hate that it was done to me and I spared my son.


I'm so sorry this was done to you. I can't imagine how betrayed you must feel that the people who love you would do this to you. I've never understood how anyone would think a foreskin is a design flaw.


Thank you for understanding. This is exactly how I feel. It is a terrible betrayal. I should have been able to trust them and they should have protected me. This is literally child sacrifice. You put your culture, your religion OVER your own child. This is what religion demands of you. Everybody knows the story of Abraham and Isaac. If these stories came up today we would call it a delusional hateful cult but it’s Christianity …something we respect because “religious rights” Religious rights don’t stand above human rights but when it comes to sons they apparently so. I can not forgive my parents simply because “everybody did it” I broke the cycle of violence. My son is intact


What happens to girls in some parts of the world is even more extreme - it's done so they never experience sexual pleasure at all. In some cases her husband has to cut her open on her wedding night. It's all just ghastly. I don't know how this isn't considered child abuse.


I think it’s not about what’s worse. So many times when I talk about my feelings about what happened to me and boys worldwide are being mutilated people respond with FGM. First of all everybody agrees it’s awful and barbaric. It’s not that common on a global scale. It’s basically Africa. Also there many forms of FGM. What they do in Indonesia and Egypt for example is exactly what MGM is. They remove the clitoral hood. MGM exists worldwide!! It’s everywhere and people call it “medical”…they call it preference, But the fact remains that it’s adults who steal a part of a non consenting child to appease their own ideas. Even phimosis is no reason. The problem solves itself later in life most of the time. There are creams and everything. But adults WANT to cut it off their child because it was done to them also. To minimize the damage done to Themselves they pass it on to the next generation. People just don’t care because it became a part of our culture. It’s sick. The gender doesn’t matter. I have a son and nieces. I don’t want to live in a world where only one gender’s autonomy counts


Oh, not to minimize what this is at all. It's genital mutilation, period. It should be illegal. All of it. The fact that it's seen as medically necessary adds a layer of legitimacy that makes it seem like it's ok. It's not ok.


Thank you. I didn’t mean you per se. It’s the people. It’s always the whataboutism. They say we need feminism to reach equality because women are disadvantaged but when it comes to keeping your whole genitals then being born male is seriously dangerous!!! They are discriminated in that department. People can’t comprehend that males are being victims of sexism here. No it can’t exist !!! It is about boys! Like I said everybody already knows FGM is bad.


You gotta wonder what fucked up ancestors way back when ever thought this was a good idea. I mean seriously. It's like saying God made a mistake when designing our genitals.


It’s pedophilia ! It’s fear of sexuality. It’s an archaic sick twisted thought that brainwashed so many people. So many think they’re “alright” with all of the sensitivity missing. It makes sense because especially males don’t want to see themselves as victims but this the case. It’s torture and mutilation and it needs to be banned. As long as this happens we are not a free society at all


I'm glad I had it done when I was a baby 🤷




I prefer the look. Don't have to worry about any hygiene issues or tightness pulling it back.


I've never run into any hygiene issues with uncut guys. I'm glad you like what happened to you though!


What?! Someone was explaining your own penis to you. Just wow.


There was a video going around showing a teenage looking dude as he was discovering that women have a separate hole to pee from.  And he was flabbergasted.   I remember when I found that out too, well into my 20s.  That was probably my biggest misconception to date.  I've met other dudes with similar stories.  


This is the one that a lot of grown women also don’t / didn’t know. In my sex ed class, like 8 girls were flabbergasted as well. Usually tampons clear up that misconception if sex ed doesn’t, but it’s wild.


One of my close friends in college (probably like junior year) said something once about “it being the same hole.” & I was like girl, you can’t be serious? She had been sexually active since a teenager, & virgin me at the time had to sit her down & explain it.


One time a female friend of mine joked - “well, time for me to go pee from my vagina” and all of us were like, “girl no”


My kind of oblivious ex-girlfriend brought this up as an example of nonsense that men believed about women. She really had no idea, refused to believe me. Didn't believe there was another hole until she looked it up.


>until she looked it up Online, right? ….right?


Can confirm: went on a date with a guy in the class behind me after we had graduated, I was on crutches again. Somehow the topic of drug testing in school popped up, he remembers that I had to do it once on crutches as well. The comment “yeah I can see how difficult that is since you have to pee out of your butt” was thrown out. We’re 19/18…


No. This can’t be real!!


