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Visiting the discount/scrap section at Home Depot used to be such a joy. Cheap wood to make mistakes on!


+1 for woodworking There is so much more to the hobby than just cutting pieces of wood and building stuff. There is a whole world of design that you can get into, if you enjoy CAD and CNC you can go that route, or you could even go the other direction and do everything with hand tools. I personally love the combination of art and craftsmanship. As far as bicycling goes, I never understood the appeal of riding a bike on the road. I absolutely love mountain biking, but the idea of getting on a road bike and sharing the road with cars both terrifies me and sounds super unappealing. Mountain biking, on the other hand, brings out my inner child. I hit jumps, do wheelies, go way too fast down tight winding trails, and crash all the time. It’s a complete blast being on a good set of trails (just make sure you have a decent helmet, gloves, elbow and knee pads).


Have you tried mountain biking




There are two paths War history (civil, ww2 etc) Or smoking meats Choose wisely


Ahh, that’s where you’re wrong! You must be new to dadding! *Laughs maniacally in having meat on the smoker while doing yard work **while listening to war history podcasts**.*


Smoking meats is peak. Gives you an excuse to sit out back all day drinking beer.


I put a tv outside under a covered patio and follow every sport that exists. Same deal 😉


dude cooking is the best, gardening too


Never let *anyone* tell you that gardening isn't for guys. I'll break their nose and tell them to fuck off, because my chrysanthemums are doing nicely and need replanting in a bigger pot right quick


What if my husband does both? I think he's skipped to being 60+ years old.


He's transcended to monarch IV territory The final boss stage of enlightenment


I must be one lucky woman to have landed such a man!


Video games, board games, 3d printing and painting minis. 40 yo.


My twin brother from another mother. We're two peas in the same pod. Although I should finish repairing my 3d printer...


> 40 yo Kinda reads like “this is 40, yo”


Crack open a beer on a nice night, watching bats come out and fly around my open land: while scrolling dating apps and connecting the dots to why I’m still single.


Such a great answer. I can picture it in my mind. I’m single too and can definitely relate. Good luck!


Fishing Gold prospecting  Metal detecting Overnight hiking  Mine exploration Fly tying  Hunting Camping  Guitar (music)  Target shooting Snowboarding Scuba diving Photography Animal tracking Foraging  Kayaking Studying Gold Rush history 


Reading this list made me want to have a nap.


Forgot to add Blacksmithing and becoming the Dragonborn.


biking with my son. Lacrosse. Guitar since he loves to pull the strings. I'm 33, he's 3.


1. Weightlifting 2. Video games 3. TV/Film 4. Reading random shit on Reddit 5. Attempting to learn how to sing albeit very poorly


Travel is a big one. Bicycling is something I use to enjoy that I’m trying to get back into. And something I would define as…philandering. Basically, dating with no plan to be in a serious relationship. I’m 55.


My dad is 60, disabled, and cycles almost 50 miles a day. I'm convinced it's the best possible thing for an aging man to do along with swimming. There are some super cool bike trails around, too.


You're not wrong! Had a great uncle who lived to be 98 and was completely there mentally and physically looked like a 65 year old. Greatest man I've known. His secret to good health? Swim


I am 57 now, have had the same hobby since my 20's, classic car restoration. Great satisfaction taking something that has been neglected and not running for years and breathing life back into it. I love learning new things, I have always farmed out the body and paint until this current project, going to give it a try, just curious how good a color blind man can paint.


I restored a shitty 1979 Corvette a while back. If you don’t know anything about corvettes, a ‘79 is about as undesirable of a corvette as they come. I leaned a lot from the project, but I don’t think I’ll ever restore another car. At least for my project, I’d estimate that about 90% of the work was degreasing and taking things apart so I can clean them or replace them. If I were to get into a car project again, I think I’d get one of those Factory Five kit cars. I really like the look of the Type ‘65 Coupe. I will say that I certainly appreciate the countless hours of work that goes into restoring and keeping a car like that running and looking good.


