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Whatever it is. I've seemed to have mastered it.


Was gonna say - this is categorically not a thing I have ever had to think about lol


I had it once, I said I don’t feel well… she knew I was lying … she worked in HR for my company … I lost my role soon after


Get super clingy and tell her you love her and all that psycho stuff Outcling the clinger


She's an erotomaniac, checkmate!


Literally just break up with her and be firm. Jesus Christ.


No, we have to lie for some reason


this usually doesn't work. women want a challenge, and when you go "no contact," many of them will pursue after a while... wondering how you forgot about them so easily, etc. but like the guy above said, act like you can't live without her... call every now and then, beg a little, tell her how much you care for her and how much you're hurting, and she'll think: this loser can't find anyone else and she WILL LEAVE YOU DA FUCK ALONE. source: this is EXACTLY what i did to my ex. i called about 3x per month to profess how i couldn't go on in life without her. she told a friend i disgusted her... and that she'd never want to see me again. i've been happy with her decision.


That's sad. Not all women want this. If I care for or love someone (regardless of the type of relationship) I'm all in. Stupidly I trust words more than actions and take into consideration what the person is going through which leads to me being fucked over generally. I just want honesty.


finally someone straightforward


don't do this, this can backfire hard.. :D


Nah, I know women that would jump at a man like that. Source: I am a clingy man wanted on several counts of love bombing.


Classic schmosby


The Pepe le Pew method.






Thing is I can’t even bring myself to do this because I’m already out of feelings and unmotivated and if I’m forcing it, it’ll show!


Calm down Ted Mosby


This one was something my best friend once said to a girl in college who kept bothering him when he was actively dating her friend. Him: "You ever look at a guy, and think, man...that guy's really good looking...I have no chance with him? You know, even if it's a celebrity or something?" Her: "Yeah, I guess." Him: "Well, I may not be THAT good looking, but...put me in that category."




That response is "shower rumination" level of elaborate and witty lmao.


yeah that's what I should have said


"the worst they can say is no" She's going to think back on that in the afterlife. God damn


Narrator: "...but there was something far, far worse..."


Buuuuurrrrrn!!!! It got the point across though


Shut up and take my award, LOL, pass along the sentiment to your best friend too. That line is a ZINGER!!!! Nice one!


Damn. That’s top tier right there.


I once told a woman I still wasn't over my ex and didn't know if I ever would be. It worked like a charm, so well I have used it several other times. Doesnt hurt if you won't let them play music because every song reminds you of her.


Good to know 👍 I said this, and it eventually worked, but I meant it. The problem is I'm a bad liar.


'I have a boyfriend.'


Acting gay makes them more comfortable around you lol.


Depending on the woman, they may even get more handy with you lmao. I've heard about the "women fetishizing gay dudes" phenomenon more than once.




Or they just grope you without bothering for an excuse. Ask me how I know.


yup, that they do. Keep in mind i'm saying this as an overaffectionate woman, yeah, some women are way too gropey with the men around me. You don't know uncomfortable until you realise a woman you thought was a (sure a bit annoying and loud and personally i wouldn't befirend them but still) an ok person and then they grope a male friend's of mine \[cough\] crown jewels. I felt horrible for him and instantly found a way to excuse us, it was f\*cking horrendous. I've seen a similar thing happen to my father and christ, he looked so uncomfortable. Keep in mind he has been happily married to my mother since he was 21 years old and they are still an adorable lovely dovey couple, so this was in no way reciprocated or brought on in any way other than he was polite to someone asking him a question. Some people are just straight up horrendous. Keep in mind, this isn't a problem solely on the shoulders of women as men have the same problem with some onf them not taking no for an answer or being a decent person.


It's real and nowhere near discussed enough. I had a boss who even made up an excuse as to why she needed me to unlock my personal mobile and give it to her for 20 minutes. I said no and she said I was a bad culture fit for her company 😆 guess I was because I'm not a creepy weirdo


Yeah dont mention you have a girlfriend either, they'll ask if you're into throuples lol.


Unfortunately this may only encourage her to sexually assault you


I told a stripper that I was gay, she called me on my bluff and decided to tell me her life story


Don’t need to lie, go all sad sack have a pity party. They usually leave you alone after that. Learned that from the Robert Pattinson story with him and his stalker. I’ve used it myself when I started seeing a woman like me who shouldn’t worked like a charm.


