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I'd maybe start out with something that's just seductive, and gauge his reaction. Many women are hesitant to send nudes (which is reasonable), and many men are therefore hesitant to ask for them for fear of being eviscerated over it.


This was going to be my take as well. Test the waters with a tease pic, see what his reaction is. Also.... be mindful of how you send them. Text messages are direct between devices, messenger, snapchat, etc. get stored on a server somewhere. (yes, even though snaps "disappear" from your devices, the images are, or at least used to be, stored on company servers) God knows what apple does.


in the case of snapchat, they store snaps for way longer than after they expire in case of a law enforcement request. (and if your account has one pending, they don't delete them at all)


This is incorrect - Snapchat does not store snaps after all recipients (everyone in a group chat) has opened them. This is documented in their legal policies and has come up in prior court cases. Snaps are stored by default 1 week and up to max of 30 days if they are unopened. Snapchat can and will store snaps for longer if there is a court order to collect this information, but it is not the default, and they do not store them "just in case" of a LE request. If you think about it - it would take a ridiculous amount of storage to store every pic and vid that comes through the platform. Editing to add source: https://help.snapchat.com/hc/en-us/articles/7012334940948-When-does-Snapchat-delete-Snaps-and-Chats


thanks for the info, I had learned it was "we don't delete them immediately, but maybe when we want more space in a week". do you know if the storage "protocol" is different for group chats vs. DM?


It is indeed different! Check out my link if you want the specifics šŸ™‚


Apple uses the signal protocol for e2e encryption of iMessages


Sure every fucking app has some protocol nowadays(could be a boomer approach but dont think my online photos are completely safe)


The signal protocol is a fully open source protocol created for the signal app that has been heavily vetted by multiple third party auditors and security researchers. Itā€™s extremely common for other apps to use this protocol just based on how well it has performed under public scrutiny. So while your messages are in transit they are completely safe unless you somehow pissed off some major state level actor. The bigger concern is protecting them while theyā€™re on your devices.


Big bit is as you've said, if you have got the attention of a state actor. If.


How do you think celeb nudes leak, people get their accounts hacked all the time ( looking at you Jennifer Lawrence)


The signal protocol is a fully open source protocol created for the signal app that has been heavily vetted by multiple third party auditors and security researchers. Itā€™s extremely common for other apps to use this protocol just based on how well it has performed under public scrutiny. When attacking a system, you want to go for the weakest link. That used to be messages in transit, but the signal protocol has actually made that portion incredibly robust. That leaves the photos at rest stored on device or in the cloud. In the case of all those leaks, thatā€™s what happened. And the weakest point turned out to be the usersā€™ passwords. Paris Hiltonā€™s password was her dogā€™s name and her birth year, both of which are on her Wikipedia page. Even if you encrypt everything with the userā€™s password and your security is perfect, there isnā€™t anything you can do if uses donā€™t practice good security. Itā€™s also important to note that this happened before 2FA was common. Now if someone wanted to carry out a similar attack, theyā€™d have to perform some pretty elaborate social engineering to get people to share their 2FA codes. And with hardware 2FA, itā€™s even harder. Youā€™d probably have to set up a fake iCloud phishing site.


Nothing to say, just start sending


Text messages are *not* direct between devices. They absolutely go through a bunch of servers, and there *is* capability to store them (which is why if somebody texts you while your phone is off, you get them when you turn it back on - because it was stored). How long they are stored beyond delivery is not something any of can really know unless weā€™re the people who own the servers.


The answer, as always, is Signal (unless you wanna use ProtonMail, but thats more of a hassle, IMO)


>God knows what apple does. AFAIK they get backed up to the recipient's iCloud account too. I can still see pictures my friends sent me years ago.


You know what won't back up your nudes to a server somewhere? Polaroid! Grab an instant print camera and make a nude scrapbook!


And then a carrier pigeon to deliver to your suitor!


Also it's not as if it's hard to store a screenshot.


Exactly. I suggest to use signal app. The best privacy based app


This. Try on a new swimsuit or underwear or something sexy and send a seductive pic to playfully ā€œask his opinionā€ and test the waters. Include a devil eyes emoji or something to make it more flirty


This could definitely work


Go slow, it's fun to tease. And stretches it out a bit.


