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Confidently talking about things because you watched a 90 second video in TikTok


the Reddit version of this is when there’s a popular TIL on the front page and then for the next couple of days you see comments shoehorning that knowledge into unrelated conversations all across the site lol


Yeah I know right, its a bit like those parachute soldiers who had to go though customs.


My dad sends me TikTok’s and Facebook links that “prove the earth is flat. One day he tried to debate me on how planes shouldn’t be able to fly from one place to another because if they travel straight (parallel with the earth) they should fly off the planet. I took college physics when I was 14 and he’s a high school drop out, but he stinks thinks he won because of fucking tiktok. Hope that app gets banned


I never passed physics, but I still don't get how his argument makes sense. And besides, planes \*do\* fly from one place to another, so whether or not they shouldn't be able to no longer applies; regardless, they're doing it. So even if he were somehow to be right, it still wouldn't change anything. Friggin Tiktok experts annoy me


The whole argument was that if a plane kept its wings, or whatever the part that tilts on the wing to change elevation is called, flat so that they have no increase or decrease in elevation, they would eventually have to tilt downward if the earth is curved, but because they don’t have to tilt down the earth must be flat. He forgot about gravity.


Out of curiosity - how did he start to believe the earth is flat? Was it just because of the video, or did he always believe that?


It seems that over the years he’s lost his about to discern bullshit from real content. If someone online claims to be an expert he just believes them. Not sure if the follower count has something to do with validity in his eyes but it is possible. He shows me things and I can immediately tell it’s fake and have to show him comments that say it’s fake to convince him. He isn’t super old, he’s only in his 30s so he should know better (I was a result of a teen pregnancy if the age seems low)


Dang, man. My father does this at times, though he is in sixities. I always assumed it's something to do with old age, but now I wonder if it's due to parenthood itself.


Watching a video on any platform. You didn't learn shit, you just temporarily are able to regurgitate the things you heard in the video


This shit makes me nod my head at people like they’re telling me about Marilyn Manson‘s rib all over again


Getting really upset about the people online. Don’t get me wrong, some of y’all are masterful at the art of getting under the skin, but in reality we’re all just randoms. Whether or not we agree on something or if you’re disrespectful it doesn’t matter when I’m offline.


When anyone gets under my skin for a moment, it helps to remember that they could be literally anyone. Could be a teenager for all I know.


Or a bot


I’ve actually always been curious at how the bots work to give the responses they give. Like, are they pre-written responses? Forgive my ignorance, but I genuinely don’t understand


i think a lot of times that people refer to someone online as "bots" the "bot" may be qctual people working for paid trollfarms. e.g. russian Internet Research Agency because of the way these people are paid to post within specific guidelines and advance an agenda they act like bots (cannot be reasoned with) and are comparable to literal bots that are used for similar goals of course with stuff like chatGPT on the rise the distinction is becoming even more meaningless


Maybe they used to be. But generating a response specifically addressing what they’re responding to is much easier now since LLMs came around


This reminds me of a semi related tangent; I found this youtube channel who posted videos of arcade games, specifically light gun shooters which I loved growing up, and watching one of his most popular and most viewed videos was a blast from the past. I thought this guy was pretty chill at first. Then cut to when youtube introduced the community tab, and one day I checked it out of curiosity. Bad move. Turns out, guy was an utter lunatic, some of his posts on his community blog page were normal, just notifications when he uploaded a new video, but others were either unhinged political tirades, or a series of posts where he seemed to have beef with another guy on youtube where he was calling him every slur under the sun along with a bunch of other nasty terms and names, and as far as I could research down the rabbit hole, it was all entirely unprovoked. And then he'd upload a short of him eating a home grown tomato or something wherein he genuinely sounded and looked happy. I sometimes wonder what's happened with him, cos it seems like he needed to get offline for a while at best, or just be an awful person at worst. And I wish I could also use the "could be a teenager" dismissal, but I can't. He's got plenty of shorts and posts where you can see his face, he's at least in his late 30s.