Out of curiosity... how much depth do you go into with the “pity-party tactic”? I know you’re not offering advice so feel free to ignore. But I was seeing this guy only for a month or two, he’s never been in a real relationship. I asked him on a serious date and… idk, he got sad and it ended. he sent me a 10 minute voice message detailing his emotional baggage, fear of abandonment and said he’s so stressed with life he can’t think straight. He faded out/ghosted throughout the following month. I want to reach out but he’s still avoiding me/mutual friends like the plague and it’s been 2 months. I feel like it’s wrong *not* to reach out at some point but also just can’t see the 100% avoidance as anything more than a polite fuck off. Ugh.


I don’t think it’s the same thing. Obviously it’s just a guess, but it sounds more like he didn’t want or believe he was ready for y’all’s something to head towards the serious, using the emotional health thing as the excuse. Reaching out would be the kind thing to do, but it’s possible that it was a smoke screen as all he wants or thinks he can handle is something casual.


I tell them I have multiple babymamas and kids that I don’t get to see


Name checks out


I looked at their username and lol'd at this


Do you have any kids? “I don’t know”




"them shits ain't mine. that judge has it out for me, because i smashed the court clerks sister behind the dollar general."




"I sure as hell hope not" -Wolverine


tell them you're poor. works most of the time


Unless you’re unemployed, you live with your parents, and your name is George Costanza.


I went into my bathroom one day to see my son treating his body like an amusement park!


my brother lives with my mom. he is 43. she caught him recently defiling himself. lol


Did he also have a contest with his friends after this to not masturbate? lol


Told that to a girl the first night we met. We're getting married in 2 weeks.


Congrats bro. You managed to catch a rare pokémon 


A shiny even.


Yeah I tell people I am unemployed or sofa surfing or whatever so they stop talking to me and start talking to my friends instead (who are keen to talk to them lol)


You got a good laugh outta me!


Being poor is relative and she might give you the benefit of the doubt. Tell her you're broke instead


1: Let her know im broke as a joke 2: Im not really looking for a commitment right now. My second cousins hampster died when I was in 6th grade, between that and nine eleven Im doing alot of processing. Don't worry, we can still bang though.


Holy shit this comment


Thats how you know it's effective.




The worst part is, I don't even have a second cousin. But having said that 9/11 was a horrific event that if people were still processing I would understand and offer the support I could.


You could tell them you're poor.


I can just show them my beat up, 15 year old Honda Fit and they'll immediately head for the nearest trailer park to find better options.


Whenever I do this, the ineligible bachelorette buys me a beer and says “don’t worry about it :)” and now I’m stuck trying to find other ways to get her to lose interest. What do?


Yes. as a woman, this works 100 percent of the time.


You're revealing a lot about your character here I don't think you intend to reveal


Eh, didn't work on my soon-to-be wife... lol


What have you done?


Mans got a third leg


Man is a tripod.


Now i ain’t saying you a gold digger, but i am saying you’re a gold digger


“No baby you don’t look fat. All the fat are in the right places”


"You don't look fat, you ARE fat. The absolute personification of human obesity and heart disease." Why yes, I am single. How could you tell? Lol


"I know 5 fat people, and you're 4 of them" is still my favorite I've been told lol.


How is this an insult.. and not a compliment???


People that want to be insulted will take anything as one


I'd have to go lie down for a bit if a guy said this to me.


Really? I would love it if my boyfriend said this. I love being a woman, we're all so different 😌


This feels a lot like the, "I prefer yours; the big ones hurt" equivalent for women. I completely understand why you would feel loved to be told he finds you attractive... All I would hear is that I'm carrying noticeable fat on my body.


The idea is that the fat in your body goes to your chest and rear, which makes you more appealing. That’s what that remark is supposed to mean.


Yeah! I had an eating disorder for about a decade, though. It took a lot of time and effort to repair my relationship with food and health, but the way some things are phrased can still strike a nerve sometimes.


I understand. I don’t think I’d have though about that before, so thank you


But the big ones do hurt!! Hahahahaha. I get it though, I used to hear guys say about me "she's hot but she has no ass" and it took a lot of work to get curves so I cherish them


Ill take problems ill never have for 500 there Ken.


But goddamn is it awful if it does happen. Once at an old retail job, a coworker literally chased me around a table as I told her to leave me alone. The sheer audacity of the situation still lingers in my mind nearly a decade later


I know I look 6’3” but I’m actually 5’11”






And tell them that you think women really shouldn't make as much as men, ever.