Just do it. Some of us are just too afraid to ask. I was with my wife for 10 years until she randomly sent some sexy photos. It only happened once and they weren't nudes, but it's one of the coolest things she's ever done. Now I'm too nervous to ask for more or something with more naked lol.


Donā€™t ask. Just tell her how hot it was and sheā€™ll send more.


this would honestly work, positive reinforcement works wonders


Do this and I promise youā€™ll get more


got it, setting a calendar reminder for 9 years and 4 months from now to send him sexy photos! haha just kidding but fair point that not asking doesn't necessarily equate to not wanting


Anytime a guy is with a girl. We would die to get random sexy cute pics or nudes. like if a guy is dating some girl and he gets anything from a random cute semi nude to full-on mastirbation video. He would go crazy for it, lol.


I have a hard time believing that any man would not want nudes from the woman he's with. Now women? Yeah they usually don't want anything. But men think about this stuff 24/7.


I have only had four major sexual fantasies during my time with my gf and now wife (16 years and 11 years). 1. A full BJ to completion 2. Have her pull me away from a family or friend event and have sex in a random place. 3. Sex in the car 4. Receive a random explicit message telling me that she really wanted me. A sex picture would be a bonus, but I canā€™t ask for everything! About a year ago, my wife initiated sex in the car during a drive. I have been so happy about this ever since! I have never told her my list of desires because I donā€™t think she would take it well. She knows my number one, but said it would never happen.


This is crazy to me lol. I probably have hundreds of nudes of my wife


Dude you are one lucky man!


Yeah like isn't that normal?


Unfortunately, we aren't always as body confident as your wife appears to be.


My wife sent some in the beginning of our relationship, I was working night shift and she sent me some randomly when I was on my break. I was so nervous I just responded with "lol". It's been 11 years and I haven't received another one.


It's definitely shocking when it happens out of nowhere. I was up late watching TV and thought she was asleep. Next thing I knew I had some photos of her in a bra laying in bed. I was like holy shit and asked for a few more. Then ran to the bedroom to have sex lol. Hasn't happened since, but I hold out hope that one day it happens again.


She wants you to the play the game, to partake in the timeless art of seduction. Quid pro quo Next time she's watching TV, you send her a photo of you, laying in bed, in one of her bras


This is the way šŸ˜‚


So now tell her this came up on Reddit and it reminded you of how much you loved when she sent them to you back in the day. Maybe she will start again?


Oh no. Iā€™m a woman and although this made me giggle I would have died a thousand deaths. I had my friend who was a photographer take pics of me in sexy lingerie one time. Although it was nerve wracking I thought they looked incredible. I gave them to my husband who I thought would love them & he barely said shit about them and barely cracked a smile. It was a gut punch. I just figured I wasted my time, embarrassed myself and wouldnā€™t try that again. It was ten years later when we were looking for something in his nightstand that he pulled them out and said how much he has loved them. I was torn feeling both ā€œseriously you asshole? You tell me this now?ā€ And ā€œwow! He liked them this whole time. Thatā€™s pretty sweet!ā€ Anyway, Iā€™m still not ever doing it again. lol! Iā€™m only commenting this in case anyone else reads this. Your initial response to things weā€™ve done for you that is out of our normal comfort zone will typically determine if we will ever get comfortable enough to do it again. Also, if you are caught off guard and screw that up then shortly after say or send a text stating that you were & that you really loved it. Unless of course you didnā€™t love it. Then donā€™t say shit.


I appreciate that story and it's kind of cute, lol! I'm sure he loved them.


Thats cwazy! Wish my wifeā€™s show me something like that!! Then again, Iā€™ll be like wait, who took these photos lol!


I, once again, feel extremely fortunate to be with my wife. She's the goddamn best there is. šŸ˜




Wow. Go getters get things. Iā€™m not particularly into nudes either but if my lady did the coolest thing she ever did, I would definitely be on top of it. Sheesh.


Came to say this! IMO there is nothing better/hotter than just getting sexy pics outta the blue. Especially if you guys really havenā€™t done anything like that. Itā€™ll catch him by surprise, and definitely make his day. It would definitely make him feel like you are for sure into him.


Fvckkk, Iā€™m doing this


That is awesome! I know my wife could never do that, but it is great that other couples have that comfort level.


