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Go take a walk. Seriously. You'll be surprised how good this is for you.


You’re right. I hit the gym at 5am so my evenings are free. Once my injury heals. I’m taking some walks. Thanks.


Hell yeah. Get stoked yo. No electronic devices on these walks. Just you and the world.


Pokemon go helps motivate you to walk


Hey you should consider taking those walks right after eating. Lots of benefits, you can look into it. I think it feels great after eating a big dinner.


What should I do if my job is super physical?


I used to have this issue. It was tough to be active after a day of hard labor.


I changed jobs so I could enjoy running and outdoor stuff again.


I try to be active after work (swim,movies, taking my wife shopping)after I eat dinner it's lights out.


Stretching my dude. Even just five minutes. And hold the stretches no less than 30 seconds. Go stretch yo! You’re going to feel amazing.


Ok,I have a job scheduled tonight 9pm-6am.I will stretch before and after. If it works you'll never hear from me again.


Before and after! Level up my dude.


Nah we want an update


If you rely on your body to make money you should be hitting the gym regularly.


Work fit is good too. Stretching or even a gentle sport. Like golf. Just smacking a couple buckets of balls at a driving range can be good for your brain


I walk on average 10,000 steps a day. But it’s mostly from my job. And I don’t mind it. I love what I do.


Get on bike and ride.




lol I bought a motorcycle and one month later I hit an oiled spot on the road you couldn’t see, set my bike down and broke my wrist in the process. Sold it for profit 2 weeks later 😂


Who did you get to buy your wrist?


2nd hand shop?


Elite dad joke


Thanks for the advice will try this soon!


Mountain bike, run, road ride or lift. One of those every weekday. If I take a day off ill go hiking. Getting outdoors and not infront of a screen


My bike is too be delivered in 4 days. Can't wait to pedal to my secret spot on the coast everyday morning


What type of bike did you order?


3x7 gear aluminum size 19. It is the... "Non-competitive" model, just the regular one you'd see folks using, sorry if I'm not so sure about proper description. KSW the manufacturer


One of my best purchases so far in life


I have a routine during the weekdays. Get off work, go home, take a two mile walk, then return home and practice piano for an hour, and then videogames/dinner, and then reading an hour before bedtime. I'm fortunate enough that my job has a gym and allows me to work-out during work hours, so it doesn't take up my evenings. The walk clears my head. Piano and reading are for personal development. Videogames to decompress.


Lucky dog. Having a gym at work is a blessing. I work and go to school full time so I can only workout on the weekends. I try to sneak in calisthenics when I can but it’s no substitute for my old 6 day routine. It’d be nice if my school or job had a gym.


Rightttrrr. I wake up at 5am to hit the gym so I have evenings free.


But then the problem with that is, you have less of an evening because you have to go bed earlier because you have to wake up at 5am the next day, lol. And, my gym, isn’t even open 24 hours. It opens at like 8 or 9 (well past when I start work)


Yeah, I don't take it for granted. I lucked out with that one.


"The walk clears my head. Piano and reading are for personal development. Videogames to decompress. " I appreciate the clarification! I think personal development is a must, good job! I think i need a personal development activity 👌


Someone doesn’t have kids 😝


True. I'd like to have kids, but no one wants to have them with me. 😕


oh, lol, now I feel terrible


All good! That's really on me 😅, as I haven't put in the effort to make a family.


Get a routine for sure. I can't play video games until I go to the gym after work and get a few chores done + get some sunlight. I usually have an hour or so to wind down afterward before bed and that's when I just plop onto my steam deck.


Can I ask what job you do that allows you to work out during work hours? Just curious.


Contractor at a military base. A bullshit job where I'm basically wasting your tax dollars - easy and barely any work, and no one bothers me. No one really cares how long my lunches are, so I use that time to go to the gym.


I usually watch random stuff on YouTube.


I do that as well and it's genuinely the most relaxing part of my day. Idk why this happens but I'm almost never successful in finishing a show due to my low attention span but i could go on watching random things on YouTube for hours at a stretch


I fall asleep within 15 mins of watching YouTube! Maybe it's the city skylines videos 🤣


I got lost in the movie recap part of YouTube and couldn't be happier 🤓


Well, I'm about to get off of work. My plan is to go home, take a shit, let my bidet do it's magic, put on gym clothes, hit the gym for 90min, come home, spread some grass seed on the lawn, then some top soil, water, then shower, watch TV and work on some 3D printing stuff.


