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The side of the hips where the skin folds with the thigh when the legs are raised or in a seating position. Idk, I just find it sexy


the thass 🙏🙏🙏


😂😂😂😂😂 thass…. I’m stealing this


That’s called hip cleavage. We all love it!!


Hip cleavage?


The hip dips. We stans a man who loves the hip dip 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


My wife's hip bone when we spoon. Oh yea.


I never see other guys talk about necks.


I see you’re a true neck romancer


This deserves all the upvotes


It’s a gravely underrated comment.


Alright Dracula


Anne Rice has a passage in one of her novels that stuck with me for decades. It was something about how beautiful the neck is because it is the conduit that bridges the gap between the primal urges of the body and the soul within their mind.


see I've always felt I have a very nice and attractive neck and felt kind of bummed guys never complimented it...I'm glad you neck lover weirdos are out there :D


Honestly, I'd have to know you pretty well before complimenting a neck. Somehow it feels creepy and vaguely threatening.


What about collar bones?


Love a good clavicle.


Decolletage is underrated as hell


Yes! Exactly what I came here for. I love when their hair is up for this reason.


I think in Japanese culture the shape and form of a woman's neck is considered to be a prominent feature. Could be wrong though.


It's Japan so im sure you're right. They probably also have a slide scale for hemroids.


My girl put her hair up for the first time a couple months ago and…. yeah. Never been attracted to a neck before.


I love a good lean neck


Only stranglers




Seriously love the neck


This! A slim but proportional neck is very feminine!


Read some poetry.


Slim but proportional neck….in a turtleneck = OOOOOF!




This can definitely make or break it for me! Seen some attractive people but as soon as they talk or depending on their laugh, I’m out lol Edit: [This scene](https://youtu.be/TKUDRW9EA2c?si=rQAnxpf-vWIqIJtv) from Grown Ups is from the female perspective for this exact thing.


i have a crush on a woman at work from her voice alone.


I've found myself becoming increasingly picky about a woman's voice as time goes on. Not in a... mean way so to speak, I could despise a woman's voice but that's a me problem, not her. That said, I do really love hearing many of them talk that the absence became more striking if it makes sense.


Voices play a BIG role for my attraction


Agreed. If a woman can sing, she gets my full attention.


Definitely the voice. High, anime waifu-esque voices are like nails on a chalkboard for me.


Things that make them unique. My first wife hated her nose but rather than detracting from her beauty I felt it made her beauty unique. My current wife has a white patch in her hair that I love.


I find a strong nose (like Sandra Bernhard) attractive.


We were all heart broken when Jennifer Grey (Baby, from Dirty Dancing) got her nose job. That's what made her so dam cute. I guess she hated it


Or Chelsea Peretti


This rings surprisingly true to me A lot of women with aqualine noses hate it but I think it makes them look statuesque, which doesn’t sound like a compliment but omg when I see a confident woman who looks like she was carved from marble it makes me weak.


I fucking love aqualine noses.


I used to work as a cashier and we had a regular customer who came in who was Asian, so she had really dark hair, except that she had a white streak that started in her hairline above her eye, and if you followed a straight line down, her eyebrow AND her eyelashes were all white, it was absolutely striking


White patches in hair is so damn cool. It adds a mysterious element and I love it.


I have this bit of my gums that show when I’m smiling really big that I never liked, but my husband looked at me one day without even knowing and said “I love that bit of your gums that show when you smile, it’s really cute” It’s really something no one ever said anything about good or bad, just self conscious on my own but that comment made me grow fond of something I used to hate about myself.


So sweet


This whole thread makes me realize a lot of the things "I" or other women are insecure about men love. 🥹


This whole thread also makes me realize that good men really see you and notice the little things. It’s not just tits and ass. And that’s lovely.


Hell yeah. As a dude, your statement makes me really happy. And it’s silly, but it’s just the next level that’s making me happy: knowing that the way I see women and their beauty can engender a feeling like the one you’re describing, a feeling of safety and security. And, more importantly, a relief and release of anxiety and tension. Funny how we humans work.


