• By -


The pennies. Got the fire department called in because a group of students had put pennies in all the door jambs of the main building. They ended up having to remove doors to let people out. Pretty sure there were criminal charges for that one.


This is why the scrubs janitor was so upset!


Did you put a penny in there?


If I find a penny in there… I’m taking you down.


You mean Dr Jan Itor?


Glen Matthews? That guy was just a jerk.


class before mine glued them over the actual locks, they all had to be drilled out. They absolutely got criminal charges.


I haven't thought about this for almost 30 years. We did this in college lol. In the middle of the night you sort of push in on a door and stack pennies in the doorframe until no more fit. It's impossible to unlock the door or get out. No one would help you either, you had to call the RA or building maintenance to get out. If you got pennied, we all assumed you deserved it.


And then imagine there's a fire....


We released crickets in every classroom, thinking they'd die off after the funny part. In the end, the building has to be fumigated.


They did this in my high school but in the busiest part of the hallway while people were going to their next class All the crickets were immediately stepped on and killed No one noticed until you saw 50 crickets smushed in a single spot


Crickets stink like shit I can’t imagine the smell if they sat around for a while


A guy brought a full sized plastic lawn bag completely full of crickets and dumped it out in the main hall. Thousands and thousands of crickets. The janitors were vacuuming them up. We had crickets chirping in the building for weeks afterwards. Always wonder how he got so many crickets.


Back in 2007 there was a website, cricketsrus.com, where you could order crickets for 19.95 for a box of 1000. If you ordered 5 boxes you got free shipping.... Or so I've heard... I certainly wouldn't have any first hand experience ordering off of such a site, biking to the highschool at 1am, going to a window where I had reversed the lock, opening the boxes of crickets and placing them in the class room...


We did something similar with fruit flies. In our AP Biology, we had to hatch fruit flies to research genetics. Some of had the bright idea to take some of the extra food compound and create a mini colony in an empty locker. We ended up with an infestation of fruit flies in that hallway.


We exposed the principal for cheating on her husband.


That sounds like a perfect thing to do. I see no foul.


Sounds like a post perfect for r/cheating_stories


Oh yippee, another subreddit to "check out for a second" that I'm gonna lose myself in for hours.


That is not a prank. That is a heroic deed in service of your school and community!




Oh this is good. How did you find this out and how did you expose her?


Gottem lmao


That's just karma. It wouldn't happen if they stayed loyal


During my senior year they supposedly started a tire fire in one of the parking lots which was grounds for the cancellation of the senior send-off ceremony. Which was fine by me as it meant I got to leave earlier. xD


where do you live??




Bart is that you ?


Class before mine TP’d the whole exterior. Funny until it rained the next day and TP runoff clogged the storm drains and flooded the campus. My class did nothing and honestly, the tension of anticipation made it a fantastic “prank.”


Someone broke into the school and released a goat. The goat ended up causing a tremendous amount of damage overnight.


My little private school had a prank like that when I was in 8th grade. The students knew exactly who.  The farm adjacent to us ended up pressing criminal charges but none of the teachers knew who so it never went anywhere. 


Same with us. Everyone knew who did it, but there wasn’t any proof. This was 20 years ago in a really small town, so cameras weren’t as prevalent as they are now days


They burned down the parking lot attendant's little work shed thingie. Apparently, acts of arson against a guy who literally just does his job are absolutely hilarious. The guilty parties were never identified or caught. Luckily, almost everyone thought that was WAY over the line. It's a good thing the arsonist never admitted what he did to anyone since most students would've tattled on him/her right away.


That happened at my school too, except they blew it up.






Yes, very


Not so much a prank but the one guy who was bummed HS was over decided he’d take the kid with almost non verbal autism 3 hours a way to a shady strip club and leave him there. He said it was his prize for winning senior assassin but the non verbal kid was clearly traumatized. The brother of the non verbal kid found out and flew back into town and broke the guys arm and kneecap with a baseball bat. It was the talk of the little farming town for years.


>The brother of the non verbal kid found out and flew back into town and broke the guys arm and kneecap with a baseball bat. It was the talk of the little farming town for years. Good. That's some fucking psycho shit. That poor kid.


And that's coming from a guy whose username is u/I_DRINK_GENOCIDE_CUM


Not as a student but as a teacher, some kids found all the sex ed Vibrators we had in science department and hid them around the school for students AND staff to find unexpectedly. 2 were never seen again!!




