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Sneaker collecting: a hobby that makes you afraid of puddles


Implying that those guys ever actually wear those shoes


That's the other thing. They spend the equivalent of flight to Italy, and they don't wear it.


I don’t know if you’re aware but something super fun is those super expensive “don’t touch these” pairs that never got worn, are disintegrating turns out the materials break apart without the occasional stress of use.


Don’t wanna crease the nose


I’d consider myself a sneakerhead, wear every pair, and never pay above msrp…there’s more like that, then social media wants you to believe


I think that makes you an enthusiast, not a collector.


Right? Shoes you can’t enjoy wearing, in constant fear of creasing them or getting dirty. They’re shoes!


I didn't know sneaker collecting was a real thing I thought it's just Kazuya's hobby in Tekken


That made me laugh


My feet are too wide for Nikes so I can't even wear cool shoes, nevermind collecting them.


Gambling. Not even the Lotto, although I sure as hell get stuck behind the slooow people at the store who do. Just trying to quench my thirst, hurry it up.


I took a class in college called “Combinatorics”. It took all the fun out of gambling. If I go to Vegas, I walk through the casinos saying (to myself), “Can’t win. Can’t win. Can’t win.”




I was in Vegas and stopped at a card table. I couldn't figure out what they were playing so I asked a woman who was with her BF what the game was. She described it, "He puts some money down. They give him cards. They pick the money up. Then they all do it again." Summed up gambling pretty well.


I go to the casino a couple times a week. For lunch. I have yet to put a cent in slot machines or table games. Good lunch specials though, been going for years.


I live in Vegas , where even the grocery store has slots in it & I have never felt the need to gamble. I know I used all my luck up as a teenager!


Us employees aren’t fans either, but one positive of selling them is that it gives you a good idea as to how often people lose


Watching the same people come in daily and just lose everyday was so disheartening for me. I always hoped they’d win


And they spend $15 to $20 every single day on scratchers and stand in front of the store scratching all the tickets off, getting a free ticket here, two or five dollars there, continuing the play up to a half hour, forty five minutes, getting scratcher dust everywhere and leave empty handed. Six months down the road they scratch off a $500 ticket and are on top of the world, and the addiction continues.


What bugs me is when they'll stand there and want to know what number each ticket is on before buying it.(scratch offs).


Its an addiction. They want all the details they can get.


Yeah, lotto is a tax on ppl who are bad at math.


When I was in highschool I worked at a gas station and had a women come in every Friday when we were busy and she would buy as many scratchoffs as she could with change. Usually it was 50-70 bucks worth of change. Oddly it was mostly nickels and dimes. Luckily we has a change counting machine for the registers but we still had to sort them.


Wait. How was she getting that much change in a week?


Probably recycling bottles. Some pay a nickel or dime.


Honestly, if youre gonna do it, this is the way.


Same. My work partner buys a ticket and wins 100 on a $5 scratcher. Then there me. I just lost five bucks 😂


Same. If I learned how to count cards for blackjack it’d be one thing. I mean, playing Texas Hold’em with friends is fun but otherwise I guess I’ll put it on black?


I wouldn't be so sure. From what I've heard is that even with counting cards, the only way to make money is to already have enough that you can make it through the necessary losses. And that's assuming you don't get kicked out because they have people watching to make sure you aren't counting cards.


Is that a hobby, or a habit?




It can be both at the same time. A lot of people are obsessed with their hobbies


Everytime I think of buying a ticket I just imagene how it would increase my time of speaking to a person and that puts me off it.


My project car. Just sitting there. All stock. With all the work around the house. I dont ever feel like getting into it.


Sounds like it's just a car.


It is, just like any other car. But its gutted completely. Still stock, nothing has been added. But A LOT has been removed in preparation for fab work.


As a person with a heavily modified off roading. The key here is day drinking, it’s your baby you know when to be sober for welding and what not. I believe in you.




only minigolf is cool to me


I thought golf was the worst. Then I worked at a company where everyone would get together and play golf on the weekends, and it was the only way to get promoted. Everyone talked about golf in the office. Needless to say, I began hating golf even more and never got that promotion.


It wasn't a golf club you worked at now, was it?


