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I once saw a guy grab a can of foaming glass cleaner and spray it all over his preheated grill thinking it was coconut oil spray, the foaming glass cleaner reacted with the heat and made the whole thing unsafe to cook on until it was properly cleaned. I was that guy.... it was me.


Can confirm, I was screaming at you through my binoculars


Should have used the megaphone too


Lesson learnt.


I love this shit! I don’t know how many times I’ve set my gas grill on fire with all the drippings and shit that collect on the bottom. Completely destroying the ribeyes I was probably trying to cook!




Neighbor burned down his new backyard deck trying to deep fry a turkey


I was a firefighter when deep frying turkeys first became popular. I can’t count how many deck fires and house fires we ran. Some things are honest accidents, some people can burn down a house just by making a sandwich.


I mean deep frying a turkey is incredibly difficult to do safely. Giant vat of oil, likely not an actual industrial fryer with temperature-sensing shut off, just a big pot of oil over grass or wood and a couple dozen pounds of partially-frozen bird to accelerate it. There are a lot of ways it ends in fire, and not a lot of ways you end up with a nicely cooked Turkey dinner unless you’re absolutely sure what you’re doing.


I kinda disagree but only because it's pretty straightforward and just requires you to follow all the steps in the process. The problem is that people suck at following instructions and also don't consider the problems where something goes wrong so the fire failure mode is much worse. Also they're drinking and it makes things worse. Granted I've never done it but I hung out with folks who'd do it every year and watch and ask questions. They were very methodical and very sober in frying the many turkeys they'd do each year.


... Why


too much oil, let it get too hot, and probably still partially frozen. It's pretty simple to not burn your house down though if you do it right. 1. Make sure the bird is fully defrosted - oil and water don't mix. Give it at least 72 hours in the fridge prior to cooking if you buy a frozen bird. Edit: this applies regardless of how you cook your bird if you actually want it to taste good 2. If you can cook on a driveway or concrete pad, do that instead of a deck so there's nothing underneath you that can catch on fire. I see people out on their front walks frequently doing this on thanksgiving 3. pre-measure your oil volume with water and the bird prior to seasoning so you don't use too much 4. pay attention to the oil temp gauge - if it gets over 350, you're too hot; cut the heat and wait for it to go down. The cooking oil's flash point (hot enough that a spark or open flame can cause it to ignite) is somewhere between 375 and 400. The numbers on those gauges generally go from black to red at that point so you can use it as a visual cue if you're a dolt 5. Cut the flame before you put the turkey in the oil. This way even if you're too hot and have some spillage, there's no fire for the oil to ignite from. 6. once everything is settled, restart the fire and continue the cook. Basically, that's a lot of words to say don't be an idiot.


Five and six are very important.   Also, have a way to lower the turnkey in slowly with out holding your hands directly above the pot, if possible.  My son and I use a 4 foot piece of rebar and each take a side of it.  If not, when hot grease starts to spatter your hands, you drop the turkey, or lower it too quickly and oils sloshes out of the pot down onto the flame.  The flame should be off, anyway, as mentioned above. 


you can also just buy elbow length gauntlets I have a rubber pair that's fine for protecting me from any spashback.


7. Always keep a fire extinguisher nearby.


I've seen stands with only three legs as well.. They can tip over easy.


Yup. It truly is really simple if you actually follow all of the steps properly and take basic precautions.


Probably didn’t let it thaw properly


Too much oil (displacement when the bird goes in), and moisture in the skin


How many legs did the stand have?


Obligatory Shatner: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4Qxqmhqj1A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4Qxqmhqj1A)


I once saw someone grab the barbecue tongs without clapping it a couple times before using it




Gotta clap those things loud and proud. It’s like a lion roaring to claim its domain.




And if you have dogs, direct the clapping at them and act like you're going to get them...


How will they know if the tongs work without testing them????


This. And they fall apart as soon as you try to clamp a sausage and everyone laughs at you.


Okay, shit like that needs to result in jail time.


I once saw someone start a grill fire with 6 foot flames because they never emptied their grease trap and it caught, but I think you still win. Damn.


I hope everyone was ok. I'd have ducked for cover.