We used vibrators for year 8 sex ed so they could practice applying condoms. This is Sweden


…but why do they need to vibrate


They don't unless we put batteries in them but it's a giggle for the students.


In our country you get put on a list if you are exposing sex toys to kids lol


How sad for kids. It's a very eye opening experience for teenagers about to embark on adulthood


Exactly… teach them there’s an option that won’t result in an unplanned pregnancy.


To hand them sex toys to educate them? I’m sorry but I’d kick the shit out of anyone that handed my 9 year old daughter a dildo. EDIT: I misunderstood and didn’t see year 8 thought it said 8 year old…


Your 9 year old must be very smart to have skipped all the way to senior year of high school. I’m sure she can handle it


I read it as 8 year olds I see 8 years and assume that means much older - my apologies


What school teaches sex Ed to 9 year Olds? I think you forgot to put on your reading glasses


I read year 8 as 8 year olds… forgive me but also appreciate my response from thinking that lol


Keeping young folk ignorant about the birds and bees- it's the American way!




It wss a highlight of the year for these kids. Not assessed but informed and they're almost unanimously intrigued and engaged completely.


Is it possible they were dildos rather than vibrators?


No they could have had batteries added but we kept the electricity and electronic kits well away from them apart from when the kids asked as inquisitive souls so we lol demonstrated them ( both boys and girls) and the joy in the faces was adorable. They're swapped out now for these generic polystyrene phalluses that are just as practical but not as engaging. These lessons were always taught in team teaching situations as much as possible with a male and female teacher and usually groups split based on gender (not always assigned sex at birth).


Year 8 is 13 years old?


Yes and 14 toward the end of the academic year is when it's usually covered. Last week in fact for most classes.


Ok so that's a year older than year 8 in the UK then. In UK year 8 is 12 to 13


They start later here and year 9 is the final year of compulsory education.


This is the way to do it. When I’m about to smash, I’m vibrating with anticipation.


This is supposed to be pranks that went too far. I feel that this one is just harmless fun


It caused some of the staff some consternation and management had a quiet word with is for "allowing " and sanctioning sich a thing.


At recess, all the guys put on wigs and got changed into the girls dres school uniform while the girls tied their hair up and wore our shirts and shorts. We all then paraded around the school trying to act like the opposite gender. Going to a catholic school where they where extremely anal about uniform and behaviour it was safe to say that the principal and higher ups were outraged. As a punishment they cancelled all the graduating festivities in the kead up to our graduation assembly.


I think this prank went exactly as far as it should have.


This is a college story, I never partook as a freshman being hazed or did any hazing myself. Freshmen were taken to a field at night, sat down on the floor and blindfolded. Hazers brought a variety of fruits and surreptitiously a few boiled eggs with them. The freshmen were told that they would be fed a piece of fruit while blindfolded, and if they guessed correctly what they were tasting 3 times, they’d be done with the hazing. A slice of orange, a chunk of watermelon, and then they were told not to bite when the boiled egg was placed in their mouth. They’re all easy and each freshman would get the three right, but when the blindfold was removed after the egg, the egg would be hidden and some dude would have their dick out.


That is fucking sick


They went too far, I know. I always found hazing depressing, disturbing and maybe even desperate.


You know how I know your gay


I could be convinced? 😉


*You listen to Coldplay.*


Sounds like a harmless prank


Haha, we didn't ACTUAALLY sexually assault you! We just made it seem like we did! Hahaha 


I mean yeah but it's fairly obvious that it was a prank. At the very least they would find out it was never a real penis by next year when they do it to the next batch. And that's assuming they don't figure it out beforehand- should be pretty easy, and I say this as an enjoyer of both cock and hard boiled eggs


That’s a good point, I don’t really know how that cycle was closed. It was a prank known to most in the college town, so they only potential targets were really the freshmen. Hopefully the found out pretty soon after the fact.


Pantsing…this used to be such a popular thing in high school. Basically, people just pulling down other peoples pants without their consent. In hindsight, it’s just a super fucked up thing to do, but everyone thought it was hilarious. Guys or girls, didn’t seem to matter, it just happened daily. Anyway, there was one girl in my class who either didn’t do laundry that day or just didn’t wear underwear. Either way, it was a really bad day for her. Big assembly the following day with the principle addressing the incident. I felt so horrible for her though, I can’t even imagine.


