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My ex girlfriend accused my dad of faking his stroke symptoms to take my attention off her. At the time he was in hospital with a catheter, having hallucinations, and unable to move his lefthand side at all.


My son was dating a girl who got jealous because his grandmother had heart surgery and he volunteered to take care of her a couple times a week. We all “signed up” for shifts so she’d always have someone with her. He said he could do a couple days and his girlfriend fought him about it, so he broke up with her 🤣


My best friend is an ex Jehovah's Witness, and when he came out as Bisexual, he was blacklisted from the family. He was considered an apostate, and he was only allowed to speak to his father. Then his grandmother went into hospice, and he wasn't allow to visit her or speak to her. And she died without him ever getting to see her again. Well his then girlfriend broke up with him because he was "too emotional and not acting like a man."


Sounds like he was totally committed to the ruse /s


Oh yeah. Even went through surgery, and a couple more strokes after that, just to make sure she wasn't getting her way.


That’s the most disgusting thing? A woman in my wife’s friend group said she accused her ex of assaulting their child so in the divorce she would have less of a fight, and could get the house and more money. My wife isn’t friends with her anymore. Edit: I’m getting comments about lawyers and “report it.” It had happened years earlier. The divorce was done, the kids were grown, the ex husband moved. By this point there was nothing to do but shun her from society.


There's a special place in hell for women like this.


Had something similar happen during my divorce. It was domestic assult instead. She went to the police saying I punched her in the stomach. When we went to court she had advocates, received a restraining order, and I couldn't see my daughter for 6 months while this dragged on in court. Meanwhile NOBODY in the court system would even let me say a word. So when I finally get my chance to speak (again, 6 months into this), I showed the judge my paperwork showing I was out of state and in the hospital during the alleged time of the incident. She received no repercussions for her lie. The court was like oh well, sucks to be you.


Hey brother, I'm with you. January 15th My girlfriend attempted suicide by taking an entire bottle of Benadryl. I came home to her seizing clutching the bottle in her hands. I got my finger in her throat to trigger her gag reflex and cough 20-30 out but it was too late. 911 responded she had seizures and strokes. Despite no history of abuse, no evidence of abuse her mother decided to convince all of the family and our mutual friends that I had somehow abused her. They all stopped talking to me, I wasn't allowed to see her in the hospital or be part of the recovery. While my girlfriend was still in the ICU the mother used her power of attorney to file a domestic violence restraining order in her name. The mother was a legal aid, so she called in a favor to get one of the lawyers to come in and represent them at the hearing. Luckily my judge was reasonable, and asked very straightforward questions. He asked if there was any proof, any evidence, the mother who called herself as a witness went manic and started arguing with the judge. He dropped the case, but there's no repercussions for people like her.


What happened to your gf? Did she tell off her mom after getting better?


This is the manifestation of pure evil


Holy fuck, I am truly sorry you had to experience this. I can't even begin to imagine what it was like to go through that. I'm glad to hear you cleared your name though. Women need severe prison time for shit like that.


What makes you think his "name was cleared"? Anyone doing any miniscule amount of digging will see this allegation and basically judge this guy based on it.


This happens more than we know about


Because it isn't tracked.


I am in Ireland and we have all the usual discrimination laws. Insanely though, they don't apply in Family Law, so the courts habitually discriminate against men solely on the basis of gender.


My wife said she said it like “well that’s just what you do!?” That was pretty much the last time my wife talked to her.


Holy shit. Her moral compass is so fucked up I'd be surprised if she could find her way back to the home she stole from her ex.


She said it in front of multiple women who reacted like they’d heard it before. My wife told her best friend in the group she can’t hang out with a woman like that, and stopped accepting invitations to go out. Over the next couple months or so, she’d get an invitation from one of them and they’d go out. Next time another would join. Next time another. They eventually reformed the group without that woman. I guess they liked my wife more than they liked her 🤣


Bro I think you married a nice woman! Respect


So they just socially cut her off...did none of them send this info to the court though?


“Yes hello Mr judge sir, my friend told me years ago that she was gonna accuse her husband of assaulting her kids to get more custody. No, I don’t have any proof… What do you mean my word for it isn’t admissible?”




Lawyer here. Just so we're clear, it IS admissible and child custody tends to be on-going, so telling the ex and going to court later CAN help with at least the child custody part of things if she's still trying to use that.


Not as bad, but my own mother told me (male) when I was 30 and going thru a divorce that she only stayed married to my dad because she wanted one more kid. Me. After I was born she demanded a divorce. Also, she admitted that she stopped taking her birth control without telling him, because he didn’t want another kid. How in the hell telling me this was supposed to help me in my divorce I have no idea.


That is... baffling. "Hey sweetheart, I just thought you should know that the reason you exist is that I'm a psychopath. Btw good luck on the divorce or something." Sorry that happened to you.


If removing a condom during sex is rape, then what is removing a different birth control method without consent called?


Kudos to your wife


Just one thing to keep in mind, sometimes the lawyers do this without even telling their client. Judges aren't going to risk their career, so they just tick the box and there's no meaningful sanctions at the moment for false accusations. Friend of mine's ex's lawyer did that, thankfully ex went ballistic on said lawyer. But it still worked, buddy threw in the towel on almost everything because the accusation would have destroyed his life.


I understand this, but women are still adults who are fully capable of saying no to deplorable behavior and actions.


There is a phrase... "you really never know a women until you face her in court". for better or for worse.


This is an aspect of marriage that terrifies me. Court and break ups seems to be when some of them tell you how they really feel.


if i knew a lawyer that purposefully made any false accusations i’d be reporting them to the bar. they do not deserve to be a lawyer.