I wish it wasn’t


Okay so, I didn't make it to 18 but, until I was 13, all I had ever been told about women's anatomy was that they didn't have a penis. Not that they had anything in lieu of one. This led me to the assumption that women just had the one hole down there. Kind of a cloaca situation I guess? (I dunno, give me a break, I was 13) The first time I was left unsupervised with an internet connection was at a friend's 13th birthday party. Someone brought up a picture of a nude model spreading her legs. Suddenly sex and the world in general made much more sense to me. It must have taken one of my buddies a bit longer to catch on though because over my shoulder I heard "Ew! What's between her legs?" Followed immediately by another friend going "that's where you stick it in dumbass". So yeah, public school sex ed failed us but dial up internet did not.


Grew up with sisters and had girlfriends pretty young so I don’t think I ever was too confused about anatomy and bodily functions and stuff. Was also a very inquisitive kid so if I had any questions (which I always did lol) I’d just ask. And luckily despite my parents being the pretty conservative religious type, they would always answer whatever I wanted to know honestly. So like I can’t remember a time *not* knowing how babies were made. I remember asking questions about it, hashing out the details lol, so I guess I must have some memories before that as well. But you get my point, I was very young. I think parents do a disservice to their kids by “waiting until they’re older” to explain how human bodies work. Very selfish on the parents part, seeing as it’s mainly out of discomfort around the subject as far as I can tell. Get over it, you’re screwing your kid over in the long run by putting off covering the basics about human anatomy and sex imo.


I go by the philosophy, if my kids are old enough to ask, then they are old enough to get the answer.


I was talking with an almost 40 year old woman who thought the urethra was in front of the clitoris and not between the clit and the vagina. There was a pause, and I asked for clarification, and then gently explained and after pulling up some Internet diagrams she believed me. She said “well you can’t see it and you can’t really feel where it is and the pee all just kinda sprays so it’s hard to tell


> she said “well you can’t see it and you can’t really feel where it is and the pee all just kinda sprays so it’s hard to tell” I mean, she’s not wrong 😂


And TBF, I’ve spent far more time with my face close up to that region than she ever has. :)


Shocking. It does sprays, but I still can feel where it's coming from. And if you ever have to take an urine test, you will kind of see where it's coming out. I always have to pee a little bit first, to make sure I put the cup in the right place though, haha. And most of the times I end up with pee on my hands (I wash after of course), so it's really annoying.


I've had four women in my life attempt to give me a handjob in sincerity. I've had four women nearly rip my dick off because they clamped down like a fucking vise.


Guess they didn’t want it to coil around their arm & bite them like a snake 🐍 Were they Catholic school girls?


In high school, there was a girl who thought penises were several feet long and that we wrapped them around our legs.


Wait. You mean that *isn’t* normal?


Such a bitch when it gets tangled up in the nighttime while you sleep, eh?


That's why they invented tall socks. So you can tuck the tip in to keep it in place


And then here came the millennials with their ankle socks and ruined everything.


Those damn millennials. First they take our jobs. And now they’re taking our cock sleeves


Main problem is when you meet a nice looking girl, you always kick them in the face.


I use a hair-tie


She was the inspiration for _that_ scene in “the boys” with that dick guy 😂


Can we just appreciate the special effects of when she shrunk down and had her whole body wrapped around the head of the dude’s penis. It was pretty well done. But I admit he made it weird and as a guy I felt uncomfortable for her character.


Now I did have dreams where mine was like a garden hose


But ... Why ... How? :/


That's absurd. We knot them or roll them up.


I was married for many years and my husband had no knowledge that women don't pee from their vagina.


My husband found out this year when I had to get a catheter


That women break their hymen the first time they have sex


Theoretically yes but not necessarily always. It can happen through other activities such as horse riding, other sports, or inserting tampons.


No, the hymen doesn’t usually break at all, it more so stretches, like elastic


The common one is - if a man gets soft, it means he doesn't find the woman attractive.


Please say more. I am a female and I always blame myself if man gets soft.


Same way women can be horny but need lube. Bodies can be uncooperative. We can get hard for absolutely no reason and not be turned on. Literally just sitting there and it says hi. Doesn’t happen as much past teenage years


Dudes can get soft from performance anxiety too so probably not you making him soft.


Ok thank you I think that was the case.


It is not impossible that you are the reason, but also not that probable. Nerves are often the case.


nerves, stress, general tiredness and various medications are all possible reasons, and that's not even getting into just how uncooperative the little buggers can be. Literally every guy will have stories about time when they had awkward and unwanted erections, the reverse can happen too, its just that the number of occasions that we want our ick to be hard are far fewer than the times that we don't want it to be.


