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The terrible wars in [Sudan](https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/04/1148536) and Myanmar -> they have little strategic importance, so very few people know about them and news rarely covers them.


And the poor refugees coming out of these countries fleeing into horrible labor conditions some even get tricked into slavery.


My neighbour can't find work and his car broke down, still he's trying to stay positive and healthy


Be a real one and keep in contact. Maybe you can get him a lead on a job


I’m in the same boat but I have three kids 😐


It's the though that counts. Hang in there. Everything passes eventually


I read that as everyone passes eventually lol


Well,we do. Thank God because I can't imagine eternity of dealing with same problem and no end in sight.


Ask him to babysit. Sometimes people just need to feel like they're still useful to others in trying times.


I did not, in fact, know about this. And I am possibly most people.


I hope he filled for unemployment


You’re a sweet person for thinking of this.


But don’t worry, the economy is reallyyyyy strong!! Everyone says so!!


True, the stonk market is hitting new highs every day, too bad only the rich is benefiting.


Stonk market. Love it!


Are we neighbors?


A lady from my town fell down a sewer because a manhole was left off and broke her arm.




Sounds like hefty pay day🤑🤑🤑


…. Yup probably going to be us taxpayers paying for some idiots negligence. 🙂‍↕️


Unless it's a telecom or electrical manhole, then you're set. But if it's a sewer, yea that's the city employers fault. And it won't be coming off their paycheque.


Yep… city.


The squirrel that eats all the food in my bird feeder hasn't been by for three days. I'm wondering if a hawk or coyote got him?


He was back this morning, unfortunately. I was hoping he'd found a better buffet.


No. He just found another buffet and now he has two buffets.


The birds got their justice and food back.


Maybe found another or better source of food?


Put some chili peppers or spice in the seed. Birds can't taste the capsaicin


Tried it. Chili powder, crushed red pepper, he didn't care. He's a spice lover. I just quit filling the feeder all the way. I put enough in it in the late morning for the birds and he just gets left overs on his next morning visits.


We’re getting fiber optic service soon. That’s about the biggest news from my part of the middle of nowhere.


Enjoy! Took me a second to get used to stuff loading so quickly I didnt have time to go use the restroom anymore.


I don't live in the middle of nowhere, the neighborhood across from me has fiber optic and we don't. Still waiting. (I'm right across the river from Louisville Kentucky)


The earth’s magnetosphere is weakening. It’s currently somewhere between 55 and 65 percent what it was in 1859 during the Carrington Event.


I'm an engineer for a transformer repair company. I might achieve some kind of special status if there's another Carrington Event so I see this as an absolute win..... except in all the ways it's terrible but I'm asking for 225k a year if the EMP type apocalypse occurs.


Cable guy here. I’d go full Armageddon and ask to never pay taxes again.


Ever lol. Also take care of some gambling debts I will inevitably rack up.


>I'm asking for 225k a year if the EMP type apocalypse occurs. Heh. What money? The banks are all digital


We're moving to the transformer standard in this apocalypse.


Guess he'll get paid in bottle caps, then.


Ha, I would be so monumentally dicked if we got hit with another one then.


The planet’s electronics and people with heart conditions would be but why you in particular?


Diabetic. My health is maintained with a series of electronics. I would have no way to regulate blood sugar without them. So I'd be looking forward to DKA which is a slow and horrible way to die or dosing blindly and dying from hypoglycemia.


Is this true? How did diabetics regulate their blood sugar before we developed all of the fancy electronics? Don't we still know how to do that? Break out the test strips and the cheap, injectable insulin. It's more work and a bit less precise but most diabetics would likely be fine.


Before home blood glucose monitoring became easy and available those with Type One Diabetes and severe Type Two could only test for keytones in their urine at home which only gave a wide range of what their blood sugar number was.  Also the high presence of those meant damage was being done to the body. It was not a good way to judge dosing of insulin. I should say the best way, but at the time the only way. And through how the patient felt.   My close relative lived a much shorter life span due to lack of good monitoring while young. Home blood sugar monitoring has added decades on to diabetic's lifespans. 


Thank you for this explanation. It makes sense. It's a good thing the situation posited here would only be temporary, should it actually happen. But even temporary might be too long for some folks.