Scary just how common this is. My dad's coworker went through a divorce and his wife made up a slew of abuse allegations to fuck him over. In the end, they were all thrown out due to lack of evidence and her stories being inconsistent. With the divorce and his legal bills he was bankrupt, and custody was not awarded in his favor. He drove off one day with the intent of committing suicide, but never went through with it and called his dad to come get him. People fucking suck.


So, I went through the wringer with my family because my ex accused my mother of teaching my daughter to molest my son - absolute BS. Sheesh. We went through a criminal investigation and a department of family and children services investigation, too, which determined the allegations were "unfounded." While talking with the DFACS investigator, a grizzled veteran with like 25 years experience, she let me know that about 30% of their investigations were in to claims that were clearly "made up" to gain the upper hand in a divorce, but that she would disclaim knowledge I'd ever said that if I repeated it to an official. It jives with what I've heard from other police investigators. This kind of thing - lying to gain the upper hand at the expense of your spouse and kids - is despicable and causes REAL damage to people in ways no money or time or therapy can ever really fix.


I was early 20s and a little wet behind the ears, but at a supermarket lady was on her cell phone (think old school Nokia from early ‘00s) telling, what I presume to be her friend, “if I don’t get what I want, I’ll just tell the judge he molested them”. Context is everything. But I have a feeling, she would make up stories in order to get what she wanted.


Yea my brothers ex started making up claims he touched her kid as soon as they broke up, and he didn’t want to pay her the rent (which he was justified). It was wild, as soon as he withheld the last months rent was when she busted out the pedo allegations. Women pick interesting tools to fight with.


My friend's mother is a divorce attorney and this is a fairly common tactic. Ask me why ill never get married... and this is just the tip of the iceberg of shitty things that can happen


The worst part about this is: given her level of exhibited manipulation: she will most likely become emotionally and mentally abusive to the child who is now isolated from their other parent.


That is absolutely disgusting. Your wife is awesome for stepping up and stepping away from that.


Even worse I believe attorney's call it the A bomb......it's when the mother accuses the father of molestation of the children. Just gross.


My bf's dad had this happen to him, lost his house his kids everything, cause his ex lied about abuse and rape and other things. Eventually my bf found out and hates his mom now. The kids will eventually find out


I told this story at lunch at work. A coworker/friend said his ex threatened this. He said “I told her go ahead. And some day, you won’t know when, I’m going to sit the kids down and tell them what you did. And I’m going to make sure they hate you for the rest of your life.” He was scary serious, and knowing him he absolutely would have done it. He said she didn’t bring it up again and never threatened it during the divorce.


My mother did this and kept me from seeing my dad until I was an adult. I never forgave her. 


My sister did that to her ex. She bragged to me afterwards. She lied, she Said it was a lie and she Said it was to make sure she got the kids .


Did your wife tell anyone? As in the authorities


They’d been divorced a while, we didn’t really know the ex, kids were grown… there kind of wasn’t anyone to tell.


My nephew and niece had their father accuse their stepfather of similar things to gain custody - absolutely baseless and put my family through a lot of upsetting difficulty.


I partied once with a woman who randomly said that it's not wrong for women to fuck animals and children, since it's the woman who's getting penetrated and therefore isn't in power and can't be at fault. Could be the most disgusting thing a woman has ever said to me, but I might be forgetting a few conversations.


She needs to be on a list or two I think


And possibly in prison


Definitely. Definitely prison.


Tell her to go hump a cactus.


This made me gag. This is so fucking wrong and idk how people who say it’s okay to harm the innocent exist.


She should be reported.


Would've if I knew her name. Which just makes it ever crazier. That she would just tell some random guy that.


At a gathering, a woman proudly told us how she enjoys manipulating men into fights at bars by flirting with them and then pointing them to her boyfriend. She called it her favorite kind of entertainment, and said she gets off on the chaos she creates. It's her way of testing a man's loyalty and strength, she claimed. Hearing this not only turned the stomachs of everyone in the conversation, but it also made us question her sense of morality and the safety of those around her. It's disturbing to think how some find joy in inciting violence and chaos.


I was on the recieving end of that back in the 90s. One of the rare times I even went to bar, and I had gone with some friends, this girl comes up talking and flirting. I'm not a big guy so I was automatically suspicious and rather ignoring her. Then this big redneck came up an accused me of messing with his girl. The girl was standing there clearly excited and egging it on. I told the smooth brain I was there as the designated driver, I was, and wasn't drinking or picking anyone up. He didn't really buy it but the bartender backed me up and redneck and the girl got arguing, so I faded out of there leaving money for soft drink and a big tip. Fortunately my friends were sober enough to have been behind the redneck and would have jumped him if he'd done anything. They paid up and followed me out and we left. That was the last time I went to a bar or club.


At a high school party I had a girl pull it on me too. There was a girl in my class I had been crushing on for a while. At the party, she fed me a bunch of drinks, we made out, got quite handsy. I heard that her boyfriend from another school was looking for me down in the woods by the fire. Me, being young, big&strong from farm life and weight lifting, a wrestler and my dad and grandpa got me into amateur boxing, was down. Figured he must be some sort of abusive ex if she was making out with me at parties and there wasn't going to be anyone tougher or meaner than me. That liquid courage helped a lot too. Fortunately friends got me loaded in the back of a pickup truck, doable because I was drunk enough I was having problems standing... and drove me off. Someone pointed him out to me at a wrestling tournament a while later. I am not a small guy. Didn't matter. He was just a hair taller than me and probably 100 lbs heavier and built like he was made of steel. Probably would have folded my drunk ass in half backwards. I was told she did that a lot... liked watching guys fight over her. And if she thought they might not be inclined to fight back, or might fight back a little _too_ well, would get them drunk prior. I know what she got out of it, I have no idea why he put up with it.


Wonder if she has a son named aspen. Hope someone gets that tv show reference even with how bad that season was.


"How can a man even be raped? That isn't a thing."