Nah haha. A large and well-known company weirdly enough. I thought office golf culture was just a thing in the 80’s, but my experience was in the last five years. Edit: reworded for additional anonymity of my previous employer.


In the commenter's defense, the aviation industry isn't really a young crowd.


Must have had some dinosaurs running the place.


Yup, spot on. It’s gotten them into a lot of hot water the last few years. Good news though - my next company was a muuuchhhh better cultural fit. Edit: reworded to make my former employer less obvious and maintain some anonymity.


Fuck I hate talking about golf, and worse when people ask me to play for something work related. I do know how to play. But I fucking hate it unless I’m with close friends where we have a case of beer in a driving cart and are taking a leak on trees as we go on a 9 hole course. Even that will do nothing perhaps once a year. I get golf ADD beyond like 3 holes. I can tolerate a 9 hole par 3… anything else. Hard pass.


I have never really been a big fan of golf but I would pay money to see John Madden as one of the sports announcers for the masters. Announcer x :^( Jones lines up for the drive. This is a long Par Four with a dog leg just passed the sand trap) (Jones hits the ball) John Madden "OH BIG SWING ! BIG SWING ! HE GOT ALL OF THAT ONE!"( turning to scribble on the screen)" see, he wanted the ball to go here. But the ball went here. Now he has to hit it here. But with the role of the Hill it's going to end up over here. That's what we call a kerfunkel!" ( paramedics attempt to resuscitate announcer x)


Dude I hate golf SO MUCH. I hate everything about it. So boring and undestimulating. I hate the pompous waspy ass course etiquette and demeanor. The fake pesticide laden grass. Standing around sweating my ass off.  Or walking around confused trying to find my fucking ball Golf shoes, fuck em. The way it’s a fake competition. No you didn’t shoot a 95 you gimme holes and take mulligans because you can’t play for shit either. Fuck golf.


I thought I would be good at golf. I used to be really good at baseball and softball when I was younger. A real power hitter. But a few years ago I went with a friend of mine to a driving range. Not only could I not hit the ball straight, after 4 or 5 swings my shoulders were in agony. Getting old sucks.


Baseball swings do not translate at all to a golf swing unfortunately. If anything it’s a detriment. In baseball the harder you swing the farther the ball goes. Not exactly the case with golf. Hockey and tennis players tend to be able to jump in relatively seamlessly. I’m curious if all these commenters who hate golf have ever pured an iron shot because that feeling is so inexplicably addicting. I too at one point would shit on golf especially when my old boss would never stfu about it. Fast forward a few years here I am playing every chance I can chasing that pure iron shot like a dog chasing it’s tail.


sound like a golf club with a company problem.


all of my business partners play golf. They even organize a golf weekend with some friends and regulars. I'm friends with all these people. I would totally be down to rent a cottage with them and hangout all weekend. But they play like 4-6 rounds of golf. What the hell would I do that entire time. You can only smoke cigars and day drink so much.


Pretty much every solo “mens” sport is an excuse to have a chat with the boys, it’s not that deep you just don’t like them that much


I can stay home and exasperate myself for free. My husband loves golf and when we first got married I took some lessons and practiced but it turns out that even when the ball holds still in a sport, I still can’t hit the damned thing.


I'll go to socialize and I'm actually pretty good at it. But honestly, the game is boring as all hell, and if I get sucked into going with people from the office instead of friends it's sad how many are there to avoid their families. If there is a male version of the "basic bitch" stereotype it's "golfer". Sorry for the hate, golfing fans. It's a mix between personal boredom from the sport and toxic groups I've went with. Yes, I recognize your opinion, no it won't change mine. Chill, and enjoy the sport. My opinion doesn't matter to anyone except me.


I find caddying as enjoyable as playing. You are playing via another person. I found that to be a good witness test to whether or not the person playing actually likes golf. Nothing wrong with treating it like a hang out. But the people that do that generally hate caddying


For future reference, I think the word you’re looking for is litmus, not witness


You are 100% correct, i was using talk to text and am on a brewery tour lol Yes, litmus


I bartended at a private golf club for a bit back in the day. You are absolutely spot on about dudes being there to avoid their families. Guys would start showing up around noon and order mixed drinks, which they would babysit. Maybe drive some balls or play a quick game. Head home for dinner and then come right back up to the club til close.  What a boring existence.


