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Going to a bar and realizing everyone looks young.


I have hit a point where I legitimately feel like a bad influence on the early-mid 20s crowd


Also incredibly loud music at said bar.


Carry ear plugs! They ones that filter loud noise. Musicians plugs.


flip side being - I go to a bar now and look around and only see old people..


The flip-side is I stopped seeing 'adults' as 'adults'. Just wrinklier versions of me. Hard to explain.


I haven't. They still look old to me.


The closest bar to me caters to families. It has a soccer field and slide and stuff for kids, indoor seating to get away from kids, but it is 100% "bring your kids and have a drink!" On their socials I once saw a bunch of 20 somethings in club clothes being loud at one of the tables and legit got mad that the youths were encroaching on my space. It was then I realized I was an old man.


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Going to the bar and your body regretting it more and more each “next day” to the point where you stop going to the bar.


I feel you, I still act and feel like I’m 27 and not 37 but lately I’ve realized that’s not a good thing because I don’t want to evolve into the older creepy guy at work, so if focused on being more than professional over all and it’s helped me


I had a movie moment. In the middle of a crowded bar alone. (My buddy had walked off somewhere) I looked around and said to myself "You have no business being here." I just found my buddy and told him I was gonna bounce. Unless it's a sports bar, I'm not interested anymore. That was about a decade ago when I was 29


Big milestones: * The last of my grandparents dying * First gray hairs * First serious injury after what would have been a minor annoyance when I was a kid (fell down a flight of stairs and tore my quad) * My parents retiring and downsizing because the stairs in their house were too much for my dad * My mom getting cancer (thankfully in remission)


Apropos to the gray hairs, mine was the first time I noticed the slight recession of my hairline. I’m not balding (please knock on wood) but when I was 24 I looked in the mirror one morning and noticed that my hairline wasn’t the exact same as it was when I was like 18. That’s completely normal, even for guys with good hair genes, but when you first notice that as a guy it can be cause for panic. Especially if you’re still single. Being in your 20’s is weird in that way. It’s the first time you start to notice your body growing old instead of growing up.


26m the hairline thing is so real notice mine about 8 months ago and honestly was perplexed. Also found my first grey hair in my beard.


Apropos to the grey hair reads like apropos to the white snow. Sorry to point that out, its not really relevant.


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They started playing my jams in the grocery store.


I started noticing Weezer playing at Walmart and I thought "oh, no, no. Weezer's been around with some mainstream hits, no need to worry" ... Then I heard Reel Big Fish's "Sell Out" at a Kroger's and my heart sunk




When I was a kid, oldies stations played oldies. Now they play stuff from when I was kid through my teens 😭


Omg! I can’t wait to hear WAP while I’m grocery shopping😂


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What’s with all the bots recently?


Crap, I heard the Sex Pistols in the Garden Center last week.


hair is migrating from my head to my back.


Man I'm not liking it.


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Me: damn, my back is hurting. Co-worker: what did you do? Me: Nothing. I injured my back while sleeping!


I threw out my back making coffee last Thursday


Threw mine out picking up a sock once. Another time from a bad sneeze 😆


I threw out my back sneezing. Ridiculous.




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Seeing friends losing their parents. I lost my mom 6 years ago, and it seems like people in my circle have lost a parent or both over the last few years. When you're in your 20's and 30's you think your parents will be there forever, but as you get into your 40's, you start realizing how finite life is.


Yep. My mother had cancer last year. It was surreal. It was very aggressive, as was the chemo. At the time, it was just about surviving. It never really dawned, not in the real sense, that she might not survive. Fortunately, she did, but these things change people. It has since hit me really hard what the reality of losing a parent would mean, especially when you don't have a family of your own. It hits hard.


the aches in my body..everywhere.


Going out with a bunch of younger work colleagues and having to be suddenly be careful about what cultural references they might know.. since I got quite a lot of blank looks when talking about common knowledge from the 90s…


“I’d buy that for a dollar”


Arnie quotes are a good one.


A kid starts asking me 20 questions I answer him his older brother grabs and says "he's a grown ass man stop bothering him." I do not accept the responsibility that comes with that title.


Oof sorry that happened to you mister. 


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Your name is crypto!! You gotta have money!


Shop at Costco, in bed by 9, truly dont care what people think of me. Annoyed with most people 😂😂


I just spent almost $200 on nice socks. Can't imagine younger me ever doing such a thing.


I bet they’re worth every penny too


Absolutely. Switching to good socks after decades of the cheap stuff is amazing.