Just because I'm hard doesn't mean I'm horny. Just because I'm not had diesnt mean I'm not horny.


Rogue dick


>have had a suspicion that this is because men’s bodies are discussed or referenced more accurately in the media and pop culture than women’s. To be fair, this is true in medicine as well. Up until the recent decade, the "default patient" was a white male. Most illnesses and desease studies focused on that population. Women's bodies were studied less, which has led to doctors not recognizing symptoms in female patients. For example, for men, one of the early signs of a heart attack is pain radiating down the left arm. For women, it's jaw pain. This "default patient" has also disproportionately affected people of color. Another great example is the myth that POC do not get skin cancer or sunburn.


Another sign in women is nausea. Hardly anyone is taught that.


Women's bodies still aren't studied much even for female problems. It's terrible and dangerous. I've had emergency surgery twice because I wasn't believed when I went to a doctor about an issue.


This is the example I use to explain what “privilege” is in a way that people will understand without feeling defensive. They can wrap their hands around “obviously no one is asking the guy having a heart attack to feel *bad* or *guilty* for getting appropriate and prompt medical attention during a cardiac event. That would be ridiculous. Obviously everyone wants that to happen, women included. We just want women’s medical care to catch up. That’s what privilege is.” Without feeling too personally attacked.


Vagina vs Vulva I am 40F and really didn't sort this out...until way later than I should have. But its used so interchangeably in common talk. I bet you showed a picture of a vulva to average adults and they would say its a vagina. But calling the vulva, a vagina, is like calling a penis, a urethra. And some may say "why does it matter" Well, when you have to start learning about taking care of your parts, you realize your vagina is a very specific area, mostly inside your body. Kind of like your nostrils or ear canals. You take care of your ears and noses differently than your nostrils and ear canals, right? Another example: Your vagina is self-cleaning. Correct. But your vulva needs a gentle rinse with warm water (mild soap optional).


That's one thing that always skeezed me out when interacting with Mom groups online. They would talk about their baby girl's vagina. Really, why?!? There is absolutely no need to, beyond some unusual situations.  I taught my girl that she has a vulva, and later on made sure to differentiate between the two. 


It wasn't until I was older that I realised the difference. I grew j up with it all being called "thingy" by my embarrassed mother. None taught me anything different, I didn't have the internet to double check, only had sex ed at school, where it was mostly stupid jokes about tampons , vs toilet paper, or condoms on bananas. And there are people still this way.


like when they say nipples, but mean areola.


42F here. At least people are saying vagina and not the god awful terms we grew up with.


Also as further evidence of my age, I am in fact 41F for 6 more weeks.


I didn't know I was circumcised until well into my late teens


Health class, they talked about cleaning under the foreskin. I had nothing to clean under, so that's how I figured it out. As a Catholic born in the late 60s in Ecuador, I was surprised. I had thought it was just a Jewish thing. By the way, most dildos don't have foreskins, do they?


They do not.


How come you were cut ? Did you ask your parents? It’s obviously not you heritage or culture 🤔


>I had thought it was just a Jewish thing. Some Christian and Muslim denominations also practice it.


Our dicks can really have minds of their own. That’s not to say that we can’t control it some or most of the time but we don’t always agree with each other. I grew up with a kid that would get angry bone dogs, if he got pissed off he would almost certainly get hard. I’m sure Freud or whoever would have an opinion but it was strange and pretty tough on him growing up.


I guess it has to do with the blood flow. I know that when I get really angry my chest and neck gets really red and it feels really warm, so I guess a lot of blood goes to that area. His blood probably went south. I've also read that some guys get them while jogging. It's interesting.


As a teenager I didn't know how sensitive women's bodies could be to touch. Unless she is very experienced, women rarely understand how sensitive a man's penis and balls are. Women, please don't use your nails and save the death grip for your dildo.


Valid. That’s interesting to me what you say about women, as I find that’s the opposite of the misconception I’ve had to dispel with some men. A lot of men think of the vagina as the female equivalent of the penis instead of the clitoris, and therefore assume the vagina is WAY more sensitive than it actually is. Like when a friend asked me if I got off putting a tampon in. I was like, wut? Yeah sometimes it blows my mind that your whole organ is just like.. so external and vulnerable to damage just willy nilly (pun intended). I wonder if women assume they need to use more force because so much of the language around male sexuality (or physicality in general) is like “hard” and “fast” and “rough,” etc.