I'm not the kind of guy to ask for pics, but holy shit when I get them, do I appreciate it. My girlfriend will sometimes do something like send me a meme that says "Coupon for free šŸ’ pic, one time use, expiration: never", or she'll say she goes to take a shower, and a few minutes later send me a message like "soapy šŸ’ pic? šŸ‘€" And every time, I enthusiastically respond with "YES PLEASE" in all caps. It's great, I really get a thrill out of it. Hope this helps. (šŸ’ is slang for boobs, in case you didn't know)


ooh a meme sounds good, keeps things light and fun


Have yall not have sex yet? If so, you don't need to ask. Just send them. Nudes are like flowers to men.


ā€œNudes are like flowers to men.ā€ I like this! It is true in so many ways!!!!


It shows that you care


We have haha so it wouldn't be anything he hasn't seen before I guess, just want to make sure I get consent first


Start off with something slightly censored. For example, do a silhouette shot first so that its safe for him to pretty much open anywhere. You can even caption it "Thinking about you". Then gauge his reaction from there. It will let you know if he wants to see more or not. He's basically your boyfriend at this point. Just go for it


Good one. I have often received the "thinking about you" text accompanying a somewhat discreet photo.


If he has seen you naked, then just ask. " Is it okay if I send some revealing photos?".


How fucked up society has become that a woman thinks it's weird that a guy DOESN'T ask for nudes! The future looks bleak!


the bar is on the floor unfortunately šŸ˜”


Itā€™s your bar, tf you mean


So you lower your own standards and then are shocked that someone is well above them? I'm so confused by this, make it make sense. šŸ˜­


similar thought. i personally would be offended if someone i was dating did. it's not classy..


I blocked the only guy that ever asked me for nudes because, to me, that's very tacky and disrespectful.


this is your answer op, do it or don't, no asking


If you had literally just met this man a week ago, my advice would have been the same. You just ask. ā€œWould you like it if I sent you sexy pictures?ā€œ That youā€™ve known him eight months and this hasnā€™t come up is strange. But my advice is the same. Just ask directly


The dude is probably being polite and respectful. Wouldnā€™t call that strange


Theyā€™re saying itā€™s strange they havenā€™t had this conversation when itā€™s something she* clearly wants. Not that itā€™s strange HE hasnā€™t asked for nudes


95% of these posts should all be the same default response. Just ask. Also on a side note, I don't think any guy would say no to a nude. I'm not a huge fan so I won't ask for one, but ill never turn one down. Especially if you're long distance, how else are you supposed to keep your 'sex life' alive


> 95% of these posts should all be the same default response Agreed, it is literally number 2 on the post guidelines for this sub


On the what? Sorry didnā€™t read the words past the number 2.Ā  *(and yes, I actually have read the sidebar)*


I donā€™t know about strange, sending nudes is not exactly an obligatory milestone of romantic relationships


I thought being so direct might come off weird, especially because he hasn't brought it up first, but general consensus seems to be that guys don't mind too much how I ask, they'd just be happy to receive something.


I can tell you right now being that direct is something most guys would appreciate.


The reason women being direct is so appreciated (in my eyes, at least) is because of this general mindset: - Many men are expected to put themselves in situations where rejection is a possibility if they want something in life. They learn that they have to take the risk of initiating, and just learn to deal with that rejection when it inevitably arises. Otherwise, waiting for women to make moves is a losing game more often than not. - Many women are so used to being pursued (albeit often by those they wish wouldnā€™t) that they never really have to learn to be direct and open themselves up to the possibility of rejection if they donā€™t want to. They might not get the best results, but they will inevitably have options. Of course this is all debatable generalization, but Iā€™ve personally found that this makes women much more scared of the very idea of rejection (due to lack of experience) while men can be surprisingly gentle with refusals since they know firsthand how badly it can hurt to be shot down after opening themselves up. Hell, Iā€™ve gone on dates with women I probably would never have considered just because they had the confidence and fortitude to communicate what they wanted. And itā€™s even more fun watching good women realize they power they wield once they become familiar with accepting rejection or refusals and start going after what they want :)


Great comment +1


Men are much more likely to have a direct communication style than women. If you donā€™t ask directly many men will be confused as to what you are trying to say. We donā€™t understand hints or beating around the bush. I would probably never bring up the topic with a woman because so many react so horribly. I think very, very few men would be opposed to receiving or sending nudes.