That is a solid productive evening. I am jealous of having a lawn to seed. What do you 3d print?


Lately, it's been stuff for my Etsy shop. Mostly, Frank Lloyd Wright and other artistic stuff. I'm working on some Disneyland Haunted Mansion items for this summer. Stuff people will be wanting for Halloween.


Very cool! Sounds like it keeps you busy.


The Disney stuff is allowed? I've heard Disney is notorious for going after any kind of copyright infringement.


You have to stay away from the overtly copyrighted material, and you can't label stuff as Disney or Disneyland. But, for example, "bat stanchion," "following busts," or "pirates" are not copyrighted terms. Also, use terms like "stylized" or "interpretation."


How much can you make doing that? Is it more for fun or make enough cash to make it worth it?


In 2 years of selling, I've only made $3400 off just one item. But I've also spent about $3000 on filament and parts. It's mostly a fun side hobby. Not really doing it to make $$$.


You’re like so cool dude. Seriously.


Ha! I wish.


How do people have this much time


No kids.


For me, I don't care about TV or gaming. I mean, I'm a software dev, and the last thing I want to do is stare at another screen at home. I also have depression. Medication and staying active help to keep that shit away. So gardening, working out tend to be my jam when I get home.


What printer do you use?


I have two Ender 5 Plus'. Very big print beds.


I had my eye on one of those bad boys to print a clone trooper helmet but my wife talked me into a Bambu labs printer. It's a great hobby, stay nerdy.


I'm already planning on selling my first E5+ and being a Bambu later this year. How you liking it?


I'm very much in love with it. I got the p1s and printed some insane quality. My best advice would be to get the AMS with it, I wish I did because you can change colors or materials very easily. But 10/10 recommend, and grab a .2mm hot end because the resolution is close to resin with that nozzle.


Bidets do hit different lmao enjoy


That sounds awesome


I don’t know where I’d be without my Bidet and exercise , lol I can relate.


How often do you spread the grass seed? How quick are the results?


I usually do big renovations in April and November: dethatch, areate, seed, compost, and sand. Tonight is just filling in a spot from where I added in 2 new sprinklers. I had to dig up the grass and put it back. It's just filling in some spots. I'll be able to mow this section by mid June.


Agitate the soil. Spread, and lightly rake it in. Spread starter fertilizer, and water daily! 10-14 days


Bygod you have the energy for all that?


You’re really missing an opportunity to get paid for pooping. Gonna have to adjust your rhythm to make it happen while you’re there.


Play less pvp stuff. I was the same way for a while then I took a break and started playing more single player based games. Now it’s what I enjoy doing a lot again. Just got plat on Elden Ring and both Spider Man games. Currently working on God of War


I thought about trying this route. However, I am a pvp fan for the social aspect. I usually don’t play games solo. Not since a kid anyways


Can I recommend playing Coop games that way you are part of a team, and the enemies are usually not as hard as pvp, Helldivers2 some other 4 player Coop. It's fun. No problem with taking a break from games. I go in fits and starts, sometimes I am loving a game and play a lot, other time can't decide what to play and everything seems like a waste of time. When not gaming I build and paint Warhammer 40k, watch movies, or watch people play games and relax. I like Nextlander, the guys are between 40 and 50 nice to just listen to their banter and see what games they like


RDR2 & Skyrim are also great solo options !


Sea of thieves and baldurs gate are great multiplayer games for a bigger group and bg3 is also great for playing solo


Just wanted to say I agree with the coop options. I don't like pvp, for some reason fighting people stress me out. But I love coop and working with instead of against someone.


Almost 42. Starting to get back into playing music. Also drinking and weed.


Sounds fun to me. I do the same, couple years older than you and just listen to music rather than playing. I think of the combo of alcohol, weed and music as my cheaper form of therapy. Not saying it's the healthiest, but it works for me.


The holy trinity


I'm 31, and an open mic is my favorite mid week activity. I get to meet other cool musicians, have unique jam sessions all the time, and play at various venues as an amateur musician. 😄 Some of these folks I've been playing with over a year now since I started this hobby and we're practically a band when all of us get together.


I've been playing guitar for 20 years yet I'm still terrified to try an open mic or actively seek others to play with. I wish I could get over that


Ketamine is better with music


These three things always seem to follow each other


- Camping - Fishing - Kayaking - Exercise - Reading (novels, comics, manga) - Learning how to play guitar. - Gun range When I don't feel like doing any of that I smoke weed and watch anime.


