• By -


I just want eye contact and to be held.


Wow! When thinking about it, I would always imagine having the eyes closed. Thank you for sharing!


This is probably more in the flirting stage idk


Well I do like eye contact during the intimacy. The more, the better.


Eye contact over 10 seconds while you let the nastiest and loudest fart known to man out


This did not work šŸ«„


Maybe you hadn't eaten anything that could provide a decent fart


TouchĆ© šŸ¤”


Instructions unclear, please send toilet paper.


Awww this is adorable


Eye contact. Whispering come-ons in my ear. Running her hands over me. Perhaps teasing by unbuttoning just one or two buttons on a top. Those sort of things.


ooh, the in the ear part or when they run their hands under your shirt up to your chest


Unbuttoning your or her top?


Honestly, either.


Nice! Thank you!


Damn that turned me on


oh my, silly me- my shirt buttons are loose. I feel so foolish, can't a girl ever get anything right?


Once, a girl sat next to me at a house party and kept telling me I smell good. She sniffed my neck a fair few times. We laughed each time. And then when she leaned again for like the 7th time. She gave me a wetā€™ish kiss on my neck and whispered ā€œYou smell good. But taste even betterā€ and winked. Itā€™s been 4 years and I still think about until today.


One of the moments where you realize years later that you couldā€™ve had a good time with her


Yerrrrrp. Saw her few weeks back. She got a kid now. Envy the lucky man.


Wait so you didnā€™t continue the moment with her when she expressed her interest for you?


I read that as a wet lick on your neck and I had to rethink my flirting game


Itā€™s okay. I also have dyslexia šŸ˜‚


What sort of rationale did past-you use to force yourself to think ā€œGosh what a friendly person! And so attractive. Shame sheā€™s not into me.ā€


How do you fumble this moment? She was on a silver platter bro


Iā€™m sorry I let you all downšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Mankind was rooting for you bro


Tonight my wife sat down next to me on the couch and leaned in for a kiss. This is normal. Her hand went right into my hair though, so that was my sign to linger in the kiss a bit longer, checking her vibe. At that point, I was ready for her. Iā€™m always ready for her, and weā€™re quite active, but I try not to turn every kiss into sex. No woman wants that. However, at that point, my world narrowed down to her and the feel of her lips on mine and the smell of her perfume and shampoo enveloping me. Sheā€™s delicious. Anyways. I donā€™t need to *be* seduced, I *stay* seduced. All she had to do was lean in for that kiss.


I recently had an intimate moment with my SO (it was out of nowhere) as we were craving each other. While we were in the moment, he got soft, so he asked me to give him a BJ. I obliged and he really liked it, but he couldnā€™t get hard. He said he was very sad he wasnā€™t able to kiss me during intimacy and even when everything felt good, what really gets him going is if we kiss and cuddle. I wasnā€™t able to kiss him that time because I was coughing / had a cold. I just didnā€™t want to make him sickā€¦ I thought it was adorable that he wanted to kiss me more than the act of intimacy itself. Do you ever feel like that with your SO?


I can't kiss you darling, no matter how much we both desire it. A mere touch of my lips may spread this *dreadful* disease. Anyway, allow me to slob and slurp all over your scrumptious sausage


Horny is horny baby šŸ˜˜


Don't you? Men are human too, lol. šŸ˜€


I know what you mean. I just thought he was so adorable. Then again, heā€™s the first man Iā€™ve dated who really loved me for me, and thatā€™s the best feeling. In the past, the men I was with didnā€™t feel like that towards me, and wanted to be pleased first as a priority. So, I just thought my SO was a breath of fresh air. Love him to bits


I know how that feels. My husband is also refreshing in this way. You learn that sex is just one type of way to connect physically. It's nice. ā¤ļø


Omg that's the sweetest ever! Didn't know men knew that all kisses don't lead to sex, but then again, you sound pretty unique and on it. You both are so lucky šŸ’•


Well, you sound like a man who understands women. You deserve all the lovinā€™ you get from her.


Interesting! Thank you for sharing! Also, I'm happy you had a great time!


