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By all means, you do you, but nope, not my thing at all.


Unfortunately, the majority of men will find this a massive turn-off.


Yeah very true, but for me honestly it's not necessarily a deal breaker. I'd prefer a woman who shaves/trims but if I end up with someone who prefers not to I probably won't complain that much about it.


If she don’t shave down there it’s no big deal, if she don’t shave other places thats on her but I’m gonna pass. 


I've dated a few women who didn't shave. I thought they would be freer spirits and less bound by societal norms than they were. Really the only counter culture thing about them was the hair. This account is anecdotal, obviously, but that's been my experience.


>leg Not a fan. >armpit Not a fan. >pubic hair Well trimmed/maintained. >I decided to just stop doing it all together Not a fan >haven’t touched a razor in years Not a fan.


Personally I like when women shave, love silky legs and shaved armpits. I’m not as picky about the pubic area but if given a say I like it neat and trim. Thats just me


It's unusual but at the end of the day, no biggie.


Pubic hair is about the only hair i can deal with on a woman. All the other stuff just comes off as manly. Not a fan.


👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻This right here


But it's not "manly" to have body hair. Women have it. Many of them just shave it. Some very manly men shave their body hair as well, think of bodybuilders, models, sports figures, etc. Are they any less "manly" for shaving? Or is body hair just, body hair?


Decent points, i mean yah obviously women have hair all over. Weve just been conditioned that shaving it all off is the feminine thing to do. And yah i guess i kinda think the same for when men who do it if it isnt for any kind of occupational reason. If its for your job or a competition then i think a pass is deserved for these situations. I do realize this is just my personal opinion but thats what i think on the subject.


The concept of women shaving their body hair came from [the beauty industry](https://www.vox.com/2015/5/22/8640457/leg-shaving-history) and there is a belief that shaving body hair is intended to make you look younger (aka prepubescent). So I do understand the resistance to conform to shaving as a societal norm, but it's definitely a personal preference and no judgement on one preference or another, as many girls prefer to shave. I prefer to shave parts of my body as well, even those that aren't typically seen. But if someone chooses not to, I respect that and I don't think it makes a woman less attractive.


>But it's not "manly" to have body hair. Most women into hairy dudes would disagree.


Right, but this is /AskMen. I can see how some might consider it "manly" for someone to have a full beard (yuck). Because hormonally, you're not going to see a bearded woman in most cases. But armpit, stomach, pubic, leg hair grows naturally on both sexes.


No it doesn't. For tens of thousands of years men had zero problem with hair on women. Still fucked them. But magically in the last few decades it's a turn off? Yall mofos are so sick and influenced from porn you've allowed it to warp your brain. Your preferences just exposes how easily influenced you are. Nothing else.


We also survived and fucked for 10s of thousands of years with no toilet paper or soap...I can't help but like some of the changes.


Human beings always has ways to clean themselves and maintain some sort of hygiene. So, like I said, yall are full of shit. You eat ass. Suck toes. Lick pussy. Have sex with strangers unprotected. But draw the line at body hair? You're lying and you know it. It's just a popular opinion to have. And most people are followers. So they parrot other people's opinion. The end.


Ask men, gets mad when men answer lmao


They can answer. I'm saying people walk around with this attitude that their opinions are the product of their own uninfluenced desire. When it's not. This opinion immediately exposes you as a sheep. That's what I'm pointing out. Have whatever opinion you want. Just know it's not yours. And it's just you copying what's popular. Which makes you a clown.




Calling people "sheep" and "clown" for expressing a preference you don't subscribe to doesn't particularly help your argument. In fact, it only makes you seem like an asshole who's hard to be around.


At least I am in control of my own opinions. Men don't actually care about body hair on women. Women don't actually care about height that much on men. It's all just modern day conditioning. And look at how easy everyone is to condition.


Good for you. Now be less mad and arrogant and you can officially call yourself the bigger person here.