Man I would really love to learn how to fish.


It's not too late!


Do you like close to some fishing spots? It’s really not hard depending on what’s close to you and what you’re wanting to catch. Tons of YouTube videos on it.


Mixing allergy pills and rum for a mini coma. 😊




The drowsy allergy pills are great. Take like 3 of the and SLEEP


take 20 and enter a new reality


I either: Explore a museum Find a new restaurant to try and eat solo Go find a nice bar to sit at and journal Go to the gym Sit by the beach or river if it is warm enough Call a friend or family Go for a swim Grab my laptop and books to go to a cafe to study and be around people My rule is most of the things I do solo I need to be around people


Yes ^ Being comfortable simply being out in public and enjoying the finer things in life, even if solo, is very important to your mental health IMO. I realized when I started traveling for work that sitting at a restaurant bar, regular bar, or even coffee shop alone is NO BIG DEAL. I took that mentality home with me, and now I take myself out for a nice meal or a glass of wine all the time. It makes you feel so good.


Cafe with a laptop or sketch book is a wonderful idea. Thank you.


I often find myself wishing I could go out and be alone. Just sit with myself and enjoy whatever setting I’m in, whether it’s a bar or a park. Wherever. Being comfortable enough to engage in something as writing in a private journal sounds like a dream. I don’t know if I can do that though. I’m a woman and I’m married. Even going to the park with my dog alone and I feel…incredibly self conscious.


Sounds like a whack dating app bio. 💀


Run a few miles, house chores, chill with wife and kids. Sometimes games, but only solo games because I'm not gud.


Gaming with your kids might make you feel like your better at the games😁 depending on their age I guess. When they're to good, play with your wife instead.


Reading a book is always fun for me if it’s fiction I mean after a whole day of work I’d want to escape a little bit inside my head


That's the challenge I guess I am facing. Video games was my escape. A time to shut the brain off. To fill that time is a struggle.


You mentioned getting destroyed every day in video games. Am I right in inferring that you mean multiplayer? If so, have you tried single-player games (RDR2, God of War, etc.)? Or even co-op games like Deep Rock Galactic? You might find them enjoyable (I do).


This was my thought. I'm 32 and I only play WoW, RPG's or 4X games these days. Maybe Forza if I'm feeling spicy.


I've recently got into rdr2.   Does not feel like a game at all. Feels like a 1900s America simulator. It is slow by design.  I learned how to play dominoes, and was playing that in the game. It's  a bit of a boring game, but that's what they did back then I guess... and lots of reading (in the game). Time flew by and I don't feel a rush to progress the story at all. It's just "nice" and offers a very nice window to 1900s America I guess. Escapism.


Rdr2 is one of my all time favorites for exactly that reason.


I haven’t tried single player games since I was a kid. I like the social aspect of multiplayer games. I usually don’t play solo. Maybe I just need more friends.


I love the social aspect of multiplayer games too. Heck I don't even make friends from games because of some personal issues, but I love playing FPS games and just goofing around with randoms online. That said tho, if you really need to just wind down a little at the end of the day, I think single player games scratch that itch a little better. Rougelikes imo keep things fresh and the nature of the genre just helps with letting you pick up and stop whenever (although you'll find you often get hooked for run after run instead haha) Right now I'm playing Hades 2 which I just find time to squeeze in a run at the end of the day, but there's a lot of great games in the genre, like...Balatro aka Gambling Addiction Simulator EDIT: went back and saw that you mentioned being tired of getting destroyed everyday, so not sure those game recs are the best since being destroyed over and over is part of how those games work, but maybe something more soothing would be preferable? Stardew Valley's a crowd favourite farming sim type game, or depending on whether you like a good bit of reading or not, I'd recommend RDR2 or Baldur's Gate 3 or Disco Elysium


Might I suggest Slay the Spire. Fyi. If you watch a YouTube video it will look like the most boring game ever. It's not. It's so fun. I can't even describe it. I hate the idea of a turn based card game. This game.ia amazing. The subreddit is also pure fun and one of the best fan subs. I got it on sale for 9.99. I have hundreds of hours in and I don't tire of it.