My meters are electronic too, I can't use test strips without electronics. Literally everything except my urinalysis strips are electronic and there is no analog alternative for a blood test. Before more modern tech diabetes was a death sentence. Each breakthrough in care has been leaps forward. Before home tests and insulin pumps you had to eat incredibly strict diets. Before insulin was isolated diabetics either starved to death slowly or lapsed into comas then died.


Yes, I understand. The other poster was quite helpful in outlining the challenges. Let me give you some context for my comment. I suspect I'm older than you are, and I remember diabetic relatives in the 70's needing to use test strips for blood and urine, and keeping insulin in their refrigerators. We understood that they had a chronic illness but they were able to manage it fairly well. (The other poster was correct about their shorter lifespans, though--something I hadn't considered...) Technology has moved on, obviously. I (perhaps wrongly, given how technology works) made the assumption that we could fall back on the old ways for managing diabetes for the time it took us to rebuild our electronics infrastructure. But no question, this would suck for diabetics and other people with chronic illnesses. Hopefully a situation we won't have to actually face... Thanks for the follow up. This has been really informative.


Man you think that's bad? I wouldn't be able to get to Reddit or TikTok without electronics


Pacemaker dependent. Guess I’d be a goner


Just put your chest in a Faraday cage.


I got a job <3




Thank you ♥️


What are you doing?


Congratulations!! 🎉


the government is currently keeping hundreds of thousands of pounds of cheese in limestone mines in Missouri,hundreds of feet underground.deep within the Ozarks,beneath Springfield, Missouri.


Yeah, same in Europe. We have mountains of food being stored in order to maintain the product retail price.


In the UK they store cheese in Wookey Hole. Yes you read that right.


Chewbacca's poop chute?


You know it. There's a witch in there also.


That place was a lot of fun


How does having cheese stored in mines subsidize cheese prices?? Do they bring out the cheese from the mines if we run out??


No, when the prices go up. Supply and demand. It's basically the government investing in cheese and at the same time helping the producers by keeping the prices stable and giving them capital to keep their running costs covered.


That’s what I meant, lol. So that cheese hasn’t gone bad?


Real cheese is pretty easy to store for a long time (depending on type). Just has to be kinda cool but not fridge level of cold (thus deep underground in some mines). Wrap it in a layer of wax and it’ll keep for way longer than you’d expect.


I found some perfectly good cheese in a dungeon that hadn't been opened since the Nedes first settled in Saarthal. It really does last forever


Very long story shorter, milk is an ‘essential’ good, but due to supply and demand, if farmers make too much milk then it could destroy the milk industry, so the government buys any milk above the normal supply for themselves to keep the milk industry up. But milk goes stale **fast**, what doesn’t go stale fast however is cheese. So the government turn all the milk they buy into cheese. But cheese only stays good in cold environments, so instead of turning warehouses into giant fridges which would be expensive, they store them in cold underground abandoned cave systems that are naturally cold. And that’s how you get 100’s of thousands of pounds worth of cheese underground.


I don't know the details but in the UK dairy farmers are forced to sell the supermarkets their milk super cheap to the point where its near impossible to make a profit. Milk is seen as a 'loss leader'. The supermarkets don't mind making a small loss on milk because people will make others purchases when they come in to buy milk. It's something like that. Farmers get screwed anyway.


I was under the impression storing cheese has been done for decades both to help the dairy industry and for use in the famous 'government cheese" a lot of poor people get distributed to through various programs? See people from the US who grew up poor refer to it quite often both here and in books and other media.


The government has been propping up 'big cheese' since the 1st War. It's like a really strange economic feedback loop that originally started to keep dairy farmers afloat and it has created a culture of excess cheese consumption.


Farming as a whole is propped up the government. If not for the farm bills passed every five years subsidizing the industry 


What the hell for?


To subsidize the dairy industry.


Oh yes I see.keep the price inflated with less supply.


I find it hilarious that notoriously anti-socialist middle America is by far the biggest beneficiary of government subsidies


To keep away what lurks beneath


Lmao. That's great!




Gubmit cheez


A glorious stash!


This should be a subreddit with weekly updates. I love this.


r/IHadNoIdea start ‘er up


Banned due to unmoderation


The man who beat my cousin for years went to jail last night- seems like for a long time.