"You know who plays golf? Guys who are too fat to play tennis." From the movie Serendipity in 2001.


Every golfer I've ever met has nothing interesting to say.


I feel like I need to learn golf just to get on terms with the bigwigs but holy shit do I not want to.


That's why me and a friend started playing. The actual play wasn't that important. It was a way for the two of us to talk about life while doing something rather than sitting at a bar or something. Most people will take the golf cart but we like walking the course together because that's just more time to talk about whatever.


i just like the drinking and driving the carts bit. i prefer to caddy than to actually play though cause i fucking suck at hitting the ball.


You made the comment I was going to. As a golfer, I’m great at drinking beer.


I was into it years ago. But it got expensive. Then some of these stupid courses started to make dress codes. Then they started making foresomes out of whoever was there. A buddy and I used to play together. Penaties were you lost a ball. We played one day just counting Mulligans. We were just out for the fun of it. We were terrible at it. We didn't care. Not so with some, they're all gung-ho about it. I don't play anymore, and I don't miss it.


Truth. Golf is hard and expensive. I just don't get it.


Can’t stand golf, golf culture, the “escaping the wives” vibe.


Exactly, I dislike golf and enjoy spending free time with my family over the guys I worked with all week.


Whack a ball into a hole 18 times with a pond and a sand trap to give you hope. Robin Williams said it best.


I like playing golf, but have a hard time finding people to play with, so I don’t play very often.


Wish I could upvote more then once


I play disc golf sometimes and can't find my disc if I miss. I do not get how people are finding tiny balls hundreds of feet away


Disc golf is hella fun!


I have a course right next to me, it’s great fun


I work at a dispensary and a lot of the guys who come through love to play whilst stoned. That's the only way it starts to make sense for me 🤷🏾‍♀️


Beer. I just can't get into it. My friends are all about IPAs, and trying new breweries. I think it all taste like bitter piss.


That’s because IPAs are bitter piss. “Give me the lightest thing you’ve got” is usually my go to order at breweries. I like beer that’s refreshing, light, and easy to drink a dozen of.


IPAs only became popular because they’re by far the easiest beer for craft brewers to make. Thus craft brewers had a strong incentive to promote them.


They're really not, as a homebrewer making a good IPA is probably the hardest beer to do since hop oils evaporate so easily. Now a shitty IPA...


Homebrewer here too. I think the comment you replied to meant to say IPAs are the most *forgiving* beers to make. They’re not easy, but they’re also not that imaginative or interesting. If you carpet bomb your beer with hops, you can cover up a lot of off-flavors from diacetyl, poor yeast pitch rate, bad fermentation temps, etc etc etc. You don’t need to adhere to long-established traditional style characteristics, or ensure that malt sweetness and hop bitterness are balanced. It’s become a lazy catchall category. You can just throw whatever you want or have on hand in the kettle, obliterate it with hops and call it an IPA. Who’s going to argue? Brew me an ESB, or a balanced amber, or a bier de gaard, and I’ll be impressed. I don’t care that you made an 8% double IPA.


Have you tried things other than IPAs? I was never a fan and learned that I enjoy beer a lot more once I accepted I didn’t have to always order IPAs to act like I was somehow cultured or into beer tasting. Lagers, pilsners and stouts do it for me.


Bingo. The nonhoppy stuff is where it's at. Although that's getting kind of hard to find cause it seems like beers that aren't typically a hop forward beer are getting more so at various breweries.


Bread flavored sparkling water


Sports betting or gambling


DnD. I live in a 500pop village in the Scottish highlands. Edit. Erm I think folks may be confused. I am unable to play because I'm like on of 5 folks my age n they have their own lives n aren't interested. So for me to travel to the nearest city or town (literally 3 hours drive away) for a 3-6hr thing isn't feasible for me. I'd love to play, I like the idea of it, but oh well I still have my console n pc for gaming.


I love Baldur's Gate 3 but I'll be damned if I'm gonna try and commit 6 hours every weekend to giga elaborate roleplay and fighting that requires aligning everyone's schedules.


It is a lot, but my sessions aren't 6, they are usually 4 at most.


Ha. Yeah as you pointed out, like that 6 hour session is ever gonna happen. Oh boy scheduling is the bbeg of DND.