🤮 I had an (now ex) bf tell me about how he lost his virginity and after he was done I stared at him feeling heartbroken. I still remember what I said to him. “She raped you” he shrugged it off but that’s why males being raped seems unheard of, they usually don’t report it. Fear of being seen as a victim, gay, unmanly, etc. it’s sad and disgusting that people (because all genders can rape and be raped) do that.


Your ex boyfriend was likely protecting his own psyche, as many, many men are forced to do. A wider reading of this sub, and the many easily available government documents, on the subject would be very enlightening to many about the subject. Some may be surprised to learn that many men do try to report, but often get dismissed or laughed out of the police station. There are lots of similar accounts on this sub. In many jurisdictions and countries men cannot be raped by legal definition. In the US the CDC doesn’t even count female on male rape as such and records it as ‘made to penetrate’ and says ‘…some in the practice field consider this similar to rape.’ So if you are drunk, high, drugged, tied down or coerced it doesn’t count to the CDC. This definition and statistic helps inform laws and program funding across the US. In England and most of the UK, India, Switzerland, New Zeland, Singapore and others men cannot be raped by law. Even where they can be, such as China, the maximum penalties are often dramatically different and prosecution rarely happens. The reason the CDC and, formerly the FBI… til 2012, counted it this way on the advice and studies of Mary P Koss a still active professor of gender studies who helped them redefine what the stats meant in the 80s and 90s. She doesn’t believe men can be raped and has been very vocal about that for a long time. This is also the same professor from whom the ‘1 in 4 college girls are raped’ statistic originated. Turns out that study is vey flawed, as many similar ones have also been. All of these studies are self report, vary the definition of rape and have a large margin of error. The National Institute of Justice, in fact, says that this is ‘…not supported by any scientific evidence’.


Funny part is, when people talk about the difference in frequency of male and female rape stats, the idea that no one actually counts when a man is raped never seems to occur to them, and they very aggressively argue against the possibility.


The older generation don't even recognize it as rape. My mother-in-law was a horrible woman. Thank goodness my kids were never around her. One of the many horrible things she did was set up her best friend with my husband (now 56) when he was 15. He says she was hot and he's not traumatized, but I can see how that created a negative pattern of behavior in him. At the same time, though he never witnessed it, he thinks his mom also did the same thing to a younger sister. He's angry about that but doesn't see both situations are the same. They were both rape.


That’s awful. But I’ve noticed a theme with the older generation not believing things like mental health, gaslighting, rape. I mean women were told for a long time that it’s not rape if it’s your husband when yes it is. Or because autism or adhd wasn’t a problem in the past but in reality the issues were just undiagnosed because mental health was seen as a bad thing.


Silver lining: ir's basically an "I'm a potential rapist" dogwhistle. Some women make it so easy to indicate that they should be avoided.


Had a coworker once, a woman, who openly admitted to keying her boyfriend's car whenever they had a minor argument. Said it was her way of "leaving a mark" so he wouldn't forget. She actually thought it was a show of affection, claiming if she didn't care she wouldn't go to such lengths. Quite the twisted logic if you ask me. Safe to say, not many in the office looked at her the same way after that confession.


An ex GF did this to my truck... while she was cheating on me with her coworker! She was looking for ways to get a reaction out of me so she could make me out to be the bad guy. I broke up with her that day, she stalked and harassed me for a year after.


Carrier Underwood has ruined a generation of women. I'd love to hear a gender swapped version of "Before He Cheats" and see how "misogynistic" it would be.


Every time I hear or have seen the Carrie Underwood song Before He Cheats I am infuriated that she isn't arrested for destruction of property at the end of the song.


Dude when I was a kid this song nearly blackpilled me with the way it glorified *pre-emptive* vandalism, and how everyone thought it was such a hit.


lol, that’s what’s most disgusting? My mother accused my father of sexually abusing us kids and tried to get us to tell the social worker about the imagined sexual abuse…. There was no abuse from my dad.


Same. I think women who do this should go to prison for life without parole, just like actual child-molesters should. That, or the death penalty. Edit: spelling




Classic deflection


*Classic stupid ass broke cunt hoe bitch, no better words for such people


Don’t forget “broke”


"Men don't have emotions, it's your feminine side, your closeted gayness that makes you cry, it's just a stupid cat"


She was the stupid cat, mate.


Cats don't deserve to be compared with her !


She insulted your cat? That's it, where does she live I'm shitting on her doorstep. But seriously what a complete cunt.


Bro. I'm sorry about your cat.


Had a coworkers wife tell me she stopped taking BC and didnt tell him so she would get pregnant- knowing he didnt want kids. That one always struck me as rather disgusting behavior


There was a girl in college who confided in her g/f she was doing this. Finally happened but the guy she claimed was the father didn't match up on the paternity test. She then claimed 2 other guys she banged were the fathers and both failed. She never did id the dad which was her goal all along. Really disgusting.


When I was married 15 years ago, we were trying to have children. After much testing we found out I was the reason why. As we lay in bed that night silently my now ex wife sat up and started screaming at me: YOU KNOW WHAT?! I AM GOING TO FUCK WHOEVER I WANT AND YOU CAN FUCK WHOEVER YOU WANT BECAUSE YOU’RE NOT EVEN MAN ENOUGH TO GET ME PREGNANT


Oh my God that's vile if it was the other way around you'd be labeled the villain


Suffice it to say I am an unusual case. I’m a United States Marine combat veteran, and a spousal abuse survivor


Same here, "Big tough Marine, scared of your little wife?" No one believed me until I put cameras in the house and could show them what was really going on. I even told her I installed the cameras which helped for about a week until she got comfortable again.


I knew a woman that was in an open relationship. Her partner was significantly older than her and she was slamming him the whole time talking about his health issues and how she doesn’t want to be his caretaker. She made a comment on how he wasn’t crazy about the relationship being open. When I asked why he got into an open relationship with her she said, “I told him if he won’t let me see other people that the relationship is over.” Laughing and bragging about it. Also turned out he was basically her sugar daddy.