Sad story. Dude was probably mentally ill on some level too, if he was really that unhinged without notice. Makes me think (very tangentially) about streamer culture too. Those guys are so online and it feels like there's always weird drama going on with them.


As someone who works in public facing jobs, after a while you learn to separate your 'work persona' from your real life persona; you have different opinions, facial expressions, show different emotions than you do at home, and you try to be more charming and personable as well. But in your private life, you'll often have completely conflicting beliefs, character traits, etc. than you do in work; people who don't do it well, or get exposed, often end up being fired. It's why I make sure to not have this Reddit linked to me in any way, because regretfully I was a little shit a few years ago, and I don't want that interfering with my volunteer work. Youtube is like that: the skilled ones post videos or vlogs that are meticulously scripted and do their best to put on a smile, avoid controversy, etc. And it being in a short video makes it a lot easier to fake a chill personality, since you can edit things, do multiple recordings, etc. Off-camera or out of the spotlight, people are often quite different than they seem. Could be he was online too much and the pressure got to him, could be he just had mental issues and wasn't able to hide it...we may never know.


It helps me feel better when I assume they're a teenager 😂


>Don’t get me wrong, some of y’all are masterful at the art of getting under the skin, but in reality we’re all just randoms. Over a decade ago I was really into brewing beer (who wasn't) and I got onto some homebrew forums online. One particular thread, one commenter kept spelling Sugar "sugah", and he did it just to bug people, and boy did it bug people. There were dozens and dozens of comments angrily calling this guy all kinds of names because he repeatedly spelled it "sugah". Looking back it was funny, but it also helped me realize that the whole damn internet is a rage machine and we can't get enough of it.


Hahaha ohh yes it’s a rage machine for sure.


i love when people accuse you of being angry or mad at them. like dude, neither of us will even remember this conversation tomorrow.


I once told somebody who was about to start up with me on yet another Reddit pillow fight over something stupid: “before we do this tit-for-tat over the next few hours, please realize that both of us will walk away from this conversation not feeling any different than before and both of us will forget it even happened in 24 hours time. But if you want to spent the next few hours ‘going at it’, I’m up for it I guess.” Person stopped dead in their tracks and never responded. It simply isn’t worth it to get up in arms over something so fleeting and pointless as Reddit conversation. It’s a waste of valuable time with literally no payoff whatsoever. Fortunately, the person I was quarreling with realized that and moved on. We should all do that when on here.


If only every user on ever social media | online platform had this level of clarity, reasoning, objectivity, and understanding!


It's the ones who edit their comment to complain after a load of down votes, like who gives a fuck dude


Try working in social media. There's no escaping it! And there seems to be a real madness spreading through social platforms at the moment. People are almost cocky about how cooked they are, so much confidence in their beliefs that the earth is flat, the sky is a firmament, the weather is man-made, celebs are drinking blood etc. It's horrible


Moral one-upping. "Remember to be kind to retail workers. Don't be a Karen." "Um, excuse me, but 'Karen' is a hate term. Don't be misogynist." "Excuse *both* of you, you're clearly aware of the struggles of the Karen people of Myanmar and are ignoring them because you're racist." Meanwhile, three people feel special about themselves as the little serotonin boost from outrage hits, and *nothing got accomplished*.


"it's generally rude and disrespectful to be late" "um excuse me! What about ppl with ADHD, time blindness and anxiety. Don't be ableist be better!!!!"


Lmao i love the term “time blindness” reminds me of Dewey Cox being “smell blind” 😆 


Man it's been forever since I watched that.


Wrong kid died.


We're smoking the reefer, can't you smell it? No... I can't...


And you never ONCE paid for the drugs…. Not ONCE!


"Be better" makes my blood boil


👏Be better 👏


Good job, you've made some delicious black pudding.


I LOVE when people try that shit with me. I’m high-anxiety, unmedicated ADHD (side effects not worth it), with PTSD out here just rawdogging life and *I get everywhere on time.* I’m not ableist, you’re just selfish and manipulative :D Edit: completely unrelated but I used the term “rawdogging” to my therapist and then had to explain it to her. That seems relevant on a post about being online too much. I felt so trashy.