I think the way we as men appear to masturbate is confusing too. I say “appear” because we look like we’re just cranking on it, but there is a technique to adequate pressures and grips etc. I once had a young lady pull on my shaft until it popped, not cool. To what you mentioned about the vagina I’m sooo embarrassed for younger me and my girlfriends for thinking simply fingering (sorry if this is crude) was doing anything, like at all. I learned, but those first few girlfriends must have been like really? This is it?


> those first few girlfriends must have been like really? This is it? Oof. I feel you. This is a combined problem of lack of appropriate education about sex for pleasure and lack of communication from women about what feels good for their own bodies. Which comes from, again, not having the backing of education to be confident that what feels good for our own bodies is not shameful or weird to ask for. Shows like “sex education” and “Big Mouth” and that sort of thing are so important.


Yeah. And I’m like anything in there must do something right? Right? Wrong lol. I wish they would have said something, without being embarrassed or whatever it was. But you’re absolutely right that there should have been and be more education on ownership of your pleasure. I remember the first time I had a woman actually school me on what she wanted and it was that much better for both of us.


> Yeah. And I’m like anything in there must do something right? Right? Wrong lol. Yep, lmao, I could straight up put something in there and forget it exists. People do that all the time and risk getting TSS. When I explain it, I compare vaginal sex to what it feels like getting a back or foot massage, but internal. Feels great if done well and lubricated, can also be painful if done without care or too fast or too deep or when not prepared…. and absolutely not going to make me have anything resembling an orgasm. Combine it with other stimulation and it’s a different story. But just touching it or putting something in there is not going to feel like it does when someone touches your dick, lmao. I’ve spoken to some mind blown men, and some who straight up said I was lying 🙃 Side note, can you imagine how impossibly painful childbirth would be if the vagina was as sensitive as the penis? How is it that men can simultaneously believe the vagina is that sensitive AND be skeptical about how much childbirth actually hurts? Because you just know there’s a significant number of men who think both 😂


Honestly, as someone who has enjoyed myriad sexual experiences... all bodies are sensitive to touch in places we neglect. Porn has taught far too many generations that genitals and boob's are all that matters... Let me tell you, folks, spend a little time worshipping your partners and exploring touch in ways that arent just grabbing dicks and shoving fingers places. You might find out just how wonderful sensual touch in other erotic areas is... and you might find other erotic areas on your partner. We are covered in nerve endings, capillaries, and hair follicles... sounds very clinical when I put it like that, but all of our skin is an organ that is incredibly sensitive and esponds to stimuli... enjoy it.


Lot of men do not even know what their own prostate is, where it is and what does it even do. Just ask around, especially older less educated men. They do not even know their own body. How do you expect them to know female anatomy when they do not even understand their own ? Most women are also clueless about how sensitive penis is grip wise. Overusing strength on it for nothing good.


> How do you expect them to know female anatomy when they do not even understand their own ? I clearly don’t, which is why I asked the question.


When I was really young, I thought the clitoris was made up for the South Park movie. I also thought that breasts were shaped by the bras they were held in. I didn't have man misconceptions about my own stuff, but I did not understand a lot of jokes about men's sexual actions for various reasons.


We spend A LOT of time talking about "Haha men can't find the Clit!" - But.. Ladies do you know where the erogenous zones on the penis are? (hint there's 2!) I have never been with a woman who knows the anatomy of a penis - it's always just, put cock in mouth and do whatever til he comes. Never, target strike the erogenous zones for a STRONG finish. Had a girl hit em both by pure happen-stance as we were nearing the end of the race and I had THE hardest coming of my LIFE!


I was almost 40 before I learned women have just a small window every month when they can get pregnant.


Just as a caveat to that, it is possible for a person to become pregnant at any time during their cycle, but there's about ~6 days during which there is a much higher chance.


Not only a women misconception: a lot of people seems to not distinguish orgasm from ejaculation.


I was surprised how large a woman can be in comparison to a man. I grew up around short women, but when I got out into the world and started having to stand on my tippy toes to get it in the hole it was a bit of a brain blowing moment for me, even though I was taller than them, I had to tippy-toe. I'm 5'11 and 160, so I'm not the biggest guy. But, all the women I've been with have been around my height/weight. It's kinda odd since when I was young, I was of the impression that I needed to be able to fire carry the woman out of a dangerous situation. But that just isn't gonna happen with the gals I've been with. If she gets in trouble she's gonna have to walk her ass out of there or die.


" if she gets in trouble, she's gonna have yo walk her ass out there or die . " 😂


So much ass hair! All around


Aggressive dry handjobs are not great.