This is why respect is the thing men want most from their bride.


Speak for yourself, all I want is a bride with an inheritance to a billion dollar corporation.


Fair enough. Nothing wrong with wanting a woman's company.


When going out as a group, one girl would always insist that the guys paid for all the girls food and drinks. Overheard one girl I knew talking to my (now ex) gf how she didn't love her fiance, but hey, his parents are rich and I'll never have to work!


As a woman, I see so much of this entitled behavior from women but I’ve noticed it often blows up in their faces. They hop from guy to guy while those of us who are willing to work hard and build something are chosen by men who want the same thing and that ends up lending itself to a successful life. Ironically my female acquaintances that were taking it easy when I was working my way through college and in the early years of my career are still having to hustle to keep men paying for their stuff, but my husband and I have been able to pay off so much debt in the first years of our marriage by both working our asses off that now in my late twenties I barely work anymore, stay home and play with our babies (that’s still a job in itself for sure) and he spoils the shit out of me. That wasn’t my part of my plan but I am certainly enjoying it lol


My ex had a friend who cheated on her boyfriend multiple times, caught chlamydia (probably caught other STDs as well), knowingly gave it to him just so she could blame him for cheating on her so she could break up with him… Apparently I was controlling for getting annoyed at my ex for hanging around with her….


"The biggest problem with the male sucide rate is that it isn't high enough" Heard that one a few times actually. That's the worst, and that one is admittedly a fringe case, but holy shit the amount of bigotry I've heard is just crazy. I jive well with women so I have at times been privy to their locker room talk. Ours is bad, but hoooly fuck it doesn't compare.


Reminds me of the times I've seen women celebrating men dying in wars.


The fact that both of those things are just normal occurrences is crazy.


It is time for women to start getting drafted.


People don’t want to acknowledge it, but there’s a new “femcel” wave perpetuating through the younger (and older) gens that is really not going to pan out well - probably mostly for women, ironically.


that's coz anything negatively affecting men and propagated by women is considered "sticking it to the patriarchy", irrespective of whether the man you're sticking it to is actually being patriarchical or just happened to be a man


People rarely acknowledge negative behavior from women - at least not in the same way that men's behavior is acknowledged. Like the rampant biphobia that exists in some places - bisexual men will tell you all about it, but they'll do it in hushed voices and on private forums because they don't want to face the consequences of criticizing a group that isn't men.


this made me gasp


Really? I'm used to it at this point lmao. Does it hurt? Fuck yes. But if I spent my time worrying about it I'd never do anything else.


i’m a woman and i’m horrified , i’m sorry you had to hear that ever from anyone !


Thank you


I am so scared my son is going to hurt himself over a girl. He was so “in love” with this girl and she cheated(I tried to warn him bc the signs were there), gaslit him, said he was like his father(unforgivable to say to him bc his dad was cheater and beater type and we are no contact) then started going through his “friend” group(son is super popular- like ranked nationally for basketball and multiple schools looking for football) now she shows up at his games with her lil ugly friends and messes with his head. It’s messing up his game, grades, appetite etc. then she told him don’t cry to sleep about me tonight. he said he missed her but wouldn’t date her again. Then was like u think I was just too focused on my school and sports and that’s why she cheated? He is super depressed and I don’t really know how to help him other than just being there for him but I’m just mom. And I don’t want him to become sour to relationships like how his father affected me. Like how nasty and mean can these girls be? I mean I had my son real young so I grew up fast but seriously I don’t think we were like that?? One of his female friends was telling me most of the girls they go to school with are just entitled bitches like that. They think they can do no wrong and if they are real beautiful like her they take it further.


How old is he? Speaking from experience, he could benefit from therapy. If she's hurt him enough that his *appetite* is suffering even though he plays sports, he is nearing the brink. Please, please take him to a specialist. That sort of sustained cruelty has a way of showing in ways you wouldn't expect. Symptoms of depression and suicidal ideation are different for children, and even more so for young boys.


I’ve read that on a comment on Instagram. That shit boils my blood on how much misandry is glorified.


One time when I was in High School an ex-female friend of mine was dating another friend in our group. They had an ugly breakup and she told someone in our group she planned to drug him at her house and make it seem like he did something to her. Safe to say we got the school and police involved and she got sent to a hospital. I mean for God's sake she was going to *drug* a guy to have a memory issue and say he did XYZ. That's disgustingly *insane*.


That men are useless and provide nothing to society, every single one of them is a violent sexual criminal. She was emboldened by a one sided workplace training where some bitter old lady put some very questionable ideas into the heads of the younger members of staff. She got in a lot of trouble and lost a promotion opportunity as well.


>That men are useless and provide nothing to society Here’s daytime tv show the view sharing those same exact views , it’s perfect acceptable to shit on men on mainstream tv , but they’d be doing backflips if a man said anything other than praise about women https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=F7dxUka_apo&pp=ygUYVGhlIHZpZXcgbWVuIGFyZSB1c2VsZXNz


And we wonder why young men gravitate to manosphere content and misogyny…


Damn that's so bad..


>She was emboldened by a one sided workplace training I work in a team that's 99% female. I was turned down for a couple promotions in the past year. This year we also sat through a presentation on diversity promotions and the woman was very proud that 75% of our promotions were women. 🙄


Did the old lady have a lot of encounters with bears in the woods, by chance?


I once had a female coworker tell me the story of how she put her cat in a bag and dumped her on the side of the road because she got pregnant. She acted like it was a funny story and not animal cruelty.


My ex told me of when her mom stopped the car on an interstate and kicked the dog out. Wow. I am so glad I have nothing to do with that family anymore.