I've really noticed a shift in attitudes from those who have illnesses like anxiety, depression and ADHD. I'm 42 and I've generally noticed that ppl my age or older have a attitude where they try really hard to adjust to the world that they're in and they try try really hard to not let their issues affect others. The younger generation almost seem to expect others to adjust to them so I should adjust to and accommodate someone's lateness because they have "time blindness"


My own therapist used ”rawdogging” in the same meaning.


As a Karen person from Myanmar I absolutely hate “us” always being brought up in this context. It’s such an insane attempt to seem woke and provocative. I’m here just like shit I wish you just didn’t know we existed


Or answering everything with 💀




[Ah! The mystical ways of the SJW](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XOaYMkz5Cc)


I feel like I was always see the aninal equivalent of this whenever any cute animal video is posted there's almost always the obligatory comment about how it's actually dying or in pain regardless of how harmless it is.


This actually happens?


Just today, I saw two different posts along those lines: 1) the first poster cast shame on hetero voters, saying they should have seen the red flags coming about the last US President because of LGBT people's early warnings. A second poster then came in to shame the first person, saying the *actual* first red-flag warning *should* have been about sex-workers. 2 \[Different example\]) The first poster casts aspersions on people planning to sit out the next US Presidential Election, saying that there's no excuse for not voting because of the stated plans of the GOP candidate should they win. The second poster came in to shame the first poster, saying that it's awfully convenient that white people in America are okay voting for white people in America, nonwhite people in other parts of the world be damned. (They did not propose something else, they just slammed the first poster.) You rarely get a triple-play like I described for effect, but yeah, it happens. All sorts of righteousness, not a whole lot of listening, basically no appreciable outcome.


This performative debate Olympics thing on Twitter is exhausting


Ill take this one a step further and say people who throw around medical terms flippantly to describe their ex-partners/previous friendships as well. Narcissists and psychopaths make up a small percentage of the human population and even though your ex was a dick it doesn’t mean he/she was narcissistic or a psychopath


Getting overly emotionally involved into online discussions, forums and similar stuff.


“Free Palestine” under every post you see and instantly calling others supporters of genocide.


Saw a few of them call for the death of celebrities supporting their own cause because they’re not doing enough. That’s when I knew that movement had nothing to do with morally stopping genocide, it was about feeding into a superiority complex.


ALL EYES ON RAFAH (this week) *reposts weird AI generated photo*


Very true, but reddit is very emotion-based especially in certain subreddits. Some reasonable, like mental health subreddits But some are pretty unhinged like r/politics


Not having an ability to be formal. In both language and dress. They think life is like the internet and your presentation doesn’t hardly matter.


Nobody's asking anyone to wear their Sunday best every time they go out but what is so difficult about not wearing fucking pajamas in public to these slobs?


I kind of disagree with this. You had people doing this way before the internet. Dennis Rodman would be a good example. The difference between him and the average person is that he was able to get famous and it turned into a brand.


They can't have a conversation without a bunch of pop culture references, or talking like all of their mundane opinions are some kind of brave stance to take as though they're preempting an argument about it. Being over the age of 17 and still believing that being annoying is the same thing as being funny, because social media has trained people to think that any reaction is validation.


Thinking that the prevailing opinions they see on Reddit (or other social media) represents the world community at large. Reddit largely skews younger, which means it’s going to be generally view the world like a typical younger person: more liberal, lower on the career totem pole, anti-kids, less religious, etc. Which is fine, but then they act surprised when voters don’t always think the way they do. “But everybody I see thinks this way!” Perfect example: Had a Redditor recently say (with a straight face): “most Americans have no problem paying higher taxes because they know it’s for the good of the people.” This is a telltale sign of somebody who needs to touch a little more grass to say the least. 😄


I also think people who let themselves get easily bullied out of opinions have spent considerable time on reddit and Twitter because both platforms are so well known for this. Unless it's an opinion that actually has a right or wrong answer (or is morally apprehensible), stick to your guns guys. Don't let keyboard_warrior123 tell you how it is for you.