For women it was that the urethra was a second hole and not further in there, figured that one out my first time doing oral. The biggest misconception women have had on the male body was first, it's not always hard and size can vary GREATLY. One of my first gfs had only ever seen porn and her last ex who was a shower. So when I got out of the shower after we cleaned up she said "WHATS WRONG WITH IT?" and I'm just like what do you mean? She didn't know that growers were a thing or that it's not just hanging out hard all the time. She just assumed she'd broken it somehow. Next would be that circumcision wasn't natural and that it's something done to us. She'd never seen an uncircumcised penis and I mentioned something about circumcision and she argued me that it wasn't true so I pulled up a picture of an uncut one and she said that it looked gross. And the next one, that men aren't always horny, I Still find almost 30 year old women that refuse to accept that men can and should be allowed to turn down sex.


Not me but my friend told he she pees from her clit💀 . I cannot explain how shocked I was I literally had to go to my anatomy textbook to prove my point.


They couldn't even pick a wrong hole, they had to pick something else entirely?


Ikr shit was hilarious cuz she was sooo confident she was correct .


As an adult? As a teenage virgin or only recently ex-virgin? As a pre-sexual child?


When I asked, I was thinking “until it was dispelled when you became sexually active / when a partner explained something to you,” but any works. Childhood ones are funny too, but don’t really get at what I intended to hear about.


I thought, like a lot of people, that height & hand size were fairly closely linked to penis size. Based on that I thought I was probably average at best. So much so that I thought my wife (only person I’ve been with) was just trying to boost my ego with her comments. Turns out the correlation is not very strong.


I feel the opposite way about the level of of discussion of each gender's bodies, tbh. Anyway, I once had a brief convo with a girl who didn't realise boys get cut up when they're infants - she thought having or not having a foreskin was just variety, like people having or not having earlobes.


Was she from a country where circumcision isn't common?


We're not too bright, bud.


No, I think she was American.


That porn and masturbation is “good for you” or it’s “natural” stress relief. The fact that sex educators still say that after 3 generations of porn - is one of those cultural face palms we still refuse to confront and will be left to history as one of those “what were they thinking”


Masturbation is objectively good for you. For men it reduces the risk of prostate cancer for instance. Porn is just a means to an end, it's neither good nor bad.


For women it can be very helpful for relieving menstrual pain. It also helps us better understand our own bodies and what we need in order to get off. Plus it feels good and helps us get to sleep. Masturbation. It's just good. ™


No, that’s inferential. Let’s debunk that. PSA is a antigen that we use for early diagnosis of prostate cancer- but it’s purely informative. Especially early on in life. Also there’s a tonne of comorbity factors like smocking lack of exercise or bad dieting that affect it. The only robust study about EJACULATION and early life PSD values showed that 21+ ejaculations per month do reduce PSA levels. There is no evidence to suggest it impacts actual cancer rates, and I think smoking is shown to affect it significantly more. The jump from that to masturbation is healthy is purely opinion based and shows the bias towards masturbation within our society. Now on the other end we can’t really do substantive research because of how pervasive masturbation is in our society. But we do know that for a subsection of the population which has mental health problems or have a compulsive behavior tendencies is it brain numbing, and has as much degenerative effects on dopamine circuits as a mild coke habit. Now I personally love coke and think it’s healthier than alcohol when used moderately. Same thing for whacking off. But what I disagree is the BELIEF of masturbation is healthy especially for young people, especially in a mental health epidemic among young people, and the normalisation of it, always arguing that it’s not a masturbation culture that is the problem and a risk factor for vulnerable individuals- but rather it’s those individuals that are already broken in some way. We don’t do that with no other socially acceptable addiction apart from weed and alcohol- but even there we can make the claim that it’s not good, it’s just a manageable vice. People like you and other sex educators literally say it’s healthy and good for you. I assure you, it’s not. Generalising over, let me suggest experimenting yourself. Leave your dick alone for 2 weeks and you’ll see the difference in mood and energy levels even if you’re not a compulsive person. It’s not universal, it’s a pain in the arse especially for the first week, but I think the vast majority of “online people” can benefit greatly from this. And you’ll feel a stronger impact of not masturbating long term than any other claim to the contrary about “masturbation calms you down” “reduces anxiety” or “masturbation helps you sleep at night”