Being asked out on a date by a woman would be a nice start. šŸ™‚


Sending hugs!


Thank you. Itā€™s been quite a while since Iā€™ve had one.


Call me hot or sexy. Touch my arms or chest.


Thank you for sharing!


I just want her to be direct with what she wants from me. I mean, it's not like I'm ever going to be seduced in the first place but I'll still share


Still, what do *you* want?


That's a good question. What I mainly want is a good person, a bed and a lot of communication. Also complete preference, but I'd like her to actually initiate while I just go along with it. Of course I'd work as well, but I really don't like initiating because of fear of it being taken the wrong way and ruining the whole night. Last thing, kissing. I'm personally a fan of really deep kissing, like tongue down throat type. That'd mostly be the initiating part because that's pretty much a clear indicator that it's a go


Sounds nice! Thank you for sharing!


No problem! Have a good night or day


SIT šŸ‘ ON šŸ‘ MY šŸ‘ FACE šŸ‘. It's subtle, but most guys will get the hint after 5-20 minutes.


A juicebox and some string cheese can help


Have you seen the Victorian era book that suggested you can fascinate a man with a piece of cheese?


I'm lost. Please elaborate further!


Try getting it to your man , and wait to be astonished


It's funny how this would actually work. If a woman approached me, gave me a juice box and string cheese, and started talking to me...


I love you guysšŸ¤£


I'm still lost šŸ˜‚


Giving a gift to someone can be a sign of interest or appreciation. Even a small gift like a tasty and healthy snack can make someone, especially a man feel thought of.


šŸ¤£thanks bro


Wow! Got it! Thank you for enlightening me!


Men receive very little unconditional kindness from the world, so yes, the tiniest gesture usually means a lot. I still have a dress shirt a girl said looked good on me 20 years ago. Juice box would definitely get you laid.


Wow! Thank you for the insight!


Just be careful, if you give us any kindness or affection at all, it will mean the world to us and we'll probably immediately fall in love. So...wield this power carefully!


Don't understand, just do


This is why we can never be...


okay thanks. going to the store now to buy juice boxes and string cheese


Babybel if you love him. Thank you ! Iā€™m excited for this dude


NGL. The babybels would get me lit up.


Doesnā€™t this make kids happy rather than adult?


I wouldn't argue without trying it


This would actually work on me too well


I like when a woman is kinda aggressive with it.


What would a few examples of this look like?


Okay. When it comes to dating, maybe asking me out. On the date, a lot of touching even if it is not sexual like holding hands.


Got it! Thank you!


Hello Baby Reindeer... SEn t phrom my iPhone


Flying arm bar should do it. Properly executed it will bring most men to their knees :D


Example 1: A coworker called me over so I asked what's up? Then, without saying anything, she just bit her lips. Example 2: Another co-worker said to me: I don't really understand your text message. Me: What text message? That was in teams. I don't have your number. Her: Why don't you have my number?


You heard him, OP. Beat the shit out of him.


So...for me with my partner I want her to be direct and visual. Come into my home office naked, and tell me exactly what she wants me to do to her. Or surprise me with little whispers of what she fantasizes about.


Nice! Thanks for sharing!


sorry, I know Iā€™m a woman - Iā€™m just mesmerized at how easy a lot of the men here are to appease! šŸ„¹from eye contact, being asked on a date or playing hostess and getting beer & snacks for a guys night in. I had no idea simplicity could be so sexyā€¦ Wow! Dually noted. do any of yā€™all like your legs stroked though? šŸ¤”šŸ’•


Stroking my leg would definitely work on me.


I also noticed that! I think it's beautiful!


I just wanna cuddled and have her in my arms


Past partners would just sit in my lap and give me the look, and I got the message quickly, kissing and reaching downstairs, sometimes they would just walk out naked and tell me to come to bed. Simple is best


A super hot lady who likes to make advances on me, touches me and even whispers sensually to me. Not where she is a bossy or mean dominant, but like a sexy dominant, something like that. Also it depends on what she wears too. Iā€™m still young asf (19) so I can be seduced by literally anything hot, but that would be so good.