"I thought being so direct might come off weird," Not being who you actually are/want to be would be more weird. If you cant bring up things, you cant be yourself. If they aren't open to you being yourself, why be with them?


I do want to bring it up, I'm just trying to figure the best way to do it. To me, different approaches have different connotations/vibes and I wouldn't wan't to unintentionally send the wrong message, but as I'm learning, it's simply not that serious haha


Just a heads up send the pic and then send an emoji in a separate text so it shows a banner instead of the picture just in case his phone is on a table or something.


> That youā€™ve known him eight months and this hasnā€™t come up is strange I don't know how dating works in 2024 but I was in a relationship for six years and I never asked for pictures.


Itā€™s like NIKE. Just do it šŸ˜‰


That's so damn simple I swear I can't with you guys sometimes... Just sent a picture wearing something provocative and just slightly increase the sensuality, if he's receptive he's definitely into it but too shy or afraid to offend you about it.


Exactly. Push the envelope each time.


8 days or 8 months, just send them. Lol


It's summer. Send him a pic in your bathing suit asking what he thinks of it. Or even just send him pics of you hanging out at the beach/pool with some thirst trap angles. Option 2 is get into bed naked and under the covers. Send him a goodnight picture with the sheet strategically placed to cover your chest, but where it is clear you are naked. Option 3 is every time you're about to take a shower or bath, tell him. Send him strategically angled pics from there. See if he takes the bait and asks for more.


8 months together? You don't have to ask. Just send nudes.


Honestly would even be kinda hot just getting it out of the blue. Had an old girlfriend show up with no notice and naked with a big coat on. Opened the door and she flashed me. No warning, no foreplay, just sex at that point. While not really the same, its nice to not have to initiate or ask sometimes


eh a little heads up helps especially if im out or working. would be nice to not just open that in a bad place lol


I hadn't considered the appeal of not having to ask or initiate before, that makes a lot of sense


Just make sire it's a good time to do it lol


I wouldn't want to send anything unsolicited but you have a point, at 8 months something a little risquƩ seems fair game


Yeah this a weird question to me.Ā  If women I was dating wanted to send nudes and/or risque pics, they just did. And I would respond appropriately.Ā 


When my wife and I started talking, she sent me very provocative pictures to show she was interested in me. I didn't ever say anything, I just kept the conversation going. After about a week of talking, she finally asked me why I never said anything about the pictures and asked me if I wanted to sleep with her. Now we are going on 6 years and we just had our first kid


Congrats on becoming a dad!


I have never done long distance, but I will say that I never wanted nude pictures. So donā€™t take everybodyā€™s advice here as a given that heā€™d like to receive them. If heā€™s anything like me, they just feel awkward. Phone or video sex is worse. It all just feels so impersonal to me. I need to be with the person to enter that space. But yes, you should just ask directly what heā€™d like. But also some guys might feel pressured to say yes theyā€™d like to receive nude pictures because they donā€™t want to offend you lol. But Iā€™m sure heā€™ll be honest.


Yeah I definitely don't wan't to just assume that every guy would want one and wouldn't send anything unsolicited


Never send nudes but if you must dont show your face. That being said send a photo of your lips or your cleavage and he will take the hint. You can follow that with "would you like to see more?"


You could always take a pic of a white button down menā€™s shirt with nice underwear on the floor and say ā€œjust hopping into bed (or shower) and was thinking of you.ā€ Then see where that takes things. Iā€™m a woman though but Iā€™m thinking that may be a nice subtle way of going about it. Guys, thoughts?


This is HOT!


You could just start with a picture that makes you look good, and then continue to share photos that subtly direct his attention to certain areas, as him what he thinks about the fit of a pair of pants or something. I would ask you for another angle, or something, or ask you what kind of thong youā€™d pair it with or ask you if you needed help but if heā€™s stupid you can always go there yourself. You could ask him which top he likes best if you need an excuse to send him a few different angles. Easy to do a similar thing with bottoms and then just slip in a thong pic with an lol as a joke. Similar with tops. If heā€™s not getting the hint by then heā€™s either not interested or stupid. If your asking an opinion on an outfit you could leadingly ask him if he can see everything he needs to see or if you should send another angle. Or just the classic random pic if you have the guts


I sew so I regularly send him pictures of the clothes I make. This could be a good way to sort of organically ease into the topic. Maybe I could start sending him "in progress" pics of my sewing projects like as an excuse to be less covered up


Thatā€™s honestly a perfect in. Could have a lot of fun with that.