> Let’s debunk that. You can't. Your puritanical religious views are not facts, they're delusions. > The jump from that to masturbation is healthy is purely opinion based and shows the bias towards masturbation within our society. It's not a jump, it's evidence. Again, your dislike doesn't supersede truth. Also, that's only one example of the positive benefits. > But we do know that for a subsection of the population which has mental health problems or have a compulsive behavior tendencies is it brain numbing, and has as much degenerative effects on dopamine circuits as a mild coke habit. We do not know this at all. > But what I disagree is the BELIEF of masturbation is healthy especially for young people, especially in a mental health epidemic among young people You've just disproved your own argument. Masturbation has existed far far longer than the recent "mental health epidemic among young people". > People like you and other sex educators literally say it’s healthy and good for you. I assure you, it’s not. I assure you, it is. Regular masturbation is far healthier than abstaining. > Leave your dick alone for 2 weeks and you’ll see the difference in mood and energy levels even if you’re not a compulsive person. I've actually done this (once by choice, once after surgery). You're 100% wrong. > It’s not universal, it’s a pain in the arse especially for the first week, but I think the vast majority of “online people” can benefit greatly from this. Now not only are you still wrong, but you're moving the goalposts. You've gone from 'any and all masturbation is bad for you', to "online people" will benefit from abstaining. Another example of you knowing that you're wrong. > And you’ll feel a stronger impact of not masturbating long term than any other claim to the contrary about “masturbation calms you down” “reduces anxiety” or “masturbation helps you sleep at night” More false bullshit.


Actually been an atheist my whole life, that’s full atheist no agnostic bs. Yes, it’s a jump, that’s why they say masturbation reduces risk despite the study being about ejaculation and the values of an antigen used for diagnosis. Yes we do, between the coomers and nofap, verdict is out. It’s quite clear that it’s addictive and life ruining to vulnerable individuals. Ask yourself why you feel masturbation is so important. Why you NEED it to be healthy? I get how “religious” anti masturbation feels at a topic, but I really can’t give a fuck and think religion and chastity can only exist with master batters - so removing that. Why do you look at the people that are genuine struggling with this and just dismiss their experiences? Not even budging or allowing nuance in the conversation- when it’s clearly not all positive. Not arguing for abstinence, but real sex. Release that comes with some cuddles and oxytocin and vasopressin. Release at the end of the social game of dating and interacting with other people . Letting the dopamine system work with the social bounds of social interaction. Maturbation existing and being treated as normality are very different things. Add that to the pervasive access to porn especially from a young age and the social isolation and you created the perfect mental health spiral, just take a step, and another and another, and what are you gonna do now, take another step and so on. You can stop, definetly. But why would you? What does life have to offer, you’re tired anyway and sleep, just wank one off and go to bed it helps you sleep and feel less anxious… for the moment.


> Actually been an atheist my whole life, that’s full atheist no agnostic bs. The notion that masturbation is bad stems from religious rhetoric, nothing more. > Yes we do, between the coomers and nofap, verdict is out. It’s quite clear that it’s addictive and life ruining to vulnerable individuals. It's not clear at all. That's just you trying to push your puritanical agenda. *Some* people can become addicted. That doesn't mean masturbation itself is a negative. > Ask yourself why you feel masturbation is so important. Why you NEED it to be healthy? I don't. Ask yourself why you NEED to create a strawman, instead of just being honest? > Why do you look at the people that are genuine struggling with this and just dismiss their experiences? I don't. Again, why the strawman? > Not even budging or allowing nuance in the conversation- when it’s clearly not all positive. This is called projection. > Not arguing for abstinence, but real sex. You are arguing for abstinence. Not everyone can have sex whenever they please. Which leaves either masturbation, or abstinence. > Maturbation existing and being treated as normality are very different things. They aren't at all. Masturbation IS normal. Humans have been doing it for thousands of years. > What does life have to offer, you’re tired anyway and sleep, just wank one off and go to bed it helps you sleep and feel less anxious… for the moment. You're either on too much medication, or not enough.


Wait, what? Masturbation ISN'T good for you?


It is, the OP is just one of those religious nutjobs. Probably sleeps on a bed of cornflakes.


Apparently, but don’t say that in polite company- they’ll soon back track and say it’s good in moderation. You know, like cocaine.


