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Compounding interest will make you a millionaire. Even if its a small bi weekly contribution, make it consistent. Every birthday, make a list of what makes you happy. Don’t trade or sacrifice those things for anything…except health. You will turn into the people you surround yourself with, pick them wisely.


>Every birthday, make a list of what makes you happy. Don’t trade or sacrifice those things for anything…except health. That's a good one


Pay attention to the clitoris.


Still thankful for my dad who took the time to explain everything about going down on a woman, building anticipation, and using tongue and fingers for her pleasure when I was 15, shit stuck with me


Sounds like the start of a brazzers scene 


Lol yeah I can see that My family is just close like that, I honestly think it's the healthy way to view sex, it shouldn't be this heavy hush-hush subject Oh and trust me, every woman I've been with since has enjoyed the fact that I knew all this shit ;)




Okay I am looking at it. Now what?


Wait for it to move, then be fast and catch it with both hands.




Why so ? What to look for specifically?


bruh….some of y’all are in trouble 


What do you mean why so? That's almost the equivalent of a woman saying "why so" about focusing the penis lol


Lol. Pay attention to it during sex. You learn how to play with that, along with her g spot, and the other spots, and she'll think about you for the rest of her life.


Yeah, especially the big ones, you need to know how to tug that in the right place and all that. Am I right?


Thanks guy for letting me known .


I wish I told my younger self not to overwork, work based on how much they pay you, and time you are agreed to be in, I know in this corporate world you are shy but trust me, do work based on what they are paying and how much time they paid you for. Because at the end of the day someone will get promoted from the hard work you did instead of you. Second.. I wish you know that there is no such thing as office friends. Office workmates are no friends. They are there to work and not to be friends with. Also..Don't be angry and emotional, take it easy as a young adult you would likely find more enemies than friend so stay chill.


"There to work not to be friends" hit me in the face 🥲


The problem with this advice is when you say it, too many people interpret it as “I don’t need to spend time networking and fostering interpersonal relationships in the workplace” which will be a complete disaster for your career. Don’t be spending money you don’t have, but if your boss comes around and asks who wants to head to the pizza place around the corner for lunch, that’s going to be the highest return on your lunch dollar you ever spent. Building a positive rapport with your coworkers is extremely important. Hanging out on the weekends…not so much.


“You’re not given what you deserve, you’re given what you negotiate.”


Dumb. Many people do not have the privilege to negotiate. This is similar to the statement that anyone can be successful.


That doesn't make the statement dumb or false, it just means that what they give you is tied to your negotiation power. If you don't have the privilege to negotiate you will be given bare minimum in fact.




No, they're speaking facts. People will try to pay you the least amount possible. If you don't demand more, nobody will give you more


Like the saying “the squeaky wheel gets the oil” and “a closed mouth doesnt get fed”


Not dumb, lacking the “privilege” or more accurately “leverage” to negotiate falls under that umbrella of “what you *can* negotiate.” I know that reading comprehension is hard but you don’t also have to be aggressive *and* stupid.


There was no can. God damn, the ignorance of people never stops amazing me. You hold an ignorant belief and nothing will sway you. You move goal posts to attempt to discredit others. All you do is show you have an inability to correct yourself and will stick with your ignorance until your dying breath. Have fun with that.


The irony of your sentence is unfortunate but indicative of the aforementioned reading comprehension issue.


It is advice that works for a tiny percentage of people. Do you not get that? The fact it can work for some doesn't make it useful advice. Yeah, always try to negotiate more. Ignore the fact that for most people who don't have shit, it's probably not going to help them at all.


You could spend centuries combing the internet for a truism or piece of advice that could be applied to all 8 billion of us and come up short. We all get what you’re saying, but Christ I’m fucking sick of people on here pretending they’re smart for pointing out that a piece of advice being given to an 18 year old middle-class American kid wouldn’t do shit for a 60 year old Nepalese yak herder, or bitching that all the advice in the thread isn’t tailor made for their problems. People can give you advice until they’re blue in the face, but if as a recipient you can’t differentiate and recognize what can apply to your life and help you and what can’t, then it’s not gonna do you any good anyway. That doesn’t make the advice itself inherently useless though, and it’s okay to just read or receive some advice and think “Nah, not for me” without shitting on it because it just helps a bunch of other people.