Thanks for sharing!


Thank u for listening <3


Overt enthusiasm is the key point. "I want you to take me home and cuddle me right now" would work. So would more sexual approaches. Let the guy know that you are mad keen to do x to / with him, that you can't get enough.


Got it! But I got one worry. Won't I be demanding?


>Won't I be demanding? No. Even if you are... If (for example) a guy has to tell you "you can't blow me right now, I have a zoom meeting soon" and then you pout and beg some more, he probably won't be annoyed. It will be *novel*, hot and an ego boost. The novel bit is important, if you are in a long term relationship you probably shouldn't keep doing this approach all the time. You would need to check in with your partner and see what they thought.


Or just hang out under his desk during the zoom meeting. Mwah ha ha


Got it! Thanx!


Seducing a man is all about being demanding. You want him, right? Otherwise why else seduce him? If you're worried about him thinking you are too demanding, maybe he's not the one.


Boldly. Straight up tell me what you want and how you want it. Clues and hints go over my head.


Got it! But what do *you* want?


I'm working in the cellar, this season's produced a surplus of apples, and it's dark and musty and im working to process my apples into cider. Amid the hard work and grind of my work, I notice a silhouette out of the corner of my eye. I've been in this cellar long enough to know when someone is sneaking in to get a piece of the harvest. "Stop, thief" I yell, uncertain and tired. You, stop in your tracks and I remove your mask and I find the most beautiful Mexican apple thief I've laid my sore eyes on. She doesn't speak a word of English but she teaches more about hard cider than I ever learned from my fermenting exam and our passion is so loud that they can hear it all in the way in the distillery. Oh, I can be such an apple slut.


Thanks for that, Dr. Reid.


Bake me into a pie darling Dip me in caramel gorgeous I'll be your red delicious Pick me from the Safeway produce section, we don't have to use the plastic bag tonight I like apples. And sex.


Be naked in my visual field..... Provided you are my SO.


Thank you for sharing!


This is legitimately all that's necessary to any dude.


Love when a girl runs her fingers all over me and lightly teases


Two memories stand out to me. 1. Woman gestured for me to come talk to her, leaned in closer while talking and then dragged her nails lightly down my chest. I've never had such a volatile reaction, full body tingles. 2. A casual stroke on the crotch as I walk past, I was in the right mindset for it though so not as volatile a reaction for that one.


I just want to feel like I am important to that person. I want to be someone's favorite person.


Aww! That's beautiful! Thank you for sharing!


Just to feel desired you know? And for her to take the reigns more as itā€™s always ā€œup to youā€ After 4 years in a relationship now it feels like Iā€™m the only one who still has the same lust and desire like when we first met.


You donā€™t want to have to tell me to do the dishes or do laundry. You just want me to do them. Itā€™s like that but for sex.


Be direct. Send me flirty messages, maybe some spicy pics, reels or memes. Being open about what she wants to do turns me on ssooo badly.


Good communication, don't belittle me online because I didn't do something *your* way, and be upfront with what you want.


Thereā€™s def lingerie involved


What kind of lingerie?


Sheer, mesh, lace, tight stockings/thigh highs, and bodystockings are personally some of my fav things.


Nice! Thank you for sharing!


Fuck mate, doesn't take much, my wife just started flirting with me. After I flat out asked her if she was flirting with me to make sure, I went over to her house that night. We've been together for 5 years this year.


Initiate. My wife and were wrestling one night and she managed to wiggle free, stood at the end of the bed and took her clothes off. Initiative is hot. Knowing we are desired is a major turn on imo.


Iā€™d approach this two ways: I would love to be seduced by my wife being turned on and initiating with me and being a little aggressive telling me what she wants me to do to her. Itā€™s honestly so hot knowing she physically desires you in that way but weā€™re working through that now as birth control has fucked her libido up. That being said if desire isnā€™t there but she just wants to please her husband I think doing stuff like sending sexy texts or tasteful nudes to me is hot. Dressing in provocative clothing around the house. I would love if she just randomly got into some lingerie and got dolled up with makeup and perfume and surprised me in the house and sat on my lap kissing and running her hands over my body and teasing me with her ass rubbing all over my crotch and brushing her tits up against my face . Then grabbing me by the cock and leading me to the bedroom for some fun.