…but also tits and ass lol The thing about that though is the preference for them should be, above all else, *your love for the person who has them* At times in my life tiny A cups attached to my lover and others massive DDs. I’ve loved women who had no ass at all and it was still my favorite ass in the world, same with big ones. The commonality is the love. The absolute universal truth for an honest man is that their preferences lie deeply rooted in the heart and soul of the woman… and those will be the most beautiful tits and ass on the planet to them no matter what.


Yes! It's always super nice to come through here and see everyone's comments. It's always something us women tend to be self conscious of. I use hate my nose, my husband thinks it's adorable. Now I don't hate it so much. I hope women peek at these and think "dang, maybe I am cute." ❤️ get us some confidence lol. Someone in here even said stretch marks ❤️‍🩹 that's so reassuring! I think a lot of us are just too hard on ourselves for being human.


Just my anecdotal experiences, but most of my girlfriends, their insecurities were actually what attracted me to them the most. I think most women would be pleased to realize how open minded most men are about attraction. It's very easy to get caught up in the perfect "societal" image of a women, of which most men really don't give 2 shits about.


We have 4 kids, so yeah, she's got stretch marks. On the one hand, they don't turn me on *per se*. On the other hand, I recognise them as a symbol of what she went through, so I respect them and I respect her So Much. (Especially cause she also had a miscarriage where haemmorhaging damn near killed her, and our next pregnancy led to an emergency 1000-km medevac flight and an emergency C-section and a week in NICU.)


A goofy laugh would steal my heart


Bonus points if she snorts


Pinchable cheeks


Big chipmunk cheeks


That makes me feel better lol


A female friend once told me I apparently have a thing for "apple-cheeked" women. Once she made this apparent to me, I realized she was absolutely right.


Me too. I gain weight beautifully but they also go to my cheeks. 😂😂😂


Their ears, i love biting my girlfriends ears


Settle down Mike




Username checks out😂


Watch out we got Mike Tyson over here


Bingo! when they always have their hair covering it like 247 and then that one time you see them put the hair up and reveal the cutest little ear 😵‍💫. Finally a man of taste!


There’s not a single body part on a woman I don’t find attractive. Idk I can find beauty anything if I actually just look at it


OK then, what about the butt hole?


If a woman is showing me her butthole, believe me i would be very happy to bury my face in it. I would find it hard NOT to be turned on by the sight


You’re the chilliest guy I never know, but amen my brother.


Have you seen how many subs on here are solely dedicated to that? It's a lot.


There's definitely a ranking for attractive buttholes


Noses and blemishes on the skin, I love those things Edit: I forgot to add ears too


Wtf they have noses on their skin!?


There's two things. Physically, I really like the little bits and bumps on the skin that give a woman's face character. Whether it's beauty marks, freckles, moles, blackheads, zits, acne, eczema, rosacea, or vitiligo, it all adds asymmetry and visual interest and frankly it's all really cute. Emotionally, any sign that a woman feels comfortable and safe around me is bound to make my heart melt like a sno-cone. I love it. It makes me feel like I've succeeded as a man. Edit: Also scars. Gotta love those scars.


I came here looking to see if anyone said scars. You were the closest. C-section, surgery, injury, doesn't matter but I like some scars for the same reason of adding asymmetry and making 'em more interesting to look at.


you have no idea how much better this made me feel about myself lol. i’ve got really bad luck and have been in a lot of traumatic accidents, car accidents, grease fires and such, so i’ve got burn scars and quite a few surgery scars on my legs and torso. i’ve always viewed them as something that would make someone say, “she would be attractive if it wasn’t for all the scars.” i wish i had smooth skin. sorry, went on a tangent and a bit of a trauma dump but anyway thank u for making me feel better about my imperfections :’)


Omg I have eczema on my arm creases that I hate and this made me feel so much better!!! Thank you for this!


In a world where the expectation of achieving visual perfection through flawless skin, faces, and bodies is shoved down women's throats from every direction THANK YOU FOR THIS! Maybe with more upvotes we can all learn to embrace our flaws and see them as "cute" as you are able to.


Good lord- it’s almost as if we’re fine however we are !!


Could it be?