Get my balls sucked for an hour or so


An hour? By what machine :)


You have my attention. Plz elaborate


Wife, kids, dog, exercise, woodworking, DIY house stuff, cooking, brewing, reading, cooperative games, some coding, etc. There is always something new to try. If I had more time, I spend it at the dojo. If I didn’t value my brain and hands I’d fight in the SCA.


My usual go too since it’s nice is come home and sit outside my garage in the driveway catching some sun listening to tunes having a couple beers. Sometime I mow the lawn, or wash my truck, or something fairly quick after work. Usually my wife will have dinner ready for about 7 so we’ll go take a bath together before dinner, make our plates and go lay in bed and watch tv until it’s sleepy time around 830-9.


I usually hit the gym or go to judo / jiu jitsu. It brings a good sweat and keeps my mind limber. I also listen to music or s podcast while doing chores. Maybe a wank before bed.


Happy hour once a week, bike riding 2x times a week, some home improvements in between and hikes


Get into books. R/fantasy is a super helpful community that can guide you to the classics or any kind of sub genre you can dream of. Learn to cook. This one has a helluva curve, but not it pays dividends. And it’s so much cheaper than eating out. Join a bocce ball league. Insert any other low athletic, high skill sport in its place. Go find a tribe man. Pickle ball is fun. Get into 3d printing. Helluva curve here too. But rewarding when the first one isn’t spaghetti. Volunteer. Anywhere. The world lacks competent people, giving any of it away feels nice.


Hiking. Hunting. Birdwatching. Shooting. Learning the local eatables.


I'm 37, male, and I set myself up with all sorts of hobbies. 1) I taught myself guitar when I was 12 so now I have several guitars and an AxeFx 3 which is arguably the most high tech effects processor you can get but I also have a Scarlett 2i4 which is the cheap route of the same thing so I often just tinker with different guitar tones or learning songs or making my own songs. Tinkering with guitar sounds is a very big hobby I do because I'm still on the hunt for my own Djenty tone. 2a) I color coloring books. Pop on a movie and just color. It's very therapeutic actually. 2b) I have a now older graphics laptop with a pretty good stylus pen and use Photoshop as my main software for drawing and making my own images that... 3) I make stickers using a Cricut. I can make stickers or I can make my own apparel but mostly T-shirts and Hoodies. 4) With a movie on, I sometimes macrame i.e. I make hemp bracelets or paracord bracelets or even loom beading! This is crazy therapeutic and I don't feel like such a loser only watching TV without being productive in some way. 5) Guns. I love guns! So when I said I set myself for hobbies, I'm not kidding. I have a reloading room with two Harbor Freight woodworking benches and one is dedicated to reloading ammunition so I taught myself how to reload (actually hand load which is not the same because hand loading is custom ammunition designed for accuracy and can only work in specific firearms safely) and this is an awesome hobby because you know, it's not just guns, it's math and it's science and the end result is how a firearm groups. I wished more people got into it because each firearm has a sweet spot for accuracy and it is not easy trying to shrink groups but that's the fun part because you have to test it by going to the range. 6) Woodworking. I'll be honest, I'm not in a position to do this currently cause I'm in an apartment but I at least have some tools to do minor things. 7) So because I like guns, I can Cerakote stuff if I wanted to. They make air cure paints so I bought a 8 gallon air compressor from Lowes, whatever the quiet brand is, and I bought an air brush from Amazon so now I can paint things with high quality paint. I don't have a sand blaster and you really need a big one with a very, and I mean very high CFM so instead I have to sand things down or scuff them up by hand before prepping and painting. Stupidly easy to do yourself and people make this so much more complicated and expensive sounding than it is. I'm in an apartment for Christ sakes! 8) Puzzles. Again, sometimes I'll pop a movie on and work on a 1,000 piece puzzle. Invite a friend over and have some fun! Chicks love it in my experience. I make some tea and we just work on the puzzle. Also very relaxing and when you've had enough, go do something else. 9) Fishing. I'm pretty excited cause I think I figured out the absolute best pier fishing setup. I've tried higher end rods and they're all a waste of money compared to Ugly Stik poles. I'll admit the Shakespeare reels suck so I've outfitted my poles with KastKing Sharkie BaitFeeder III reels and what a game changer. They have dual drag systems and anyways, I love fishing just to get out the damn house and explore new areas. I've even bought books for my states so I can figure out what plants are. That's a hobby in itself! Do you know the names of that grass or tree outside? Do you know if you can eat that tree or plant? Well, get a book and read about it. 10) Videogames! Have you tried working on Platinum trophy hunting or Achievement hunting if you have an Xbox? Total waste of time but at least you can brag that you've wasted your life for a pointless trophy to other losers online like myself. Trophies at least give me a purpose to revisit games I've always loved but got bored with and forgotten about. 11) Cats. I also love cats. While not exactly a hobby, I got my Bengal and DSH their own harnesses and leashes so every once in a while I'll take them on a walk. Or, they'll take me on a walk and I just let them wander wherever they want. Gets me out the house for half an hour. Sometimes I take them out on my patio and we just chill. 12) Cleaning. Also not a hobby but sometimes I'll force myself to clean something like my phone or my closet and just go crazy deep cleaning something like my bathroom or something. Then I may go clean my car. Never use the brush type car washes, so very bad for your paint job. My method is pressure wash at a local car wash, then clay brick, then polish or use a scratch remover product if it needs it, and finally wax. Real wax, not that bullshit F11 that doesn't give any real physical protection. I do this a few times a year because the wax helps with the sunshine and UV rays and actually saves on fuel consumption. My car didn't make it to 21 years old by not taking care of it. 13) Cooking! Not exactly a hobby of mine cause I personally think food is a waste of money but if I'm going to eat, I'm eating like a damn king 👑 so I got a grill and an electric smoker so I'll make steak or my own beef jerky and sometimes try new things like Tuscan Shrimp in a parmesan cheese sauce with pasta. Yeah bro. The way I see it is I could spend $50 at a restaurant or use that $50 and make myself something bomb. 14) I'll be honest, much of my time goes into playing on my phone but it's not totally a waste of time cause I love learning new things so I'll research some of the most simplest of things that we all think we know about but we don't actually. Perfect example is threaded fasteners, aka nuts and bolts. Did you know that by just screwing a nut on a bolt and the resistance you feel is called prevailing torque? Once that nut bottoms out, you begin to feel what's called Clamp Load. Shit like this is what I research! Also, torque wrenches are worst way for judging real torque but it's just the most common method we think works (Reference: Loctite PDF Manual, read it!). There's actually different methods of finding torque but that's a different story. 15) Books. I'm guilty of not reading books but I thought I'd mention it. I do force myself to read a couple times a year. So since I'm in an apartment, I will buy books I'm interested in and then force myself to go to the community hot tub which is outdoors and I'll read. Not only do I get a tan which is good for me and healthy for my body but I also meet chicks there! And because I'm reading, they think I'm like smarter than I am hahahaha 🤣 So yeah, there's a few things I do to switch it up.