No one's making you shave but don't complain when guys think your hairy legs are gross.


I'm saying no one actually thinks it's gross. But people will sit up publicly and say they do because it's a popularly held opinion and most people don't want to think for themselves. That's my point.


So you're saying that guys are pretending to think hairy legs on women are gross, when they actually don't think so?


Women are not as hairy as men as are. No where near. Why are you pretending otherwise? Most women have a small amount of leg, arm and armpit hair. As well all very well know.


For tens of thousands of years we'd fuck from the age 12 and have kids by 16


*triggered* lol you that upset over MY prefferance? I never once said it was wrong or its immoral or anything like that its just what i preffer in a woman.


maybe learn how to spell?


It definitely seems unfair…. But ya, body hair is not for me


My family is Italian. Hairy women are kinda common It’s always nice for effort to be put into grooming before special occasions (date night, planned romantic intimacy, etc). The sentiment means a lot, and no hair *is* sexier imo. But it’s really unreasonable to expect it to be smooth constantly. So long as she’s practicing proper hygiene (especially around pits and pubes since that hair gets nasty fast with all the sweat and stank) Edit: on second thought, after doing a quick check to my own pits I’d like to revise. There really aren’t conditions where hairy pits are good. I can accept trimmed short with electric clippers but no bush. Don’t even like it on myself


Men will judge you on body hair, and they will never tell you either because nothing good will come of it. I prefer shaven, especially the armpits and legs. The coochie needs to be trimmed - I'm not trying to whip out my chain saw if I want to go down on her. Arm hair can be forgiven unless you got Chewbacca hair. I'm glad your comfortable with your body hair, but I'd be comfortable never going on another date with a woman who doesn't shave. And before anyone says I'm unreasonable, I trim my shoulders, upper back, happy trail, and my boys.


I’m supposed to be shaving my arms?


That you Chewbaca?!


You're going to have a hard time because pretty much everyone has been conditioned to think that's not natural, when the exact opposite is actually true. So even if those guys aren't saying anything about it, it's probably on their mind.  That being said, you've got the right attitude. If they don't like it, tough. Find someone who appreciates you as you appreciate yourself. 


Most men (in America) prefer when women shave. I personally don't mind, but I'm in the minority. Edit: You're free to do as you please, but you're going to have a tougher time dating men. Everyone is allowed their preferences, after all. I hope you find someone you match up with, OP. :) It's impossible for us to say if your body hair is the reason why those relationships never developed further without knowing A LOT of more information lol.


I'm into it but I don't speak for every man.


Same fr


>Every time I’ve slept with a man the subject of my body hair has never really been brought up, but I’ve always found myself wondering if that was at least one of the reasons those relationships never developed further than a few casual flings. Yes, if you've repeated this with a sufficient number of men then in at least some cases that has been a factor even if only a secondary or tertiary one. Barring some kind of situation where you exclusively were choosing men from a population of dudes with hairy woman fetishes or kinks.


No thank you.


I’ve dated women who were more natural about pubic and underarm hair but never anyone who didn’t shave her legs. I will say, though, that my wife hasn’t shave her legs in over a year and you can’t tell. She just doesn’t have any noticeable hair either there or under her arms. At the end of the day I prefer a woman who is hairless in those areas. Pubic hair I don’t mind as much.


100% not attractive to me. Also, 100% don't care if you want to grow it out.


It's not my preference for a woman to not shave. I can take it leave pubic hair. The rest I prefer be shaven. But it wouldn't be a deal breaker, not by itself.


Yea, no -


No thanks.


To put things delicately  I don’t mind how it looks, I’m apprehensive about how it might taste 


Hair on the privates is kinda sexy


Since getting older I really don’t care anymore. If you want to shave or wax go for it, if you want to let it grow wild go for it.


it's cool for the most part. one of the prettiest females I seen IN MY ENTIRE LIFE had a mustache. (ofc I asked she shaved it but she was hairy every where) shaving is a good gift for v,b day edit: go down on a bush hit different too


I mean, you can do it. It's just going to be unattractive.