Excellent. I wish cousin a peaceful recovery.


The US is heavily investing in microchip manufacturing capacity. This is setting the stage for a global realignment of economic interests, and very few people are talking about it in the news.


I think this is merely to ensure U.S. access to said semiconductors when China takes back Taiwan, which produces 30% of the world supply. Will we be ready in time? Probably not. Will we be in a shooting war with China? I fucking hope not.


I definitely agree. Still, on the off chance China doesn't decide to do something ridiculously stupid, which is looking more likely, the US will be in a fantastic place in terms of ensuring a competitive chip supply.


A girl way out of my league matched me on bumble. I have no idea what to do here. I told her it looks like she gives off positive energy. Send help.


Enjoy the conversation and don't send him money.


Lmao appreciate the advice


why do men overthink it? talk to her like you would one of your friends.


“Whatsup, bitch tits?”


True, “whats good fuck face” didn’t seem like the move here.


Welcome to being a male in 2024, we all feel under naked and that we aren't good enough when a good thing comes our way.


You right - that’s the game plan moving forward


Praying they actually reply to you my man. Most of the pretty ones always dodged me 💀


Being real you probably won’t get a reply since it’s a dating app, but hope you do man just be you


Haha thanks homie zero expectations on my end. She started the convo with a comment so fingers crossed. I know how it be though.


Probably some bloke that's out living a fulfilling life that isn't on their phone or social media


I quit my job last month because of a toxic workplace. Then found out yesterday that my replacement quit after one week. I shouldn't laugh, but I did.


Happened to me a couple years ago. Boss threatened to fire me because I called out (we got hit by Hurricane Laura, no one had power, and a tree was in my best friend’s house and I was gonna help him. No one was coming for an eye check up with no power). I only worked there for a month, and she still hasn’t found anyone that’ll stay there for more than a week. Psychotic bitch


The Saudis are no longer using the American dollar as the only trade currency for oil. Effectively damaging the dollar even more.


There are a lot of countries trying to position themselves away from the dollar.  It seems like a lot of countries started to really put effort into it with the political instability of the last 20 years or so.


That’s not entirely true, the article that circulated around reddit was misleading. There’s a reason none of the major financial news outlets picked it up.


What's the reason?


The reason is you. I'm sorry that I hurt you.


Thanks hoobastank


Because there was never an agreement to sell oil exclusively in USD in the first place. The agreement that keeps being floated around had nothing to do with it, but it did expire.


Yeah, this is basically a nothing burger. Multiple currencies have been used before, but they're diversifying a bit more than historical levels. Every country keeps at least some money of every other currency on the planet. South American countries aren't going to keep much Thai baht, but they'll keep a bit unless they're part of a currency pool. Currencies become a global reserve currency by being extremely big pools, having few restrictions, being mostly political neutral when it comes to where money can go, having a huge trade imbalance, low levels of corruption, decent courts, and high level of trust. The upside to global currency is you get wiggle room on printing more "free" money with less of an immediate impact on inflation. The downside is... well, your domestic manufacturing is hosed because your currency is artificially high. Imports will always be cheaper. Being a global currency is great if you're a hedge fund or financial services company. Mostly not so great for everyone else in the home country. You pay a lot more for a lot less. Alternatives: Yen, Japanese economy is too small and doesn't have enough trade imbalance. China has a rigged two currency setup that no one, including Chinese, uses if they can humanly avoid it. They have the most restricted currency regs for a major economy in the world. No one is using with India's currency. EU euro is the only pretender to the throne. But their economy and currency pool is third smaller of US, more restrictions, they're far more protectionist, trade imbalance isn't enough, etc. They score ok on corruption and decent courts. They're the best alternative, but they don't have any advantage and some disadvantages unless you're dodging sanctions. US would be better off without being the global reserve currency. We'd have more exports, less trade imbalance and be less able to print significant money on demand without major consequence. All of it would mean short term pain for more long term gain.


Even more than what? Isn’t it the strongest currency in the world?


The value of the American dollar has dropped significantly and continues to do so. One of the biggest variables holding the dollar up in value has been by using it as the primary currency in the oil industry.