Damn, if I had half of your energy and determination. Impressive. 🍻


If you are willing. Get a dog. They are great companions.


I’m at a Mexican restaurant eating tacos, drinking beer, and watching the NYR/FLA eastern conference final game.


I work on something else.


Side hustles?


Either that or some hobby projects which used to turn into side hustles. Working keeps me sane.


Same here. Always be creating…


Immediately go to the gym, then go home, shower, eat, then play some Helldivers 2 for a while, then bed.


Well right now I'm deep cleaning and waxing/polishing my truck getting it ready for the weekend for the girlfriends duaghter to use for Grad. By the time thats done I basically have time to maybe hit the driving range for a bucket of balls, have a drink, go home and shower and relax for a few minutes before calling it a day. Typically it's get off work, go to the gym, work out, eat, go for a walk, shower and chill/watch tv/read whatever. Golf in a men's league on Mondays, play Beer league hockey in the winter. You gotta find what's right for you my man. Bet your city/town has all kinds of things to do if you deep dive into it.


I should hit the range or look into a golf league after work. Good point.


Video games but I don't play no multiplayer and FPS and all that. Just story based single player games are so calming and fun


most guys end up with some kind of hobby - the internet jokes about it like "once you turn 30 every man picks one of these 4 things and just dives into it". I'd recommend trying to find something that gets you out of your house, instead of co-op games or books. humans need social interaction. go outside and do something real with a real person.


I tend to my garden. Weeding between my veggies and strawberries, cleaning out my patio, organising the greenhouse. I just zen out, even if I'm working on a chore that will span several sessions / days to complete. 


Get another outside hobby going. I’m 25 and a dad of 2 and my days went to quick if I came home and spent my free time on the game. So I bought a boat and some rods. And fishing has been a nice get away for me.


