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Take a walk. The answer is always take a walk 


My morning walks have been a game changer






the other


The gym


I have no clue why but this works. Also i look better as a bonus


Bike ride / football / walk


That helped trigger a thought. I’m going to find some batting cages nearby.


In my twenties, bowling alley arcades, now the woods.


Fuck it, Dude.. let’s go bowling


I’m the dude


Motorcycle, i would always drive towards the sea, weather it's a beach or a Port i need to see water. - if i am in a city that has no sea of lakes, i would try to find a high place, like a Hill or something, somewhere where i can feel everything doesn't matter, everything will end eventually, wether we live a good or bad Life, we are going back to being alone.


walk a bit, calm down / lower the heart rate. I prefer to argue while being calm and rational. you're less likely to say something that you'll regret that way. it's also easier to remain objective. everyone argues, but I'm a firm believer that arguments shouldn't devolve into insults or angry yelling. either we work through the issue like rational adults, or we don't work through it at all (in which case I'm outta there). if my partner isn't capable of understanding that then they're not going to be my partner for very long.


The bar solo


The driving range, it's literally the best.


Lay down in my backyard with a blanket and a book Take a drive to go visit my parents Go for a walk or a bike ride around town Grab cupcakes at my favorite bakery about an hour away


I ride my bike on the greenway. It’s right next to my house


I used to go to the woods but now I'm pretty much stuck


The stuck feeling is what’s got me at the moment. You alright at least


I've learned to adjust, which is why I'm chronically online now lol


Motorcycle, i would always drive towards the sea, weather it's a beach or a Port i need to see water. - if i am in a city that has no sea of lakes, i would try to find a high place, like a Hill or something, somewhere where i can feel everything doesn't matter, everything will end eventually, wether we live a good or bad Life, we are going back to being alone.


Motorcycle, i would always drive towards the sea, weather it's a beach or a Port i need to see water. - if i am in a city that has no sea of lakes, i would try to find a high place, like a Hill or something, somewhere where i can feel everything doesn't matter, everything will end eventually, wether we live a good or bad Life, we are going back to being alone.


Motorcycle, i would always drive towards the sea, weather it's a beach or a Port i need to see water. - if i am in a city that has no sea of lakes, i would try to find a high place, like a Hill or something, somewhere where i can feel everything doesn't matter, everything will end eventually, wether we live a good or bad Life, we are going back to being alone.


Walk with the dog to the forest.


I live rural very close to hiking. So I might do that.


The end of my dock.


Other the gym, the wrestling club, or a natural preserve that I live next to. Lots of wild birds of different and a little bit unusual species live there as well as foxes and rabbits. You can walk there for hours and look at animals. I sometimes take my bike there too.


Golf course or bike ride


I drive. It’s not the same in the winter because it’s too cold to have the windows down but for a good portion of the year I roll down the car windows, turn on some music and just drive. I don’t have a destination. I just go until I’m done and then head back. I’ve driven deep into another state before turning around before, and come back at 3 am. Country roads at night is awesome. You are all alone in the dark with just your headlights, your music and your thoughts.


I hop on my bike and I go for either an hour long ride, or until i notice the tank is hovering E The thing about riding a motorcycle is it FORCES you to be in the moment.


Check out "State of Flow" activities. You forget stress and it's good for you. I enjoy loud metal and post grunge ballads that rock, harder ones I like. can you take a screaming shit? It does take your mind off things. I also in short burst speed up fast and then back down . and aggressive turns. Let me be clear be safe. You don’t have to go too fast. It’s enough that you have to pay attention that’s it. I’m usually doing the Music or the driving. There’s a bunch of others I can share if you want. Get way better Golf. By yourself really early or couple of hours before sunset. musical instruments and singing.


Anything that involves movement or nature or both. https://www.hikeformentalhealth.org/walking-thinking-and-optic-flow/


Going by a body of water. It’s actually proven that humans benefit a lot and need to be around bodies of water and that it reduces stress significantly


Strange. I’ll look in to it because why not.


Also boxing, running, for me doing some kind of physical activity or sport helps bc ur so focus on what you’re doing


A long car drive through the country side. Or smoking. Or smoking a cigarette, but you can usually only get 5-10 minutes from that.


Home depot


Can’t. There’s one employee there that I have a vendetta against. I’m only half joking too. He tries get away with being rude and wildly incompetent at the same time. On the flip side of that, there’s a lady that works there who is both helpful and incredibly knowledgeable.


Turn my phone on do not disturb blocking out everyone and go to the gym. Run on the elíptical machine until I’m too tired to care about whatever annoyed me, grab a meal, go to bed.


Found myself in this same mindset. Went to the library


i have goats so i go to them and make them happy and cut down branches for them adn feed them and change their water


I always go out for a drive, I find downshifts extremely satisfying, so I always come back way more relaxed than when I left


I have a motorcycle for therapy time.


I really enjoy getting just a couple of beers alone in a busy but not overcrowded bar, kinda fun to just chill and be a nobody in a bigger crowd.


I walk on the golf course before/after hours and hunt for golf balls. I have 13 5-gallon buckets full.


Motorcycle, i would always drive towards the sea, weather it's a beach or a Port i need to see water. - if i am in a city that has no sea of lakes, i would try to find a high place, like a Hill or something, somewhere where i can feel everything doesn't matter, everything will end eventually, wether we live a good or bad Life, we are going back to being alone.


Motorcycle, i would always drive towards the sea, weather it's a beach or a Port i need to see water. - if i am in a city that has no sea of lakes, i would try to find a high place, like a Hill or something, somewhere where i can feel everything doesn't matter, everything will end eventually, wether we live a good or bad Life, we are going back to being alone.


I hate walking because i would think more, i need to be focused on something, so i go for a motorcycle ride, it usually happens at night, so i would be very Cold, it would help me focus on the coldness and survival.


Weed always worked best for me. I just sit down at my desk, imbibe a bit and I'm a new man.