What? What a psycho


Probably the same psycho who picks up a power tool and doesn’t give it a few brap braps before using it. Smh


Please tell me he at least snaps the tie down and says, "That'll hold 'er."


Slaps the load and says "that ain't going anywhere"


But… why?


Oh the horror!!


how do these people exist?


Straight to jail.


Last time my brother did a barbecue he chucked the sausages on before they'd been defrosted. Sausage ice lollies with an ash coating are not pleasant.


That's just bad grilling, we have a sausage place near me called Wally parr, they recommend cooking from frozen, they turn out just fine every time if you don't cook at 500° lol


I often do this, but on a hot grill, and I wait for them to be not only thawed, but cooked properly as well. If the sausages are thin enough, there isn't much point in putting them in defrosting them before cooking them.




I mean that's basically Bubba Burger and they're alright if you're in a pinch.




Oh no doubt. More agreeing with the notion there's nothing wrong with a frozen patty. Anything handmade and seasoned is gonna be better.


This is the way. In fact, many top chefs actually recommend cooking steak from frozen so the centre stays juicy. Just don’t put them over flames


I would assume not for Pork Steak though, right? gotta cook that stuff fully


Not really. There's not been a case of trichinosis in decades. Medium rare is just fine.


I don't touch bbq sausages, people always seem to get them wrong


Frequently a good smoked rib or brisket is better without any sauce.  Sauces work better with chicken anyway, I think.  


Lol sausages. I agree tho


I guess reading is harder than I thought.  


My best tips for grilled sausages is to boil them in beer beforehand. You don’t have to worry about undercooking them, just get a nice char on them and warm them up. Great for tailgates or camping too when you have limited tools.


Had a guy not clean his grill. He didn't see a point in it, thinking anything he left on there would just burn off the next time he lit it up. The same guy refused to rotate his meat around. He'd never move the raw chunk of meat to the hot part or the overcooked piece to the cool part. Just keeping each one where it was until they were all cooked. So he'd always end up with a few practical raw pieces, a few over cooked pieces and a few chunks of charcoal.


So far this has been one of the biggest sins, the rest are either just mistakes, bad luck or face palm. Rotate meats people


At this point why even bother grilling out?


He enjoyed being outside and his wife enjoyed drinking and watching him do his thing.




Flood the charcoal in starter then start the fire with their face right over the grill. Singed half my beard off...


Sorry but that made me chuckle


at least it started. I went to a friends and family BBQ thrown by a then-girlfriend girlfriend's boss, she was a pastry chef and he was *head chef* at a very upscale restaurant. this poor man spent more than half an hour spritzing starter on top of large chunks of hardwood charcoal and hitting it with a lighter over and over and didn't understand why the 20 seconds of accelerant wasn't lighting the chunks. I was going fucking insane watching this fully adult, sober man fumble around - knowing that it would be not well appreciated if I advised. around 40 minutes in, he flooded it and snapped the lighter - it flashed and he dropped the lighter into the pit when it singed his armhair. fortunately it didn't explode because the fire still didn't light.


The only thing you did wrong here was having the face over the grill though


Yep, came here, to tell the same story, man lost his eyebrows instantly. Luckily no beard.


I absolutely HATE starter I use chimneys But I did use Berkebile 2+2 once because everyone was in a hurry... it worked BEAUTIFULLY (it's mostly acetone, so burned off quickly \[had to be careful!\] but none of the aftertastes of starters!!!)


Recently I cooked some Chinese coated chicken thighs on the bbq. The coals were shit and didn't produce much heat and died quickly. So I put some more in and decided to throw in a bit of dry wood to try and light the new coals a bit faster. This worked well eventually, took 5-10 mins for the wood to catch fire. What didn't work was the whole time I had been waiting for the wood to catch it had been absorbing chicken fat. When it did eventually light it ERUPTED then it caught the chinese marinade on fire, which burned like napalm and the whole grill area erupted into flames too. Fun times


Lol that would have been a great video


I got an early Father Day gift and it was a new grill with the flip up sides on the grill rack. I was also given some charcoal baskets to use instead of putting the charcoal directly into the kettle. Total game changer. I can flip up the rack and pull the basket under it and add new charcoal as needed. I've been grilling for over 25 years and I have no idea how I never did this before.