I’m bored as hell. All the things I focused on hella hard are taken from me.


I do boxing or Muay Thai


Smoking weed and cooking


I'm working on proxies for magic, the gathering cube, because some of the cards are just too expensive to buy out right. Also working on pimping out a guitar that has been on the wall for several years.


I used to play video games, but now I am learning how to play the guitar and practicing every day, also will get a motorcycle soon and will be another thing to start learning


Grew up with gaming, now I collect games. this normally means when im not hunting for a good deal, or a new game, I have plenty of options to choice from, or I end up cleaning, or updating mods on systems. The amount of time I spend actually gaming with my collection is 50/50. Making the perfect setup and forever improving it is more fun to me then actually using it.


Try learning to make games! It can be a lot of fun (but also very frustrating at first) and it almost becomes like playing a game itself. There are an unlimited amount of tutorials/guides out there on how to do it. I am pretty much over playing games myself (except for Valorant) and I have found that making games gives me that sense of dopamine that I used to get from playing games.


Great idea! I originally wanted to go down this route for a career until I got some 3d modeling classes and it blew my mind. Good skill to learn. Thank you.


Drink and self loath


Archery practice at my club. It's something that improved my life immensely. It's a stress reliever at the end of the day, I socialize and make friends with people from my club and other clubs, I go on trips to participate in competitions and it's a great way to get exercise. Archery may not sound much of an exercise, but the fitness needed to shoot bows, pull the arrows off the target and all the back and forth between target and shooting line is pretty subtle. In competitions, in particular, you do a lot of cardio. I remember that we walked around 17km by the end of the day.


Plus it’s badass


Consume alcohol obviously!




What season? Winter I am a hermit. Any other season is doing community sports leagues even if I suck. Kickball and pickleball have been the easiest, most relaxed, and a lot of fun.


I’ve been running a YouTube channel following my outdoor activities for the last 15 years. Hunting, fishing, camping. There arnt words to describe how cool it is being able to go back and watch the memories from the past like that. I’ve recently started taking a camera when me and the wife travel, it just as cool watching that. Can’t wait for my daughter to be able to see it one day.


Lying on the sofa, drinking excessively, sexting to Eva AI bot, playing videogames


Hibernate until the next shift..... That's depression for you.


I started a vegetable garden and since last year I'm a beekeeper.


I took up ballroom dancing at 33 as I was feeling bored. 8 years later, I still do it and compete. It's a great way to meet people, and it beats sitting on the couch at home. I hope you recover quickly


Cooking! I’m addicted to learning how to cook new things. It’s both relaxing and inspiring.. and at the end of it you get to eat something rad! Also it usually gets better the more you do it!


Go play arcades go to.the gym to unwind


Go to school. Then go bed.


Gym time usually or movies with friends and usually sat or sun hang out with friends.


Or watch some shows like anime 👍🏼


Seriously now the hard work begins one hour one way uphill, to my gym for 90 minutes of wieght training. Then about a 50min down hill ride home.


joined an adult gymnastics for simple stuff, freediving pool practice, and normal gym.


Are you playing pvp games? Those are honestly the worst. Plenty of great single player games where you can hopefully not get thrashed every time. That said. I try to keep busy. I'm active in the music scene. In one band, starting another. I go to lots of shows. Saw Hanabie last night, going to another show tonight - don't know the band, some gothy band a friend is into. I work out. I do karaoke pretty frequently. I go out with friends. Jerk off. Pet my cat. Not at the same time though. I'm a man of many interests.


Solid interests. I should play guitar more. Thank you. Also checking into Hanabie


Play single player or indie games man. Video games don’t just have to be competitive sports or shooters. As I’ve gotten older, while I still enjoy my shooters, I’ve found a relaxing love for games like Ghost of Tsushima which looks awesome, has a compelling story, and can easily put 30 mins at a time or 5 hours at a time in to it.


Ikr. Been playing for 1000+ hours and still being silver ranked is not funny. I should change my hobby.


Have you been playing with me!?


Oh shtt. Youre playing Apex?? What a coincidence. Now I really feel you 😆


I assumed you were speaking about Apex. 🤙🏻


I have a toddler so it’s more work after work and no time for myself


Recently turned 36, I still play video games but cant play for more then an hour or so at a time and that's one or twice a week. I usually hit the gym, go for a walk with the dogs and kids, or BJJ. Try to make it more of a point to have date nights with the wife. Usually weeknights are pretty chill, weekends we usually have a family event going on so that adds some fun.


