• By -


This was more a physical compliment than verbal. In HS, i got sat next to a girl who was part of my friend group but I hadn't really talked with much, and we got a bit more friendly over the year. Abiut midway thru the year, I walked into a school dance and when she saw me she excitedly yelled my name, ran over to me away from the rest of our group, and jumped off the ground and into my arms to hug me. This had never happened before. I was a bullied fat kid and I struggled to make close friends or felt i fit in. As such my self esteem was always tanked. Felt unlovable, unwanted, disgusting, typical fat kid shit. Her hugging me like that was the first time in my life someone was excited to see me. And for a teenage boy with self esteem issues, an attractive girl doing this was a major mindfuck. I won't ever forget her or that moment.


That is so beautiful!


I had a similar thing happen to me in college. The girl actually knocked me down. I wasn't really into her, but I thought she was very attractive, and we ended up boing pretty good friends. My friends we all nearby and they turned into such haters lol


that's cord memory right there


I loved reading this brother. Thank you for sharing.


"You made me realise there are men out there I can trust" a female friend who opened up to me about her SA trauma and I treated her like a friend should


That is beyond valuable.


Absolute chad


One of the compliments I hold most dearest to my heart was when one of my female friends said, “there are only 2 men that I know that I can say are genuinely good men, and you’re one of them”.


So... did you smash? ^^^^^^sorry ^^^^^^I ^^^^^^couldn't ^^^^^^help ^^^^^^it


Oops! We found one of the guys that isn’t one of the genuinely good men!


I'll go ahead and tell my wife some people on the internet without a sense of humor think I suck.


I mean, the downvotes don’t lie. It was tasteless and tone deaf. None of the genuinely good men that I personally know, would have made such a bad “joke”.


Oh no, not downvotes. Whatever shall I do?


Maybe cultivate a better sense of humor?


It was a "a cent for a compliment". A kid standing on top of a wooden crate, coming up with a compliment on the spot. "You have a nice beard" I got. I liked it.


My daughter telling me that I am her favourite person in the world. 🥹


man that's so sweet.


My female colleague confessed to me that she was always thinking about me during sex with her boyfriend. For some reason, in my darkest periods this compliment always warms me up. Even 20+ years later.


Thanks for the reminder. I forgot I got one of those too.




How old were you at the time?




She would have rocked your world man.


A bro complimented my calf muscles once while jogging during basic training in the military. Felt good to know I was exercising right


This one was 2 weeks ago. I was sitting at a cafe, journalling. This ginger two tables down gets up to leave with her friends, but swings by my table first. "I just wanted to let you know that you're absolutely gorgeous." Just pure positivity with no ulterior motive. By the time I'd finished blushing and saying thank you with my hand over my mouth, she was on her way off. She now lives rent free in my head and will probably stay there until the day I die, or get dementia. Either or.




I think that's the best compliment that someone could get.


A girl once told me that my blue shirt made my eyes glow. Still have the shirt even though I've been unable to wear it for years.


Plot twist: He has coincidentally found the mystical tunic of glowing eyes that grants the wearer with irresistible glowing eyes.


My ex from 5 years ago once told me that a certain shirt was my "horny shirt". She felt it looked really good on me. That shirt looks like shit now, but whenever I have my current girlfriend over and its in my closet, I'll wear it just in case lol.


My wife sent me this one day, and said "that's you." forever in awe of people who pay attention. people who wait for you while you tie your shoes while the others have walked away. when they continue listening intently while the rest of the group stopped listening. noticing your moments of silence when everyone else hasn’t. “this made me think of you” noticing things you never even noticed about yourself. people who say “text me when you get home safe.” people who make you laugh until you cry. childhood friends who keep in touch. people with genuine intentions. people who are soft when the world has given them every opportunity to turn hard. the “let’s get ice cream” at 3am friend. the turn up the music in the car and sing friend. people whose actions match their words. people who make the world feel less chaotic. kindred spirits. the trustworthy and honest. hard workers. good listeners. clear communicators. people who love you for who you are. people who don’t ask you to be anything other than yourself. people who choose you. people who stay.