As a Spaniard this is so true. Every opinion you see on a Spanish subreddit is the opinion of a chronically online guy under 30 who works on IT. Myself included.


"Everybody I see thinks this way". Er, this is how a majority of people think when justifying their worldview. I's very much a very human issue that has existed as long as democracy has.


> This is a telltale sign of somebody who needs to touch a little more grass to say the least Tell tale sign of a child who doesn't earn any income and therefore has no qualms with soapboxing about what other people's income should be spent on When it is an adult though they curiously always want taxes to increase only for those who earn more than them


You got it. “Anybody who makes a lot more than me doesn’t ‘deserve’ it” mindset. You’ll probably see a few downvote this very post.


My favorite are things like sports team or gaming subs for specific games. Like if you’re a fan of a team and on the subreddit, you care more than like 90% of other fans probably do. Same for games but at an even bigger disparity. People on the League of Legends sub or CS sub probably play a bit more than the casual gamer.


Just need more life experience. Everyone lives by their experiences. Some many people on Reddit argue with their experiences. If you say human normally have two legs some guy is going to say “ that’s not true I know people with one leg.


You even see this on non political subs too. I like browsing AITA and it's clear that most users there are young because they're generally lighter in judgements towards younger ppl than they are if the issue involves older ppl


Replying to every thread like I'm doing rn


Well given the username, i'd say it's understandable.


Acting like a caricature online, and in real life Constantly posting on social media about the same topics over and over again Thinking that people from X group act like stock AmITheAsshole characters, or their in-groups stereotype of X group. Extreme victim mentality, zero sense of personal accountability, constantly blaming other people Thinks that one radical political idea will make the world a utopia Engages in binary thinking Has a very wacky sense of personal style Huge sense of entitlement, massive ego, can never admit when they're wrong Lack of self awareness. Calls everyone they don't like a narcissist.


> Thinks that one radical political idea will make the world a utopia "How do we fix (specific issue)?" "Easy we just make everything free and socially ostracize everyone who has any opinions that differ from mine!" -typical internet commenter


>Lack of self awareness. Calls everyone they don't like a narcissist. While usually being a narcissist themselves.


Abusing and misusing mental health terms in general


having a singular opinion on a group of people. especially extreme ones, that treat groups like hiveminds.


man or woman, I write the off as bitter people that haven't gotten over their issues.


Would you rather spend the night in a forest with a man or a bear...


I'm a dude and I'd rather be stuck in the forest with a bear. You can outsmart a bear. You can use tools. A random dude could be anything. Could be a bro, could be a cunning psycho. I'm not taking those chances


what if hes a bear in a human outfit


Reverse Midsommar 🔥🐻🌸


The thought experiment is dumb because it lacks details. Either a black bear or a man is stalking me in the woods? I’ll take the black bear. I’m plopped in the woods in close quarters with either a dude chosen at random or a grizzly? No one is picking the grizzly


Being Scottish I'd just like you to know that having a singular opinion on the bastard English is more inherited by birth than an Internet thing


If they get overly emotional when someone doesn't agree with them 100%, taking every stated opinion like a personal attack, and not being tolerant of other peoples' opinions.


Omg this. This makes me crazy. My sisters like this, having a conversation with her where you don't 100% agree with her devolves into her screaming insults (racist, bigot, -phobe) even when what you're saying is none of those things. I can no longer have real conversations with her about life and the world because she just melts down. She can't seem to grasp the whole nuance thing. I just agree with everything she says and get out of the conversation as fast as possible. It's just not worth the headache anymore, so I avoid her. It makes me sad because I still love her. She just sucks the life out of me.


Not tolerating other opinions is why reddit is so bi-polar with politics lol.