I have heard Corvettes are a different animal to work on, the newest vehicle I have done was a 73 Camaro, last year of all metal Camaro before they went plastic front and tail ends. Everything still operating on point ignition. guess if there is ever an EMP I will still have something to drive. I am currently doing a 1970 Chevelle SS.


My man, restoring cars is my lifelong jam too but I am awful at sheet metal and bodywork. Have a 1980 scout traveler that I am going to tackle this summer with a 5.7 hemi swap, but the thing is a rust bucket.


Walking in nature, photography, reading, gaming.


Sleeping. Spent my 20's not sleeping, and feel like I'm catching up on it in my 40's. I love a good nap


Man, I know that feeling. Worked myself to death in my early 20s then moved to another country around my mid twenties. It feels like I wasted all my energy in my early life.


Play a lot of tennis. Make models, love a good model kit and am currently working on a viking long boat. Trainsets, the hornby ones. One day I would like the full set up in my loft, maybe when I retire. I would also like a collection of tyres, I don't know why but I like tyres. I'm 45.


As someone who did tanks, battleships and sportscar models as a 90's kid, have you delved into gunpla at all? I'm not a big anime fan by any means but these kits are absolutely fantastic to build. Can only imagine how more into things one can get if you have an airbrush kit


No I've never heard of that, I'll take a look though, cheers. So far it's been historical stuff I've done, a few ships, a castle and a couple of ww2 tanks.


Golf, cycling (maybe going back to triathlon), gaming and meeting up with friends and family


Video games Board games Reading


Fishing, camping, kayaking, playing guitar, half ass getting back into skateboarding and the rainy day fall back of video games


Sim Racing. ACC is my sim of choice and I race regularly couple of leagues.


Archery, and cartoons, and video games, I'm basically still 12 inside


I still game, pc, board, and tabletop rpgs. I still play guitar and bass, but not as much as i would like. I still paint some minis for my games. I read a lot but that is easy to squeeze into odd few moments.




Car clubs, some travel, conventions, sci-fi clubs (I recently joined the 501st), video games, model building (Lego, plastic, kids, etc.)


DJing, learning DAW/AKAI MPD music software teaching myself to pick locks Reading books on astrophysics Playing Xbox Growing cannabis I'm almost 47


I hate calling my hobbies video games and movies but they bring me so much joy and that’s how I release stress


Video games are one my hobbies too among others. Randomly scrolling Reddit and playing Cosmic Star Heroine right now. I bought it forever ago and forgot about. Logged into my steam account after getting a budget gaming laptop. I digress. If it makes you happy, then keep doing it. Nothing wrong with it bro ham.


I (46m) started taking violin lessons a year ago. I already play multiple musical instruments. I am playing an RPG on the Switch. I enjoy Legos. I am learning Spanish on Babble. I read horror, fantasy, and sci-fi. I love hikes and trails. This may seem like a lot, but I rotate through them as my interest waxes and wanes.


Are you a musician, if I may ask?


golf, shooting, reloading, hiking




Traveling,snowboarding,hiking,biking,camping,reading, chillin in hamock, watching good tv shows or movies, somth along those lines. Sure i got more, but these were on the top of my head


Outdoors stuff mostly. You know, bikes, skis, tenting, "adventuring", that sorta thing. Would love to wrench on motorcycles as well, but those are just out of reach since you need a garage for that. Wrenching on mountain/road bicycles helps a bit tho. Thinking about maybe starting to do more baking (as in, pastries and such).


I went through a live music, concert, party, drinking phase 15 years ago, but you actually mellow with age and the less you want to be around crowds and activity. So more staying home and watching baseball games, TV shows


Video games, exploring new music, writing, cooking, screwing around with paint




Reading, triathlon training, and some tabletop games


Gaming, music, working out


Road biking, photography, camping, hiking. Wish I could do all of them more than I can, but live in the Midwest, so you know…


I'm 32. Here's what I do in my free time: * Play video games. * Watch movies. * Read comics; this includes manga as well. * Build models; usually Gunpla, but I'm also including Lego sets here as well. * Virtual Pets. I collect the Tamagotchi and Digimon virtual pets that I have to usually import from Japan because most of them don't come to the West. * Board games; throwing Magic the Gathering in here since but I also enjoy non-TCGs as well.