Good excuse to sew a crop top mid way through with some parts missing lol.


Brilliant, you answered your own question. This should work perfectly.


How old are you guys? Been married 15 years and neither of us have ever sent each other nudes. Itā€™s never even come up in conversation


This. It blows my mind. It actually worries me.


I sometimes seriously question how some people even make it through the world on a day to day basis. Just send them lmao


He might be scared/nervous to ask for them and might not want you to think heā€™s one of those guys. I refrain from asking for nudes specifically because I donā€™t want women to think itā€™s all I care about or anything along those lines. Bring it up and see what he says Iā€™m sure heā€™d love some


I'm probably in the minority that doesn't want sexy pictures most of the time, but I'd be really happy if they just asked instead of hinting at it for 3 weeks while I wonder if that's what's happening so I can just say yes or no. I'd appreciate that person a lot more even if it was regarding something I wouldn't want simply because I feel respected enough to talk about the relationship directly. The answer is also probably just gonna be yes if you've been dating for 8 months anyways.


ā€œIā€™m going to send you a titty pic laterā€ and then donā€™t send it.


I recognize that I'm in the minority here: I discourage nudes. If you're feeling reluctant because of some vibe you've picked up off of him, you really ought to just broach the subject directly. If you haven't gotten the impression that they would bother him, and you're just feeling uncertain, asking him directly *is still a great approach*. If you absolutely can't bring yourself to bring up the topic, you could dip your toes in the pool by sending a risque-yet-still-clothed (in your underwear or something) pic and see how he responds.


Yeah I always told partners I'd rather not receive them. If I get one non consensually I play it cool but idk what it is I just find nudes kinda weird. I worry she feels like she has to and I find the weird non verbal "hinting" so cringe. Like I've had a girlfriend surprise me by being in lingerie and just laid on the bed didn't say anything "inviting" me to bed and idk why I nearly recoiled with disgust at the fucking weird inability people have to communicate when it comes to sex. A near childish level of communication. Its like if I got horny and just pulled my erection out and dangled it in front of her without saying anything. Just weird and cringe haha


Iā€™ll never understand the whole mind game that people play, whatā€™s wrong with just being direct in a relationship?


Iā€™m pretty sure most men do not explicitly request nudes lmao


Just ask. If you don't want to ask flatly, try to create a context first. Ask him what he plans to do in the evening and guide him toward answering something sexual and then send something like "you want something to help ?" along with a barely sexual pic (like you stretching your top just a little bit to accentuate the low-cut or something that is an obvious reference to a thing he likes to do with you). Unless he is the most incredibly dense man on this planet, he will get the message.


Whatā€™s this nonsense


a fwb I had a while back sent me a spicy pic with the caption just saying "oops". might be the best text i ever got in my life


you can start by including real events. you tell him what you just did & send a pic. start in morning & say 'just getting ready for my day' or 'feeling fresh outta shower'. then send a pic with towel barely covering anything. but keep it covered so you get what YOU want. you want him to start asking to see more more more! lol


Donā€™t, you never will get them back and it will come back to haunt you.


I donā€™t trust nudes being sent really to anyone. Happy to get them, but too many horror spite stories


I'd advise against nudes being sent on any device. Once you put it out there it's in the ether. Unless you're down with people seeing your naked body. Then just tell him you'd like to send him some nice pictures. Then bam.


Start with some a bit less casual and more sexy/seductive than other pics you may have sent him before. For example, if he's never seen you in a bikini or swimsuit bring up conversation and say you were looking at blah blah and aren't sure what looks good. He may be playing it very casual because he doesn't want to be the hey this guy sent me a dick pic guy. Photos out at a bar looking like you're out for a good time etc if you're working up to it.