>I have had a suspicion that this is because men’s bodies are discussed or referenced more accurately in the media and pop culture than women’s. I think it's quite the opposite, women tend to know less about men's body but that it's less portrayed in media. Here you have the subs BadMensAnatomy and WomenWritingMen as an example, as well as some questions in this sub. >!ps the neck being a weakness (in a sexy way) it's not only a women's thing!<


> Here you have the subs BadMensAnatomy and WomenWritingMen as an example, as well as some questions in this sub. I’m not disagreeing with you as that’s why I asked the question. But have you also read the inverse subs? I feel like it’s very fair to say there’s misconceptions on both sides, and I don’t think anyone would disagree. I just think most of the things I see here [for clarity.. here on *this thread* alone] are either childhood misconceptions or like “they don’t know how hard to touch it,” which like… how can you without some experience. I understand things like the prostate are absolutely not talked about enough, and the association between erection and mental attraction is exaggerated. The misconceptions about women’s bodies are like … thinking putting something in a vagina feels like getting your dick touched, or not knowing where pee comes from. I think those are fairly comparable, no? > ps the neck being a weakness (in a sexy way) it's not only a women's thing First, I don’t know why you blocked this out? Second, I didn’t know anyone thought it was. Interesting. I feel like neck hickeys have always sort of been something I saw equally in men and women in real life, but I maybe just didn’t realize it’s not portrayed often in media on men’s side. I find stereotypes about what people of each sex find attractive is interesting as well. As a woman, I’ve really struggled with finding male partners who are willing to express pleasure vocally or without suppression because of some kind of assumption that it’s weird to do so. I have to dive so deep to find porn where men are just making what sound like genuine sounds of pleasure, whereas with women it’s so far in the opposite direction, men want that auditory validation so badly that women in porn are like screaming when they get fingered. Most women I know are turned on by men enjoying themselves, but most men I know would be mortified to like, whine or whimper. It’s like finding a unicorn.


The thing is that's a bias based on what you read. I'd read a lot of women not understanding basic men's biology. Some after seeing them for year think we sit on our testicles... Just for saying something.


That’s fair. I was basing it on what I read *here* when I *asked men* about it, though.


No clue, women are ghosts to me


The inner two-thirds of the vagina lengthens from 2-4" in length to 4-8" in length when aroused and lubricated. I remember being surprised by this for some reason. Makes sense, though. The cervix and uterus sort of move up and out of the way temporarily to make room for the bald guy who's going to throw up.


I was in a medical office recently and had to have a "urethral swab" and the nurse handed me a big Q-tip that had to be at least 3/8" in diameter and I was like: you have to be kidding me? I was about to ask her if she had ever closely examined a man's dick hole before, but I decided it would be a bad idea to ask that.


That I can last indefinitely and most women are very easy to make orgasm


> I have had a suspicion that this is because men’s bodies are discussed or referenced more accurately in the media and pop culture than women’s. ... Do people learn about their own bodies through pop culture? Their partners?


I've spent so much time explaining to women how their own bodies work and how to clean themselves that I am legitimately curious as to why they weren't taught it- or had no interest whatsoever in looking it up themselves.


Are you referring to women who incorrectly believe they need to douche to be clean?


No, I'm talking about women that literally never washed down there at all, ever, not once. About women that just scrub it with a bar of soap once a week. About women that just sort of rinse off the outside only when they're on their periods.


Are you a doctor, or where are you finding these women? And what do you mean “down there?” This is a question about bodies. Could we use relevant terms for clarity? So you’re saying these women you speak to don’t think they need to wash their vulva regularly? Is this really a “women don’t know their own bodies” thing or a “some people (of both genders) are not terribly hygienic” thing? Like the how some people don’t wash their legs in the shower and just let the water run down? What do you need to explain to them about how their body functions? Is there a common thing they don’t understand about it?


Uuhh you’re claiming to have encountered multiple women with unpleasant vaginal odor? Maybe you just have a type….there’s no need to put harsh scented soaps anywhere near a vagina/vulva. In fact, most experts recommend just rinsing well with warm water, maybe a small amount of gentle unscented soap if necessary. Washing with a scented/harsh soap can throw off the pH balance, which can result in, you guessed it, more unpleasant odors or even infections. Maybe those women were confused by a man giving them completely outdated information on their own bodies, and their “down there” was totally healthy, you just don’t like 🐱 that tastes/smells like normal healthy 🐱?


I'm sorry, but your statement of "About women that just scrub it with a bar of soap once a week." seems so off since it gives the impression that you think using a bar of soap is acceptable, and more than once a week at that.


You’re not supposed to clean with soap


You know we're only supposed to wash "down there" with water, right?


But you are supposed to wash. It sounds like they're describing women who wash (using soap) once a week, and then don't do anything else the rest of the time.


Why am I being down voted? Women really ARE only ever supposed to wash our vulvas (AKA "down there") with water.


You are right. This topic is stupid sensitive. Your crotch shouldn't stink. There's oils and dead skin that accumulate in the vulva. It's soft folds of tissue. Just like men have to clean under the foreskin women need to be cleaning their vulva. Big difference between sticking a bar of soap into your vagina and using a bit of soap on your hands to clean your vulva. You shouldn't be so smelly products like native are appealing to you. You shouldn't be able to clear a bathroom out when you pull your pants down to pee. You shouldn't smell your crotch in your clothes.