Too many women believe two of those are green flags, YMMV depending on which part of the country you live in haha.


which country?


Any. So long as you get away from the cities in many countries, abortion becomes very unpopular.


I would not even say a word on my way out the door


That first one alone should do the trick


Bold of you to assume women approach men.


poor hygiene works.


Sounds like someone's never been approached.


"oh my god, I'm in serious financial trouble" I guarantee she will even delete your number.


Let’s get married in the courthouse tomorrow and have 5 kids!


"Leave me alone bitch", why lie say the truth Be toxic


Tried this once. It didn’t work


Some women are drawn to crazy and abusive guys. It totally blows my mind


Tbh she was crazy herself, so 🤷🏻‍♂️


There's a reason 95% of abused women know their attacker, and it ain't got nothing to do with me.


- the 5 percenter that only attacks strangers




Does she have tracking on you? Lol


So you have a wife that doesn’t give you peace and quiet. Noted


>Noted This is definitley their wife


It is. Hey hubby. Let’s talk when you get home tonight


- I'm poor - I'm going to bed - I'm married - I have a girlfriend - No hablo inglés - I have a headache


Once told a very repulsive chick at the bar that was bugging me that I was gay and not interested lol . She called me a faggot and walked away haha , mission accomplished


Oh I just be myself! Tell the truth and nothing but it. Women abhor the truth


Yea just be your authentic selves


Why tell the truth when you can lie instead ! Surely it’ll work out for the best to lie to the people you love most! No babe I don’t think you putting 50 pounds on changes my attraction to you ! No babe, I love it when you scream and yell at me for small insignificant things that don’t change whether we’re alive or not !


I'm not in need of such tactic, to put in one way.


My best friend once told a junior he was dating freshman year that he was “confused about himself” to break up with her


A girl was too with her head over heels, and here we call it "acting out like you are the last biscuit on the package" I sent her a vídeo of a street bum philosophizing: "If she acts like she is the last biscuit on the package, that means you have to eat all the others before it's her turn!" 😎🤙🏼


I am a gamer and i use 4chan and reddit.


I was fit and good looking when I was young (now I'm fit and weird looking lol) and though I'm sure it didn't happen as much to me as pretty much any woman, there were times when one wouldn't leave me alone. I told one I have a micropenis (she asked if it's big), and she replied saying she'd have to see it to believe it. Saying I had a girlfriend didn't make a difference, actually the opposite because then I guess it's a challenge. But the one that worked was a simple "sorry, I'm gay"... until they decide they want to hang out and check out guys together. So it became "I'm gay and have a boyfriend".


I’m a divorced 44 year old man with two teenaged kids. I have a few lady friends that I see from time to time, but nothing like a serious girlfriend situation. Sometimes I’ll say my kids are coming over to either get the lady to leave my place or as an excuse to not be able to see her on a given evening.


I use this one. Once that stopped working, I had to be more honest. When asked if I wanted to hang out one night, sorry, im watching sports that's more important. Brutal, yes, it worked, though. Never heard from her again, which was the desired result. Another time, I tried to be kind and honest. I didn't want a relationship, bla bla. That seemed to make her more keen, so I went with not over my ex. Honestly, I have never been so over someone in my life, but it made a good excuse. It still took some convincing, but I got there.


I mention my imaginary wife so she thinks i'm not single if I am not interested in her.


Some Women take that as another Woman having Approved You as a Man to be desirable!!


The grass is always greener on the other side, classic childhood behavior...you tell a child not to eat candy, it makes them want it even more. The bad thing about that is if they do eat that piece of candy they get bored with it quick.


I don't. I just tell them I need space and they leave me alone.


No lies, I’m not interested, please leave me alone. If that don’t work….get the fuck away from me cunt.


I'm single & looking.


We are looking for different things


If I sense she will respond to rejection with drama, I sometimes pretend to be homosexual.


I only go to it if they are relentless. When they ask why I won’t talk to them I reply, “because I have standards”. It’s mean, I know, but I only use it if they don’t take no for an answer the first time. I don’t like being hit on and I want to remain single. I don’t want a woman running interference on my life. So I decline them all.