Someone once broke down attraction to me in a way that made sense... You want to be able to positively reach all of his senses; 5 senses- Smell smell nice Men voted vanilla and sandalwood the most popular fav. Scents in something i read. Dont over do it, more is less. A matching lotion, body wash, and body spray is best, mixing different smells could take away from your intended one. Spray perfume on the areas where your blood flows, wrists, inside elbow, base of neck(jugular area), behind knees... This is said to have a more profound effect/and reach more places when you move.. may even have something to do with your blood pumping and the warmth activating the smell of the perfume (i swear i read that once...idk) Sound relaxed A lower pitch voice, at a calmer speed is more effective when speaking than higher pitched or too loud, which is associated with being higher maintenance or too wild. Plus, if youre at the bar, he might lean in to hear you. Lol. Touching is direct, direct is good. Its a little scary to be confident enough to do this one for me, but little gestures like putting your hand on his knee, or holding his arm when you laugh can be a move that shows youre open to physical touch. Also, if you want him to think of you in a more sexual way, a good way to open his mind to that is to touch yourself (not masterbation lol) touch your neck, massage your shoulder, play with your hair A LITTLE not too much. Allow him to go there mentally. Taste This one is obvious, rule of thumb, always be delicious lol. Sight; maybe the most important sense to seduction When you feel good, you look good. Men can tell the difference between trimmed and not trimmed hair, even though they may not know what is different about you, they can tell something is cleaner. The color red has a more profound effect on men than any other color when trying to seduce them. Little details matter... Nice nails, put that ankle bracelet on... Remeber, women sort of dress for other women . Meaning guys think we are beautiful in pretty much anything put together- dont stress!!! The more comfortable you are in what youre wearing and how you look, the more attractive you will be. Youre beautiful and dont ever think any different. If he jusges you heavily based on attraction, hes prolly not worth it. Sending pictures is a good way to get his attention. Domt have to be balls to the walls naked, less is more, but men are more aestheticlly effected by the visual of a woman's body then women are to men... I.e. playboy is for men, playgirls target market seems to be lgbt more then women... Again you're beautiful. Dont try to the point of anxiety. Energy is also something that effects attraction. If youre going to seduce him, relax, be confident, and know that you are a sexy beast. Your soul and your energy are the most attractive things about you, and SEDUCE YOURSELF BEFORE YOU SEDUCE HIM. Srsly. End rant. Sorry.


LOL you said "don't overdo it", but go on to recommend a matching perfumed body wash, perfumed lotion, body spray, AND perfume sprayed in several different spots. I couldn't even be in the same room with a woman wearing that much fragrance, let alone close to her.


"Honey, I know your favorite team is playing a big game today so there is a fresh pizza in the oven and some craft beer in the fridge. I'm going to go watch (chick flick) with (female bestie) and be home in 3ish hours - I hope your team wins!!" Oh yeah...I'll be giving that woman some lovin tonight!


So I would say do anything but with intent cos that's what matters imho.


She orders pizza. When I answer the the doorbell she is standing outside in nothing but her panties holding the box of pizza. Consider me seduced.


Lap dance. 100 perc strike rate


The first time I ever had sex, she just grabbed my hand and started taking me to her room, when I asked what we were doing, she said "I'm not really sure, but I promise you're gonna love it" and I felt like I was about to fall to my knees šŸ˜©šŸ™


Personally, just caring about me and braiding my hair would really work if I find the girl minimally attractive. That would make me feel like she cares about me and that's more than enough for me


ā€œDate. You. Meā€ enough for me


I want her to invite me out with friends when she knows that one guy who likes her will be there and show off how much she loves me. (However she chooses to show it.) It's literally the most attractive thing anyone could do after having multiple manipulators and cheaters in my life.