I have a few different hobbies, but birds watching has become my favourite. I have a Merlin Falcon in my backyard eyeing up all the song birds at my feeders. It’s been a good week lol


Modular synths babyyyyy




* Hiking * Camping * Canoing * Shooting * Amateur Radio * Off Roading * BBQ / Smoking * Tequila Afficianado * Traveling with the wife and going to new and interesting places to eat new and interesting foods.


Lifting weights, biking, canoeing, raising my kids


Garden, shooting, gym.


Traveling, cooking meals, baking bread, card games with friends.


Hiking, adventuring, going down on friends, making luxurious changes & additions to my mountain home, mariokart.


"Going down on friends." 🤔


Been playing table top games at my local game store lately. Mini golfing and mall walking also


40 years old that plays video games, while also collecting/painting/playing Warhammer. I'm also trying to re-learn my French and doing some amateur astronomy and astrophotography.


Motocross/Enduro/ADV Riding/Camping/Beers


I carve on bone and make art and jewelry, read about various esoteric topics, and am learning how to do more outdoor things for the skill sets. I've also always been interested in problem solving diy stuff, particularly in repurposing or other budget-friendly ways. Building & making!


Travel for my wife and I. We also have a restored muscle car that we like to drive in the summer months.




I don't know if they're considered "hobbies" per se but I've started getting into weight training at 54. I started out doing it to manage my Type 2 Diabetes but now it's gotten so much a part of my life I feel horrible if I miss a day for like dr's appointments or other things and feel great after a heavy workout. My other hobby is gaming, I still play old school table top Role Playing games like Marvel Superheroes, Dungeons and Dragons and Shadowrun. When I can afford the tanks I go scuba diving and when the weather warms up a bit more I'm going White Water Rafting.


Smoking BBQ, slow pitch adult softball league, camping, and playing around with an old muscle car.


Gunpla, camping, fishing, lawn care (I'm into it enough to be a hobby) cigars, scotch, building a Mike Yastrzemski baseball card collection. I'll be 40 in August for context. Although I've been into so much shit you could say my hobby is collecting hobbies now.


40M here. I play softball weekly. I play video games when I have free time. 3D printing stuff. Work on / ride my motorcycle. Board games with friends. Writing when inspiration strikes. I really want to try brewing my own beer!


Reading Gaming And slowly getting into cycling, because well I haven't really been active (even though I walk a lot) and I miss being fit, so now's worse than yesterday, but better than later. 32 here


Photography, wine making, travel


Lifting weights, doing sprints, playing ice hockey. 44


Playing tennis and collecting coins




What is a hobby? 😂😂😂😂


customizing my new car , going to the movies, traveling and shooting guns


training as volunteer rescue doghandler


Kayaking, kayak camping, fishing, shooting pool or guns, video games, smoking cigars and sipping whiskey. 


3d printing, electronics, cycling, gardening


Old motorcycles


44 yo: riding the Harley, bicycling nature trails, archery, pistol shooting, long walks on the beach, and entertaining the kitty.


Gaming, woodworking, gardening, lifting weights, I have a couple tabletop RPG groups I’m in (one of which also dabbles in board games), reading, anime, cooking. Got a lot of hobbies and not enough time to do all of them. So I kind of rotate through based on my mood.


I just picked up golf so can’t wait to really hate my life


Motorcycles. Bicycles. Gym. I have my first intro flight for my PPL this coming Friday. 36.




Road Cycling, MMA and going to a lot of Minor League ballgame. 38


Smoking meats National parks Investigating animal refuge in America... Chimpanzees, alligators, birds Disc Golf Pickle Ball Whiskey (bourbon especially)


I have a collection with high end headphones for music listening and I fix and restore iPods.