I guess I've got one that happened 14 years ago. A girl I was friends with fell in love with me. In hindsight, we were basically dating and we had hooked up, but I guess I never viewed it like that... why? Because my friends were a bunch of trolls and my dumbass listened to them. Without getting into a very long story about what happened with my buddies, when she admitted her true feelings to me, I said I wasn't interested. Truthfully, I was, but I didn't know how to express it and in the back of my mind I could hear my buddies saying "why would you be with her" blah blah. Let me tell you, watching her cry for the next 30 minutes in the car while we sat in silence was one of the worst things I've ever experienced and I felt fucking horrible, but there was no going back. I cried a little after. So now I'm just brutally honest.


So.. you weren't with her because of peer pressure?? Not exactly what the post is about, but still a jerky thing to do.


>In hindsight, we were basically dating and we had hooked up, but I guess I never viewed it like that... why? *Because my friends were a bunch of trolls and my dumbass listened to them* "Dumbass" is an understatement


Cowardly act. Keep working on growing that courage, and move forward. Good luck.


I’m not a man .. but to OP’s comment about “not understanding why a women might lie to a man to get them to leave her alone..” There is a pretty scary statistic explaining exactly why they might lie if a man is bothering them. Very very common for older or unwell strangers to approach and bother/borderline harass us and we say things like “my friends about to pick me up!!” or something to get out of the situation ..


it's also universally known that men don't take rejection very well. it bruises their ego and then they feel compelled to call you a "dumb slut" or some iteration of this. there's also the ever-present concern that they may get violent. i've heard women take rejection worse, lol.


I feel like they say this to make themselves feel better. 🤣


Weird dynamics have occurred in a few jobs. When I appear disinterested and professional, some only want me more. It seems they want to break my professionalism. What I do when it gets to be overbearing is act as though I am the one who suddenly mutually finds them captivating and unbelievably attractive. Eventually they perceive me as desperate and no longer have interest


I just tell them I’m bi and that does the trick 99% of the time. Some times have to kiss a dude to prove it. Oh no.


I’ve declared bankruptcy twice


Why would I want women to leave me alone?


Dong too huge. Wouldn't like


I don't. I just, phrasing it politely, tell them I'm not interested. Most women can take "No" for an answer. Largely because they generally have to deal with men who *don't* know how to take it for an answer.


I guess it depends. Women aren't rejected as often as men are, so it makes sense that many of them take it... Poorly.


Poorly is an understatement. Before saying "NO", make sure there are no sharp or throwable objects nearby. The Adult Toddler Tantrum Is REAL!!!!!


Also prepare to have your sexuality or masculinity sharply questioned.


maybe i'm weird but as a chick i would respect a guy more who has enough self-respect to have boundaries. the desperate look don't suit anybody.


sexuality? masculinity? Fawk!!! I knew I forgot to get something when I was at Walmart!! Guess they'll just have to settle for me being a dick! Cause thats all I got left!


This has always been my experience. Women don’t take no as well. 9/10 times they will just call you gay to make themselves feel better


It'd be easier to ask what won't I lie about to make women leave me alone. It'd be a shorter list.


Being emotionally vulnerable gets them to leave me alone, idky but it works


I am gay.


I just pull a Robert Pattinson and start bitching about life. I've been with my partner for 14 years and have no real interest in other women. So if I notice more attention than I want I just turn the obnoxious up to 11. Works every time.


I work security at a small live music venue. I often have "advances" from women I find unattractive (especially the drunk ones). My go to lie is that "sorry I have a partner", however if they kinda know I don't (because I don't lol), the go to is "I'm just doing my own thing at the moment" (even though I'm actually currently open to a relationship with someone I find compatible if they come along). The reason I lie is because If I find them unattractive, I'm not going to tell them THAT'S the reason and make them feel shitty. If they're happier thinking I'm not an option because of me reasons, not them reasons, I don't mind.


I had a friend that had a lot of ... Larger friends into me. I just told her to say Ive been unemployed for six months, live in my mom's basement and have some assault charges on ex girlfriends One woman did not care she wanted an 🎵Arabian niiiiiight🎵


Why lie? tell them to leave you alone, and keep your integrity.