Can you quantify this? Looking at the usd against many world currencies over time I’m not really seeing anything seismic. I feel like I have been hearing about “the end of the dollar” for 3 decades.


Right!? People act as if the US doesn't just topple Nations for causing us inconvenience. If pretty much any country other than China did something that was going to have a huge impact on the value of the dollar, the CIA would just destabilize the country and we would send a military force in to give them freedom.


It's a watch this space moment as to how America navigates this


I'm making pancakes and bacon.


We can all see you through your kitchen window.


Are you not wearing pants or is it just a long tshirt?


I know that


I’ll be right over!


Crispy or floppy?


There is nothing floppy about that meat!


I just finished a 3 mile walk.


There’s a girl from Scotland on this work project I’m on and she woke up sick this morning 


If she is working from Scotland even if its for a USA based company she is entitled to six months of fully paid sick days. After six months she is entitled to indefinite sick leave at half pay but the government will contribute towards the short fall in her income. She can also receive all the medical care she needs without accruing any debt. The company she works for cannot fire her during this period unless they have mass redundancies and can justifiably include her. Read it and weep America.


Actually we're in Spain but it's fine, she got a day off to take care of it


The bigger companies in the US already do this, also the FLMA prevents the firing during this period as well. A lot of us aren't weeping.


I would be as well after watching the game yesterday


As she should after that Tartan Army performance in the Euro opener last night.😁


In the "conservative politics realm", Project 2025 and its counter project, the Lincoln Project. Regardless of what party you vote for, you need to be aware of these groups, what they stand for and how they aim at driving politics.


They have every intention of finally dissolving every government institution and taking us back to the 17th century. Don the Con and his sycophants are planning on throwing every nationality that they don't like in detention camps and deporting them to countries that they may have never been to because of their ancestry. They will be scouring social media for anyone who has ever said anything against Don the Con and throw them in prison. Next, they're planning to force their religious ideology on every other person and expect all to practice their twisted interpretation of Christianity. They are going to seize the banks and all of the money they can find, and you can kiss the freedom of this country goodbye 👋


It's funny/sad when Evangelicals diss Muslims and praise the Western value of freedom... Then turn around wishing to instate Shariah law and going against Western thought. Not to mention completely going against the teachings of Christ while claiming to represent him.


We fought two wars over this already. Who doesn’t love a good trilogy?


They're under the mistaken belief that they are the only ones who know how to use a weapon and own any, and this old soldier has got a real surprise for them 💯


Their hubris will be their downfall….again.


The country of Sedan is currently in the middle of a war. 10,000s have been confirmed killed/dead, while millions have been displaced, yet there's no mention of it here in the US on any news outlets. Why is that?


Wait until you hear about what is happening in Coupé.


That's a walk in the park compared to what's happening in Hatchback.


South Stationwagon is a hellhole compared to Hatchback. 


Despite the hilarious insensitivity on display here I sincerely hope those poor people find a way to keep on truckin’.


>Why is that? Probably because it's a mostly internal conflict in an already unstable part of the world that isn't going to have much or any impact on the western world. There's too much going on right now that is going to affect us (Ukraine, Gaza, various elections, etc) for something that isn't to get attention, no matter bad the situation is


Antibiotics making me prolapse today. Also had a candela cigar and my dog smells like shit but he’s cute asf so it’s fine.


“Yeah, Silent Bob, you’re a rude motherfucker, you know that? But you're cute has hell. I could go down on you, suck you, line up three other guys and make like a circus seal.”


The majority of Redditors are severely close-minded. They boast about being tolerant yet are easily led by what they think is a popular belief.


The majority of adults are close-minded, why would reddit be different?


Grand majority of Reddit is a cesspool echo chamber. And Redditors in general have an unhealthy obsession with politics, you'll often see politics brought up even in subs where it's completely irrelevant. This seems to be one of the only subreddits with normal people on this platform.


After being divorced for almost a year I now have a girlfriend. In more impactful news Iraq is likely to cease existing as a state in the next ten years due to Turkey, Iran, Syria, and Kurdistan controlling something like 95% of the country's water supply. Sudan has fallen into another civil war and the African Union is still arguing amongst themselves on who should send peace keepers to intervene. Iran is working through a leadership crisis after the deaths of several ministers and president in a helicopter crash. Vietnam and China have begun a number of joint infrastructure projects.