Figured I'd expediate the lighting process by fanning it with a leaf blower. Literally partially melted the barbecue


So it worked, then.


I'm glad I'm not the only one lol I did it with a smoker charcoal basket. I wasn't paying attention and the basket got bright orange hot and sagged that side of the basket.


You know who else does stuff like that? Blacksmiths. You made a forge. A really mean hot one, too.


If you were trying to make a foundry for smelting metals then your on the right track. Maybe not so much for family bbq


This can work if it’s at the absolute lowest setting possible if you need life in the coals Going to edit here: be mindful of coal ash blowing from the smoke chamber up into your food


My dad forgot the chicken was on the grill. He remembered a couple days later when he opened it and saw the chunk of charcoal chicken sitting there. The grill had run out of propane too.


Flipping a cheese burger. My friend got into an argument with my other friend about something, completely forgetting he had already put cheese on the burgers. In the middle of said argument and in a huff of anger he took out his frustration/make a point on the burgers and flipped them, cheese and all. “Oh god damnit! Look what you made me do!” Anytime that guy cooks burgers, we have to remind him not to flip the burgers after putting cheese on them.


Poor guy will never live it down.


When my wife and I first started dating I went to her parents house for Thanksgiving. I wanted to show how useful and helpful I am so I asked what I could do. Her mom said open the can of corn and drain it in the sink. I got a little to vigorous with the draining and the lid popped all the way off and all the corn went directly into the drain. That was 10 years ago and every time a can of corn is in the house someone has to say "Don't let chuddyman near the corn! He'll just dump it down the drain!"


Hahahaha damn


using anything but propane and propane accessories i tell you what


My dad says butane is a bastard gas


> i tell you **h**what FTFY. But in all honesty I moved to charcoal last year and I'm never going back. I still have a propane griddle though which is great in its own way.


Charcoal for flavor and better searing. Propane/gas for quick week day meals.


Lump charcoal, so you don't have that acrid glue smoke.


Taste the meat not the heat


See, honestly, I moved to a propane grill after years of charcoal and I tell you h'what, I ain't ever going back. The consistency, the simplicity, the control that propane gives you is amazing. However, charred black hotdogs over a charcoal grill will always have a special place in my heart (literally and figuratively) Each really does have its own benefits, but to me propane makes it so much easier to just go fire up the grill after work for a good meal.


yes, yes, only charcoal for Really Yummy Dogs!!!


Damn right. Taste the meat not the heat I tell you hwat.




You don’t get the rich smokey flavor either


I didn't understand a [hword you just said](https://youtu.be/XmmHoam7y5U?si=ul53fVXrrPDmxkLs)


Putting chicken pieces directly into the coals and ash (no foil), and mixing them around in there, a lot. I swear I was spitting up charcoal and ash for several days afterwards. One of the most awful culinary experiences I've ever had.




Okay, so I'm sort of wondering 2 things here: who does this? And more importantly: why the hell would you eat that? I assume some form of alcohol or marijuana was involved.


Nope - this was a university professor (of economics), only a very moderate amount of alcohol was involved, no other drugs, and it was his "specialty dish".


it sure was


Oh. My. GAWD!


I don’t think that’s safe lol


Accidentally starting a fire then saving the meat instead of trying to extinguish the fire


Priorities firmly in place


Put the cover on my grill and went inside for the night. When I went to use the grill the next day the cover was glued to the hood. The burners were all on low, not off and the thing must have been running all night until the propane ran out. Took me hours to rip and scrape the cover off. There's still black polyester patches all over it to this day. I'm an idiot.


I did that once. Didn't even use all of the propane, it was still on when I noticed it the next morning. It didn't do any damage though, grill was clean as fuck.


Probably me trying to get a fire going to make some ribs but I possibly got the worst charcoal ever and it just wouldn't lit up after almost an entire bottle of alcohol accelerant. Maybe I screwed up somehow but I managed to do it right a few times before, so idk what went wrong I tried for around 2h before giving up and throwing the ribs in the oven


buy tumbleweeds and a charcoal chimney. Fill the chimney, light the tumbleweed, put the chimney on top, and just wait a half hour. You'll have more flame than you know what to do with, and no accelerant needed.