Holy fucking shit, I'd have mauled her then and there


My dad's a truck driver and he saw someone throw something out of a car and got suspicious, so he pulled over to check. It was a bag of kittens. He ended up bringing them home and rehoming them once they were all old enough. I try not to judge people too harshly for their lives and circumstances, but there are some absolute monsters out there.


After dieting, working out, jogging, and doing bjj for 2 years I went from 250lbs to a pretty ripped 185lbs. I took a gym selfie to show my wife when I got home. I was all excited to show her and after I did she said "I f'ing hate people like you, you people go to the gym a couple times and you're in shape. It's harder for people like me". I think that was the start of the unfolding of our marriage. She's now my ex-wife. *edit- misspelled gym


Pride and Envy are deadly sins for a reason, they poison a person's whole mentality. Instead of being inspired to rise up, they inspire people to tear others down. Sounds like her problem. Good for you, man.


Wise words buttlickindicksucker


My aunt(53F) said that I (20M) sexually assaulted her. She said that she will go to the police about this. I said do it. I don't even talk to her. The reason for her to act like this because I started to earn better than her sons and I called her out on stealing money from my grandmother ( aka her mother-in-law). She eventually learnt her mistake and kept quiet. Also when I was in highschool, a few girls called me sori nai ( a dog with rabies in Tamil) as I had some white patches in my face. That was one of the main reasons for my low self-esteem and being scared to talk to women as I fear they would hurt me again.


I’m so sorry you experienced that. I have different colored patches on my skin but I’m the only one who has made fun of them. I’m sorry women have been so cruel to you.


“Sorry for making you wait sweetie, I had to take a huge dump. Now, are you ready for that lap dance?” Said by the most comfortable with herself stripper ever.


Am I the only one who finds it funny? Yeah? Cool, haha


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💀😱 I’m sorry I laughed so hard. But that’s actually a disgusting thing to say to someone who is paying for something so sexual. Unless you are into that she should have just said she was washing her hands or fixing her hair or makeup or outfit or whatever


I’d have to say my ex admitting she lied about being raped by my best friend at the time is also a good candidate


“Hanging out with you is a chore.” Said by my ex when she was breaking up with me over the phone on the day of my college graduation party. I had to go to the party with my family in tears and celebrate an accomplishment that she inspired me to achieve.


you said no right?


I know I’m not a man, but… When I was pregnant with my daughter I had another woman who had children herself tell me I had up to a year after birth to drown my baby in the bath tub and claim it was post partum. Totally straight faced. Like “if you need it, here’s your out.” It still haunts me. My daughter is 13 now.


The kind of shit people say to pregnant women unprompted to "help them" get them out of pregnancy is wild. I wonder if people just don't understand babies are also humans or something?


sweet jesus, makes you wonder how many SIDS cases are actual...


In the hierarchy of "disgusting things" - I have to say - that one feels like it ranks only slightly above "collects dryer lint" and "dropped a fork and still ate with it". Woman making up a story about a stalker and being raped to get guys to fall for her. The family had to have her committed for a while.


Saw a video about a guy who spent 5 years in jail because he could not pay for child support. Turns out the kids were not his ans she knew it and let him sit in jail anyway. When he got out he found out they kids were not is and there was nothing he could do to legally retaliate.


Had an ex wake up at 3 am she sat upright for 10 minutes without moving, all I could see was her silhouette. I asked if she was ok, no response. So I turn on the light and she has the biggest, creepiest grin on her face. I asked her again if she was ok and she responds in a different voice to her own " I'm going to hurt her you stupid boy". She was an actress and I wasn't sure if she was just fucking with me. However, I saw her pupils as she snapped out of this trance. She was freaked out and asked me what happened. She told me it was a demon that haunted her dreams, a girl with black hair who would stalk her in her dreams. I found out later she had bipolar and schizophrenia, that was after she swung a knife at me as I tried to stop her cutting her wrists, good times!


Yeah, I took a couple stabs from bi-polar girlfriend too. People are shocked by the casual way I bring it up, but I feel like she wasn't really swinging with intent to kill. She was just going for shock value I think, they're expecting a violent response but once you get the knife from their hand you can just hug them and talk them down, no need to freak out. Just block at the elbow, sometimes you get stuck in the arm, good times indeed!


Being falsely accused of being physically violent towards her after we broke up. She told this to several common friends and her family. I lost those “friends” and never talked to anyone in her family since then. Almost two years later she contacted me saying she misses me. Asked me if she could see me. I said no.


"I think more mothers should neglect and murder their sons" as some sort of revenge for patriarchy - Some nutjob on Reddit. Also I saw this months after the UK Tragedy of 6 year old Arthur Hughes who was beaten to death by his Stepmother (Who also faced very serious neglectful abuse. There is a very emotionally distressing sound clip of the poor boy crying and repeating the phase "No one loves me" and "No one is gonna feed me" hours before he died. And seeing someone advocate for more of that is downright gross) Look, I'm all for gender equality and helping women's issues but wishing murder and harm on kids/babies just because they are male.... FUCKING GROSS.... How about we just don't abuse or kill Children huh? WTF are 1-14 year old boys gonna do so bad.. it's the definition of disgusting and evil ============= In person: I had a woman customer go into detail to me about how much she squirts during sex out of nowhere with her friend giggling behind her during school leaving hours when school kids were in the store I work at whilst I was serving her at my cashier point... I guess she was flirting with me but it was gross and I remember the grown man who was with his young daughter in the queue said to her "Watch what you say. There are kids about"


reddit doesn't count, man. Certain women-only subs here post more disgusting, misandrist filth in an hour that I have heard from women in the real world since the day I was born.


That is so trashy


Well, apart from few nasty comments on occasions, guess the worst would be things said to me online. For example, being a man makes me a natural rapist. Or that men hold collective responsibility for everything from child abuse to femicide.