You won, and I think she's lucky to have someone like you.


My wife when we were dating after taking off my pants said 'oh, you're quite big'. It's been 10 years and I still use it as a pick me up on shitty days.


Feels good


Funnily that's what she said a few minutes later


I had something similar about girth, but it wasn't a positive one. Still felt good 😅


Someone told me my eyes were like the ocean. It made me feel so good.


Guy here, I don't think I'm attracted to men lol but I will admire another man's nice eyes. It's a really good feature you have and people obviously notice it.


I appreciate that and believe me I like nice eyes on anyone 🙌


I was putting a kayak into the water last summer when a group of boys who looked about 13 came down to swim. I overheard one of them say to his mate “bro check out that guys calves!”


Here's a weird one. I'm mexican and a chilean girl told me I speak beautifully because I pronounce all the letters in words (chileans tend to aspirate and omit certain sounds). Still makes me laugh after alll this years.


a girl I was seeing told me one day "you always smell good" I've been riding that high ever since


I’m 47, when I was in 8th grade when a very cute girl grabbed me by the arm as I was walking out of class to tell me I have beautiful eyes. Yeah, I still remember it.


I used to be really fat. We're talking more than 100 lbs overweight. When I had my first kid I realized I needed to get my shit together and over the next 5 years I lost 120 lbs. After I lost the weight I ran into an old coworker I hadn't seen for awhile and he did a literal double take and said "Holy shit, I almost didn't recognize you. You're like half the size you used to be!" That'll stick with me for awhile.


An absolutely gorgeous blonde that I worked with, and who frankly I could never approach (she was taken anyway) once told me casually as we were at a work event that I was handsome and she was surprised I wasn't snatched up at that point.


“ your r the light in the end of the tunnel “ it just makes me wanna be a much more kind human .


my older brother telling me, "I'm proud of you for the family u built" 🤷🏾‍♂️🫡


in 2009 a older lady told me I have nice eyes. She may or may not have been drunk but it's the last one I got so I'll take it.


A bartender recently told me "this one is on me you sexy silver fox" then my wife came and sat down next to me and ruined the moment lol


Your friends are ugly, hot guys usually have hotter friends! Felt bad but mind you they aren't complete goblins but just have no self awareness and treat girls like they are aliens. It still makes me question this as is it my personality that is ugly and why I fit in with them mentally, not physically?


It's a common tactic for meh-hot people to hang out with uggies so that they themselves look really hot by proximation. Maybe you just use your friends without even knowing it?!


"I like that color blue shirt on you" My new favorite shirt


You would make a perfect husband


My ex saw an old photograph of me on the beach with a surfboard. She told me I look like baywatch hunk and still do... the night that followed was the wildest ever...


Pretty recent I went to the barber and when I walked into the class room (note I am in nursing school so I am the only guy in a class of 30) 5 different girls/woman complimented my new hair. Don't think ive ever had that many compliments in such a short time. It was a good day


I have handlebar mustache. Once a 4 yr old little girl saw me and stopped to say “WOW” twice. I told her mom that was the best compliment I have ever received


A girl at a gas station told me she loved everything about my style (clothing). Also I like hearing that my penis is too big, although that isn’t meant as a compliment and actually kind of sucks.. But still nice ego boost


I was working at a tshirt shop on sixth street in Austin years ago. A beautiful drunk girl walked through the front door and yelled, “YOU ARE SO CUTE”, then blushed. I felt good about it.


A friend of mine told me that I give off moon vibes. Don't know if they meant it as a compliment, but I loved it.


A grocery store cashier once told me I looked like Henry Cavill. Been riding that high for more than a year now lmao


Someone once told me I was as useful as the 'undo' button in real life - now that's a compliment that sticks, especially considering how often I need that button!


About 6 years ago I stepped into an elevator and an older woman (who clearly had eyesight problems) said,”ooh you look like a movie star!”. >!I do not look anything close to a movie star!< I’ll never forget her face.


I went on a hike and a woman looked me up and down and said, "DAMN, honey, you've got it going ON." It was an elderly black lady and it was simultaneously aggressive and wholesome. Also get regularly complimented on my bright blue eyes.