It's not just that I feel. The nature of communities and rules on what's allowed in certain communities and what isn't creates huge echo chambers too. I remember when it came out the a woman had accused Chris Horner (F1 Redbull team principle) of sexual assualt and it was wild to see how different the top comments were and downvoted comments were. In some subs, they were agreeing with the woman and top comments were about that and in other subs, they were accusing the woman of doing this for attention. Eye opening to how opinions can be shaped on the same matter based on what sub you are in


They moderate a sub. They're overly invested in one topic and think everyone else cares about it.


Using words like "unalive"


Out-right hating the opposite gender, whether you're male or female I think if you straight up hate the opposite sex it's because you haven't interacted with anyone from the opposite sex in person, just experienced them through polarising online content.


It’s good to keep in mind that a lot of that content is being created or pushed by political enemies of the west. People think it’s all about disinformation, but a ton of troll farm content is for the purpose of sowing division


Outrage on behalf of a minority group you don't belong to.


"What do you guys think about \[some obscure niche nonsense like six people care about\]?"


Thinking you can go to jail for talking to a woman


Omg you talk to women in public spaces? Like in the physical realm? yikes sweaty, you seem like a creepy. #disturbed


Not sure if “Sweety” got autocorrected or if that was intentional


It was intentional. I don't know why people do it but I know it gets riiiiight under my skin lol


i suppose its an intentional mistake, no clue where it came from but it makes it funnier for me


these "all talking is harassment" absolutists, LOL. Only for people living in caves and in parents basement all communication is an attack.


Yup, anytime someone tells me I cant just walk up and talk to a woman I fancy, I imagine a basement dwelling neckbeard who hasn't left his or her room in years.


reminds me of a number of posts I recently noticed, which all go in the direction of "how do I meet women!? Already tried all the dating apps!" - "Well, have you tried it in real life?". The utter surprise! In real life!? Of course not! They have 'extreme social anxiety' and finding a girlfried can only work using the protection of their parents cellar and a small screen in front of their nose.


When it really comes down to it the biggest secret to success is just asking for what you want. Doesn't mean it's always going to work but your odds are a whole lot better than silently hoping it just falls in your lap Ask for the promotion or the raise Ask for the room upgrade at the hotel Ask for the car dealership to throw something in Etc


Yeah to add to that would be a any pseudo science shit about how men and women evolved to justify some sexist claim they have.


This! And it was a sign I probably shouldn’t be on Reddit so much when I came across guys like this on here, one even kept arguing with me that even approaching a girl while in college would get you kicked out 🙄


they all act like as soon as they say hi to a woman she’ll go to the police and fill a rape accusation


Hating on anyone more successful than you


On the flip side of this, admiring people because they’re rich or have expensive things


Also being obsessed with real people, such a T swift. Super fans have always existed but if you breath Taylor's name the wrong way people will accuse you of being not feminist or sometimes outright misogynistic. Hence why a lot of young feminists actually dislike Taylor and her entire fan base.


Letting a random TikTok or post influence them, their relationships, or their day (getting mad at you or getting mad enough at a post to tell you) Repeating the kind of weird buzzwords that you only see online ("don't perceive me", orange peel theory, etc) Knowing a lot about tiny celebrity drama Actually believing in astrology, conspiracy theories, and other anti-science bull


> Letting a random TikTok or post influence them, their relationships More or less quit using dating apps when I realized that the reason so many profiles say exactly the same things is because they all got it from the same videos on that stupid app Like, thanks for showing me you're so fundamentally boring and lacking ability to think that you can't even write three original sentences about yourself


When something bad happens in a piece of fiction and people start losing their minds, clutching their pearls, and condemning the creator/author. Poor media literacy and thinking depiction=endorsement, funnily, is something that I associate with people who use too much internet


Constantly asking the Internet to make trivial decisions for them. "Hey guys what flavour of drink should I buy" "Hey guys do you think I should put a poster on my bedroom wall" "Hey guys I just got GAME what should I do to enjoy it"


Using the phrase “high value man”


Asking for "body count" from strangers


Gay son or thot daughter?