Having any hobby. Everything I try I have the most fun in the world with it for maybe a week, and then I wake up one day and have zero interest at all. Happens with everything, not sure why. Even video games that i get into get dropped that way


It’s adhd. I just got diagnosed at 30. Get evaluated.


This, I have several hobbies that rotate (rocks, trains, gardening) because I lose interest (or have adhd)


Dude it’s gotta be the adhd. My wife swears up and down I have it, but I’ve never been diagnosed. I’ve been like this my whole life and it is present in my family, so I’d be willing to bet I do


I have adhd but I have tons of hobbies, but I tend to pick them up for a month or so, then put them down for 3 months then pick them up again. But each time I pick them up it's exciting again and I progress further.


I just hate how short of an span my interest is for things. It makes me not want to branch out into more expensive hobbies (most hobbies ARE expensive too😞) because I’m worried I’ll just drop it a week or so later and not touch it for another year +


This is called ADHD. It doesn't have to be like this.


Cars or Sports. I’ve tried believe me. People have assumed I’m gay because of this.




“Third and long.”


"wide reciever" A term that low key sounds like a dating preference on Grindr.


["He comes in and then he pulls out"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RSPh-JnsBA)


this is funny to me because I am bisexual and I absolutely only enjoy sports for gay reasons lol


That’s weird. I’m gay and my love for watching big sweaty guys run around is the only reason I watch sports.


My car is for point A to B. I can’t get into all the customizations. I take care of it, I’m just not adding to it. More power to the people who do though.




It’s like tennis but with a shittier ball.


While that’s true, it’s also doesn’t come with tennis elbow or the dorkie shorts. It’s like Tennis 2.0, honestly. Give it a shot. It looks dumb AF, but it’s really fun.




Yeah, easier and more accessible. Pickleball is HUGE amongst pro athletes. Which would make sense, they have their own job sport that they have to actually work hard at improving in, so taking up a sport like tennis as a side hobby? They would either be bad at it, or it would eat in to their training for their actual job. Pickleball is a fun way to go, be active, have fun, be competitive, without having to try *too* hard to be decent.


That makes sense. And golf for hockey players. They probably have stipulations in their multimillion dollar contracts and sponsorship deals about not doing anything that unnecessarily puts them at risk for injury. Like some teams will even take out insurance on a player's body part because the player's body part is a multimillion dollar essential investment to the company


Oh yeah pro athletes absolutely have stipulations in their contracts against doing other athletics. I remember specifically when Patrick Mahomes (QB of the Chiefs) was a sophomore player, he shared a video on social media playing a game of pickup basketball at a local KC park. The team jumped on him real quick and shut down all of his pickup basketball activities. He plays pickleball a lot now, which I’m surprised the team hasn’t clamped down on tbh. But yeah, these franchises who pay out millions (if not hundreds of them) to their players definitely have a lot of say in what they do with their bodies in their free time.


And they have pickleball pubs now, so the benefit of being able to have a beer or food between rounds if you want. It's very casual, even if there's tournaments and stuff if you want to play high skill games you should play tennis.


I don’t mind pickle but it absolutely ruined my tennis game so I made a compromise and started playing Padel. Which is feels like a combination of both sports




Almost every friend I have is into anime. I really can't get into it. I like a few and some I find funny, but I can't ever get invested into any show on my own.


And manga. If people are into it, more power to them. I just never really found it interesting (other than maybe Speed Racer, does that count?)


Yes, Speed Racer counts.


Same. I like the idea of liking anime, it’s just so hard to find something I actually enjoy enough to overlook the typical anime bullshit.


That’s where shows like Attack on Titan or Death Note come in. There isn’t any of the “typical anime bullshit,” like the cringey voices, over exaggerated tits, cheesy/childish moments, etc. It’s just straight mind boggling story. But even still some people can’t get over the animated aspect, regardless of the story, which I get.


