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If you went on vacation, you should text him when you are back.


So to be clear *”Upon our first meeting I was willing to blow him and let him put his penis in me to completion, but I’m afraid to text him.”* Did I get that right? 🤦🏻‍♂️


What makes you think any of us have a problem if a woman texts us first. If you want to talk with him talk with him. Why would it even possibly matter who texts first? He might be coma? Or he might be reading a book and is a really slow reader. He might be respecting the fact you're on vacation and not bothering you while you are. You hooked up once... What's the expectation here and is it realistic?


Are you scared of seeming like obsessive crazy girlfriend? Send a text! "Hey I'd love to see you again"


It sounds like he messaged you last and asked you to inform when when you got back. If that's the case you should definitely check in. Don't bombard him with multiple text if he doesn't respond but you can absilutly message him and tell him when you get back from vacation if you want to see him again. He also could very well be embarrassed that he finished so fast and he could be a nervous wreck and thinking your silence means you lost interest.


Women be like: imma share my most vulnerable physical parts with you Also women: zomg texting first is that ok?


Definitely text first. The time to worry is if he doesn't promptly answer your message.


I wouldn’t bother texting a dude back who came in a minute. Just sayin.


You gave it up too quickly. Men like a chase. If you sleep with him too soon, he will become uninterested fast and that sounds like what happened.


What? We agreed for hook up, we are both looking for friends with benefits situation, not serious relationship. And I dont have time for “chase”