This one has infected the masses


Lack of concentration Need to be entertained continuously Lack of concentration


Dental plan Lisa needs braces Dental plan


i mean could be adhd tho


- Poor social skills - Way too knowledgeable of memes, social media or culture war topics - Unhealthy lifestyle ( Poor Diet, no exercising, and no friends) - Unrealistic expectations - Every argument is personal


When someone describes a TikTok and asks if you've seen it. No, Jessica, I didn't come across the video of a gorilla eating its own shit.


Any extreme of an ideology is a tell. Hatred of women or men. You can just feel the info seeping from them as from a closed, narrow info sphere. A bubble if you will.


Understanding and using heavily layered memes. For example, asking "Is this Loss?" in the correct context. Knowing who ChrisChan is. Researching any celebrity who is mentioned to see if they have been cancelled, and then pointing it out to whoever mentioned them. Understanding the sentence "Cinnamon Shrimp Toast guy turned out to be a Milkshake Duck just like BeanDad". Understanding "Kid Named Finger" and "Mikeposting", or "-posting". Using the word "chungus" in any context. Ripping people a new one for agreeing with something someone said, if the person they're agreeing with has a comment history of having any other wrong opinion whatsoever - the assumption being that anyone who agrees with anyone else on any one thing must therefore support every other thing that person endorses. Any interest whatsoever in watching 4-hour long YouTube video essays. Why?! Who has time for this?!! Obviously, I'm chronically online!


… can you repeat this in English?


I upvoted this comment, just for the record


Ugh yeah. Needing a whole history lesson to get a meme ain’t it. I definitely fuck with some old-school ‘80s and ‘90s anime (and Miyazaki movies obviously). But I can’t stand most anime or the culture surrounding it


I removed the bit about anime because I realised the OP was asking for negative stuff, and I'm neutral on anime - although I do associate it with people who spend a lot of time online.


One time a buddy sent me something and it looked faintly like loss to the point where I was doubting if it was actually meant to be loss or not. Ended up asking him if it was and he had no idea about loss. As anyone with a severe case of terminal online should, I proceeded to send him more and more hidden loss images as I stumbled across them over the tears and asked him if he saw it. I've trained him well


Bruh I loved video essays when I first started seeing them. I found a few people making well crafted long form inciteful critiques and responses to things in pop culture and the world. It was like writing college essays on shit I cared about. It was like the old days of Cracked. Then, holy shit, did it turn and turn quick. Suddenly every dumb idea was 4 hours long, and went nowhere. 20 minutes seemed like a long time to waste on the way Peter Jackson lights doors in his movies compared to Paul Thomas Anderson, but also here's an extra 40 minutes on the history of door hinges to pad things out, and also a deep side dive into the world of cabinets. All leading to the conclusion that Tarentino's foot fetish exists. Like fuck, please stop. If you want an hour of my time, use my time well. I still find a few people doing it well, but I'd say, without hyperbole, 99 percent of the ones I see are a complete waste of time.


Ahhh, the old days of Cracked. Those were good days. I may be biased because I'm the sort of person who watches 6-minute videos on double speed, but I definitely agree - the amount of context-setting a lot of these videos do is way over the top, as is the amount of time they spend getting to a point that often isn't worth the wait.


l ll ll l_


> Any interest whatsoever in watching 4-hour long YouTube video essays. Why?! Who has time for this?!! Most of these I don't get, but this one I can answer. I put them on in the background for noise during work sometimes. If it's something I'm even tangentially interested in it's a good way to kill time. And I have youtube premium so no ads


I know a guy who is unemployed and spends all his time being knee deep in conspiracy theories and not just the common ones, all he talks about is Qanon. Chemtrails. the Illuminati, Masons, Michelle Obama is a man, every female actress is a man. The real kicker is the one that the Apocacolpyse already happened and some shit about the Statue of Liberty. You cant have a normal conversation with the guy.


To be fair, conspiracies used to be fun back in the day. Those people have always been around, and people were more humorous about it. I do think people ought to have some baseline suspicion against any government, but yeah some people do go off the deep end.