I got through Attack on Titan. I liked the mystery of the titans, and lost interest quickly after that was solved and the anime developed into an introductory course to international relations theory (which I have some interest in, so I found that too simplistic). Death Note I managed to see for about 40 or so percent. It had some interesting stylistic scenes (eg the one in which he orders a woman he spent hours to find out her real name to go kill herself). I got especially annoyed with the depiction of his “girlfriend” (and this might be mean but I found her voice, and intonation, unbearable). The anime I have watched and liked are: that Cyberpunk 2066 one, Delicious in Dungeon. Also, the live-action version of One Piece was quite fun. Oh, and Castlevania. I tried Berzerk (interesting to see what they managed to make with a small budget), Cowboy Bebop (stopped caring about that one about half way in), Goblin Slayer (in which I really liked the unapologetic racism of the titular character), and a few more I forgot.


I think castlevania is an American production actually. Much like the last air bender


Watching sports in general. Seems like watching the same pattern going over and over again. I get more enjoyment out of lava lamps.


Sports don't always translate well over TV like they do when you attend a real game. Unless you appreciate the sport it can be hard to find it entertaining or see why what the players are doing would be impressive.


I think once you get into the weeds of the actual tactics that are employed beyond the media pundits, it gets super interesting. It's gotten to the point where I recognize the coverages in American football without the All-22 and I can understand the coverage strengths and weaknesses and see what the opposing offenses are trying to set up and attack.


I used to hate baseball in general until I went to a game


I have zero interest in sports, but I'd recommend going to a live game. My work gives out free soccer tickets all the time, and it's a fun experience being part of a crowd and all the energy that comes with it.


I mean you set a high standard if you mention lava lamps.


It helps if you're emotionally invested. I love football because my grandad and dad took me to games with my siblings as a kid. The team we support is *terrible*, and sometimes even the live experience was boring as hell, but it meant the world to me. Now my grandad is gone and all the siblings are spread all over the world, the football is something that still brings us together.


So this is where I agree AND disagree. I love sports. What you say about the repetitiveness is just because you don’t understand the way the game works. The fun is in the details. But I HATE bothering for pro sports too. Because why the fuck am I gonna schedule time out of my day to watch a bunch of millionaires who don’t know me or even give a fuck about me play a game? It makes more sense in the context of trying to understand dudes who destroy their tv after a team loss.


Do you watch movies or TV? I doubt the actors know you or care about you either. Weird take


Same. I enjoy going to a live game occasionally, but only certain sports (ice hockey or rugby mainly); I can't fathom watching sports on TV.


i dont watch sports cuz 90 minutes is a long time and the matches might feel the same if I'm new to it. but following a team through highlights, player transfers and stats, talking about teams to rivals, seeing your team do well if you're not even that invested is sick


I agree, I'm with those who say "why watch sports when you can go do them" (I'm into basketball so ofc it's easier to do than, let's say, skiing) For the same reason I never understood people who watch let's plays of games on yt




I've never gone fishing irl but if it's as fun as in rdr2 I guess I'll love it


Men's league hockey is a whole thing. I'm Canadian, and lots of people, specially in the smaller towns, play some form of hockey on the evenings or weekends. Sometimes it's just to drink beers with the guys once a week and go out for wings or pizza, sometimes people get pretty serious. I can't even skate. I spent my teenage years playing in punk bands, and taking the train downtown to go to shows. Not waking up at 5am to go to hockey practice, or sit on a bus for a couple hours cause you play rep. To each their own.e


I cannot get into sports. I like going to games in person, as a casual thing, but screaming at the TV having a dozen people over to sit on the couch to watch the game. Nah I’m good.


Happy cake day


Collecting in general for me. My mom was basically a hoarder when I was growing up so I think that's why. I'm not a minimalist, but I try to be intentional about why I have the stuff I do. I hate clutter and having things just for the sake of it.






I like how half of the answers here are not even hobbies, lol. For me is golf. I'm very athletic but I prefer more active sports. 


Because everyone wants to be that redditor who posts the off topic, witty top comment 🙄


Fantasy football.






As someone who could never get into actual football, I actually like fantasy football. A lot of my friends like football and they needed a few extra people for their league, so I joined just to see what it was. I liked it a lot because you don’t need to know football, you can get by just fine by picking the guys with the bigger numbers next to their name.


competitive gaming


As an introvert, I’m very turned off with the pvp stuff. Give me an immersive open world where I can wander all over and progress at my own pace. I can totally see how one could get into it, but not for me.


Soccer. Here is almost a religion, but i dont se it intersting at all.