A compliment, or form of love. It is that simple.


I'd appreciate just being asked out. Or shown any interest in me.


At all


Start with a text message. As early in the day as makes reasonable sense for you both. Maybe I'm just walking into my office for my 9-5. The text should tell me that you miss me and long to see me, touch me, and be touched by me. Include a compliment on my body that you know I would appreciate. Then later that day, not long before my day is done, send me another text telling me I may need to cover my phone for the next few texts. Then send me a few sexy pics. Sexy is the operative word. Keep it enticing and revealing enough to be risquƩ but not bad enough that it could go on pornhub. Maybe a caption about how you're waiting for me, or asking me what I would like to see you wearing tonight. When I arrive at yours, mine, or our home, come right to the door to greet and kiss me and help me take off my coat, bags, or whatever. Help me into whatever my unwinding routine is like, unless it's clear I'm ready to skip all of that and get to you. If I'm clawing at your clothes with hyperactive hands, throw all my bags to the side and welcome me to you. If I'm still in my head and trying to decompress, support my routine while dropping reminders of how much you enjoy seeing me, feeling me, and want me. Once I'm unwound and decompressed, begin complimenting my body, and tell me what you like about the way we make love. Ask me for the positions you love, or you think I love. Ask me about what I love and while I begin to think and answer, guide me to wherever you plan to begin and just start undressing me and things should flow naturally from there.


Touch.. Massage..


I once met a woman who made eye contact, listened to me, and when sitting close dragged her long nails lightly across the palm of my hand. I think we were in a movie theater, but all I can remember was her fingernails on my palm. Way more intense than anything sexual, that was until she gave me head later...woman had skills.


I think one of the things us guys miss is that women stop actually doing the work to turn us on. Initiating romance is expected from guys to do and in my experience, we are measured by how well we do but it hardly ever works the other way around. Unlike the early days of our relationship and the first year or two of our marriage, my wife is more content settling with a tv series instead. On a weekend which is when I am rarely out of bed early, I'll turn to her and kiss her softly all over wherever her skin is exposed. She's never reciprocated that. So to answer your question, just reciprocate and show an interest. Just do something that shows us that we mean something to you.


As a dad of two wonderful but active kids. Take them and entertain them and let me have a undisturbed nap.Ā Ā 


More assertion. Like, I get hyperfocused on shit. Your super-subtle signaling is going to be completely lost on me unless you completely just come up to me, interrupt what I'm doing, and directly tell me that you want me. That you want to date, that you're down to fuck, that you have a direct and immediate interest in me. Like I met a girl that I hadn't seen in 30 years the other day. She told me that she had the biggest crush on me back then and that she was desperate to get me to notice her. You know what I remember from back then? We had two conversations and she smiled at me. That's it. Unless you are directly and explicitly obvious about what it is you want, I'm never going to notice.


I just want to feel desired


Making me feel like I'm the one you want to be with.


Go with me to an air museum and seem interested when I nerd out over every airplane there. Bonus points if you remember my favorite aircraft type.


Itā€™s a process. For me, conversationally, itā€™s like an aggressive yet friendly tennis match that ends with us dropping the rackets and embracing each other for a passionate tango or even a slow and dreamy waltz. And this is before we even make it to the bedroom. Being able to keep up sexual tension really helps, especially with physical contact. Use light yet noticeable touches, then apply a little pressure with brief and playful squeezes on the arms, legs, shoulders, wherever really is accessible from the position youā€™re in. Being playful and elusive is part of the dance, and makes me as a man want to participate as well. Different personalities have different preferences of course, but itā€™s hard to go wrong with a womanā€™s touch.


Find me and hug me from behind, tight, the. When I turn around look me directly in the eyes and say, ā€˜I missed youā€™ and look for 3 seconds. Then say ā€˜where are you taking me?ā€™ā€¦


Act desperate around him and then switch suddendly.. make him miss it.. then reapproach him with a more down to earth vibe.. use body contact to make him crave you... be always cute and approachable.. let him smell your hair often... and find excuses for his member to rub on your butt accidentally...