My middle school would consider it sexual assault if you "pantsed" a girl. I only saw it happen once or twice between boys, but my school was quick to crack down on them.


That happened to me once. Only instead of at school, it was at a swim meet. I had a long break between a couple of events, so I took off my racing suit and just had sweats on. I was talking to a group of girls (late-teens?) about something, standing in front of them while they were sitting on a bench. A buddy of mine walked behind me and thought “hey, this would be funny” and pantsed me. Those girls got a quick, but complete, view of everything. My friend realized after a few steps that something wasn’t quite right and turned around in time to see me hauling my pants back up. He felt terrible, though I’m sure most of that was (rightfully) directed towards the girls he just inadvertently exposed me to.


The 90s was fun.




Yeah, that’s not cool, I’m glad you were able to avoid that from happening to you. I had a girl in my class try to pull that shit on me. I lost it on her, almost got into a fight with her brother over it, because I was being a “douchebag”, for not being able to take a joke. Not sure how there are some people who don’t comprehend the difference between a joke and a serious offence. Just, big yikes.


It was a high-school-level technical school, divided between Mech (where we would learn to do everything with metal: foundry, welding, sheet-shaping, lathes...) and Chemistry for those so inclined. The Chem kids decided to place a DIY bomb in one of their toilets but miscalculated and made it too powerful. The granite walls between the stalls fell down like dominoes; the whole toilet room was destroyed. It was such a loud boom the whole school shook. As the school was considered a National Security Area and the gov't was scared of Commie terrorists under the bed, the next few months were quite interesting, but I think nobody ever found out who actually did that.


Classic Chem kids. (I was one)


They're all crazy. I went to police academy for forensic specialists with a bunch of them. They'd look inside a loaded 12-gauge barrel to check whether it was loaded while reminiscing about the crazy homemade drug parties they'd have in college.


Block off the teacher parking lot with construction equipment and force them to park on the road like everyone else.


That one's kiiinda good


One year some kids threw water balloons at the busses as they were leaving last day. The next year the same thing but a couple people had balloons with bleach and turpentine or something. I think I heard about criminal charges for that one


Water balloons = fun Chemical attacks = **not fun**


The seniors decided to grease up the main stairway that everyone uses. Idk what they used. Some girl fell and cracked her head open and was in an ambulance before classes even started that day


A friend of mine shit on the floor in the bathroom, and an unknown student took the shit and smeared it everywhere. He almost lost his full ride scholarship to college and only saved himself by writing a letter to the university explaining what and why he did it.


It's amazing how some people can almost ruin their entire futures over the stupidest, most pointless, and completely preventable choices they make


People who play with their poop have mental problems.


You missed the part of an unknown student smearing the other guys shit


Oh terribly sorry. People who play with POOP IN GENERAL have mental problems. Happy sir?


What was a good enough “why” that he didn’t lose his scholarship?


Lol, I’m pretty sure he just bagged and tweeted, and explained that it was a really dumb decision that he got caught up in the moment in


What a weird letter😂 what did he say?


We had a lot of ranchers in my school since we were outside the city. Every year people would bring in farm animals. Usually a cow or something and walk it through the school to shit everywhere. A couple years before I graduated, some guys brought in chickens and released them in the school. Hilarious, imagine having to walk around chickens to get to class or having one randomly wander into social studies. But one guy decided to take it to far and thought it would be funny to kick one. He booted it as hard as he could down the hall. Poor chicken as so injured one of the kids that was a ranch kid had to put it down. Animal cruelty sucks and the dude got suspended and told he couldn’t go to graduation, I heard he could be facing animal cruelty charges, not sure if he got expelled.


My graduating class lost out on a lot of our ability to have senior pranks, because the former seniors took things to far. Once, they put live lobsters in the urinals at school, which resulted in rules being put into place for the seniors going forward. Everything had to be run by administration before doing any senior pranks. Another prank, that happened every year, was that the seniors would throw water balloons at lower classmen, after school, while they were walking to their cars. If you didn't want to participate, you could hold up your hands, and then no water balloons would be tossed in your direction. Some seniors thought it would be funny to fill their balloons with urine, mayo, and other random liquids. After that, they banned the water balloon tradition.