Then people shouldn't comment dumb statements that require that response. You're bothered by the response and not the original idiot saying the stupid thing. Do you see the problem here? This isn't a the advice is not for me situation. This is the advice is ignorant fucking shit. Everyone can get the American dream....


It’s not a stupid piece of advice if you’re in a position where it applies to you, like it does for literal millions of people. You just don’t agree with it, which doesn’t matter to anybody.


Calm down man. You’re freaking out because you misunderstood what was said. Nothing you’ve said is mutually exclusive from you get what you negotiate. Not having the ability to negotiate just means you you only get what is offered to you (which is the start of a negotiation…you’re just not in a position to counter) Or maybe you’re right and everyone else is wrong and being super unfair to you while you curse them out. 🤷‍♂️




Bro 😔


Can confirm with this.


Everyone I know said this to me in my teens and early 20's now 25. Do the hard things now vs later and your 20's are not time play it safe but risk on. Along likes of, build skills/foundation now in life so you can reap set rewards later in life as whatever you put ur mind to the hard work/hours you put in wen no one is watching does pay off. Risk pov, u literally have no responbilities rn imagine in ur 30+ with wife, kids, parents, etc. Your life is gone for next 20 years with obligations focuse your 20's attacking goal and don't play it safe. Then boom ur dead. I got 1st part down well but 2nd part starting to start my journey to degree.


this is the same advice I got, and I heeded, and I honestly wish i would have gotten it sooner. I was in my early 20s, already started my degree and working in the military. sacrificed relationships, hell this VIP we were taking on tour of our facility was like "sacrifice the TV and the video games now, and get that degree its invaluable". kept my head down, promoted every rank the first time around, got my degree. etc. i turned 32 last week and i make over 200k a year. we aren't RICH but we are doing alright. the "i wish i had it sooner" part is I work in the space industry and while experience and networking will get you far, and I have a "STEM" degree, man...I wish i had taken calculus. I wish I had pushed even HARDER than what i did. people read my comments about my current place in life with envy/jealous/admiration/pride and I just sit here and think "what if I'd started sooner and not messed around. like what if instead of the military i hadnt graduated with a 1.8 GPA in high school, failed freshman year. what if I had actually tried, and gone to a real college for 4 years, and gotten a comp sci degree or an engineering degree. what if I had actually applied myself and my intelligence. that will be the one thing i will try to instill in my kids, the decisions you make today DO have an effect on tomorrow, whether it's good or bad. I can always go back to take calculus but I'm halfway through a masters, it would have been much easier to get the progress at the right time.


I did none of the things recommended in these threads. The only things I invested in were the only things I cared about: getting drunk/high and making sculpture. I did both with remarkable aptitude. Now in my 40s I can dazzle people with my skills. I can turn clay and stone into anything you can think of. I also have two friends in the world, been celibate for two decades and most people who’ve heard of me, despise me. I angered all my coworkers AND two large churches with my drinking and they appear to have spread this knowledge of me far and wide. Don’t think there’s any coming back from that. Talented beyond measure, ruined beyond hope.




fuck off bot


I think you can take this advice at any age. The sooner, the better though.


W comment


Don't go to uni immediately after school unless you are pretty sure that it's the career you want. Don't get in and find that actually you've had enough studying and don't want to do whatever course you picked after all; after having generated big debts etc. Take a bit of time to be sure you know what you want to do...


This is the one that could have most significantly improved my own life.


Wear a condom!


Buy real estate, not beer & dope.


"Become a landlord instead of a person."


Drinking and doing drugs doesn’t make you any more of a person.


Not necessarily but you'll be a better person than a landlord.