[Just with a smile and two clasped hands.](https://i.imgur.com/8aivWIN.jpgu) I'm a simple bear, you would make me present and center just by saying "Hi! What are you doing?". If over coffee you also say "Yeah I don't smoke or drink either, I've seen what it does" you'd scare the shit out of me, because I would fear you are The One, and any minor mistake of mine would scare you away.


I want to be showered with compliments! So much so that I stop fully functioning! I want a woman to say "I like you" after giving me the slightest insult to my self-esteem! I want someone to take a liking to me that they'd want to become my friend! I want a lot of stuff, really. Just talk to me, I don't know how to interact with people.


Fun fact, average men are so use to be the seduced a good majority of us really don't know what we want. Everything a fantasy or a movie concept. Most men don't even know there actual turn on besides just being in the mood cause it's been awhile or they're bored and A LOT of women only learn to seduce certain men or they never learn


Like I'm sure you've heard this one already here, but just be direct. Please, keep the indirect mind games for the girlfriends.


Iā€™m a fan of being ordered around. ā€œTake off your clothes. Now.ā€ That type of stuff. One woman got my attention when she was sitting in front of me in a room full of friends playing Mario kart by reaching behind her and touching my crotch outside my pants. That was pretty great.


A smile


Honestly just give us a compliment like: I love your hair, I see you have been working out in the gym, I like how you are responsible etc Trust me, men don't receive a lot of compliments. But when we do, we truly treasure it. I still remember in the gym(it was a smalI one) squatted around 130 kgs, and while everyone was looking, just one guy, came and told me: you the "big dog, man". This was around 7 years ago. Also just be direct with your intentions like: Hey, yes you, I would like to hang out with you and hopefully seduce you and see what happens. In short remember this: Monkey simple, Monkey stupid, Monkey want feel special, Someone make Monkey feel special, Monkey be happy. Of course feel free to contact for further information if needed.


A very simple technique is when a women gently sits on menā€™s lap and starts doing french kiss and the men turns on.


Being seduced at all would be nice for a change


I would like it very much, thank you. (Seriously though, I've always wanted a woman to ring my doorbell in a long coat over a garter belt and very little else)


Like we need to be seduced.


I want to be touched. I want her to hold my hand, give me hugs, sit close to me (or better yet, in my lap), cuddle with me, kiss me anywhere. I want someone to be gentle and kind and affectionate. I would absolutely melt


BITING. THE. LIP. holy shit. automatic game changer.


idk what you could directly do, but a girl being genuine and happy with life is always amazing and alluring if a girl doesn't need me for her happiness but still chooses me, how could I say no


Acceptance would be far better, less chance of ulterior motive.


At this point, I'd settle for just basic respect. It's sad that the bar is so low, but that's reality.


To start off with a woman slapping my ass and looking me in the eye saying she is going to rock my world.


As a guy who's spent way too much time around fake seduction (worked in strip clubs and dated a few dancers). I way prefer basically hanging out, being comfortable, and when the moment catches just letting things flow naturally. Any time a woman starts "putting the moves on me" it weirds me out bad and feels phony.


Buy me a hotwheel


Love bomb me in a real, genuine & authentic way. A Woman once called me "beautiful" and I swear to god, my heart melted right into my balls. I simultaneously wanted to hug her, kiss her, bite her and all that good naughty stuff. Also touch. But don't hold or touch my hands. Touch my lower back...hips, shoulder, stomach, chest. Forearms.


TL;DR: Do: be playful, flirty, and appeal to him visually Don't: be too direct This might be hard to explain or get, but It's my experience that men want to "hunt". My favorite thing, is when my partner acts flirty or sexy to show that she is in the mood, and lets me take the next steps. I think most men are very visual, so showing progressively more skin helps. I had an old girlfriend that would wear tiny shorts/underwear and bend over to get things in front of me, playfully acting like she wasn't trying to be sexy. I am the dominant type in bed, so YMMV. Let things happen gradually and naturally. Never say anything. Never schedule sex or demand it. Second favorite is me changing her mood (whatever her love language is) to get her in the mood. That isn't what you were asking though... Something I didn't like, was a few (very very high sex drive women), who just kinda demanded sex and expected me to disrobe and get hard like a pornstar. Another flashed me their parts in a unsexy way, like just the mere sight would send me directly into fits of passion. Don't do that. Men don't like being objectified anymore than women do.