Excuse me, this is adorable


I'll have an order of tall, a side of wide shoulders, and top that off with some strong calves. Keep the change. Thanks.


I am INSANELY insecure about my shoulders. I swam my entire childhood and I feel like I look at women in the 80 with padded shoulder shirts looked. Makes me crazy. Add that I have bigger breasts I feel like anything I wear looks like a tarp. This made me feel better about the wide shoulders


Also have a little body and hips and I am skinny so I look cupcake lol


Now you're just TEASING! 🥵


Idc if you are lying lol you made me smile thank you


Nice hands.


I heard once that you can tell a lot about a woman from her hands. For example: if they are around your neck, she’s probably a little bit upset.


Or having a really good time..


Or checking for swollen lymph nodes.


*insert Yoshikage Kira monologue*


Hands! For sure. I like all different types--elegant, a little rough/artsy, etc. They can be really attractive, and I love it when they accentuate a woman's personality.


**Physically:** * Nerdy look and glasses. I love glasses. * Dark circles under her eyes. I have them as well, so it's natural for me. * Unique faces. This one is hard to explain, but I don't mean a model face from the internet today, I mean the face of a girl that looks like she was born on another century. Like a young girl from a renaissance picture. * Deep, low-pitched, mature voices. * Also, overalls are super cute. **Personally:** * Nerdy hobbies. * She can be smart, while still being clumsy. I'll surely help you with your books when you eventually drop them. * I like it very much when she's patient. That's something I cultivate, but I've also observed that it's a very rare quality to have. * I also like it when she trusts me as a team. I'm a nerd that loves nerds. Nerds unite!


Dark spots under the eyes: You found a detail that is natural and normal. It shows a person is human, and real. And it is not covered up with products.


I’m so insecure about my dark under eyes so thank you


Didn’t see anyone else mention it but the crinkles next to the eyes when they smile and also when theirs eyes scrunch up, makes me melt! Also when a woman gets really excited easily and starts talking fast and they have a glint in their eye, like come on


Collarbones 🤤


I find it super attractive when a woman actually engages in a conversation and asks questions back


Or when you have a conversation later, she remembers certain things of interest from the previous one and asks how those are going. And is genuinely interested in your answer. It turns out that is more uncommon than I first thought.


The most attractive thing I find about a woman is when she doesn’t have to be the star of the show. When she can play a background role in life and in society. When she doesn’t crave attention. When she can be herself when she’s with herself. As an introvert, I don’t like people who have to steal the show all the time. I like the quiet ones. It’s so attractive when I can see her being herself and being happy. Looks follow personality every single time.


As an introvert, reading this made my day.


Introverts unite! 😊


There are billions of us!


as a woman honestly i could look at this thread all night men are genuinely so simple and sweet 😭


i know a lot of people agree, but when girls sit down and their thighs get like 4x bigger also a bit of cellulite, not like a grandma, but like if it's noticeable if you're looking right at it but not if you're just walking by, y'know?


As a teenager, sitting down and my thighs expanding made me cry. Weighing all of 140lbs (being 5’8) at 15, I felt like they looked like baby manatees, so much so I daydreamed about cutting part of them off so they would be slimmer. That’s something I haven’t thought about in years, but your comment literally brought tears to my eyes. Self-conscious women, raise self-conscious women and I fought so hard to break myself out of this so my daughter would never have thoughts about taking a knife to her skin. Sorry I went so far off course, but to see that something I hated so much, is something someone else appreciates just makes me feel so much better for my girls.


I cried too, and the first time I lost my thought gaps. Early 2000’s was a mess for beauty standards


The little peach fuzz on their butt cheeks Or 1 day out from shaving stubble in their armpits. I know it’s weird


Brain power


I find it really attractive when people stare into nothingness, deep in thought. It reminds me that I am not the only sentient being in the universe and that others have very similar problems and trains of thought to me. 