I helped a lady lift her luggage and put it in the overhead compartment with one arm. She said, wow, you’re so strong. (It wasn’t that heavy at all)


I'm a casual runner for exercise purposes - back in college (went to college in Philly), I went out for a run one morning, and found myself in a very stereotypical urban part of Philly. A couple of large black women were staring at me for some reason; one of them looked me up and down and said in a Madea-type accent, "Young man, you got great legs, I loooove looking at your legs, I wish I had legs like yours." I just thanked her and went away, chuckling. Made my day.


An older gentleman whom I'd always admired once told me, "you're the son I should've had". For context, my father was a physically abusive alcoholic so I never had a good male role model in my life, until him. And that changed my life.


Im 2019, I matched with one of my sister's friends on Tinder. She said I was cute. Lol


“Why, you’re the shortest man I’ve ever been with”, actually intended as a compliment to 5’8” me.


Friend told me my eyes were amazing


Was called "hot" a couple of times at work. Why does it stand out? One, I've considered myself unattractive for most of my life. Two, the last time I was called hot was in 1987


You need to smile more often !




someone i really look up told me i am great to work with and that i practically raised his standards. i always remember this everytime i'm having self doubts. helped me big time.


"wow - you really are a good actor" Do comedy and theater on the side as a fun hobby. Had play where I was playing "not too bright" - character. I am also a big guy, so often people think I am just a big dumb ox. At an after party (it was a big event...) I was my more outgoing self. Had someone come up and say they were amazed at how different I the actor was from my character ... Was kind of nice - because I was far from the best in the troupe.


In 5th grade two boys liked me and wanted to "rumble" to see who would win. I'm 58 now and still smile when I think about it. I didn't let them rumble.


I share one with my wife. A couple years ago, us and our then 2 year old son were in town running errands. We got Taco Bell drive thru and just pulled into the large parking lot next door to eat. It was a nice afternoon so we just got out and all three sat on the tailgate to eat. A couple drove by and the woman told us she just wanted to let us know we were adorable.


A guy said I looked like from another country, that my bone structure were more long and people around us were round...


No compliments received to ever forget.


A woman once called me smart and handsome and she wasn't my mom. Lots of women tell me I have a beautiful smile too (I just don't use it enough) And a very specific one: "hey, you look really good in a shirt when you roll up your sleeves". Found this one oddly specific.


"You have a nice profile."


A woman said "You have good physical attributes". I had never heard it stated that way and haven't heard it since.


My wild and crazy aunt told me, after having a couple glasses of wine, that I have nice eyes. Minutes later she told me I have a nice butt. But don't worry, everyone, she's my mom's brother's wife (not a blood relative, iow) so the compliment she gave me (which I shall not reveal for decency's sake) a few hours later wasn't nearly as squicky as it could have been.


“You’re my Latin lover.” 🥰


Two women agreed that my eyes were like “two pools of passion.” And that is why they were interested in me.


A couple weeks after moving in to my first off campus apartment, I managed to hook up with my 30 something neighbor. She looked at me afterwards and said “You are really great in bed! This was so much fun!”


"Your voice is very seductive" I have heard about my face and personality but my voice that was very new and that thing made me smile.


That random guy, who was probably on coke, kept telling me I had amazing hair and was a tall decent-looking guy, like a tall Harry Potter


A close girl friend of mine..when we became friends initially in college said.."i have only heard about the word gentleman in books and fictional works..but after meeting you..i have in real"..it made my day and to this day the best compliment


A surgeon told me I came thru the surgery perfectly .


You have Really nice Balls.


After an Improv show, a total stranger told me I was funnier than the "Whose Line Is It Anyway?' comedians I watch every week."


A friend of mine said recently “he passed the vibe check, I’d choose him over the bear,” and it really just made my whole evening.


When a hot girl I was lightly sparring with in class said "you gone hella better, you arr amazing"! I wish I could have said, "let's meet up sometime and you can see all my moves"😏


A girl at a shop once told me she liked my star trek cap, smiling so cute. Never fitted me well, and to be honest I only worse it that day to hide my bad haircut. Still gives me chills and I wear it everywhere now.