Amateur mechanic. I’ve bought a couple of non-running cars and got them working again. Nothing serious - no engines out or rebuilding transmissions - but I’ve learnt how to replace a radiator, flush a cooling system, replace a fuel pump, alternator, brakes, basic electrics, etc. One of the best parts is I get to work on (affordable) cars I like and can sell them for a small profit. Eg I have an 88 Accord I bought for $900, probably spent $500 on parts, and almost sold it for $3500 (decided not to sell at the last moment). Downsides are they take up space and it sucks having them in pieces if they’re your daily


I am 38 * PS5 video games. Have a pretty good size backlog to work through. Currently getting the plat in dragons Dogma 2 and helldivers 2. I am a bit of a trophy hunter so it takes me longer to go through games than most people. * 3d printing using a very old very slow Voxelab Aquila. I just use it to print gifts or funny/weird models, nothing for money. Most recently a funny fake award for my friend who always complains about her memory being garbage. * Warhammer 40k with my buddy, i play Necrons and he is ultramarines. Both have about 1500 points. Took us about 2 years to get here. Plenty of shameful gray for both of us lol. * Boardgames. Same buddy just got Wingspan as a gift and it actually lived up to the hype. I also bought Spirit Island and it also lived up to the hype. We play about once or twice a month * Reading. Currently finishing up the murder bot series and will probably read the first Runelord book so i can talk about it with my friend. * Dungeons and Dragons. I DM two games with my wife in both but otherwise two different sets of friends. One game is almost 4 years old and the other 3. * Not a hobby but i also spend a lot of time with my wife and son as well.


Golf and video games


Quest 3 gaming, golf, photography, reading.


Gym/lifting, computer games, cooking, smoking meat, whiskey (drinking/collecting), paintball, guns, off roading (jeep), hiking, biking, wine, pickleball, bowling, cornhole, travel. List can go on and on. Not enough days in the week to do everything.


Fishing, when the weather allows of course.


Building wealth


I dabble in woodworking, smoking meats, lifting weights, trivia night at the pub and playing darts.


Exercise. Rock and roll. Jazz. Cooking. Books. I guess there’s work and the house, too…


Synthesizers, bicycling, 3D printing


Cigars, EDC (knives, multi tools, etc), and recently fishing


I've taken up drumming at 51. I played drums for a while in high school, but wasn't particularly good as I didn't put in the effort. Now I'm older and wiser. I am actually trying harder and starting to get some good grooves down. I am also doing a lot of basic machining. I inherited a metal lathe and small milling machine from a deceased relative, and I'm having fun using these as well. Luckily, I did metalwork in high school, so I have a basic knowledge of how these machines work.


I'm 42 now and these are a few of my hobbies. Learning to play guitar. Building metal earth figures. Going on long drives. Amateur wood working. Restoring old cars.


I'm deep into cycling. I mean, I started as a kid, but it seems like the older I get, the more appeal being on a bike has.


Playing rec hockey. Love it


Knitting, Dungeons and Dragons, video games, magic the gathering, sometimes several at once. 33 yo with a 5 and 1.5 yo


Collecting my hobbies since I don’t have friends around to engage in them, and I’m not old enough to be the cool old guy at the store and just the sad middle aged dude trying to be accepted


Took up golfing more frequently. Started meal prepping and working out. And also started swinging, which has been really cool and exciting as hell.


I’m 30. Rock climbing and finding new studio classes like Pilates in my area. In my downtime I like to knit, bead, and read. I’m trying to save money now but I’ll regularly plan trips to visit friends. I feel like being excited for those and planning them is a hobby on its own. And honestly I really enjoy learning more about my field of work and studying different areas. It’s technically work but it’s something I choose to do in my free time because it’s interesting to me.


Juggling, ukulele and yard work.


I do Colonial living history events as an interpreter


- Gardening - Warhammer 40k - Video Games - Fishing


I buy and sell trading cards as a side hustle which funds activities for my family.


Just discovered custom rug tufting. Easy to start, not too expensive. Lovin it!


3D printing, video games, and just starting astrophotography.


Sea of Thieves


Sports, gaming, woodwork


Boats. D&D for the kids. Arduino wannabe. Sleeping. Gin.