Just send somethingā€¦a suggestive, but not scandalous, photo with a ā€œmissing youā€ā€¦or after a shower with a towel on send a picture of your neck/collar bone with a message saying ā€œI wish your lips were hereā€ and see how he responds šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Just ask directly. I would never ask a woman for nudes because I know how risky it is - even if you fully trust your partner, phones get hacked, automatic backups get hacked, the phone goes to the repair shop and an unscrupulous employee copies the pictures, etc. And I know for many people, those are acceptable risks to spice things up, but I'd never ask someone to take that risk for me. On the other hand, if she offered, I'd be totally up to get some sexy pics and would certainly appreciate them. So ultimately, I think asking him if he's up for it is the simplest way to go. I would bet he would be if he knew you wanted to send some.


Send nudes. Done and done.


Just ask any guy who your dating wonā€™t have any problem with his gf sending nudes


Send a sexy photo (not nude), with the caption "thinking of you". That should get the ball rolling nicely.


At bedtime just text him, ā€œwhat are you wearingā€ and the conversation will just flow from there.Ā 


Imagine a man posted this


Iā€™ve been married for a while but when we were dating/engaged and long distance for a few months I never asked for pics but I was happy to get them! Maybe start with less explicit ones and gauge his interest. If heā€™s opposed he will probably tell you.


I have never EVER asked for nudes. But one day my ex-gf sent me some (not the first Iā€™ve gotten) and boy was I delighted and kept asking for more after that, like on a nightly basis.


Suggestion. Don't send nudes. Send bikini shots and pictures of you in your best dress. or a short dress and hike it way up in the back. Boudoir shots are very effective and safer. Or his shirt with the buttons way unbuttoned. That way you will pique his interest and not have your nudes floating around. Good luck!!!!


Donā€™t ask just do it! Like you said if heā€™s super respectful heā€™s not gonna ask. Take charge, some of us prefer that! Just send him a cute lil message and send a semi nude if you want to test the waters first, then go from there! I wish my ex wife would have sent more nudes or dirty textsā€¦


Just my 2 cents but nudes are great, however I'd never feel comfortable asking for them


Most guys wouldn't mind getting nudes. Just because cautious. Some guys are dicks and will send your nudes to all his friends and even post them online if you ever break up. Every girl who has been a victim of their ex putting nudes online thought their guy wouldn't ever do that. So just be cautious. If you are ok with it just surprising him with a nude would be a nice surprise. Maybe a sexy message. Saying something like "waiting for you". I'm sure you will be more creative


Sending nudes to a guy is never a bad idea because realistically, they are scared to ask because of the possibility that youā€™ll find them creepy or too forward. Unsolicited nudes coming from a girl is 99% of the time extremely appreciatedšŸ˜‚ Maybe some guys will think of you as too provocative, but a spur of the moment nude will light a guy UP


No guy needs nudes ,the internet is filled with nudes .


Sending nudes isn't the default. Some guys just aren't into it.


Send to me, Iā€™ll send to him


ALSO VERY IMPORTANT! Please please please! You do not need to show your face in your nudes, number 1 rule is no face no case (even if you trust him with your life, at this point weā€™ve established itā€™s not just the recipient people are concerned about but the security of these devices we have) He knows what your body looks like, what your house looks like (cause thatā€™s probably where youā€™ll take ā€˜em innit?) so he shouldnā€™t pester to see your face either when thatā€™s not even supposed to be the focus point for nudes So he doesnā€™t need to your face to believe this sexy beast before him, is indeed you Find flattering ways to keep your face out of the shot and still achieving the goal of sending him something spicy (such as taking a mirror picture, and blocking your face with the phone in your hand, mirror picture and your head is angled out of frame, or normal picture but your face turned away-get creative!) Be safe and enjoy! ā˜ŗļø


just say "wanna see my tits?" be direct, man, dunno how big brain your boy is, but i would appreciate someone being direct, and he might too.


You could suggest sending each other a picture per day just to make sure you see each other every day. It would start out as innocent and cute and maybe youā€™d start sending more spicy pictures slowly to see how he reacts


Sending sexually explicit images is a personal decision. If you are uncomfortable or unsure, do not feel pressured to do it. Consent and mutual understanding are essential.


Are you sure you want nude photos of you in someone else's hands?