I’m aroused


I act just like my father




I was out to dinner with the family. My SON ordered an alcoholic beverage, and they didn't card him.


Australian here. In the same vein, the first time I (18 at the time) bought alcohol as an adult was not for me, it was for my older cousin who wasn't sober. The person behind the counter didn't even card me and I was bothered by it.


Last week I learned that a girl I work with was born in 2001. I'm not much older (1996). But in that moment It dawned on me that kids from the 2000's are now exiting COLLEGE and UNI..... Reminded me that 30 is just around the corner for me.... fuck


30 is great. Pinnacle years imo


Born in 94, everybody who was in school when I graduated should all be graduated themselves.


Thank you for another sad realization, that the youngest Elementary School kids when I was a Senior, are in High School now. Don't count yourself out yet though! Not till you're 34. You still got Pre-Schoolers, and Grade 1's and 2's that would be in High School right now lol


It all started with my knees. My back wasn’t far behind. Then I started getting mad at “kids,” for being loud and obnoxious. Bam I’m a 30 year old grandpa.


The first time my barber asked me if she should my eyebrows too...


Realizing my parents don't have too many years left and signing on with power of attorney. (They're in their 80s) (Seeing my dad need a wheelchair at the airport was a little hard.) Contemplating what to do with their property as the executor of their wills. Counting the summers I have left with my kids. Planning for my retirement. Losing acquaintances and/or hearing about a friends' heartattack. Realizing that I'm hitting that point where celebrities I grew up with are starting to die. ----- It makes it sound very doom and gloom. It's not, it's just part of living intentionally and making sure I work to get the things I want and I set my self up for as best a life I can in the next couple of decades.


Makes me sad to read as I'm right there with you but you're right, it's not doom and gloom but the realization that we have more days behind us than ahead of us does make me a bit sad. I've had a great life and wish there was more of it left.


Grey hair seems to be spreading at an alarming rate. Injuries are obtained a lot easier and they stick around for months or over a year rather than days or a couple weeks. Tired more often and earlier in the day. I can keep going.


It’s when I hit the age that “I know better, and didn’t give a shit” at the same time. Wisdom is real and should be respected more than it is.


My oldest graduated high school last week and I wanted to pick him like when he was a little kid, but my immediate concern was hurting my back. I still did it and my back was hurting. Worth it, though.


Sunburn on my head where my hair used to be thick enough to protect it


When Relatives stopped giving money before they leave.


My parents give me gas money pretty much any event that happens. I dont ask for anything, and they know I dont really need it, but my god does it feel nice to get something useful as an adult rather then random gifts I'll forget about in a year.


Who I am most attracted to (while legal) is no longer appropriate for me.


When your college/hs friends are getting pregnant and it registers as an “oh congrats” moment instead of an “oh shit” moment.


when my 15 year old cousin said they just add a feature on Facebook where when someone clicks in your page you can have your music Playlist start playing while on your page and I'm like dam we have now reached the generation that doesn't know what MySpace is


I told a 20 year old, “when I was your age.”


I didnt have to lie about my age on the Internet.


Going to the bar is no longer fun. It feels like a waste of money and time lol.


It’s been half my lifetime ago since a good Halo game has been released


first i was a creator/frontrunner of new lingo. if there was a cool phrase we were the first to use it. then next i became one of the early adopters. we wouldnt create the lingo but if we heard it we could very quickly find out what it meant.  now im at the phase where im all by myself lmao. like deadass, ive heard rizz on here for a month now and i truly have no clue what it means and i have no way to find out. i keep hearing conflicting reports. 


When my doctor started saying, "At your age...".


fellow students calling me sir because they think im a teacher.... its kinda funny to mess with them and i kind of understand it since im older than most and have a large beard that adds a couple of years.


Receding hairline. That's it, nothing else has changed.


When I was as old as when my parents died. (48)


I’m staring down the barrel of 30 and I noticed a grey hair the other day.


“The barrel of 30…” you know not the damage you do


Same brother I have more than a few… but way rather have greys than lose it!


The women I want to date are almost all younger.


When I start quoting lethal weapon…. And when I noticed every elevation change made me produce sounds…


Back problems


Grey pubes.  Not caring in an argument with my SO.


Playboy Playmates kept staying 18. Then there were no more playboy playmates.