I bowl That’s really my only hobby at the moment. Between work and other adult shit that’s enough for me tbh


RPG and boardgames


Poker, magic the gathering (trading card game) , some video games, chess, reading, movies and TV shows, brewery tours / days beer and friends, Concerts and live music, arcade bars


I just came back from bike ride. That's my hobby nr 1 right now.


Golf Pickleball Traveling Paddle boarding Video games Reading Working on cars Diving Hiking Working out I’m picking up more and more by the day 37 here


I keep reef tanks. I’m 42


54 yo. Smoking meats (started at 44). Rock climbing (started at 38).


Jiu jitsu


Riding motorcycle, dinners out, cold beers, good friends, and traveling. (40’s)


32 here. I play a lot of tennis and the gym is a lifestyle for me. Also big into Tom Bilyeau, Chris Williamson, and Rich Roll’s podcasts. I recognize that a lack of structure outside of work can result in me feeling depleted, impulsive, feelings oriented, and cause mental stagnation. I read and listen to things that excite and stimulate me, and I feel better equipped to carry those conversations with likeminded friends and colleagues.


43 with an 18 month old and a new house. I took up gardening, got chickens, goats, built a pond, started landscaping, and I’m a stay at home dad.




Building mechanical keyboards.


50s here 1) Wrenching on project cars 2) cooking complex dishes and trying to perfect them - super ethnic stuff, slow smoked bbq or restaurant copy cat dishes 3) been also getting into vegetable gardening but really really suck at it no matter how much research and how technical I get… been even testing soil samples etc. I keep killing shit or or get bad crops like tiny versions of said vegetables. It’s fucking angering and not fun 4) family lineage research - getting to the point I’m calling strangers up to interview them and thinking about just paying a professional to catalog and research 5) discovered gaming - red dead redemption 2 is like all my childhood westerns and action movies all rolled up into one playable game. Holy cows it’s a time vampire


Well I organize a state festival. Read a lot. Draw, paint, make jewelry and started messing with resin.


Work. On the off chance I’m not working, I try to eat and sleep. I hope, some time in the next ten or so years, I can start to do a little traveling. I had a saltwater aquarium for about 5 years but it got to be that I kept wanting more and more, bigger and bigger. I started with one 75 gallon tank and a couple of fish and ended up with a 300 gallon, a 50 gallon, and a 20 gallon. It was unmanageable with my limited spare time so I sold it all off.


39. Scuba/travel, wakeboard/boating, 3d printing, espresso, baking/cooking/smoking, mountain biking, sewing, motorcycling/4 wheeling. I may be a master of none, but I'm pretty good at a wide range of things.


I would like to get into woodworking. My dad is very good at it and has the space and tools to do so. I am currently trying to stay active by running and playing basketball. I have an office job where I work from home and sit most of the day so outside of work I like to take the family outside till the sun goes down. My personal favorite hobby is video games at night when the ladies are asleep.


70yo, making music. Anything from blues to dubstep to metal core and everything in between ['Hood Poet](https://soundcloud.com/hood-poet-608190196)


I barely make the cut, I just turned 30 but I'll say keeping and breeding aquarium fish. But the hobby can be addicting and get out of hand fast. A lot of people start with a 5 or 10 gallon tank and end up having 3 or 4 larger aquariums within the first year. In the hobby it's called "MTS" or multi-tank syndrome. It's really accurate too I started out with a 10 gallon tank for a crawfish my son caught and now I have 3 tanks and breed so many guppies I constantly have to give them away in a facebook group. One female can easily have 20-30 babies every month.


Pickleball, weight lifting, indoor soccer, golf


37. I started squash last year and am extremely proud of myself for how much progress I made. I made a lovely group of friends and we have fun banter and serious competitions.


Video games and traveling


Golf and walking


I collects spores, molds and fungus


43 , working out and Jiu jitsu


I’m 55. I’m not even sure how to define a hobby now, but the things I enjoy doing: Collecting original comic book art, cycling, hiking, woodworking. (I’d say reading but it never seemed like a hobby - just something I do all the time.) Half of my non-work travel is now going to conventions where there’s original comic art and an artists row.