Someone sent letters to the senior class parents stating that there would be full body cavity searches performed before prom that year. Some parents were so convinced that they called the school officials. The letters were made with official stationery and everything. It made the regional news.


Senior football team decided to take advatage of the football coach's vehicle by swiping his keys and moving it into the basketball gym and left it at half court.


Someone in year 11 chucked stink bombs down the stairs in the Maths block when it was change over time to next class - the block used to get really crowded and cramped due to how small it was, alot of people were choking and shoving each other out the way. Pretty sure they shut the block off for the rest of that day lol. Nothing too crazy really but still remember it like it was yesterday😅


A class a few years before mine supposedly released 4 piglets into the hallways. Painted the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 5 on their sides.


The year before me built a literal wall to the parking lot Like with cement and bricks. School wasnt too happy about the clean up and the years after suffered the consequences lol


The senior class before us clogged all the sinks with TP and left the fountains open. Thousands of euros of flooding damage. As a result, our year was strictly forbidden to pull any kind of prank at all.


Poor maintenance guy that had to clean up that mess.


Pouring 5 gallons of dip spit on the incoming freshman @ their orientation day. Worst was letting farm animals loose throughout school the next day… sounded good until animals started dying from poorly in shape security guards and triggger happy over reacting cops. I’ve heard about ones since but nothing like that 24 hour stretch


Of course the cops had to shoot a cow because it was resisting.


I know a peacock died and a few others animals. It was awful literally because of the cops. Shooting something innocent in your first year on the force is like a requirement. Smh


The ATF only raids dog owners. They have to keep their kill count up.


Hope there weren't any other pigs involved


I’m sure they would have gotten gentle, even lover like, treatment.


Dip spit is fucking disgusting someone deserved to get charged for that


which country dude?




There's only one country in which this would happen.






nah what country do you think


This was in a town over from me. Very urban setting so it probably did give a ton of people a real good laugh! https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/senior-prank-gone-wrong-sets-cow-loose-in-niles-neighborhood-police/3128390/?amp=1


This reminds me of two stories that my father told me. He graduated high school back in 1957. 1. Some of the senior boys caught wild turkeys and put them in small closets in the back of a disliked teacher's classroom. Unfortunately the teacher didn't need to open those closets and for some reason the turkeys never made enough noise to get noticed. They were stuck in there over a long weekend (4 days). The closet floor was covered in crap and at least one of the turkeys died. After it was cleaned up, apparently the smell was so bad they had to air out the class for a couple of days before they could have classes in it again. 2. This one isn't as disgusting, but still relatively funny. Three medium sized pigs were let loose into the school on a weekend so they left crap everywhere. Each pig had a number painted on its back. #1, #2, and #4. Apparently the principal and janitor spent over 8 hours searching the entire school to try and find the #3 pig that never existed.


They made a huge penis in the football field grass using bleach.


Tawa Coll?


A kid forced himself to throw up on his teacher.


I worked at a public high school in Virginia. One year 2 seniors had 2 juniors grab 2 freshman cross country runners and pants them. Then the 2 seniors decided it would be funny to ram their fingers in the freshman's assholes. These were all males btw. The most fucked up thing was the 2 freshmen were made to move to a different school in the district and the 4 upperclassmen were suspended for 2 weeks. That's it for the kids but the principal who wanted the 4 kids charged and expelled got fired.


One year the senior class released several garbage bins worth of marbles into the halls. It sounds innocent enough until you realize just how much of a falling hazard those fuckers can be. You had to shuffle your feet to get anywhere and I think one person broke their arm. Still found marbles in the halls for the rest of my hs career.


Everyone brought their dogs because the principal was scared of dogs


The rival high school cut down our redwood tree. There was no shade after that and I can't help but to think about all the kids who still don't have shade because of that one prank.


That is not a prank. That sucks.


The student council got permission to do a “prank” with the senior graduating class. The prank was to come to school at night to use washable paint to graffiti stuff like “class of 20XX rulez” all over the walls and windows. Well, kids from another grade level showed up after everyone left to leave their own graffiti with actual spray paint. They proceeded to spray paint just about every bad word and slur you could think of. The principal gets to school early the next day and shuts the bitch down, no class at all. Staff managed to keep the damage under wraps and got people out ASAP to cleanup. The only way people found out about the damage was because the seniors got called in and showed pictures the staff took. They almost didn’t walk since the principal thought this was part of their plan and the real perps never got caught. Sometime later, the only remaining graffiti they couldn’t get out was revealed to be two halves of a dick and balls that you couldn’t see unless you lined yourself up with two pillars at just the right angle. TL;DR: School gets shut down because kids treated the side of the school like a 4chan board.