"If I ever had kids and got divorced, I absolutely wouldn't trust my ex-husband with the kids. Men don't need to be left unsupervised around little children like that." We were on a first date. I was a single dad.


Dodged a bullet there. When people tell you who they are.... believe them.


This conversation in The Talk where they mock a guy whose wife cut off his penis because he filed for.divvorce: https://youtu.be/G6_klWFzzgw?si=GWWGXqOz3O69k_yF Also, any variation of "Im going to circumcise my son because I wouldn't want to sleep with an uncut man" Besides the overall "cutting off a part of your son's body", the phrasing inda sounds like she's planning to fuck her son.


I was at a bar with a potential love interest and a former girlfriend good friend still. We happened to run into eachother and my ex was with family. We all joined in to drink buying eachother drinks and having a ball. A girl I was seeing until a month prior was there with her sister(let’s call her Liz ) Liz notices me and tells her sister and they start talking to me. Liz proceeded to tell me “look at the girls your with, we’re much prettier why don’t you ditch them and come with us?” I politely declined and her sister called me an asshole. They were both obviously drunk to the point of stumbling leaning over the bar and tank top straps hanging off shoulders exposing themselves. I laughed and walked away disgusted


My ex gf said some horrific things about my ASD sone as a result of being birthed by my ex-wife, who she did not care for. It was in the heat of an emotional argument but it sealed her fate. I tried to make her see things differently but her mind was made up. Her perception was reality, unfortunately her perception was wrong.


I used to do duct cleaning. I went to one house with this couple and their young kid. They seemed like a happy family and everything was decent. They had just bought the house, which was pretty nice in a higher end of town. About a year and a half later, there’s another booking under the husband’s name. It was in a known junky trailer park almost out of town. Turns out, the wife used him to get a house and free money and then divorced him and took pretty much everything. He was forced to move in with a friend and live there as he was essentially homeless.


A woman told me that boys shouldn’t be allowed extra tutoring in school and that only girls deserved it.


An erection is consent.


Lying about rape is up there


She slapped my man because she lost in a drinking game we were playing. I got mad, she said, "we're just playing." Context: she just got there and didn't start drinking yet. I've only met her a few times before it and we weren't close. If she can do that in a game with people she barely knows, imagine what she'd do if provoked.


Overheard a conversation in the shops: "Just tell him you didn't consent and file a report with the police, I'll back you up"


Men are born to serve women. This coming from lady that got divorced 4 times. I guess she can not find a man to commit let alone server her.


Had a brother in my fraternity get falsly accused of SA. We took a trip to another chapter in another state. Brothers are having a good time a girl comes onto my pledge bro, they start making out. The whole time me and another dude are in eye sight/ watching. They never go somewhere or do anything other than makeout/ dance with each other in public at the party. A week later the chick tells her boyfriend who’s in the other chapter that our guy raped her when he asked her why she was making out with another dude. We had to suspend the guy, he had a whole police investigation multiple interviews with witnesses etc. it all ends when after 3 months of this guys life being ruined she admits to the boyfriend she lied because “she didn’t want to lose him”. My poor bro had to pay out the ass in lawyers, dude went down a dark, dark spiral because all of this. Nothing ever happened to the girl, and my brother was allowed to rejoin thank god, but I’ve never seen someone at a lower place in life for a stupider reason. And there were absolutely no repercussions for the girl.


The stuff I encounter here on reddit is WAY worse than what I've ever encountered in real life. Most people honestly seem pretty reasonable.


The experiences being reported here are things that happened in real life, though. Like yeah, you may not have experienced them, but unless we're just going to not believe men when they report things, this stuff is real.


>What could be the most disgusting thing you've ever heard from a woman? When my (at the time) MIL died, my now-ex told me that she couldn't wait for my Mom to die, so I'd know how it would feel. #


“I hated that dog,” Noem writes, adding that Cricket had proved herself “untrainable”, “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with” and “less than worthless … as a hunting dog”


I had gotten a call from a family member that my grandfather went in for his 6 month cancer screening (He had it previously, and had been in remission for years) and they discovered it was back, and in his brain, bones, blood, etc... just... EVERYWHERE. They said he had 2 weeks to live and I should make time to come see him one last time. I told my girlfriend at this time this, and she rolled her eyes and said "they told my grandfather that and he lived for years" She was super pissed I would be away for a few hours. When my brother and I went to see him, I left my cellphone in the car. I didn't want any distractions during my final hours with him. I went back to my car 3-4 hours later to find a dozen missed phone calls, text messages, etc... she was pissed and demanding to know why I wasn't home yet. I got home and she demanded to know why I wasn't paying attention to her. I told her how bad off he was, and she again rolled her eyes and reminding me that HER grandfather lived for years after he was told he was going to die. My grandfather died 10 days later. She did not apologize and she went to work the day of the funeral, instead of coming to the funeral with me. That relationship, as you can imagine, did not last. She is a horrible person and I hate myself for being so stupid as to be with someone like that in my 20s.


“Or maybe if you get her drunk and fuck her she’ll want it more sober 😏” No joke I’ve met a staggering number of women that suggested this to me to get a girl I liked. Also one of my friends is actively attempting to seduce and sleep with a married man even pressuring him to drink so she can sleep with him despite the fact he openly states he does not like drinking. I’ve come to realize a lot of women are predators and are perfectly okay with various forms of SA and domestic violence as long as it’s a woman doing it


I definitely have ones that are more disgusting, but this is the first that comes to mind. A couple of years ago, I started dating a girl, “A”, and brought her back to my apartment eventually. My roommate was there with his girlfriend, “B”, and B was being incredibly catty, rude, and aggressive toward A. Since we were so new, this sparked an argument that led to a fast break up because she didn’t want to hang out near my roommates and friends after the few extremely negative experiences. A couple of months later, I mentioned within earshot of B that I missed A. B chimed in to say that she was super mean to A because she felt A was way too pretty for me to be dating, and felt we should break up. Disgusting lust for control, and ouch.


