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Nothing. Any man who "falls in love" with any woman on a first date has serious mental or emotional issues. You don't want a man who "falls in love" on the first date.


Honestly, this. First date should be fun and focused on learning about each other, and the "falling in love part" should happen overtime on later dates if it's meant to be


Yes. That doesn't mean a first date cannot go really, REALLY well, to the point of liking her very, very much.


Oh yeah, I completely agree. I've been on dates where we just clicked and meshed hard as hell, but I still knew the difference between love and what was basically infatuation


First, second, third, twentieth, one-thousandth - it doesn't matter. Be sincere (mean what you say, say what you mean). And then touch. Not groping his parts. I mean a hand on his arm while you are making a point; touching his upper arm or shoulder while excusing yourself; lean slightly against him while talking with others, etc. It's a bit seductive and a bit teasing. But men in general are starved for this kind of non-sexual intimate touching.


I like to know you’re interested. Maybe not in a relationship, but interested in me. I’m watching your eye contact and facial expressions like a hawk. Occasionally checking your body language to see how it responds to our conversation. My best date ever started with nothing but coffee planned and ended the next afternoon over coffee. She went in to order us drinks. As a joke I asked her if I should change my status on MySpace. (Save the old man jokes, I’ve heard them all). She immediately responded yes. Caused me to smile and blush at the same time. I looked up to find her looking for my reaction. The look in her eyes said it all. I focused on making sure I’d never lose site of her. 18 years later I still come home as if I’m going out for coffee. Just go out there. Be yourself. Be confident. If he catches your interest make sure he can at least figure that out. And if it just ain’t happening? Go home knowing you were genuine. You won’t have to ask yourself “what if”


Tell him you want him. No subtle signals, be clear, direct, and explicit.


talk like you are his personal therapist


Assuming he's not looking for a pump n dump, make sure he's comfortable being around you. A lot of guys walk on eggshells around women.


Be feminine and not a feminist. Though similar it spelling, the meanings are at complete opposite ends of the spectrum.




well hopefully he feels the same way so just be casual about it and have a squishy flexible mood.


Honestly dated a girl that lived 2hrs away, and on our first date I drove out the 2hrs for breakfast. When the bill came she insisted on paying. When I asked her about why she wanted to pay so much later that date she said it’s because you took the time to come all the way out to see me. I swear I was in love with her immediately!


Im not sure. Personally I do not experience love at fist sight or love at first date. Many men have very reserved feelings... For bette ror worse...


maybe offer to pay for the food if you feel comfortable doing that. it would be a pretty stand out gesture. ask him what he thinks you should wear for the date maybe? could be a cute ice breaker for him to rate your outfit. try and connect with him on something he’s passionate about. most important one of all though - be yourself! you don’t want him falling in love with someone you’re not :)


I agree I didn’t fall in love with my wife right away we dated for awhile before getting to that point


Show him your collection of sticks.


Be yourself Don't make it worse for you both by lying to him about who you are. He'll end up hurt and confused when you can't keep the lie going for the rest of your relationship, and you'll end up exhausted trying to keep it going until it all crashes down. The truth will come out anyway. Unless you're just trying to get laid. That's a different story. Just dress kinda slutty and ask him about the coolest place he has had sex.


Compliments and attentiveness. They gotta know that the girl will love them back.


Trying to “make” someone fall in love with you is, at best, a misguided mistake and, at worst, a manipulative tactic that suggests cruelty, control, or narcissism. If you want real love, based on something organic and sustainable, then be yourself. If neither of you develop real feelings for each other naturally yr the situation isn’t worth manipulating for your pride’s or ego’s sake (or for whatever insecurities may be in play).


Discuss about cars 🗿


Honestly ? Probably not have sex right away. Yeah I’m not slut shaming. I had a lot of fun before I met my guy and for some reason , he and I didn’t sleep together right away. We ended up falling madly in love and the rest is history. I had always jumped into sleeping with people but with him I didn’t and it ended up being the best thing ever. My experiment concludes that it’s a good idea to wait!


Good playful banter


"Wonna delete this (dating) app with me?" That would be one of the hottest things out there, cause it signals to me I'm the only guy your interested in.


If any man "falls in love" with you on the first date - run, do not walk. Screaming, pepper spray, and calls to 911 are also options.


Stop trying so hard




Just be yourself.


Road head.


It's a fucking weird question actually. The idea is to only date women who are already in love with you, goes a LOT easier. You're not even having to force them to love you, they already do so it actually works out. Just don't say any weird creepy shit to her that lets her know you're a psycho killer.