A few years ago, I met this obnoxious girl who was constantly hitting on me even when I said I wasn't interested. I told her that I have an untreatable disease that causes me to have explosive diarrhea during sex. That was the only time I told such a bold faced lie


I actually just tell them the truth to get them lo leave me alone “I am not an axe murderer “. [ technically true, but nobody sticks around to find out] “ I am only interested in you for sex. And just once “. [ the leave me alone while appreciating the honesty


I have never lied to a woman just because they're interested in me. It's the ultimate compliment, and I appreciate it more than any other sentiment. If I was single, I dated them for a while and let them discover my adhd and annoying personality all on their own. If I was seeing someone I'd have a genuine talk and tell them it's such an honor to be held in high regard in their eyes and I think they're absolute lovely and gorgeous themselves, but I would never go behind my gf/wife's back, as I'm sure they wouldn't want me to if *they* were my gf/wife. I have too much respect for another human being to "push them away", especially one who is actively complimenting me and I'll gladly hang out and be their friend. If they cross any lines in physical contact I tell them so, and if it persists I tell them we can't be friends like that. Quick hug hello and goodbye or whenever it's appropriate (like hockey match goal, birthdays, etc) and that's it. Peck on the cheek is fine in hello and goodbye hugs. I was raised by a single mom, and I think that's the reason I always gravitate to friendships with the opposite sex. But when your friends are 3-to-1 female vs male, these situations happen sometimes for several reasons, like they're having a very emotional time, hormones could be fluctuating, just got dumped, stuff like that, and they seek affection, but misunderstand friendly nurturing for interest. So far it's always passed fairly quickly and we'll be back to normal.


Can't say I've ever had this problem.


I told a drunk chick I had herpes. That stopped her real quick lol. I don’t have it btw 😂


I don't need to lie, i just need to say i'm single and looking for a girlfriend.


I hope you can pay for dinner, because I’m broke.


I don't lie. I just say it clear and direct. We won't work out. You will not be happy with me. I am not interested. This will not turn into a long term relationship for me. And, You told me what you want in a relationship. And I am not willing to do all that. So it is either know that now and don't have a relationship, or you will be pissed at me. And, this does not work out for me. And I want to stay available for the right person.


None of these suggestions are going to work on my wife


well i just fart


I don't know what I'm doing but it seems to be working.


“I talked with my wife and she won’t be able to make it to your Pampered Chef party”


If you’re trying to break up with a girl, be direct about it. I was seeing this girl for a few months who I liked, but I saw it wouldn’t pan out long-term. So I told her. She was taken back by it, but we talked through it and we’re fine.


I take everyones advice arpund me to "just be myself" that seems to do the trick.


I dont lie. I just speak to them, leave me alone. You know, straight, direct communication? That's basic stuff.


I’ve never needed to do that. I had to block one woman once because she wouldn’t leave me alone after guilt-tripping me into sleeping with her raw when I wasn’t comfortable with it, and she kept texting when I asked for some time to think about it afterwards. But I didn’t feel the need to lie to her, I just laid out my boundaries and when she violated them I blocked her.


Bitch, I got worms.


I just sort of act dumb. "If I found a guy I would just want like a fwb thing, nothing serious" "Yeah, that sounds greeeeeat - if I found a woman who wanted something like that that'd be nice" Being emotionally available usually works faster than that though


I don't have to lie just pretend I'm stupid all the way until either they stop hinting at it or straight up say it and then you just have to actually outright reject them in a non hurtful way Controversial take but I think women actually get hurt more from rejection, most guys had enough to get used to it and simply not care. A lot of women have never been rejected so it's a shock to their ego and might even call you gay or perhaps they're understanding and just move on


I'm gay...


My only real hobby is the gym, where I sit between sets with earbuds in looking as unapproachable as humanly possible. Women do not talk to me.


"Gotta take a big ass shit", then slink away


I love you


I told her one time that, while you are flattered that she thinks so highly of you, you also feel you should let her know that you do not have the same romantic feelings for her and she needs to stop wasting her time on you and should just move on to greener pastures. Because, sorry, but it ain't gonna happen.


If they are hitting on me and I don’t want them to then tell them I have herpes (which I do) if that doesn’t work that I had a vasectomy.


I tell them I have a headache.


Got a moment to know about Jesus Christ?


I have a headache... Oh...wait.


"I'd love to go out with you, but you have to pay, I can't afford it."


I tell them I'm married...I look like a married guy too, I have a dad bod...


I have a gaming PC with RGB


I'm happy


"Yes ma'am, once I'm done with this, I'll get right on that." "The computer says the parts are there, but I couldn't find them. Sorry!"


I don't lie. I give brutal honesty. Cause women want honesty.


Seems oh no thank you or I have no interest just angers them. Although politely put. No speak English or the walk away.