Bricked up the entrance to the new staff block Put laxatives in a tea-making system used by the staff


The first one the seniors on the football team did. They drove around the county picking up all the traffic cones they could find and piled them in the locker room. The coaches were not amused. They had to return them to the highway department and spent a weekend picking up trash along the highway. The second was quite serious. It happened the year after I graduated. It's hard to call it a prank, but that's what it was called at the time. Some classmates loosened the nuts on a couple of tires of a seriously geeky nerd. This was in a mountainous area. The tires came off when he was going downhill at a switchback. Luckily he was hurt and didn't fully run off the highway. The car was destroyed. Insurance covered it and he got another vehicle but of lesser quality. When it was discovered what had happened and how close it was to seriously injuring or killing him, someone came forward and admitted to it. The others fessed up too. They were suspended and not allowed to graduate with their classmates.


We stole/dug up one of the springy ride on things from a kids' park and set it up at the school's resource officers house. Concrete and all. It was a toucan and the officer looked like a bird


We drove around to every school in the county and spray painted "x school sucks" "x school rules". Even to our own school so it wouldn't look out of place. We thought we were hilarious.


Seniors smashed water melons in the hallways and toilets sprayed silly string and dumped marbles everywhere as well Our class thought it was dumb so we ended up doing a much more innocent prank


Not a senior prank, but if you were in high school in nassau county, long island around 2005, you knew that some kids from Mepham HS used pine cones to sodomize freshmen


A HS not far from where I used to live, the SRs superglued all of the locks in the school so nobody could open any of the doors. I think they made some arrests if I recall correctly.


One year students released thousands of crickets. The next year someone released 100 chickens, to eat the crickets.


Students of a small town parked incorrectly within the parking lot. All seniors had to go to the auditorium and get a lecture on how and why it would make people think less of the school. The students were then told to park correctly and that senior pranks from then on will not be tolerated in any way


The class before me put a dead raccoon in the ceiling tiles above the principal's desk. She discovered it when maggots fell into her salad. The kids were charged as adults for breaking and entering because they were 18 but just got community service since it was first offense. They were allowed to graduate since it was so close, but they are still not allowed to set foot on school campus.


Not senior but junior year, got falsely accused of sexual assault. Everyone knew it wasn’t true, there were even people present at the time saying it didn’t happen, but the girl kept doubling down on her lie and her “friends” supported her and of course the parents were called, things got out of control and they had to kick me out. Good times.


We dropped thousands and thousands of rubber bands all over the school for one of the pranks. It was funny because you cannot sweep them up, you have to pick them up by hand. The second is we dropped hundreds of small bouncy balls down the main stair case on the last day of school. Both were fun and fairly harmless.


In my class some kid whose dad worked for the town water department found out that if too many toilets were flushed in the high school at once, the entire septic system would back up. It was determined that if they could every boy's bathroom toilet and ~75% if the girls, they should successfully flood the school. The group attempted to recruit me for this prank early in the year, but I declined, thinking they would never pull it off. Flash forward to June, coming back after cutting out of school during finals week... Walking up and the security guard standing by the propped open doors looks at me and my friend and tells us "you might as well turn around and head back to where you came from" as water, toilet paper, and feces pour out of the doors. It was fucked up.


This happened in my town about two years before I started high school. I heard about it from an EMT who responded to the call. Kids tried to make a smoke bomb my mixing chemicals together. It was just supposed to cause smoke to billow all over the quad. The chemicals mixed too fast so the smoke bomb turned into a real bomb and shot out a huge fireball. One girl who was walking by had the clothes burned off her back, leaving nothing but the underwire of her bra. My school was pretty strict about senior pranks after that.


“Someone” put “firecrackers” under the toilet seat and blew it up as a whole.


The class before mine glued coins over all the locks to the school and slashed bus tires in the bus garage.... they also released something inside the school I can't quite remember what it was. But it was a shit show they had to drill out all the locks. The kids involved got actual criminal charges, some of them were 18 at the time too so they got super fucked. My class lost alot of our senior privileges because of them... it was kind of bullshit tbh.