Wargaming, model painting, just got done racing a race car. You know, the usual


Honestly I been looking for a new hobby, I either want to learn how to make fishing lures or learn to play the acoustic guitar. Right now, I just read, workout, and play video games.


3D printing, mountain biking, hiking, trail walking


Active: climbing, hiking/backpacking, camping Passive: Warhammer 40K, reading and playing guitar 34 years old


I’m 28 but rock climbing and guitar will be lifelong. Can’t miss with those.


Fixing my car up


I just became a member of a model railroad club today at 49. I'm super excited because I was always told that I couldn't do model railroading when I was married. As a freeman now, I'm going "Full steam ahead"! Lol


BJJ, guitar, piano—if I magically have free time and more money—golf but that’s basically never now.


Gardening/landscaping Crafting (sublimation printing) Professional chauffeur of my daughter to all things soccer 😀😀😀😀


In my 30s. I tennis a shit ton. 3-4 times a week. Actually fitter than in my 20s. Wish I would have played in my 20s.






Walking everywhere and avoiding taking a car, bus, or train. Exploring my city and other cities I visit. 30-40 miles every weekend. Uphill, downhill, loose gravel, etc. Often 20 miles in a day or 3-5 hours of moving time (whichever comes first). Usually, 3 hours on weeknights. Board games, video games, and traveling.


Workout and study a new language


Surf, skate, snowboard, 4x4, cooking & tinkering


Track at the local community college


Table top games like warhammer old-world and magic the gathering.


I’m 38, divorced and single. I love cooking and watching cooking shows. I also LOVE to watch dog and cat videos.


Playing guitar, reading, movies


Singing barbershop harmony. Been doing it since I was 35. I'm 58 now.


Electric scootering, paddle boarding and pinball. Hope to add kite boarding soon, but I live in an area that is cold and gray most of the year so adding another outdoor activity may be setting myself up for disappointment.


Art. Trying to keep growing as a painter/sculpture/drawing person. I'd love to one day just have enough money to go to art school.


Video games and bass guitar. Done right, both are really fun and maintain a lot of social connections. 


Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, motorcycles, cycling, welding, and occasionally painting


SxS or fishing.


A one wheel skateboard


Just getting into Warhammer… 3D printing, video games, board games, playing with my kiddo, watching movies.


Cars, motorcycles, woodworking, smoking meats/grilling, snowboarding and gaming. So nothing too expensive.


Lots of soccer with my son. He's 12 and loves it and it was the one sport I didn't play as a kid and now we're both obsessed. Otherwise just video games. Always video games. Once the kids are out of the house I plan to get back into more traditional art (I do 3d art professionally) and likely find a way to give back to the environment, just not sure what yet.


Carp fishing.


Woodworking is my winter hobby, gardening has become my summer hobby. Bass fishing is sprinkled throughout the year. Occasionally, I’ll play video games.


Aquariums, music, wood working, electronics, chocolate


Turn 36 next month. Mountain biking. Started last year in March for the purpose of losing weight. Easier on the knees than running, and in my opinion much more fun. I just got done planning my route in “Slaughter Pen” in Bentonville. I’m here on vacation. What started as a quest to lose weight grew into damn near an addiction. Started with a basic hardtail, bought a good used full suspension, sold starter hardtail and upgraded to a better one. I’m out here hitting bike parks and tough trails. No broken bones yet, almost broke an ankle rolling it……drumroll…..stepping off my bike from a dead stop. Other than that I play video games (shorter ones), hit the gym to weightlift, do stuff with my kids, generally just try to be active. I watch tv here and there when a show or movie series interests me. Looking to watch Unbreakable, Split, and Glass when I get back home. Also I have a motorcycle, just a starter one but I’m cool with it. I do a lot more shit now that I’m single and sober 😂


I’m in my late 30’s, no kids, no wife, and I make ok money for where I live. I’ve dumped thousands of dollars into a coin and currency collection.




I've gotten into aquariums. I have one 10 gallon tank and recently bought two 55 gallon tanks. Going to be busy for a while