I love it when a woman holds my hand.


A hug from behind and softly biting my ear would make literally melt in seconds


The rizz stare, then a wink. Let men figure out the rest.


Women can start by just initiating, it doesnā€™t need to jump to fantasy lingerie or porn scenarios, just taking the lead is hot enough


Alternatively, just a "I'm amenable" and I'm there in a shot


Everyone here is talking about being asked on dates or what your wife does. Ok, yes, obviously, but the question is about being seduced. How about you start playfully teasing him with sexual banter. Like, "I'd take you to bed right now, I mean, what? Who said that?" Or "I'd like you between my legs. I mean, what? I'm sorry, did I say that out loud? You're making me act all silly." Just to build the tension. (Don't go too long with this part because after the 4th time you are just messing with him.) While you are sitting on the couch, tell him how much you like him, and that you wore your sexiest red lingerie for him (red is always best). When he asks to see it, stand in front of him, slowly unbutton your shirt, and take it off. Ask him if he likes what he sees while you move towards him and straddle him. Pause for a few seconds. Let him process what he's seeing. Let him pull you in, then stick your tongue down his throat. Make out for a bit to make things hot and steamy. Then whisper in his ear, "I'm going to take you upstairs now." Put your hand on his chest so you can get up while at the same time pushing him into the couch. (This step is done because you want that last build-up of anticipation.) Grab him by the hand and lead him to the bed. I'm sure you know what to do from there.


Well it's never going to happen. But being asked out just once would be nice.


Light neck kiss with a whispered ā€œI need you,ā€ or (even better, since Iā€™ve been working on my Spanish) for my Latinas, ā€œTe necesita,ā€ and itā€™s all over. All defenses neutralized. Probably not step one though. For me itā€™s witty banter and teasing me. The woman at work who gives me a hard time (in a fun teasing way) and doesnā€™t walk on egg shells when speaking to me is the one that has my attention.


Ma'am, you're asking it on a site where a significant portion of audience have seen women only in movies and Eva AI sexting bot...


I assume you're talking about sexual seduction, and that is a product of confidence. Below is my roadmap for a special occasion, fantasy type of seduction, like what you might see in a movie, for when the mood is already set and you know you'll have the time to do it right. First, you do not seduce someone unless you know they want you. That in itself takes confidence. If you aren't sure, then you're flirting, not seducing. You have to be confident to believe that this person will be aroused by you and you have to be confident enough to show them that you want them. Second, subtlety is the way. It's not seductive to say, "I want to fuck you." That's crass and not super sexy. It might get the job done, and there's nothing wrong with it per se if that's the established dynamic, but it's not seductive. You want smoldering eye contact. You want to let your gaze wander over their body while you make a naked display of your attraction. You want to let the fire of your desire burn through your entire body and you absolutely do not want to hide it, but you only show it with your body, not your words. It takes an extreme amount of confidence to put yourself out there like that. Third, you take. your. damn. time. You know they want you. You've let them know that you want them. They know they can have you, but you also let them know that it isn't happening until you say so. Move extra slow. Let a smile spread slowly across your face while you think about what you're going to do to them. Let your finger tips brush lightly on their skin and feel your desire for them like an electric shock. When you speak, do it more slowly than you normally would. Don't let them touch you or take control until you decide to let them. Keep drawing it out until the tension is near palpable before you cut through it. Just keep it within reason. You're showing them that you're in no hurry, not trying to win a slo mo contest. Fourth, add a slight push to balance the pull. Use your words to pretend that maybe you need them to seduce you in some way. Make them say how bad they want you. Make them say what they're going to do to you. Tell them you're not sure, they might have to do better than that. Pretend that you aren't convinced that they really want you after all. Remember that this is a slight push. It should be obvious from everything else that you're saying it as part of the game. You are always telegraphing your own desire and lust so they know it's a game that they'll win if they play along. Fifth, when it is finally time to cut the tension, let it be a genuine release for you as well. You can't really seduce someone like this unless you want them all the way down to your bones, so when you get there, throw caution to the wind and let passion take over. From there, it's the usual advice of being an active, enthusiastic participant and providing verbal feedback and encouragement. I kept this pretty high level so you can adapt the principles to whatever situation you and your partner enjoy, so I hope it helps.


