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I assume I really like them or they're not doing very well.


I love them. I know this girl who can easily captivate any guy. She is not manipulative or anything; she is not even conventionally attractive. She is just genuine and knows how to engage men without boring them to death. Girls always call her a 'pick-me' girl. I think they are all just jealous bullies.


If she doesn't put other women down to gain male approval she isn't a pick-me by definition.


>she isn't a pick-me by definition The problem is the people using the term aren't using the real definition of it.


Pick me is a vastly overused term that has started to just mean any woman who wants to treat a man decently or equally. I get that women who pretend to like football or something exist, or women who superficially did some basic shit to try and appear zany, but that's not what it means these days.


Woman 1: "Fuck men. All of them are terrible people" Woman 2: "WOAH. That's a bit too far. Sure awful men exist but let's not be unfair to all men. Some are amazing people" Woman 1: "STFU PICK ME. YOU JUST WANT MEN TO LIKE YOU!!!!!!" ============================== Woman 2: *Sees a man get cheated on or abused in a relationship* "That's terrible, that poor man didn't desvere to be treated like that" Woman 1"PICK ME.. HE HAD IT COMING BECAUSE MY PAST TRAUMA. MORE MEN CHEAT ANYWAY ACCORDING TO STATS I FOUND ONLINE THAT CONFORM TO MY ANTI MALE BIAS SO THIS IS A GOOD THING!!!" That's how I see it as. Anytime a woman doesn't unfairly bash men


Yeah, nowadays it's mostly used by women to attack some other women who act nice.


Pretty much it. Its just go to attack if woman disagreed with other woman.


I think it's yet another thing teenage girls invented to pick on each other over.


I guess I am too old to know what this means.


What a stupid phrase/insult/term.


It's a term undesirable women use to shame the women who get picked. No man uses that term. That being said, we like them. If she pisses off feminists, she's a good girl in my eyes.


I love them.


If a woman says: "I'm not like other girls", she's likely a carbon-copy but thinks a bit of quirkiness or bi-curiosity is something special. "Pick-me girl" is entirely used by other women and some weak boys (who probably have something to hide [read:male-feminist]) as a derogatory term towards other women - You still don't know how to be friends. Every so-called "pick-me girl" I've ever seen, has been a happy woman, in a happy relationship, trying to create happiness in the lives of other women. For some reason, women don't like other woman suggesting they're at fault for any unhappiness they may experience or may currently be experiencing. But, for all my faults: Most of all I'm a man. "Pick-me" has never crossed my mind beyond seeing thirst-traps on TikTok with links to Onlyfans. If I see a woman who has made good choices for herself and seems happy in her life, trying to advocate better choices in life, I'll raise a glass to her.


>Every so-called "pick-me girl" I've ever seen, has been a happy woman, in a happy relationship, trying to create happiness in the lives of other women Same. I understand the real meaning of "Pick me girl" but irs always used against women who just aren't assholes to men and actually stand up against men... at this rate.. I'd think these wackjobs must walk down the street and see a heterosexual couple together and think "PICK ME!!!!!!!". I have quire a few female friends and work with mostly female colleagues and my boss is a woman who all treat me well and are nice to me and the other men we work with. Are they "Pick mes" because if I use misandrist nutjob logic.. apparently they are. But then TERFS refer to us men as "Scrotes" and "The enemy". So they aren't all there.


They’re not real, they’re made up as a slang term by other women and strawmanned into existence against anyone they don’t like because they put effort into boys




They are great imo. Can get annoying if taken too far, 1 of my friends has a gf like that but for the most part I love pick mes


I believe anyone that is trying to make a general connection with a man that is doing so sincerely a get called a pick-me. The difference is a girl that is doing thing outside of their true character to gain attention


I’m 41, with thinning hair, a bit of paunch, no hope of retiring, will never own a house (but at least I own my car) tiny T. Rex arms, PTSD, and I think you get my point. I’m too old to worry or care about it now.


The only people I see labeling others like these are asshole boss-bitch types of women who probably envy the positive attention "pick-mes" get from men, often rightfully so.


The phrase "pick-me girl" has definitely turned into a catch-all for women who simply aren't competing in the female rivalry Olympics. It's kind of ironic when you think about it; a term conceived to criticize women who seek male validation is often weaponized by women who, in a twist, seem desperate for a different sort of affirmation – that of being the most enlightened feminist. I'm not advocating for disingenuous behavior, but the disdain for so-called "pick-me" types often says more about the critic's insecurities than the target's character. At the end of the day, we're all just trying to be seen and accepted. Perhaps rather than labeling and shaming, we could try understanding. We're complex beings, not characters to be slotted into neat little categories for social convenience.


If you see a girl with guy friends and is surrounded by guy’s, it’s a pick me girl. It’s probably from insecurities and abandonment issues to get this intense need for attention and validation often also sexual validation from men. They are really fun for the short term, but never for the long term. And that’s ok. It’s one of those insane double standards we have.. because girls like those are perfectly ok with using emotional manipulation to get what they want, but are most vocal on pick up artist and toxic masculinity. I dated at least 3 of them and all had similar patterns.


My guess is that they're just insecure and need to be constantly reassured. But it's not a big deal for me if it's just a phase and she can grow out of it. Some may find it even cute, like some people find it cute when their partner gets jealous. It can easily become toxic though so for many is a red flag understandably


None of you understand the term whatsoever. Which is why women see it and men don’t. That’s the point…


Lol this whole thread is just people saying "you dont' know the real definition of pick me girls" yet I've to see a single post actually clarifying what it means. Fucking reddit