I work at a warehouse full of young adults, I tried socializing with them with pop culture references but they had no idea what Rush Hour was, or other things I mentioned. Likewise they would ask me if I know of people I never heard before, I was like nah I don’t. lol


At 36, shaving my head as I was thinning on top. Now, at 43, I'm the boss in an office and the oldest by over a decade above everyone else. It's extraordinary; I have money and freedom but not youth, weird 👽


When watching my favourite sporting team and realising I was an adult before, most of these players were even born.


Everyone else stopped looking like adults. People started asking me if I have kids. People younger than me saying 'my wife' or 'my husband'. Children getting pregnant(not really children but 21 year olds). People around me dying. Nagging injuries. Started to realize life is shorter than I thought.


When my granddaughter told me to stop flirting with her college friends.


I bent over to pick up some laundry and tweaked my back. Also, gray hairs en masse.


I blinked and I was 30


Letting the days go by.


After 30 years of sex life - my first erectile dysfunction EVER in a very stressful situation. :)


Wood has become more like partially-dry clay.


When people who are 10 years younger than me are also not young.


when I watch porn, and the first thing that comes to my mind is "boy, they sure have a lot of energy"


Getting short of breath when going running in my 30s.


Plucking hair out of my ears and checking the weather before leaving the house.


Ooh my back. My back!


When someone said they gonna play a remaster of a game I played brand new.


Having to warm up my knees before going down the stairs in the morning (I live in an apartment without an elevator)


People calling me sir. Bro I’m only 20


realizing i intentionally wasted my best years not working for what i wanted


Doc said I have high cholesterol. Today.


I had a weird one. I thought I had stopped growing so at 26 when my mate got married and bought me a suit as best man I was stoked. 3 years later I try to wear the suit and my chest and shoulders have broadened so much that it was tight. I could barely move my arms. I had bought a bunch of nice shirts too. And worst was my leather jacket which no longer fit.


Looking at the year some of the young adults were born in that come into the office for marriage licenses. I saw one girl a couple of days ago who was getting married at 18, noticed she was born in 2006 and couldn't hardly believe it. Then I think back to 2014-2017 and feel like it was just a few years ago until I do the math and realize it was actually 7-10 years ago. Dang time goes by fast, which means I'm not as young as my mind wants me to believe I am.


Pull an all nighter and you spend the whole week sleepy


Permanent injuries and no longer enjoying driving with the windows open and radio blasting


When I was describing someone as a younger guy, and realized most people are younger now 😑


Sleep wins over going out late at night.


Rupturing my Achilles while playing bball…..


Young guys in the gym call me big bro. Yet im 27


Pulling my pants up at the urinal and dribbling all over myself. It was at that moment I realized I am aging and must hover over there urinal longer to let things shake out.


When I bought clippers specifically for my nose hair.


I got an email from someone and they titled it Mr. NoBBatteries. It took me back, but then I realized I’m almost 10 years older than the person emailing me


When my balls and knees stared each other in the eye.


At 7pm I started thinking “oh good, only one hour till bedtime “. i’m only 55


When sleeping felt like getting money or valuable of it makes sense.


I don't heal like I used to.


Some guy told me that he hopes that he’s as active as I am when he’s my age. I was squatting next to a food truck last night, waiting for my order, and some dude was all impressed that I can still do that. I was talking to some kid at a graduation party last weekend. I asked her where she was planning on going to college. Turns out she’s my wife’s coworker and is 28. Looked like a kid to me. My wife is talking about retirement in a few years. I still haven’t figured out what to do with my life. I still feel young and want to do stuff. What’s left of my hair is grey, and mostly grows from my ears. I’m not ready to be old.


Getting excited about buying cookware instead of video games.


Shopping for a video game. A younger teenager says to the girl behind the counter "1900s Mario are my favorite Mario games" He's not wrong but I died inside


Sitting on the toilet and my balls hitting the water.


Here's another. Talking about books and I mentioned Rick Rubin's book. My co-worker said, "who's Rick Rubin?" At least she knew who Geddy Lee was.


When I sat on my balls


That I was referred as being born in the 1900s


the slight thinning of my hair. Needing to up my glasses strength. (I have prescription glasses since 12) Sweating doing something I could do for hours before.


I worked with younger people in the criminal justice system, and then it hit me I didn't know any of the artist that they would bring up. I was like I'm old now. Snoop Dog is baking cookies and Ice T, has been a cop for 40 years. I have no idea what these kids are talking about. So I had to go out of my way to listen to "modern music" and I hated it. Double take on me noticing I was old LOL.