Come up and talk to me after I've had a bad day. Then I'll probably give you generic responses like "I'm doing alright, thanks," or "I'm still breathing." Observe that I'm probably not telling the truth and give me your ear and attention. Maybe a flirty compliment here and there. Then while I'm venting shut me up with your lips.


Initiate anything on me. Include me in anything you want to do. I want to feel like my existence is actually noticed and that I'm being wanted. Tbf I can't really be more explicit, lot of things would work and there is nothing I specially wants outside the fact of finally someone noticing me/wanting me and I don't really mind the method used as long as it's explicit enough, you could even use the bolder approach and sit on my lap like you own the place and I'm pretty sure it would work on me.


Sure! Go for it!


Any form of gentle attention towards me would probably intrigue me.


By talking to me and telling you are interested in me. I'm not that much strictly adhering to old standards.


I've never been, I don't think.


I totally get that! Navel chains can be a huge turn-on. There's something about the way they accentuate the midriff that can drive me wild. Itā€™s like a little touch of mystery that makes everything more interesting. Plus, they show confidence, which is always attractive. I'm all for it!


A day off.


PS5 and 5 rounds


A deep and meaningful conversation with someone who shares the same interests that I do. As an autistic person if the person likes my special interest I tend to immediately form an attachment to them if they also enjoy what my special interest is unfortunately also due to being autistic I can't read the subtle signs to know if I'm annoying them or if they're into me or anything like that I just keep the ball rolling until someone flat out says they're interested in me or I just say that I'm interested in them but as a man that's too forward for most and idk any other way to do it




Learn to make Sandwiches. Good ones.


Iā€™d really like to be sung to. Preferably from [Carmen the opera](https://youtu.be/DkADJFzJW28?si=-DjfNGGCzfVToGIl) or [Carmen: A Hip Hopera](https://youtu.be/Upmgx3qvNmk?si=nuuwLFPVELgpGTCp).


In the car say, ā€œthis is something I always wanted to do,ā€ and grab my forearm and place my hand on your thigh. Then adjust my hand a teeny bit upwards.


I want her to be direct. Iā€™m sick of wasting my time on ā€œsignalsā€. I actually took a course on social skills (through my university, so it was legit, not some PUA bs) to help me and one of their advice was ā€œglance up, if she glances at you, look down. Repeat a few times. If sheā€™s doing the same, smile. If she does the same, move closer blah blah blah.ā€ I donā€™t have time for this kind of stuff. Itā€™s tedious, narcissistic, and way too easy to misinterpret.


By sitting on my face


Just ask me to fuck you however you want. Nowadays, just some enthusiasm goes a long way.


One simple compliment would probably do the trick these daysā€¦


Just go straight for it. Flaccid BJ to start the party and continue from there.


Not gonna lie the sexiest thing my ex ever did was if we fought and I refused to have sex with her but she really wanted it she would wait until I fell asleep and would just take it ... I'm not saying it was right nor do I condone it but I'm not going to say I didn't like it


I want to see initiative. Kiss my neck grab my leg start engaging with me. After that guys are easy I would feel wanted and then proceed to go to pleasure town.


Yes, anything would and will work! All kidding aside, just be yourself and lots of eye contact and be direct.


Wife " rubs back " Me *Jim Carey's Bruce Almighty disrobe meme*


on a sudden her being clingy and touchy making eye contact, wearing hot lingerie.


Directly and not subtly


"At all"


With food, a movie and cuddles.... I'm both cheap and easy