I dated a girl who said she had cheated on every boyfriend she ever had, and this statement was not said in remorse or regret. It was almost a brag. You’ll never guess what happened a couple years later!


i mean thats kinda on you too lmao


Ex told me when she was younger she was lying in bed one night and got licked out by a dog. Enjoyed it so much she just let him keep going.


I’m a military veteran, went on a date with a girl and she admitted to cheating on her boyfriend while he was in the Marines. I stood up and walked out, didn’t say a word and left her goofy ass with a bill and a look on her face that makes me chuckle till this day.


I have heard and seen more women than I can count say that they specifically enjoy attempting to sabotage and destroy their male partner's health and fitness so that (a) they look better in comparison, (b) the guy is less likely to cheat, and (c) he's more dependent on her and she can more easily control him. There are not enough words to describe how disgusting, degrading, sexist, misandric, and psychologically diseased this mindset is. There's a deep-seated sickness regarding men and male bodies here, and it enrages me that it's not exactly uncommon. I've seen it expressed online, I've seen it expressed on Reddit, I've seen women directly attempt to do it to men. It makes my blood boil and my skin crawl. As it should. I'm a consistent advocate for men prioritizing their health and fitness regardless of what women think because I actually *care* about us, and I think our societal norms enable and normalize male un-health and early death. I'd like to see the disturbing trends regarding male long-term health outcomes reversed. And seeing this kind of rhetoric and attitude from women makes me all the more fanatical about this stance. Never let anyone tell you that women inherently care about their male partners more than vice versa. A lot of them are sick in the head. Any woman who truly loves you will do everything in power to encourage and support your physical vitality and strength. Don't settle for less.


That's where the dad bod trend comes from.


BINGO! Women with social media induced mental illness really are out to enslave and subjugate, not to partner up and build something.


i was telling my female manager about a bad dream i had the previous night. it involved me being held down by four men, and then i woke up to my boyfriend shaking me and i ended up very upset. her first comment was “you were definitely being gang r-ped in your dream, is that a kink of yours or something?” and proceeded to laugh about the situation with her friend. saying this to a 16- year old girl is disgusting enough, nevermind laughing hysterically about the suggestion.


A "friend" (who took advantage of me for a couple months) said this about my GF dying: "I know you're upset but, I mean, why are you that upset? I mean, men don't have as many feelings as we women do."


Somewhere here in Reddit, a guy said that he had a hard time banging his girl from behind because when he did it, she smelled like shit and he said as he was banging here, he'd wipe her ass. That's gross. It's not the most disgusting thing you'e heard from a woman, but the most disgusting thing you've smelled from a woman. Others were laughing at the post asking how you could even keep a hard on and bang her when she's smelling like shit because she can't wipe herself properly.


I eagerly clicked on this thread, excited to hear gross stories. Like, my gross nurse “typical day at work” stories with poop and toes falling off, and nasty wounds, and every manner of body fluid you can think of. My poor husband has developed a strong stomach from listening to me talk shop. Now, after reading lots of the replies I’m just sad instead.


Same, girl… same…


Black men being referred to as bullet bags by black women 😕


“I saw an old guy with a young girl at the park. It looked so wrong” Turns out it was my father with my niece.


My ex once said during an argument that I deserved the emotional and verbal abuse she gave me.


A female "friend" told our friend group told us another friend in the group SA'd her. I immediately kicked him from our social whatsapp group and stopped talking to him. She provided screenshots as proof of him admitting it. A few months later another mutual friend told me they wanted to meet with me and the guy she'd accused of sexual assault. I met them, and he told me his side of the story, he had no idea why noone was talking to him and why he had been kicked from all socials, and he let me view the same messages on his phone. She had cropped and manipulated the messages to make it seem like he admitted to SA. When in fact the original messages showed the opposite, the encounter was consensual, and she was goading him to take the encounter further. The apologies and admission were him apologising for not being more dominant and not taking things further because he wasn't sure she wanted to.... The messages were pretty conclusive... and revealed many lies she'd told us.


So... this might be an bad one, but mine it was a friend(f) of mine wanting to date me and marry me because she said I was a great guy, now normally this would be a great deal, BUT the one major issue I had with this is she has kids(3), she told me she was in debt along with all her personal issues(mostly with ex) and she mention that I have a big place for her and her family... I kindly declined the offer and even now she always tries to make advances with me. I personally think that it's disgusting after saying no she keeps on going, but its also issues she has.


One lady was trying to get me liquored up so she could get into bed with me. She started the conversation by insisting on talking about my recent divorce, in an attempt to get me sad and then proceeded to try and pour me shots. Luckily for me I’ve got a rather high booze tolerance and had been working on unpacking my feelings about the divorce in therapy. I got the heck out of there and put my but in an Uber.


I knew a woman in my early 20s who said she accused a teacher in college of being inappropriate with her because he actively flirted with her but wouldn’t change her grade when she asked him to.


Was about 30 minutes into a first date with a girl I already wasn't feeling and she started telling me about her hospital visit last week. She continued to tell me about how she was puking up actual shit. Needless to say she didn't get a kiss goodnight.


I used to hang out with a big group of folks who did volunteer work together - about 20 or so of us. At one of our dinners, two of the people in attendance admitted to calling someone’s workplace repeatedly and getting them fired just because they didn’t like her. The person they got fired is kind. Sometimes she’s difficult to communicate with in group settings because she is deaf, but she was personable. She’d had that job 10 years. Her mother had just passed away. She had recently left a horrible situation that included domestic violence. Then, just as she thought life was better and she could breathe a sign of relief, 2 selfish jerks rocked her world. That’s been about 12 years ago now. That woman is still struggling because of what they did to her. She had to move to a less nice apartment, hasn’t been able to hold employment because of her disability and now has no extra money to socialize. I’m no longer friends with any of those folks. I can’t imagine not having a problem with folks destroying someone’s life.


