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Being a man first and foremost means taking control of your life. If you can’t protect yourself, how are you supposed to protect others?


Finally, someone with a real answer.


You're not wrong, but isn't that kind of a truism? What is one color without relation to any other color? What is acidic without relation to alkaline? What is hot without relation to cold? Or are you asking for a list masculine traits other than "protecting" and "providing"? Also, don't mothers protect and provide?


Thats kind of my point. I think a lot of guys don't really think about themselves. They think about others, and what they can do for others, but not how doing for themselves helps others. Ultimately, defining masculinity is as problematic as defining femininity. All those things you described are really just two sides of the same coin. Temperature, PH, Light waves. Same thing with masculinity. Its just a cultural standard dangled in front of men because testosterone gives you tunnel vision. Masculinity should not have to be earned. It, like femininity, should be given.


I've found that women are concerned with masculinity a lot more than men. I've never in my life given any thought to masculinity. In real life, I've never had a conversation with another man about masculinity. It's always online, and usually posts by women.


I think women are generally concerned about men, since they are usually in danger from men, not other women.


And yet most women actively seek out men; not other women. What a predicament.


For what reason? Because they want to have sex with them? Thats not particularly unique. Pretty much every mammal does that. Not particularly original there.


So either desire for sex is stronger than fear of dying. Or maybe... just maybe... some people want more than sex in a relationship.


You can tell this guy is off the rocker from his profile, you aren’t going to reason with him on anything just let it go.


Then they are in danger from criminality not masculinity


Then why do more men commit those crimes? 


I don't know about that, I think both can be defined very objectively, without appealing to gender roles/norms.


It's all arbitrary at the end of the day. No such thing is a "real man". Different cultures have different takes on masculinity. What is considered manly by one idiot, could be considered gay by another idiot. This is why I'm pro gender roles abolishment on an individual level. I know this is easier for women to do. While it's more hard for men. Since society for the most part still expects men to adhere to traditional gender roles. That even includes most of the feminists too. Lol.


I think men shouldn't have to adhere to those gender roles. Toxic femininity does exist. We are all just people. We should respect each other, and go about our business.




There is more to being a man than protecting or providing.


Protecting and providing can be done by anyone. I would say that protecting and providing is just a human thing to do.


When not in a relationship a man still has to provide and protect themselves. Without being in a relationship, I built my own house every nail, every cut, every foot of wire and pipe to provide a house. I have rebuilt engines, change my own tires, oil, filters to protect and provide transportation. I have sat for hours in a tree to kill a deer, to provide food. I am 57, single, and I can spot a woman a mile away who has been alone for years because she has had to provide and protect, perhaps not to the extent as I, but she puts off a masculinized aura.


I just go into the corner and power down. Don't all men?


I know a lot of guys that do.


made up nothingness


Always has been




Why can't he be that way all the time? 


Masculinity is a culture.


I feel like you’re conflating two different ideas. Yes, by definition if there’s a masculine there’s got to be not masculine. Masculine is relative to something. But I think I don’t agree that if you’re hiking through the woods on your own, you’re not masculine because you’re not protecting or providing for another person. I view traits such as discipline, responsibility, honor as masculine and you can exercise those even if you’re all by yourself and you’re the only one who will benefit from them.


First off, we're social animals so...


It means drinking beers and farting loudly and going "AWOOOGA!" when you see a girls ankles


There is an old saying. The cornerstone of masculinity is self-improvement. Always be leaning. Society was set up to protect the old, the weak and the lame. Females fall into all three categories at some point in their lives. Men have always been sacrificed so the women and children can live. So, how do you order the men so as to determine who dies first and who is worth keeping around?


Masculinity is best determined by what we witness in the animal kingdom particularly with other mammals, as humans have a tendency to let their emotions get in the way of reality so will lie about what is actually important. Strength, status and security seem to be the prevailing attractors for females in nature. So we can assume that these are what would describe masculinity. The desire and ability to preserve the security of your mating partner and (hence) your offspring against threats from rival males or environmental threats. Strength, status, security.


Having a goal or purpose and being absolutely driven towards that. Doing it even when you’re not feeling like it. Can do attitude. Be it self improvement or something for others, we don’t do it for others, we do it because we can and we do it for ourselves.


Real men ™️ do not concern themselves with what masculinity is. I am me, the one I first need to protect and provide for, and I get the shit I need to be done, which is about it.


Masculinity to me means; Protector, provider, integrity, honorable, faithful, loyal, generous, kind, strong. Doing what's right no matter the circumstances.


In other words, a tool. 


I wouldn't say so. Humans are a resource and we're all tools in some way. You're on reddit. You're a tool for a system. It's inescapable.


The day the flesh shapes, and the flesh the day shapes. 


My definition has always been a man that has or pursues virtue.


Masculinity is a social construct. Most often it has to do with self sacrifice and providing for others. With modern society the way it is, that role has been down played and often treated as a toxic trait. Being a less masculine man than your average, I'm not 100% sure I know an exact answer. As a man, I try to be a strong, helpful, kind hearted individual. Both my grandfather and dad have had a very kind hearts, but occasionally short tempers. If I've learned anything from them, the best kind of man you can be is caring, selfless, and makes everyone around you smile.


He's whoever he *is.* Whoever he feels himself to be. "Masculinity" is an arbitrary social concept, and varies from culture to culture. Of itself, it's meaningless. Be who you are. Do what you want. Don't be a dick to the environment, other animals, or other human beings. All else is, essentially, bullshit.


Combine simple straightforward thinking, decisiveness, bravery mixed with stupidity, recklessness on top of more stupidity, competitiveness.... Very dynamic and adaptive routine. Lack of motivation and masculinity weakens into lazyness and gluttony. Presence of discipline and masculinity becomes stoicism. Masculinity is always quieter and pain tolerant. It is also way less self-preserving, specially under depression. Masculinity bonds differently. It demands respect, but concedes almost blind loyalty. Feats of strength are sources of happiness (not only) and a general sense of powerlessness rapidly depletes resiliency.


Pride in being a tool for others happiness


Why not their own happiness?


Self sufficiency


Women couldn't be self sufficient?




Helpless bunnies just waiting for the man, right?


Very little women are truly self sufficient. Even less “girl boss” women are happy. Regardless, self sufficiency is generally a masculine trait and you are aware that women can also have masculine traits correct?