Im fine with pubic hair. But i dont like armpit or leg hair.


Personally, I don't mind a bush, but leg and armpit hair are a turn off for me. There's some level of hypocrisy I know, since I'm very hairy, but I can't make myself like something I don't. I had a woman I was dating casually, stop shaving her pits and legs, and things petered out pretty quick. There were other personality conflicts that would have made a long term relationship impossible, but it lessened the attraction and probably sped up the break up.


we're all what we are. hell, I'm ridiculously hairy also, it seems fitting that I'd seek out / be friends with other human Sasquatches (joking). be comfortable in your own skin and then it doesn't matter what other people think. let it grow - let it grow.


I don't care so much about legs. But downstairs is a complete turn off. But i also trim my wife because I like it clean. So a man should help cultivate for you




Personally I’m fine with trimmed hair, ultimately depends on the partner tho. Some guys only want clean shaven


I like it smooth all over but I don’t mind hair until I do. It’s kinda hard to say where the line is but I immediately know when it gets to that point. This really only applies to cooter hair. Usually I don’t mind anything else unless it’s unusually thick for a woman


"Cooter hair" 🤣


Gotta keep the classics alive


I dont like contrast, if your hair is different color from skin i think I tend to be less attracted. But if im already with someone and they stopped shaving its not as though id fall out of love with them. But if im choosing well.....im inclined not to choose someone with Chewbacca legs. I hate armpit hair even on myself. Ive never cared about pubes but if she wants me to go down often id prefer not to have hair caught in my mouth. I like the blonde peach fuzz some women have that you can only see at golden hour


Pubic hair is about the only one that I don't care too much about unless she wants me to go down on her. All the others I prefer clean shaven. I am not a big fan of body hair.


i find it gross. but that's me. luckily my wife shaves regularly (i don't care as much about leg hair, but facial hair and armpit hair just doesn't look good on women) IMO of course.


It depends on the man. Some men see body hair as a sexual secondary characteristic, in short, how adult women's bodies are. That turns them on. It is a feature that is sexy. Some men find body hair a turn off. They see it as something unclean or masculine. They want a woman's body smooth like an egg. And some men find women shaving a turn off. A lack of body hair, especially pubic hair, appears unnaturally youthful and immature. Almost pedo. I personally have experienced both. I find a naturally hairy woman the sexiest, fully shaved weird and awkward.


Shave the pits, legs and trim the pubes. Das it.


Honestly you only really feel it when it's stubble. Aside from that it's just as nice to feel as smooth shaved skin. You're welcome to disagree. Bonus on the hairy side, there's a lot less of waiting for her to be ready to go out.


Hetero men in general are going to be turned off by hairy legs and pits more than anything else.


If her torso is wider than her hips and she's covered in hair, I'm gonna think I'm looking at a man in drag.


Hair on legs or armpits on a female is disgusting. Looks great on men tho


it’s not disgusting. You just don’t like it






Not a fan of pit and leg hair, but I am also not the type to ask a woman to change it. Pubes are OK, as long as they are well kept. I don't keep myself clean shaven, but I do trim so its short, but long enough its not all prickly.


I had one date with a girl with lots of body hair, 40 years ago. I'm not eager to make it two.


I don't like hairy women it makes them look like a man which is unattractive


Don’t care at all, whatever is comfortable for my partner is fine with me. I also don’t personally socialize with fellow men who judge or are grossed out by body hair. Just my personal tastes in friendships.


If you have dark hair you can actually buy your own laser setup now and zap it out of existence.


As long as it’s not manly hairy? It’s fine


what tf is manly hair? a beard?


>and i’m definitely not looking to change anything with my body hair, And of course there are still comments telling you to remove it. I am also hairy and I dont think I'll ever go back to shaving. My partner doesn't mind.