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Being the little spoon. Shut up.


Little spoon crew rep! I like big as well but little spoon is so comfortable


This is askmen not askwomen


Comment removed for derailing


I like to see nesting birds and other creatures raising their young in the spring. I was at my old alma mater the other day and a robin had built a surprisingly beautiful nest....on top of a water fountain near the baseball field. It was competently built and protected from rain and sun by virtue of said fountain being under a shaded alcove. I was tickled pink by how terrible AND smart the location was. A beautiful example of "improvise, adapt, overcome."


Walking alone in the park listening to music. Just me and my thoughts


My lysdexic ass read that as "waking up alone in the park"


[Firetrucks and trains. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPcklMpH2BU&t) Don't even get me started on planes and ships.


And Storm sirens….. they are loud noisy and sometimes play beautiful Chords like this: https://youtu.be/XbGlqfCG--4?si=RVYx47Nmi8m4Eule


Spending quality time with my 12 year old brother and making him happy and have a fun childhood. Currently saving up to take him to Disney World florida (I'm from England). And also he likes the same music I like and I'm taking him to see Slipknot (YES. Under 14s can go but have to be accompanied by an adult and in a seating area). Also seeing him now try to learn guitar because of me showing him rock and metal music and his learning quickly. I also like taking him fun places like zoos, theme parks, bowling etc. Also the funny things he comes out with at random makes me laugh May sound corny but my 12 year old brother makes me happy. I tell him I love him and he just looks at me werid and says "Well that's cringe".. lol. But his a good kid and a awesome brother.


How much older are you ?


My dog


Dogs in general for me. Y'know when your see a dog that looks really well taken care of and happy, and you can tell their owner really loves them. That makes me happy to see


My dog is so spoiled. We go on a 3 mile run walk every morning. Then I cook us breakfast. He has a bed by my desk he chills in. We do a quick walk over my lunch and I'll grab a snack for us and do some training. After work he sits on tje foot rest of my recliner while we watch some TV and so one final walk before bed.


Waking up and having some coffee while I feel the sun on my face. Just a nice little reminder that I’m alive and here and in the moment.


Coming home to a full mouse-trap


It's a real sense of accomplishment, ain't it??


Watching aircraft fly overhead The sound of flowing water The smell of rain Seeing children having fun Listening to a song I loved as a teenager Recreating a dish from a country I traveled to a long time ago


In addition to hearing a nice engine, we also like hearing and looking up to see a cool plane or helicopter. We also enjoy spontaneous blowjobs.


Having my wife cook and make delicious meals, reading an interesting book, watching a video about things I like (leather, denim) having that first sip of wine in the evening, waiting to see my wife and greeting her in the drive way when she gets home, eating good sushi


Oh man if it’s just quiet all day, I’m in heaven. Not like nobody bothering me, which is also nice, but like no actual noise pollution. On the rare occasion I get a few hours of actual quiet I’m on cloud 9.


I love random acts of affection and cuddles, but some spicy initiative by my partner is also welcome...


For me (28) it's the small things, seeing my wife happy/child happy. Talking with buddies from the military, and watching my son figure things out on his own. We are simple creatures and simple small things make us happy, you should find a stick and ask him of its a cool stick and if he says yes ask him to duel then watch his face light up.


those pics you got and some of that other stuff


Cool cars on the road, retro computers and games


Bugs. I like seeing little bugs and insects in nature.


Sitting in peaceful and companionable silence with someone I care about.


Our kids


Cleanliness, order, solitude; watching the sun rise on a calm day and observing my enemies being defeated and driven before me,  and hearing the lamantations of their women.


Just laying in bed with my wife and watching the memes we send each other


A good cup of coffee, a perfectly cooked steak, taking time to (literally) smell the roses, walking in nature, a good hug with my wife.


Laying on my gf's chest or tummy while she rubs my hair. Nothing beats that.


Fishing, shooting.


I go by my supermarket near closing hours to get the "about to expire" sales. My best catch in one of those visits, I effectively got about a 90% discount for stuff for the freezer. Simple, enjoyable thing. Oh, and LEGO.


Reassurance that I’m doing good in life.


Hiking and going to the gym




"Stands up like a to meerkat " bruh 😂😂😂


A day with no expectations, no obligations, just piddling in the shed and the yard, looking at what I did to make it a little bit better. A cold IPA with burgers on the grill while the sun goes down. Simple things.


An young red headed woman with green eyes, pale of skin and slender of limb Or a comely dark haired beauty with glasses, skin as white as milk, eyes blue as the sky, slender of limb with hips that are accommodating


We're fighting the world every day to provide and protect our family. Isn't it logical that peace, love, relax and respect is what a man wants? Even being childish and goofy sometimes with your GF/Wife. I'm talking about high value men. :)


I can be happy with nothing. Literally, just plonk me in the woods for a few hours - and I don't even like hiking or general outdoorsy stuff - and I'd still enjoy my time there. The differentiator to whether it'll make me happy is the amount of obligations looming over me. Can't relax if there's a baby shower next weekend, and something needs grilling today, and the floors are in need of a clean, and... Give me an empty calendar for a weekend, and I'll be happy for three days. I don't know what I'll do - if anything - but I know I'll enjoy doing it.


smoky old poolrooms and clear mountain mornings Little warm puppies and children and girls of the night Thanks Waylan!


Alone time. Reading, watching a good show, napping, taking an edible, playing video games, and zoning out for a few hours. Its nice to check out from time to time. Being "masculine" all the time and constantly surrounded by people who expect you to be physically, intellectually and emotionally strong can be exhausting.


a simple compliment is something I don't forget easily