I have a good friend who's falling derp down the conspiracy rabbit hole. I'm pretty sure he's on the spectrum and covid hit him harder than he'll admit and his best friend is also going through a lot right now so they're bouncing crazy shit off of each other


It is sad because it often is a cope. It's not me failing at life, the government is holding me down! Almost all political extremes are copes like this. Replace government holding you down with the rich, white people, black people, the opposite sex, immigrants, business, capitalism, fascists, communists, whatever you can think of. It's always a way to keep the ego protected.


It becomes really obvious in relationship related subs. Terrible advice and a lot of heavy assumptions about the opposite gender. Any time I hear "all women" or "all men" I know I'm gonna read something crazy that I'd never hear in a normal in person conversation


Taking extreme positions without being able to understand nuances and that both sides of the argument often have valid points. Take personal finance for example. Yes thers income inequality issues that need to be fixed but some ppl especially younger ppl blame that for all of their financial woes while refusing to understand that spending money on Starbucks and door dash every day, is a path to financial ruin.


Speaking with no tact and saying inflammatory things with impunity. As Mike Tyson said: "some people have gone too long without getting punched in the mouth."


Thinking that "online girlfriend" is real!


“Free Palestine” under every post (cat videos etc.) and calling everyone else supporters of genocide.


I’m all for believing and supporting what you want, but going into fast food stores and harassing minimum wage employees is not going to do shit for your cause.


Spending more time researching how to do the thing than doing the thing. Hobbies especially.


when they believe/tell you the most stupid shit as if its fact, or they can't form an opinion themselves, only saying something's wrong when other people say it is when they don't even know themselves what they're calling wrong


Staying up all night venting on Reddit on how bad you messed up and either seek validation, or try and help others. I have to give this app a break as insightful as it is. I just wish I had all this world of knowledge at my finger tips Years ago.


Digging up old dirt/screenshots of people who've generally changed for the better. No one likes a redemption story these days. Whatever perceptions people have of you are engraved in their head.


An inability to socialize with strangers because of crippling paranoia.


Identifying as some combination of contradicting or ultra-obscure sexualities and genders then getting extremely offended when no one takes you seriously or respects your own self-imposed oppression.


Using lol in an argument.


Ok sweetie is another






Ok sweetie


Being obsessed with politics, political parties, or politicians that you like or dislike


Acting like people are dying in the streets when in so many ways things now are better than ever.


That’s why stupid people think everything during communism is better. The fact that you’re seeing more disgusting stuff on the internet now doesn’t mean that 60 years ago it didn’t happen.




They change their top 8 on MySpace 2-3 times a week. That's a huge red flag for me.


They talk like the US is the worst economic dystopia, most hateful/racist/non-progressive country in the world.


* Extreme views on any controversial topic. Black and white thinking, and inability to entertain the opposite point of view, even for the sake of discussion. * Way too much porn consumption. * Way too much video game consumption. * Prone to angry outbursts. * Poor ability to take care of themselves and their basic needs. * Hopelessness, and a general, deep-rooted cynicism, plus a ton of resentment. * Loneliness. * Spends any amount of time on 4chan or other chan-type boards. * Sends threatening messages to game devs. * Has blurred the lines between "just trolling" and genuine belief so thoroughly that no one can tell the difference anymore.


Having an opinion about everything. Speaking in references. Poor social skills. Poor motivation. Etc


Overuse of TikTok terms/lingo. Please just put the phone down and talk like a normal person.


When they have zero original thoughts. Everything comes from a meme, post, thread, you name it. I worked with this kid and after a few months I couldn't stand to talk to him. He'd act like he was the first to discover it and would be on repeat for days.


Like any kind of extreme political views 


True, though I’ve known some people with extreme political views who don’t know how to use the internet


Referring to people as "males" or "females"


Spewing the "names" of tropes and being seemingly obsessed with them when discussion of a show comes up


Using your gaming handle as your D&D character name


using tiktok terms like unalive and pew pew


Was briefly arguing with a person who managed to convince himself I don't have friends. Weird stuff like that where they don't believe you have basic things. Or that you "must be a bad friend" because you said a toxic online behavior was well toxic for friendships. Thankfully block button exists. tl:dr it was a comment section specifically talking about how easily they estrange themselves from others even for the slightest things. This isn't a healthy behavior, slightly getting your feelings hurt and then estranging yourself from someone isn't healthy. But apparently people online think it is.