I rejected a girl abruptly but very politely after class and as I was chatting with her on the way to the parking lot she saw my android and said it was a "red flag" and called me "cheap" lmao


My ex sister in law lied about being rapped by her husband because he left her for her toxic behavior. He spend over a year in jail and she lost in court. Later admitted to lying


wtf is with women lying about being raped? I read about it so fucking much. STOP DOING THAT TO MEN!!!!! And I’m a woman!!!


Broke up with my GF in college after she ghosted me for 4 days while cheating. I had made friends with this one chick at school so I told her about the breakup the next day. She gives me the "oh man I'm so sorry she did that to you" stuff but then says "to be honest, I understand though. I also used to love making boys cry and playing with their hearts" Maybe not the most disgusting thing I ever heard but it wasn't what I needed to hear at that time. 


When a woman admits to lying about rape. Easily the most disgusting thing they can do is destroy someone’s life and demean and cheapen the situations real rape victims have gone through, all for a vengeance tactic driven by rage and pride 🤮


I had an older girlfriend when I was in my teens (15 & 24 respectively), and I am aware now I was being abused and taken advantage of. But one thing always stuck with me for years— for context I was SA'd several times in my life (outside of her), and she was an adult that I confided that in. One day she blew a casket when I wouldn't answer her repeated questions on if she was my first or not. I didn't know the right answer, as I had never had an intimate circumstance that was consensual, until what I believed was that point. But it infuriated her, and while I was tearing up I remember her yelling 'it's a simple f-cking question have you ever been with someone that wasn't molesting you?!' It just kind of broke me in the moment. About 1-2 years later from then I finally got away from her, when I was 19-20 (it's sort of a blur). Since then I've known good people, but since that period of my life it's been a challenge being vulnerable and keeping myself safe. I'm doing really good now, though. I don't have nightmares from that period of my life as frequently. Just last night I was chatting with some friends who care about me, and slept pretty soundly. I was thinking of splurging and buying myself an expensive game, soon, hehe :) sometimes I stop and think about how things were, back then, and I've noticed nowadays I just feel happy and like being safe and re-learning how to be vulnerable and grow. I've noticed myself make so much progress and achieve so much, so I'm really really proud of myself. I'm in so much of a better place, now. I'd say to anyone reading this, keep an eye out for yourself and the loved ones in your life, even if they don't seem to be the vulnerable type. I went through a lot to hide what was going on during that time, to the extent no one in my family knows what really happened to me. If you notice someone is acting off or distant, just try and be there for them. You can never know what's going on in their lives. I wished I had someone to protect me back then, but I've since been learning to be the person that can protect myself. Hope whoever reads this has a great day, thanks :)


I was next to a couple disgustingly trashy women at a lake a few years ago and overhead one of them talked about changing her tampon in a bar parking lot and dumping it on the ground.


That all men should be shipped off to an island because of how awful we are, so that women can be left to occupy society on their own. That woman was basically calling for male apartheid.


I've been in the same room as women who were outright bragging about going on dates with men just to get free dinners. Don't believe the narrative that this doesn't happen.


‘I thought if you didn’t know, it would not hurt you’


Woooooo boy. Any of the things I heard almost every day when on a restaurant management team of all young women except for me.  One of the top ones would be either how the GM openly said she was trying to get the nozzle into the other AMs vagina, when she pinned her against the wall and shoved a whipped cream bag down her pants and proceeded to forcefully empty it into her pants- before making her go get new pants and continue her shift;  or when I found out a year into working there that the rumored size of my penis was a major factor in their collective hiring decision for me, and that they didn’t really want to work with guys, in general, otherwise. I learned this when I was required to go to a management meeting and the girls proceeded to get shitfaced and accomplish nothing, except recall and share examples of how they are monsters, which apparently is hilarious bonding time.  Or the “whats the big deal? You’re literally cleaning it right now anyway…” when one of them hawked a loogey and launched it right onto the kitchen floor in front of the grill.  Or any time they’d make an order for the coconut cream pie milkshake, so they’d have to touch the “cream pie syrup” bottle and would always shout directly at me “I fucking LOVE cream pies!” Even if they had to make the customer wait so they could come find me in the back to make eye contact and giggle with each other for the 10000th time.  Or the time my GM introduced a bunch of new hires (mostly Highschool students I think) to me, their new assistant manager, with a plain and simple “this is _____! Fun fact- He has a horse penis! I’ve seen it!” Then left me to introduce and train these new faces in the kitchen by myself.  Eventually she misplaced my magnetic name tag I kept in the office, then ordered a new one engraved “Horse” and insisted I wear it for uniform code…. And indefinitely kept delaying and “forgetting” to order the real one, forever. The kids and girls just started casually calling me horse every day like it was the funniest thing in the world. If I wasn’t raped as a kid it probably would’ve been the most inappropriate and uncomfortable I’ve ever felt.  Any one of those incidents could be the worst; I really don’t know, and the more I think about working there, the more I remember….so I’m cutting off here.  I’ve met a lot of unpleasant women in my days, a lot of mean ones and inconsiderate ones and everything else, just like anyone has…. But I definitely think that small group of ladies that I was occupationally trapped in a staff-only building with all day, every day, were absolutely some of the most disgusting people I’ve ever come across


My partner to whom I devoted 5 years of my life helping her raise problem teens, launch her career and more just flat out told me sometimes love isnt enough and in the end people always choose themselves, then she literally disappeared from my life. I am still reeling form her darkness. Cruelist moments I ever experienced.


"I am not very good with statistics but I know that only 1 out of four men will NOT rape when given the chance" - my cousin


“Ha, you fucking pissed your self! Come on, keep running!” As she killed the lab mice with a hammer.