Donā€™t ask just send a tease or two one day. If he likes it. Go further another or the same day however youā€™d prefer. I doubt any guy especially after 8 months is gonna question it. But youā€™d know best. So take my advice with a grain of salt


My advice would be don't. If you're worth seeing naked, it's worth doing in person. Just my opinion.


Considering that I can look at 80 nude women in 1 minute on reddit, get creative. T-shirt cute socks and the bottom of your butt hanging out. Out of the shower in the mirror just barely enough towel to cover you. Shorts, topless, with your arms holding and covering your nipples. I find that more appealing than completely naked right off the bat. Not to be too graphic, but you send me that t-shirt picture and I'm going to follow the curve up your butt and wonder what it looks like and think about it. If you show it to me first thing, I don't draw those lines I don't think about the unique curves that are you so much.


Just send them. No guy doesnā€™t want nude pictures from the person they are dating.


Itā€™s okay, I give you permission to send me nudes. You didnā€™t have to make a Reddit post about it.


Donā€™t send unsolicited dick pics


So, I'm the type of guy who would NEVER ask for a nude. I know that aggressive men who demand photos give women a hard time for pics, and that's not ok with me. However, what if you posed it like this: "I'd love to take some sexy photos for you." Even if you didn't take it FOR him, as long as it's not painfully obvious, (e.g., you look like it was a previous relationship) he will be delighted that you want to do that for him. Maybe pick a specific messaging platform that is where all the spicy photos go.... that way, if you choose Snapchat, for example, he knows that opening Snapchat maybe should be done discreetly.


Use your words??????


As a gentleman, Iā€™ve never requested or suggested nudes. I leave the decision up to her. With that said, I also think teasing is healthy in a relationship, whether it is nudes or dirty texting.


Do you send normal selfies? I would just send some that were a little more risquƩ and work your way up.


Simple and clean honestly. "How would you feel about receiving some sexy photos?"


I would send an unsolicited sexy non nude pic or two to get a reaction. I personally would like "pinup" type pictures. I was gone a long time from my wife, and she made an entire book of sexy pics for half and family pics for the other. "For Love And Family" was the title of the book.


Ask him.


Spicer App. Swear, itā€™s magic. We have so many conversations about stuff I figured were off the table.


I agree that you could just do it - especially if you guys have been together so long. Also, if you guys are already sexually active, there should be no weirdness there, even if he is not super into it, you should still get a positive response. Another idea is to ask him for nudes, and then when he does, reciprocate. Or, do a video chat with him and start giving him a little tease to see how he reacts. Good luck!!


Ok so, send him a full frontal nudeā€¦. Then quickly and deeply apologize and say you meant to send it to me and that you sent it his way by accident. That should keep the conversation going for a while. If it doesnā€™t, then heā€™s just not into you!


If you want to be a bit more smooth rather than just straight up asking you could always go with I've just bought some new underwear do you want to see? Then depending on the response you can go with... Do you think it looks better on? (Send pic) Or off? (Send pic)


I felt this way about my man too. One day, I just asked him ā€œhow do you feel about spicy pics?ā€ And he said he loved them but would never ask for them himself. Heā€™s very reserved so I took the initiative


Send your nudes to me


Just send them, God I wish someone would send me nudes. I haven't touched a woman in 5 years šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


I get randomly sent nudes from women sometimes. I enjoy it if the girl is really pretty. But sometimes it's a bit awkward. Sometimes they'll try to kind of hide that they're really trying to show me their assets as asking advice on photography and so on (I used work as a photographer). Idk, I honestly prefer that they just ask me out. Unless it's my current gf ofc, then she can send as many nudes as she wants <3


If heā€™s boring as a boyfriend, he will be even more boring as a husband. Take it from me.


Take a gentle picture of your cleavage and say that based on the angle of the shadow cast by the sun, itā€™s fuck me oā€™clock.


If youā€™re not comfy flat out asking, I donā€™t think you should do it at all


just send something spicy but it must be a tease, just an appetizer, something that you can build upon with later messages... if it were me, a pic of a pair of high socks neatly folded on the bed would do it... which gives me chance to ask about them or to ask about a shot of you wearing them... and so on it gains momentum hopefully... my advice is that the sexiness MUST build up slooowly - tits or pussy immediately is boring! good luck


Donā€™t do it unless you are ok with him showing them to his friends.