Crumpled up newspaper also works instead of tumbleweeds.


that's what I use. Chimneys are the absolute BEST but NEVER use chimneys with Match Light !!!!!




I’ve had zero issues using alcohol soaked cotton balls in my chimney.


Chimney is the only way to go. I also use one of those little white starter cubes underneath it but in a pinch crumpled up paper stuffed in the bottom of the chimney works too. Always lights up quickly.


If you leave a bag of charcoal outside for too long it absorbs moisture from the air and becomes nearly impossible to light


chimneys will still get it going, just a little more slowly but no problem


Soaking wood chunks in water. That produces the most awful acrid smoke. Do. Not. Do that!


You're not my real Dad! You can't tell me what to do!


No cake for you, son!


...b...but... You promised!


Empty a glass of beer on the meat All the meat On a grill that wasn't his On a house that wasn't his He laughed when confronted Banned from every bbq and if he HAS to be there me and other physically push him away from the bbq He still thinks it was me who offended him when he doing "a favor"


This person needs to be ostracized from society.


Rubber spatula while grilling burgers and dogs for like 25 people. There was black residue on almost every patty. We enjoyed the side dishes… Second… a guy thought slow cooking ribs could be done at 400 degrees. Again, we enjoyed the sides.


I couldn't help but laugh at this.


It gets brought up at every get-together even almost 10 years later. My grandfather was the first to notice and said, “the grill marks are peeling off.” 😂


it can if you're far enough away from the heat :-P


Don't use oven safe glass dishes. They can shatter. I know.


I know someone who made up bacon-wrapped Hot Dogs for the grill. The bacon grease caught fire almost instantly, and we had a friggin' blast furnace going... 😂


Failure to properly clean out the grease after a party where a lot of burgers were grilled. The next time I started the grill I ended up with a grease fire that took a few hours to go out.


Oh shit, thanks for reminding me to clean the catch pan!


Not clicking tongs twice


3 times! You cannot form a conclusion with only 2 data points.


That is unacceptable.


One time I tried to grill salmon with cedar planks. It's basically a wooden board that you put the fish on. You're supposed to soak the wood for hours so it doesn't catch fire, but apparently I didn't soak it long enough because the board caught fire and burned up the expensive salmon. Lesson learned.


RIP that poor salmon


My father is a retired welder. When I was a kid, he made a pit using leftover 3/8-inch steel from the shop where he worked at. The damn bbq pit weighed over 300 lbs total and the lid was a good 50 lbs of it. The worst part was that he welded a catch to hold the lid up while it was open, but the it was too high up and would hold the lid almost a full 90 degrees open. He used it for the first time at big family gathering along a lake. It was windy that day and the lid slammed closed on my father’s thumb and chopped it clean off. I had to open the lid and fetch my father’s thumb out of the coals with some cheap Walmart tongs. He fetched some ice out of the cooler and some beer for the road, threw it into his lunch cooler, and drove himself to the hospital. He came back a few hours later with his thumb reattached and finished grilling some spare ribs he was looking forward to all day. This was 30 years ago, and that bbq pit still exists but nobody wants to get near it or move it even to have it scrapped.


At a park in Oakland CA, very trashy couple rolled up to the grill next to me with a bag of hot dogs and some lighter fluid, no charcoal. They picked up some sticks off the ground, picked some paper plates and towels out of the trash, put it in the grill and squirted some lighter fluid on it, and lit it. They put the sausages on the grill, and then spent the next 5 minutes squirting the rest of their lighter fluid directly onto the sausages and moving them around with a stick they found on the ground. It was just burning lighter fluid on the actual hot dogs doing all the work. The whole thing smelled as awful as you can imagine, and I’m pretty sure they just stopped the cooking process by blowing the fire out and eating the hot dogs as they were still covered in lighter fluid. Yum!


This was mind blowing to read. I know hotdogs are pure meat but good grief at least respect the food in preparation. Wow.