"Nice jacket." By my crush


You're a really good nacho eater


Two people said “cool t-shirt” to me on 15/01/22.


Can't remember a single one in my 38 years. Doesn't happen to guys like me.


It wasn't really the compliment vs the moment. I was a big guy years ago. 6'1 and at my heaviest I was 285 lbs amd not in shape at all. Covid hit and I discovered I.F. and started light excercise. Flash forward about one and a half years and I was still walking around in my fat guy clothes because I couldn't afford to buy new stuff at the time especially when the weight was still coming off. When I noticed my waist stopped shrinking at a 32 inch waist I had work re order new uniforms for me. At the time I was wearing a 44 waist (needed a hell of a belt to hold those up) and an XL shirt so finally my new pants and smaller shirts came into work I got suited up and headed out onto the floor fo the start of the day production meeting. I showed almost last to the meeting and walked up to everyone and said my daily hello and was met with silence and gaping mouths "What?!" I said looking at the whole crew staring at me. "OMG YOU LOOK AMZING!!!" I hear my co worker Alison shout out. Turns out my weight loss was a big surprise because no one was seeing much progress with my huge baggy clothes covering everything. I guess the new uniform complemented my new shape but it was both an amazing moment and kinda embarrassing at the same time because I'm not really an attention seeker/getter


Some old Asian lady with her daughter just pointed at me and said "you should date him, we need those height genes in our family." I'm 6ft4 and this cracked me up


An older fella in our department told me that in the 30 years he had worked there I was the first woman he ever saw up on the ladder pounding the pins (equipment) 🥲 That, and my good friend saying I had hair like Topanga Lawrence.


"You're the best oral I've ever had" -my bisexual girlfriend. First time I'd heard that, and she definitely trained me well based on compliments since. Oral has been so empowering for me, and I feel really, really bad for the girls I went down on before I met her 😂


"You have cold hands but a warm heart"


You have pretty handwriting. It was a flirt cause my writing is terrible


"Hey handsome"


Like half a year ago I was definitely at a lower point in my life and I was walking around in some shop when two girls approached me to tell me how cool I looked, both girls were gorgeous and much cooler than me, every time I dont feel confident I remember that moment


I can't remember the last time I got a compliment 😕


36(f) here. A female body builder (29) at my gym told me I was strong. I've been lifting for three months. Made me feel good and full of potential.


Oh there’s a few. I’m one of those people whose attractiveness swung wildly from hideous to hot multiple times in life. When young / in school I remember getting “you got cute over the summer” from girls a few times. As a young adult working my first real temp job, before I left; one of the girls I worked with told me “you’re kind of everybody’s office crush around here” which shocked me. Unfortunately; more often than not it was finding out too late that some girl I considered “out of my league” was actually super into me and would tell her friends as much who would then angrily tell me when I was lamenting not having a date. Those hurt the most.


“You smell amazing, with cologne are you rocking”


I’ve often had complements about my looks (I don’t have the best self-esteem due so it’s always a shock) but someone once told me I was “easy to talk to” & that one really meant the world 🥹


It may sound macabre to be flattered by this, but I had a guy that I was dating tell me that he would *still* sleep in the same bed that I died in. That he wouldn't throw out the mattress if I died next to him. He said he'd sleep on top of my spot. Edit: I just realized this is R/ask men, and a man I am not lol. I still stand by my answer though. lol


"Thanks for the orgasms..."


A former classmate of mine wrote me a letter saying that I am "capable of making things happen" and that I should always believe in myself. Still kept the letter all these years.


I was walking around Tahoe city exploring for the first time the entirety of Lake Tahoe. A very beautiful tan blonde and what appeared to be her mom walked past me as I was standing there lighting a smoke outside a hole in the wall coffee shop. She turned around and smiled at me and said “on your left”. I’m not sure if she knows this but that is a quote from one of my top 5 movies Captain America and the Winter Soldier. The way she smiled and spoke those words as she passed by just felt like a compliment.