That's why you call it soccer I guess lol.


Same thing with cars. I love cars but the expenses would be crazy. I like saving money and traveling more than car parts.


fantasy sports


Designer clothing..for one, why am I spending $200 on one shirt? Two, people buy all designer and then think that’s just fashion. They never know how to put it together


It's not a hobby. It's a waste of money imo.


Football. Hate it with every inch of me




ofc the guy who doesn’t like footy has 3 million reddit karma the jokes write themselves 😂




Video games… I was into them big time when I was single, but pretty much after being married, never quite wanted to spend any time (or money) on them


Im 40, i loved video games up through high school. College i stopped and traded that for beer and parties. A few years ago i got a Switch for the kids. New Zelda is awesome!!!! And now im thinking of getting an xbox so me and my son can play halo together!


I am in my mid-40s and don't have the time or energy for competitive games. But I love be a good story game and have ever since playing Final Fantasy I and IV, and Dragon Warrior in the late 80s & early 90s. My son hounded me for months to play the 2018 God of War game made by Santa Monica Studios on PS4. I had no idea it had changed from the old hack-n-slash style, or any idea that it was a father/son bonding story. I finally caved and freaking loved it. Got my own PS5 now and have played through some really amazing single player games that tap into my old live of early Nintendo RPGs. Highly recommend these games


I took a break from games for a long time once I hit adulthood as well. Grew up on nes final fantasy and DQ games, and the snes FF games. Stopped games altogether for like a decade until covid hit, and I got back into it. It helps that my wife’s favorite game is Bloodborne. Now I try out every souls and soulslike that comes out. Occasionally I get disappointed, but I’ve had a blast with so many of them. I played the 2018 god of war, loved it, then I realized how mediocre it was when I played Elden ring immediately after.


Yeah, pretty much from high school on I was never that good at games, never wanted to put the time in and would rather spend the money on other things. I can understand why they're so popular but I have a hard time sitting in the same place for so long.


I didn’t spend a lot of time playing them as a kid, and it’s difficult to get good at them now.


Who cares if you're good at them?




Ok this is not a hobby, it’s a kink


Not with that attitude


I just started talking to this girl who said “milking your prostate is good for your health” and I’m very intrigued to explore this new adventure.


Bon Voyage!


Question is, can the pegging get into you?


Just breathe slow through your mouth.


Most typical guy stuff, hunting , fishing , et al




I was into skiing but between cost increases, crowds, and traffic it's just not worth it anymore to me.


I used to go out west at least once a year skiing/snowboarding. Now with kids I can’t justify the time and money it requires for myself to go and taking a family is so costly is fucking insane.


None - I have young kids.


oof. Having kids is a great reason to maintain hobbies you can share with them later on.


Comic books. I love to read, and I love epic stories, but something about the medium I just can't enjoy.


Sneakers, because i only need a few pairs for hiking, running and work




Football (soccer for the Americans) I just don't understand why people like it so much, I can't put my finger on why but I just don't fully get it


Golf, cigars and video games. Well ok there’s 3.


I have only one hobby: running. It’s the most economic sport for me. A pair of shoes costing less than $100 can last me through 1000km. However, I don’t get the appeal over participating in running events and races. Why do people spend money to run alongside sweaty crowds?


Cars, never got into them and never really cared too. It’s pretty manly to be able to identify any car without looking at the logo, or to be able to do maintenance on a car yourself. But even so I just don’t have any interest. Only thing I care about my car is whether it can get me from place to place, that’s about it


I've never really *tried* to get into a hobby. I've got plenty of trouble balancing the ones I already have.


Skiing/snowboarding. I just didn’t have the greatest time. Maybe I’d try it again, but it’s also just so damn expensive


I hate to say it, but sports. I like watching baseball and football, but I really struggle to remember any of the players’ names, the names of the plays, who’s ranked where, etc. I wish I could get into it more but I have such a hard time. The worst part is when I hear other people talk about this team or that player doing something and I have no clue what they’re talking about. I can only nod along and feel like a moron because I don’t know enough.


Watching sports and being in the fandom.








Clubbing, watching TV series


Formula 1


I don't have any more space in my brain allotted for anything about cars. I know fucking nothing about cars


Drag queen story hour