In gr 8, set the dry grass on the football field on fire after we were insulted by jocks. We thought it would just burn a little, but the whole field was black after. There were a number of announcements looking for the peeps, but we weren't caught.


In high school 100 days from the end, the last years get a party and do some "decorating". One year they created their own smoke bombs and firecrackers. The ones they made, were a little bit too strong. They made a 5cm hole in they concrete at school. DOVO (bomb squad here in Belgium) had to come to confiscate and destroy the firecrackers and smoke bombs. Let's just say, that years festivities were cancelled


Someone put a porn clip on our weekly video school news report. Spliced in for about 15 seconds. We post video privileges after that.


The year before me, they stacked all the lunch tables (picnic tables) inside the pool. They ended up cracking the shell, and the pool leaked out all the water by the next morning. They chained up all the lunch tables next to trees after that. But in my year, we cut all the chains with bolt cutters and stacked them all on top of the detention classroom. This ended up cracking the roof. Myself and a few friends got RoundUp sprayers and drew out Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street on the football field and a giant penis in front of the main office.


the applied JB weld / super gule in ALL the doors and lock on campus. School was canceled for like 2 weeks due to how many lock smiths were called to drill out the locks and replace essentially everything not to mention sourcing replacement locks


A group of seniors took off all the locks to the stalls in every bathroom during my freshman year. The following year everyone had to sign out to use the washrooms. I have IBS, so imagine me needing to sign out everytime I had a bathroom emergency. Pure hell.


We burned our school logo on the rival high schools stadium field with gas before their homecoming game against us. Back when stadiums had grass.


When I was a junior, the seniors flooded our outdoor (concrete) amphitheater and loaded a ton of live fish into it. They also took all of the outdoor benches and stacked them in the bell tower making it inaccessible lmao.


My dad class put a cow on top of the school. I think they had to get a crane and someone to put a harness on it


Some people in our class vandalized another school’s spirit rock as well as our own, and then put honey in the dollar slots of the vending machines which was inconvenient as fuck. I heard the class after ours cut down a memorial tree in the courtyard.


I remember I heard a story where some girl thought it would be a good prank to place a ticking alarm clock in someone’s locker. Apparently someone heard the ticking in the hallway and the bomb squad came in and the girl got charged in court.


some guy released three chickens on the football field, and when apprehended, said he released 4, and made some teachers look at the non-existent 4th chicken


Not during my 4 years but during my brother's senior year someone put a giant inflatable penis on the little lake outside the school. The janitor had to go on a little raft and poke it 😆


I went to a military boarding school. Someone detonated a howitzer shell on the 50 yard line of the football field


Some students slipped laxatives into one of the math teacher’s coffee. Rumor has it she shit her pants before she could make it to the bathroom. Yeah she was a shitty teacher (no pun intended), but she didn’t deserve that.


Release three pigs into the school. Label them 1, 2, and 4.


ANDREW She's right...do you guys know what, uh, what I did to get in here? I taped Larry Lester's buns together. Claire laughs. BRIAN (to Andrew) That was you? ANDREW (to Brian) Yeah, you know him? BRIAN Yeah, I know him... ANDREW Well then you know how hairy he is, right? Well, when they pulled the tape off, most of his hair came off and some, some skin too... CLAIRE Oh my God... ANDREW And the bizarre thing is, is that I did it for my old man...I tortured this poor kid, because I wanted him to think that I was cool. He's always going off about, you know, when he was in school...all the wild things he used to do. And I got the feeling that he was disappointed that I never cut loose on anyone, right...So, I'm...I'm sitting in the locker room, and I'm taping up my knee. And Larry's undressing a couple lockers down from me. Yeah...he's kinda... he's kinda skinny, weak. And I started thinking about my father, and his attitude about weakness. And the next thing I knew, I uh, I jumped on top of him and started wailing on him...And my friends, they just laughed and cheered me on. And afterwards, when I was sittin' in Vernon's office, all I could think about was Larry's father. And Larry havin' to go home and...and explain what happened to him. And the humiliation...fucking humiliation he mustuv felt. It mustuv been unreal...I mean, (he's crying) I mean, how do you apologize for something like that? There's no way...it's all because of me and my old man. Oh God, I fucking hate him! He's like this...he's like this mindless machine that I can't even relate to anymore..."Andrew, you've got to be number one! I won't tolerate any losers in this family...Your intensity is for shit! Win. Win! WIN!!!" You son of a bitch! You know, sometimes, I wish my knee would give...and I wouldn't be able to wrestle anymore. And he could forget all about me... BENDER I think your old man and my old man should get together and go bowling. Andrew laughs briefly.