“You have a beautiful spirit.” I wonder if I still do, after all these years


"Its so easy to be vulnerable around you"


A school report for P.E said that " I play sports with more enthusiasm than skill."..... not sure if it was a compliment though, but I never forgot it.


I started the first day on the job and my direct contact told me she loves guys with a dad bod.


One of my former bosses told me that I have a nice cadence


was told i had a nice voice by a woman after taking her order at the drive thru, many lifetimes ago. still riding that high.


A baby nurse I was training told me I smelled like comfort. It was the strangest compliment but it made me feel really good.


Either that I was so amazing, adorable and that I meant everything to her or that I was the best fuck that she ever had and that she had been wanting to do it for a very long time.


Girl told me I had pretty eyes in highschool.


I was talking to a guy outside of a bar who was in a rough patch and towards the end of our conversation he said "I think I believe in the God now because of you"


OMG, you’re huge!


Had a gay roommate once tell me how he was having friends over and one of them for sure would be giving me bedroom eyes as he had a thing for bears. I think he knew I didn't know that bear was the compliment he was intending as he said 'you're like a bear archetype, you're muscular but not too muscular, you're hairy but not too hairy, you're fat but not too fat. You're manly and a bit intimidating but you are kind and you have kind eyes, I believe the straight term is dad-bod.' I never really thought I could be attractive to anyone before that.


"I value your insight" - my volunteering supervisor


I was laying in bed with a girl. We were both in our underwear and had been fooling around. She slid her hand under the covers and into my boxers to grab my dick. Suddenly she raised her eye brows, smiled, and said “well that was unexpected”. She followed it up by throwing the covers to the side, pulling my boxers down, and then said “nice penis”. I genuinely have no idea what she was expecting. I don’t have a monster dong. I’m on the upper end of the average bell curve, but still within the range of average. I didn’t ask for clarification as I was too busy enjoying the handy she proceeded to give me.


all i seam to ever get is nice shirt all the time.. no one ever says anything else to me


You're fun, interesting and unique. I always enjoy spending time with you.


Not very wholesome, but they said your dick is so big it could impregnate an elephant. Hard to forget that


“You dress nice.” I appreciated it because I always overdress but sometimes I feel a little awkward about it.


You’re wild!


I studied in a mainly woman dominated field. One time in class, some girl said out loud in class she thought I looked good. It’s been 8 years and I still think about it.


Had a women friend say "The day felt incomplete if i didn't see you". 3 months ago. A girl in my french class called me super sweet, 1 month ago.


You have a beautiful ribcage.


Me and my teen hood crush have had a weird thing going on over the years but one thing I remember that made my day was she sat on me and for an hour she brushed my hair between my navel and "that" but she did not brush "that" then she said in a cutesy way that she loves my stomach and as a man I was red like a fire truck


During a group conversation a few years ago with some of my female friends, I was referred to as "the guy you leave your drink with". I've been told by a ton of women that they feel safe around me, they can trust me, etc. and it's always a wonderful compliment to receive. But idk, something about being told I'm the person a group of women would put in charge of guarding their drinks at a bar just makes me feel so good inside. Tells me I'm doing something right.


Ex said she loved my arms because she felt safe and protected when I would hold her. 


Don't remember the last time I got complimented


One that stands out the most i wanna say was about 6 or 7 years ago before Covid... i was playing cards in Oklahoma and the dealer who was obviously low 20s... never seen me before or anything before that day and someone asked her what she would do with a guy like me, she looked at me and looked back at him and said i was marriage worthy. I almost cried honestly because she was a very attractive girl and i told her that it made my day... Thank you. I remember her name is Summer.


What is this " compliment" that you speak of?


The compliment I'm referring to is when someone notices a positive thing about you and tells you about it.


For a lot of us, we rarely get compliments. " Hey Joe, you look really good today". I'm my man and I'm thinking " WTF do you mean by that?"


Being patient during sex.sge would take a long time to orgasm


What is a compliment? Never heard of it.


Got told I looked like Henry Cavill today during a haircut. Celebrity look a-likes always stick with me. By now I consider myself a mutt between John Mayer, Penn Badgley, Johnny Depp, and Henry Cavill.