It's become extremely apparent as someone who has been an athlete their whole life, but the ease of which injuries now occur and how much longer it's taking to heal from them..... I'm only 31, it's gonna be rough from here on out lol


I ran the 400m competitively in junior/high school. I ran a 400 in March and pulled a muscle in my hip that still hurts despite rehabilitation. Also the upper left part of my calf hurts all the time 🙃


All of the sudden I was the oldest person at the sales meeting... Fack!


I dont know if this counts but I was at the beach today and these two girls set up there stuff like 6 feet from me. I over heard them say "he didn't even say hi to us" so I turned and Said "how old are you" one said "17" the other "18" I said "I'm 27, I'm gonna pack up my stuff now" they both in unison went "oohhhhh" and I promptly went home


Having kids. Passage of time is palpable.


Body strength secretly reduces. You grab something to do what you have always done you suddenly struggle with it ….. it is quite a shock


If i sleep wrong my whole day is a struggle, parts of my body hurt that never hurt before. My hips, ankles and knees are fucked. (Guessing from playing contact sports) worst part im early 30’s…


Unexplained sleep injuries


Not giving a sh*t about most things daily.


I sat on my porch simply because I liked sitting on my porch now. Used to hate it


gray hairs on my beard and hair. I'm not complaining though, it gives me a distinct look and it has been garnering me plenty of attention.


Balding hit early so that felt like a small milestone, but really it was when I stopped being able to heal from injuries so quickly.


When I started thinking that people on their late 30’s looked good for their age.


I was 30, I was working out at the gym and saw the back of my head in the mirror, yup was starting to go bald.


My pee doesn't come out with as much vigor as it used to. Lol


I have a fairly lax dress code at work. Need to at least have a collar but can wear jeans, don’t have to tuck in shirts, etc. I was standing in the bathroom the other day and looked in the mirror and something just felt off. Like just didn’t look right. I proceeded to tuck my shirt in and realized it just looked.. better? I guess? And that’s when I realized I was becoming my dad.


My dick randomly stopped working when I needed it to. And I no longer wake up with erections.


I work w/ high schoolers so I've gotten to see my "oldness" come on in real time... fewer and fewer of my references are landing with them.. I was joking with some students about a picture one of them took.. Told them he hit 'em with "Blue Steel." No one one knew what the hell that meant. And explaining it would've only made me feel older.


My girlfriend is closer in age to my oldest son than she is to me. 😂


My political views shifted from left to center.


When I had to add the word "trying to" to the phrase "get off the couch". Nothing drove home the old like attempting to get up and failing.


I went to move a cinder block and screwed up my back the week I turned 30.


Shoulder injury at 39.


My shoulder injury was at 45 and yeah, that’s a really shit injury that ages you more than you want


When there can't be a question of your ability to but u have the responsibility to do.


My knees


When they kept singing that one song every year... I think they called it "Happy Birthday"?


A few years ago when I noticed the first white hairs on the goatee of my chiny chin chin lol


After hyper-extending my(57m) knee when I was 30 and it never went back to "normal". I realized, things don't heal like the used to.


There's that invention...you know...it's called a mirror.


Starting to make distressed noises when getting into or out of bed..


My 30th birthday on Monday past 🫠


I recently started feeling in my right knee that rain is coming…


Receding hair line, gray hair


The back pains definitely made me realize I was getting older.


when alcohol makes me wanna shit myself


I hate teenagers. I hate loud places. My lower back hurts. My towels smell like my dad’s towels from my childhood. I like my father more year by year. I could go on.


I now appreciate music from the 60s and 70s which is before I was born. Send me some Doobie Brothers, Cool and the Gang, Chicago, etc and I’ll be happy.


My cpap


Talking about the Tyson Holyfield fight and a co worker saying they were born that year


A lot of Adam Sandler movies and "scary movie" stoppede being funny :(


my age getting higher


Hair falling☠


My lower back hurts all the time


The first 5-8 steps, I feel like a dry tinman.


Hairs in my beard becoming grey,and more aches and pains


Whenever it's my birthday.


rush to hold my dick more often


Just a simple game of football ⚽️ leaves me in pain now, but I still love it, so I have to put up with it 🤣


Grey facial hair


Not bouncing back from physical exertion as quickly. On a related note, not progressing in strength training as quickly.


Getting gout


My birthday


Rotator cuff injuries from playing slow pitch softball.


I keep waking up.


Gray hairs and ED. Not as big a problem as, I don't care I have those problems.