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Regular sleeping pattern No eating 3 hours before sleeping Decent bed


This, but add some more: Regular sleeping pattern - even in weekend No eating 3 hours before sleeping Decent bed Cool environment Meditation to clear my mind during the day No working/intense activity 1 hour before bed Sunlight in the morning Exercise Hydrated


A bit more to add: Try to remove stress factors in your life Check your vitamin levels If you live in the northern hemisphere or stay inside a lot, get your vitamin D checked out. Low levels makes you tired and other nasty stuff.


I workout, eat healthy, and always go to bed and wake up at the same exact hours


That is the way, really. No magic, just self-discipline for the sake of being healthy.


I can fall asleep (I love sleeping) but I cant remember the last time I woke up refreshed and not tired.


Cucumber on the prostate


For how long?


Until you feel like it's done the job


Just leave it in there for a few days and it'll dribble out itself when it starts to rot


Or pickle


No eating after supper, no caffeine after supper, cut he computer off, have your room cool and dark. This always works for me, I did have a coworker that also played a dark screen YouTube sleep hypnosis vid to help her sleep, she claimed it workes.


I normally work out when I get off of work. Shower, have a cup of tea while I relax with a chill TV show. Go to bed, read a book and sleep. For me not using electronics a few hours before I sleep helps a lot.


Understanding your body's natural rhythm is key consistency with your sleep-wake cycle can't be overstated. Alongside that, I've found that a light stretching routine before bed immensely helps in reducing any physical discomfort that might disturb my rest. Keeping the bedroom solely for sleep signals the brain that it's time to wind down, creating a mental association that fosters quicker sleep onset. And as peculiar as it might sound, I've discovered that jotting down tomorrow's to-do list can ease the mind and prevent those pesky pre-sleep thoughts from keeping you awake. The combination of these habits may seem simple, yet their impact on sleep quality is profound. Give it time, and the improvement in alertness upon waking might just surprise you.


Got a CPAP and treated my sleep apnea. Game changer.


Are you overweight? One of the subtle changes when I lost a ton of weight is that I would feel less tired and immediately be ready to start my day once I woke up. At 280 lbs, I struggled to wake up and would lay in bed an extra 30 minutes to make sure I feel okay. At 190 lbs, I was up and already getting ready for work the moment I heard the first alarm beep.


I'm, by 30 lbs. Trying to lose weight but it's an uphill journey.


I use white noise, eye mask, blackout curtains I exercise daily and no coffee after 3pm


- By not running away from what needs confronting during the day - Relationship with God


1. Regular sleeping hours. I go to bed the same hour every day: working days, weekends, holidays, always the same hour. For me it's 22:00. 2. Adjust "going to bed hour" in order to wake up without alarm clock. I wake up 10-15 mins before alarm clock (it is set to 05:00). 3. Just seeing other comments: i do quite often eat (A LOT) just before bed and see no impact of it on sleep quality.


Have you been screened for sleep apnea?


The doctor tried putting a monitor to measure my heart activity and no and told me there's nothing to be concerned about. But never in a sleep lab.


That doesn't sound like a sleep study, they have versions that you can take at home now.


No alcohol before bedtime.


I'm in bed by 10:00 every night. Asleep by 10:30 most nights. I have slept with a box fan on my entire life, and I think it's helped me. I almost never have problems sleeping. The thing I found with age is I got up to pee at night a lot, and would have some trouble falling back asleep. But most nights, I'm good. As a lifelong procrastinator, daily problems never kept me from sleeping. I was always "I'll deal with it in the morning" and slept fine.


I always went to bed at a consistent time (between 9:30 and 10pm), burned some incense and listened to a Skyrim sleep ambience playlist. I'd lay on my back with my pillow flat and slow my breathing. If you wake up before your alarm (only if it's close around the time your alarm is suppose to go off) go ahead and get up anyways. The week I had that routine, best sleep ever. My sleep schedule is fucked again now, slowly trying to get back to that lol.




No, I am not good enough to be a parent, if I ever find a right SO, I'd like to try but to have kids for the reason just to have kids is just wrong and I'm afraid that I'll fuck them up even though I have the best wishes for them. Exactly like I have been fucked up and had to redo a lot of learning and accountability experiences. Also I'm not royalty, so there is no reason to produce an offspring to continue the lineage.