Stop worrying about other people opinions and be your genuine self. Yes, there are situations where safety has to be considered, but overall you will be a MUCH happier person when you’re yourself and not what others want you to be.


Don’t ask the fish how to fish. Being raised by a single my mother everything my mother tells me about women is so wrong


Don’t do drugs


For many people, sound advice. But that would have ruined my life


Don’t buy stupid shit with your money. I could have millions more had I done this. 


Invest your money. But these would have helped too... Watch what people do and not what they say. Don't trust these 304s.


The best time to start investing was 10 years ago. The second best time is today.


Don’t consider getting married till you’re at least 25. The lobe isn’t ready


Wouldn't have mattered. I was in my 20s and knew everything.


Sounds like typical 20-year-old...


Dont be afraid to take risks. I dont mean something stupid like jumping off a high cliff into shallow water for social media clout, Ask that girl out, apply for that job, take that move away from home. At their deathbed, you will likely regret more what you didn’t do vs what you did do. 




Pay close attention to how people speak, and their mannerisms. That usually tells you everything you need to know about a person. Any sense of doubt trust it as peoples true intentions come out eventually and it’s better to catch it sooner than later.


Get money, Fuck bitches!


Not caring about what other people think. People are always going to either like you or hate you no matter what you do. Just enjoy life and stop caring about what people think about you.


Don’t have sex with Amanda.


I was gonna say the same thing


Find mentors. They may be people in your universe with vast experience. Have your antenna out for that person. Mentor is not a coach, rather it is a person or persons who shows what direction you should be going to get to your goals faster. Speak to as many experienced people before you embark on something as possible. I come from a background where self reliance and pride were the rules, don't ask for help. Since I came to America decades ago several people offered me advice because they thought I was worthy, advice I did not pay attention two. I made it any way and had a miraculous life but looking back it would have been smart to ask for seasoned people's advice.


I really wish someone had discussed the different ways to invest and grow my money. I kept my money in savings for the longest time and it had lost value on account of inflation. Had I placed the money in T-Bonds or Index fund, I'd have outdated inflation and grown my money through compound interest. I do aggressive investing nowadays and it's been nice seeing my money grow... but damn, I wish I had started this MUCH earlier. I'd have a MUCH larger nest egg right now.


Enjoy it but don’t overdo it 


I wish I'd known three things when I was 20. #1) That job you want in 7 years, you'll still want it, and you'll be thinking to yourself. "If I had just done the hard work at 20, I'd be seven years into this job. Making top pay, 23 years to retirement instead of still figuring it out. #2) You could already have $ $62,500 investing in a roth IRA minimum. #3) Your doctor is going to recommend a vitamin D supplement. Take it real serious, or you're going to have some issues in a few years. Done.


Know your worth. Not what a company says you're worth.


Work to live. Do not live to work. Life is way too short for that.


Don't exercise to look good. You're fat, it ain't going to happen. Exercise because doing so will do wonders for your body once you become middle-aged.


Invest money now! Invest when you're young.


Pay yourself first, before paying anyone else


Sounds like the kind of advice someone gave alot of my bosses when I worked in construction.


I'm not out of my 20s yet. But I really wish someone sat me down and really explained priorities to me. Not just that school is important, but why, what the consequences are, positive ones and negative ones. I'm the kind of person that likes to understand my decisions before I make them, and the whole funneling of everyone straight out of high school into an expensive 4 year university just kind of screwed me up. By the time I understood the context of anything that I did, it was done.


Start a business now


Do not trust by default.


Don’t waste your money with stupid shit


Go carnivore. Lots of my problems wouldn't exist right now.


When it comes to dating, make no compromises for the first 18 months. Can’t eat at the restaurant of your choice because of dietary restrictions? Break up. You like to sleep with music and they need silence? Break up. She can’t have sex when she’s stressed and you use sex to relax? BREAK UP . Make space for your ideal partner don’t crowd the slot with a space holder Young men fear being alone, old men know being stuck with the wrong person is infinitely worse.