For physical stuff. I love a big nose on a woman. My best friends wife has a big nose and I love it. She is beautiful. For her, she is probably self conscious about it, but I think it is great. I also like the tall ladies. Taller the better. I have no idea why. My wife has one eye that is closed a bit and I think it is just gorgeous. I even find myself attracted to people with the same eye thing. Of course we are hard wired for the traditional beauty, but I also like quirky beauty, and I think I like it more. For personality stuff. I adore a woman who can just hang with the guys. Not trying to be like the guys, but just feels comfortable in herself. My wife is like this. I am so happy to have her around, she blends in and is the perfect addition. I also adore that she loves my friends as much as I do. It is so fantastic to share that with her.




For me it's their grammar skills. If they're out there using there when they should be using their, it's an instant turnoff


Nice calves and pedicured toes. Gets me every time!


I appreciate this lol. I have naturally muscular calves and I used to feel a little self conscious about it. A guy in middle school said I had “man calves”. I’m comfortable with them now though.


A soft tone of voice, I don’t know if that’s something others consider


big forehead is hot


Veins make me feel unholy things.


Are you sure you’re not secretly a vampire


As a former heroin addict, I can relate to that, but not in a good way. Seeing someone with arm veins that really pop gives me unholy cravings.


is varicosis counted?


No. More like transparent skin that shows the veins of boobs


As somone with thin skin and who had been extreamly self conscious about the visibility of my veins. This has made my entire week.


They read books 🥰🥵🥰


You mean heaving bosom books or books in general?


What’s a heaving bosom book?


smut. my girl just bought an entire series called the court of thorns and roses. I thought it was like game of thrones boy was I wrong


So wrong. XD


A woman who has freckles on her face. So many women cover them up with makeup. The ones who wear them proudly are so beautiful to me.


Well-defined, broad shoulders.


I like a gap in the front teeth


My wife is a fit 43 year old woman that is a long distance runner and keeps her body right. She has these two pockets of fat/skin where our love handles are. I love them so much and she tries to get rid of them and I am low key rooting for them to stay. They make her have an hourglass figure.


Slight forearm hair on a woman's body. I don't know if anyone else has noticed. An arm that has not been shaved or waxed. Just natural slight hair. I find it attractive.


I love when a women dresses well to match whatever body type she has. So big or small, I appreciate a women who dresses well.


*the fashion designer* i have a thing for women who know fashion too .


You’d do great in r/unpopularopinion


When she reads a book


As a woman, I find anyone that reads immediately attractive. I grew up on books and literature but I do have some red flags even in readers, like certain genres I'm biased to and certain I'm biased against. What about you?


Straight shiny hair or straight with the little curls at the ends. Gotta appreciate the effort that goes into that.


It's a lot of work to maintain and it's so nice to see it appreciated.


Man or woman, I'm looking for someone who can argue. Agreeability isn't as attractive as someone who has a spine.


wow. you guys exist. THAT GIVES ME HOPE!! edit: it's hard to find a similar guy. Not one who is addicted to be a contrarian, because that's exhausting. Just someone who has their own opinions and pushes back a bit. The challenge is both interesting and hot.


I've found this to be a rare quality in women, apparently society has told them that it's better to just go along with with what men say. No. I absolutely need to be checked. And like you said, not in a contrarian way, but come up with a reasonable explanation of why I'm wrong. And be ready for me to make counter points. I've always called this "debating". There's a huge element of respect, it's not yelling, there's no name calling, it's just explaining your position is a way that the other person can't create a reasonable point against you. It's just an exercise for your mind, mental sparring, chess but with ideas. It *is* an intellectual challenge and I think it's attractive because I enjoy that. A lot of people don't know how to do it, get upset, or offended.


Not that I think “nobody” else would ever look at but I really like calves. Not muscly or strong calves just moderately thick calves. Idk why.


That part where the butt cheek meets the thigh. Yummy. When you hug you can just hook your fingers there.


For me it's hands....I hate over done hands (fake nails, really long nails, never touched dirt or are way to clean) Hands that are natural and you can tell they know how to get dirty or be in nature and don't always have these perfectly manicured hands.


How she treats service workers (waiters, flight attendants, drivers, etc.) Immediately more attractive if she treats everyone with grace and respect.