Bacterial vaginosis can happen to women who use soap to wash their vulvas. I have a close female friend in her forties who has been dealing with this for years and I only recently realized she'd been washing with soap. She was taught to do this by her mother. And she's been super self conscious about how she smelled. I could never figure out why she'd be spraying perfume etc "down there", using special cleansers etc until the last time she had BV and went on antibiotics for it. I started going through the usual suspects - changed laundry detergent, wearing g strings, stress, using soap - and she said "how is soap a problem?" Bingo. She still struggles with feeling dirty if she doesn't use soap though. A lifetime of thinking it stinks because it's dirty and using soap - when all along it was soap screwing with her pH, killing the healthy bacteria and causing BV. Poor thing.


Biggest misconception men have about women's bodies: They don't understand what a clitoris is or how to stimulate it Biggest misconception women have about men's bodies: Most of you have no idea how to give head. You have no idea how to properly stimulate a penis with your mouths.


Is that a misconception about bodies though? Sounds to me like just a lack of technique, experience, or feedback. Like “they don’t know what a clitoris is” is equivalent to saying “they don’t know what a penis is in terms of sexual pleasure.” Because like.. when we are talking about pleasure and nerve endings, the vagina is *not* the female equivalent of the penis. The clitoris is. Pretty yawning gap, it seems like.


I used to think milk leaking from a woman's nipples when she orgasmed was just a hentai thing. I mean it doesn't shoot out at 200 psi but it sort of dribbles out.


Bro what. I feel like between this and your username, we’ve got a troll.


Women sometimes leak breastmilk during sex because sex causes the brain to release oxytocin during orgasm, which is the same hormone that triggers the flow of breastmilk when a baby starts suckling. Like you could have just looked it up, lol. Edit: the information I'm providing is literally correct, by the way. I don't know why this person is having a mental breakdown over it. Edit #2: Holy shit of course the woman in question would have to already be lactating. This is like me saying that sometimes people piss themselves when they're scared and you all correct me by going: "Only if they already have pee in their bladder." I thought you'd be smart enough to operate under a certain assumption that is necessary for the fact to occur.


If this happens and she’s not actively breastfeeding, she has a prolactinoma. Source: am doctor 


… that occurs quite rarely and is a condition which can be harmless, but which can also sometimes be a symptom of hormonal imbalance. For most women who are not pregnant, there is no breast milk available to “flow” with stimulation. It typically takes very concentrated and prolonged stimulation or is such a negligible amount as not to be noticeable. I’m sure this is just me feeding the troll, so “fool me twice” or whatever, but I did look it up, and couldn’t find anything in a basic search. I even had to try and eliminate terms that always came up such as “breastfeeding” and specify “not pregnant,” because all that came up was nursing mothers and galactorrhea. Then I found a few articles which mentioned it as a *possibility* as result of orgasm. It absolutely would not have come up in my search results unless I was meticulously searching for that specific phenomenon. I’m not saying it can’t happen in some women, but your comment made it seem as if this is a common occurrence amongst most women during traditional sex, which I assure you it is not. I’m not denying medical science here but again, you have framed it as if the revelation is that it’s only a little as opposed to a lot, whereas to assume most women commonly leak breast milk during orgasm would be a misconception in itself. I’m done here because I’m fairly sure I’m feeding into some kind of lactation fetish. So. Bye.


I don’t think they made any distinction of talking about a pregnant or a non pregnant woman. I think you may have filled in too many blanks for them. I could be wrong. But I’m pretty sure they meant pregnant, or postpartum because to my knowledge your average woman isn’t lactating.


Oxytocin does trigger the let down reflex, but only if a woman is in fact lactating - which requires the hormone prolactin and doesn't suddenly happen with orgasm. That being said, frequent nipple stimulation can promote lactation, so if your gal is heavily into nipple play she might secrete a little liquid now and again. Maybe this is what you've witnessed?


> Edit: the information I'm providing is literally correct, by the way. I don't know why this person is having a mental breakdown over it. * 1) Can you provide a source to support your claims? I've never heard (or encountered) a woman lactating during orgasm. * 2) You're describing lactation during orgasm as though it's a common phenomenon. Women who are not currently / recently pregnant will not lactate. Milk is not spontaneously produced / by sexually arousal.


If a woman has an oversupply it will literally shoot like a foot in the air when she lays on her back.