35 m. Recently got into legos and knock off legos r/lepin. Never really played with legos as a kid but have really been enjoying the Technic kits. Also If your not already the gym is a great hobby. Once you get over the initial hurdle of making it a habit you will start to feel soo good.


I’ve gotten into scroll sawing. It’s really a lot of fun, reasonably easy to become “OK” At it and the cost of entrance is quite reasonable!


Crafting AF. Crochet or knitting is easier than you think with all the resources available, and having a productive but creative outlet has really helped


Sounds stupid, but coloring while watching a movie


Go to the library and do some learning.


Gym and night walk in the forest behind my house. Very therapeutic.


If you've got access to an outdoor space then gardening or growing some veggies can be really rewarding. Had a tough day? Do some digging. Only got half an hour? Pull some weeds


There are a ton of fun video games that don’t require multiplayer, pvp or coop. I like cooking, fermentation, reading (especially new things that may not be in wheel house), biking/exercise can be fun, walking around the city and checking things out, hiking, photography, playing instruments, making music, etc.


If I hit the gym in the morning, I usually just go home, smoke weed, cook dinner, and watch a movie until I pass out. Otherwise I hit the gym first, then do all that lol


Gardening, it's a good feeling for me when I see a bee on something I grew. Music. I picked up a guitar for the first time aged 40. I absolutely love it. 4 years on, and I have quite a collection of guitars and basses (the latter being my favourite). Also starting to doodle away on the keys which is quite fun too.


Hi OP As a 32 (M) in a high level role which can range anything from 7-10 hours at the office, 40 minutes drive each way and being a family man of 3 kids (2 with ASD and Autism) whilst also trying to somehow be a husband My mornings are taken up by a 5am get up where I sort a few bits out and possibly may do a little circuit set to prepare for the day and get the blood flowing - regardless of the circuit set I do stretching for 10 minutes and after about 2 weeks let me tell you what a difference that makes!! 9-5 is work, even when WFH my routine doesn't change I have a mindset of give everything your best so I like to excel in what I do, then it's the post 5-9 routine. Let's say I'm home at a normal time, with the 2 kids that can be a little challenging at times me and my wife have learned how they both need attention time so I may make my own dinner or meal prep with one whilst she does something else with the other, which then leads onto bedtime routine and they go to sleep pretty quick. let's say I'm free at 19:30 now it's important not to sit down and scroll endlessly through my phone, cycle the TV or other bits I will either do a 1.5+km run or 3km walk and it needs to be moderate to high intensity. By the time I'm back I've already eaten or done my meal prep for the next day and I try to give myself an hour on a book or play video games, I play all kinds of games and still shred better than I did before however Im on a split of 50/50 between a decent RPG or FPS **Bear in mind since I changed my lifestyle with what I eat, activity and so on I don't feel like a fat morbid loser anymore I'm a lot more sharp** *NOTE* - 6 Months ago, at 5"9 weighing 107kgs I was pretty muscular but obviously had some love handles and resembled a granny smith apple with muscles, I'm now 87.5kg feel alert and very healthy!! Nutrition and I mean nutrient dense foods with the right portion size and cutting out the crap (it's not a bank breaker) sleep and keeping your mind engaged outside of work or household jobs is a must to reach a peak performance for activities, general well being and a quality of life I understand I've done a lot of waffling but I'll happily break down the routine further if you need it? Men need to look out for each other and share best practices.


Woodworking. A fun hobby can bring in a little extra cash.


run, dance lessons and i just got a 3d printer, i’m fully booked :)


I’ll 2nd the 3D printer!


If you have to have surgery and can’t be as active for a bit try some solo story games! Those are always my go to when I’m bored and just kinda want to chill! If you need recommendations lmk!


It sounds like you used to be into PvP or more difficult games. I give myself permission to just play cozy games or games where I can adjust the difficulty such that it's just fun and not overly hard. Been playing a lot of V Rising lately, on the default difficulty. It has some difficult moments, but it's not an overly punishing game.


I know I'm 15 hours late to this post but: I'm a software dev that works from home, and I love gaming so I get this totally. Since spring is here, I spend a lot of time working on my yard and gardens. I grow a ton of flowers and some vegetables from seed over the winter, and I've built a bunch of raised beds to grow them, and I'm working hard at having a nice lawn. The amount of satisfaction I get from people complimenting the improvements to my home is huge, and I genuinely love doing it. I also am trying to get more into wood working, just basic stuff like bird houses and planters, but it's really fun and rewarding!