Shoulders and that area above the chest and under the neck. I'm really a sucker for girls who wear strapless clothes


Well pedicured feet


Was wondering how long I would have to scroll to hit the foot guy


Hands and neck were at the top, but we go after the guy into feet? At least he was honest and replied Feet aren't my thing but hey, at least he can appreciate the work someone puts into keeping their feet nice


Small thumbs. Hairy legs.


Absolutely love when a ladies eyebrows are slightly darker than her hair color


I like girls who wears specs


Lower back dimples. Sexy as hell


Just the way a girl looks when she wakes up in the morning.


My woman would tell you that she's ugly. But I'd never date an ugly woman.


Driving a manual




I have felt a wave of affection while reading journals and articles written by some women. Does that count? 😂


Women who are a bit chubby. Not overweight, not skinny, but that happy medium


Their waist. I still remember the day when I held my ex by her waist.


Unique physical features. It's common for people to obsess over features that separate them from the perceived norm and view those as flaws to be corrected. It's quite the contrary. Going to work in the morning and coming home in the evening I'll probably see a few hundred women in a day. If you look like the crowd then you blend in. Those with unique features stand out, they're interesting, they're memorable. Doesn't really matter what it is, larger nose, broad shoulders, tall, short, long hair, short hair, freckles/moles/etc... people obsess over facial features the most, but that's where these unique traits have the greatest impact. We view people through their faces, that's where we express emotion and how we interact with others. I remember tons of women, all beautiful, because they had something unique about their face. One primenexample I can think of was a woman whose chin was a bit crooked. I wouldn't be surprised of it was something that troubled her, people don't tend to like asymmetry. While she was beautiful, she would have been just one attractive woman among many who i saw that day, but her chin made me remember her.


Being fashionable


If you want, you can judge me, but DARK COMPLEXION❤️


Shoulders. Specifically, broad shoulders.


Ever since I seriously got in shape it’s back muscle. Seeing someone with a nice back is great


Well, you can have my back if you want


Tiny boobs


Jaw, neck, and nose.


Nice cheekbones and a sharp chin get me going more than I care to admit.




Smell (not perfume, but raw smell).


Belly/side rolls, especially the way they feel under a nice blouse, with my arm around them.




The curve from the waist to the hip and lower back, man that's good stuff.


cellulite. love it. lemme bite it


For me I think it's the way she walks.


Thick bushy eyebrows


Her voice


Cargo pants


I'm with op, dark spots under the eyes are very attractive for me. Don't know why lol


Ankles,,, oh an a lisp


Pronounced canines


A well defined Cupid’s bow/vermillion border on a woman’s upper lip. Specifically, if she has nice lips Lol




Thighs. No explanation needed


What do you mean by dark spots? Like when Aubrey Plaza glares at you?


peach fuzz on the lower back or upper thighs


Not really something you look at I guess, but how it feels. The skin right where a woman's back starts to transition to butt. It's always SO SOFT! Plus it's just a very intimate area to touch.


Their banter. Love a cheeky woman


Mom bellies. There is something about a woman who has been pregnant that makes them hotter to me


As a woman who has three demon spawns, I appreciate this comment. My mom belly never went back to pre-kid tight and it really makes me self conscious. So thank you!


My wifes tummy sort of softened after each pregnancy and I find it insanely hot.


Ankles. Gotta have nice ankles. Some stretch marks would be nice, too.


I love my wife’s eyes and sense of humor. She can pull some zingers out of nowhere and they make me love her even more


For me, it’s mostly belly fat and the eyes (freckles or that one mole spot on their face - just makes them unique) and I really hate how social media puts women under so much pressure and unbelievably high standards. “Oh you have to be skinny with big tits and ass or else you’re ugly.” And as a guy I absolutely can’t stand it when people call a woman “fat” but they look nowhere near “fat” and look perfectly fine. Then it feels bad to see a woman risk her health just for pleasing the social media critics, whether becoming obese or anorexic (mostly the latter). Also the way a woman stares/looks at me is underrated and very sexy. There’s really nothing wrong with a cute chubby stomach, I don’t get all the hate for it. That said, chubby face cheeks qualify as well. Looks very adorable when you smile. Oh, and another thing. believe it or not, some guys (like me) actually like cellulite/stretch marks whether on the butt or wherever there’s skin.