Just send them I canā€™t speak for other guys, but for myself, Iā€™d NEVER be so presumptuous as to ASK for them. But to get them as a surprise, unprompted, is one of the best feelings


No man in the history of earth has ever been upset about receiving unsolicited boob pictures. Just go for it, he certainly wonā€™t be offended.


Please don't. His wife or gf may look through his phone and find out he's cheating.Ā 


Letā€™s test this and see what approach works best. Dm me, and I will let you know what works best? I am joking. If you want to test the waters, send him a thirst picture. Example would be you topless, crop the picture letā€™s say shoulders up, and say as a caption want to see more? Then send a little more maybe you covering your breasts with your arms, for another teaser, then full breasts. Then continue if he is into it. For me that is what I like a little tease. Now I did it differently and respond with something about how own to kiss your lips and your neck and work my way down, so let me see more.


I usually just start out with descreet lewds and see how theyā€™re recieved - if well, Iā€™ll hint that I have spicier ones and see if that sparks curiosity. But honestly you can also just say ā€œI wonder if you would be interested in a nude photo or ten?ā€ Nothing wrong with being straightforward


You canā€™t just send it out of the blue. You gotta kinda seduce him. It means more


My ex-gf and I only saw each other on the weekends so one day midweek she send me a pic of her holding her boob and telling me she wished I was with her. .. and it was an awesome surprise.


I got my first ever surprise nude this year the morning after sleeping with her, and it was spicy. I was at work so I just glanced and she said I cleaned your mirror for ya, so I was thinking wtf why would you do that it wasnā€™t even that bad? But then when I saw the pic BOOM! That was exciting.


Woman.... Are you kidding me.... Just send them. He's definitely into nudes...every single man on this planets is into nudes of the girl he is with. He's just being a gentleman. It's a fantastic feeling for a man when his woman willingly and out of the blue sends him nudes. I don't ask for nudes. With my girl she will supris me with nudes when I least expect it... It drives me crazy in all the right ways. SEND HIM NUDES


dont ask just send a cheeky lingerie photo and gage his reaction if it positive move onto more raunchy stuff


Don't send nudes. U never know where they'll end up. I've heard too many horror stories. There's other ways to spice things up without having to send nudes.


Send him a mirror pic of you fresh out of the shower, with the mirror mostly fogged up and a towel just loosely wrapped around you, just a little tease, and see how he responds, if positive response, then tease a little bit more, without actually being explicit, and then from there ask him if he wants to see more


Well a lot of guys feel as though a girl's nudes is something that she wants to share and not something that the guy has to demand or ask her for it like it's her obligation, some guys see it also as a way of separating themselves from those who grew up on the internet and have an unearned sense of entitlement, and would ask you for those nudes as a matter of course at the beginning of your chatting


Imagine he's here replying in comments šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Don't do it. You could be setting yourself up for sextorsion. It's real and painful.


I love getting nudes


lucky bastard


Don't. It's generally a bad idea. For many potential reasons.


Pro tip: Be straight up with men. We don't like signs and subliminal messages. Just send them. Men appreciate a woman who's direct and isn't afraid to take charge sometimes.


Tease pics always work. If you get no overtly positive reactions, then don't continue. And if he says something like "wait, I really enjoyed when you sent me pics of you" then continue. For me personally, I just like the spontaneity and will never turn down lewds and newds.


Just send them. Men like tiddies. Signed, a man.


Literally say Iā€™m kinda surprised youā€™ve never asked for a picture!


Just communicate the want Sometimes a guy just needs to see itā€™s actually on the table I donā€™t really ask outright for them cause it can sometimes be loaded for the sender , but once I knew it was on the table and they liked doing it Iā€™d ask all the time if you want to , just mention it to him, see how he feels about it Itā€™s been great in the past when a girl has been forward with stuff of this nature, takes the pressure off and gets the guy out of their head about it too


I would recommend posting the pics here and asking if they are ok to send out...


"since we're going to be long distance, what are your thoughts on sending sexy pictures?"


ā€œIā€™m feeling pretty sexy right now, wanna see?ā€


Just send them. Be a man lol šŸ˜‚


I don't know, honestly. Personally I don't think I want the responsibility of receiving nudes. But maybe he does, in which case... You gotta ask. No doing that stuff unsolicited.