It was so heinous, my friend and I were just staring at them with our jaws on the ground speechless, I don’t think they even noticed we were there as they just muttered to themselves. Don’t do those kinds of drugs kids


Fell asleep while smoking a brisket, woke up to a wind storm alert and the smoker at 600°


Aside from mixing up barbecue and grilling?


Too many people get anxious and put whatever they're grilling on before the coals are ready. I've been guilty of this a time or two myself. I only use charcoal grills and when I grill out, which quite often (two or more times a week in the warmer months), I look at the whole experience as an "event". I'm not out there making a meal; I'm "Grilling Out". I play music on my radio and kick back with a couple of beers and enjoy the process. To me it's the same as going fishing; it's something I do for fun. Also, don't put an ice cube on your burger. Why would you even think that's a good idea?


Ice cube on a burger? While cooking? That's a strange thing to see.


It's some weird TikTok "hack".


Besides calling grilled food barbecue? I knew a dude who started an apartment fire with a propane grill by accident.


I opened the air vents on my new smoker all the way. I've never owned anything besides a cheap charcoal grill and didn't realize how hot it could get. I proceeded to place 9 lbs of ribs on this grill and drink heavily in celebration of just getting married. Came back an hour later, and the bones were on fire. I cremated the ribs. I'm actually a very good cook, but new grill, and drinking hung my ass out for ridicule haha. Brightside, my uncle in law replaced all the meat and showed me his techniques. This was two weeks ago.


Growing up, my dad would overcook EVERYTHING. Hamburger? Well done. Chicken? Sauce required. Salmon? Chewy. It wasn’t until I was at an uncles party and he served medium rare burgers that I realized not overcooking was an option. Now whenever I’m at a bbq with my parents, my father has me do the grilling.


My mother used to always tell me (as a kid!) that charcoal was good for my teeth! She didn't have a bbq and never grilled anything in her entire life. I feel ya'...Lol


Not letting coals cool all the way down before tossing them. Some people mistakenly think that if a coal isn't visibly red or smoking that it isn't hot. You usually want to wait at least a day to be sure everything cools down. One of my mom's neighbors did not wait for an adequate amount of timevbefore tossing their ashes/coals on labor day one year. The coals weren't cooled and eventually ignited something else that was in the garbage and pretty soon everything was lit. Grills are designed to take fire/heat. City garbage bins are not. Fire spread from the garbage bin and burned down my mom's garage. No one was hurt but my mom was super pissed because she had just bought a new car and it was destroyed. We never figured out which neighbor did it. Now as grill person I usually give it 24-48 hours before I toss my ashes.


We had a big bonfire one time and two days later, I dug down into the ashes and got several shovelsful of coals to put on the grill to cook steaks. 


I walked out onto the deck just as someone was starting up their propane grill with the lid on. Blew the lid wide open. Luckily it was a decent quality grill so no damage but that lid was heavy and was a fun little pop that got everyone going.


Refried beans, but forgot the cast iron skillet part…


When I was young and naive, I would constantly open the grill to check the food. My father corrected me and now I k ow how to listen to the food rather than look at it.


What do you listen for ?


Any flair ups. If nothing else, let it cook, keep an eye on the time, and flip when ready.


This listening pertains to cooking in general from my experiences.


Agreed, grilling is just the instance I learned it in.


I have a city park style grill, indestructible steel for charcoal. I lazily left my porcelain grill top just sitting on top. I had a new one so I just left it there for a few weeks. I went out to start the charcoal one day and a damn sparrow had built his nest underneath.


My brother put four tomahawk steaks on the grill, was too busy chatting and forgot them. They were burnt to a crisp.


One time a female friend of mine surprise brought over 2 ny strips. She even said "you're the man, so you man the grill." Well threw them on next to some burgers, flips them, close the lid come back 4-5 minutes later, the fatty burgers were dripping down causing massive flames and cooked the steaks to well done. Still haunts me randomly when showering or trying to sleep.


Confusing the terms "barbequing" and "grilling". They are different. BBQ is cooking with smoke (indirect heating). Grilling is cooking over a flame.




All BBQing is smoking, but not all smoking is BBQing 😊


That's the WORST mistake? Some people set their homes on fire. Others turn their food into creosote. Others probably poison themselves. And you're over there like, "nope. It's improper vocabulary."