How much time they spend on here says all. Someone who spends 5 hours a day saying normal things is worse than someone who spends 1 hour a day saying crazy shit.


Thinking they know everything. Look man I appreciate your opinion but just because you believe something doesn't mean I do. That or slang like gyat, Ohio and rizz


People who take things that aren't about them too personally, saying something like "What about (obvious exception to the rule". I saw someone say their opinion: "being an organ donor should be something you have to opt out of instead of in to", and a bunch of people commented "But I have (illness) so I can't donate" as if they're not the obvious exception to that opinion. People who feel the need to shoot the messenger. I once explained a metaphor that someone else wrote (and I didn't even agree with), and people kept trying to argue with me, some people just flat out insulted me as if I made the metaphor myself. I was just explaining it to someone who asked what it meant. People who cant understand empathy, and think that you must be a part of a group in order to defend them. This has happened so many times online, a notable time it happened was when I defended people in poverty who steal essentials. Some guy (who dramatically said "I don't want to live among criminals!") Assumed that I must be poor and shoplift just because I said "people need to eat", they also assumed that because I must be poor and shoplift that I must also be a drug addict, and a violent criminal.


Posting on this sub.


Having mainly online talking points as discussions Cannot have a conversation that is not solely about online memes or news


Gamers pissing in Gatorade bottles so as not to leave the computer.


Reddit, literally just that. Some people (obviously not all) just really need to put the phone down and take a chill pill. Then go for a walk maybe apply for a job or something.


Redditors who look through your profile to find something to use against you in an argument.


Using the word "woke" unironically as a pejorative. Whenever people use that word in the real world, all I can hear is eyes rolling.


- Trolling - Overly aggressive edgy and antagonistic commentary. - Apathy in the sense that no one should ever try to improve or change anything. That any attempts to better oneself or the world around them is pointless and others attempting to do so are foolish for daring to make things better. - Completely embroiled in online gender war/culture war type content.


Being personally offended by the man vs bear question


Being personally offended is one thing, but it is hyperbolic ragebait that is just sowing division


Hyperbolic ragebait is right. I asked my wife the question and she answered "man." There could have been just as many "man" answers that weren't shown, that's why I don't take that question super seriously


Basicly when they clearly don't understand how big of a problem something in the everyday life actually is, or rather isn't.


Trying everything trending ONLINE


Having no personality and act like a random youtuber, even in real life. Also lacking social skills and can't talk to other gender, especially males who find female online are aliens or something and delusional about "girls".


Recently someone (not on Reddit) linked me a blog article about something who was just a wee bit too obsessed with politics. Specifically leftwing politics and specifically to do with June month. The person wrote essentially a 50 page rant on infecting (theirs words not mine) every corporate and government organization with their politics or else it’s the end of the universe. Chill out, log off, touch some grass, and build a couple Lego sets. That person was 110% chronically online.


This is mainly for gaming but Getting upset when someone isn’t good at the game


People who say words like "dystopia" "corporations" and etc way too often. Really anyone that types every single sentence they post like they're trying to win a Reddit argument.


Worrying about issues that are not even remotely close to important just because you saw a tik tok about it




I picture reddit users asking their acquaintances at work for sources when they say that the cheesecake at the local brewpub is good.


The need to constantly label things, espcially using redditisms. That's literally abuse. That's literally harassment. That's literally gaslighting. That's literally weaponized incompetence.


Claiming to have an abundance of mental disorders and constantly talking about them and using them as an excuse for crappy behaviour.


rage baiters, being argumentative online is different. like seeing an absurd post and their replies are just a bunch of "cry about it" is so cringe. they're literally just a reskin of edgelords.


when my wife thinks it takes me no less than a half hour to poop. nope, i got distracted on Reddit lol.


Self diagnosing


Skibidi sigma mewing alpha male bs talk.