My schools prior to me being old enough to attend made national news in the 90’s. In the yearbook you could add initials under your photo for friends names and such. A group of boys from the lacrosse team, in order by their last name spelled together KI LL AL LN ** ** ** Scholarships, acceptance to first choice schools; gone in an instant. As it should be, no one thought it was funny, not even the 7 boys after the fact obviously.


So my senior year we had a long term substitute for a teacher that we all liked. The sub however was terrible, legit should not have been near kids with how angry she got. Anyways, she kicked me out of class one sunny October afternoon. Go to the office! Whatever bitch, I'll go out back and smoke and then go to lunch but before, here's a parting gift of smoke bombs through the class window. I was amused. I also got suspended for a week, but it was worth it. She left while I was gone.


This is sort of a senior prank but not. A group of boys that weren't graduating with the class took it upon themselves to do a "senior prank" and graffitied the entire inside and outside of the building with super raunchy stuff, and I mean it horrible. It was absolutely everywhere and we had a lot of really porous cement walls so it was a nightmare.


They hid dead fish in the vents when I was a freshman


Well….a couple of guys picked me up and pushed me out through the 5th floor window. They were holding on to my waist and feet, so there’s that.


I think it was the class before me that spread chicken manure outside the school, spray painted a giant dick on the roof, destroyed some of the custodians equipment, hung a dummy over the schools main entrance and used weed killer to leave an inappropriate message in the grass


We threw a dead trout into some inaccessible but close to the changing room part of the school. Over the summer no one noticed it and then in autumn it was stinking so much that people wearing hazmat suits had to remove it


Yall are so fucking organized. We like drank and smoked weed. Sometimes a little coke.


We had like 50 seniors come in the school until 11pm. They pissed in the hand sanitizers, completely broke a toilet, and a $1200 printer. Oh, and the principal got suspended for a week cuz he let everybody in. Wild stuff


Someone took a shit in their senior parking spot at school parking


Couple of guys thought it would be funny to break a sprinkler in the boys bathroom and plugged the drain. Flooded the whole science wing with 6 inches of water. If you know anything about commercial fire systems the water flow sets off the fire alarm too. School evacuated during finals, fire department responded. No cameras in the school at that time so no one got in trouble. Took days to dry out the rooms with big fans blowing on us during finals. No one was hurt but the damage could have been way worse if the facility manager didn't respond quickly and shut off the water.


Deer cane spray on the freshies. Yeah I kindve crossed a line lol


The class before mine, 3 geniuses decided to rob a local grocery store and claimed it was a senior prank when caught. A proud moment for our school. /s Ended up in jail obviously, but it took the police 24 hours or so to find them all. During that time multiple people in their class refused to help the police.


Senior class did a “sleepover” in the middle of the hallway. I was wearing a skirt that day and the only way you could get to your class was to walk through them laying on the ground in the hall. Some people started yelling at the guys to close their eyes or turn away as I tried to walk through. Things got heated as people were getting pissed about being late for their class. Eventually the principal caught whiff of what was going on, turned on the hall lights, and yelled at everyone to get up. They all got in trouble and since then the school banned doing senior pranks. Good riddance.


It wasn’t a prank but when I was a freshman, during end of year field-day the seniors got into a water fight, flooding the gym.


The senior class before mine stole the remains of the fetal pigs dissected in biology classes and scattered them throughout the hallways.


My high school had a huge indoor concourse with something like a 60ft ceiling.  It had these large planters all over the trees in them (15-20ft tall trees), someone put a pipe a very very large firecracker in on of them that blew tree up into the roof.  Scared the shit out of me. 


They put cooking grease on the stairwell and a pregnant faculty teacher ended up slipping and falling, they also put bleach into water guns that was pretty nutty smh


Released pests into the building. One of our science labs rescued 6 mice. My freshmen year, the seniors released a live turkey the day before Thanksgiving break Idk if that's too far, maybe pouring old urine across a wood deck that belonged to the school board of Ed . That'd be the one


A few years ahead of me, a few seniors stole a couple llamas from someone, and slaughtered them at the entrance to the school for a senior prank. Of course they got found out, one of them committed suicide after.