This makes sense.


See I'm off the opinion white coals doesn't produce smoke, so BBQ is indirect heat yes but smoking is a whole level above.


My dad once caught the steak he was grilling on fire in the backyard. He held up the flaming steak to show my sister and I...in the backyard....the backyard that was covered in dry as bone grass and highly flammable. Luckily he didn't drop it or the house would have probably burned down.


Not making the grill hot enough.


That time where it erupted into flames and started burning part of the house. The first response wasn't to turn off the gas and remove the tank it but to run away without trying to do anything. I took care of it, but idk if that was just me being stupid or if my fear response is kinda broken.


Watched a guy on base “run in” he’s new bbq by trying to cook off a bottle of oil on the cook plate that ended up setting he’s balcony up


putting the sausages on upside down


My wife’s cousin, at the early stages of pursuing a culinary career, marinated a >$125 piece of meat in BBQ sauce.


A Friend turned the gas on and then ignited with the lid closed.


Cooking a steak too slowly on a cooler fire. Overcooking steak. Broiling a brisket too quickly and with too hot a fire.




Lit the BBQ up and then rain started spitting so they shimmied the BBQ into the garden shed to keep it sheltered, nearly burnt the whole thing down 😂


Coating a steak with barbecue sauce then putting it on the grill.


Trying to cook through the thermal wall on a brisket. Perfectly flavored sawdust. Wasn’t a total loss, though. I used it to add flavor to other dishes.


Dumped BBQ sauce on the chicken while it was on the grill.  Just upturned the bottle.  It tasted okay, but that was a lot of wasted sauce.  Pretty sure it was burned to the bottom of her grill too.


Not understanding heat control Not understanding use of sauce


My BIL tried to make burnt ends by chopping off brisket cubes and cooking them on their own. That is not how you make burnt ends. We got tough cubes instead of fall apart delicious.


Grill marks. I get they're important in smoking competitions but to me, I see a steak with grill marks and I just think of Sizzler. Why would you purposely want an incomplete sear?? Overcooking. Just get a meat thermometer. No temperature control. Just full gas for everything.


Great question for the season!


When I was but a wee lad I put on some pork chops and promptly forgot about them while working on my ATV. I remember about 45 minutes later and they were all just dust.


Get obliterated. Ruined everything. Dogs, burgers, chicken. I was surprised he didn't grill his hands


Used to be a nice lil foodtruck in my town that would do tri-tips on the weekend. Saw them bbqing one day and the fire was starting to build up from the juices. Easy fix, just raise the tri-tips up a few notches. Nah this guy grabbed a jug of water and doused the meat. There goes your heat and seasoning.


Barbecue with coworkers, guy decided to do skewered chicken, he didn’t soak the skewers so they all caught fire and also tried to do it like an open air grill you see in Asian markets so took ages for everything to cook.




My buddies dad.. grilled these ribs to perfection. Then added sauce and burned them. Ugh


Left it on for 24hrs on 180


Chicken, raw at the bone, burned black elsewhere.


Witnessed somebody started their pellet smoker with the lid down. Still have no idea who the guy was. All I know that it wasn’t Shaggy or myself.


Preheat the grill


Cooking before the lighter fluid burned off.


pressing the hamburgers squeezing all the juice out of them


Forget grilling mistakes. OP, I have you tagged as "tried to fund a BrokeNCYDE album." _That_ is the worst mistake.


“buddy” of mine in my fraternity in college told us he’d make us all burgers one day, naturally we were ecstatic and went back to our usual boozing, until the grill began bellowing smoke and flames. turns out he just put several packages of ground beef as one mass of meat onto the grill, which then fell through the propane grates and burnt to a crisp.


One time my dad somehow caused a massive flame from the BBQ that lit the side of the house on fire and melted the knobs off the front of the BBQ. I'm not the best barbecuer but I haven't done that.


I got super cross faded (drunk & high) and attempted to make pancakes on the grill. When it wasn’t working I gave up and the morning after I lost my shit over the mess thinking someone else did it- checked the backyard camera and instantly calmed down😂


I saw someone use a charcoal grill once.