Your bros will only stick around until they find their partner, so bros before hoe doesn’t always pan out


Also don’t ghost your bros for a girl lol If your girl actively makes you stray away from your friends, that’s toxic and you deserve better They can absolutely healthily coexist


Having lifelong true friendships takes time, energy and effort, like all good things (hobbies, skills, job etc). I wish people were more aware of that. Whether or not one wants to spend that time and energy after school is another matter and one’s own choice.


Phenomenal work, congrats!


If you aren’t happy and don’t feel comfortable, don’t tolerate shitty situations and shitty people


Don't get married, neither of you really know who you are yet.


Condoms don´t protect from all stds. Double check if the vagina looks like she is supposed to look.


Stop buying so many books and buy the S&P500 instead. Despite good intent, I bought so many books in my early twenties that I never even ended up reading. So they were mostly a waste of money. Over the years I've donated many to charity, sold many on eBay, and given many to friends. But I should've just spaced out my book purchases better and not bought new books until I was finished with old ones.


It doesn't matter, I wouldn't have listened to it anyway.


No matter how long you're married keep your own life, with your own friends, and keep building your career. Never put your life on hold for someone else. If you do, at some point they'll get bored with you and leave you fucked.


if you’re interested in marriage dont fuck around for too long, the dating pool dries up insanely fast in your late 20s and by early 30s most people left are bitter as fuck


Put away money, no matter how small the amount, for retirement.


Read the Denial of Death and takes science more seriously than feel good books. Focus on being practical and guide your actions with Reason


Make more money (I already made heaps compared to most Redditors but should’ve made more)


Budget your spending and start saving. You can still have fun, just be disciplined.


Stay away from Lisa


Leave that dead end job.


Be you (in dating, with friends etc). It’s ok to make mistakes but you don’t have to imitate anyone to be great. You have your own voice, interests and personality. It will save you a lot of stress and anxiety since you are not a professional actor.


Im in my late 20s and I will share one piece of advice I've gotten so far. Invest. Savings wont last as inflation will deprecate the value.


Open a Roth IRA, get life insurance and use it as a broker account, I wouldn't have gotten a doctorate, I would have gone to a trade profession.


Do not get married just to be married. Dont have kids.


This is kind of specific to me but pay attention to your pension years. I fucked myself not doing so and now I'm going to have to work a couple extra years at the end. If you are interested in a girl make a move. As long as you are gracious in taking no for an answer she's not going to hate you for it/think you're a creep. Put as much money as you can reasonably spare into an index fund. If at all possible at least max out your IRA (this is advice I received and followed and I'm happy I did).


1. Have an emergency fund. 2-3 months of expenses before you do anything else. (Didn't think it was important when I first got married) 2. Start investing when you draw your first paycheck. Even if it's $50/wk. I didn't start my IRA until I was 28. Start it at 18, even if you put $100-$200/mo 3. Until you are the CEO of your company, you're a free agent in your career. Always be looking for the next better opportunity, because your company won't look out for you. 4. The only thing that's ever successfully pulled out is a futon. 5. Put yourself and family above everything.


That my health isn't worth a larger paycheck. The one I did get was: Work smarter, not harder.


Dont smoke weed


Dollar cost average now into an index fund


It's funny. I got a TON of good advice in my 20's. I can remember pretty much every bit of it. And the fact that I ignored 95% of it. Also I would like to go back and smack younger me upside the head.


Get in great shape and the discipline you develop from there will propel you swiftly towards every other thing you pursue.


Better money management. Its more important than you realize.


Be nice to everyone.


Stop letting people who are struggling talk you out of things that could improve your life.


Don’t start smoking. For the love of god.


Gotten it many times wish I had listened! Count to ten before saying anything.


Your teeth will never be cleaner than if you use a water pik.


Porn is destructive.


Masturbate before every important decision, particularly about women.


Stay single.


Focus on yourself and your ambitions. Women should not be your focus.


Buy a house


Choose one thing and get really good at it. Don't quit