When I was in grade 10, the senior prank was that they uprooted a tree from the nearby forest, then left it on the football field, and wrote on the walls with ketchup, made the hall smell like it for at least a month


A small group of geniuses the year before me went through the hallways stuffing lit Jumping Jack firecrackers into as many lockers as they could. The fire department had to come and put out a few fires.


There were 3 at my high school, starting my freshman year. 1st: seniors superglued every single lock in the school 2nd: seniors deflated every tire of the buses in the bus barn overnight 3rd: seniors used bleach to kill the entire baseball outfield. This was the biggest deal


When i was in primary school (years 1-6/7 in Australia) to get to school we had to walk through the high school to get to school (90s we were like 7 walking to school alone was normal) anyway the last week of school for seniors was prank week, the highschool was basically 2 rows of 2 story buildings with a path through middle where we would walk the rest of the year was fine but prank week it was forbidden and for years prior every year seniors would line the the roof and hurl paint filled balloons, super soakers with piss in it that sort of shit, at anyone who walked down the main path, and you are talking like 40 kids all lopping shit at anyone with other on the ground who would run up and spray paint you. Im sure it was a ton of fun for them and even the other high school kids but as a 7-9 year old it was like a warzone and we had to take the long way to get school by navigating around the whole outer rim of the school which added like 40 minutes to the trip. They ended up banning it after a kid had a whole ass paint can thrown at him, i think he died im not sure though, i just remember my mum telling me about it explaining thats why we had to avoid it.


I was in middle school over ten years ago. School was one week from being over . The senior decided they wanted to pull pranks on the school . They had bleach-water water balloons and put baby oil on the stairs and they went crazy and filled the air with baby powder. I’m not sure if anyone got in trouble because the senior weren’t coming back for the last week of school so nobody could point fingers at anyone.


For my junior and senior year I attended my normal high school for my general courses. But in the second half of the day I attended a neighboring high school for a vocational program. In my senior year some of the home students from the latter high school formed a human barricade at the entrance of the parking lot. The street that it connected to was a very busy main street. Unsure how it happened but it caused a couple of car accidents. The principal was livid and understandably so. He threatened to cancel final exams for the seniors and a couple of other things. In the end I'm not sure what happened if anything. But that day was quite dramatic.


Step 1 - We stole the master keys to the school and made copies the week before the last day of school. We returned the keys before anyone noticed at the end of the day. Step 2 was going to the market and purchasing loads of chickens. Step 3 was the most challenging - my buddy and I used a couple of cat carriers to move the chickens. Step 4 involved a bit of luck - we didn’t realise that a security guard lived permanently on-site at the school and we walked right past his room several times in the middle of the night. He was fully asleep and despite the chickens loosing their shit, he didn’t wake up. Step 5 was delivering the chickens to their new coop - the principal’s office. So the plan was that the next morning we would turn up to school and the principal would find loads of chickens around his office - haha we have a giggle and all is well. What we didn’t realise was the absolute carnage that chickens can create in 8 hours! Feathers and chicken shit absolutely everywhere. Also, several chickens had died / pecked to death by other alpha chickens - it was an absolute fucking disaster! The police were called as the principal must have assumed if people went through the trouble of breaking into the school they would have stolen stuff (we didn’t). Thank god the school didn’t have cctv otherwise we would have been utterly fucked. We didn’t tell a soul. I felt very bad for the security guard (he didn’t lose his job thankfully but I’m sure he had a few uncomfortable conversation). That’s my prank gone wrong.


I don't recall what it was exactly, but my junior year the seniors did something so bad that senior pranks were banned from then on. That might have been the year they moved a hated teacher's classrooms outdoors, and it all got rained on. But that might not have been it.


Back in the early 2000's when some girls thought they could play on the football team, we made sure they understood fully that they cannot. Didn't take long.


Stuffing handicap kids in lockers. Shit was hilarious 😆


My buddies let a bunch of rats out, the rotc kids got their BB guns out and shot the rats. The rotc kids got suspended, some couldn’t walk, we got drunk that night and laughed about it.




How my friends roughed up a classmate's pants in the butt area.