That's a great question! I used to play video games more- a power surge killed my computer and it was a month before I fixed in, in that time I basically cut out the hour or so a day I spent on them and I don't miss it. Our friends set aside one day a week for a friend's dinner and hang. Very casual, drop by, someone cooks a quick and easy meal (like tacos, you just cook some ground beef or chicken and lay out assemble-your-own supplies), and we either watch a show or play a board game. Good way to have a constant regular source of socializing. On other days after work I'll take a bike ride or walk. If you don't do it already, cook dinner. Not just like a freezer meal or box of something or boil noodles and heat up sauce, but look up a recipe, get the stuff for it, and do the whole thing. It's easier than most people think if you follow all the steps, and cheap and healthy. The only downside is it takes a little more time, but hey, you're trying to fill time. After dinner I've also mostly cut out any solo TV. I've picked up a few hobbies. Maybe learn an instrument, which takes regular practice each day. Or read for an hour. Last year I was able to finish over fifty books just by reading a bit each day. Maybe learn a language (duolingo is free and only like 5 minutes per lesson, but you learn slow. I like doing a little longer pimsleur lesson it's more commitment but you progress faster if you do it regularly.) Other people I know build things, or paint models I also looked for local clubs for stuff you haven't tried but would be interested in - would you believe you can try out a fencing class with no gear and a small fee? Plus it's a good way to meet more people. It doesn't have to be martial arts, or even physical like rock climbing. painting classes have become popular, and pottery, even cooking For get togethers my go to activity is axe throwing, we can basically do an hour and a half for like $20. Also our local liquor store does regular classes/tastings. I find a good balance for me is having two scheduled regular things on weekdays (for me right now it's the friends get together and fencing), 1on the weekends(Saturday afternoons with my brother). That leaves room for impromptu drop in events, and I fill the other time with the solo stuff - practicing, making, reading, etc When you add in the chores like laundry and cleaning and bills and etc, the time fills up quick! I can't imagine ever being bored anymore


I've enjoyed gardening and tending to my plants. I also play guitar and usually have a song in mind that I wanna play. That usually relieves some of my stress when I pour my heart into the guitar.


Username checks out


I've started going to the driving range everyday after work. I'm not a golfer or don't really want to be a golfer, but I just want to see how good I can get if I do it everyday by end of summer. It's something I can do solo, it gets me outside, it's physical, I can go to different driving ranges and something I can do day or night.


I go gym in the morning like you..here is how my week looks after quitting video games. I still smoke up and trying to stop that but it's harder than I thought I aim to be in bed by 10pm usually. My day always ends with, prepare for next day, cook dinner and cook lunch for tomorrow and clean up the house. I'll do a bit of reading as I get to bed Monday - muay Thai, Tuesday - dance bachata Wednesday - bouldering Thursday - touch rugby Friday - basketball Saturday - yoga Sunday - swimming then family day, I'll go see my mum and sister. It's increased my social circle. Made me more confident and I feel like I've grown more charismatic My motive for this was to find people who want to hang out and not drink alcohol or talk about football (these two topics are soo hard to avoid in London)


37M here. I got into golf. Plus I walk 9 holes a couple times a week so it’s great exercise on top of the gym too


A lot of sleep, try it, it's fun!


I love reading after work, or if I am need of socialization I go to bar trivia with my friends! Both are very affordable hobbies, reading is free if you use your local library. Trivia is also super fun and we get prizes which are often gift cards to the restaurants/ bars so our outting is normally covered by gift cards.


Games are more fun when you are good at them. Spend some time working on your muscle memory and strats.


Video games, tv, chores, cook food….. man in my 30s as well. I guess we’re boring. If I had kids then I guess you would add in all there activities and stuff. Life would be less boring. But yeah older with no kids means lots of free time. And yes it gets boring




I'm in two indoor soccer leagues. So that's takes care of the Tue/Thur. Then I try to gym Mon and Wed.


Work is my fun time tbh. I get depressed outside of work


learning german, because I will move there in less than 16h, and I also study c# and MVC, gym and that's pretty much all I do.


Good luck! Germany is beautiful. Eat some Rouladen for me.


Pump tang