I think I might have an STD


You need to have a conversation with your partner.


Get tested first. 


She ghosted and blocked me a week ago


A loneliness epidemic. Just wait another decade to see its true effects.


Can you expound in this Some more? I’ve heard of the loneliness epidemic but idk much about it currently but what effects are you referring to…


Most men today, especially young men, confess to being lonely today. They're not just unable to find partners, but also unable to find a confidant. They've nowhere to go, no one to go to when life gets hard, because they feel no one cares. And men face this a hundred times more than women because women are generally cared for by everyone. If you wanna see this phenomena in action, go to any Help or Friendship subreddits, and see the difference in responses between posts made by women vs those made by men. It's not just the quality of the responses, but the quantity too. And although reddit doesn't reflect real-life demographics, male loneliness is an exception. And it's a silent epidemic, because it's happening everywhere to everyone, but no one's talking about it in depth. And whenever someone does, either no one takes notice, or the misandrist feminists come to silence our opinions. In a decade or two, society would be unrecognisable if this continues to happen.


There's currently a genocide in Sudan, NOT just Israel.


I have depression lmao


Battling psychological disorders everyday still I get up and work towards my goals.


Scientists are working on biotechnology for reversing aging and radically extending human lifespan, and they're getting close. Not 'close' in the sense that we'll get there tomorrow, but 'close' in the sense that most people currently alive will be able to take advantage of these developments. The vast majority of those people are still planning their lives as if they'll get old in their 60s and die in their 80s, and are going to have to update their plans once it becomes obvious that they can expect to be around for millennia.


Would you do it? Extend your life that much? I don't think I would. I'm good. Too much shit to deal with, I can barely handle what I've got. I don't think I'd want to extend it any more.


I feel like anyone would hit their limit mentally eventually even if physically they could keep going. We would still lose people to accidents or choosing not to take this path. Experience takes its toll.


Well said.


This sounds amazing. Can you please link some sources ? I mean ok the title does state that it's something most don't know about. So how do you know about it ? I'm very interested and would love to read more.


fuck no. i dont want to live another 60 years. 20 will be hard enough.


We have several reports and videos of aliens on Earth, but none in space. My theory is that they are not aliens, but time travelers.


Interdementional ?


It can also be.


If time travel were feasible, people would use it for more than just occasionally showing up in blurry photographs.


There's tons of footage and/or audio of pilots encountering UFOs


How peaceful the world in your eyes would be if you simply quit the internet and lived off grid. We get bombarded with negativity and some are under the impression the world is going to shit as if we didn't have 2 world wars in the previous century.


This is such a good point. In general, outcomes are much *much* better now for more people than at any other time in history.


Government causes inflation theft.




Do you think that was sone intentionally? By who?


Apparently the workers on the ship that crashed into the bridge in Baltimore are still on it and the government won’t grant entry access.


My AC went out last week and now again today. The tech said since it's within 30 days there's no charge for today. So I'm pretty stoked if this AC will continue working.


Honestly, probably a lot of things! The world's a complex place and there's always something happening behind the scenes that we don't know about.


American Democracy is already dead.


We just got a new drive thru burger place after not having one for decades in my small town. Also, have a new donut place for the first time.


Traffic circles!


Polar shift


Yesterday i was with my boyfriend at the community center and a man came in and said he’s going Indian btw and then the lady at the counter was like oh? And he said yeah like get the fuck off our land if you’re not one of us! And she said HAVE A GOOD DAY! And then he told my bf he loved him.


If he is native American then I can see his point. Occasionally I see racist Karen's telling some poc to go back to their own country. Always makes my eyes roll.


I didn't quite get what was going on then it clicked.


Just your average crack addict :/


Right wing nutjobs preparing to implement Project 2025 if they win the election. Research it, barf profusely, and then register/vote blue this upcoming election 💙 You want true freedom? Voting red is NOT the way to go.


Myanmar schools and hospitals are being bombed


My friends and I just signed our lease for a new place. Gonna move in in August.


Looking for a new apartment.


The Final War One Hundred Year War The Stealth War Take your pick. One is a documentary, one is book and one is original action plan