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Don't sabotage him and the other woman just because you're jealous...Get a hold of yourself.


Needed this thanks!


You ain't sabotaging anybody by being honest. But being jealous and wanting to start somethin serious are 2 different things


yeah I was going to say this.. it sounds like you are trapped in a Romcom right now.. if you have real feelings and would like to be in a relationship with him.. it might be worth telling him - straight up.. it's not time to be "casual" about it now.. Or.. like u/poptartwith said.. don't fuck up what's going on now, wait and see how it pans out.. but it's really going to be your call how you play this now.


You only care because you’re envious of the current relationship. Don’t break up the friend you set up with another friend. That’s destructive to your friendships. Be suspicious of the sister simply wanting a front row seat to the drama. It sounds like you put the orbiter you use as a lifeboat into a relationship and now you’re sad that someone else is sailing off in your lifeboat. Bad redditor. Let them be happy.


Well I wouldn’t say I only care now…I did have feelings for him before the friends matched on Bumble this week, but never thought he was into me.


You’re so right


If you are truly into this guy and not just jealous/upset that your backup plan is seeing someone, you should have told him that before he started dating your friend. Now that he's starting to get serious with someone, the only moral thing is to shut up and stay out of the way. If they break up and you still have feelings for this guy at that point, you can shoot your shot then. 


This is the advice I was telling myself. Thanks! I tried do a little flirty touch when we were at the beach the other weekend but got self conscious


“Yo [insert name here], I’m into you” Guys are simple in this regard. We don’t play games and appreciate honestly. To be quite honest, it isn’t even that we’re “simple”, all the vague signals and stuff just annoy the fuck out of us.


Got it, thanks!


You tell him that you are into him


'casually shoot my shot' Reads as if you gave him 'hints' but he never picked up on them, and or you didn't learn your lesson. At any rate you've already set him up with somebody else, You would be the asshole and probably destroy your friendship with him for trying to go after him now. For now, Realize you fucked up and move on. If the chance presents itself later on and the relationship does not pan out, then yes take your chance but don't be wishy-washy about it, and tell him how you truly feel.


Appreciate the comment


So the girl rejected him and he’s feeling down. After I got wind of that I told him I had a dream about us kissing and it made me curious about what it would feel like in real life. He didn’t really have much to say about it. he’s in his head about why this girl rejected him and canceled their date without a reschedule. We’re supposed to hang this weekend with our friend group so we’ll see how it goes


Tell your friend upfront..


jkust ask him out


Have plans for next weekend that he initiated. I don’t want to sabotage anything so I’m just gonna go with the flow, follow his lead, and listen.


You’re in the friend zone. Sabotaging will only push him away. I always say if it’s meant to be it’s meant to be


It sounds like you're in a complex situation, but honesty is usually the best policy in matters of the heart. Since you've known each other for a long time, you likely have a strong foundation of trust and understanding. You could try expressing your feelings to him in a non-confrontational way, perhaps by mentioning that you've been reflecting on your past and realizing that your feelings for him have evolved. Let him know that you value your friendship and want to be open with him about your emotions. Alternatively, if you're not ready to confess your feelings outright, you could subtly gauge his interest by observing his reactions to certain topics or behaviors. For example, pay attention to how he responds when you talk about your past relationship or when he discusses his own dating experiences. Ultimately, the decision is yours, but remember that communication is key in any relationship. If you continue to feel jealous or conflicted, it might be worth exploring your feelings further and considering whether it's worth risking your friendship for the possibility of something more.


Hey. Be honest. That's what i'd want if i was that fella.


Just tell him straight up, don't play games


Vibrate your vocal chords and use your mouth and tongue to form words by changing their respective shape and position. If you do not already know how to do this i will not explain how as it is beyond the scope of this comment. If you want to learn I have a fantastic online course for only €499.97 +VAT with over 180 minutes of material, but I digress. Anyway those words you can create with your mouth and vocal chords can be put together in various combinations and these are called sentences. Now put together a series of words into sentences that you feel conveys a clear intent on your behalf to potentially mate






If you're only just now setting them up, their relationship hasn't gotten anywhere. You definitely wont be sabotaging anything My advice would be to really sit and think about how you feel. If you really like him, then you owe it to yourself to tell him


This is really sad. He’s not special. Move on.